Customized Variations
To inspire you to customize your own stationery, shown below are designs that were originally inspired by our Kentfield suite, but were then modified using the tools in our Design Library to create a brand new look. You can see that even the smallest change can make a big impact and the options are endless!
t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e i r fa m i l i e s
Britta Allen and Geoffrey Winger request the honor of your presence at their marriage
s a t u r d ay, t h e t w e n t y - f o u r t h o f m ay, t w o t h o u s a n d f o u r t e e n at half past three in the afternoon l o g h a v e n · s a l t l a k e c i t y, u t a h
save the date
to celebrate the wedding of
st. regis hotel (888) 627-8087 923 sixteenth street, northwest washington, district of columbia Room block is available until April 11, 2013
washington, d.c.
capital hilton (800) 445-8667 1001 sixteenth street, northwest washington, district of columbia Room block is available until April 24, 2013
05.11.13 Wendy and Sheldon invitation to follow
Dinner and merriment to follow
2. Invitation Card size #10 paper savoy brilliant white, 118 lb. inks powder & gold motifs begonias-01 & dingbat-38 fonts antoinette & linea
Details Please refer to our wedding website for additional information and directions
1. Small Trifold Save the Date size 4-bar paper savoy brilliant white, 118 lb. inks charcoal & shell motifs begonias-01, frame-40 & dingbat-38 fonts garamond, bickham script 01 & engravers openface upgrades photo assembly
D .C mr. and mrs. daniel galindo request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter
Danielle Elizabeth to
Chad Thomas Graham w i t h j o y f u l h e a r t s , m r . a n d m r s . m o n t g o m e r y s . wa l t e r s i i i request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter
l i n d s a y a n a s t a s i a to j o h n d ow n e y a l e x a n d e r j r . s a t u r d ay, t h e f i f t h o f o c t o b e r two thousand and thirteen at half past four in the afternoon
George Washington’s River Farm
saturday, the twenty-fourth of may two thousand fourteen at half past four in the afternoon vista walk hotel del coronado coronado, california
Dinner and dancing to follow
alex andria, virginia
s av e t h e d a t e
10 . 0 5 . 13
for the wedding of
o j a i va l l e y i n n a n d s p a ojai, california
Invitation to follow
4. Invitation Card size 7-bar paper savoy brilliant white, 118 lb. inks wisteria motifs begonias-01, frame-40 & dingbat-38 fonts compendium, engravers shaded & linea
3. Save the Date Card size 5.5-bar paper savoy brilliant white, 118 lb. inks seafoam & olive motifs begonias-01 & frame-40 fonts engravers shaded, compendium & linea
Save the Date
5. Invitation Card size windsor paper london fog inks parchment & cafe motifs begonias-01, frame-40 & dingbat-38 fonts mrs. eaves & stuyvesant upgrades luxe board duplexing & edges painted in seafoam
for the wedding of
robert estremo and michael emerson s u n d ay, a u g u s t 9 , 2 0 1 4
with great pride and much love we invite you to share a special day with us
Alison Elisabe�
n e w yo rk , n e w yo rk
when our daughter
v i sta wa l k hot e l d e l c o ro n a d o · c o ro n a d o, c a l i f o rn i a
two thousand fourteen at three o’clock in the afternoon
6. Bat Mitzvah Invitation Card size 7-bar paper savoy brilliant white, 118 lb. inks lemon & caramel motifs pattern-98, frame-40 & dingbat-38 fonts josephine & carolyna
t wo t ho us a n d f o urt e e n at ha l f pa st f o ur i n t he a f t e rn o o n
is called to the torah as a bat mitzvah
Susan and Arnold Cohen
Pamela Nicole s at urday, t he t we n t y- f o urt h o f m ay
i n v i ta t i o n to f o l l o w
on saturday, the twenty-fourth of may
temple israel · 112 east 7th street, new york city
p l e a s e j o i n us f o r a b ri da l s howe r ho n o ri n g
7. Save the Date Card size 5.5-bar paper savoy natural white, 236 lb. inks lavender & saffron motifs frame-40 & dingbat-38 fonts poem script & linea upgrades edges painted in papaya
kindly respond to
c o urt n e y j ac o b s at c j a b o b s @ g m a i l .c o m
8. Bridal Shower Invitation Card size marquis paper savoy natural white, 236 lb. inks parchment & gold motifs begonias-01 fonts mr. eaves & belluccia upgrades edges painted in black