Elizabeth & Joshua
Amelia & Georgee
To inspire you to customize your own stationery, shown below are designs that were originally inspired by our Oakville suite, but were then modified using the tools in our Design Library to create a brand new look. You can see that even the smallest change can make a big impact and the options are endless!
j o n a th a n a nd eileen b row n i nvi te yo u to celeb r ate i n th e m a rriage o f th eir dau gh ter
a m e l i a b row n to ge o rge th o mp s o n s o n o f k a th leen and andre w th o mpso n s a t u rd ay, th e th irt y -first o f au gu st
s a m uel a n d ja n et b a n k s
t wo th o us and and th irteen
in t he m a r r ia g e of t heir d aug ht er
ta p p a n h i l l mansio n
elizabeth rose to joshua william
8 1 h i g h l a n d avenu e
ta rry tow n , ne w yo rk fe a st a n d merriment to fo llow
s on of ra l p h a n d em m a ja c k s on
s at ur d ay , t he t hir t y - fir s t of aug us t
1. Invitation Card size 7-bar paper lemon meringue inks taupe motifs none fonts linea & compendium upgrades traditional duplexing
Pamela Danielle Farmer and
Robert Jordan Parks r equest the pleasur e of your company at their mar r iage satur day, the ninth of march two thousand fourteen at half- after four o’clock in the after noon the v illa san juan capistr ano califor nia r eception to follow
3. Invitation Card size 7-bar paper savoy natural white, 118 lb. inks copper & leaf motifs none fonts cantabile
t wo t hous a n d a n d t hir t een
at s ix o’c loc k in t he ev en in g d ora l a r r owwood
may 10, 2014
half moon bay, california
4. Save the Date Card size 5.5-bar paper savoy brilliant white, 118 lb. inks metal & salmon motifs none fonts linea & bickham script 01 upgrades photo assembly
our sweet addition
2. Invitation Card size windsor paper champagnium inks cafe & thistle motifs pattern-71 fonts engravers gothic & piel upgrades double-sided printing & traditional duplexing
we welcome our sweet addition
in v it e y o u t o celeb rat e i n the marri age of t hei r daught er
so n o f m r. a n d m rs. richard brew er sat u rd ay, t h e t h irt y- fir st of august, tw o thousand and t hi rteen at six o ’ cl o ck in t h e eveni ng t h e in n at t h e t id e s, 800 hi ghway one, bodega bay, c ali f orni a
6. Invitation Card size windsor paper savoy natural white, 118 lb. inks tangelo & buttercream motifs starfish-01 fonts serlio & narziss medium
m r. a n d m rs. jo sh ua t u r ner
bella rosemarie july 10, 2014 7 pounds, 6 ounces · 18.5 inches Jeffrey, Amber & Ella Brown
Peggy Jason s ave the date f or the we ddi ng of
s an f ranci s co, cal i f orni a Formal invitation to follow
5. Save the Date Card size 5.5-bar paper savoy brilliant white, 236 lb. inks blue topaz & parchment motifs pattern-70 fonts mr. eaves & compendium upgrades edges painted in charcoal
Save the Date
feast and merriment to follow
Save the Date
ry e b r ook , n ew yor k
michelle & jack are getting married
together w ith their families
in v it e you t o c el eb rat e
a t s i x o’c l ock in th e e vening
pamela and robert
Customized Variations
sav e t h e dat e
fo r the w ed d i n g o f
7. Baby Announcement Card size 5.5-bar paper savoy natural white, 236 lb. inks key lime & wisteria motifs bird-18 fonts josephine regular & laeticia upgrades edges painted in key lime & rounded corners
M EGAN PETER august 31 , 201 3 pari s, fran ce
invitation to follow
8. Save the Date Card size marquis paper savoy natural white, 236 lb. inks copper & pool motifs pattern-40 & eiffel tower-01 fonts cantabile & poem upgrades double-sided printing