All abroad december 2013

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FR www. er 2013 issue number 29


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Edited by Sue Sharpe

k! eak! brea Ta a br ke a Take with


I had to laugh at someone’s misfortune last month, well...I didn’t have to, I suppose. But I did, because it was one of those incidents. If it had happened on any other day, the people who were in attendance (and witnessing said incident) would have reacted very differently indeed; rather than how they did this time... One of my colleagues on the radio, A Girl Called Soo, is also a singer/entertainer. It was at one of these functions that things went a little hazy for Soo. You see Soo (being Soo) had finished her set, but had carried on singing well after her allotted time. And, Soo (being Soo) decided that it would be a good idea to climb

1.Benidorm - 10€ 2. Algar/Guadalest - 13€ TUESDAY/DIENSTAG/MARTES

1.Denia/Javea - 15€ (Dec 10, Jan 14,28, Feb 11, 25,)

2. Jumilla - 27€ (inc. Meal + Bodega)

(Dec 03, 17, Jan 21, Feb 04, 18)

3.Altea/Jalon Valley - 22€ (inc Meal at Monroe’s Carvery) WEDNESDAY/MITTWOCH/MIERCOLES

1. Benidorm - 10€ (Market day/ Marketplatz/Dia de Mercardo)

onto the restaurant’s bar and belt out a few more notes.

2. Alicante - 7€


It should be noted that Soo isn’t the tallest person in the world. In fact, she still gets half fare on the bus (or that could be just the fact that she’s a granny). Anyway, as I was saying, she isn’t the tallest person in town, but she managed to get up on the bar, raise the microphone to her mouth in readiness of belting out

1. Cartagena - 10€ *Boat trip -17€ inc boat *Mar Menor Train inc train )Boat trip + Train - 20€ inc both tickets (Dec 12, 26, Jan 09, 23, Feb 06, 20)

2. Villajoiosa/Alicante - 12€

the same height as her eyebrows - spun around and knocked her to her knees.

-Market, choc factory & castle -Marketplatz, schkoladen fabrik, castle -Mercardo, fabrica chocolate, castillo (Dec 05, 19, Jan 16, 30, Feb 13, 27,

Blood began pouring from a gash above her eyes and started running down her

(Dec 05, 19, Jan 16, 30, Feb 13, 27)

her version of “You Spin me Round”, when the fan - that was at about roughly

face and onto her dress.

2. Alicante - 7€


1.Murcia -

Her cries for help went unheeded as revellers just looked, laughed and pointed with shouts of: “very good!”, “Love it!” and comments of a similar nature. Nobody seemed willing to help. Now, you see, there was a very good reason for that and - as I said right at the very start of this piece - events would have evolved very differently, if it had been any other day, any other party...than Halloween!

- 10€

(Dec 13, 27, Jan 10,24, Feb 07, 21,)

2. Condominia/Ikea/Thader 10€ (Dec 13, 27, Jan 10, 24, Feb 07, 21)

3.Caravaca/calasparras - 12€ (Dec 06, 20, Feb 14, 28)


Don’t worry, though. Soo was fine after a visit to accident and emergency (where ten stitches fixed the slot created by the fan blade) and was back on her radio show a few days later. Although I’m not sure whether it was as a result of the accident or not, but she did come into work dressed as Dick Emery the other day...

1.Valencia - 16€ (Dec 14, 28, Jan 11,25, Feb 08, 22,)

2. Alcala del Jucar - 26€

(inc. Meal) (Dec 07, 21, Jan 18, Feb 01, 15) SUNDAY/SONNTAG/DOMINGO

1. Benidorm - 10€ (Market day/ Marketplatz/Dia de Mercardo)

Editor’s note: It always ends in tears when you run into your biggest fan…


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Est. 1991

Fiscal help... MITGLIED EINER EIGENTUMGEMEINSCHAFT In einer Urbanisation, also einer Wohnanlage zu kaufen, bedeutet in den meisten Fällen, dass man einer Eigentümergemeinschaft angehört. Dies kommt mit Rechten und Pflichten. Diese sind in der Satzung für die Wohnanlage aufgelistet. Die Gemeinschaft ist verpflichtet, einen Verwalter zu ernennen. Der Verwalterposten wird in jeder jährlichen Hauptversammlung neu gewählt oder erneut bestätigt. Jedes Mitglied einer Gemeinschaft hat das Recht, einen anderen Verwalter zur Wahl vorzuschlagen. Eine jährliche Hauptversammlung ist vorgeschrieben. Diese findet gewöhnlich im August statt, da zu diesem Zeitpunkt die meisten (spanischen) Eigentümer anwesend sind und persönlich an der Sitzung teilnehmen können. Außerordentliche Sitzungen können vorgeschlagen werden und sind jedem Eigentümer mitzuteilen. Zusammen mit dem Einberufungsschreiben erhält jeder Eigentümer ein Formular, mit welchem das Stimmrecht auf eine andere Person übertragen werden kann, falls man selbst der Versammlung nicht beiwohnen kann. Sollten Sie bezüglich bestimmter Punkte auf der Tagesordnung ihre Stimme geltend machen wollen, nutzen Sie diese Vertretung. Beschwerden gegen getroffene Mehrheitsvereinbarungen sind im Nachhinein in einem nur sehr begrenzten Zeitraum möglich. Der Verwalter informiert alle Eigentümer schriftlich im voraus über das Versammlungsdatum und die Punkte auf der Tagesordnung. Diesem Schreiben liegen außerdem eine ausführliche Kontenaufstellung über Eingänge und Ausgänge des Vorjahres bei sowie eine Liste mit den säumigen Eigentümern und ausstehenden Beträgen. Wenn Sie einen Punkt auf der Versammlung behandelt haben möchten, teilen Sie dies dem Verwalter schriftlich im voraus mit, damit dies in der Tagesordnung aufgenommen wird.


First of all, I would like to make a correction to my previous article about “Properties in an Urbanisation”. As a reader correctly pointed out to me, there are urbanisations which consist of solely detached properties in which there is no community of property owners. Evidently, where there is no common property (common grounds) to be shared there is no need for an administration. My intent was to give an insight on how the system of the community of owners works. My apology. This month I would like to use an enquiry of a non resident I received and my answer to the same: “Hi Andrea, When I was in X last time I put my house on the market. The point of this is to ask you to explain what it means to have fiscal residencia, as she said it would be a benefit from the point of view of the taxes on selling the house. I am wondering how it would affect my status, and bank accounts, and anything else to consider.” Answer: To become a resident in Spain has the consequence that you have to declare your woldwide assets in Spain and pay your income tax here. To qualify as a resident you will spend more than 186 days here in Spain. The capital gains tax bracket is the same for residents and non residents with the only difference being that 3% of the sales price is withheld of non residents on account of the CGT and settled afterwards in the proper declaration. Residents pay the CGT in their annual declaration.

Hier ist wichtig anzumerken, dass nur Eigentümer zur Abstimmung berechtigt sind, die mit ihren Eigentümerkosten auf dem Laufenden sind.

If you had been a resident in the property to be sold for a minimum of 3 years and are over the age of 65 there would be a tax benefit but this has to be certified by the tax office with a certificate of “fiscal residency”.

Für weitere Informationen oder einen Termin kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch 96 6697824 oder unter Web:

For more information or an appointment please contact us on 96 6697824 or Web:

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Erbschaften/Nachlässe in Spanien Steuervertretung Nichtresidenten-Steuern Gewinnsteuer Vollmachten Notarielle Urkunden Immobilienübertragungen Übersetzungen

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He’s He’s got got an an ‘ology’ ‘ology’ by DAVE BULL

With a structure as outdated as sticking kids up chimneys we, in the civilized world, persevere with a system that just doesn’t work; unless you count keeping kids quiet. I am, of course, talking about education. Many of you (if you’re from the UK and of the right vintage) may well remember the British Telecom television adverts of the nineteen eighties featuring Maureen Lipman where she waxes lyrical over her grandson who has an ‘ology’ after passing his sociology exam, but who had failed all of the other subjects. This doesn’t affect our Gran, who goes on to support him stating that he is good at sociology, and that he likes it. Apart from encouraging us to keep in touch with relatives more, what that advert did was hit the nail on the head, as far as I’m concerned, when it comes to summing up education; kids do well at what they like doing. Maybe not the biggest revelation since George Michael announced he was gay; but one that seems obvious and yet nothing changes in the education system; and hasn’t for years. Outdated

haven’t found a use for it. I learnt the periodic table, how long it

The education system here (and I’m talking pretty much about

would take a car to drive to Mars and that girls are weird (that

the civilized world) dates back to authoritarian times when Vic-

last one wasn’t on the curriculum). None of it has been any use

torians thought children should be seen and not heard; a time

to me and, although I may be making light of the subject, I am

when reading, writing and maths were essential if you wanted

absolutely serious about the fact that we waste our kids’ time in

to get anywhere in life. OK - maybe kids don’t go up chimneys

school and have been doing so for years.

anymore - and they have the chance to speak in most homes,


more or less, whenever they want (or when they’ve finished the

Some people like working with their hands, some are artistic

slaughter of thousands on the X-Box playing Death on Duty or

and creative, while others like to work with figures or words - or

something). But those three ‘R’s’ (‘Writing, Arithmetic’ are ‘R’?)

maybe Bunsen burners. And so do kids. So why on earth do we

are still rammed into the mindset of youngsters and parents from

sap all that enthusiasm out of them the moment the walk into

the moment they can hold a pencil. And it’s wrong, very wrong.

that playground on their first day, then line them up for a ‘one

Education came about as a way to serve rapidly growing indus-

size fits all’ education? As the great Sir Ken Robinson says, kids

tries at the start of the industrial revolution. The idea was to

can be the most creative humans on the planet – and they are –

prepare children for jobs in those burgeoning industries with the

until they start school and have to toe the official (Victorian) line.

emphasis on arithmetic, languages and humanities; the same as

Before school, as toddlers, they will make a pet out of a shoe

it is today, 200 years later. Art and music play some role in edu-

box and a car from a washing basket, and love it...and then the

cation and are even considered more important than, say, drama

system kicks in and tells them that life isn’t like that and if you

and dance; which are classes that feature more on the ‘now and

really want to get anywhere put down the paintbrushes, pencils,

again’ Timetable, rather than a daily lesson as those subjects

writing tools, musical instruments, dance shoes (I could go on

at the top of the education hierarchy are. That is not to say

but I’m sure you get the gist) and start learning to be ‘intelligent’

maths and languages are not important - they are - but to some

because intelligence is measured in how many ‘A’s’ you get and

(many?) kids so are other subjects that are not popular with the

not on what your abilities are.

people in grey suits that make the rules.

Kids should be encouraged to follow and develop the dreams

When I look back at my schooling and at the subjects I enjoyed –

they have of being a professional sportsman, musician, artist - or

I did well in them. And then I look back at all those wasted ours

whatever. But instead they are waived away with shrug and a

doing things like religious studies, learning German and trying to

‘do you know how many people actually make it..?’ and that is

draw a cube (or something) on a technical drawing board. I’ve

wrong. So what if they don’t make it, they’ll spend their forma-

never used a logarithm in my life and have never had the use (so

tive years becoming better skilled and ‘intelligent’ in their speci-

far) to quote Shakespeare, nor explain to anyone why sulphur

ality whatever that may be. A footballer who doesn’t make the

burns quicker than salt. Algebra is about as useful to me as a pair

grade often ends up in a related business possibly in the media

of hair straighteners and, as for knowing what type soil Norwich

or as a fitness trainer or maybe something else loosely related

is built on and (and how many feet above sea level it is), I still

but he has given it a go and knows where he can comfortably use

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his abilities – ones that he’s spent years developing. Why does he

that subject?

need to know the square root of a concentric circle?

Exams Just take at look at what there are now – school league tables!


Headmasters are scared to be different and slip down the league

It all comes down to our definition of ‘intelligence’ which, unfor-

table. Teachers are scared to not having enough passes in the

tunately, is still calculated solely academically (and pressure on

classes and kids are just scared to be wrong; because the pres-

schools to get a high percentage of their kids with decent exam

sure is on them to not make mistakes. That just destroys their

marks because that means the school is doing well). I say “No,

creativity. It is impossible to be creative without getting things

it isn’t” - It’s doing what it has to do, like most kids, to pass an

wrong. Whether that’s in the arts, in business , or in everyday life.

exam. It is not, in my opinion, doing the best by the kids that

Americans celebrate their compatriots who have gone bankrupt

are being ‘educated’ there. One example was when my son was

because they ‘gave it a go.’ In Britain if you have been bankrupt,

due to leave school in one year but had a real problem doing

people are made to feel that is something to be ashamed of. Fail-

maths – he just couldn’t. This led to meetings with the teacher

ure produces creativity and Richard Branson is the first to admit

who assumed, as many do, that he was just being difficult, but he

to many failures before getting other ideas working.

wasn’t. He really did struggle with the concept. When I asked the

The shame of it is, because of the system in place, if a child wants

maths teacher if he could remove a motorcycle engine on his own

to grow to be a scientist, a teacher, a mathematician and the like,

and replace it he said he couldn’t. I told him that my son could,

they will be encouraged every step of the way. But a child wanting

and had learnt to do it almost on his own - does that mean he is

to become a ballerina, a musician or make a life in one the sports,

not intelligent? Or was he just not very good at a particular sub-

will generally have their dream pushed into the background, at

ject - like the teacher wasn’t very good at mechanics? So anyway,

least, in favour of getting the ‘right’ qualifications.

because the system says he had to, he spent three, one and a

Before anyone says that kids don’t know what they want to do

half an hour lessons, per week learning and retaining absolutely

and, therefore, need to do the basics at school, I’d like to counter


that argument by saying that if they hadn’t had all their creativity

Just think back to how many kids you knew at school who were

sucked out of them during those formative years, in an effort to

not very good at anything academic - but could run like the wind

make them fit the system, they would (more than likely) have

on sports day or another who could fly

a damn good idea about what they

through the maths homework before

like and enjoy doing and therefore be

break but ‘forget’ the kit for sports. It’s

relatively skilled at it and how they see

what makes us interesting and human.

their future. Anyway, how many of you

We’re different and treating kids as a

are now doing the same job as you did

‘group’ rather than individuals, with

when you left school? Not many, I would

their own minds, is a mistake that has

wager. We change, we grow and we

been going on for years. We make them

develop; and we should allow children

follow those rules for a full twelve years

to do that in a place that is necessary,

of compulsory education – just imagine

but not by definition, restrictive to their

how good could they be at something


they enjoy doing if they had that many

And as Sir Ken states: To measure a

years of training at it.

child’s ‘intelligence’ by sitting them in a

I don’t blame the teachers either, well

sports hall under pressure and against

not all of them anyway, but many are happy to follow the ed-

the clock is about as fair as asking the overweight accountants

ucation system without questioning whether it actually works,

son to run 100 metres in the same time as the school champ.

when we all know from personal experience and people in certain

As Maureen so rightly encouraged her grandson all those years

classes who actually slowed the learning down for others, that it

ago; every kid has their ‘ology’ it’s just that they need to discover

just doesn’t.

it and, more importantly, be allowed to.

Kids are graded in school by age (and still by sex in some places)

Kids should grow naturally and be nurtured into doing what

and not on ability. So, cram 30 kids into a class of varying ability

really interests them – whatever that may be - and whether or

and teach them the same things - from day one. How can that

we, as parents, like it or not. We all know examples of people at

work when everyone has differing levels of abilities, let alone

our school with tremendous artistic ability or musical talent, or

interests? Why can’t it be that all those kids who are very good

someone who really liked doing sums, but what do they get to do?

at, say, art can be in the same class at the same time creating a

They get to do the thing that they are really good at and interest-

much more vibrant and productive atmosphere? The same with

ed in no more often than any other subject that must be studied

all subjects, Maths could have the geniuses of the younger years

and learnt in the classroom. That is exactly where this antiquated

working alongside older brain boxes and even sports could be

and out dated system is so badly in need of reform. It’s not all

spread across the ages with people with real ability being able to

about ‘R’s’ or getting ‘A’s’ it’s about freeing the minds of young

fit in with different age groups. It’s not as mad as it sounds and if

people to have the space and resources to become the very best

you think about it, it’s got to be a whole lot saner than forcing a

they can and fulfil their potential – whatever form it takes.

load of kids to learn a load of stuff that they will never, ever have

After all it is their life.

the need for. Can you imagine just how productive classrooms would be with all the kids in that class actually wanting to learn

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Which is the


to buy or sell?

By Sharon Hulbert Real Estate Consultant

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Christmas is just around the corner -

“we’ve got to find a property now” type of

OMG! Where did that come from? This

buyers. I have clients booked for viewing

year has flown by and 2014 is looming

over the Christmas and New Year period


(they may have to entertain themselves on New Year’s Day, mind, as I may need

People ask me if it is quiet in the Real

to recover from the night before!).

Estate industry going into December and when is the best month to buy or sell?

So, for those of you thinking of selling

Well, in all honesty, we are in an Inter-

your property and are waiting for the New

national market and it is not predictable

Year - my advice is - don’t wait. Get it

at all. We attract buyers from all over the

marketed now, or at any time throughout

world. It is not like in your home town

the year, there is no “best time”. Please

when, if you had a property to sell, it went

remember that photographs are impor-

up in the local Estate Agents window and

tant, so get them done at the right time

a local person, wanting to move up or

of day - with the sun shining -and please

down the property ladder, was your only

don’t include ones of your Christmas

audience; and with Christmas around the

decorations! There is nothing worse than

corner, it was pretty much a given that

seeing a Christmas tree in a photograph

trade would be none existent until mid-

in the July heat (it’s a dead giveaway that


it’s been on the market for a while). Get

Here in Spain we attract a variety of

your agent to retake photos, if neces-

nationalities that come to Spain over the

sary and don’t forget the mulled wine

festive season to search for a property. In

and chocolates for your visitors – they’re

fact, some people can only travel over the

always appreciated, by both the buyer and

holiday time, due to work commitments,


so the industry never really stops. During the holidays, there don’t tend to get

Have a great end of year and may

many casual “lookers”. Most people who

2014 be what you hope for! Happy

spend their time viewing are the serious


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Sail Away Sue Sharpe

Sue Sharpe continues recounting her journey back to the UK in March 2013:

I always sleep well when I’m on a boat. Maybe it’s the

I’d totally forgotten about the coffee (in all the excitement) and

sea air or maybe the gentle, rocking motion of the vessel

found Phil - with a cup of coffee waiting for me - in the café/seat-

or maybe it’s the amount of gin I have consumed – or a

ing area at the front of the ship on deck 7, which has great views

combination of all three – I’m not sure. What I am sure

of the sea . El Cafe Du Festival, which is located here, was not in

about is that I always wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed – and in desperate need of coffee. I set off from our cabin to fetch two cups of our morning pick-me-up and expected the view out to sea to be (as is usual), well, sea – a whole lot of nothing except water as far as the eye can see. I was a little perturbed to see land, not just to port, but also to starboard. It transpired that we were cruising up past Cap Finistère – the edge of the Brittany

use on this voyage - probably because the ship wasn’t full as it was still low season – but La Belle Angele Self Service Restaurant was. As the name suggests, it provides meals throughout the day on a cafeteria style, self-service basis; everything from breakfast cereals to hot, three course meals. Hot drinks are available via a vending machine. If you want table service, Le Flora Restaurant to the rear of the ship, offers a great value buffet plus main course, cheeses and desserts, or a four course à la carte menu – it is advisable to make a reservation as it can get busy.

coast. Many of the crew were taking photos of the headland and of one village in particular – Crozon – their home

Le Grand Pavois, on deck 8, is the main lounge bar on the ship.

town. As I joined them in taking snap-shots, one crew

It also serves freshly ground coffee, which we prefer to that from

member told me that we had taken this route as it would

the vending machine, even though this does involve a very cau-

save fuel and ensure a smoother journey.

tious trip back down the stairs to the viewing area. After I had finished my coffee, I left Phil to read a book and went to see how


the canine passengers were getting on. It is not something that I

from my bag and nestled into my chair.

would contemplate doing with Alan, our greyhound, as he’s just too timid. We prefer to let him have his break from us in the local

I finished the book just as we were approaching Portsmouth

kennels. But for those who do like to take Fido with them, both

Harbour, some hours later. We went to our cabin and collected

the Pont Aven and Cap Finistère ferries that operate between the

our belongings – the crew like to make a start on cabin clean-

UK (Plymouth & Portsmouth) and Spain (Bilbao & Santander)

ing before docking – and made our way to the car deck. While

provide kennel facilities for those travelling with dogs. The Cap

we were waiting for the ship to complete its docking procedure

Finistère even has a number of pet friendly cabins available if you

we got talking to a delightful Spanish couple from Seville. They

book early enough. The kennels are located on deck 10 on the

were heading to Holyhead; the husband was due to start work

Pont Aven and there is an exercise area – they are not, however,

as a chef in a hotel where his wife would work as a waitress – we

permitted on the heli-deck or any internal part of the ship and

wished them all the luck in the world with their new adventure.

muzzles are now compulsory on all crossings.

Eventually the vehicles started to disembark, with the same

On my way back to deck 7, I stopped off in La Boutique - or as I

skilful, choreographed precision as during the embarkation, into a

like to call it, the duty free shop – on deck 8. It has a wide range

dark, rain sodden evening in Portsmouth. Thankfully the queues

of spirits, wines, tobacco, perfumes & cosmetics, leather goods,

at passport control/customs moved quite quickly and we were

confectionery, souvenirs, newspapers, cameras, sunglasses and

soon joining the A3 and heading towards Haslemere where our

jewellery. I cheekily used the sample of Miss Dior – my favourite

dear friends were waiting for us with home-cooked food and (of

scent that I can no longer justify the cost to buy – before buying

course) a very large gin & tonic!

some cigarettes at a price that is actually cheaper than in Spain (I pay €43 for 200 in my village – ship price €33 – worth remembering!)

Disclaimer: This article was originally posted on my blog: www. The content of my blog are the views and observations of the writer and may differ from those of

Eventually I returned, coffees balancing precariously in my

the reader. The writer of this blog is not a travel writer and does

hands, to our ‘pitch’ for the rest of the journey. One of the things

not pretend to be one. The writer takes no responsibility for your

that I like most about travelling by sea is the time that you get

lack of sense of humour.

to just sit and relax, read a book, watch the sea and watch the other passengers (!). The crossing to Portsmouth takes 24 hours

About the author - Sue Sharpe lives in the wilds of Extrema-

(slightly less to Plymouth) – plenty of time to get your nose

dura which – let’s face it - is probably the best place for her. She

stuck into a good novel. I noticed just how far technology has

(and her partner) grow their own food; keep chickens and other

advanced, as I glanced around the seating area; people with all

sorts of hippy stuff. She is occasionally allowed out in public to

manner of laptops and i-thingies. I did quietly laugh to myself as

write for travel guides and maintains her own blog about her life

I saw many of my fellow passengers with their e-books; some

& experiences at Should you

were holding them in their hands, others had proper looking

ever encounter her while she is on assignment, approach with

mounts or stands so that they could rest the device on the table

caution and preferably with a gin & tonic or chocolate!

in front of them and a few who were improvising with coffee

Photos & text © Sue Sharpe 2013

cups, cameras, drinks cans, handbags – all manner of items. I took my paperback copy of The Sacred Sword by Scott Mariani

“One of the things that I like most about travelling by sea is the time that you get to just sit and relax, read a book, watch the sea and watch the other passengers “


When I asked a couple of customers just what they Dear Cathy, Since moving to Spain my husband has decided that he is going to enjoy HIS retirement and sit around do nothing (apart from drink beer, play golf, sleep and break wind) and when I ask for help all I get is the response that he has worked all his life and now is his time to rest. I’m so angry with him as I have worked all my life and looked forward to my retirement in Spain too but it has turned into a nightmare. Do you think I should up sticks and go back to England where I can enjoy my retirement alone and leave him to his beer drinking pals until the money runs out? And do you think it would be the wrong thing to do if I kicked him in the privates just before getting on the plane? Debbie. Torrevieja Dear Debbie, You poor poor girl, what was this man like when you lived in England? If he was the same then you should have seen this coming. But perhaps he wasn’t and all of this is a big surprise to you? I suggest you talk to him (when he is sober) and share your feelings and the hopes you had for a shared retirement. I also think we should have a little chat so contact me through the magazine email and put ‘Cathy’ in the subject line and they will pass your contact details on to me. Be strong and remember it’s your life Debbie! Kisses, Cathy Dear Cathy, My wife doesn’t know I’m writing this but I really need a quick word and some advice on how to put her straight. You see we came to Spain to retire a few years ago and since then all she has done is complain! I’ve worked hard all my life (I know she had a full time job too, but it was sitting down all day) and think I’ve earned a rest but all she does is complain that I haven’t helped her clear up or walk the dog or something. I’ve offered to get a cleaner in to help her but she just went mad!? And the last thing I want to do after a day’s golf is to come home and have to do the washing up or something but she can’t see it. I’m sure a few wise words from you would make her see the light Cathy? Thanks in anticipation, Derek. Torrevieja. Dear Derek, Call me. Now. Cathy.

thought of a wonderful little (not really) shop, tucked away behind the Citroen garage in Benijofar that sells such a variety of what can only be described as interesting and good quality used furniture and curiosities, they offered a range of adjectives ranging from fascinating to mysterious and pretty much everything else in between. You see Cathy´s Curiosity Shop in Benijofar really is just that. Take a wander around and you´ll be met by the imposing figure of Cathy who will welcome you as warmly as she does everyone and everyone who shops here is now her friend – just pay the shop and visit and I will bet you now that you come back as with a new friend in Cathy. Inside this Tardis of a place lay all sorts of treasures, art deco. Classical, traditional. Italian made, retro or just the down-right daft and funny! Cathy´s shop is just as much a place for selling as it is for meeting and Cathy encourages all her clients to come back and see her, or others who are under the same orders, and enjoy a coffee and a natter amongst some fine furnishings and trinkets. Prices are kept realistic as Cathy says she likes the shop to be an ever-changing oasis in the heart of the Spanish village of Benijofar, and it is just that. Whether I call in daily or weekly the stock at the Curiosity Shop is always changing and there´s always plenty of new and interesting pieces to mull over while you enjoy a coffee. Oriental and Asian throws adorn a few of the walls while a duck (a noisy one…) guards the entrance and further into this Aladdin´s Cave an antique wooden rocking horse gently trots back and forth – odd seeing as I was the only one there at the time… Fancy a haggle, barter and a natter? Cathy usually does so if you have something to sell or are looking for something that will enhance your home, and make it that little bit different, pop in and you´ll find something that´ll make you say, ´now what is that..? If you haven´t been to this place yet, don´t miss out on what really is the best shop I’ve seen in years!

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EMPOWERED Can you change the way you think about fear? You’ve heard it before; by changing your thoughts you can change your life. What do you think about fear? As day turns to night, this world is a duality world, from up we know down, from happy we know sad, from health we know sickness, and through fear we know courage, strength and love, all an experience, and all we learn from. Each fear you have and conquer makes you stronger and incredibly the more empowered. It’s time to look in the mirror! It’s time to give yourself a good mental slap around the face, stare into the windows of your soul, and say, it’s about time I started to live! So what is living? Living is doing something every day to step outside your comfort zone, if you’re not, you just exist. The fact is the more uncomfortable you get, the more comfortable you will become. When you push yourself to do something each day, and you know if you did it, it would make you happy, why not do it? Why not? Because we allow our fears and doubts to debilitate us causing most of humanity to just exist and exist we do. The world is changing and it’s time to change the way we think. It is time to tell our fears and doubts where to go. It’s time to find out the amazing person you are and realize your infinite powers! You were born with only two fears, one, a loud noise, and two, falling, the rest you have learned from your parents, schools, society, religion, friends and so on. You want to know the truth? Do you want to have a laugh? If you do, I suggest you do something every day that you would not normally do, something that you want to do but have told yourself, or rather, falsely thought to yourself that you can’t. Guys, if it’s the lady you like and you longingly want to ask her out on a date, grow some and ask her! Same with you ladies, ask him out! Life is so short and life is unnecessarily lonely for so many beings in this world just because of our stupid debilitating fears that tell us we are not good enough, they won’t like me, I can’t, what if? “Look, mirror, slap!” Fear is a thought and only a thought, and

Simone Segal

usually the fearful things we think about don’t even happen, and worse, we create untoward things to happen to us just by thinking about them. We actually attract bad things to us by our very own vibrations of our thoughts! Think about that, I have to repeat, we actually attract bad things to us by our very own vibrations of thoughts! So, if that is the case and the case it is, you can do exactly the same in thinking positive creative thought and attract all wonderful things to you, it works either way, where ever your thoughts are taking you is exactly that very same vibration that you will attract. People have been seeing physiatrists for years and end up with more problems than they started off with. When actually, for real, it just takes that one decision to make up one’s mind, take action and just do it! Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks 1913-2005 said “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear, knowing what must be done does away with fear”. As I always say, don’t believe me! Please don’t, it’s time to dare to be all that you are! Whatever it is that you would love to do, face your fear and just do it! I know people 85 + who feel and behave more like someone in their 30s, and I too know people in their 30s who act and feel 85! Life is all about choice, and you have the choice to change the way you think about fear and look at it as only a chalange. Start to do all the things you would love to do now! Only by facing your fears will you realize how amazing you are with amazing capabilities! If you ever wanted to find yourself and get to know the real you, face your fears and enlighten yourself to the true you, the amazing you that you are!!!

Love Simone Segal

Pleased to meet you All Abroaders!!! Change Your Thoughts & You’ll Change your Life! Get INSPIRED! Get your copy of The Gift…if only you knew! At Email Simone at







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ARE YOU SOCIALLY NETWORKING? The end for the traditional ‘Business Group’? by Dave Bull

GM PROMOTIONS HITS THE MARK ON NETWORKING With Lights, Camera and Promotion! October’s first Business Networking Cocktail Party was a huge success at connecting new faces to put new business in to place here on the Costas. Positive Networking was the theme for the cocktail event at Fairway’s Chill-Out

Things have changed a lot in a short

azine on Facebook for a number of years

space of time with regards to how modern

now and what it means for us is, along

businesses operate and work with others

with our editor’s account, we can reach

(network) to help promote and share

almost 9,000 people more or less imme-

business leads. It wasn’t that long ago

diately. When you discover that you can

that I was vice-president of a small busi-

also target your audience down to their

ness group in Torrevieja, which as far as

preferences -such as music, location, in-

I know is still running, where every week

terests etc., it’s easy to see the poten-

the same people would sit down and have

tial to reach customers, or just anyone

a chat and then a cup of tea and then chat

that you wish to pass information on to,

some more. My point is that most people

whether that’s individuals or groups and

in business (and especially in Spain with


Bar & Restaurant with profitable pina coladas, business B52’s and motivating

our weather) who are looking to not only promote and grow their business but to

Suddenly the thought of sitting around

mojitos! The night proved to be very beneficial to many local and corporate business people looking forward to extending their relationship marketing

also cut down on time spent where they

looking at the same faces every week,

are just not earning anything.

spending half the day achieving it, at a

and expanding their business networks to create more opportunities to im-

thinking businesses save

prove business and boost the economy. As the cocktails and business chat flowed The Photo Lounge Espana added extra flashes to the evening as the businesses mixed and mingled in the photo booth to capture on camera the fun of the evening.

These days, the modern time by NOT going to meetings, (when I used to go I would literally write off the whole morning) which take up unprofita-

These days, the modern thinking businesses save time by NOT going to

ble time and expense in


travelling; just to see the

more traditional type of business



there are still plenty of – does not seem so appealing any more - from a business point of view at least. If it’s just a social exercise to get out and about

same faces each week. Nowadays, any-

and meet people, well that’s great – but

The Photo Lounge Espana as a new business here on the Costa’s certainly

thing such as a different location, themed

it doesn’t pay the bills and when a busi-

did what they promised to do and that is add a zing to any event bringing fun

days (music) or just an occasional meet

ness can reach thousands of people from

up work much better;

with fresh faces

its own area in a fraction of the time by

and different business types attending,

putting a decent advert or announcement

keeping more people interested for longer.

(these should be done as professionally

and photo flashes which captured the essence of the evening! That was making networking fun in a relaxed atmos-

as possible but we’ll cover that another However, along with the odd meeting with

day) on their wall on Facebook that surely



leaves a lot more time to socialise doesn’t

businesses are making the most of some

it? And reach even more people with

The general consensus is that the future is looking brighter and very positive here on the Costas. The event was such a success the next event

very useful tools that will cost them noth-

some smart thinking about what message

ing (except a little time each day) and will

you want or need to get across.

more people. I’m talking about Facebook

The other of the big two social networking

will be held in Moriara at Cafe del Mar on Wednesday 6th November 2014 at

and Twitter, the two largest ‘social net-

tools is, of course, Twitter which is being

6.30 pm. For details of GM Promotions upcoming networking events see face book GM Promotions or call 634 399 125

working’ platforms around. And, I’ll say it

floated on the New York Stock Exchange

again, they are free.

as we speak and making some spotty

phere to celebrate business here on the Costa’s.




spread the word a lot faster and to a lot

faced genius a cool few million bucks at We have had a page for All Abroad mag-

the same time. Similar, but different to,

Advertising hotline! 606 540 408 - TAKE UP OUR OFFER!

ay... s y e h t t a h W


Facebook is the place where everyone is. Therefore a business needs to be there, not to sell but to build relationships and provide information. Business pages are ok but there needs to be a human side because people are not really on

Facebook, Twitter is more of a conversa-

larger and more varied attendance. This

tional tool covering breaking news, gossip

way the time spent on travelling and the

and interaction (at times) with celebrities

like is reduced but businesses still can

and sports stars. The idea (from a busi-

get together and actually talk face to face

ness point of view) is to build up a fol-

which is very important, of course. Rath-

lowing that will see your ‘Tweet’ each time

er than spending four mornings or after-

you send one. Unlike Facebook the amount


of people that follow you is not restricted

same people -whose businesses are well

(Facebook = 5,000), so with some good

known to all attending - doesn’t it make

(and well written) Tweets you can soon

more sense to spend time wisely, espe-

start building a following.

cially (as we said before) living in a place

a month in the company of the

Facebook to buy stuff. It can be used though to lead people to where you want them to be and to create more belief in your product or service, in Spanish ‘fidelizar al cliente’. Graham Hunt, Valencia Facebook is a brilliant tool, where can you access thousands of people in your area

like this?

within 10 minutes! The constant

to you. Some find it fun to send messages

Some superb business groups exist that

sleep allows the freedom to ac-

that their heroes may well see. Of course

combine all of these elements, and I know

it can work the other way round and

plenty of them who are benefitting from

24 hour marketing while you

Whether it’s for business or pleasure is up

you could end up ‘chatting’

meeting up with peo-

with someone, only to get

ple they have heard

blocked by them when they

about via the social

don’t agree with you (Alan

networks on the in-

Sugar v Me...) but it’s also

ternet. It works very

interesting to see what are

well for a lot of busi-

the current ‘hot topics’ or


what’s ‘Trending’ at any par-


ticular time of day. Also by

look at me across a

searching you can discover

table first thing in the morning and





tively promote and alter strategy in an instant. But uniquely for free! Dave Rave, Torrevieja. Facebook for me is an amazing tool as it is a bit like Carlsberg, it reaches the Places other media just can’t reach.... There are buying sites and selling sites which makes it soooooooooooooo easy for me to source new Furniture, also having my own page enables

virtually any subject that has discussions

trying to be serious is not the ideal recipe

or information covering it.

for a business meeting now is it?

people to see inside the shop

Again, as with Facebook, it is important

If you’ve not tried the social networks,

Cathy Reynolds, San Miguel.

with Twitter to send out quality informa-

have a go and come and say hello! People

tion not just quantity and anyone who has

are a friendly bunch mostly!

been to a business group meeting will rewho doesn’t know when to stop talking –

Join over 8,000 others and follow us on

so it’s advisable not to do the same over

Twitter: @Allabroadmag & 20,000 others who follow @davejbull

I’m not saying that people shouldn’t get out and meet in a business environment, but these days more and more modern-thinking businesses combine the tools available - such as Twitter and Facebook - with a better quality get together. These

I have used Facebook for many years. I find it an excellent, fast way to get timely messages out

member that there is always one person

the internet.

and order what they like....xx

and find us on Facebook too!

to a targeted group of followers. They know what to expect and are open to the offers and messages. Take up rates have been high and opening rates even higher. I have found it 100% more successful than twitter. from Steve Hall of

are less frequent in occurrence but with a

Our own contributors - experienced for expat info


HOW TO MANAGE AND PREVENT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Blood pressure is a measure of the tension or resistance to blood flow in arteries. And high blood pressure or hypertension occurs when this tension or resistance becomes higher than the normal average. Our blood pressure (BP) varies widely throughout the day depending on our physiological state. If you are engaged in physical work or become emotionally excited, your blood pressure will increase. On the contrary, when we lose a lot of fluid either through excessive sweating or vomiting, blood pressure tends to decrease in value. The normal human blood pressure is a range value of 110-130/70-80. And the sphygmomanometer is the device used to measure blood pressure.

The top or systolic reading is normally a higher value than the bottom or diastolic reading. The top reading tends to fluctuate more widely than the bottom reading. Our emotions have a powerful effect on our blood pressure. When we are excited, angry or worked-up, our BP, especially the top reading increases in value, and when we become relaxed it settles down. Blood pressure also tends to increase as we age.

ies when the heart contracts or beats. And the bottom reading indicates the pressure of arteries in a relaxed state when the heart is resting. Doctors consider the bottom or diastolic reading as the true gauge of blood pressure. High blood pressure is usually diagnosed when BP readings are consistently above 140/90 mmHg. However, not long ago higher blood pressure readings were accepted as normal. Some cardiologists still accept higher readings as normal for older patients. High blood pressure will arise when there is injury to the walls of arteries due to a number of factors. The heart also has a complex relationship with the brain, nervous system and hormonal system. In my experience with diagnostic scans, the commonest affliction of the arteries is atherosclerosis – which is the hardening and narrowing of arteries. When arteries become narrow, there is resistance to blood flow, and this eventually causes high blood pressure.

To understand the role blood pressure plays in maintaining health, it is vital to understand how our circulatory system functions. The circulatory system, comprises of the heart, arteries, and veins, and is responsible for transferring oxygen, nutrients and other essential materials to the cells and tissues. Your heart is divided into Left and Right sides, and each side is further divided into a top and bottom chamber. Blood flows into the left side of the heart after receiving oxygen from the lungs. From here, this oxygen rich blood is distributed through arteries to the rest of the body.

Cholesterol has been blamed for triggering atherosclerosis; however current research now recognises that atherosclerosis is initiated by an injury to the walls of arteries most likely due to toxins or contaminants. Atherosclerosis can occur in any artery of the body, but most commonly occur in the large arteries of the head and neck, as well as those of the brain, adrenal glands and heart. Research has shown that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids is highly effective for preventing and treating artherosclerosis. Rich sources of Omega-3 include oily fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon, trout, sardines and fresh tuna. Other good sources are flaxseeds and walnuts. High blood pressure is also caused by factors that affect blood volume. Blood volume is tightly controlled through a complex mechanism involving the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Blood returns to the right side of the heart and flows back into the lungs where it is oxygenated once again. The top or systolic BP reading indicates the pressure in arter-

These organs produce enzymes and hormones that regulate the contraction and expansion of the arteries and by doing so have a strong effect on blood pressure. A

MEDB is a dream come true for After graduating from Medical School, and practicing as a doctor for a while, he quickly realized the limitations of current medical therapy and since then has dedicated his career to researching and studying the applications of bioenergetics-a branch of medicine that recognizes the electromagnetic and other energetic aspects of the human body and their role in illnesses.

Dr Machi Mannu.

number of drugs prescribed for high blood pressure, work by blocking the production of these enzymes by the kidney. In my experience as a diagnostician, people with a history of high blood pressure usually show an inflammation of the kidneys and adrenal glands in their scan reports. A good way to reduce inflammation in the body is by maintaining a healthy diet, and that means a diet that is fresh, mostly raw and mainly plant based. This is because inflammation is primarily caused by toxic free radicals, and these are effectively neutralized by anti-oxidants mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Blue-red fruits like black berries, cherries and blue berries, as well as walnuts, red kidney beans and black beans are all very rich sources of antioxidants. A powerful natural medication for reducing high blood pressure is hawthorn berries extract. Garlic and Ginger are equally effective anti-hypertensives for those wishing to control their blood pressure through diet alone. Garlic contains the active ingredient alliin, and numerous studies have shown that it lowers blood pressure. Those wishing to come off their anti-hypertensive medication and replace them with natural agents must keep a close eye on their blood pressure and work with an experienced health professional. The role of stress in raising blood pressure is well known and proper relaxation is effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Our emotions affect our nervous system which in turn affects our blood pressure. Anger and such negative emotions increase the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which increases blood pressure. While relaxation, laughter and other positive relaxing activities triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby lowering our blood pressure.


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IT’S A CRACKER! Father Christmas: Excuse me, but did I step on your toes on my way out to get an ice-cream? Lady: You certainly did! Father Christmas: Oh good! That means I’m back in the right row!

On which side of the house did Jack’s beanstalk grow? The outside! What did Cinderella say when the Chemist lost her photographs? Someday my prints will come! What kind of pet did Aladdin have? A flying car-pet! What’s a ghost’s favourite Christmas entertainment? A pantomime! What’s beautiful, grey and wears glass slippers? Cinderellephant! What’s the scariest pantomime? Goldilocks and the three bears! Who looked after Finderella? Her fairy cod mother! Who’s that little girl who wears a red cape and goes round shouting ‘knickers’ at the Big Bad Wolf? That’s little Rude Riding Hood! Why was Cinderella such a poor football player? She had a pumpkin for a coach! Father Christmas: All right, my good lady, my face is my ticket. Box office attendant: Then you’d better watch out... there’s a feller inside who has the job of punching the tickets.

Some awful Xmas jokes to tortue your friends with!

Short John Silver!

I wouldn’t let that Cinderella play on my hockey team. Why not? She keeps running away from the ball! Father Christmas: What’s your favourite Christmas story? Elf: The one about the ghost that steals porridge! Father Christmas: You mean ‘Ghouldid-locks’! Father Christmas: I like the story about the girl who steals from the rich and gives it all to Granny. Elf: That’s Little Red Robin Hood’! Father Christmas: What’s your favourite Christmas story? Elf: The one where the three creatures are scared of the Big Bad Wolf and they grow on trees! Father Christmas: You mean ‘The Three Little Figs’. Elf: My favourite film is about the man who casts spells in the middle of a swamp. Father Christmas: That’s called ‘The Wizard of Ooze’! A Christmas thought: STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backward. How long does it take to burn a candle down? About a wick!

Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich? Because the poor didn’t have any!

‘It’s so cold outside,’ the elf said, ‘that I just watched a polar bear jump from one iceberg to another and if froze in mid air!’ ‘That’s impossible,’ Father Christmas said. ‘The law of gravity won’t allow that!’ ‘Oh, I know’ Gnora said, ‘but the law of gravity’s frozen too!’

Who in Treasure Island has a parrot that cries “Pieces of four, Pieces of four”?

What comes at the end of Christmas Day? The letter “Y”!

What did one Christmas light say to the other Christmas light? You light me up! What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas? Thanks, I’ll never part with it! What did the big candle say to the little candle? I’m going out tonight! What do Eskimos use to hold their homes together? Ig-”glue”! What do monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle Bells, Jungle bells...! What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree? A pineapple! What do you give a train driver for Christmas? Platform shoes! What’s Christmas called in England? Yule Britannia! What happens to you at Christmas? Yule be happy! What’s Tarzan’s favourite Christmas song? Jungle bells. But what about his chimp? King Kong merrily on high, of course! Where does mistletoe go to become famous? “Holly” wood! Why are Christmas trees like bad knitters? They both drop their needles! Why do Mummies like Christmas so much? Because of all the wrapping! Why is a burning candle like being thirsty? Because a little water ends both of them!



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all BORED? all BORED? a



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all BORED? all BORED? all BORED? all BORE





1. If a man carried my burden he would break his back. I am not big but leave silver in my tracks. What am I? 2. When you stop and look, you can always see me. If you try to touch you cannot feel me. I cannot move, but as you near me, I will move away from you. What am I? 3. I have two arms, but fingers none. I have two feet, but cannot run. I carry well, but I have found I carry best with my feet OFF the ground. What am I? 4. I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am I? 5. When I point up it’s bright, but when I point down it’s dark. What am I?

1.A snail. 2. I am the horizon. 3. A Wheelbarrow. 4. A Joke! 5. A Light Switch. SOLUTIONS:

It's a toughy!

1. Philip __ (US ambassador to UK 19972001) 6. Keen 10. Joseph Alois Ratzinger 14. Conscious 15. __skirt 16. Not up 17. We cautioned monk? 20. Even though 21. __-wheeler 22. __ precedent 24. Sticky stuff 25. Adjacent to, as land 28. Come again? 30. Just open 34. Streak 35. Rounds 36. Highly ornamented style 38. Preserved pup pen? 41. Breakfast order, maybe 42. It puts the ‘pop’ in pop 43. Had a bite 44. Like a smelly cigar 45. Burn slightly 46. Garden __ 47. Behave 49. Sea weed 51. Setting for Shakespeare’s Hamlet 56. Man on the Main 60. Copperplate Isis? 62. __ Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn character) 63. Occupant of 13 down 64. Like some sheets 65. Play people 66. Told where to go 67. Choose


1. Dalai __ 2. Missing roll call? 3. Apply crudely 4. Part of E.M.H. 5. Lace again 6. “__ Blue”, Ethel Waters’ classic 7. Grape holder 8. __ Girls (Ray & Saliers) 9. San __ 10. Warsaw__ 11. Instrument once known as the ‘hautbois’ 12. Cute dog 13. First nudist colony? 18. Try 19. Dr. __ (Briish TV series) 23. Company name in many Roadrunner cartoons 25. Passion 26. Present day Myanmar, once 27. Let loose 29. Charley __ 30. King beater 31. He had a whale of a time 32. Severe 33. __ off (secured) 35. A close relative 36. Make amends 37. Eggs 39. They bugle 40. Lie in the tub 45. Walked briskly 46. Like some staircases 47. Wheel of Fortune purchase, perhaps 48. S.A. shrubs targeted by the DEA 50. Let slip 51. Kind of poem 52. A buck in Bulgaria 53. Evian and Eeds 54. __ She Lovely (Stevie Wonder hit) 55. Panache 57. Word on a Miller label 58. Pertaining to hearing 59. Monthly payment, perhaps

It's EASY!


1. Volume with a lot of volume 5. Up to snuff 10. Student’s org. 14. Designer Cassini 15. Followers of Muhammad ibn Ismail ad-Darazi 16. Kinks hit 17. Columbus caravel 18. Strauss material 19. Sign 20. Does this mean I’m ignorant or... 23. Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’ project, for short 24. Relative of 17 across 25. No spring chicken 28. Marches 32. Tie a knot 35. What the ‘fat lady’ sings 37. Susan on “Coupling” 38. La Sorbonne, e.g. 40. ... that I don’t read this guy’s books or... 43. ___ voice (conscience) 44. Just a drop 45. Knows what’s up 46. Make lace 47. Takes in 50. __ Spiegel 51. Collection 52. Shaq’s shoe width 54. ...that I don’t buy this guy’s booze? 63. Sound of displeasure 64. Shocking 65. Having the resources 66. Eric of Monty Python fame 67. In reserve 68. Lawsuit 69. Word with swap or track 70. Leveled 71. Sherpa’s specialty


1. ‘Flakey’ tiger 2. Hodgepodge 3. Dish list 4. Euphemistic expletives 5. How to make glycerin explosive 6. Weight allowance 7. Type of rock 8. B __ Baby 9. Item oft lost in the couch 10. Onetime sprint record-holder, for short 11. Luigi’s capital city 12. Guiness 13. It has a turret 21. Takes too much LSD 22. More prudent 25. Smoking, e.g. 26. Place for spectacles 27. A well-known one is green 29. Ditch plants 30. Emcee’s concern 31. Capital of Senegal Copyright © dave fisher 32. It needs dressing 33. Lift up 34. Furnishings 36. Downed 39. Pigeon patter 41. Caper 42. Firmly inserted 48. Waco campus 49. Last word in “America the Beautiful” 51. Not a liability 53. Pass a bill 54. Notion 55. Make like Waldo 56. ___ of Man 57. Poet and feminist of the Americas (18951965), Lee 58. Calif. neighbor 59. Courteous 60. Girder 61. Ultimatum word 62. Vichyssoise ingredient




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