All abroad oct 2013

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October 2013 issue number 27

advice, features, quizzes, puzzles, crosswords, markets, fiestas, what’s on + more!

This issue:

The Top 50 bestest ever JOKES EVER! Learning the

LINGO!!! Sue Sharpe More expat experiences!


Your health

with Sharon hulbert

DINNER IN THE DARK!! for the the locals..!

Abrimos todos los dias a partir de 18.ooh & los Sabados y Domingos tambien a medio dia We are open every day from 6.00pm and from 12.00pm at weekends

@pizzeriacocoa /pizzeriacocoa

Central Bar The


Plaza De La Villa 32, Hondon De Las Nieves Tel. 96 548 0681 Also after the success of our GUEST CHEF in September we are planing another night for November!!


Served 12pm-3pm bookings ONLY

Now playing!



Friday 6.30 - 9.00pm

2 NEW Poker tables!


U & DA ILY BLA CKLUNCHT IME SPE CIALS ARE BA CK. Full me nu & Ea rly bird menu Availab le Mond ay Tues day Wednes day & T hursday s 6.30 - 8 .30pm


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OOK!! FromLO ctober 8 FULL ME th N

Halloween Fun & games, scary disco, prize for best costume. Supper available. Everyone welcome.


In aid of HOVAR (hondon valley animal rescue) tickets available In the bar or HOVAR charity shop


YOU GUYS...! One thing that happens when you edit an expat magazine and have a radio show is that you get to meet some very interesting people. Whether that is exRadio Caroline DJ and sixties pop star Tony Moore – who I’ve worked with until recently. Or Stevie Spit star of the stage and last month and compere to stars from the UK at a charity performance at the Benidorm Palace. And that was just two of the people I met last month. That’s not including the larger than life

Real Radio International Weekly Lineup Listen online - Monday –Friday

08:00hrs -11:00 hrs

Dave Rave, AKA Huggy Bear, Fatman and other pseudonyms that can’t be men-

The Breakfast Show with Dave Bull

tioned in a family magazine. Then there’s Cathy Reynolds. Agony aunt in this

Monday Tuesday 11:00hrs – 14:00hrs

very magazine and certifiable in some minds (not mine...I’m scared of her...). Find her at her Curiosity Corner shop in Benijofar and be prepared; she will not disappoint you.

A Girl Called Soo Wed, Thurs & Friday 11-.00hrs - 14.00hrs Tony Capaldi

Steve at Howells Removals in Formentera is another who should go on the list as ‘interesting’ as he and his lovely wife Anne will insist on me joining them for a proper lunch of bacon sarnies and tea at their depot (if I time it right...). And I think Twink, of Gran Alacant, deserves a mention at this point if only for his Wurzles impression on the karaoke which needs to be seen and heard to be fully appreciated. Some of the pictures posted by some of my listeners are also a sign that readers and listeners are possibly getting too much sun and too much refreshment too! But keep them coming and we’ll start publishing the best (and worst) among them... Looking ahead and we have plans to travel once again and have plans to travel once again and explore this fabulous peninsula while at the same time capturing some images and experiences that may make you want to follow in our foot-

Tuesday –Friday

14:00hrs – 17:00hrs

The other side of the sheriff (Monday Captain Rai 14.00-17.00) Saturdays 10:00 hrs -13:00hrs The manic breakfast in bed with the sheriff 13:00hrs – 16:00hrs Weekend @ Bernies Part One 19:00hrs Saving The Seventies With Mike Walker

steps. I am making plans to have a stroll along the Camino de St James very soon – and that’s one that I can’t wait for but in the meantime I’ll be getting on my bike/train/bus and hitting the road, All Abroad style of course!

Sundays 10:00hrs – 13:00hrs

In this month’s issue we explore again with Sue Sharpe and she tells us of her

Weekend @ Bernies Part two

experiences in learning the lingo and Simone Segal joins us for some positive


thinking. Ken from Gran Alacant had a fun night – eating blindfolded – and we’ve

Captain Rai’s Country Rodeo

managed to find (what is claimed as) The Top %) Jokes of all Time. We’ll see. (Maybe you’ve got a better one..?) Send the in to and we’ll print the funny one. ;)


965 480 737 / 606 056 282

contact us on: 96 669 5160 - 606 540 408 -




Est. 1991

Fiscal help... VERSTEUERUNG VON MIETEINKOMMEN FÜR NICHTRESIDENTEN Es wird häufig angenommen, die jährliche Einkommensteuer für Nichtresidenten würde auf ein geschätztes Einkommen von Mieteinnahmen gezahlt werden. Dies ist nicht korrekt. Obwohl die Bezeichnung “Einkommenssteuer” zugegebenermaßen Anlaß zu Mißverständnissen gibt, ist diese Steuer nur eine nominale Steuer, die auf den Katasterwert der Immobilie berechnet wird. Sie befreit keinesfalls von der Verpflichtung, Einnahmen durch die Vermietung der Immobilie zu versteuern. Die spanische Regierung hat Pläne zur Regulierung des Ferienvermietungen vorgelegt. Daher beginnen die Steuerbehörden nun verstärkt, nicht versteuertes Einkommen aus solchen Quellen aufzuspüren. Und hierzu bedienen sie sich der Informationen über Wasser- und Stromverbrauch der Immobilie. Regelmäßiger Verbrauch von Strom und Wasserr in einer Immobilie, deren Besitzer Nichtresident ist, kann dann Anlaß zu einer Untersuchung seitens des Finanzamts geben. Nichtresidenten, die ihre Immobilie entgeltlich vermieten, sind verpflichtet, dieses Einkommen vierteljährlich in separater Steuererklärung zu versteuern. Die erstgenannte “Einkommensteuer für Nichtresidenten” ist weiterhin zahlbar und bleibt davon unbetroffen. Selbstverständlich reden wir hier nicht von der unentgeltlichen Überlassung der Immobilie an Verwandte. Sollten Sie diese Mieteinkünfte bereits in Deutschland versteuert haben, wird diese erfolgte Zahlung aufgrund des Doppelbesteuerungsabkommens von den in Spanien zu zahlenden Steuern abgezogen. Residenten versteuern Mieteinnahmen in ihrer normalen jährlichen Einkommenssteuererklärung, im Mai/ Juni des Folgejahrs. Sowohl Residenten als auch Nichtresidenten können jedoch eine Reihe von Kosten absetzen. Wasser und Strom für die Zeit der Vermietung, Müllabfuhr, Versichung und Gemeinschaftskosten, usw. Oben genannte Informationen basieren auf Angaben des Finanzamts zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung und sind nur zu Informationszwecken. Für weitere Informationen oder einen Termin kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch 96 6697824 oder unter office@andreaburns. es. Web:

Spanische Testamente

(auch BERLINER Testament)

Erbschaften/Nachlässe in Spanien Steuervertretung Nichtresidenten-Steuern Gewinnsteuer Vollmachten Notarielle Urkunden Immobilienübertragungen Übersetzungen

NON RESIDENT TAX VERSUS NON RESIDENT CERTIFICATE “But I am sure I pay the the non residents’ tax. The bank charges me for it!” Many times I have come across this statement by clients. This is not so and the confusion clearly arises due to the similarity between the two different concepts. By law, banks are obliged to ascertain the status of their clients -either resident or non-resident- regularly and pass this information on to the tax office. Most banks will do this on an annual basis, some every two years. For this, the bank usually sends a form to the account holder ’s home address. In the cover letter the bank informs about the laws and regulations with regards to this procedure and requests the recipient to verify their status (either non resident or resident) and return the signed form to the bank. Replies by clients are not guaranteed and if the bank has not been informed to the contrary by the account holder they will simply verify to the tax authorities that the current status has not changed. The bank then charges for this service by debiting your account for a “non residents’ certificate”. This charge has given rise to a lot of misconception by the sheer wording of it and since it is usually charged on an annual basis it has been confused with the annual taxes to be paid by the non residents. The annual non residents taxes will not just be debited to your account. A fiscal representative will prepare these taxes based on the relevant data of your property that the property owner has to supply.

For more information or an appointment please contact us on 96 6697824 or Web:

Spanish Probate / Inheritances Spanish Wills Fiscal Representation Non-residents’ Tax Capital Gains Tax Power of Attorney Notarial Deeds Property Conveyancing * Translations

Avenida América, 32, GRAN ALACANT 96 669 7824 OFFICE@ANDREABURNS.ES

Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!



A submariner's thoughts

MAR Joaquín Ñeco Castaño

Los marinos decimos la mar y no el

ante su fuerza y violencia, nos recu-

to a millones de seres de muchísimos

mar, porque la consideramos como

erda aquellos refranes tan marineros

países de nuestra maltratada Tierra.

una amante de la que estamos enamo-

de “Quién navega en tiempo fuerte,

La mar, en fin, ha sido y sigue siendo

rados, que nos da buenos momentos,

dos dedos va de la muerte”; o el que

una vía de comunicación y transporte

algunas veces, y otras nos muestra su

asegura “Ola en contra, marinero a la

que ha hecho, sobre todo en épocas

cara más dura y amarga, pero a la que

batayola”; o ese otro que afirma “Cuí-

pasadas, que los hombres tuviesen

no podemos dejar de querer por mucho

date del perro que no ladra y de la mar

contactos personales y comerciales.

daño que nos haga.

en calma” y por último el que asevera

Durante toda mi vida profesional, he

En la mar, el espíritu se eleva en medio

“San Telmo en la arboladura, el buen

pasado muchas horas en medio de la

de su inmensidad y nos hace estar más

tiempo poco dura”. Y en esos momen-

mar y todas y cada una de las sensa-

cerca de Dios.

tos, sólo nos queda decir aquel otro de

ciones que he descrito, las he sentido

La mar ha sido, y continuará siendo, el

que: “Quién va por la mar, aprende a

y aun hoy, siento la necesidad de estar

lugar en donde reposan tantos y tantos


en contacto con esta amante, viéndola

que la amaron y a los que ella no les

La mar, ha sido el camino por donde

desde tierra o permaneciendo aunque


han llegado civilizaciones importantes

sea unas pocas horas navegando en

En la mar, se siente uno más libre en

como la helenística, la cartaginesa o la

ella. Y mientras me quede un hálito

medio de su grandeza y muchas perso-


de vida pensaré que no he estado más

nas en todas las épocas, tanto pasadas

acervo autóctono.

próximo a la verdad que cuando he es-

como presentes, sólo se han sentido

La mar, ha sido el camino por el que

tado cerca de esta amante: la mar.

así cuando han surcado sus caminos.

se han llevado a cabo grandes hazañas

La mar, origen de toda la vida que ayer

No he visto nada más bello, en toda mi

y descubrimientos que han engrande-

existió y de la que hoy existe. Quizás

vida, que un amanecer o atardecer en

cido a la humanidad.

por eso, la sentimos como algo nues-

la mar, cuando el Sol quiere asomar o

La mar ha sido, y puede que lo sea tam-

tro. Como si la lleváramos implantada

comienza a esconderse en el horizon-

bién en un futuro, el escenario épico de

dentro de nuestros genes, de la que

te y el cielo se tiñe de un rojo que va

grandes batallas en enfrentamientos

no podemos separarnos porque forma

cambiando de matices, a cada cual más

entre países o alianzas, en donde los

parte de nosotros mismos. Y aún hoy, el

mágico. Y qué decir de esas noches en

participantes han dado lo mejor de sí

hombre, sigue surcándola, sigue persi-

calma y con un cielo limpio y estrella-

mismos, inmolando sus vidas siempre

guiendo la aventura, sigue utilizándola

do, con la Luna reflejándose sobre ella,

con honor y caballerosidad.

como vía de comunicación, sigue ex-

que invitan a la reflexión y a buscar en

La mar ha sido, y continúa siendo, el

plotando sus recursos, sigue gozándola

el interior de nuestra alma, las sen-

lugar donde los indeseables cometen

en sus ratos de ocio. En fin, seguimos

saciones, recuerdos y añoranzas más

tropelías asesinando y secuestrando a

amándola porque de ella procedemos y

íntimas. Pero también, cuando nos en-

los que navegan por ella pacíficamente.

de ella nos hemos servido y seguimos

seña su otra cara y quisiera, como una

La mar ha sido, es, y Dios quiera que

haciéndolo. Quiera Dios, que pese a las

fiera furiosa, quitarnos de en medio de

lo sea también en el futuro, la gran

agresiones que está sufriendo, perviva

un zarpazo y se nos encoge el corazón

despensa que

para nuestros descendientes.


que han enriquecido nuestro

proporciona el susten-

Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!

1st lasting

Impression leaves a impression…

By Sharon Hulbert Real Estate Consultant

OMG its October! The holiday makers

for us. I am not being flippant when I say

look good in a glossy magazine? Blue sky is

have gone home, sat (probably in a dull

impress the agent, any good agent should

a must! If it’s a cloudy day send the agent

boring office) and thought about what

advise you how to present the property


a lovely time they had in the sun and

but in my years of experience it is amazing

must be down! Sorry boys!

have now started to research proper-

how negative you can feel when you leave

If you already have your property on the

ties in Spain.

a property if you have not had a warm wel-

market and you have not been successful

So now is the time to make a great 1st

come or had to battle with the dog to get

have a real good think why it is not selling!

impression if you are thinking of sell-

through the door! And Negativity does not

Press the REFRESH button! Don’t let it go

ing our property

Oh and one last things…Loo seats

stale…and make sure the Price is Right! Over priced homes don’t appear well in the

If you want buyers to be interested in

eyes of the buyer they think the sellers are

your home don’t show your property until

greedy and are trying to get more money

you have put in an effort to present it in

from them than the house is worth.

its best light. Once you make the decision to sell a home, your personal tastes

Buyers are on the internet all the time re-

are no longer relevant believe me you

searching properties so they can check out

will suffer less if you can come to grips

what other similar properties are listed for

with the fact the home is emotionally no

or have sold for (more important than the

longer yours the moment you decide to

listed price). Serious buyers have a good

sell. From the moment you make that

idea of the value of homes and what they

decision, the property is no longer where

can get for their money and if yours is

you live. It is an asset to be sold for as

overpriced they won’t look!

much money as possible and as fast as

I am off now to start a day’s work…Selling


properties…Love it…In fact just a quickie before I go… I viewed a beautiful villa yes-

So before any agent comes to value the


property and start to market it you must:

terday with a bright blue kitchen, the client said to me when we got there “I have seen


So I diverse a bit…Make sure your agent

this on the internet but I hated the colour of


takes some good photos, 90% of buyers

the kitchen so I dismissed it!” Guess what I

A great looking home that is priced accord-

look at properties they have found on the

am just waiting for the offer to be accepted!

ing to the current market value will appeal

internet so it is critical your home makes a

to a far greater number of potential buy-

strong first impression online. Most buyers

ers than a poorly maintained home that is

form an opinion about a home within the

priced well above what the current mar-

first 7 -10 seconds. I am receiving so many

ket stipulates. When it comes to attracting

enquiries at the moment based on clients

buyers to a property, first impressions and

looking on the internet and asking to view

looks do count.

based on the impression they have made! So a few tips…

You have to impress both the buyer and the agent! We all have a lasting impression of

When choosing an agent, look at their web-

our first impression of a property, so please

site and have a nose at the photos Do they

if you invite us to your home get it ready

pay attention to detail? Would the photos

Our own contributors - experienced for expat info






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By Ken B.

Reader's report on Restaurant Sala Soundtrax - Gran Alacant

I’m not usually scared of the dark but

Pepe marched us of into hell’s kitchen I

what was about to happen to me at

found myself leading a blind conga!

the weekend was not natural and cer-

Once inside after manoeuvring around im-

tainly strange. The idea of eating a

aginary obstacles the whole mood changed

five course meal in total darkness was

from bravado and false confidence to turn

not only frightening it was sheer terror. Just ask my wife Debbie, I can’t hit my mouth in the light! The concept of being left to fend for yourself without one of your senses is

into abject fear having to rely totally on others actions and instructions. We were seated and everything changed. Firstly it seemed everyone had to shout even to the person next to you. This must be something to do with other senses

bad enough but to be in contact with

compensating for the lack of one of sight.

sharp instruments and crystal glass in

This is where our guides for the night ex-

the dark is insane.

celled. They were polite but firm in their instructions and professional in their work

I won’t go into details because I think a

in being the eyes of more than a dozen

lot of sceptics would just pooh-pooh the

helpless novices of not having all senses

idea but I was extremely impressed with


the whole night. The staff...or the ones

The food and drinks were delivered at the

we saw, Pepe and Vincent were absolutely

table with whispered directions to where

professional in their delivery of our fate for

they were positioned. The music began

the evening and were our guide dogs once

and we were on our own. It was amazing

we entered the fearful world of darkness

to suddenly find what a gastronomic ex-

and the unknown.

pert and wine buff you become when you

We were met on the terrace along with

don’t have to look convincing. Needless to

about another dozen guinea pigs to be

say practical jokes were played with mov-

told what the experiment was to include.

ing and disappearing cutlery, imaginative

We were to be blindfolded, led to a table

people tapping end seat guests on their far

and given a five course feast accompa-

side and general good fun was had by all.

nied by drinks relevant to the food and

Finally after over an hour of hilarity and

serenaded with music for the same end

excellent food we were asked to remove

result of knowing what you’ve just eaten

our blindfolds and compare what and

and drank. As on an aeroplane the ritual

where we thought we were and the reality

of safety procedure was explained to eve-

of being in a well-furnished and lit restau-

ryone. This basically was to put your hand

rant and bar. We were then asked table by

up if you needed the toilet and you would

table to approach the bar where the full

be steered to the correct facility. On com-

menu of food and drink were to be seen...

pletion of your visit in which by the way

yes seen!

the blindfold was removed, you would be returned to your black hole to begin the

After coffee and discussions on who got

process of reorientation into this gour-

what right and wrong and checking table-

met guess game without anyone knowing

cloth and floor for traces of who missed

you’d been!

what, we left thanking our hosts for a truly

Once everyone was au fait with the im-

un-missable experience. Once in the “light

mediate fear of entering the world of touch

of the night” we adjourned for nightcap

Pepe told me to hold onto his shoulders

not telling Debbie her mascara was now

and everyone likewise hold the person in

on her cheeks like Chi Chi the panda.

front we donned our masks like space-

In all honesty if you want a different night

men about to step on the moon and took

out with a bunch of friends I cannot sug-

our first giant steps into the world of food

gest anything more fun.

and dark. I don’t dance normally but when


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Ken B...Gran Alacant


There’s a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbour…

Tomorrow for old England she sails, Far away from your land of endless sunshine, To my land full of rainy skies and gales – The Last Farewell (Roger Whittaker)

Sue Sharpe ….watch the fishing boats leave the safety of the harbour for their maritime night-shift…..

Welcome to the third post in the series cataloguing my

and left us to make our choices. I opted for the pasta salad and

recent trip back to the UK.

the beef stew and Phil went for the mountain stew and fish of the day. We had a bottle of white wine and a bottle of still water to go

Okay – So strictly speaking ‘she’ hadn’t arrived in port - but she

with it. Whilst my salad came prepared on a plate, Phil’s stew was

was on her way – which left us plenty of time to go back into the

brought to him in a casserole dish with a ladle and he was allowed

city centre to get some lunch. Unlike many cities, Santander city

to take as much (or as little) as he chose. The second ‘courses’

centre does not have the likes of Starbucks, Costa Coffee, Burger

were served with chips (hurrah!). Phil did point out to me that I

King or McDonald’s (thankfully) although you can find the burger

had just eaten in one sitting, the amount of food that I would nor-

franchises in the centro comerciales (shopping Malls) on the out-

mally eat over the course of three days – and he was right – I was

skirts. There are, you’ll be very pleased to hear, plenty of bars and

well and truly stuffed, so we opted for coffee, rather than dessert.

restaurants offering a Menu Del Dia. What’s a Menu Del Dia? It’s a

Nothing beats a nice stroll to walk off lunch, so we ambled

very popular menu which is served at lunchtime in many Spanish

our way back to the car soaking up some very welcome spring

eating establishments. It is, essentially, a set menu – but unlike a

sunshine, pausing from time to time to have a look at in a shop

three course meal in the UK, which would comprise starter, main

window (Phil’s wallet was now safe as they were closed for lunch!)

and dessert courses – it offers two ‘main’ courses (each course is

or simply admire the buildings, some of which I found very inter-

made up of a choice of three to five dishes), a dessert, bread and

esting. We arrived back at the car with at least two hours to spare

a drink (usually wine, beer or water). The prices vary from region

before we would be allowed to board the ferry. I know that some

to region in Spain but I think it would be fair to say that anywhere

people would find the prospect of hanging around in a glorified

between €8 and €12 will get you something to satisfy you until

car park for the best part of three hours to be quite boring, but I

later in the day (some, more upmarket establishments, offer ‘ex-

actually like it. Why? Because there are lots of other passengers

ecutive’ varieties for a few euros more).

waiting to do the same and I enjoy having a chat with some of them; about where they are from (Spain/UK)? How their jour-

We found a little place, just away from the main shopping area,

ney has been? If they are going, or coming, home? – You get the

a couple of years ago called Casa Mariano on Calle de Vargas and

picture! There are also all manner of motor homes and caravans

after taking a quick look at what some of the other bars had to

that carry the intrepid expat fraternity who like to explore Europe

offer decided to eat there again. Casa Mariano is narrow, the bar

with the freedom of knowing that a cup of tea is close at hand, no

and food servery takes up the entire length of the right hand side

matter where they are!

(as you enter) with tables with bench seats to the right. The waitress gave us a copy of the menu, took our drinks orders


Eventually people started to gather on the quayside to see if they

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There’s a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbour… could spot the ferry approaching and, until

yardarm (literally) so we headed to

it appeared, watch the fishing boats leave

the piano bar to have a wee drink

the safety of the harbour for their maritime

to settle us in. On other trips there has been

night-shift or take in the stunning back-

a pianist in the piano bar but, for reasons

drop of the distant mountains. Finally, the

unknown, the pianist has been replaced by

Pont Aven came into view and those of us

technology. A nice stewardess came and

who had gathered watched it approach and

opened a box close to the piano and a couple

manoeuvre into position. Once docked, the

of seconds later the keys and pedals were

arriving vehicles soon started to disembark.

moving and real piano music was play-

This is the generally accepted signal for

ing – I have no idea what kind of software

everyone to return to their own vehicle and

runs something like that – but it was quite

await boarding instructions.

impressive, if not a little confusing for those

Pont Aven

who were not seated as close as we were The boarding procedure is very simple: Wait

and who kept looking for the pianist. The

in your car until you are told to proceed, fol-

only problem I had was at the end of each

low the directions given. You will be asked to

song – do I applaud or not? – ‘Not’ seemed

show your passport at Passport Control and

to be the best solution! There were many

it is here that our vehicle may be examined

options available to us for dining and

by Customs (but highly unlikely!) Once you

entertainment but I was still stuffed from

have driven onto the ferry, follow the direc-

the large lunch so after a couple of gin &

tions of the staff who will guide you to your

tonics we left Sparky, The Magic Piano, to

parking space (NB – They do this every day

his evening audience (the programme was

and know exactly what they are doing).

on its second loop by this time) and retired

There will be a crew member nearby when

to our cabin where Phil finished off the last

you have parked who will give you a card

pasty and we bedded down for the night.

with the number of the deck level that you are on and the nearest door to enter the ship


(eg:6E). At this point you should make sure

and arriving in Portsmouth

……take in the stunning backdrop of the distant mountains…..

Sparky, The Magic Piano

that your handbrake is on and that your car alarm is turned off (the movement of the

Disclaimer: The content of this blog are the

ship may set it off which is annoying and no-

views and observations of the writer and

one is allowed access to the car decks during

may differ from those of the reader. The

the voyage so your car and its contents are

writer of this blog is not a travel writer and

safe). Take with you everything that you will

does not pretend to be one. If you find any

need for the voyage – overnight bag, books

of the content to be wrong or inaccurate

and (in our case) the cool-box with our re-

please advise the writer by posting in the

maining food. Finding your cabin is relatively

comment section, but remember to be nice!

easy but if you have any difficulty there are

The writer takes no responsibility for your

stewards on hand to give you assistance and

lack of sense of humour.

….hanging around in a glorified car park ……

direction. We had decided to upgrade from our usual inside berth to an outside one –

About the author - Sue Sharpe lives in the

which meant that we had a window/porthole

wilds of Extremadura which – let’s face

– although that was the only difference. It

it - is probably the best place for her. She

had a single bunk, (the second one drops

(and her partner) grow their own food; keep

from the ceiling!!), a table & chair and an en-

chickens and other sorts of hippy stuff. She

suite bathroom with shower (with toiletries

is occasionally allowed out in public to write

provided). Once settled we went to explore

for travel guides and maintains her own

the ship. It had been a couple of years since

blog about her life & experiences at www.

we last sailed on the Pont Aven and we Should you ever

wanted to orientate ourselves.

encounter her while she is on assignment, approach with caution and preferably with a

By now the sun was quite a way over the

gin & tonic or chocolate! Menu Del Dia.


Estate Agents Victoria Estate Agent Victoria, established

Anyone who wishes to be informed

some 30 years ago, offers its

about our costs or would like a quote,

clients a top quality service,

also enquire about all the other services

which can only be offered by a

we have to offer, then please call at our

company exclusively devoted and

office in Gran Alacant at any time and

experienced in property services

under no obligation what-so-ever.

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All our staff have a good knowledge of the English language and we also have

Over the years, Victoria Estate

a German speaking member of staff.

Agent has satisfied the needs of all its clients by searching for

Although the last couple of years have

and acquiring their properties.

not been easy for any of us, we are

Our priority has always been the

optimistic that this year we shall start

“wellbeing” of our clients and

to see some improvements in the

looking after their interests not

property market.

only at the time of buying but also with an excellent after-sales service. We offer all type of help to our clients including the arranging of inheritance

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It’s hard to get by just upon a

Learning the lingo... by Sue Sharpe


Actually, Cat Stevens – or whatever you’re calling

to speak with the people who were being so kind and friendly to

yourself these days - it isn’t that hard, and I’m living

the foreign, grinning idiot.

proof! It’s true that a smile won’t pay the bills, or put food on the table, but it does help you to get by

Phil had pointed out to me that I was a great mimic (that’s a

when it comes to day to day activities in a country

whole other story, trust me!) and suggested that I watch a tele-

where the language spoken is not your default one.

novela (soap opera) or two to help pick up the day to day phrases

It’s not that I hadn’t learnt any Spanish before we moved here. I had spent a couple of years at night-school trying to get to grips with it. The problem with learning a language by this method is that although the courses are cheap, the enthusiastic body count at the start of each

that people use. Good advice. I started watching’ Destilando Amor!’ (Literally – distilling love) a really, and I mean really, crap Mexican Soap opera about unrequited love centred around a tequila distillery. Actually, it was so bad it was brilliant, I’ve seen heard of pornos with better plots. It was, however, very repetitive which is great

term dwindles dramatically once the major-

when you’re trying to understand it. Oh

ity of ‘students’ have learnt enough of the

and there’s a lot of stern looks and

lingo to see them through their six week

dramatic music too!

stay at their holiday home in Mallorca! I also realised within days of moving

The other series we both started

here that there is a huge difference be-

watching were American dramas, the

tween what I was taught and how the

likes of CSI, Criminal Minds and, my

locals actually communicate. Panic and

personal favourite, House (I was later

self-doubt attacked me with a classic pin-

to realise that Hugh Laurie spoke with

cer manoeuvre and I was so scared of of-

an American accent in this series and

fending someone by saying the wrong thing that I decided just to keep quiet and observe.

A smile, in fact, can get you quite a long way in a small community. I would go into the village to do the shopping with a spring in my step and a beaming smile, bidding everyone I came across a hearty ‘buenos dias’ which was always well received. The ‘International language of Pointing at Things’ also served me well during that time. The only mistake I made was trying to use my Spanish – if I got it right, it was assumed I was fluent and, therefore, was on the


receiving end of colloquial gibberish that was, to me, totally


incomprehensible. Many a time I would return home in tears through the utter

actually thought his character sounded a little sexier in Spanish). This was a very effective way of bettering my Spanish because I was familiar with the synopses of these programmes and so could work out a lot of the vocabulary being used by contextual deduction. I also know a helluva lot more about crimes scenes, criminal profiling and lupus now too!

The result is that I can now communicate with my friends in the village with confidence and if I occasionally suffer a vocabulary or verb tense failure, I can at least talk my way out if it without causing offence. They too have helped me tremendously with their patience and understanding. I still smile a lot when I’m in the village but now it’s because I’m so happy to be part of it and no longer the grinning foreign idiot!

frustration of not being able


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CATHY (if you dare..!)


Dear Cathy My cat loves playing in next doors garden and sometimes uses it as her toilet, the neighbours have started throwing the cat poo into my garden should I complain???? Mona San Miguel Dear Mona How rude of your neighbours, your cat leaves them gifts and they throw it back, But don’t worry in certain parts of the world this is for good luck so if I where you I would check your Lottery tickets and Thank your Neighbour..... Dear Cathy I am 42 and have never been on a date with a woman. I feel life is passing me by and I should be experiencing these simple pleasures in life. Regards Freddie Gran Alacant Dear Frankie I have been waiting for your letter as your husband Tom wrote to me about your concerns some time ago...he told me that he may have the perfect answer. There are some new people in your area called the Longing Sisters, the eldest called Ayma Longing has put an ad in my Magazine looking for new (playmates) mates to go out with....You can contact Sheeza Longing on 768 879 232....Let me know how it goes.. Cathy

Cathy´s Curiosity Corner “The Best Thing Since

Sliced Bread!"

From the moment you walk in the door and a duck quacks at you, from somewhere, you know that this will not be an ordinary shopping experience. However, one thing that is certainly guaranteed at this place is that you will leave with a smile - whether you found something you really like or just from meeting Cathy. If you like to shop with a smile on your face I know of just the place, down in Benijofar. A smile, a giggle and a hearty welcome - that’s without mentioning the incredible amount of ‘different stuff’ to be found here at Cathy’s Curiosity Corner. Cathy´s Curiosity Corner in Benijofar really is just different. Take a wander around and you´ll be met by the amazing figure of Cathy who will welcome you as warmly as she does everyone and everyone who shops here is now her friend - just pay the shop and visit and I will bet you now that you come back as with a new friend in Cathy.

Dear Cathy My sister Ayma and I Sheeza Longing are New to this part of Spain and would like to know where we go to meet new People. We are both interested in the Outdoors and Love Dancing, Massage and Chemistry, we also have experience in Traffic Control as we both used to work on the Roundabout, keeping them up to Scratch....Do you have any suggestions as to where we could go. Sheeza Benijofar Dear Sheeza You have certainly got many skills that a lot of my readers are looking for... Both Male and Female readers seem to have the same interests as yourself and Ayema. Maybe you could start a group or Club for all these like-minded people and call it something like...The Magic Roundabout Club, I feel you will do very well if you follow my advice. Let me know how it goes and I can certainly put a LOT of Interested people your way... Cathy...

Prices are kept realistic as Cathy says she likes the shop to be an ever-changing oasis in the heart of the Spanish village of Benijofar, and it is just that. Whether I call in daily or weekly the stock at the Curiosity Shop is always changing and there´s always plenty of new and interesting pieces to mull over while you enjoy a coffee.

If you haven´t been to this place yet, don´t miss out on what really is the best shop I’ve seen in years!


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MEDB is a dream come true for After graduating from Medical School, and practicing as a doctor for a while, he quickly realized the limitations of current medical therapy and since then has dedicated his career to researching and studying the applications of bioenergetics-a branch of medicine that recognizes the electromagnetic and other energetic aspects of the human body and their role in illnesses.

Dr Machi Mannu.

Many people are unable to think beyond

NPK – Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potas-

nutrients effectively. As important as

vitamins and minerals when supplements

sium, and although requiring only these

supplements are for your health, it is also

are mentioned. They never come across

to thrive, plants have evolved to concen-

important to understand that they are not

the many published scientific papers

trate other minerals for the benefit of the

all created equal. Supplements are graded

highlighting the healing powers of natu-

animals that feed on them. 50 years ago

under 3 categories. The best of these are

ral supplements. And these supplements

potatoes were a good source of vitamin

known as pharmaceutical grade supple-

are nothing more than naturally occurring

A, and today potatoes contain virtually no

ments. These supplements are of the high-

chemicals found in the body. Your body

Vitamin A.

est purity and quality, and their manufac-

is composed of several thousand of these

ture is regulated by the government. One

chemicals and today scientists have a more

Another reason for considering supple-

of the best supplement companies known

in-depth knowledge of their role in main-

ments is that many people eat processed

today is Douglas Laboratory.

taining health. This explosion in nutrition

foods, unfortunately a large amount of

research has led to the recognition of even

nutrients are lost when food is processed –

Medical grade supplements are in the

more nutrient classes such as antioxidants,

the reason why some manufacturers fortify

middle, and are prescribed in hospitals,

phytonutrients, flavonoids etc. Antioxidants

them with nutrients. Furthermore, as we

and then at the bottom are food grade

have become a buzz word in recent times,

age, our body becomes unable to produce

supplements. Food grade supplements are

and many have become aware of their role

adequate amounts of some of the most

what most people take as supplements.

in counteracting the deadly effects of toxic

essential nutrients it needs to function op-

They are the kind sold in pharmacies and

free radicals. Phytonutrients are a group of

timally. For example you may have heard

health shop and are of the lowest quality

nutrients found only in plants, hence the

of Co-enzyme Q 10 and how every cell in

because of the lax regulation around them.

name and now recognised as having pow-

your body needs it to produce energy, but

Food grade supplements cannot be used

erful healing effects against many diseas-

do you know that by age 50 your CoQ10

for therapeutic purposes, and as the name

es. Flavonoids have also gained importance

levels fall by half? And without energy,

suggests, can only be used to supplement

as a nutrient class, and are predominantly

your body slows down, and the ageing

food. Furthermore, manufacturers of food

found in red grapes – the reason why red

process accelerates. Your skin starts to

grade supplements are known to use the

wine is healthy.

wrinkle, and organs start to break-down.

inactive forms of nutrients perhaps due to

Furthermore, as we grow older the ab-

ignorance of the latest scientific research,

You may wonder why you need to take

sorption of nutrients from the digestive

or perhaps in a bid to save some mon-

supplements when you can get all your

tract also slows down. This is because our

ey, since most consumers are unable to

nutrients from food. Firstly, the food you

digestive system also doubles up as our

tell the difference anyway. For instance,

eat today is definitely not as nutritious as

detoxification system.

most vitamin E supplements contain the

20 or 30 years ago. And it was certainly a

synthetic form of vitamin E which is not

lot better 50 years ago. Recently, research-

The detox or detoxification system deals

as active as the natural form, and is now

ers from the University of Texas compared

with the poisons we unknowingly consume

known to cause some types of cancer.

the nutrients of 43 food crops, and found a

every day. The liver, gall bladder and the

Knowledge of supplements is also contin-

significant reduction in nutrient levels from

intestines all play a role in breaking down

ually evolving, and better products keep

1950 to 1999. A similar study published

these toxic substances as they enter the

coming into the market based on the latest

in the British Food Journal also found huge

body. These toxins can be in the form of

scientific research.

loses over the years of nutrients such as

the drugs we take or even certain foods we

Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc,

eat. Some of these toxins include mer-

You may know of CoQ10, but do you know

Vitamins A, B, C and E. Our modern day

cury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, pesti-

of its active form Ubiquinol? Or that in a

agricultural practice of continuous cropping

cides, insecticides, mycotoxins and many

few weeks’ time, something even better

without replenishing the soils adequately

others. After a while, the digestive system

than Ubiquinol will become available? –

is to blame for the nutrient decline in our

becomes overloaded and overwhelmed by

Watch This Space! At MedB Diagnostics,

foods. Till date, most farmers only replace

these toxins, affecting its ability to absorb

we have been researching the latest nu-

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The Central bar Hondon De Las Nieves We have a permanent charity tin at the bar for Sienna. She is the granddaughter of some friends of ours, & when she was a few months old

Simone Segal

They found out she has Hurlers syndrome. We do charity pool knockouts

I would like to tell you a secret,

change our health, our relationships, and

were the very words said by

our lives all for the better.

the great Earl Nightingale that

Can YOU do it? I’m here to tell YOU, YES

Myself & the staff & some regular

pricked my ears, listening to that


customers thought it might be a

How do I know, because anything I can do

good idea to get naked for a cal-

YOU can do better, ha, some of you might

endar, like the film, so eleven 50+

know that song! On a serious note, I have

ladies have done just that!

done it, and I’m still doing it. ANDYOU CAN

Another two of our friends (shut-

TOO! Change your thoughts starting right

terbliss) are professional wedding

now, it is all about choice and the choice

photographers back in England

audio totally changed my way of thinking. He was one of the many amazing




spired me to create The Gift....if only you knew, my book, The Law of Attraction, written in inspira-

is always yours to make no matter what

raffles etc.

& they came on a busmans holi-

tional affirmation rhymes. A daily

situation you are in now, you can change

powerful dose of inspiration and

everything when you change your way of



After listening to his incredible audio, you

How about saying, yes I can, to all the

can’t possibly help but feel elated! Impos-

things you thought you couldn’t. Not only

copious amounts of cava & wine

sible, till this day, every time I listen it

saying yes I can, how about then taking

+ 1proffesional photographer (a

sends a message of comfort and under-

action and DOING them! Start to do the

she by the way, Ciara) at a secret

standing of why things are so, and why

things you love to do!


many great philosophers alike, all agree

You will be amazed at what you can do;

Something we probably will never

on these six words……“We Become What

it’s never too late for anything. There are

We Think About”.

do again, (unless there is a big

women in Japan 85+ diving for oysters

demand for naked old ladies)

day as a favour to do the shoot for us. We had a ball, eleven naked ladies,

we are the way we are. His message, and

holding their breaths for up to 5 minutes! If we were able to be consciously aware

It’s time to get busy doing what makes

of the truth in these six words, we could

you happy! What do YOU think?

actually create the lives we wish to live, by

We are looking for sponsors €50.00 per month of the calendar. We need business logos for the

creating the thoughts we want to think, in-

The great Earl Nightingales Speech” The

stead of living our lives in thoughts of fear

Strangest Secret in the World” You’ll love

and doubts, debilitating our very selves

it!!! You can find the audio on my website

listed on the back as a direc-

into depression and low self-esteem.

under Inspirational videos!


All YOU have to do is…… BRIM YOUR

The more sponsors, the more


money for Sienna & The great

“We Become What We Think About” If we can change the way we think, to thinking, more over “knowing” that anything is possible. You can have, do, and be, any-

ormond street hospital

Love Simone Segal

Any printers or publishers

Pleased to meet you All Abroaders!!!

thing. Your fears and doubts have been programed in you since you were young,


falsely, (another story, another day) and

Change your Life!

those fears are just the devil on your shoul-

Get INSPIRED! Get your copy of The

der making you believe you can’t do stuff.

Gift…if only you knew!





All we have to do is to be brave enough to


cast those fears and doubts aside, to think

Email Simone at

inspired thoughts of all we wish to be, and all we wish to become, then ACT upon those thoughts. If we can do that; we can

adverts, & all sponsors will be

want to get involved? We are aiming to put them on sale at the end of October

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bring clarity to cross-border inheritances • överlåtelsehandlingar • Testament & arv • Lag tvister av alla slag • skatterådgivare & Bokföring • Fordon & körkorts registrering

This is the main conclusion of the experts, Lawyers in International Law, Mr. Pedro Heredia

Mr. Ignacio Pellicer Molla, a partner at the

Ortiz and Mr. Pellicer Ignacio Molla, from the

Pellicer&Heredia Abogados law firm, Lawyer spe-


cialist on International Law, believes that this text

new EU cross-border succession framework.

will regulate the European successions, an issue with various legal and jurisdictional elements,

According to Mr. Pedro Heredia Ortiz, a Lawyer

in a “didactical” and above all “comprehensive”

specialising in international law, president of the

manner because it will determine, among other

International Law Section of the Bar Association

principles, jurisdiction, applicable law, mutual

of Alicante, and associate professor of the Master

recognition, implementation and the probative

in International Commerce (Alicante University)

nature of the decisions in the field of succession.

and Private International Law Department of the HAR DU JURIDISKA PROBLEM? Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, the reguVi talar och that latory engelska text of the newspanska European Regulation will come into force in August 2015, “must be laskandinaviska språk belled with revolutionary merit”.

Both of them agree that “the new regulation responds to the political objective of establishing a cooperation project” of the European Community in the dispersed and varied succession regulation of the States of the Union and a step forward in

Still, it will also leave issues undefined, such as

the area of Freedom, Security and Justice, in line

the margin left to the choice of the law of succes-

with the long-term mandates emanating from

sion, for which, firstly the role of Lawyers, and

Tampere, The Hague and Stockholm.”

then that of the European court will be essential. The significance of this regulation can be seen in Still, there are gaps or a lack of definition in the

various data: every year in the European Union

various and different family relationships, in a

450,000 inheritances are initiated between citi-

time like now in which gay marriages are com-

zens of different member countries, with a val-

mon, or issues such as children by surrogacy, as

ue in excess of €123 billion. Furthermore, eight

Mr. Pedro Heredia stressed. Likewise, it does not

million Europeans live outside their countries of

include the possible abuses that may be implied

origin and there are two and a half million prop-

by the multiple choice of laws and succession

erties that belong to people residing in States dif-

rules that the regulation allows.

ferent to where there assets are located.

Next to CAM Bank



      

  






ALL ABROAD! - all our own ideas.

TEL. 606 540 408

Calendar girls

Oct 13 Fiestas

Fiestas de l’Altet, Elche October 4, Aplec de Sonadors, Mutxamel October 7, Virgen del Rosario, Rafal


The Central bar

Hondon De Las Nieves

October 7, Día de la Comunidad Valenciana, Pilar de la Horadada

What are we up to?

October 9,

We have a permanent charity tin at

Moros y Cristianos, Callosa

daughter of some friends of ours, &

the bar for Sienna. She is the grand-

d’en Sarria

found out she has Hurlers syndrome.

Mare de Déu del Rosari, Guar-

We do charity pool knockouts raffles

October 10,


when she was a few months old they

October 10,

damar del Segura

Avenida escandinavia 72 GRAN ALACANT

etc. and myself & the staff & some regular customers thought it might


be a good idea to get naked for a

Virgen del Remedio, San Fulgencio

calendar, like the film, so eleven 50+

0.60 cents

ladies have done just that! Another two of our friends (Shut-

October 10,

terbliss) are professional wedding

Virgen del Pilar, Benejúzar October 12,

photographers back in England & they came on a busman’s holiday as a favour to do the shoot for us.

Ntra. Sra. del Pilar, Los Montesinos

We had a ball, eleven naked ladies,

only 0.80 cents!

copious amounts of cava & wine +

October 12,

1proffesional photographer (a she by

Virgen del Pilar, Pilar de la

Something we probably will never do


the way, Ciara) at a secret location.



again, (unless there is a big demand

Desnatada, Semi, Entera

for naked old ladies)

October 12, Fiestas Mayores, El Campello October 15,

What do we need? We are looking for sponsors €50.00

Mig Any, Onil

per month of the calendar.

October 20,

We need business logos for the ad-

Santísimo Cristo del Sudor, Calpe

verts, & all sponsors will be listed on the back as a directory The more sponsors, the more money

October 22,

for Sienna & The great Ormond street

Día de las Peñas, Benidorm


October 25,

Any printers or publishers want to get

Fira de Tibi

We are aiming to put them on sale at


RIOJA WINE - VINO Cuatro Castilles .75cl Bottle

the end of October

October 25,

only 3.49€

Thanks! Yvonne (Central Bar – see

Mercado Medieval, Callosa


d’en Sarria November 3,

Our own contributors - experienced for expat info




TEL: 963 865 144 663 049 258 - MOBILE: 648 786 708


Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!

. . . h g u a l a g n i v ‘a 50 JOKES OF ALL TIME


40 I said to this train driver: "I want

30 I'm in a great mood tonight

to go to Paris." He said: "Eurostar?"

because the other day I entered a

I said: "I've been on telly but I'm no

competition and I won a year's sup-

Dean Martin."

ply of Marmite - one jar.

39 My phone will ring at 2am and my wife'll look at me and go, "Who's

29 I saw this man and woman

that calling at this time?" I say,

wrapped in a barcode. I said: "Are

"I don't know. If I knew that we

you two an item?"

wouldn't need the bloody phone." 28 A group of chess enthusiasts

50 I went to the doctors the other

38 A lorry-load of tortoises crashed

checked into a hotel and were

day and he said: "Go to Bourne-

into a train load of terrapins. What a

standing in the lobby discussing

mouth, it's great for flu."

turtle disaster.

their tournament victories. After an

So I went - and I got it.

37 I swear, the other day I bought a

asked them to disperse. "But why?"

49 A seal walks into a club...

packet of peanuts, and on the pack-

they asked. "Because," he said, "I

et it said "may contain nuts". Well,

can't stand chess nuts boasting in

48 Went to the corner shop - bought

YES. That's what I bought them for.

an open foyer."

four corners.

You'd be annoyed if you opened it

hour, the manager came out and

and a socket set fell out.

27 Went to the paper shop - it had blown away.

47 So I met this gangster who pulls up the back of people's pants. It

36 I backed a horse last week at 10

was Wedgie Kray.

to one. It came in at quarter past

26 I cleaned the attic with the wife


the other day. Now I can't get the cobwebs out of her hair.

46 I'll tell you what I love doing more than anything - trying to pack

35 I went down to my local super-

myself in a small suitcase. I can

market and I said: "I want to make

25 I sent my girlfriend a huge pile

hardly contain myself.

a complaint. This vinegar's got

of snow. I rang her up and said:

lumps in it". He said: "Those are

"Did you get my drift?"

45 I tried water polo but my horse

pickled onions." 24 A sandwich walks into a bar. The

drowned. 34 A man entered a local paper's

barman says: "Sorry, we don't serve

44 A three-legged dog walks

pun contest. He sent in 10 different

food in here."

into a saloon in the Old West. He

puns, in the hope that at least one

sidles up to the bar and says: "I'm

of the puns would win. Unfortunate-

23 A priest, a rabbi and a vicar walk

looking for the man who shot my

ly, no pun in 10 did.

into a bar. The barman says: "Is this some kind of joke?"

paw." 33 I was having dinner with Garry 43 You see my next-door neigh-

Kasparov (world chess champion)

bour worships exhaust pipes, he's a

and there was a check tablecloth. It

22 Slept like a log last night. Woke

Catholic converter.

took him two hours to pass me the

up in the fireplace.

salt. 21 A jumplead walks into a bar. The

42 I've got a friend who's fallen in love with two school bags. He's

32 Four fonts walk into a bar. The

barman says: "I'll serve you, but


barman says: "Oi - get out. We

don't start anything."

don't want your type in here." 20 I met a Dutch girl with inflatable

41 Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. But when they lit a fire

31 I'm in a Chinese restaurant and

shoes last week, phoned her up for

in the craft, it sank, proving once

this duck comes up with a red rose

a date but she'd popped her clogs.

and for all that you can't have your

and says: "Your eyes sparkle like

kayak and heat it.

diamonds." I said: "Waiter, I asked

19 I rang up BT. I said: "I want to

for a-ROMATIC duck."

report a nuisance caller." He said: "Not you again."

STILL the cheapest advertising around- TEL. 606 540 408


‘aving a laugh... is having an affair. She goes to a 18 "My therapist says I have a

11 Went to the doctors and said:

gun shop and buys a handgun. The

preoccupation with vengeance. We'll

"Have you got anything for wind?"

next day she finds him in bed with

see about that."

He gave me a kite.

a redhead. She grabs the gun and

17 When Susan's boyfriend pro-

10 A man walks into a bar with a roll

band jumps off the bed and starts

posed, she said: "I love the simple

of Tarmac under his arm and says:

begging and pleading with her not

things in life but I don't want one of

"Pint please, and one for the road."

to shoot herself. Hysterically, the

holds it to her own head. The hus-

them for my husband."

blonde responds to the husband: 9 I'm on a whisky diet. I've lost

16 I went to buy camouflage trou-

"Shut up, you're next."

three days already.

sers but I couldn't find any.

3 A dyslexic man walks into a bra. 8 "Doc, I can't stop singing The

15 Two fish in a tank. One says:

Green, Green Grass Of Home." He

"How do you drive this thing?"

said: "That sounds like Tom Jones

2 Went to the zoo. There was only

syndrome." "Is it common?" I

one dog in it. It was a shitzu.

14 A woman has twins, and gives

asked. "It's not unusual," he replied.

them up for adoption. One goes to a family in Egypt and is named Amal.

7 Two aerials meet on a roof, fall in

The other goes to Spain and is

love and get married. The reception

named Juan. Years later, Juan sends

was brilliant.

a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving it, she tells her hus-

6 Police arrested two kids yesterday,

band that she wished she also had a

one was drinking battery acid, the

picture of Amal. Her husband said:

other was eating fireworks. They

"But they are twins. If you've seen

charged one - and let the other one

Juan, you've seen Amal."


13 I saw this bloke chatting up a

5 A classic from Tommy Cooper - I

cheetah. I thought: "He's trying to

said to the gym instructor: "Can you

pull a fast one."

teach me to do the splits?" He said: "How flexible are you?" I said: "I

12 My mother-in-law fell down a

1 A woman gets on a bus

with her baby. The driver says: "Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen." The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me." The man says: "You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you."

can't make Tuesdays."

wishing well, I was amazed. I never knew they worked.

4 A young blonde fears her husband

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10â‚Ź per

month Tel. 606 540 408 avda mediterraneo 72 - GRAN ALACANT BEHIND CENTRO OPTICA 96 669 5031 avda escandinavia 72 - GRAN ALACANT


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all BORED? all BORED? all BORED? all BOR





1. What is the beginning of the end, the end of time, the middle of yesterday, and nowhere in tommorrow? 2. There are two Indians: a big Indian, and a little Indian. the little Indian is the big Indian’s son but the big Indian is not the little Indian’s father. How is this possible? 3. No legs have I to dance, No lungs have I to breathe, No life have I to live or die And yet I do all three. What am I? 4. If a man carried my burden he would break his back. I am not big but leave silver in my tracks. What am I? 5. I can be created by humans, but they cannot control me. I suck on wood, paper and flesh alike. I can be more of a hindrance than help. To my creators, I seem to be everywhere at once. What am I?

1. Hmm... a film studio 4. Slate-colored bird 9. Western brewer 14. He beat Joe and lost to Leon 15. Cookwear? 16. Gumbo ingredients 17. It’s not for naysayers 18. Whooping, for instance 19. Great 20. Capital of Mali 22. Be busy as a beaver? 24. Moslem leader 25. __, amas, amat 27. Hmm... a rapper 31. Rowboat 33. Samovar 34. Outer prefix 35. Corroded 38. Resonated 40. Hews 41. Em, not ‘M’ 44. Bird lover’s offering 45. Flightless South American bird 46. Indistinct 47. __ Wan (Star Wars sage) 48. Call for help 49. Where the stitches are 51. Hmm... a candy 53. Make do 54. Chances 58. Give way 60. Worship 62. A chaperone, probably 65. Inspect, in a way 67. Neither partner 68. Fergie, really 69. More slippery 70. Debtor’s letters 71. Like a lobster 72. Plow inventor 73. Hmm... a business model


1. Noncommittal response 2. Make like a star 3. East coast city 4. Trunk item 5. Disturbance 6. Armed grp.? 7. Yuppie abode, perhaps 8. Draftable 9. It has rows 10. Giraffe’s relative 11. Former Boston Bruin, Bobby 12. Speakeasy tune, possibly 13. Comp. pt. 21. Intense 23. Come together 26. Aromatic resins (fit for a king?) 28. Link 29. Put out 30. Saunter 32. North of NY 33. Be a spoil sport at a costume party 35. __ Downs (Derby location) 36. Part of the Dutch West Indies 37. Associate 39. Manipulate 40. Sci-fi writer, Isaac 42. Jagged 43. Koop’s grp. 48. Where to find a forge 50. Stranger 52. Originally Zimmerman 53. Draw out 55. Ubiquitous fabric 56. The very young or very old may do this 57. Plasma 59. Like a cornerstone 61. French 101 verb 62. Biblical transport 63. Skip stones over water 64. Flimflam psychic, Geller 66. Pass on


1. They might involve shills 6. Taco topper 11. Footballer Parseghian 14. Artwork supporter 15. Basket material 16. Turkish headgear 17. Painful trespassers 19. Libra mo. 20. ___hoo 21. Like Cinderella’s stepsisters 22. Ham it up 24. Painful embassy employee 26. Inherited 28. Got___ (Surprise!) 29. Laugh, perhaps 30. Vague 33. Painful stands 37. Soft drink 38. Mohammed’s markets 39. Likely 40. Painful sandals 43. Get together 45. Mosque masters 46. Croak 47. Paint remover 50. Painful fruit 54. More rustic 55. Troubles 56. Mel who’s in many crosswords 57. UK award 58. Painful, moldable stuff 62. Sec. relative 63. Actor Buchholz of “The Magnificent Seven” 64. A type of 52 down 65. Short for coolers 66. Cathartic plants 67. Twisted cotton thread


1. “Hasta la vista!” 2. Voyageur’s vessel 3. Hefner’s neckwear, perhaps 4. Debussy’s “La ___” 5. Like a layabout 6. Pedestal 7. Covered in residue 8. Golfer’s concern 9. Spanish 101 verb 10. Poison in a play title 11. ...Alive, Magic Is ___ (Leonard Cohen) 12. Straight, pref. 13. People conquered by Cortez 18. ___ Khan 23. Speed freak’s drug 25. Bacon is known to do it 26. Gates, et al 27. Schedule abbreviations 29. Epoxy and mucilage 30. Test drive stat. 31. Proof of debt 32. Vichy, e.g. 33. Jakob ___, founder of modern theosophy 34. Attention 35. Shoulder fired weapon, for short 36. Sault ___ Marie 38. Check out 41. Part of a ceremony 42. Type of shrub 43. Vaporous 44. Common Market, abbr. 46. Bucks 47. It might make your mouth water 48. Three dimensional 49. Nice places 50. Wordsmiths 51. Pawns 52. Type of 64 across 53. Upright slab 55. Like an owl 59. Company with millions of members 60. For 61. Once was Clay

5. A baby 4. A snail 3. I am Fire. 2. the big Indian in the little Indian’s mother 1. Its E!! SOLUTIONS:

It's a toughy!

It's EASY!


Our own contributors - experienced for expat info



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