The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
Sensually Wisdom'ing 8 Published by The Lime Green Solutions offering for a calmer, happier life. – for a better life! A unique offering combining worlds of #NLP, #mBIT, #DISC and other personal development philosophies to help you better understand yourself and others. Our aim in offering this magazine is to invite you through its contents to connect more deeply with your inner wisdom'ing to effect a calmer, happier flow in life. Theme of the Month – Are You Living Your Legacy?
Grant Soosalu – one of the co-founders of mbraining
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The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
Welcome Editorial: reflections over the past month and coming month All is well as Louise Hay would say and that is so. So welcome to this first edition of Sensually Wisdom'ing 8. My intention for this publication is in essence a channel through to which to achieve my Chapter 9 vision, aligned to the content of the book, Using your multiple brains to do cool stuff by Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka. Sensually Wisdom'ing 8 will be full of content relating to #mBIT and material to raise global consciousness of the role and responsibilities of our multiple senses. 8 will be the length of this publication to ensure a fit for purpose approach, not too or too long – just right enough to attract a tribe interested in aligning their head brain creativity, heart brain compassion and gut brain courage to achieve their higher potential and ultimately self-actualisation. So whether you're a fully fledged qualified #mBIT Coach or Master Coach or you're new to the field of #mBIT and mbraining, I welcome you and hope you enjoy this gathering of wisdom'ings from across the field of neuroscience. Always welcome feedback in any shape or form. And please feel free to connect with me either via my website or social media; all my details are below: W;
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The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
What's happening in the world and why? Exploring articles and content explaining behaviours including what did happen, why and what value could personal development have brought to change what happened to a more desirable outcome? Australia's been experiencing interesting times with ongoing leadership speculation and a Prime Minister looking less and less aligned as each day passes. One of the key issues emerging here is courage, He was courageous in challenging for the role of leader of his party but since taking on the role and that of Prime Minister, seems to have lost some of that initial courage. In New Zealand, the Prime Minister is a shining beacon of aligned #mBIT leadership, demonstrating an astute combination of head brain creativity, heart brain compassion and gut brain courage – delivering a very contemporary approach in political leadership and advancing her nation and the economy as quite a pace. In the United States of America we have a misaligned leadership delivering a very dominantly head and gut brained style of politics with the gut dominating resulting in some very expected and unexpected developments. In Europe, a very complex combination of progressive and less progressive politics and economics reflecting the diversity that embraces the broad traditions and development of the countries therein with the German President offering a very aligned approach in her role as leader of one of the largest economies in the European Union. In United Kingdom, a very complex dynamic due to Brexit and the aftermath of austerity shows a political leadership trying to unite a divided country. The value of #mBIT is that it offers a way of determining how wise decision are and how aligned leaders are in fulfilling their roles.
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The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
What happening with us? Exploring the field of #content from fellow coaches going forward Article 1 from
Article 2 from
Neuroscience and the three brains of
The wisdom of the Gut: interview with
Alyce Sorokie
Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka
Key takeaways:
Key takeaways:
the world's best companies are
Gut wisdom (published in 2004) –
guided by leaders who can tap into
“Using your multiple brains to do
the intelligence of their head, heart
cool stuff” take her work to a
and gut;
deeper level of understanding;
any real whole-system change that
Colon therapy – to develop a deeper
is both sustainable and wise
connection to mind, body, spirit
requires leaders who are
connection – to reconnect with their
authentically connected deeply
multiple brain is key;
within themselves, to their staff and
Digestive coaching is key, focusing
to the communities they touch. In
on what foods to eat to improve
other words, this requires wise
inner functioning, to minimise
leaders who are integrated across
bloating and inflammation and
their head, heart and gut brains;
protect from emotional challenges;
leaders who are neurologically
“Innocent child” in the belly
influences behaviour, diet and
Head, Heart & Guts: How the
health and wellbeing;
World's Best Companies Develop
A “belly buddy” can help open up
Complete Leaders by David Dotlich,
our inner holdings within our gut
Peter Cairo and Stephen
brain, release vulnerability and
Rhinesmith make the case that
remove armoury to allow deeper
leaders who only operate from head
connections to their inner wisdom.
are what they call “incomplete leaders”. Page 4 of 8
The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
Why do we do what we do? Latest research articles, book reviews and the like summarised Research from
Book review relating to
Dr Suzanne Henwood and Clive Teare ( mBIT Trainers) have teamed Self compassion by Dr Kirstin Neff up with Prof Bruce Arroll at the University of Auckland to undertake a double RCT ( Randomised Controlled Trial) to assess the effectiveness of NLP and mBIT on stress and anxiety in the short and longer term. This will be the first ever RCT involving mBIT and we Self-compassion involve acting with
expect results to be available in
2019. While mBIT is underpinned by understanding and kindness other scientific fields, ensuring a
towards self during periods of
good solid foundation, we have yet
failure or when mistakes are made.
to prove the techniques of mBIT
It's about self-comfort and self-care
work on clients through empirical
during difficult times. It's about
research. Suzanne says “in some
valuing self and others irrespective
professions if there is no evidence
of what's happening. The more you
base we will struggle to get main
open your heart to reality instead of
stream acceptance for the amazing constantly fighting it, the more you'll potential of mBIT. It will be a great
be able to feel compassion to self
first step to get an RCT to show
and others.
what we already know, that mBIT
More information can be found via
works�. Page 5 of 8
The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
When will we improve? What opportunities are available to further explore #mBIT Course
What: mBIT Coach Cert Where: pLopdell House i 418 Titirangi Rd, Titirangi, Auckland, New n Zealand 0604
What: mBIT Coach Cert Where: multiple locations When: multiple dates Who: Reb Veale, #mBIT Trainer
When: November 29 – December 2 Nov 29 at 9 AM to Dec 2 at 6 PM UTC+13 Who: Suzanne Henwood, Master #mBIT Trainer ng4Success/ 256657558487896/ Course
What: mBIT Master Coach
What:mBIT Coach Cert
Where: Marbella or Alicante, Spain
Where: Staffordshire UK
When: 14-18 June 2019
When: choose from 21 to 24
Who: Grant Soosalu, Suzanne
February 2019, 26 to 29 May 2019
Henwood, Wilbert Molenaar
or 24 to 27 October 2019 Who: Susan Frend
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The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
How will you effect calm, happy flow? Open dialogue on anything #NLP, #mBIT and/ or other personal development modalities and what value each might add to various issues/ scenarios ? So thank you for perusing this first edition, I hope you've found it interesting. In the next edition we'll be exploring education and teaching excellence as theme focusing on the book “Teaching Excellence� by Richard Bandler and Kate Benson. If you know someone in the education field, whether it be teaching those less then 10, those in the 10 to 20 age bracket or those teaching those above 20, please feel free to share this magazine and invite them to connect via with any questions they may have relating to education, teaching and #NLP, #mBIT and/ or other personal development modalities. A cup of tea or coffee
Spread the word?
Arrange a visit/ talk
Please share.
If you'd value a visit, would
If you would like to share a If you know someone who'd like me to visit your tea of coffee with me,
be interested in learning
organisation to give a talk
please e-mail me at
more about either #NLP,
or would like to explore the #mBIT, #DISC and other
value of #NLP, #mBIT, or
to express your interest and personal development
#DISC, please e-mail me at
I'll be in contact to
philosophies, please invite
organise. Alternatively SMS them to contact me at me on 0413 508306.
Alternatively SMS me on 0413 508306. Alternatively SMS me on 0413 508306. Page 7 of 8
The Lime Green Solutions offering for a better life!
Affirmation of the month
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