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Mercyhurst nursing moves to Mercy Motherhouse

By Debbie Morton, Mercyhurst University

Since their humble beginnings in 19th Century Dublin, the Sisters of Mercy have pioneered schools, hospitals, and other ministries around the world.


The Sisters’ commitment to education and to health care continues today in Erie as the Mercy Motherhouse opens its doors to house Mercyhurst University’s growing complement of health care programs. Construction was completed last winter, just in time to welcome the rst student cohort spring term.

The Motherhouse at 444 E. Grandview Blvd. is home to practical nursing, registered nursing, and the R.N. to B.S.N. program, a consolidation of programs on the former North East campus and the Erie campus. The master’s degree in Integrative Nursing Leadership continues as a fully online graduate program.

“With nursing now under one roof, there is a whole new sense of community,” said nursing instructor Carolyn Za no. “When I was a nursing student taking classes at North East, we were in separate buildings, so you didn’t have that sense of community quite as much.”

For nursing student Jakayla Williams, the new high-tech sim labs are ideal platforms for teaching the technical aspects of nursing, but also for developing skills in bedside manner, critical thinking, and decision-making. “The Motherhouse is just another part of Mercyhurst’s nursing program that is designed to help students succeed and be the best nurses they can be,” she said.

All told, with classrooms, computer and nursing labs, simulation labs equipped with high- delity mannequins, debrie ng suites, and o ces, the new nursing setting includes 15,450 square feet, much more than any previous Mercyhurst facility.

“It was truly divine intervention that the Motherhouse became the solution to the needs of our growing nursing program,” said Mercyhurst Vice President for Technology Jeanette Britt, who oversaw the logistics of the move. “We think it will be a great experience for both the nursing students and the Sisters to be together in the same building.”

The new home for nursing was made possible through the sale of the Motherhouse to the university in 2021, an arrangement that satis ed the Sisters’ need for less space and the university’s need for more. The agreement speci es that the Sisters will continue to live in the Motherhouse and that all of their space needs, including worship, community, o ce, dining, and in rmary, will be accommodated.

“Committed to good stewardship of buildings and property and recognizing that unoccupied space is available in the Motherhouse, the Sisters in Erie are grateful that Mercyhurst University will share portions of this facility,” said Sister Patricia Whalen, RSM, Leadership Team, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, New York Pennsylvania West Community. “The university is a beloved educational ministry. Sharing university programs in this building is not only a natural t, but also will bene t both groups.”

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