Daventry Calling Issue 100: Summer 2019

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Issue 100

Summer 2019

Explore great days out in Daventry District this summer Also in this issue: Celebrating a year of the Local Lotto Focus on housing conditions Local Plan under the spotlight

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facebook.com/daventrydistrict Or visit the Daventry Country Park page at facebook.com/daventrycountrypark Or the Love Daventry page at facebook.com/Lovedaventrydistrict Daventry Calling is a quarterly magazine with the next issue due out in the Autumn. It is delivered to households district-wide using a combination of services supplied by Royal Mail and Smart Distribution Ltd. For all delivery queries please call 0800 160 1220 or email daventrycalling@disthub.co.uk We’re always keen to hear what you think about the magazine and any suggestions you have for future editions. Please contact us at news@daventrydc.gov.uk or call 01327 871100 You can also read Daventry Calling online at daventrydc.gov.uk/daventry-calling

Daventry Calling is available on request in large print, audiotape or in Braille.

Disclaimer: We care about accuracy and aim to correct any mistake in subsequent issues of Daventry Calling if you let us know where we’ve gone wrong. Every effort is made to ensure articles are accurate and up to date. No responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies or omissions however caused. Contributed material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Daventry District Council. This magazine is printed on an FSC® certified material. DDC cannot accept any responsibility for claims made by advertisers and their inclusion in Daventry Calling should not be taken as endorsement by Daventry District Council.

Daventry District Council provides a wide range of services including waste and recycling collections, street cleaning and grounds maintenance, Council Tax collection and benefits, elections, Homechoice lettings, economic development and regeneration, community safety, planning and development control and environmental health issues such as dealing with food safety, noise, pollution and environmental crimes. Call: 01327 871100 Email: comments@daventrydc.gov.uk Web: daventrydc.gov.uk Write to: Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry NN11 4FP

Other useful contacts Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) NCC deals with various services including: roads, paths, street lighting and drainage, potholes, bus passes and bus services, Blue Badges, road gritting, social care, schools admissions, register of births, deaths and marriages, libraries, household waste and recycling centres. Call 0300 126 1000 northamptonshire.gov.uk Your town or parish council Daventry District has 72 parishes and one town council covering services such as allotments, village halls and recreation grounds, grass cutting and street cleaning, cemeteries (outside of Daventry Town). To find out contact details for your parish, visit daventrydc.gov.uk/parishcouncils Northamptonshire Police Call 101 or visitnorthants.police.uk Always dial 999 in an emergency Harvest Money (formerly Northamptonshire Credit Union) Call 01604 250016 harvestmoney.co.uk Futures Housing Group Call 0300 4562531 futureshg.co.uk Bromford Housing Association 0330 1234034 Job Centre Plus Call 0845 6043719

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Leading the way We are pleased to have recently received the Secretary of State’s decision to form two unitary councils in Northamptonshire, which means we can all now focus fully on delivering these new authorities in readiness for an April 2021 start. We are under no illusions as to the very tight timelines involved and the huge amount of work still to be undertaken to deliver these two new authorities. However as previously advocated by this Council, we see a wonderful opportunity to embrace wider public sector reform by including the local health organisations as part of a package to deliver better services for our residents. Rest assured that this Council, while it still exists, will do all it can to influence the creation of the new West Northamptonshire Unitary Council in the best interests of our residents. In this edition we focus on a number of initiatives which assist with making our residents’ lives better. Topics include houses in multiple-occupancy and the launch of a new hotline to help improve living conditions for private rental tenants. We have also recently celebrated the first anniversary of our Local Lotto which has raised £24,000 to support community projects, making a positive contribution to local areas. There is also a focus on our community cleanup scheme, where we have provided local parishes with 375 litter picking kits (funded by a Government grant) to arrange clean-up activities in their areas. Past experience has shown areas that are maintained well will attract less random rubbish, dog mess or graffiti, as local people take more pride in their surroundings. Our Daventry District Settlements and Countryside Local Plan – which sets out where new homes and businesses could be built as well as identifying areas which should be protected – has reached the public hearings stage via an independent

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examination. This Plan, which has been shaped through input from key stakeholders including residents, parish councils and local businesses, was submitted to Government last December. It now goes through this stage to determine whether it complies with legal requirements and is “sound”, which means whether its policies are positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy. This Plan is so important as a major defence when dealing with speculative developer proposals which are not deemed to be suitable for any part of our District. Work also continues to deliver a new state-of-the-art rehabilitation centre in Daventry. The development now has planning consent and it is on course to be built by the beginning of next year, when it will then be leased out to the Daventry Health Rehabilitation Trust charity (Reach for Health). They specialise in physiotherapeutic exercise for people who have experienced traumatic health events, such as heart attacks or strokes, or who are suffering from long-term or life-long illness. This new facility will enable the charity to expand its current, successful operations, allowing more residents to benefit from its excellent facilities in the years ahead, as our overall population continues to grow. Our Good Neighbours Schemes continue to be set up within Daventry District, with three schemes now live in Crick, Moulton and Welton, and a further 12 pending. They are established by communities and run by local people to provide day-to-day support for other residents who may need help on an occasional or regular basis. Funding of up to £1,000 is available to set up a scheme, along with plenty of advice and support. DACT (Daventry Area Community Transport) can also help you set up your own Village Travel Club and Daventry Volunteer Centre’s Happy at Home Partnership can assist with the recruitment of volunteers.

If you are interested in joining or finding out more about this worthwhile initiative, then please contact Emma Parry at eparry@daventrydc.gov.uk or call 01327 871100. Hopefully over the summer months you and your families will have opportunities to spend time exploring our District/ County’s fantastic hidden treasures. Your support to local venues and business will help keep the local economy buoyant as we go through potentially difficult times in the short-term, due to the uncertainty created by the delays to Brexit. Councillor Chris Millar Leader – Daventry District Council

Contents News: Read the latest news and updates from Daventry District Council. Pages 4-6 A year in numbers: Find out about a successful first year for the Local Lotto and how you can get involved. Page 7 A safe place to live: Discover how Daventry District Council is working to improve housing conditions in the private rented sector and how you can help. Page 9 Recycling: Read about the increase in recycling since the launch of new bin collection services, and find out how to re-subscribe to garden waste collections. Page 11 Summer events guide: Find out what’s on where in the coming months in our five page Love Daventry guide. Pages 12-16

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Modern new home for library plus a modern new base for Daventry Registration Office. The Abbey Centre is an established hub for community services in the town, hosting Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Time2Talk, DACT (Daventry Area Community Transport) and Olympus Care Services, and the library’s move to this location has created opportunities to link up and work with existing services to support customers. Daventry Library has completed its relocation to new premises in the Abbey Advice and Resource Centre. The LibraryPlus service has relocated to the Centre in St John’s Square from its former premises off North Street in order to pave the way for Mulberry Place, a four-screen cinema with two restaurants.

underused space with impractical layout that was costly to run. Its modern new home at the Abbey Centre features allnew fittings, furnishings and technology as well as a more flexible layout that can change with the future needs of users.

The former library building, which dates back to the 1920s, was a large,

There is also a new secure outside play area for young library visitors

Councillor David James, Economic, Regeneration and Employment Portfolio Holder said: “The library’s relocation to modern new premises within The Abbey not only enhances the experience for Daventry’s community but has enabled plans to move forward that will improve the town’s leisure offer with a new multi-screen cinema and restaurants.” For more information and opening times visit www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/ libraries

Government says yes to two unitary councils for Northamptonshire Two new unitary councils will be established in Northamptonshire on 1 April 2021 (Vesting Day), the Government has confirmed. The West Northamptonshire unitary will cover Daventry District, Northampton Borough and South Northamptonshire and the North Northamptonshire unitary will cover Corby, East Northants, Kettering and Wellingborough. The existing district and borough councils and Northamptonshire County Council will all be abolished. The Secretary of State James Brokenshire has reviewed evidence and representations received and has decided that replacing the eight councils with two unitary authorities is in the best interests of the residents of Northamptonshire. Parliamentary Orders will follow later this year and, if approved by both the House of Commons and House of Lords, elections to the Shadow Authorities are expected to take place in May 2020. The Shadow Authorities will determine the

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structure, budget and service delivery models for the new councils. Services which complement one another but are currently divided between the district, borough and county councils, such as bin collections, waste disposal, planning and roads, will be brought together under each of the two unitary councils. Leaders of the current authorities said that, now that a decision has been made by the Secretary of State, the preparations to build new councils to serve Northamptonshire’s residents and businesses can continue with certainty.

correctly on day one and are equipped to transform how services are delivered so that they are more joined-up and make sense for residents. We have a strong track record of collaborative working with each other and with partners and we will build on this to ensure services can make a positive difference to people’s lives. These new councils will also be major players in delivering the housing and jobs growth that Northamptonshire and the Cambridge to Oxford Arc requires.”

Daventry District Council leader Chris Millar said: “Now we’ve received the Secretary of State’s decision to progress with two unitaries, we will focus our efforts on creating two brand new councils that put the interests of residents at the heart of all decision making. “This re-organisation needs to be about making sure the new councils operate

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Check your pet’s microchip Finding a stray dog People are also being urged to ensure they properly report any stray dogs they find so they can be reunited with their owners. For the first 7 days, the Council has a responsibility to try and locate the legal owner. After that time, potential adopters can contact our kennels to enquire about adoption.

Dog owners are being reminded of the importance of making sure the information on their pet’s microchip is kept up-to-date. Daventry District Council’s Dog Warden service is issuing the advice after coming across a number of cases recently in which a lost dog’s chip contained information for their owner’s old address – making it difficult to reunite them. A microchip is a small electronic chip, around the size of a grain of rice, which is painlessly implanted under the dog’s skin and contains a unique number that can be read by a scanner. The dog owner’s contact details are logged on a central database, so should the dog be found after going missing or being stolen it can be scanned and quickly returned to its owner. Since April 2016 dog owners have been required by law to make sure their dog is

microchipped, with those who fail to do so facing fines of up to £500. As well as helping reunite owners with lost or stolen pets, microchipping also has a number of other welfare benefits, including: • Helping to prevent the theft of dogs • Allowing for easier identification of owners who are guilty of animal cruelty • Enabling vets and the Council to contact dog owners directly if a stray is found • Tackling the issue of stray dogs by promoting responsible dog ownership. Councillor Richard Auger, Environmental Health and Housing Portfolio Holder at Daventry District Council, said: “We all know how distressing it is to lose a pet

If you have lost or found a dog, please contact Daventry District Council on 01327 871100. If you find a dog outside of normal office hours, or on a Saturday or Sunday, please contact Dunsmore Kennels on 024 7654 2566 or visit www.dunsmorekennels.com Anyone who finds a dog during the evening or when the kennels are otherwise closed is advised to keep the dog overnight if they can, before contacting the kennels or the Council. Please ensure you do not put yourself at risk of being bitten or attacked by the dog if you are prepared to secure a dog overnight. and microchipping is the most effective tool for our officers to reunite owners with dogs. However, it’s only useful if the information on the chip is kept up-to-date, and it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure this is done. If you move house we strongly encourage you to contact the database company that your dog is registered with and update your details.”

Pension advice

Meet the funders

Free pension advice is available at Daventry District Council’s Lodge Road offices every Thursday.

Community and voluntary groups in Daventry District can find out about grants and funding available to them during a free event this summer.

Provided by Central & East Northants Citizens Advice, Pension Wise offers a free 45-minute guidance session to anyone over the age of 50 with a defined contribution pension. Available between 10am and 4pm, the sessions offer free and impartial advice with the aim of helping people understand their available options. Appointments must be booked in advance by calling 0800 138 3944 or online at www.pensionwise.gov.uk

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The Funding Fair takes place at Towcester Forum on Wednesday 26 June and is a chance for groups across Daventry District and South Northamptonshire to speak to a wide variety of funders and support agencies about their grant programmes and services. There will be information sessions, networking opportunities, and a free prize draw at the event, which runs from 10am to 3pm. It is being run by Daventry Volunteer Centre and snvb (formerly South Northants Volunteer Bureau). For more information phone 01327 358264 or email fundingfair@snvb.org.uk

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Hearings will examine Local Plan for District

Community cash boost Communities across Daventry District are benefitting from more than £200,000 of funding to make improvements to local buildings, parks and other facilities. The money came from Daventry District Council’s Capital Grants programme, as well as other sources including developer contributions and Second Homes Funding and includes:

Daventry District’s new Local Plan will be examined by an independent planning inspector over the course of a series of public hearings this summer. Planning inspector Gareth Wildgoose will undertake the independent examination into the soundness of the Daventry District Settlements and Countryside (Part 2) Local Plan - a major policy document which sets out where new homes and businesses could go as well as identifying areas which should be protected. The Plan, which has been shaped through input from key stakeholders including local residents, parish councils, and businesses, was submitted to the Government in December and must now be examined to determine whether it complies with legal requirements and is ‘sound’ – meaning whether its policies are ‘positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy’. During the examination the inspector may decide to recommend changes to the Plan to make it sound and the Council will need to consult on any changes or ‘modifications’. If the examination finds that the plan is sound

then it can proceed to adoption, which must be voted on by the Council. The hearings are scheduled to take place in the Saxon Suite at Daventry Leisure Centre from 11 to 13 June, and from 25 to 27 June, with sessions beginning at 9.30am. Visits to sites allocated for housing and employment, and any other sites referred to during the hearings, will also take place. Anyone is welcome to attend the hearing sessions, however the ability to speak is limited to those with a legal right or who are specifically invited by the inspector. Councillor Alan Chantler, Daventry District Council’s Strategic Planning Portfolio Holder said: “The examination is a significant stage in the process of preparing this key strategic document for our District before it can be adopted.

• £45,000 to help West Haddon Junior Football Club build a new toilet block. • £11,200 to replace two mobile CCTV units • £15,000 to help build a new preschool and family centre in Daventry • £10,283 to install fitness equipment in Barby and Onley villages • £14,000 to modernise Sibbertoft Reading Room, making it warmer and more accessible • £14,766 to improve paths, fences, gates and benches at the Croft Way Play Park in Weedon • £16,212 to provide traffic calming measures in Staverton • £15,000 for new play equipment at Naseby Recreation Ground.

“It marks the culmination of nearly three years of preparations and consultation with our local communities and I would like to thank everyone who has been involved and given their feedback in the process to date.”

DDC helps dozens of voluntary and community sector groups each year through funding for capital projects, events, small items of equipment, training, and expenses for volunteers.

For more information, including the timetable for the hearings, visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/localplan

Find out more about DDC’s community grants programme at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ communitygrants

Come to a meeting


Date of meeting

All the meetings listed (right) start at 6.15pm and take place at the civic offices in Lodge Road, Daventry.

Strategy Group

Thurs 4 July

Planning Committee

Weds 10 July

Scrutiny & Improvement Committee

Tues 16 July

All meetings are open for the public to attend. For more information visit daventrydc.gov.uk/meetings, email governance@daventrydc.gov.uk or phone 01327 871100 To listen to an audio recording of a meeting, visit daventrydc.gov.uk/audiorecordings


Thurs 25 July

Corporate Governance Committee

Weds 31 July

Planning Committee

Weds 7 August

Planning Committee

Weds 4 September

Strategy Group

Thurs 12 September

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Your community


Good causes winning big on Local Lotto

Community Pot launched The new Local Lotto Community Pot gives organisations which are signed up to the Lotto the opportunity for apply for grants of up to £750.

Good causes across Daventry District have been feeling the benefit of a community lottery during its first year of operation. The Local Lotto generated more than £24,263 for local groups in the 12 months following its first draw on 21 April 2018. While no-one was lucky enough to win the £25,000 jackpot, hundreds of people picked up prizes of between £5 and £250, as well as numerous extra prizes such as iPads, Fitbits and shopping vouchers, offered throughout the year. But the real winners have been the good causes, who receive 40p from every ticket bought in their name, plus access to the Local Lotto Community Pot, made up of 10% of all ticket sales. Supporters of Daventry Rugby Club buy around 100 tickets a week, earning the club more than £2,000 a year.

Club Head Coach and Vice Chairman Paul Russell said: “The Local Lotto is a fantastic opportunity for clubs and organisations to raise much needed funds in a fun, simple way. We promote it to our members via social media, weekly updates and reminders to purchase tickets and renew their numbers. “Most weeks we have a winner or two, which is fantastic. The funds we raise help our youth section with new equipment, playing shirts and ensuring our coaches are qualified. We have also been lucky enough to receive a grant from the fund to enable us to purchase new playing shirts for our youth section. We all love the Local Lotto.” Councillor Alan Hills, Community, Culture and Leisure Portfolio Holder on Daventry District Council, said: “We have been encouraged by the success of the Local Lotto during its first year, and I want to thank all of our good causes and the thousands of people who have bought tickets. “50p from every ticket you buy goes to community and voluntary groups in Daventry District, and there are some great prizes to be won, so it really is win-win for everyone involved. Please continue to support the Local Lotto, and let’s raise even more for our good causes this year.”

Fitbit winners with their prizes

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To find out more about the Local Lotto and buy tickets, visit www.local-lotto.co.uk

The grants can be used for a range of things, from items of equipment to training or for covering the cost of an activity. Funding will only be considered for work that will be undertaken in Daventry District or for the benefit of its residents. A total of 10p from every ticket sold goes into the fund, which was launched in April to mark the Lotto’s first anniversary. People who do not wish to support a specific cause can also elect for 40p from each ticket they buy to go into the pot. For more information, including eligibility criteria and an application form, please visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/lotto

A year in numbers Between April 2018 and the anniversary draw on April 2019, the Local Lotto saw: • 48,527 tickets sold • £24,263.50 raised for good causes • 866 £5 prizes won • 91 £25 prizes won • 10 £250 prizes won • 14 winners of extra prizes inc Fit Bits, iPads and shopping vouchers.

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Your Council

Meet the new Council Chairman It’s been very interesting. I have learnt a lot about how local government works, and a lot more about people, which has made me interested in getting involved in other things. “I really enjoy getting out and meeting people, and being able to help them with any issues they may have is both rewarding and humbling. I consider it a great honour to represent the Council as its Chairman. I am passionate about Northamptonshire and I am very much looking forward to getting out and about over the coming year, meeting people and doing my best for the District.”

The new Chairman of Daventry District Council says he will take enormous pride in fulfilling the authority’s top civic role over the coming year. Councillor David Smith was sworn in at the Annual Council meeting in May having served as Vice-Chairman to Councillor Cecile Irving-Swift in 2018/19. Though born in Suffolk, David has spent most of his life in Northamptonshire and lives in Weedon with his wife Heather. The couple have been married for 26 years and have two daughters and three grandchildren. Educated at Northampton School For Boys and Moulton Agricultural College, he has enjoyed a varied career, working in the software industry for a number of years before moving to France to run a vineyard producing award-winning wines. He now runs a small shoe-making business in Northamptonshire. David has represented Weedon Ward since 2014 and also sits on the Council’s Planning Committee. His new role as Chairman is a non-political, civic role which involves representing the Council at various events and functions throughout the year, as well as chairing Council meetings to ensure they are properly run in accordance with the constitution. He said: “I didn’t decide to stand for Council out of any great political drive – it was really just a desire to represent my community and try to make a difference.

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David’s passion for helping others has also inspired his choice of charity for his year in office. Time2Talk is a small charity operating solely within Daventry District and South Northamptonshire which offers free information, counselling and preventative intervention services for people aged 13 to 19, and for those with special educational needs up to the age of 25. “It provides support to young people on a range of issues,” said David. “That could include everything from bullying at school, to anxiety or suicidal thoughts. I came across Time2Talk about ten years ago when someone I know received a tremendous amount of support from them. I’m in a privileged position now where I can help raise awareness of the work they do, but also raise money for them to support the great work they are doing in our community.” To invite the Chairman to your community event, contact the Chairman’s Secretary on 01327 871100 or email chairman@daventrydc.gov.uk

Starter for Ten Find out a bit more about the new Chairman as we explore some of David’s likes and dislikes: Born: In Suffolk, but I moved to Northamptonshire when I was about six. Favourite TV Show: Top Gear Favourite Food: I love Italian food Favourite Film: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Favourite Music: I have a fairly eclectic taste really. From classic to rock – if I like it, I like it. Favourite Book: The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Likes: I have a huge interest in cycling. I’m not as active as I was but I think it’s a great all-round sport and pastime and we need to do all we can to put in place the right infrastructure to allow people to cycle safely. Dislikes: As I’ve grown older I’ve realised the importance of tolerance, so intolerance is one of my big dislikes. Biggest regret: I’ve always loved cars and I wanted to be a racing driver as a little boy, so my biggest regret is probably not having the courage to try and do it. Would most like to be remembered for: Not taking things too seriously.

Watch our video Find out more about the Chairman and his chosen charity in our video at

www.daventrydc.gov.uk/ Chairman

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Focus on


Help us improve housing conditions in the District HMOs and the law – what to look out for New laws introduced in October last year state that a licence is required for a HMO or shared house if: • 5 or more people live in a property, and • The tenants form more than 2 separate households or groups e.g. a couple and a family of three, and A new hotline has been launched by Daventry District Council (DDC) in a bid to improve living conditions for people in privately rented or shared housing. The dedicated number has been set up to help people report in confidence any concerns they may have about the condition of a privately rented property in the District. People are also encouraged to report any Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) – commonly referred to as house shares – that they believe may be unlicensed or in a poor state of repair. People can report any concerns by: • Visiting www.daventrydc.gov.uk/hmo • Emailing environmentalimprovement@ daventrydc.gov.uk • Calling the hotline on 01327 302288 The new initiative comes in response to the massive growth of the private rental sector in recent years. While most landlords take their responsibilities to their tenants seriously, a small minority do not, allowing their tenants to live in poor conditions, causing ill health and distress. The rental market plays an important role in providing housing for people living in Daventry District, and HMOs provide cheaper accommodation for residents whose housing options are limited. However they can also pose greater risks than other types of accommodation for overcrowding and fire, which is why DDC is working to ensure that all HMOs in the

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District are safe and properly licenced. Councillor Richard Auger, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health and Housing on Daventry District Council, said: “Our District is a popular place to live and work, and with the rental sector increasingly popular, it is more important than ever to ensure everyone here has a safe, well managed place to live. “We are working with landlords and our partners to protect the health and safety of the tenants, but I would appeal to residents across the District to help us maintain high standards by being our eyes and ears on this, and report any concerns you may have so we can investigate and take action where required.”

• The tenants share facilities such a bathroom and kitchen. If you live in or near a shared house that may require a licence, we would like to hear from you. Signs to look out for include: • Lots of different people living at the property or leaving/entering at different times • Issues of disrepair such as broken windows, water leaks, missing roof tiles, broken guttering, peeling paintwork, or unkempt gardens • Pest infestations • Inadequate storage of rubbish • Lots of vehicles parked and visiting the property • Excessive noise coming from the property.

Tenants: know your rights • At the start of the tenancy, the landlord must supply you with a copy of the How to Rent guide. • You should know who your landlord is and be allowed to live in the property undisturbed. • The property should be safe and in a good state of repair. Problems relating to damp and mould, boiler, gas and electrical issues, broken or missing fire alarms should be reported to the landlord. • Your deposit must be placed by the landlord into a government-backed

Tenant Deposit Scheme (TDS) and returned when the tenancy ends. • Ask to see an Energy Performance Certificate for the property. Most private rented properties should have an EPC rating of E or higher. • Be sure to challenge excessively high charges – you are protected from unfair rent and unfair eviction. • You should be afforded adequate space and facilities as set out by legislation. Find out more at www.gov.uk/private-renting

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Your Community

Support on offer for your community clean-up efforts Litter picking not only helps keep your neighbourhood looking its best - it can be a fun and rewarding way to keep fit and get to know people in your community. The initiative is part of DDC’s Clean Up My Community campaign, which aims to work with local residents to tackle environmental crimes such as litter and dog fouling. The Council also still has a number of litter picking kits available for loan for groups or individuals planning one-off community litter picking events and can arrange for the collection of litter picked up by volunteers.

Now a new initiative by Daventry District Council (DDC) has seen 375 litter picking kits handed out to parish councils and groups across the area, to help them hold community clean-ups. The kits were bought with a High Street Community Clean-Up grant from the Government and include litter pickers, high-vis tabards, gloves, and litter bags with hoops to assist with litter picking. DDC has also produced a new litter picking toolkit, including information on safety and best practice, a risk assessment form, and instructions for arranging collection of the rubbish by the Council’s environmental services partner Daventry Norse.

sets, hopefully making it even easier for people to carry out community litter picks in their local area. “Volunteering for something like a litter pick can be very rewarding and is a great way to meet fellow members of the community. It also helps reinforce the message that littering is not acceptable, and we hope these kits will provide benefits to communities across the District for many years to come.”

Councillor Jo Gilford, Environment Portfolio Holder at Daventry District Council, said: “Litter is a scourge on our environment and it is extremely disappointing that some people think it is acceptable to throw their rubbish wherever they like. The Council, through our environmental services partner Daventry Norse, commits significant resources to keeping Daventry District as clean and tidy as possible, but these resources are not infinite. “That’s why we are very grateful for the excellent support we receive from groups and individuals who regularly access equipment and support from us in order to carry out clean-up events in their communities. “This grant from the Government gave us an opportunity to extend that work by providing parishes with their own

Report it Volunteering to litter pick isn’t the only way to support DDC’s efforts to keep the District clean and green. If you spot someone committing an environmental crime such as littering, fly-tipping or allowing their dog to foul, please report it. Littering is a criminal offence punishable by a £150 fixed penalty notice or potentially fines of up to £2,500, and the Council will take enforcement action where there is sufficient evidence to do so. People can report a range of environmental crimes at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/online or by calling 01327 871100.

How to organise a litter pick in your area It’s easy to organise a litter-picking event in your community: 1. Identify a grot-spot: It could be your village green, your local park or another public area. Please just make sure you have legal access to the site. 2. Contact Daventry District Council for support: The Council’s toolkit includes a step-by-step guide to holding a litter pick, safety guidance, and a risk assessment. It also has litter picking kits available for loan and will arrange proper disposal of the litter you collect through its environmental services partner Daventry Norse. Visit www.daventrydc.gov.uk/litterpick or phone 01327 871100.

3. Get the community involved: Litter picks can be a great way for a community to come together, so spread the word and encourage people to join you. Please make sure you brief everyone on any safety issues you identify in your risk assessment. 4. Have fun, and share your success: Take pride in your achievements and spread the word of your success by taking pictures and sharing them on social media or your local community website. Tag DDC accounts into your messages and they will share them wherever possible. DDC’s Twitter account is @DaventryDC and you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DaventryDistrict

Find out more at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/litterpick DC Issue 100 Summer 19 GOVERNMENT VER.indd 10

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All set for another great year of recycling efforts Residents in Daventry District are on course to continue recycling even more of their rubbish as the 123+ Waste and Recycling Service enters its second year of operation this summer.






Collection Service 1




Collection Service

In June last year, households district-wide adapted to major changes to their bin collections, with a new fortnightly wheelie bin recycling collection introduced, general waste collection moving to three-weekly, weekly food waste collections plus an optional, chargeable garden waste service every two weeks. Collection days also changed for many homes so the arrangements could be introduced by the Council’s new waste contractor, Daventry Norse. Twelve months on and the new service has boosted recycling rates, thanks to the efforts of residents. The first six months saw a 65% increase in food waste collected and 20% more recycling collected, with the amount of rubbish in black bins reducing by 28%. Over 20,000 homes also signed up to receive the garden waste service, which starts again for its second year this month. Councillor Jo Gilford, Daventry District Council’s Environment Portfolio Holder said: “Our District has a strong track record of embracing waste and recycling changes and we’re proud of the way residents have adapted to them and continue to support these major changes.”

Have you received your new collections calendar? A new waste and recycling calendar with details of collections taking place over the next 12 months has recently been posted out to all homes district-wide. There are no changes planned to usual bin collection days but the calendar sets out the schedule for 2019/20, plus details of Christmas and New Year arrangements. If you have not received the calendar, you can look up your collections online at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/recycling

Download our free app Check your bin days and set reminder alerts by downloading our free Daventry District Council app available from Google Play and the Apple Store.

Sign up for garden waste It’s not too late to sign up to the garden waste service for 2019/20. The charge for the fortnightly collections from June 2019 until 31 May 2020 is £36 and can be paid online using your debit or credit card. Those who sign up will then receive a permit sticker to place on their bin or it won’t be emptied. Find out more and sign up at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/gardenwaste

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What’s On

Festival of sport People are invited to find out more about the many sports clubs and activities on offer in Daventry District during Sportfest on Saturday 15 June. The event takes place at Daventry’s New Street Recreation Ground from 11am to 4pm and will feature a sports village giving people the chance to chat to representatives from different clubs and organisations representing a range of sports. Danny Butler’s Extreme Mountain Bike Show will wow the crowds with some spectacular stunts and tricks, while people can get in the saddle themselves by trying a range of crazy bikes or using pedal power to run a Scalextric set, operate a sound system and even blend delicious smoothies.

Explore historic home’s animal history The new Animals of Althorp exhibition takes guests on an intriguing tour of the historic House’s lesser-known residents. Home to one of Europe’s finest private collections of furniture, art and ceramics, Althorp presents a new and unique opportunity to discover the never-previously-told story of its many animals and the undeniable mark they left upon the Spencer Family’s history. Visitors to the exhibit can explore an intriguing collection of artefacts situated in

the Stables Courtyard, fittingly once home to the Spencer Family horses. It also offers a trail through Althorp House with an Animals of Althorp guided map, highlighting key exhibition pieces through the House’s State Rooms including a number of original portraits, artworks and antiques. The exhibition can be enjoyed during Althorp’s opening season from 1 July to 31 August. Find out more and book at www.spencerofalthorp.com

The event also features a cycling hub, free bike checks, an exhibition area for demonstrations, information on health and wellbeing and an entertainment zone. The event has been organised by Daventry District Council and Everyone Active in partnership with Northamptonshire Highways, Cycle Northants and Daventry Cycling Club and aims to continue the legacy of the Women’s Tour cycle race, which visited the District in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Digging into the past Daventry Museum hosts an archaeology exhibition until 30 August, promising ‘Discoveries from Daventry and Beyond’. The exhibition is followed from 7 September by displays marking 80 years since the start of the Second World War. Both exhibitions run alongside the Museum’s many other displays exploring Daventry’s medieval history as well as artefacts and archives relating to the BBC Transmitting Station on Borough Hill. Daventry Museum is located on the ground floor of the Town Council Offices at 3 New Street, Daventry, NN11 4BT. It is open from Tuesday to Friday, 9.30am to 1.30pm and on the first Saturday of the month from 10am to 4pm. Entry is free. Find out more at www.daventrymuseum.org.uk

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What’s On


Waterways festival Braunston Marina’s industrial past comes to life at the annual Historic Rally & Canal Festival, taking place on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June. One of the biggest waterways festivals in the UK, the event has been frequented by famous boating enthusiasts including Timothy West, Prunella Scales and John Suchet. The 17th annual rally will feature surviving Fellows Morton & Clayton narrowboats plus more than 80 other historic vessels taking part in daily parades.

A celebration of steam Tens of thousands of people will descend upon a 100-acre site near the otherwise quiet village of Hollowell for the Steam & Heavy Horse Show on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July.

Started in 1986 by Allen Eaton MBE, the event has raised well over one million pounds for local good causes in its history and is largely run by an army of unpaid volunteers.

On the ground will be parades of around 50 magnificent steam engines, vintage vehicles and heavy horses pulling a variety of carriages and carts.

Even in wet weather the site does not get too muddy, and those who tire of walking around the exhibits can always sit down and enjoy some of the best views in Northamptonshire.

The event also features a fine selection of food and drink, a fun fair, crafts, equestrian events and trade stands.

There will be a real ale beer tent, exhibitors, traders and waterways artists, as well as Morris dancing and live music. A Songs of Praise church service takes place on the Sunday. The festival opens from 10am each day and entry costs £20 per car, with profits to canal and local causes. Find out more at www.braunstonmarina.co.uk

Gates open at 9am and close at 5.30pm on both of the days, and dogs are welcome.

Find out more at www.hollowellsteam.com

Welton’s wacky races Expect to see some weird and wonderful soapbox cars hurtling down the hill through Welton as the village’s popular Soapbox Derby returns on Saturday 29 June. The event challenges teams to design and build a vehicle to race against the clock on a 600 metre downhill track. Anything goes as far as designs go, and previous races have seen a makeshift fire engine, helicopter, narrowboat, and even a living room flying through the village. And while the entries may look bizarre, spectators needn’t worry about the safety of the competitors – all the vehicles must adhere to safety specifications and pass strict pre-race checks. Away from the racing, visitors can enjoy a shopping village and food court, as well as children’s entertainment. Spectator entry is free. Find out more at www.facebook.com/weltonsoapboxderby

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What’s On


What’s on this summer Sun 14 July Annual Fete in Drayton organised by Drayton Residents’ Association from 1pm-5pm offering a barbecue on The Green plus teas, cakes and a selection of stalls.

Sat 20 July

Crick Scarecrow & Music Festival – 13 and 14 July

Sat 15 June

Sun 7 July

Sportfest at Daventry Recreation Ground. See pages 12-13 for details.

Garden Festival at Preston Capes from 2-5pm featuring six gardens, craft stalls, demonstrations, plant stalls and cakes for sale. Entry costs £4 per person (under 14s go free) and there is free car parking. Proceeds go towards improvements to Preston Capes Village Hall.

Fri-Sun 21-23 June Daventry Arts Festival featuring a range of events and activities including live music, theatre, arts and crafts. For a full timetable of activities visit www.daventrytowncouncil.gov.uk

Thurs 20 June Daventry & District Public Forum at Daventry Leisure Centre from 2-4pm. Free event featuring talks, stands and live entertainment aimed at older people. Find out more at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/DDF Open Day at Sulby Gardens as part of the National Garden Scheme, featuring wildflower meadows in full bloom. Admission costs £4 per person (children free) and there will be homemade teas and produce available from 2-5pm.

Sat 29 June

Sat 13 July Muddy Furlong family-friendly obstacle course run at Long Furlong Farm in Hellidon Road, Catesby, from 11am. Take on obstacles, water and of course lots of mud over distances of 3km, 5km or 8km. People can also bring their dog along to take part in the Muddy Furry-Long. More at www.facebook.com/muddyfurlong

Sat 13/Sun 14 July Crick Scarecrow & Music Festival with a variety of weird and wonderful scarecrows to visit around the village, plus stalls and live music. More at www. facebook.com/crickscarecrowfestival

Shakespeare’s As You Like It in the grounds of Lamport Hall. Bring a picnic for this live performance by the Rain or Shine Theatre Company, which will be held in a marquee if wet. Gates open at 5.30pm for a 6.30pm start. Buy tickets from www.lamporthall.co.uk Ravensthorpe’s Beer Festival & Family Day at the Ravensthorpe playing field from 2pm-11pm offering a range of locally sourced beers, ciders, gins, wines and lagers, plus food, music and free children’s entertainment. Entry is £5 for adults (children free). More at www.ravensthorpe.me.uk/playingfield/beer-festival

Sun 21 July Trad Jazz in the gardens of Lamport Hall featuring traditional New Orleans Jazz with The Tame Valley Stompers Allstars from 2pm-5pm. Tickets available from www.lamporthall.co.uk

Sat 27/Sun 28 July Land Rover Show at Kelmarsh Hall featuring a range of exhibitors, demonstrations and more, with camping available on site. Find out more at www.kelmarshlandrovershow.com

Welton Soapbox Derby. See pages 12-13 for details.

Sat 29/Sun 30 June Historic Boat Rally at Braunston Marina. See pages 12-13 for details.

Sun 28 July

Sun 30 June

Braunston Open Gardens with 13 gardens open from 11am to 6pm to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Entry costs £5 per adult.

Classics on the Green in Watford Village offers an exciting display of classic and historic vehicles, various craft and food stalls, pony rides and face painting for the children. There will be a bar and afternoon teas available at the event, which runs from 11am until 4pm.

Weds 31 July

Sat 6/Sun 7 July Hollowell Steam & Heavy Horse Show. See pages 12-13 for details.

Outdoor production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest in the grounds of Cottesbrooke Hall. Take a picnic and seating or a blanket for this performance by travelling theatre company Handlebards. Gates open at 5pm for a 7pm start and tickets are available from www.cottesbrooke.co.uk

Muddy Furlong – 13 July

Wicked Wednesdays at Daventry Leisure Centre. Fun inflatables in the pool from 12.30-1.30pm or 2-3pm. All sessions are £2 per child. Find out more at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/summer

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What’s On


Sat 14 September Outdoor Cinema at Kelmarsh Hall. Take a picnic and enjoy Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody on the big screen. Doors open at 6pm for an 8pm start. Tickets are available from www.kelmarsh.com/whats-on

Sat 21 September Daventry Food Festival returns to Daventry High Street and Sheaf Street. Expect the usual variety of stalls offering foods to tantalise your taste buds. Jumble Sale in Pitsford Village Hall from 2-3.30pm to raise money for a Christmas lunch for senior citizens. Entry costs 20p.

Daventry Food Festival – 21 Sept

Sun 22 September Sat 3 August

Thurs 22 August

Family Cinema Day at Daventry Country Park. See page 16 for details.

Open Day at Sulby Gardens for the National Garden Scheme, featuring the butterfly garden and ponds. Admission costs £4 per person (children free) and there will be homemade teas and produce available from 2-5pm.

Weds 7 August Wicked Wednesdays at Daventry Leisure Centre. Bouncy castles in the main hall from 10.30am-midday or 12.15-1.45pm. All sessions are £2 per child. Find out more at www. daventrydc.gov.uk/summer

Weds 14 August Wicked Wednesdays at Daventry Leisure Centre. Fun inflatables in the pool from 12.30-1.30pm or 2-3pm. All sessions are £2 per child. Find out more at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/summer

Weds 21 August Wicked Wednesdays at Daventry Leisure Centre. Bouncy castles in the main hall from 10.30am-midday or 12.15-1.45pm. All sessions are £2 per child. Find out more at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/summer

Weds 28 August Wicked Wednesdays at Daventry Leisure Centre. Fun inflatables in the pool from 12.30-1.30pm or 2-3pm. All sessions are £2 per child. Find out more at www.daventrydc.gov.uk/summer

Sat 7/Sun 8 September Vintage Enthusiasts’ Working Weekend featuring working engines, tractor pulling and ploughing in the fields between Scaldwell and Brixworth. There will be stalls with tombola, bric-a-brac, cakes and plants plus a raffle, a bar and more from 10am until late. Entry is free but donations to the Air Ambulance are welcomed.

Daventry 10km Road Race organised by Daventry Road Runners starts and finishes at Daventry Leisure Centre. For more information visit www.daventryroadrunners.com Cycle4Cynthia charity bike ride from Holdenby House with 5, 25 and 50-mile routes on offer to raise money for the Cynthia Spencer Hospice. Find out more at www.cycle4cynthia.co.uk

If you would like to include forthcoming events in the District in Daventry Calling please email news@daventrydc.gov.uk Please note that due to distribution schedules, some areas of the district may receive Daventry Calling later than the date of some featured events.

Shakespeare at Cottesbrooke Hall – 20 July

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What’s On

Country Park’s new play area opens The first phase of Daventry Country Park’s £750,000 overhaul has been completed with the recent opening of its new-look play area. The new play equipment includes a castle-themed fort with slides, a net bridge, a climbing wall, a variety of swings, a spring-mounted jeep ride, a smaller fort for toddlers, and the zip wire from the old play area, which has been refurbished and reinstalled.

Cecile Irving-Swift, and the Council’s Community, Culture and Leisure Portfolio Holder Councillor Alan Hills for the official opening in April. Representatives from HAGs, which designed and installed the new equipment, also attended.

Designed for children of all abilities, the play area features a range of inclusive activities, including a Glockenspiel play panel and talk tubes, a basket swing, and swings with inclusive seats with harnesses for children who have a limited ability to hold themselves upright.

It marks the first phase of a comprehensive programme of improvements to the Park’s paths, wooden structures and signage which will be taking place over the course of the year. A new jetty will be installed opposite the current one, which is being totally refurbished, and the Visitor Centre and toilets will also be extended and improved.

Dozens of excited youngsters joined the Chairman Of Daventry District Council for 2018/19, Councillor

People can keep up with the improvement work by visiting www.daventrydc.gov.uk/countrypark or by liking the Park’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DaventryCountryPark

Family favourites on the park’s big screen

Get out on the water this summer

Families are invited to pack some popcorn in their picnic to enjoy free family films on the big screen at Daventry Country Park this summer.

Stand up paddle boarding returns to Daventry Country Park this summer. Maizu SUP will be at the Park up to the end of August, offering social sessions for competent paddlers on Friday evenings, and lessons for beginners on Saturdays. Lessons cost £22 per person (including equipment), while competent paddlers can hire equipment and get out on the water at a cost of £15 per person.

On Saturday 3 August the Park will host the 9th annual Family Cinema Day, organised by Daventry District Council and sponsored by Crest Nicholson. The event will begin with a screening of Peter Rabbit (PG) at 11am. This will be followed by Mary Poppins Returns (U) at 1pm, and The Greatest Showman (PG) at 4pm. People are welcome to bring picnics and refreshments with them, though the Park’s Reservoir Café will be manning a

stall offering hot dogs, jacket potatoes, drinks and ice creams. There will also be a sweet trailer offering candy floss and popcorn, as well as children’s entertainment including bouncy castles and face painting, all available for a small charge. The car park will be open as normal but is expected to fill quickly and people are encouraged to walk to the park where possible, or make use of the free car park near the Council offices in Lodge Road.

Experienced paddlers with their own equipment and third party liability insurance will also be able to join Maizu SUP on the water on Fridays and Saturdays at a cost of £10 per person. People must be aged 12 or over and competent swimmers to take part. A responsible adult must accompany attendees between the ages of 12 and 17 and remain on site during the session, though they do not need to take part. Places must be booked in advance by visiting www.maizu.co.uk or phoning 07578 288047.

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