Unsatisfactory PTS
All assigned artifacts are completed per TPACK Quest Manifesto
All but one of the assigned artifacts are completed per checklist and included in the ePortfolio.
Two artifacts are not completed per checklist, OR one artifact is not included in the ePortfolio.
Three artifacts are not completed per checklist, OR two or more artifacts are not included in the ePortfolio.
15 pts
Documentation & Copyright
All images, media and text follow copyright guidelines with accurate citations. All content throughout the Digital Portfolio displays the appropriate copyright permissions (which also supports accessibility to course content).
One of the images, media or text elements created by others, is not cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.
Two of the images, media or text created by others, are not cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.
Three or more images, media or text created by others, are not cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.
5 pts
Layout and Text Elements
The Digital Portfolio is easy to read. Fonts and type size vary appropriately for headings, subheadings and text. Use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) is consistent and improves readability.
The Digital Portfolio is generally easy to read. Fonts and type size vary appropriately for headings, subheadings and text. Use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) is generally consistent.
The Digital Portfolio is difficult to read due to inappropriate use of fonts, type size for headings, subheadings and text and font styles (italic, bold, underline). Many formatting tools are under or overutilized and decrease the readers' accessibility to the content.
3 pt
Horizontal and vertical white space alignments are used appropriately to organize content.
Horizontal and vertical white space alignments are generally used appropriately to organize content.
The Digital Portfolio is often difficult to read due to inappropriate use of fonts and type size for headings, subheadings and text or inconsistent use of font styles (italic, bold, underline). Some formatting tools are under or over-utilized and decrease the readers' accessibility to the content. Horizontal and vertical white space alignments are sometimes used inappropriately to organize content.
Horizontal and vertical white space alignments are used inappropriately, and the content appears disorganized and cluttered.
Color of background, fonts, and links enhance the readability and aesthetic quality, and are used consistently throughout the Digital Portfolio.
Color of background, fonts, and links generally enhance the readability of the text, and are generally used consistently throughout the Digital Portfolio.
Color of background, fonts, and links decrease the readability of the text, are distracting and used inconsistently in some places throughout the Digital Portfolio.
Color of background, 2pt fonts, and links decrease the readability of the text, are distracting and used inconsistently throughout the Digital Portfolio.
All artifacts are accompanied by a reflection that clearly explains how the artifact represents individual knowledge growth. For example: what the individual learned from the experience of creating the artifact, how the individual could apply the use of this technology to their own teaching purposes, and how the technology could be integrated in multiple disciplines.
Most of the artifacts are accompanied by a reflection that clearly explains how the artifact represents individual growth in knowledge, including all three statements explained in the exemplary column.
Some of the artifacts are accompanied by a reflection that clearly explains how the artifact represents individual growth in knowledge, including all three statements explained in the exemplary column.
None of the artifacts 5 pt is accompanied by a reflection that clearly explains how the artifact represents individual growth in knowledge, including all three statements explained in the exemplary column.
Writing Mechanics
There are no errors in There are a few grammar, errors in grammar, capitalization, capitalization, punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling. spelling. These require minor editing and revision.
There are four or more errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling requiring editing and revision.
There are more than 4 pt six errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling requiring major editing and revision.