T-SHIRTS in bars? Should they be worn?
roe anudm.beers28 b a ll a . w w w ber 2013 issu
in g n i k Par eh..?! n Spai
advice, features, quizzes, puzzles, crosswords, markets, fiestas, what’s on + more!
Alicante a GREAT
(and cheap)
Are you GETTING it?
Should YOU be speaking
Tony Moore after Radio Caroline
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@pizzeriacocoa /pizzeriacocoa
WASTING SAVING TIME Having had some time to kill last month I sat down and did the thoroughly useless but, for me, enjoyable exercise of working out just how much time we spend doing things. For example, if I play my cards right, if I curl up my toes around 80 (ish) I’ll have time between now and then to spend approximately 532 days on the beach, a similar amount of time drinking coffee and a shockingly huge
Real Radio International Weekly Lineup
Listen online - Monday –Friday
08:00hrs -11:00 hrs
(and I must harness this time) amount of time answering the call of nature –
The Breakfast Show with Dave Bull
240 days! The fact that I could realistically spend a good half of the rest of my
Monday Tuesday 11:00hrs – 14:00hrs
life queuing in a certain branch of a certain bank (rhymes with zabadell...)...or
A Girl Called Soo
just move my account... I could spend almost 100 days between now and when I start to wear my trousers up around my neck eating too, unless of course I marry a Spanish woman
Wed, Thurs & Friday 11-.00hrs - 14.00hrs Tony Capaldi Tuesday –Friday
14:00hrs – 17:00hrs
then we’d need to at least triple that figure. Talking takes up an awful lot of time
The other side of the sheriff
too, in fact it could fill the rest of the time, apart from the time I’ve allotted for
(Monday Captain Rai 14.00-17.00)
making love – 3 days...yes that is in total!
Back on track and I’ll be driving for a good year in total which means I’ll be
10:00 hrs -13:00hrs
spending around 150,000€ on fuel which means by the time I’m in my eighties
The manic breakfast in bed with the sheriff
I’ll be able to claim all my loyalty points and get free phone cover...
13:00hrs – 16:00hrs Weekend @ Bernies Part One
Sleeping will fill an awful lot of that time in future too so perhaps if I combine a couple at least and say, sleep while on the beach, or talk while using the bathroom (hmm...) I could save myself some time – I guess a packed lunch while
19:00hrs Saving The Seventies With Mike Walker
queuing in the bank is another way? Sundays But what will I do with all this time I’m going to save (and that’s just by swap-
10:00hrs – 13:00hrs
ping banks...) you may well ask..? I haven’t a clue but one thing is for sure and
Weekend @ Bernies Part two
that’s the fact that I’m in the right place to do it. Have you seen how crystal clear
the Mediterranean is lately! Spending time enjoying the finer, and free, things in Spain is one thing that I and many others are going to be doing more of in the
Captain Rai’s Country Rodeo
future that’s for sure, now if we could just get an extension lead and a printer onto the sun beds...we’d save days!
965 480 737 / 606 056 282
contact us on: 96 669 5160 - 606 540 408 -
QUALIFIED GESTORA Experte für Testamente & Nachlass Patientenverfügung/ Steuervertreter NICHTRESIDENTENSTEUER NICHTRESIDENTENBESCHEINIGUNG “Ich bin mir sicher, ich zahle die Nichtresidentensteuer. Meine Bank belastet mein Konto damit!” Oft habe ich dies von Kunden gehört. Dem ist jedoch nicht so and das Missverständnis entsteht leicht durch die Ähnlichkeit der Bezeichnungen und der allgemeinen Unkenntnis über diese Belastung. Eine Aufklärung seitens der Bank erfolgt hierüber zudem nur in seltenen Fällen. Die Banken sind vom Gesetz verpflichtet, den Status ihrer Kunden –entweder Resident oder Nichtresident- dem Finanzamt regelmäßig mitzuteilen. Einige Banken tun dies jährlich, andere alle zwei Jahre. Hierzu verschickt die Bank für gewöhnlich ein Formular an die Heimatadresse des Kontoinhabers. In dem Anschreiben wird der Kunde über die Gesetze informiert und zur Angabe gebeten, in welchem Land er steuerpflichtig ist. Das Formular ist dann unterschrieben an die Bank zurückzusenden. Die Rücksendung seitens des Kunden ist jedoch nicht garantiert. Falls die Bank von dem Kunden nichts Gegenteiliges hört, bestätigt sie dem Finanzamt in diesem Fall, dass sich der gegenwärtige Status nicht geändert hat. Die Bank berechnet hierfür eine Gebühr und belastet nun den Kontoinhaber für die Ausstellung einer “NichtresidentenBescheinigung.” Diese Belastung –die zumeist auch noch abgekürzt erscheint- hat viele zu der Annahme verleitet, dies sei die jährliche Nichtresidenten-Steuer. Die jährliche Nichtresidenten-Steuer ist jedoch eine Bringschuld und wird nicht automatisch dem Konto berechnet. Ihr Steuervertreter fertigt diese Formulare aufgrund der relevanten Berechnung für Ihre Immobilie für Sie an. Für weitere Informationen oder einen Termin kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch 96 6697824 oder unter office@andreaburns. es. Web:
* * * * * * * * *
Spanische Testamente BERLINER Testamente Patientenverfügungen Vorsorgevollmachten Erbschaften/Nachlässe Steuervertretung Nichtresidentensteuer Gewinnsteuer Übersetzungen
Est. 1991 Experte for Wills & Probate Fiscal Representative PROPERTIES IN AN URBANISATION TO BE PART OF A COMMUNITY Living in an urbanisation automatically makes you a member of the community of property owners. This comes with rights and obligations that are detailed in the statutes of your urbanisation. The community is obliged to appoint an Administrator. This is a company dedicated to this purpose and although an Administrador de fincas is a proper profession in itself they usually have a lawyer on board. It is not rare that a developer is being sued for damages under guarantee. The post of Administrator will be put up for election in each AGM. Any member of the community is entitled to put up for vote a different Administrator. It is important to know that one mandatory Annual General Meeting will be held. This usually takes place in August, it is the time of the year when most house owners are present and can attend the meeting. Along with the summons will be a form for a proxy vote for those that cannot attend. Be sure to make use of it in case you have strong views on some of the points on the agenda. Subsequent complaints will have to be presented within a such a small timescale that they hardly ever happen. The Administrator will inform all owners in advance of the date of the AGM, the agenda and the detailed accounts of the expenditure for the year prior to the meeting. For any issues you wish to raise inform your Administration about your request -in writing and well in advance- for it to be put on the agenda. It is important to note that all your community fees have to be paid up-to-date in order to exercise your right to vote. Members of a community that owe community fees are entitled to attend the meeting but not to vote. For more information or an appointment please contact us on 96 6697824 or Web:
Spanish Probate / Inheritances Spanish Wills Fiscal Representation Non-residents’ Tax Capital Gains Tax Power of Attorney Notarial Deeds Property Conveyancing Translations
Avenida América, 32, GRAN ALACANT 96 669 7824 OFFICE@ANDREABURNS.ES
Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!
5 PLACES to check out in
By Dave Bull
The Valencian region’s second largest city Alicante has had
the bustling trading port that it has come to be famous for
a busy past not only with the many welcome visitors that
over the years. However the city suffered, more than many
have come to this typical Mediterranean city but with many
other towns and cities, during the civil war but during the
unwelcome ones too including the Romans who named it
latter half of the twentieth century it began to build itself
Lucentum but it was in the 8th century that the city re-
back up, embracing tourism and industry which have both
ally put itself on the map when the Santa Barbara castle
was built by the Arab invaders who renamed the town Al
With over 340,000 inhabitants Alicante isn’t small but it
certainly isn’t big either and a walk around the place taking
The place officially became a city, and was named Alicante,
in a few, or all, or the places we visited last month will give
two hundred years later in 1490 when it started to become
you an appetite only this Mediterranean city can satisfy!
Santa Barbara Castle
Alicante Town Hall
One of the largest medieval fortresses in Spain the castle sits 166
Inside the town hall the blue room can be found which
metres above the town on Mount Benicantil. It has, like the city,
was decorated for the Isabel II who inaugurated the first
changed much and had many modifications over the years but is a
train that would arrive from Madrid in 1858. Outside the
good place to visit on any tour of the town and a handy
building has Solomonic columns and two towers and the
lift from the seafront saves tired legs if necessary.
place was built on the original site of the old City House.
Tel. 96 515 2969
La Ciudad Descubierta – ruins of houses that were bom-
barded by the French in 1691 can be seen along with the Door to the Sea which is a wall that protected the city in the 1700’s. Tel 96 514 9100 Website www. Alicante-
The Central Market Stock up on the freshest of fruit, vegetables and of course that Mediterranean staple of fish. The Central Market is a bustling hive of activity with fresh produce being sold and more arriving all of the time you are there. Built between 1917 and 1921 the market was designed by architect Juan Vidal and has a dome on the south western corner and mosaic tiles decorating the outside. Head behind the market on any weekend and you see the plaza filled with flowers being sold at the many cabinas and hoards of Alicante’s young, old and pretty much anyone filling the place to Mercardo Central
the brim.
Alicante Town Hall
Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!
Carbonell House
Principal Theatre
Numbers 2 and 3 the on the Esplanada de Alicante
Built originally in 1847 with a neoclassical front-
the Carbonell building has an intriguing history to
age and an Italian style interior Alicante’s main
it. Another building by Juan Vidal it was commis-
theatre was refurbished in 1947 after it had been
sioned by Enrique Carbonell in 1924 whom had
bombed during the Spanish civil war and again in
made his fortune selling uniforms to the French
during the First World War.
The theatre seats 1072 people and is well worth
Rumour has it that Carbonell came to the city and
a visit even if it’s only for a coffee and a look
tried to rent a room in the best building in the city
around. Tel 902 203 100 website www.teatroprin-
at the time, Lamaignere House, but was refused
because of his scruffy appearance. And so the entrepreneur asked to have the best looking building ever built constructed to over shadow the other. Tourism Office on ground floor.
Plaza de Los Luceros
An wonderfully atmospheric ‘square’ that is surrounded by cafes and dominated by the huge statue by Daniel Banuls and is the site where any and all of Alicante’s sports teams head to celebrate and is also the site for the Mascleta fireworks.
A typical old Alicate building
Our own contributors - experienced for expat info
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Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!
Things are looking up… By Sharon Hulbert Real Estate Consultant
November… warm days, cool eve-
Please note I was working on a Sun-
again, there are some really nice pro-
nings… and the sun still shines on
day! It has been so busy this last
jects out there bringing new design to
the Costa Blanca!
month, lots of enquiries and lots of
the area, and they are selling fast, in
people buying here. Why? Because we
fact one builder has completely sold
have the weather and that will never
out months before completion of the
the worst storm in years. The trains
Spain continues to draw buyers
Real Estate is exciting at the moment,
into London have been cancelled and
seeking a new life or a bolthole in
lots of buyers, new designs and prices
commuters will now be considering
the sun like nowhere else. Costa
stabilising, it is great to get the buzz
how to get to work, by the time you
Blanca property, remain as popular
back! This can only be good news for
read this it will all be over, back to
as ever, no one can pretend that the
us all.
normal, who knows what damage it
Spanish housing market has been in
will cause, but one thing is for sure
good health recently, even the Span-
the weather in the UK will never be as
ish president had to accept an ask-
good as it is in Spain.
ing price for his holiday property in
Here I am sitting at home listening to the UK news about the onslaught of
Almeria of 38 per cent below what he I have just spent a lovely Sunday
paid at the top of the market in 2007.
afternoon with a client from the UK looking for a property here on the
However I think we are on the turn
Costa Blanca because, in his words…
now, I have noticed a change in the
“I want to sit on my balcony and feel
availability of cheaper properties and
the sun on my face!”
according to recent reports in the press Spain’s economy is showing an improvement and an end to the recession is near. Very soon the banks will have fewer repossession properties to sell which will help to stabilise prices and stop these cheap properties from lowering the market, at the end of the day it was the banks that overvalued properties and got us in this mess in the first place! Greedy, fat cats! Oh yes and the cranes are back! Have you noticed the builders are working
Tony Moore
Musician, broadcaster, singer - Tony has a few stories to tell... Interview by Dave Bull You never know when you meet some-
honeymoon to brighton while he waited to
A new expat station had started up in Torre-
one for the first time just what sort of
see if he had ot the job as a presenter on the
vieja in 2003 and Tony was wanted by station
life they have had do you? And some
radio station. On their return from brighton a
owner Chris, to front the new station with a
people we see now retired on the Costa’s
week later there was a telegram waiting for
program of his own. Although Tony was very
and going about their retirement lazily
Tony telling him to pack his bags and get his
reluctant Chris managed to get him onto the
and happily have had some fascinating
sea legs ready as he had got the job!
studio and then proceeded to lock the door and refuse to let Tony out
experiences in their lives and i caught up with one last month, my mate and now
It was 1967 and Tony was working alongside
until he’d finished the show!
retired broadcaster from Real Radio In-
the likes of Don Allen, a well known broad-
Tony laughed as he told
ternational, Tony Moore.
caster of the time, and he made a success of
me the story and how
his new job staying with Radio Caroline until
he then stayed at that
Music has been in Tony’s life for as long as
the very end when the ship was eventually
he can rememeber and since he bought his
sunk by the Dutch government – Tony had
six years.
first guitar at aged ten he hasn’t stopped ei-
made a hasty departure in plenty of time.
ther playing instruments or playing music to
So it was back to playing music for Tony and
Tony rounded off his
people. Seeing the new styles of music such
the seventies brought opportunities to play in
as Rock and Roll emerge in the fifties Tony
the Cliff Richard backing orchestra and also
i’m proud to say, as a
wanted some of the action and by the time
the offer to cut a record at a professional stu-
colleague of mine on Real
the swinging sixties had started Tony was in
dio. Tony laughs now when he recalls the day
Radio International and i know
a showband playing trombone and guitar and
when he was due to go an record a single.
everyone at the station looks up to
touring the United States stopping off to play
He tells me it was to be done late in the af-
Tony for what he has achieved over the
at venues in New York, Boston, Philidelphia
ternoon nd so having a few butterflies in his
years. If Tony rings and says “Good show!” it
and Las Vegas. Tony didn’t like Vegas very
stomach he decided a couple of beers would
really means something.
much and it was during the tour that he and
calm his nerves. He ended up at a party and
All the crew, including Rupert, have asked me
a couple of fellow band mates decided that
getting soundly drunk before heading off for
to pass on their best wishes to Tony and Ju-
when they arrived by in the UK they would
the studio, with no nerves at all...although he
liana and as station boss Cliff Roberts said,
go their own way and set up their own band
cant remember clearly...
“Tony helped us raise the station to a whole
which was just as well as they soon discov-
new level and his experience has always been
ered their current manager was a crook and
It was a disaster. Everytime they played the
had sold all of the band’s equipment!
music into his headphones he fell asleep!
a great asset for us.”
Suffice to say h didn’t get thedeal but moved
I just goes to show doesn’t it? As i said at
Back in west London and the
on to yet another interesting gig as part of a
thestart of this piece – you just don’t know
new band didn’t last too long
backing band for a group of strippers.
people until you really get to know them. If
or bring in too much in the way
Spain came onto the horizon for Tony and Ju-
you should bump into Tony around Ciudad
f wages so Tony took on a job
liana in 2002 when Juliana’s doctor suggested
Quesada just give him a nudge an a wink
packing jewellery and clothes to
her poor health would be better in a climate
would you...he’s a very quiet chap really!
pay the bills until he managed
such as the Costa Blanca. It didn’t take them
Taking things a whole lot easier these days
to get an interview for a new
long to make their minds up and with in short
Tony can be found singing now and again at
pirate radio station based on a boat off the
space of time Tony was back on the radio
The Pirate Bar on the golf course in Ciudad
dutch coast, called Radio Caroline.
again,only this time in spain and this time
Quesada and as Smashy and Nicey would
At the same time he had also married his
very reluctantly.
have said, “he’s supertastic...mate!”
sweetheart Juliana and they headed off on
From Radio Caroline to Nevada and from Northampton to New York – Tony Moore has played with the best...and with Cliff Richard.
Taking things a whole lot easier these days Tony can be found singing now and again at The Pirate Bar on the golf course in Ciudad Quesada and as Smashy and Nicey would have said, he’s supertastic...mate! All the crew, including Rupert, have asked me to pass on their best wishes to Tony and Juliana and as station boss Cliff Roberts said, “Tony helped us raise the station to a whole new level and his experience has always been a great asset for us.”
facebook -
your thoughts!
If you live in spain as a foreigner...should you be making an attempt to speak the lingo? Or not? If not, why not? Each month we're asking expats (or anyone with an interest in life in Spain) some testing questions through our Facebook pages... :) Join in on the All Abroad page or find our editor Dave Bull. Or send us your opinions via email to: And, as ever, well print the best!
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Anyone who wishes to be informed
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Tough questions....sort of Status
Just how much Spanish should a new arrival learn?
Next month: T-shirts in bars - Yes or No? Look for All Abroad on facebook!
A follow up: How many expats in spain who struggle with the language ADMIT that they used to moan about foreigners doing the same in the UK?
A Real moving sto Dave Bull
Family disputes aren’t uncommon, we’ve all had
Mrs Smith, who is retired, was shocked initially and
them or certainly heard about them but usually they
then vowed to fight for the home her husband and
are over quickly and life moves on. Unfortunately
her had created together. And for the small matter
for one Torrevieja lady they didn’t quite happen. In
that it was the only home she had and had nowhere
fact her son spent nearly ten years and an awful lot
else to go.
of money trying to get her evicted and effectively left homeless.
That small matter didn’t seem to affect the step son who tried his hardest to get her out and eventual-
Things went wrong in 2004 when Mrs Smith’s hus-
ly, after nine years and a lot of cash spent by both
band died in Spain. The problem was that his only
sides, Mrs Smith had spent her saving trying to save
will and testament was a German one in which the
her home, she was turfed out in 2012 and needed
property in which they had been living, in La Sies-
to get back to the UK where at least she could stay
ta Torrevieja, had been left to his wife. However,
with relatives. But she had no money either.
under Spanish law if there is no Spanish will the
Fortunately the problem had reached the ears of
property goes to the next of kin – in this case his
charity Help the Aged who offered her assistance
son from his first marriage and a chap who wasn’t
in getting back to the UK but it would mean leaving
keen on letting his step-mother get anything out of
behind her life’s possessions and furniture that she
his father’s estate.
needed to try and start again in the UK although
Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!
What happens when your only home in Spain is inherited by your step son, you have no money...and he wants you out!
initially she would be in sheltered housing.
that people will move around the world, from ani-
Heard about it Anne Marie Prue, estimator at Howells Removals in Formentera had her ear to the ground at about this time too and picked up on the story and offered the services of her and husband Steve’s services to transport as much stuff back to the UK for Mrs Smith as she wanted too. To say that she was delighted would be an understatement and the crew at the charity where more than grateful for Howells Removals stepping in and solving what was a huge problem for Mrs Smith. Soon enough the Howells team arrived at the house on La Siesta, Torrevieja and loaded up her possessions ready for transportation back to the UK. Anne Marie who has seen many different reasons for moving home over the years in her role as an estimator for the company said, ‘I just couldn’t believe it when I heard
mals and pianos to a six foot
the story and both myself and Steve agreed
Humphrey Bogart...of all the removals
there and then that we’d step in and help this poor
depots in all the world...
woman.’ Mrs Smith is now back and settled in the UK and
If you’re thinking of moving why not have a chat
thanked the charity and especially Howells for their
with Anne Marie (se the Howells advert on the back
assistance, and for being ‘such a friendly and help-
page) and see for yourself what a helpful, and cost
ful team!’
effective, lot they really are. Whatever you decide we can safely say that Howells
Removals comes with the All Abroad seal of approv-
Howells have been helping people move home for
al that’s for sure!
over twenty years now and from their base in Formentera they have weekly trips taking loads to and from the UK on one of their three articulated trucks. With a depot in Colchester Essex from which they feed to and from the team are regularly seen on the roads of Spain heading in or out, or around, the country in one of their fleet of distinctive vans. As you will have understood from above, the whole team are a friendly bunch and a visit to their secure storage depot in Formentera is always a pleasant one- try it, they’ll make you welcome – and check out some of the wide spectrum of things
Our own contributors - experienced for expat info
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Colostrum-IgG from Premier Research Labs Available as 150 gram powder - €80.00 or Capsules (60) - €30.00 Colostrum is the most powerful natural antibiotic. It has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It also contains live antibodies and a number of growth factors that speed up the healing process. Colostrum is a good immune booster. Premier Research Labs is based in North America. Ubiquinol - €25.00 (30 Capsules) Ubiquinol is especially useful for maintaining a healthy heart. It improves cardiac output and over time maintains blood pressure. In general it benefits the entire body because its active ingredient Co-enzyme Q10 is found in every cell in the body.
WWW.MEDB.ES MedB in partnership with Douglas Laboratories MedB, Punta Marina, Punta Prima 18
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Do you suffer from DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS? Digestive disorders have become very common, and many people constantly suffer from abdominal pain, bloatedness, constipation, diarrhoea, belching, haemorrhoids, acid reflux, nausea, and have come to accept these health problems as part of everyday living. The bitter truth is that there is reason enough to believe that Wheat is responsible for this raging epidemic of digestive disorders. You may not realise it, but the wheat in the bread you may have had for breakfast is very different from what was consumed prior to the mid-1970s before wheat was genetically altered. Only back then, this alteration process was known as hybridization rather than genetic modification. Nevertheless the end product was a crop that was radically different from its predecessors, but was a huge commercial success because it yielded 10 times more grains. To many, wheat is seen as a harmless food only posing a danger to a few coeliac sufferers that are intolerant to the gluten it contains. In reality however, wheat is a highly toxic food, and a large proportion of people show varying degrees of sensitivity to it, unaware that wheat is the cause of their digestive symptoms. All Through human history until very recently, wheat was looked upon as reserve food, only to be consumed when there was nothing else to eat. Even then, earlier humans would have associated wheat with adverse health effects because like most other grains, wheat contains several toxic compounds such as Glutenin, Alpha gliadin and Wheat germ agglutinin. The resulting effect of modifying wheat was an increased concentration of these toxins. Alpha gliadin is an opiate very similar to heroin, and affects the body in exactly the same fashion. But unlike heroin that stimulates the pleasure centres of the brain; alpha gliadin stimulates the appetite centres. Shockingly, alpha gliadin was discovered in the late 60s, when doctors noticed that schizophrenics in mental wards were a lot calmer and behaved normally on the days they were not fed wheat containing foods
like bread and pasta. And when these foods were re-introduced, their symptoms flared-up again. This pattern which was documented in many hospitals, eventually led to an investigation by the NIH (National Institutes of Health) to determine the culprit. Their conclusion was that alpha gliadin was responsible, but this was never made public. Wheat also contains Wheat-germ agglutinin, a poison that wreaks havoc on the body by uncoupling the tight lining of the intestines, and by doing so, allows toxic foreign compounds to flood the body, giving rise to inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, Wheat contains Amylopectin, a form of carbohydrate that is completely different from those found in other starchy foods such as potatoes, rice and corn. Amylopectin is easily broken down to sugar by the saliva in the mouth, unlike other forms of complex carbohydrates that start digestion in the stomach. This is why 2 slices of bread raises blood glucose levels more than 6 teaspoons of white sugar. And over time a persistently high glucose level will lead to diabetes. Wheat makes up 30% of peoples diet worldwide, making it one of the most intensively farmed foods, requiring more fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides than any other crop. For this reason wheat is heavily contaminated with heavy metals and toxins that cause inflammation in the body. Our digestive organs especially the liver and intestines are the main detoxification organs of the body, protecting the body from harmful toxins and contaminants by repackaging and storing them away. But over time, these organs become overwhelmed and toxins start to leak out of their storage compartments and into the body, giving rise to all manner of inflammation. The accumulation of toxins and the damage to the digestive system caused by wheat also affects absorption of nutrients. The resulting consequence is a deficiency of many essential nutrients – vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and this ultimately leads to chronic digestive disorders.
MEDB is a dream come true for After graduating from Medical School, and practicing as a doctor for a while, he quickly realized the limitations of current medical therapy and since then has dedicated his career to researching and studying the applications of bioenergetics-a branch of medicine that recognizes the electromagnetic and other energetic aspects of the human body and their role in illnesses.
Dr Machi Mannu.
Intestinal health is also largely determined by a healthy population of ‘good’ microbes in the stomach. These healthy bugs such as lactobacillus and bifidus prevent harmful bugs like E. coli and streptococcus from colonizing the intestinal tract. Sadly, good microbes are easily destroyed by antibiotics, allowing harmful bugs to take hold of the guts, and once they’ve established their presence, it becomes extremely difficult to shift them. And so taking more antibiotics will only make the problem worse. Antibiotics are a poor choice for treating digestive problems for this reason. Omeprazole belongs to a class of drugs usually prescribed to treat acid reflux, and such drugs block the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach. The lack of acid in the stomach will eventually cause an overgrowth of harmful bugs. If you have suffered from digestive problems, for any length of time, then the most important step you can take to turn your health around is to completely eliminate wheat from your diet. Suitable replacements include rye and corn. And so instead of wheat pasta, you can have corn pasta and instead of wheat bread, eat rye bread. From my clinical experience, and also based on scientific research, colostrum is highly effective for treating a range of digestive illnesses. Colostrum has been described as the most powerful antibiotic known to man, and has been in use for thousands of years. Studies have confirmed that colostrum is a powerful and effective antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent. It is also packed with antibodies that stimulate the immune system. Colostrum is also full of other beneficial proteins such as lysozymes, protein rich polypeptide (PRP) and growth hormones, all of which help to protect and heal the body. Colostrum is also effective for protecting the body against flu, a well needed benefit during the wintery season. FOR A FULL BODY DIAGNOSIS call Dr MACHI MANNU on 965071745
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Dear Auntie Cathy, I have a real problem Dieting it doesn’t matter what I do I keep gaining weight... At the moment I am on a fruit and vegetable diet...I eat bags of Crisps (Potatoes) Chocolate (cocoa plant) and drink 3 litres of Cider with Ice (Apple)... Pls help, where am I going wrong... Yours Bloated from Benidorm..xx Dear Bloated, I understand perfectly what you mean, the ice you are using in your Cider is it made from the tap or Bottled Water as this could be your problem... Try Drinking your Cider without Ice and see if it makes a difference, Good Luck Auntie Cathy...xx Dear Auntie Cathy... I have a massive confession and don’t know what to do about it... I own a very large Paper Company and we Manufacture everything from Toilet Roll to Napkins...My problem is im a Naturist and even though i spend Hundreds of thousands of Pounds on Advertising how good for your bottom my Loo Roll is i am Lying... The simple truth is I like the Bears do shit in the woods or at least outside and I use Leaves to clean myself...It is so exilerating and amazing that i dont know what to do...Do i tell the public the truth and loose my Empire or do i say nothing and carry on regardless.. Yours Eunan Marbella... My Dear Eunan I really don’t think you should confess as your Company may take a rather large tumble down the Toilet if you get my drift....Instead enjoy what you do and save your few pounds for any fines that may come your way for Indecent Exposure.... Hope this help. Love always Auntie Cathy Dear Auntie Cathy I am a bit embarrassed about my problem and you are my only hope... I have been Married 14 times and don’t know where I am going wrong in each marriage, it seems that once the day is over I fall out of Love...Can you help me please... Yours Amy Burton Trip cove Cohen Nixon Dale Pratt Hole Mode Speke Long Watts Nuns Bottomley... Dear Amy. I have a strong suspicion it’s the actual day you love and not your Partners...Next time you feel the Urge, have a Party invite all your friends and wear a Wedding Dress...have a Buffet with a Big Wedding cake and be sure to send me a Piece.. I think you will find that this will fulfil your desires and save tons on legal fees...Mazeltov... Love Auntie Cathy...xx
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Funnies.... I recently picked a new primary care doctor.
After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, he said I was doing ‘fairly well’ for my age. (I just reached 68).
“Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn’t work for Harry and me.”
FREE & legal TV and at the highest quality with no monthly pay-
A little concerned about that comment, I couldn’t resist asking him, ‘Do you think I’ll live to be 90?’
“Well, madam, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. But, if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven different angles, I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results.”
He asked, ‘Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer, wine or hard liquor?’
“My, that’s a lot of.....” gasped Mrs Smith.
ating succesfully in the region
‘Oh no,’ I replied. ‘I’m not doing drugs, either!’
“Madam, in my line of work, a man must take his time. I’d love to be in and out in five minutes, but you’d be disappointed with that, I’m sure.”
after-sales service.
Then he asked, ‘Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued Ribs?’ ‘I said, ‘Not much... my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!’ ‘Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, boating, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?’
ments and no more expensive installations. Reliable and offering great service, DIGINOVA has been opersince 2004 and offers a superb
“Don’t I know it,” Mrs Smith said quietly. The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures. “This was done on the top of a bus in downtown London.”
‘No, I don’t,’ I said. He asked, ‘Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lots of sex?’
“Oh my God!” Mrs Smith exclaimed, tugging at her handkerchief.
‘No,’ I said...
“And these twins turned out exceptionally well, when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with.”
He looked at me and said,.. ‘Then, why the f.... do you want to live to 90?
“She was difficult?” asked Mrs Smith.
The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to
use a surrogate father to start their family. On the day the surrogate father was to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife and said, “I’m off. The man should be here soon.” Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door baby photographer rang the doorbell, hoping to make a sale.
“Yes, I’m afraid so. I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep, pushing to get a good look.” “Four and five deep?” asked Mrs Smith, eyes widened in amazement.
“Oh, no need to explain. I’ve been expecting you,” Mrs Smith cut in.
“Yes,” the photographer said. “And for more than three hours too. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling. I could hardly concentrate. Then darkness approached and I began to rush my shots. Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just packed it all in.”
“Really?” the photographer asked. “Well, good. I’ve made a speciality of babies.”
Mrs. Smith leaned forward. “You mean squirrels actually chewed on your,”
“That’s what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat.”
“That’s right. Well, madam, if you’re ready, I’ll set up my tripod so we can get to work.”
After a moment, she asked, blushing, “Well, where do we start?”
“Good morning, madam. I’ve come to....”
“Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch and perhaps a couple on the bed. Sometimes the living room floor is fun too - you can really spread out!”
“Oh yes, I have to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It’s much too big for me to hold for very long. Madam? Madam? ....... Good Lord, she’s fainted!!”
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It is easy to love others, but how easy is it to love yourself?
Simone Segal
Who do you love? Are the people
really, it’s a gentle love, for all these loving
you love better and more worthy
actions are taking care of you in the best
of your love than you? Your other
possible way.
half, your family, the rich and the famous, are they better or more lovable and worthy of your love than you? Can you imagine the amount of time you spend observing, wishing to be like, and loving the rich and famous on TV and in
You should realize the miracle that you are, when you can love yourself in all these ways and more, you will be living in the listen to our spirit, that inner voice of love and truth that whispers to us quietly, we need to listen and allow that voice, that energy, that love, our very own authen-
How much time do you spend
ticity, spirit you, to drive your body, your
loving and creating yourself and
vehicle, to come into being and having a
your own life? I know I am ask-
wonderful life of love, abundance, happi-
ing a lot of questions, but really,
ness and joy. A place where you are able
you have to stop and “THINK”.
to help others, for if you cannot help your-
We create our own living heaven,
self you definitely can’t help others, and if
hell, by our perceptions of others and our perceptions of ourselves. You are spirit; and your body is your vehicle on your amazing life’s journey. Like a car you must maintain every aspect of your vehicle, mind, body and soul. To enjoy life’s journey you need to be healthy in all three aspects! And this is exactly the kind of healthy maintenance and love that I’m talking about!
heaven that you have created. We need to
the media?
or, we create our very own living
you cannot love yourself, can others love you? Living your life loving yourself, being the best you can be, day in and day out, will
indeed lead you to happiness, you will become without doubt, an inspiration to all who have the privilege of knowing you, and most importantly, they will learn from you by your wonderful inspiring thoughts and actions, it’s never too late to love yourself! When you love yourself enough to create
the life you wish, you will shine like a beacon inspiring others to create their lives
How a good loving mother would take care of a child; this is how to love yourself. You would never abuse yourself or except abuse from others in any way, this is how to love yourself. Being the best you can be at everything you do, this is how to love yourself. Thinking great inspired thoughts then acting on them, this is how to love you. Eating healthily and exercising regularly, this is how to love you. Forever learning and gaining knowledge, this is how to love you. You might call this tough hard love, but
and their brilliance too! By listening to that inner voice you are listening to your heart, and your heart knows all!
Love Simone Segal
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all BORED? all BORED? all BORED? all BOR
1. When you stop and look, you can always see me. If you try to touch you cannot feel me. I cannot move, but as you near me, I will move away from you. What am I? 2. I am the fountain from which no one can drink. For many I am considered a necessary link. Like gold to all I am sought for, But my continued death brings wealth for all to want more. . What am I? 3. No legs have I to dance, No lungs have I to breathe, No life have I to live or die And yet I do all three. What am I? 4. I’m not really more than holes tied to more holes; I’m strong as good steel, though not as stiff as a pole. What am I? 5. As a whole, I am both safe and secure. Behead me, and I become a place of meeting. Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready. Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts. What am I?
1. See 69 across 7. Rapid transit in France 10. Big part 14. Type of maid 15. Color 16. Color 17. Black Sea port 18. Corrode 19. Contented sound 20. Slip 21. Tiger Woods, ethnically 23. Like a hideaway 25. Serpentine sound 28. Carpet type 29. Comfort 34. This little piggy, et al 36. Author Blyton 38. Spoons and spinners 39. Vehicle for 69 across 42. Paint ingredient 43. Dam’s opposite 44. Unilever deodorant brand 45. Wears 47. Intangible quality 49. Frank McCourt memoir 50. Applicable 53. Tanner’s concern 57. Auto style 61. Libra’s birthstone 62. Richard haunted by Anne’s ghost 63. Jointed at right angles 64. Attend 65. Name for a famous rag doll 66. Anxiety 67. Was aware 68. 60s psychedelic 69. With 1 across, name for this puzzle
1. Scary stuff in a Bmovie 2. Hitchhiker’s quest 3. Swear 4. Egg holders 5. China 6. __ roll 7. Vehicle for 69 across 8. Protect 9. Disallows 10. Only seated people have them 11. Distant start 12. Halo, e.g. 13. Shucks 21. Davis and Stewart 22. German name now out of favor 24. Munch 25. Did a bank job 26. Detective device 27. Spat 30. Bear in Bordeaux 31. Vonnegut’s Kilgore 32. __ Matisse 33. __ Park, Colorado 35. Lose fur 37. Get by reasoning 40. Wield 41. Singer McEntire 46. Consecutive 48. California live oak 51. Gird one’s __ 52. Carrier 53. Punch 54. Informed 55. Identify 56. Seattle __, Triple Crown winner 58. Caspian Sea feeder 59. 100 centavos 60. First nudist colony 63. Speechless
1. Wound remnant 5. Biology 101 specimen 10. Spill the beans 14. __ mater 15. St.. __ of Jerusalem 16. Napoleon’s prison, e.g. 17. Mary’s follower 18. Squads 19. Garfield’s foil 20. Cheap hams? 23. Wrath 24. Earlier in time than 25. Words of relief 28. John Fowles novel 33. Windbreaker 35. Eggs 36. Find a cheap place to park? 38. __ qua non 40. “Brown” co. 41. Simpleton 42. Beach bum’s wages? 47. Word on a wine bottle 48. More desert-like 49. Canine 51. Salon supply 52. Weeks in a Roman year 54. Chicken or small 55. Inexpensive footwear? 61. Proscribe 64. Spreads 65. It has a creamy filling 66. Highly excited 67. Quit 68. Iranian money 69. Dorothy’s doggy 70. Option on a form, perhaps 71. Musician’s submission
1. Like Lot’s love later 2. Scratch 3. Shells and such 4. Thumper, for one 5. Most intense 6. Talking bird 7. Idle of “Monte Python” fame 8. Please in Potsdam 9. Horse that doesn’t win, place or show 10. Accounts of a lifetime 11. 60s drug 12. “The Greatest” 13. Line opener 21. Diaphragm 22. Supermodel Mero (aka Sable) 25. Musical recitative 26. Small community 27. Brief description 28. Israeli spy group 29. Bird sanctuary 30. Mary Poppins, for example 31. Spirit 32. Beatles’ record label 34. Strange 37. Keyes’ famous first words 39. Leno’s announcer, Hall 43. Mark for omission 44. South American river 45. One at rest 46. Covered walk or colonnade 50. Dress shoe 53. Cove 55. Kind of stick 56. Okie-dokie 57. Come second 58. Pennsylvania city 59. 20 quires 60. Stag 61. Container 62. It may be bruised 63. Kid
1. I am the horizon. 2. Oil 3. I am Fire. 4. A steel chain 5. A Stable SOLUTIONS:
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