Understanding GOD's word

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This fulfillment in GOD’s Word, is the reality of GOD’s will fulfilled. GOD’s will is unveiled in our heart, through a creative construct of the Word. This Word Construct is revealed and fashioned into us in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT. This book, the first book in our Growing In GOD series, seeks to unveil the structure of this creative Word Construct in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT. We will in this revelation, come to understand the different elements of the Word Construct and, the many functions of the Word in us. The revealed Word will define our calling, unveil our anointing in GOD and, enable us to actually function in the Kingdom Of GOD. This creative Word Construct is fashioned in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. This book explains this awesome creative construct and how it is made available to all of us, in CHRIST JESUS.


U n d e r s t a n d i n g G o d ’ s Wo r d

OD’s Word unveiled in our heart and mind has an awesome continuum of purpose in GOD’s will . Given that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made, GOD’s Word has an astonishing span of fulfillment in each and every one of our lives.


r o w i n g

James Niles

James Niles ISBN 983-804-010-X



About The Author James Niles is the author of several CHRIST-centered books. The author has a passion to see the Word Of GOD being unveiled in the Church, in a Convenant reality revealed and established in each believer’s heart, as the exclusive workmanship of GOD. James Niles operates a teaching ministry in the conviction that GOD fashions the inward parts of the believer from the Word unveiled through CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT.

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Growing In GOD Book I


James Niles

ISBN 983-804-010-X UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WORD Copyright © 1998 by James Niles Cover Design © 1998 by Firstfruits Sdn. Bhd. Scriptures references are primarily taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Other Scripture quotations are taken, as noted, from the Authorized King James Version (KJV) and the New King James Version (NKJV), © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All Rights Reserved © Copyright 1998 by James Niles. All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Designed and Produced by Firstfruits Sdn. Bhd. 53B, Jalan SS24/8, Taman Megah, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: 03-704 9441, 03-704 0762 Fax: 03-704 1642 Printed by Charles Grenier Sdn. Bhd.


BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR Unveiling The Treasures In CHRIST JESUS • Our Covenant In The LORD JESUS CHRIST • Our Anointing In The LORD JESUS CHRIST • Our Testimony In The LORD JESUS CHRIST

The Name Of JESUS Series • The Memorial Name • Of HIS Fullness • The Word Of The Oath

The Salvation Series • Salvation • WHO Is GOD?

Growing In GOD • Understanding GOD’s Word • Knowing GOD


Growing In GOD Book I


Chapter 1 The Word Of GOD • Catching A Vision Of GOD’S Word • Receiving / Realizing The Word Of GOD Pg1

Chapter 2 The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD • Understanding The Meaning Of The Word Construct Pg 35

Chapter 3 The Word Of The Cross • The Framework Of The Word Realized Pg 53


Chapter 4 The Word Of Healing • The Meaning And Reality Of Being Healed Pg 71

Chapter 5 The (Rhema) Word Of Faith • Receiving And PossessingThe Substance And Reality Of True Faith Pg 87

Chapter 6 The Word Of Grace • Realizing The Grace Of GOD That Builds And Gives Pg 99

Chapter 7 The Word Of Righteousness • Becoming The Righteousness Of GOD Pg 113

Chapter 8 The Word Of Life • The Word Construct That Enables Communion Pg 123


Chapter 9 The Word Of Truth • The Word Construct That Creates Us Pg 135

Chapter 10 The (Rhema) Word Of HIS Power • Knowing The Power To Function In JESUS Name Pg 147

Chapter 11 The Word Of CHRIST • Being Enabled To Function According To A Construct Of The Word Pg 165

Chapter 12 The AMEN, The Faithful And True Witness • The Word Of The Oath Realized • The Functional Certainty Of GOD’s Word • The Fulfilled Reality Of Blood Covenant Pg 183


AUTHOR’S PREFACE The Word Of GOD is a growing fascination to me. Deep within me there resonates a growing conviction of the treasures of the Word Of GOD waiting to be opened into the Body Of CHRIST, through and from and by the Name Of JESUS; unveiled in our hearts and minds and, in every facet of our life, by the HOLY SPIRIT. There is a power of the Truth, that is entirely of GOD, that we each need to discover. I sense deep within my spirit that we have barely understood the deep treasures of GOD’s Word that are held in the Testimony Of JESUS (see Luke 24:44) in HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:63). Before we can unlock these deep treasures of the Name Of JESUS, we must first realign our perspectives on GOD’s Word in and by the Testimony Of JESUS. This book has the intent of a fresh perspective on the Word Of GOD. A perspective realized in JESUS Name, by the HOLY SPIRIT, in the FATHER’s perfect will (see John 6:45; Isaiah 54:13). We need to catch a vision of GOD’s Word, through the Testimony Of JESUS, before we can expect to realize the deep treasures of the potentials available to us all in the Name Of JESUS. Our inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a,6-8, NKJV) needs to discover the living Word Of GOD from the Testimony Of JESUS alive in the SPIRIT Of GOD (see Revelation 3:14b; Exodus 25:16,21; 31:18; 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3). Given that the LORD JESUS upholds all things by the Rhema Word of HIS Power (see Hebrews 1:3a); it follows that the Testimony Of JESUS holds the keys to the fulfillment of an entirely new lifestyle, in GOD and by GOD. As Revelation 3:14b declares, a new creation is unfolding (see Ephesians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17). ix

The Testimony Of JESUS is meant for our possession. In fact, our inward witness needs to be created and “fleshed out” (or, fashioned) in the Testimony Of JESUS so that we can each function in and by the Name Of JESUS. The Testimony Of JESUS [“I AM” revealed] is our inheritance and possession (see Ezekiel 44:28) that is to be alive within the witness of our heart and mind (see 1 John 5:10a,6, NKJV). This inward witness is meant to express a functional status entirely alive in GOD. We each need to discover the creative realm of GOD’s Word revealed, that will creatively transform our thought processes in righteousness and holiness of the truth (see Ephesians 4:23-24). This creative reality of the righteousness and holiness of truth is inscribed within the Word, that explains and gives expression to the Testimony Of JESUS. What we take hold of, in our heart and mind, will enable the supernatural to become part and parcel of our life, in the stature of the LORD JESUS CHRIST unveiled (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). The Testimony Of JESUS, is the Spirit Of Prophecy (see Revelation 19:10c). The Spirit is the anointing, alive in the Testimony Of JESUS (see John 6:63; 17:6-8). This Spirit enables and communicates HIS Testimony or Witness into us - for fulfillment. This is HIS Spirit that enables HIS Testimony to be fulfilled in us as new life - exclusively, enabled in HIM and by HIM (see John 6:63). And because it is HIS Spirit, this anointing enables fulfillment in HIS Excellence and, is therefore rightfully called the Spirit Of Prophecy. Because, HIS Spirit fulfills the prophetic intents of the FATHER’s will. This Spirit is received in the Testimony Of JESUS realized in our inward parts (see John 6:63; 1:16-17)! It is this realization that brings the Witness Of GOD (see Revelation x

3:14b) into our inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a) on an “on-line” basis (see 1 John 5:7-8, NKJV). The Witness of the Word Of GOD needs to actually come alive in the witness of our heart and mind, so that we can live by the Word released into us, through the Testimony Of JESUS (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Hebrews 10:14-16). We need to discover the treasures of the “I AM” of JESUS, our LORD and our BELOVED, revealed through the Word written into our heart and mind (see Colossians 2:2-3,9-13). We each need to think in, and from, the framework of GOD’s Word, revealed in CHRIST JESUS; and, come to realize the awesome power - in Truth (see James 1:18,17-18) - that stands in GOD’s Word, by the SON (see Hebrews 7:28,22). This realization is substantive in terms of a creation fashioned out of HIS Fullness into us (see Ephesians 2:10; John 1:16-17; Ephesians 5:30, KJV) into our inward parts. This realized fullness is of HIS Spirit and HIS Life, given to us as an inheritance and a possession (see John 6:63,48; Ezekiel 44:28). GOD is watching over HIS Word to perform it (see Jeremiah 1:12). But, it must be exclusively HIS Word, before HE will perform it. Anything based on ourselves results in a realm of “our righteousnesses” which, the Word Of GOD clearly and precisely defines as filthiness (see Isaiah 64:6, KJV). And, unless we get out of our ideas of righteousness, the explosive realities in GOD’s living Word - in HIS Spirit and HIS Life - will remain barely experienced. We need to actually live by the Righteousness Of GOD unveiled in CHRIST JESUS into us (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV).


When we learn how to do this, we will as a matter of course die to self (see Revelation 1:17a) and, the realities that arise from ourselves. We will become the Righteousness Of GOD in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). The realization is exclusive to the LORD JESUS unveiled in the witness of our heart and mind (see 1 John 5:6,8, NKJV). If revival is to remain as a living experience of GOD (see Matthew 25:1-12), then revival must find expression in GOD’s Word realized in CHRIST JESUS, and not simply in time-denominated emotional experiences. Lucifer had all the experiences that a creature could possibly have. And yet he fell. Why? Because he discarded GOD in the reality of his experiences. JESUS said, “I AM the Truth.” It is “I AM” WHO is the Truth. Leave out “I AM” and there is no basis for Truth any more. HIS “I AM”, that is the basis of the Truth, is communicated into us by HIS Spirit and HIS Life! This is a supernatural communication brought into us - exclusively - by the HOLY SPIRIT. AMEN! When we are in a state of repentance we come to realize revival. This brings us to the foot of the cross. It is at the foot of the cross that revival begins. But, when we convert our revival into “our righteousnesses” - the reality of our good intents and purposes - the revival stops. The reason is simple; our righteousnesses will always be filthy rags. We need to unveil the Righteousness Of GOD in CHRIST JESUS from within our hearts if we are going to grow continuously. The greatest revival in history is coming upon us so that a Bride will be clothed for her marriage to the LAMB.


We need to flow into it by the SPIRIT, in the Word that describes and reveals the Testimony Of JESUS - the Righteousness Of GOD expressed. It is only the Testimony Of JESUS that will express the Righteousness Of GOD into us and, from us. It is the Testimony Of JESUS, finding expression in us and through us, that unveils GOD’s righteousness. Romans 3:21-23 (KJV) tells us: “But now the righteousness of GOD without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets; even the righteousness of GOD which is by faith of JESUS CHRIST unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of GOD.” In Revelation 19:7-8 we read: “Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to HIM, for the Marriage Of The LAMB has come and HIS Bride has made herself ready. And it was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” “The righteousness of GOD which is by faith of CHRIST JESUS” ends up becoming “the fine linen”, “the righteous acts of the saints”. This is why Revelation 19:7 reads: “give HIM the glory.” Why? Because of HIS faith Testament “unto all and upon all them that believe”, which we have come to actually realize and express in grace and truth, in all that we do in word and deed. The righteous acts of the saints, is the ability to do all things in word and deed, in the Name Of JESUS (see Colossians 3:17). And, all that we do in word and deed must be fashioned from HIS faith Testament. Because HE is the Truth! HIS faith Testament is the Righteousness Of GOD expressed unto us and upon us.


When HIS Testament is received in the evidence of HIS faith realized, our faith finds expression in truth. JESUS said: “I AM The Truth!” The Testimony Of JESUS finds its true fulfillment - in all that we do in word and deed - in a reality that actually clothes us for our Marriage to the LAMB. The apostle John sees that clothing on one of the saints in Revelation 19:10 and he falls before the saint of GOD. Such was the glory (see John 17:22)! This clothing can only come from the LORD our BELOVED. This clothing is exclusive to our clothing with CHRIST (see Galatians 3:26-27). This clothing is enabled in an anointing - expressed in Spirit terms that comes out of HIS Testimony realized. This anointing is described as the Spirit Of Prophecy (see Revelation 19:10c). HIS Spirit enables HIS Testimony by faith “unto all and upon all them that believe” to work within us supernaturally, so as to establish our acts (in word and deed) in righteousness. This happens because of our faith in HIM - realized from HIS faith received, as we receive HIS Testimony by relevation (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Mark 4:22-25). We all need to discover what GOD has fully provided for us in HIS Word; explained in, and by, and through, the LORD JESUS CHRIST - in the medium of HIS Testimony revealed. We all need to discover the supernatural effects of the revealed Word that fulfills GOD’s provision into us - by CHRIST JESUS! GOD has already fully provided for us each to become living expressions of the Righteousness Of GOD - in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). xiv

We simply need to receive (see Mark 4:22-25,20) and take possession of what we have received (see Ezekiel 44:28). This book means to open this realm of the Word to the Church. Understanding is defined as the “knowledge of the HOLY ONE” in the Word Of GOD (see Proverbs 9:10b). “Understanding GOD’s Word” is a reality that only unfolds from the “I AM” of the FATHER’s Name - unveiled in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 17:6; 16:13-15). This entire process (100%) is GOD’s handiwork unveiled in our inward parts (see Exodus 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6; Ephesians 2:10). So please simply receive and, walk into all that you receive by the SPIRIT, patiently, in the realized fullness of CHRIST JESUS unveiled, through the Word Of GOD being revealed into our inward parts. Yours-In-CHRIST,

James Niles Ephphatha Ministries Kuala Lumpur Malaysia July 1998




The Word Of GOD


he written Word Of GOD has the purpose of unveiling within our hearts and minds (by a process of revelation knowledge - see Mark 4:22,24; Deuteronomy 29:29) the awesome reality of GOD, HIS purposes and HIS


This is an eternal, growing reality, supernaturally unveiled through the ministry of GOD the HOLY SPIRIT (see Hebrews 10:15-16; John 16:13-15). What comes alive in us is an eternal continuum of growing fulfillment through the Word unveiled in the FATHER’s will (see John 6:45). What is written in the Logos Word Of GOD is also a (quickened) Rhema Word reality in and from the awesome actuality of the Eternal Witness of the FATHER, the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT (see 1 John 5:7, NKJV). The Source of this Witness is “I AM”. This living Witness, is the living Testament of “I AM” that the written Word presents for our pursuit in GOD (see Ephesians 1:17-18; Deuteronomy 29:29). This living Witness is alive in, and by, and from, 1

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The Witness Of “I AM” The revealed Witness that expresses the Testament of “I AM” is prophetically called the Memorial-Name (see Exodus 3:15c; 25:16; 31:18; 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3). This Witness of the Memorial-Name revealed, is meant to be fulfilled in us and amongst us to all generations, forever (see Ephesians 3:1921; 1:22-23)! This fulfillment of the Memorial-Name is achieved as the “I AM” Witness is brought alive into us in the Name Of JESUS (see John 17:6,26). The Name Of JESUS is expressed in the unity of the Witness of the Blood, the Water and, the Spirit (see 1 John 5:6,8 NKJV) made alive in us, in the meanings unveiled from the living and abiding Word Of GOD brought into us by the SPIRIT Of GOD (see Hebrews 10:1516). This unveiling of the Word Of GOD opens to us in an inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a) that includes our inward spiritual senses (see Hebrews 5:13-14). This inward witness is the living and growing evidence of “I AM”, explained into our inward parts through the Testimony Of JESUS (see John 6:63; 1 John 5:6-8, NKJV) unveiled in Blood, Water and Spirit.

The Inward Witness Is Designed To Realize The “I AM” Witness The unity of the Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit is


The Word Of GOD

meant to be meaningfully realized within us in the revealed substance of HIS Fullness (see John 1:16-17), as an evidence of “I AM”. This realization forms our inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a). This realization is a revelation unveiled by the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15). In this process of realization, we actually come to unveil the realities of our salvation through the Word Of GOD revealed into our hearts and minds. We unveil a living and growing witness that knows and loves GOD (see Hebrews 8:8-11) and, functions by GOD. This inward conviction is the growing fulfillment of: “I AM the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.” The fact is, the Word Of GOD fulfills an essential and dynamic function in our lives. We each need to catch a vision of this function unveiled within us, so that we will receive from GOD’s Word, all that GOD has for each and every one of us. The realization of the “I AM” Witness gives expression to our destiny and our calling. What comes alive in us is a reality, of what GOD wants us each to be in HIS image and likeness. What comes alive within us is the FATHER’s Will realized in fully functional terms (see Colossians 1:9-11; Ephesians 1:3-6). What is revealed within us comes alive with the amazing array of giftings that GOD has for us all (see Ephesians 1:3-6; James 1:17-18).

The Realization Of Being Fearfully And Wonderfully Made GOD has blessed us with the treasures of HIS Heart (see Ephesians 3:16-19). For Scripture declares that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made (see Psalm 139:14). 3

The Word Of GOD

This reality of being fearfully and wonderfully made (see Ephesians 2:10), is the Witness Of GOD unto us that, we need to receive and possess in our inward witness, as our living response to HIS “I AM” Witness (see Ezekiel 44:28; Mark 4:20). This “I AM” Witness comes to us in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS (see John 17:6a; 6:63). This reality must be realized in our witness in our own free will. Only then will we come to treasure the reality of being actual sons unto GOD (see Galatians 3:26-28). For we are fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS likeness in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS unveiled into us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 1:16; 6:63). This unveiling is through the revealed Word.

A Necessary Vision Of “I AM” Unveiled We each need a growing vision of GOD, unveiled through HIS living Word, that will capture our imaginations to the glory of HIS Name. We also need to discover the joy of living in the growing realization of such a vision of GOD, through the Word that HE makes alive within us. In this book, we want to discover how to receive from GOD’s Word and, how to see GOD’s Word being fulfilled in our lives. In this process we mean to open the astonishing realities of GOD’s Word that explains our many-faceted inheritance in the Name Of JESUS. We need to see the potentials in GOD’s Word, as GOD’s Word is revealed, in and through the wonder of HIS “I AM”. HIS “I AM” is revealed in HIS Word, in JESUS Name. And, we need to understand 4

The Word Of GOD

that HIS Word is revealed and fulfilled in our lives in JESUS Name, through HIS Testimony received. HIS Testimony is the awesome totality of HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:63) that unveils HIS “I AM” as: “I AM the Way, and the Truth, and the Life!” In this “I AM” revelation, the treasure of GOD’s Word will be understood for realization in our lives and, for application in the Body Of CHRIST and the world that we live in, so that we will each bear fruit in HIS abundance (see John 15:16).

HIS “I AM” Abundance Carries A Guarantee In Hebrews 7:22, we are told that the LORD JESUS is our guarantee. We need to realize what this guarantee is, and what it means, through the Word unveiled in JESUS Name. The guarantee is unveiled in a Covenant. The Covenant (of HIS Word, unveiled meaningfully and purposefully within us) is guaranteed in CHRIST JESUS. It is brought to us by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT (see Hebrews 10:15-16; John 16:13-15). This Covenant is fully expressed according to the Word Of GOD possessed in JESUS Name, within the tablets of our heart. The meaning of the Covenant and, the application of the Covenant is understood by revelation explained from the Testimony Of JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT into our inward parts. The guarantee is realized, as an evidence of a confidence in HIM in our inward parts, as the Word is meaningfully revealed and explained in the Testimony Of JESUS. As we understand and possess the Word explained through the Testimony Of JESUS; a realization, formed in the evidence of a 5

The Word Of GOD

confident conviction, is made alive by the SPIRIT in our inward parts (see Luke 24:44; John 16:13-15). This is a supernatural conviction that knows (see 1 John 5:13-15). This evidence is realized in the fruits of our conviction which, we must always evaluate in sincerity and truth (see 1 Corinthians 5:7-8). In John 15:16, the LORD JESUS tells us that our fruit must remain. Notice from this verse, that the guarantee for this realization of the fruit that remains, is the Name Of JESUS. This guarantee can only be unveiled in the Word revealed into our hearts in JESUS Name; so that, the actual substance of our confidence is of HIM alone (see Hebrews 3:14, KJV/NKJV) - of HIS Spirit and HIS Life.

The Guarantee Is The Actuality Of GOD’s Word Realized The Word revealed into our hearts, in the “I AM” of JESUS Name, is the actuality of GOD’s Word being made alive into us by the Finger Of GOD (see Exodus 31:18; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6; Exodus 32:15-16). This actuality of the Word is meant to become to us, in the tablets of our heart, the Word Of The Oath (see Hebrews 7:28). This Word Of The Oath expresses the Oath that is fashioned in our heart as a living Covenant of HIS Word that we have willingly (and fully) received from HIM. The evidence of this Oath is a total confidence in HIM. This confidence is entirely the handiwork of the HOLY SPIRIT, through the medium of the revealed Word.


The Word Of GOD

A Covenant Fashioned In HIS Flesh We are told that we are to have a heart of flesh (see Ezekiel 36:25-26). This Covenant of the Word Of The Oath is of HIS Flesh (see John 6:53-58). HIS Flesh being that realm of the Word that makes the LORD JESUS - in HIS “I AM” revealed by Testimony (see John 6:51) - alive to us as “I in them” (see John 17:26). HIS Flesh is the substantive reality of HIS “I AM” PERSON and Nature (see John 6:51,48,63) manifested - in fully subordinated terms - into a heart of flesh within us (see Ezekiel 36:25-26; Ephesians 5:30, KJV). Our faith is substance (Greek: hupostasis - see Hebrews 11:1, KJV/NKJV). This substance or hupostasis is described as the “exact representation of HIS Nature” in Hebrews 1:3a (NASB) and, as the “express image of HIS PERSON” in Hebrews 1:3a (NKJV). The Greek word “hupostasis” in Hebrews 1:3a is translated as PERSON (NKJV) and as Nature (NASB). Our faith is therefore meant to be the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature. This substance is of HIS image. HIS Fullness communicated into us in fully subordinate and dependent terms. The substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature is called HIS Flesh (see John 6:51). This substance unveils in a growing confidence (see Hebrews 3:14, KJV) that describes the realized witness within us. The Greek word translated as confidence in Hebrews 3:14 (KJV) is also hupostasis. Notice that in this confidence we become actual partakers of CHRIST! 7

The Word Of GOD

GOD’s Word Has Awesome Potentials It follows that the Word Of GOD is infinitely more than a set of principles or a set of doctrines and teachings. The Word Of GOD is an eternal inheritance to be received and unfolded in the “I AM” of HIS Name (see Ezekiel 44:28) to the glory of GOD. The Word Of GOD is a creative reality - expressed as the AMEN, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of GOD (see Revelation 3:14b). The Word of GOD is to be unveiled in the Name Of GOD and, in the power and excellence of that Name (see John 17:6), within us and amongst us, into all creation (see Revelation 3:14b; Ephesians 1:22-23; John 1:16-17) - forever. The Word Of GOD actually gives expression to the treasures of GOD’s Heart, unveiled in and by, CHRIST JESUS - our LORD and our BELOVED. The Word Of GOD actually unveils in the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, in an evidence realized in a growing confidence supernaturally formed in our heart and mind. In this revelation crystallized in our inward man, we become living stones (see 1 Peter 2:5)! And, GOD our FATHER is called the STONE Of Israel (see Genesis 49:24c). [See also Revelation 4:3 and 21:11,9-11.] In Genesis 49:24, Israel is a prophetic reference to sons who are the product of GOD’s striving (see Genesis 32:28,22-30). When we actually open the eyes of our heart and see GOD’s Word, in CHRIST JESUS, we begin to see that GOD’s Word is carrying the living expression of realities and blessings that are absolutely beyond the realm of man’s individual or collective talents, capabilities and 8

The Word Of GOD

power (see 2 Corinthians 4:6-7)! The Word Of GOD expresses the “I AM” of GOD! The Word Of GOD gives expression to the “I AM” Of GOD (see Psalm 138:2c, NASB). Psalm 138:2c (NASB) reads : “For THOU hast magnified THY Word according to all THY Name.” This expression gives credence to GOD’s Name being a Memorial-Name (see Exodus 3:1315) that is to be fulfilled to all generations in eternity (see Ephesians 3:21,16-21). We need to learn to see GOD’s Word as an expression of HIS “I AM” made alive to us in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Then we can each begin to do all things in the Name Of GOD (see Numbers 6:27; John 17:6a; Colossians 3:17).

Catching A Vision Of GOD’S Word In Jeremiah 1:12 (NASB), the LORD GOD declares: “..... I AM watching over MY Word to perform it.” An astonishing reality of the Word Of GOD is being presented to us. That GOD is watching over HIS Word to actually perform it! This is exciting because it tells us that GOD has the intent of working in our lives, and in our situations, and in our future, with HIS Word. GOD has the intent of actually fulfilling HIS Word in each and every one of us. GOD’s Word is an actuality realized. GOD releases the dimensions of this actuality in us, through us and amongst us. In the process, HE means to enable us to come to realize the wonder of WHO HE IS and, the wonder of all THAT HE IS, through the Word that HE actually 9

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performs: in us and, through us and, amongst us. In this process we come to function through, and in, and by, the actuality of HIS “I AM” alive in us (see John 17:26).

GOD’s Word Performed There are two levels of (Word) performance that we need to see revelation and fulfillment. These realities are a growing continuum in eternity - to be realized in CHRIST JESUS, in HIS Fullness, as an eternally growing guarantee. Revelation fulfilled is an actuality in which we function! We live by HIM. This actuality is: “I AM the Life!” This actuality of Life has an awesome expressive potential. John 1:16-17 (NASB) puts it this way: “For of HIS Fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through JESUS CHRIST.” This actuality of Life is of HIS Fullness and, it will express everything that is HIS Fullness - in HIS Hupostasis unveiled - described in the realities of grace and truth. This actuality must be realized through JESUS CHRIST. This actuality realized is fulfillment actually received as an Oath of HIS “I AM” alive in an inwardly witnessed confidence that is entirely of the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature! AMEN!

Understanding The Realm Of The Prophetic Word This growing continuum of the performance of HIS Word - in fulfillment - is what is called the prophetic Word. GOD’s Word is entirely prophetic, having a growing fulfillment in HIS Name - forever 10

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(see Psalm 138:2c, NASB; Luke 22:15-16). This fulfillment is of HIS Fullness (see Ephesians 1:22-23). The expressive fulfillment of HIM, WHO fills all in all! Notice from Ephesians 1:22-23, that the instrument of fulfillment is the Body Of CHRIST! This is our destiny in the prophetic Word realized, in the collective witness of our heart of flesh. HIS Flesh unveiled in one Body (see Luke 22:19-20). Ephesians 5:30, KJV puts the fulfillment of the prophetic Word across in the following terms: “For we are members of HIS Body, of HIS Flesh, and of HIS Bones.” AMEN!

Unveiling The Prophetic Word In general, we need to first receive revelation and, we then need to discover the avenues in which we will pursue (by drawing from GOD - see Proverbs 20:5) the fulfillment of the revealed Word. The Word Of GOD is practical! More intimately practical than anything we can understand in our own intelligence and experience in the world and the things of the world. The Word Of GOD is meant to become part and parcel of the very fibre of our being and, in this process, shape our state of being and our future in the awesome wonder of GOD ALMIGHTY. The evidence of this wonder is a guaranteed confidence that is entirely framed in the “I AM” of the Name Of JESUS! We come to realize supernatural change and transformation as GOD fulfills HIS Word in our very being and in our very lives.


The Word Of GOD

It is not difficult to change if we can understand this. That GOD actually creates using HIS Word (Greek: Rhema - see Hebrews 11:3) unveiled in, and by, CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10) in the substance of HIS Fullness (see John 1:16-17) released to us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:63).

Being Shaped In HIS Image When we see the LORD JESUS in HIS Word expressed, we are actually also looking into the true reality in which we will be shaped substantively (in our person and in our nature) in HIS Image and HIS Fullness (see Romans 8:28-30). This reality in substance is the “mirror” that 2 Corinthians 3:18 points to: “But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the LORD (see John 17:22), are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the LORD, the SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15).” This true substantive reality is like a living mirror in which we need to see ourselves being unfolded in HIM, in HIS very likeness (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). The more we see of HIM the more are we transformed. The more deeply we see HIM, the deeper is the extent of our transformation. Our transformation is not achieved by what we do in ourselves but, by what we allow GOD to bring forth in us.

The Importance Of The Inward Witness Realized The Word Of GOD is meant to become a living witness alive in us (see 1 John 5:10a), so that we can continually live in the reality of CHRIST JESUS realized (see 1 John 5:6, NKJV).


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The Word Of GOD alive in our witness also enables the reality of continual, limitless growth - in Truth in HIS “I AM” realized. The secret to continual growth is the reality of the Word Of GOD being alive in our witness in JESUS Name (see Matthew 13:23; Mark 4:20; Luke 8:15). GOD is able to perform HIS Word when HIS Word is alive in our Witness, in JESUS Name (see John 16:23-27). And this is so, because of the merits of the LAMB being imputed to us in JESUS Name. GOD is able to perform HIS Word - in us and through us - because the LORD JESUS has fulfilled the Law and the Prophets in HIS own merits - for us. When we see anything in the LORD JESUS, we have entered a realm of the Word that is an Oath that has to be performed in the merits of the LAMB (see Hebrews 7:28).

The Oath Fleshed Into The Tablets Of Our Heart We must each realize the infinite difference between our ideas of what is GOD’s Word and, what GOD HIMSELF makes alive in our witness, as HIS Word revealed and “fleshed out” (see John 6:51-58) into the tablets of our heart, according to all that is written upon our heart by the Finger Of GOD (see Exodus 31:18; 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6). The Word Of GOD unveils in us as the Light Of Life (see John 8:12c; 1:3-4; 1:16-17). This Light Of Life is the construct of our state of being in light - HIS Light revealed (see Ephesians 1:17-19; 3:16-20). The Word Of GOD can be realized as a revelation and it will be performed when the revelation has attained a position of fulfilling 13

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GOD’s purpose and plan and, function and will, in our life. In fact, the Word Of GOD tells us that we each have the potentials to be actually filled with the knowledge of GOD’s will, with all spiritual wisdom and understanding (see Colossians 1:9). The evidence of fulfillment is the confident guarantee alive in the witness, alive in us. We know that the evidence alive in our heart will be performed in JESUS Name (see 1 John 5:14-15).

The “I AM” Door Of The Testimony Of JESUS Realized When we have received revelation such that we are prepared to walk into the Word revealed, we enter the reality (in the substance of faith) of expecting GOD’s Word to be fulfilled. This reality is a Door that has been opened to us in JESUS Name. This is the reality that the LORD proclaims as being opened in: “I AM the Door”, in John 10:9. Performance always has the intent of fulfillment. GOD will always perform HIS Word when we see the fulfillment HE has planned. GOD’s expects us, to see the reality of fulfillment, before HE will perform HIS Word and fulfill HIS Word. Fulfillment opens when we see the Door in JESUS Name (see Ephesians 1:18). But, please understand that the substance (hupostasis) of this Door is of HIS “I AM” revealed. This Door is a realm of promise to be brought forth in JESUS Name - not ours (see John 15:16; 16:13-15,23-27). It is a realm meant to be opened with understanding into the tablets of our heart (see Proverbs 9:10; 20:5). 14

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In the passage from Jeremiah 1:12, where GOD declares that HE is watching over HIS Word to perform it, HE first tells Jeremiah: “you have seen well”. We must learn to see well. And, we must be willing to see well. When we see well, GOD will perform HIS Word. When we see well, we have aligned our inward man in GOD’s will. See Matthew 6:22; Mark 4:24.

Revelation Knowledge How exactly are we filled with the knowledge of GOD’s Word? And, what is the role of this knowledge revealed. In Deuteronomy 29:29, the LORD GOD explains the crucial role that the Word Of GOD plays in our lives in all eternity. Through Moses, HE explains: “The secret things belong to the LORD our GOD, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may be able to observe all the words of this Law.” In Mark 4:22 it is written : “For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed, nor has anything been secret, but that it should come to light.” It is worth investing in the Word of GOD because the Word Of GOD revealed last’s forever. There is nothing else known to man that can even begin to last forever! But, the Word Of GOD revealed to us lasts forever! And, Mark 4:22 tells us that all that is secret or hidden is meant to be revealed! However, we must understand that this reality of the Word Of GOD, is exclusive to the revealed Word alone. It does not apply to a man centered understanding of the written Word but, to a GOD ordained 15

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and GOD revealed realm and reality of the Word. This is a reality that is of a realm of the Word formed into the flesh of our heart supernaturally (see Ezekiel 36:25-26; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6; Exodus 32:15-16; Hebrews 10:15-16). This flesh is the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature made alive in us in the evidence of HIS “I AM” Fullness. The substance is entirely and exclusively of the Testimony Of JESUS - in HIS Spirit and HIS Life expressed (see John 6:63). This realization of HIS Spirit and HIS Life enables us. Notice the words in Deuteronomy 29:29 that declares, “that we may be able to observe all the words of this Law!” This is a supernatural enabling. Such an enabling is exclusive to CHRIST JESUS revealed. Understanding is very clearly defined in Scripture as “the knowledge of the HOLY ONE” (see Proverbs 9:10). “The knowledge of the HOLY ONE” forms the flesh of our heart and enables us to function in HIM and by HIM (see Isaiah 53:11b).

Knowledge In CHRIST JESUS Enables Us To Become The Righteousness Of GOD We are speaking of a realm of the Word that stands exclusively by the Name Of GOD; and not, by the resources and the intellect of mankind. The reason is simple: “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (see Isaiah 64:6, KJV). Yet, we are also told that in CHRIST JESUS, we are chosen to actually become living expressions of the very Righteousness Of GOD, in and through CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). We must each understand the miracle of the Righteousness Of GOD, 16

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expressed unto us and upon us, in the knowledge of CHRIST JESUS. 2 Peter 1:2-4 tells us something awesome of this reality of the knowledge of the HOLY ONE: “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of GOD and of JESUS our LORD; seeing that HIS divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of HIM WHO called us by HIS OWN Glory and Excellence. For by these HE has granted to us HIS precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature ....” The fact that “HIS divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness” is what the Righteousness Of GOD is! Notice that it is HIS power that fulfills (see 2 Corinthians 4:6-7). The medium of fulfillment is revelation knowledge - HIS Flesh unveiled (see John 6:51,63). The revealed Word has the intent of giving us life and purpose and fulfillment in eternity - in the righteousness of GOD; performed within us and, performed through us and, performed amongst us forever!

An Eternal Growing Inheritance Unveiled In The Memorial-Name The revealed Word has the intent of giving us an inheritance which we in turn can bequeath to others - “our sons” - forever (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Isaiah 54:1-3,10,13)! The revealed Word is GOD’s Way of giving us a continuum of living 17

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expression from the “I AM” of HIS Name, in terms of all that HE means to bless us with, in and by HIS Name. It is no surprise therefore that salvation is described in its true entirety by the Name Of GOD (see Psalm 54:1; James 1:17-18). Psalm 138:2c (NASB) describes a reality of the fulfilled Word as being a reality where: “THOU hast magnified THY Word according to all THY Name.” See John 17:6,26. Notice that Ezekiel 44:28 speaks of the “I AM” Name becoming our inheritance and our possession. We must understand that this reality comes alive according to HIS Word magnified in our heart, in the understanding of WHO “I AM” IS and, all THAT “I AM” expresses unto us. The LORD JESUS prayed that the Name Of GOD will be unveiled in each one of our lives (see John 17:6a,26) as a fulfillment of the proclamation that, the Name Of GOD realized is the actuality of a growing Memorial-Name (see Exodus 3:13-15; Ephesians 3:19-21). We celebrate the growing fulfillment of the Memorial-Name in Holy Communionm, in HIS Fullness realized in our inward parts (see Ephesians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 4:16). This is the substantive reality of HIS PERSON and Nature realized, through the prophetic expressions of HIS Flesh and Blood revealed and fulfilled in us, in HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:48,51,53,63). GOD wants us to receive HIS best (see John 1:16-18), explained in the realized terms of HIS Word revealed (see John 17:6a,7a,8a). HIS Word is a living inheritance unveiled and fulfilled in each and 18

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every one of our lives and, as a living testimony of HIS Glory unveiled (see Ephesians 1:3-6; 1 Corinthians 2:7) in the Name Of JESUS (see John 17:22). We are each called forth to express the fullness of CHRIST JESUS “the fullness of HIM WHO fills all in all” (see Ephesians 1:22-23). In John 17:8 the LORD JESUS CHRIST proclaims a reality that has been opened to us in and by HIS “I AM” Name: “for the Words (Greek: Rhema) which THOU gavest ME I have given to them; and they received them ...” In John 17:6 the LORD proclaims: “I manifested THY Name to the men whom THOU gavest ME out of the world ...” In John 17:7 the LORD expresses the reality of revelation as: “Now they have come to know ....” There will always be a now in which we will come to know new realities of GOD and new realities in GOD!

The Fullness Of JESUS CHRIST Realized, Is Truth Unveiled Something that describes the very essence of our life in CHRIST JESUS is being described here. Everything that should enable us to receive GOD’s Word has been ordained by GOD HIMSELF for us exclusively - in, and through CHRIST JESUS. HE has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see Ephesians 1:3-6). We need to learn to receive (and to express) what HE has given to us with our hearts and our minds. John 1:16-17 expresses this wonder in the following terms: “For of 19

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HIS Fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through JESUS CHRIST.” There is a GOD given substantive reality of “realization through JESUS CHRIST” that we each need to enter into and learn how to function in. This is the realm of the True Word - “I AM The Truth!” The true Word is reality that is of HIS Fullness that every one of us is meant to grow into and express (see Ephesians 4:13). In HIS Fullness realized, the Truth sets us free!

Realizing The Word Of GOD How do we come to realize? Deuteronomy 30:14, expresses the crucial reality of where exactly GOD makes the provision of HIS Word: “... the Word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it.” There are three keys being mentioned here: the mouth, the heart and, the ability to observe. These three keys, when they find form and expression in the Testimony Of JESUS, bring forth a realization through JESUS CHRIST (see John 1:17c, NASB). The realization manifests in our heart. The realization is of HIS Flesh (see John 6:53-58,63) that, in time, forms the flesh of our heart (see Ezekiel 36:26; Exodus 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6, KJV/NKJV).

The Process Of Realization The mouth speaks of the articulation of the Word and, the inner 20

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faculties of the mind involved in the process of this articulation. All of GOD’s Word revealed in CHRIST JESUS must be articulated through us. This is the Gospel expressed in our own words, from HIS Fullness realized in our heart. The heart speaks of revelation realized in a storehouse of intent, purpose, imagination, desire, objective, nature, plan etc, to be fashioned in GOD. The heart speaks of the process of finding the meaning of GOD’s Word and, giving expression to the Word from within our heart. This totality of the heart must be of the fullness of “I AM” realized HIS Flesh eaten (see John 6:51,53-58). The heart gives birth and form to the Word Of GOD received; and, the mouth gives realized expression to the Word Of GOD. The realized expression of the Word Of GOD is the Gospel that GOD has unveiled within you and me, as unique testimonies of HIS Fullness realized. The process of realization, through observance, in turn increases the heart (see Psalm 119:30-32)! The process is entirely supernatural. It is the HOLY SPIRIT WHO works these processes (see Hebrews 10:15-16) according to our own free will response to GOD through the careful and willing acceptance of HIS Word (see John 16:13).

The Ability To Observe Observance is a peculiar word that we need to understand and come to apply; because, observance is the reality of obedience realized and expressed through the faculties of understanding, intent and, purpose that we have developed in our own freewill before GOD. 21

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Observance describes the fully yielded intents of our heart and mind as we realize the awesomeness of GOD. The root of observance is obedience. Obedience is a realization that accepts the reality that GOD is Supreme. More importantly obedience is the free will expression that proclaims that GOD must always be Supreme. HE gives expression to HIMSELF and HIS purposes through HIS Word; and, we observe and give expression to all that we have realized in HIS Word, from HIM. Our realization is unveiled in the faculties of understanding, intent and purpose established within us in sincerity and truth. Understanding, intent and purpose are actually different “parts” or “realities” in which our ability to observe is developed. AMEN! Understanding is a faculty developed as we come to know the LORD JESUS, the HOLY ONE (see Proverbs 9:10b). Intent is a faculty that reflects our nature formed in the image of the HOLY ONE (see Romans 8:28-30). Purpose is a faculty developed as GOD’s will comes alive from within us (see Colossians 1:9-11).

Fearing GOD - The Pulse Of Truth Alive In Us When we observe with understanding, intent and purpose, realized in CHRIST JESUS, we are bowing ourselves to GOD in all that HE has revealed in us. This observance is true life realized and lived. This observance when 22

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brought into a fullness, is characterized as a freedom and liberty of peace within our inward man. It is the truth that sets us free. In this freedom realized, we come to delight in the fear of GOD (see Isaiah 11:3a). We begin to realize the awesomeness of GOD and we enter the reality where we tremble in awe at HIS Word (see Isaiah 66:2). The awe of GOD, that finds expression within us, is the actuality of truth realized!

Receiving GOD’S Word In Matthew 4:4, the LORD JESUS proclaims: “...It is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD.” Catch this please: Man is able to live on every Word (Greek: “Rhema”) that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD. Man has been given the ability to actually receive every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD! This is what the passage above is proclaiming. GOD has ordained a reality of Life by every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD; for fulfillment in each and every one of our lives. No exceptions (see James 1:17-18). See also Mark 4:22,24 and Deuteronomy 29:29. Deuteronomy 30:14, expresses the crucial reality of where exactly GOD makes the provision of HIS Word: “....in your mouth and in your heart....” See also 1 John 5:10a.

Taking Hold Of Our Inheritance We have to exercise our free will to receive. All of us can receive 23

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strength through CHRIST JESUS WHO strengthens us. We need to ask, seek and knock using our mouth and our heart. All who ask, seek and knock - in partnership with the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 14:16-17; 16:13-15) - will receive (see Luke 11:9-13; 1 John 5:6-8,NKJV). There are no exceptions because GOD does not discriminate (see James 1:17; Galatians 3:26-28). The HOLY SPIRIT’s ministry is to ensure this realm of realization (see Hebrews 10:15-16; John 16:13-15) as a living reality of an inheritance possessed (see Ezekiel 44:28; 1 John 5:6, NKJV). We must pursue GOD in this reality (see Isaiah 62:6c-7a). In Isaiah 62:7a, the LORD declares that we must give HIM no rest! This involves prayer and contemplation of the Word, that develops our inward witness, by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name (see Romans 8:2).

We Need To Picture Our Destiny In order to live, we need a “picture” of what needs to be done. This “picture” is opened through the realm of revelation that becomes a living witness within us (see Proverbs 20:5; 1 Corinthians 2:7,10,9). In order to live we need to have the ability to fulfill the picture. This ability to fulfill is opened through the realm of the anointing, that enables us in Spirit terms (see John 6:63; 3:34). This ability is a fully GOD-dependent ability. And finally, in order to live we will need the necessary framework in which this picture will be fulfilled. This is opened through the realm of understanding that unveils by faith, according to HIS call upon our lives.


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GOD means to provide this entire construct through HIS every Word. GOD has an eternal, growing picture that will unveil our life in growing fulfillment - forever! The medium that expresses all of this awesome reality is the “Word that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD.” We are meant to be able to actually live by every Word (Greek: Rhema) spoken by the Mouth Of GOD. We can all discover the realm of the “Word that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD” through the witness within. But how does this actually happen?

Realizing The Testimony Of JESUS The prophet John proclaims (in John 3:34,36): “For HE WHOM GOD has sent speaks the Words Of GOD; for HE gives the Spirit without measure. ... He who believes in the SON has eternal life ...” The key is the LORD JESUS; because, HE speaks - in the eternal now - the Words Of GOD (see John 17:7a)! The Greek word for “Words” in this passage is Rhema; and, we can catch something awesome about the reality of GOD’s Words - in CHRIST JESUS - actually giving us Spirit without measure. We can see the awesome potentials of this reality, realized in CHRIST JESUS, from Luke 24:44-45 and Luke 21:33. In fact, Hebrews 1:3 tells us that the LORD JESUS upholds all things - in the eternal now - by the Rhema Word of HIS Power.


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When we receive HIS Rhema, the result is that we can each have eternal life and, the enabling power to live that life in JESUS Name (see Ephesians 3:20). An amazing reality is being opened to us. “HE WHOM GOD has sent” refers to the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see John 3:34). HE WHOM GOD has sent, speaks the Rhema Of GOD! Notice the use of the word “speaks”; meaning, that HIS Words are being spoken in a living continuity. In this reality HE gives the Spirit - the Spirit of HIS Words (Rhema - see John 6:63) - without measure. Revelation 19:10c puts it this way: “... For the Testimony Of JESUS is the Spirit Of Prophecy.” The Spirit Of Prophecy is the Spirit that enables and fulfills the potentials of the Testimony Of JESUS. This is HIS Spirit. And, HIS Spirit fulfills GOD’s Word. The realities of HIS Spirit include Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding (see Isaiah 11:2). We call this “fulfillment potential” the prophetic dimension of GOD’s living Word. The Testimony Of JESUS is entirely prophetic and is meant for eternal fulfillment in the Body of CHRIST (see Ephesians 1:22-23)! For of HIS Fullness we have all received (see John 1:16). AMEN! When the Body Of CHRIST enters the understanding of all Scripture in, and by, and through, the Testimony Of JESUS, we will enter the Mount Of The LORD (see Genesis 22:14) in a living and growing Passover actuality alive in the witness of our heart (see Psalm 24:3-4).

A Passover Continuum Realized The Testimony Of JESUS - the living expression of HIS Heart for each 26

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one of us - is the living reality of a Passover continuum into HIS marvellous Light that has been, is being and, will be fulfilled, in the Kingdom Of GOD (see Luke 22:15-16; Revelation 3:14b; Ephesians 2:10). This Passover is an eternal fulfillment through HIS Body - “the fullness of HIM WHO fills all in all”, as proclaimed in Ephesians 1:22-23. See also John 1:16-17. And, understand (see Proverbs 9:10b) that the Passover is fully described in Luke 22:19-20 realized. This will be achieved through the Testimony Of JESUS realized. In this realization, we are created in CHRIST JESUS, in the inward parts of our soul and spirit (see 2 Corinthians 4:16; 3:18), in HIS Fullness realized (see Ephesians 2:10; 4:23-24). One day we will be given a body that will be able to express the fullness of HIM realized, from the inward parts of our soul and spirit. Revelation 3:14b calls the expressive - Rhema - totality of the Testimony Of JESUS, “The AMEN, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD.” The Testimony Of JESUS carries the eternal expressive Rhema Word of HIS Fullness. This Fullness is expressed as HIS Spirit and HIS Life. In John 6:63, the LORD JESUS reveals: “.... the Words (Greek: Rhema) that I have spoken to you are Spirit and are Life.” The LORD is speaking of HIS Words. And HIS Words - HIS Rhema - carry HIS Spirit and HIS Life. Notice that the use of the term “are” speaks of the continuum of HIS Testimony - in Rhema terms - now. We receive HIS Words (Rhema) within the witness of our heart and 27

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mind - by revelation (see Mark 4:22). This is a process orchestrated by GOD alone (see Hebrews 10:15-16; Exodus 31:18; 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6) as we respond to HIM through HIS Word (see Ephesians 1:17-18; John 16:13-15; Mark 4:20) with our heart and our mouth in all that we do in word and deed. The Testimony Of JESUS is revelation of “I AM” that needs to be pursued through the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth (see 1 Corinthians 5:7-8; Luke 22:1) so that a Passover is realized in the growing witness of our heart (see Psalm 24:3-4; 15:1-2). As we do this, our heart becomes the Bread Of The Presence fulfilled (see Exodus 25:30, NASB; John 17:26c; 2 Peter 1:19) that enables a Passover into HIS marvellous Light (see Luke 22:19,15-16; 17:21, KJV/NKJV).

The Realization Of Resting In HIS “I AM” Unveiled All this is revelation made alive by GOD HIMSELF within our hearts (see John 6:45; Mark 4:20,22). We enter this reality by resting in HIM. This rest is a fully dependent state of the inward man. Our state of rest reflects the state of development of our inward witness (see Hebrews 4:9-11) in HIS Fullness realized. The point is this. If we keep on applying our intellects to the Word Of GOD, the realm of revelation orchestrated by the living GOD will never open to us. We have each got to learn to leave the realm of our intellect and our 28

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“good” intents and, enter the reality of dependent submission to GOD. HE must lead. We must learn to bow down from the thoughts, intents and desires of our heart. If we don’t, then all that we have been discussing here will not be realized. It can’t be realized. GOD must be truly GOD - in the witness of our heart and mind before HE can do anything with us. Remember, all of our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. It will always be so. We must never forget this. There is only ONE GOD. “Lucy-fool” did not understand this (see Psalm 14:1). He did not want to understand this. And so, he became a fool and he lost his life and his awesome destiny. What an astonishing fool was Lucifer. The fool says in his heart, there is no GOD!

A Passover Into HIS Marvellous Light We received the witness of the supreme fool at the Garden Of Eden. Now we must freely choose to discard it, in and by and through CHRIST JESUS - alone. Remember, our good intents of doing so will never even begin to make the grade. We need to cling by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Luke 11:13; John 16:7,13-15; Hebrews 10:15-16; 1 Corinthians 6:17; 2 Corinthians 3:17) to CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2) in, and by, and through, the Word realized. Anything that in its form and substance, does not lift up the Name Of JESUS as a tangible witness within us, has absolutely nothing to do with the HOLY SPIRIT. 29

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The LORD JESUS told us clearly and unambiguously: “I AM the Truth!” The HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT Of Truth (see John 14:1617; 16:13-15). We are speaking of an inward witness - realized as a Passover into HIS Light - in the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth (see 1 Corinthians 5:7-8).

The Passover Realized Becomes The Amen Of Our Witness The LORD JESUS is the AMEN, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of GOD (see Revelation 3:14b). This Witness to the creation of GOD, is the Rhema Of GOD unveiled to the witness of our heart, by the SPIRIT, in the unified Witness of the Water, the Blood and the Spirit (see 1 John 5:6,8 NKJV). Through this Witness realized, we are created in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10) - not in spiritual experiences. Please understand this very carefully. Spiritual experiences are not the basis of evaluating spiritual growth. It is the Testimony Of JESUS alive in the witness of our heart that is the true expression of spiritual growth. If the “I AM” of CHRIST JESUS as LORD is not growing within us, then the fact is we have stopped growing. Why? Because we have replaced the LORD JESUS CHRIST with our spiritual experiences. Our righteousnesses - no matter how spiritual they may appear to be (see Colossians 2:17c-23) - will always be filthy rags. The written Word (Logos) of GOD only becomes the spoken, 30

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expressive Word (Rhema) Of GOD that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD, when the witness to the LORD JESUS CHRIST is alive within us, by the SPIRIT. This is the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS that sets us free from the law of sin and death (see Romans 8:2). This inward freedom, is the AMEN of HIS Witness realized as the Amen of our witness, in JESUS Name realized.

Understanding GOD’s Word As A Growing Reality Of Living Waters We have now tied the written Word to the Rhema Word that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD, through the witness to the Name Of JESUS, that is to be made alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT. Long before the advent of the LORD JESUS, GOD the WORD expressed a reality (see Isaiah 48:16) that we must always have alive in our hearts: “Come near to ME, listen to this: from the first I have not spoken in secret, from the time it took place, I was there. And now the LORD GOD has sent ME, and HIS SPIRIT.” See also Mark 4:22. It is very important to receive and understand this Witness because this is the expression of the Rhema Of GOD. And the consequences of our response are a matter of life and death (see John 6:53,60,66,63). Isaiah 48:17-19 declares the potentials that should be: “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the HOLY ONE Of Israel (the preincarnate LORD JESUS CHRIST); “I AM the LORD your GOD, WHO teaches you to profit, WHO leads you in the Way you should go.


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If only you had paid attention to MY commandments! Then your well-being would have been like a river (see John 7:37-39), and your righteousness like the waves of the sea (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). Your descendants would have been like the sand, and your offspring like its grains; their name would never be cut off or destroyed from MY Presence (see Exodus 25:30, NASB; Psalm 23:5,1-6).”” Can you see the witness that is meant to come alive from our bellies from wells of living water (see John 4:14) flowing out like rivers of living water that will express the fullness of CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT in JESUS Name? Please read John 7:37-39 and, then read Ezekiel 43:7,12; 47:1-12 and, Ephesians 1:22-23.

A Vision Realized We have now described the functional reality of the Word Of GOD to be brought alive within us by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name. This is the Word (Rhema) that GOD will fulfill because it is the Word (Rhema) that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD. This is the Word (Rhema) ordained so that we will all be able to actually live by GOD from the witness of our heart. AMEN. We now have a vision of GOD’s Word. We have now come to understand that the Word Of GOD is more practical and real than anything else that we can conceive. In fact, anything else that we can conceive in ourselves and of ourselves is a pathetic counterfeit. It will surely die! The realm of the living Word alive in the witness of our heart in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT, is the will of the FATHER realized. 32

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Now we can do all things through CHRIST WHO strengthens us (in HIS Spirit realized). The strength is realized in the witness within, according to the greatness of the LORD JESUS, in HIS PERSON and in HIS Nature, alive in the witness realized by the SPIRIT. This witness realized Covenant with the FATHER, the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT (see 1 John 5:7, NKJV) is fashioned in the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see John 17:26; 1 John 5:6; Colossians 2:9, KJV) unveiled through the Testimony Of JESUS possessed in the inward parts of our being (see Ezekiel 44:28). AMEN!




The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD


evelation 3:14b speaks of a prophetic reality - that is to be increasingly fulfilled in eternity - called “the Beginning of the creation of GOD.” This prophetic utterance describes the intent, purpose and reality of GOD’s living Rhema Word, to unveil the creation of GOD. The Rhema Word expresses the growing fulfillment of a creation fully sourced in HIM, WHO is called the Beginning - the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see Colossians 1:18), the WORD Of GOD (see also Colossians 1:16-17). The fulfillment of this prophetic utterance into a growing reality is a certainty that Revelation 3:14b designates as the AMEN. This AMEN is the faithful and true Witness which, is the Rhema of the “I AM” Name Of JESUS alive - by Testament (see Exodus 25:16,2122) - in the SPIRIT Of YHWH (GOD). This creation is, amongst other things, fulfillment realized within us. This realization is to be entirely of HIS Fullness. As noted in John 1:16, of HIS Fullness we have all received. As noted in Colossians 1:17, NKJV: “in HIM all things consist.” We are entitled (see John 35

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1:12) to realize this continuum of fulfillment in the merits of the LAMB. And, because all of this fulfillment is in the merits of the LAMB, they are entirely a reality realized in grace, through HIS faith unveiled in us (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV) through HIS Spirit and HIS Life. HIS faith is unveiled in HIS Testimony - HIS Words - revealed to our inward parts. It is the revealed Rhema Word of HIS Testimony that, unveils HIS faith (in the conduits of HIS Spirit and HIS Life - see John 6:63) into us - as an evidence of HIM. This evidence of HIM is obtained in the substance of our faith in HIM, realized from the Spirit and Life expressions of HIS Testimony revealed. Our faith is fashioned in our response to HIS Testimony revealed (see Mark 4:24, 22-25).

In HIM - We “Consist” This creation is fulfillment actually realized from HIS faithful and true Witness - HIS Testimony, communicated in HIS Spirit and HIS Life. This faithful and true Witness, when made alive in us by the SPIRIT Of CHRIST (see 1 Peter 1:11; 1 John5:10a), is the perfect and complete expression of HIS Fullness, in HIS Spirit and HIS Life, fashioned into us (see Ephesians 2:10; John 1:16-17). Everything that GOD does is described in this living Witness of HIS WORD, brought alive by HIS SPIRIT, in the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see John 6:63). This is the fulfillment of the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS into us, in a fully functional state of being.


The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD

In the fulfillment of this Law, we are enabled to function in the Name of JESUS, in partnership with the HOLY SPIRIT (see Romans 8:2).

We Are A Word Construct Realized In HIS Fullness The realization that brings forth the creative power of the Rhema Witness into us, is the substantive reality of a Word Construct. This Word Construct is - entirely - laid forth by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name. [We are using the word “substantive” in the context of the Greek word “hupostasis” as it is described in different parts of this book. The key idea of substantive comes from the “substance” of faith used in Hebrews 11:1, KJV/NKJV. This substance is meant to be entirely of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature. This substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature forms the Word Construct. This is a Logos Word Construct unveiled from the Rhema Word of HIS Testimony. The Word Construct is therefore a substantive reality entirely derived from HIS PERSON and HIS Nature. Simply because HE is the WORD! And, any Word Construct in Truth (“I AM The Truth”) must be entirely of HIM - derivatively and subordinately fashioned from HIM!] This Word Construct is ultimately meant to become, within us, in the tablets of our heart, the Word Of The Oath (see Hebrews 7:28). The term “Word” in the phrase “Word Of The Oath” is the Greek word “Logos”. This Logos refers to the Word realized from the Rhema of HIS Spirit and HIS Life. And, in this process we are fashioned in HIS image, in HIS Fullness revealed into our inward parts. 37

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From HIS Rhema Word Comes A Logos Word Construct Realized From the living Witness of HIS Rhema Word comes a realized substantive formation within us that is Logos. This realized state is exclusively GOD’s creative handiwork (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Exodus 32:15-16). The WORD is LOGOS. We become the flesh of HIS Flesh (see Ephesians 5:30, KJV) in Logos terms. Ephesians 5:30 (KJV) expresses this fulfilled reality in the following terms: “For we are members of HIS Body, of HIS Flesh and of HIS Bones.” The reality of HIS Bones depicts an eternally growing structure brought into place, by the SPIRIT, in a living Body of HIS Flesh realized. This Logos formation has a fascinating construct that is an awesome revelation to be realized and pursued - exclusively - in and through the “I AM” Name Of JESUS unveiled in HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 17:6,26c). This Logos formation in substance within us is what we have called a Word Construct. This Word Construct is exclusively a construct of HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:63; Ephesians 2:10). Given the fact that HE is the Truth, the construct must necessarily be of HIM to be true. We need to eat of HIM. HE is the Bread Of Life.


The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD

The Word Construct The realization of the AMEN of HIS faithful and true Witness unveils a Word Construct within us, in our inward parts of spirit and soul. This Word Construct of HIS faithful and true Witness, is fully enabled and fashioned in HIS Spirit and HIS Life through the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 6:63). This construct is therefore - entirely of the Fullness Of CHRIST JESUS (see John 1:16-17). This realized Word Construct, becomes a living expression of the Fullness Of CHRIST JESUS, only by, and in union (see 1 Corinthians 6:17; 2 Corinthians 3:17) with, the SPIRIT Of Life. This is the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). This living expression of the Fullness Of CHRIST JESUS results in a living Body which entirely draws from the Head (see Ephesians 4:1516), the LORD JESUS CHRIST - by the SPIRIT Of Life - in fully functional terms. In this inwardly realized expression, we are set free from the law of sin and death. And, a new creation is made manifest from our inward parts (see Ephesians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 4:16; Revelation 3:14b).

A Functional Construct Realized This inwardly realized state of being is a living and growing substantive reality, that is a growing expression of the fulfillment of the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). The Law Of The SPIRIT Of CHRIST fulfilled, is also the living functional Witness of the Law and the Prophets fulfilled in CHRIST 39

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JESUS being increasingly brought alive into us - as an actual functional reality - alive by the HOLY SPIRIT, in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS realized. All that is defined in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS is brought alive (only) by the HOLY SPIRIT, the SPIRIT Of Life. In this context the HOLY SPIRIT is also pointedly called the SPIRIT Of Grace and, HE is also pointedly called the SPIRIT Of Truth. Without the HOLY SPIRIT the fullness of CHRIST JESUS can’t be inwardly realized (see John 16:13-15; 14:16-17; 16:7,12-13). The inward functional state must necessarily be of the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS, simply because only “I AM” is the Truth. And, the HOLY SPIRIT is also “I AM”! The HOLY SPIRIT unveils this facet of HIS ministry as the Finger Of GOD (see Exodus 31:18; and compare Luke 11:20 with Matthew 12:28).

The Righteousness Of GOD Fulfilled This realized fulfillment is achieved in a Word Construct, laid by the SPIRIT - into us - in JESUS Name. This Word Construct is a living expression of the Righteousness Of GOD unveiled and realized within us (see Exodus 31:18; 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6). This living Body becomes a living and growing expression of HIM and HIS Fullness. Something Ephesians 1:23 declares as: “.... HIS Body, the fullness of HIM WHO fills all in all.” This living Body is brought forth in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT Of Life.


The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD

This Body is a living (and growing) expression of the Righteousness Of GOD fulfilled (see 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 3:21-22, KJV). Because this Body is HIS creation! GOD actually creates using HIS Rhema Word. Hebrews 11:3 (NKJV) expresses the universal creative reality of GOD’s Rhema Word in these terms: “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word (Rhema) Of GOD, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”

A State Of Being Created in CHRIST JESUS The LORD JESUS expresses this reality of HIS Rhema to us, as a substantive reality that is deeply personal. In John 6:63 we are told: “...the Words (Rhema) that I have spoken to you are Spirit and are Life.” We are also told in the same verse that, “It is the SPIRIT WHO gives Life...” Which, simply means that the Rhema of HIS Spirit and HIS Life is brought to us, and is made alive in us, only by the SPIRIT Of Life - WHO gives Life. In this process we become the workmanship of GOD created in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10). When realized within us, the resulting Word Construct points to us having taken hold of a substantive reality ordained for us, in CHRIST, by GOD the FATHER. As noted in Colossians 1:17, NKJV - “in HIM all things consist”. We are being told that the Word Construct laid forth by the SPIRIT, from and by the Rhema Word of the faithful and true Witness of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, comes alive in us as a living witness. This living witness is in fact the realized expression of the Righteousness Of GOD. 41

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We come to “consist” by all that is brought forth into us by this Witness of HIS Spirit and HIS Life realized. It is the Righteousness Of GOD alone that has established this witness into us - supernaturally. This witness in us is established in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT Of Life (see 1 John 5:10a,6, NKJV).

Becoming The Righteousness Of GOD In this witness laid by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name, we become the Righteousness Of GOD in JESUS Name (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). This witness is made alive within us by the SPIRIT Of Life, as a growing fulfillment of the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life In CHRIST JESUS, that sets us free from the law of sin and death (see Romans 8:2). This is an inwardly realized liberty (see James 1:25) fashioned in CHRIST JESUS and quickened by the HOLY SPIRIT. That is, as fulfillment grows within us, we come to experience the actuality of being set free from the law of sin and death. A new nature comes alive in us and the old nature of fleshliness dies. New realities in CHRIST JESUS open to us in a supernatural realization. This Law of the SPIRIT Of Life In CHRIST JESUS actually describes an entirely new functional state of being being brought alive in us by GOD HIMSELF. This is why Ephesians 2:10 calls us HIS workmanship created in CHRIST JESUS!

Righteousness Realized In HIS Spirit And HIS Life This witness alive in us is meant to be entirely a Word Construct laid by the SPIRIT, in the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS HIMSELF.


The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD

This is how we actually grow in supernatural terms. This is why we can all grow in supernatural terms! In John 3:34, the prophet John makes the following proclamation on the LORD JESUS: “For HE WHOM GOD has sent speaks the Words (Rhema) Of GOD; for HE gives the Spirit without measure.” HE gives HIS Spirit - without measure - through the Word Construct realized (see John 1:16-17). We are meant to be completely enabled by HIS Spirit alone. When this substance of HIS Spirit is realized inwardly, we come alive by HIS Name and, come to actually function by HIS Name. GOD the FATHER is Jealous for this Spirit which HE has made to dwell in us! James 4:5 (NASB) puts it this way: “Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: HE jealously desires the Spirit which HE has made to dwell in us.” [See also Exodus 20:1-7 and also take note of Matthew 7:21-23.]

The Substance Of HIS Faith This Rhema expression of “the Words Of GOD” is the Testimony Of JESUS, that releases the Spirit Of Prophecy into us (see Revelation 19:10c) so that the witness of the Righteousness Of GOD will be fully laid within us “by faith of JESUS CHRIST unto all and upon all them that believe” as noted in Romans 3:22 (KJV). In this reality of being actually fashioned in the “faith of JESUS CHRIST unto all and upon all them that believe”, the LORD JESUS actually becomes the mediator of the New Covenant to us - in deeply personal terms (see Hebrews 8:6; Luke 22:19-20). 43

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It is in the reality of the faith of JESUS CHRIST, that we see Scripture declare the reality of us having “one faith” and a “unity of faith” (see Ephesians 4:5,13) and, “having the same Spirit Of Faith” (see 2 Corinthians 4:13a). It is also not surprising therefore for 2 Peter 1:1 to declare: “to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours by the righteousness of our GOD and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST.” Given that the LORD JESUS expressed HIMSELF in a Testament inscribed in HIS Blood, it is no surprise that the intimacy of the New Covenant is exclusively in the Blood (see Luke 22:20) in a Word Construct of HIS Spirit and Life that is the living expression of HIS Eternal Sacrifice - the Offering of HIS Fullness - realized in, and by, the SPIRIT in our inward parts (see John 1:16; 6:63; Hebrews 9:14). The realization of this intimacy is the realization of our Marriage Covenant to the LAMB - in one flesh (see Ephesians 5:31-32) that is to be consummated at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB. This one flesh is a substantive reality that is entirely of HIS Fullness realized, through our own free will response to HIM. In this response an actual relationship is realized - in a holy intimacy. Understand that the substance and the reality of this realization, of a holy intimacy, is entirely and exclusively of HIS Spirit and HIS Life! The fact is that HE was raised because HIS Spirit was the Spirit Of Holiness (see Romans 1:3-4). Hence, we too are raised because of HIS Spirit fashioned into us through the nature of HIS faith for us and towards us. It is the Spirit of HIS faith that must work in us the realities of HIS resurrection (see 2 Corinthians 4:13-14).


The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD

An Intimacy Realized What is laid within us is of the AMEN, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of GOD. The faithful and true Witness is the “Word that proceeds out of the Mouth Of GOD.� This Word construct laid by the SPIRIT from the Rhema of the Testimony Of JESUS - by HIS faith unto us and upon us - is revelation knowledge (Greek: epignosis) realized and actualized. This revelation knowledge is meant to enable us to know HIM, so that we are each able to function in HIM and by HIM, in HIS Name (see John 14:12-14). This knowledge is HIS Knowledge, realized in HIS Fullness, that justifies us in fully functional terms before GOD (see Isaiah 53:11b). This comes about in the Spirit of HIS faith realized. This Spirit of HIS faith enables our faith in HIM. And, this comes about in the (inward) witness of a living response to HIM in faith. But, this response is a realized and enabled response, that is exclusively of HIS Blood and the Water of HIS Rhema Word, entirely enabled by HIS Spirit! Catch this please: true faith is entirely of HIS Spirit. True faith is Spirit enabled, through HIS Flesh (see John 6:51) fashioned into the flesh of our heart (see Ezekiel 36:26-27; Exodus 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3, KJV/NKJV). This Spirit enabled reality is brought alive only by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT! The entire process is engineered by GOD HIMSELF. This process is an actual, living expression of the Righteousness Of GOD, released


The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD

into us through the “faith of JESUS CHRIST unto all and upon all them that believe”. We need to catch hold of the reality of HIS faith with all of our heart. What results within us is revelation knowledge realized in HIS faith (and HIS love) for us. What results is an intimacy that will bring us each - uniquely - into the reality of loving GOD with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength! This witness of the actuality of loving GOD is true faith realized. What results is the miracle of miracles; coming to actually live by CHRIST JESUS, so as to actually love GOD above all else. This is a reality realized exclusively from the fullness of CHRIST JESUS. Because this is the realized substance of HIS Testimony!

HIS Power Perfected In Us Given the fact of the substantive reality of HIS faith. There is also a reality in Truth [“I AM the Truth”] in which HIS faith actually forms our faith in GOD, from and through HIS Testimony that actually communicates the substance of HIS Fullness into us. Our faith authored and perfected by HIM, from the substance of HIS Faith, will move the mountains that the FATHER has ordained to be removed (see Zechariah 4:6-9). This revelation knowledge, 2 Peter 1:3-4 declares as being an expression of HIS divine power which has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, WHO has called each and every one of us by HIS own glory (see John 17:22) and excellence. Please remember this: that, GOD has granted to us everything 46

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pertaining to life and godliness, exclusively through the true knowledge of the LORD JESUS CHRIST! We are also told in this passage from 2 Peter that, by this construct in revelation knowledge, HE has granted to us HIS precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them we will each become partakers of the divine nature. Catch this please. We are transformed and changed as we become partakers of the divine nature - in HIS “I AM� Testimony realized and expressed in word and deed; not by our own deeds. This is a substantive reality communicated into us in Logos terms (see Ephesians 5:30-32, KJV), made alive by the SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS. This results in an intimacy realized, that knows HIM (see Proverbs 9:10b; Hebrews 11:3a). This intimacy unveils from the heart of CHRIST JESUS (see Luke 22:15) as a Passover realized. True faith functions in the understanding that knows HIM. And, we can only know HIM in the intimacy of HIS love realized. Nobody can conjure an intimacy with GOD! So true faith is easily verified. And, the fruits of true faith can be easily measured from their testimony, through the inward witness of the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth alive in us. The Word Construct becomes the tablets of our heart of flesh in Logos terms (see Ezekiel 36:26). HIS Testimony actually realized. HIS Fullness actually realized. HIS Flesh realized (see John 6:51) in the flesh of our hearts. HIS Fullness realized (see John 1:16) enables an actual intimacy that, 47

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will one day reflect an actual Marriage union - in one flesh. This one flesh will unveil the actuality of one Body! This flesh of HIS Flesh is the fulfilled substance of our creation in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10). In HIM we come to consist or, find substance and form in spirit and soul (see Colossians 1:17, NKJV) in the dimensions of heart and mind. Ephesians 5:30, KJV tells us that we - the Body Of CHRIST - are the flesh of HIS Flesh! And, this is an actual realized expression of perfect love - HIS love fashioned into the flesh of our heart, in a nature that actually transforms us in conformance to HIM. This conformance is of HIS substance (hupostasis)! It is HIS Flesh (the substance of HIS Fullness) that makes us HIS Body - the fullness of HIM WHO fills all in all (see Ephesians 1:2223; John 17:26c).

Coming Alive In CHRIST JESUS - By The SPIRIT By the HOLY SPIRIT, this Logos Word Construct is made alive (or, quickened) in the Name Of JESUS; as a living witness that is an expression of the Righteousness Of GOD from within us. This quickened Rhema expression can come forth in a many faceted functional reality fashioned into our inward parts. This many faceted functional reality will find new functional expressions in all eternity in accordance to the Logos Word Construct perfected and completed into our inward parts. For example in Romans 1:9, the apostle Paul declares that he preaches the Gospel with his spirit; and, when we combine this reality with Romans 9:1, where he declares that he speaks the truth in the witnessed reality of the HOLY SPIRIT, we are seeing an awesome 48

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revelation of preaching the Gospel in the actual Rhema Of GOD. We can do all things - in word and deed - in this quickened reality (see Colossians 3:17; Philippians 4:13). It is interesting that the term “word” in Colossians 3:17, is “logos” in the Greek. This points to the GOD-ordained Word Construct within, that frames the doing, rather than the mere use of words in the act of speaking. What we do is meant to be a pure and perfect expression of the Word Construct. Hebrews 7:28 tells us that this Logos Word Construct has the potentials of becoming the Logos Word of the FATHER’s Oath realized. The Amen of HIS AMEN (see Corinthians 1:20-22)! In Ephesians 6:17b, we see the Rhema expression, of the Logos Word alive by the SPIRIT, being called the Sword Of The SPIRIT. This is a functional reality that we operate from our inward parts by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS. This points to the Logos Word Of The Oath manifesting - in quickened Rhema terms - as an actual Sword Of The SPIRIT that destroys the works of darkness (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-5). This Rhema expression can also manifest - from us - as the Finger Of GOD that wields the authority of the Name Of JESUS (see Exodus 31:18; Luke 11:20; Matthew 12:28). In this functional state, we can bind and break spiritual strongholds. And, this “functional status” arises from the substantive reality of the Word Of The Oath formed into the flesh of our hearts (see Hebrews 7:28,22) in the Name Of GOD, being brought alive by the HOLY SPIRIT, in JESUS Name (see John 17:6a,26).


The Beginning Of The Creation Of GOD

Please remember that in this functional reality we are entirely to be servants of the New Covenant (see 2 Corinthians 3:6,3-6; Deuteronomy 10:8) - never masters. Servanthood reflects the reality of how much we have come to value the Blood of the LAMB that testifies of the LORD’s personal love for us: (i) In HIS sacrifice; (ii) In HIS intercession for us (see Hebrews 7:25); (iii) In HIS mediation of the Covenant into our hearts (see Hebrews 8:6); and (iv) In HIS being alive in us and enabling us to live by HIM so that our salvation will be increasingly actualized (see John 17:26c). Our Husband is our BELOVED and HE is also our Master. HE has saved us and, HE daily ensures our salvation in HIS merits, by HIS Witness in us. We need to learn to serve HIM in everything that we do in word and deed because HE alone keeps us alive before GOD. In learning to serve HIM, our lifestyle becomes a Covenant in action, that serves GOD in HIS will, realized in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. This is true life realized. Such a life will be satisfying and fulfilling in a growing continuum. The inward witness to this life realized is gratitude.

The Awesome Blessings Of GOD Servanthood is a reality that begins to manifest only when we are in some measure of submission to GOD through the fullness of CHRIST JESUS realized (see Ephesians 4:13); received, through the Word Construct laid into us by the HOLY SPIRIT. In this construct is a nature that is exclusively of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. In this construct is a reality of HIS PERSON that we have 50

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received willingly as LORD, as Savior, as BELOVED, as Healer, as Master etc. So the Word Construct has awesome potentials in GOD when we enter the realization of the need to bow before HIM and to worship HIM, as servants of the New Covenant (see Deuteronomy 10:8) in a lifestyle - realized - through the fullness of CHRIST JESUS. This New Covenant realized, as a Word Construct, is entirely unveiled in the intimacy of the realized testimony of the Blood Of The LAMB (see Luke 22:20), from the tablets of our heart. We celebrate the prophetic fulfillment of this unveiling in Holy Communion, as a living and growing prophetic reality, brought alive by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS, in the actuality of the FATHER’s will (see Ephesians 1:17-18). “Remember ME” must become an expression of total being, realized, in the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. This is true life - “I AM the Life” - realized. This is the Witness of the Law and the Prophets fulfilled in CHRIST JESUS, being increasingly witnessed from within ourselves as a functional reality alive by the SPIRIT. This functional reality comes alive in a growing realization of all that the LORD JESUS CHRIST is to us and, has become to us. In this realization, we are able to actually live by HIM - in the reality of all that HE has fulfilled in HIS merits. This is Truth realized exclusively from HIS Fullness expressed in Spirit and Life. It is in this actual realization of HIS “I AM” (see John 17:6,26) that we come to hallow the FATHER.


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The reality of hallowing the FATHER, is entirely a realized state of being.

Realized in the “I AM” of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. We celebrate Holy Communion in the witness that hallows the FATHER’s Name. In this witness we celebrate the Memorial Name (see Exodus 3:13-15; John 17:6a,26). This witness - in us - is sustained by the SPIRIT in JESUS Name (see 1 John 5:6, NKJV). This functional state of being, alive in us, is part and parcel of the substance of the evidence to “the Beginning of the creation of GOD” alive from the temple of our being. In this creation is unveiled the Bride that is predestined to have the glory of GOD (see Revelation 21:9-11; John 17:22; 1 Corinthians 2:7-9). So, we now understand the Word Of GOD as being alive in a Witness to be realized within us. In this realization, we can each come forth as a new creation fashioned in this Witness, by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name. We come alive to a growing reality of being fearfully and wonderfully made in the FATHER’s will. AMEN! We shall look at the Word Construct of our creation by examining the framework of this unveiling, in a substantive reality called the Word Of The Cross.




The Word Of The Cross


evival begins when we find the foot of the cross. When we realize the love of GOD and, repent before HIM revival comes alive within us in a joy that empowers us to pursue the realities of GOD (see Philippians 3:1,7-16; 4:4-9).

The cross is where we see the heart of GOD unveiled. The cross is the Place (see Genesis 22:14) in the SPIRIT Of YHWH (see Hebrews 9:14) where, the compassion of GOD is released into us in the fullness of HIS Heart. At the cross we see our ownselves clearly and, we are convicted of the need for the LORD JESUS in our lives in no uncertain terms. At the cross - by the SPIRIT (see Hebrews 9:14; John 16:13-14) - we come to see GOD’s perfect and complete provision for us in the LAMB. Scripture refers to GOD’s perfect and complete provision as YAHWEH-JIREH (see Genesis 22:14;1-14). It is the provision of HIS Name for our salvation (see Psalm 54:1; John 17:6a).


The Word Of The Cross

This provision is realized in a Place called YAHWEH-JIREH that comes to us in the SPIRIT Of YHWH, through a realized Witness Of The Cross (see 1 John 5:6, NKJV; John 19:34; Luke 23:46). This Witness is opened to our inward parts - by revelation - in the realized actuality of the LAMB, the Testament of GOD’s great love and provision for us in HIS “I AM” expression (see Colossians 2:9, KJV). At the cross we come to appreciate how much has been given and, how much we are loved. At the cross we come to realize that GOD alone has saved us. And, at the cross we realize that we have no merits of our own before HIM. All our merits are exclusively in (and of ) the LAMB. This appreciation must fashion an attitude towards GOD that, finds expression in a reality of gratitude towards GOD (see Philippians 2:58). Only the HOLY SPIRIT can fashion such an attitude within us (see John 16:13; Exodus 32:15-16; Hebrews 10:15-16). And, this fact is attested to in the reality that the Blood of the LAMB was shed in the Eternal SPIRIT for us (see Hebrews 9:14). The LAMB is our Husband (see Revelation 19:7-9). It is at the foot of the cross that we see the heart of our Husband expressed for us in an eternal continuum that actually saves us and sustains us (see Isaiah 54:4-8). It is at the foot of the cross that we see HIS love in true perspective - in eternal perspective. HIS love is an eternal continuum that saves us, sustains us and renews us - forever, in a reality that encompasses every aspect of our life in thought, word and deed. At the cross the Root Of David is realized in our heart.


The Word Of The Cross

As the love of the LORD opens to our heart, HIS reality as the WellBELOVED - “David” - finds increasing root in us. This root is a spiritual actuality that is prophetically referenced to as the Root Of David (see Revelation 22:16).

The Witness Of The Water And The Blood And The Spirit The Witness Of CHRIST JESUS comes to us as Water and Blood and Spirit (see 1 John 5:6,8 NKJV). These are living realities that open by the SPIRIT (see Hebrews 9:14) - only - in and through the reality of CHRIST JESUS crucified. This reality of CHRIST crucified is an eternal prophetic Witness. This is the Witness of the LAMB slain from the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8, KJV/NKJV). When the LORD JESUS was pierced in HIS death, Water and Blood flowed forth (see John 19:34). When HE died, HE committed HIS Spirit into the FATHER’s Hands (see Luke 23:46). 1 John 5:6, NKJV unveils this Witness as being a living Witness of the Rhema of the Testimony Of JESUS. This Witness of HIS “I AM”, we are all ordained to possess (see 1 John 5:10a; Ezekiel 44:28). See Colossians 2:9, KJV. Water and Blood express the prophetic realities in which we will come to realize the power of HIS Spirit, consecrated for us through the cross in the Temple of HIS Body. This Witness of Water, Blood and Spirit enables and fulfills the realities of our salvation in a living and growing actuality of CHRIST JESUS. Notice the words “this is HE” in 1 John 5:6! Water and Blood are living expressions of the Testimony Of JESUS 55

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that express HIS “I AM” to us (see 1 John 5:6, NKJV) by revelation (see Ephesians 1:17-18). The Testimony Of JESUS - HIS Fullness unveiled - is called the Spirit Of Prophecy (see Revelation 19:10c) that, enables HIS Fullness unveiled, in the Water and the Blood, to find expression and fulfillment in us and amongst us. The substance of the revelation (and the fulfillment) is of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature. The Witness of the Blood, Water and Spirit unveils the power of HIS love that would ultimately effect an actual Marriage Union, in fully revealed and enabled terms, from our inward parts - fashioned in one flesh (see Ephesians 5:31-32). It is in the realization of the courtship leading to this Marriage Union and, in the actual consecration of ourselves for this Marriage, that we grow by learning how to function in HIM, by HIM, through HIM and, (above all) for HIM. Without CHRIST crucified there is no basis to understand and realize the love that would enable the Marriage Union. This realization brought to a measure of completion, is described in Ephesians 5:31-32 as one flesh. The Word Of The Cross gives essential meaning to the reality of becoming one flesh from all that unveils from the Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit (see 1 John 5:6,8, NKJV). The Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit are different Rhema Word expressions of the Testimony Of JESUS. It is the living Witness that communicates the Logos Word Of The Cross into our inward parts as a Logos Construct of “MY Words” (see Luke 21:33). The Word Of The Cross describes a salvation in which HIS power will 56

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be unveiled in HIS Spirit, brought alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT. In this unveiling in HIS Spirit, we are fully enabled to die to self, from all that is revealed of HIM from the Witness of the Blood and the Water (see 1 John 5:6; Revelation 1:17a). As a consequence of this realization of HIS Fullness, that causes us to die to self (see Revelation 1:17a), we come alive to HIM. In HIS Fullness revealed, we are empowered in the resurrection of the LORD (see Ephesians 3:20), unveiled through HIS faith and HIS love for us, being revealed in the Witness of the Water and the Blood and the Spirit in our inward parts. The secret to sustained supernatural growth, is HIS faith and HIS love realized from the Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit. Because this is the Witness that communicates HIS Fullness into us. This Witness coming alive within us, is an empowered reality (see Ephesians 3:20) whose purity, is conformed to HIS faith and HIS love for us, being realized. Notice from Ephesians 3:20, that GOD works according to the power (Greek: dunamis) that works within us. This power (dunamis) is described in HIS faith and HIS love realized. This dunamis power is resurrection power (see Philippians 3:10-11). Notice also that GOD also works beyond all that we ask or think. This in-working, beyond all that we ask or think, is the actuality of HIS faith and HIS love expressed in us. It is a reality alive in our inward parts by the power of HIS resurrection, unveiled into us in HIS faith and HIS love for us. We must see (by faith that enables HIS Fullness to be realized as evidence) the reality of becoming the actual workmanship of GOD, 57

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through the realities of HIS faith and HIS love realized (see Ephesians 2:10). Without HIS pure love (realized in the substance of HIS perfect faith) there is no true reality and purpose to life. The cross is about love released in a perfect faith reality. A love unparallelled, released in a living conduit of perfect faith, that unveils a power unmatched, from the “I AM” of GOD unveiled from the cross (see Colossians 2:9, KJV). A love that has to be revealed and realized supernaturally through the living Witness of the Water and the Blood and the Spirit, brought to us by the SPIRIT in a power that energizes a new reality - in a perfect faith and, a pure love - in our inward parts. We must want to know this love. We must desire the reality of the LORD’s heart. We must feel it (see Hebrews 5:13-14). It must become our heart beat. Such love will transform us from the very fibre of our being. This is salvation actualized in a power released through a conduit of perfect faith from the cross. Water and Blood and Spirit express the Witness of the realities of our salvation by CHRIST JESUS; and, the power available for our salvation to be actually realized and preserved in all eternity - in HIS faith and HIS love for us; realized personally, by each and every one of us. This is the power of HIS love received through the medium of HIS faith for us. And, receive we must, so that HIS courtship of us will unveil itself meaningfully; so that, our marriage to the LAMB will work out and realize its full potentials in the entirety of HIS Excellence. [See Hebrews 11:5, and take note of the fact that Enoch actually obtained the witness to his salvation - 3500 years before the advent of 58

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the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Enoch entered the eternal Witness that is faithful and true, the AMEN that Revelation 3:14b unveils to our understanding (see Proverbs 9:10b). Brethren, a Christianity that does not seek to unveil the heart of JESUS through a living and growing, empowered witness alive from within us, is a superficial reality. For we are called to know the depths of GOD (see Ephesians 3:17-19; 1 Corinthians 2:10). This is our destiny - to unveil HIS Fullness.] Water is the Rhema Word that supernaturally washes us spotless and without wrinkle (see Ephesians 5:26-27; Ezekiel 36:25-27; Titus 3:5). Blood is the Rhema Word that unveils the witnessed expression of the Covenant of the LORD within us; in an intimacy realized, through which, HE actually becomes our BELOVED (see Luke 22:20). Spirit is the Rhema Word that enables us to do all things through CHRIST WHO strengthens us. The Spirit is the anointing we receive, in empowered terms, from CHRIST, the ANOINTED ONE. The Witness of the Water and the Blood and the Spirit - the Witness of CHRIST JESUS crucified for us personally - when realized within us - enables us to see HIM as our BELOVED. The BELOVED WHO laid HIMSELF down for us, so that we will be able to actually live by HIM - forever.

Perfect And Complete Provision In An Empowered State The Witness of the Water and the Blood and the Spirit enables us to realize the fact that the LORD JESUS expressed HIMSELF to us in the totality of a “perfect and complete� provision.


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The seven “I AM” statements of the LORD JESUS express the dimensions of this provision. The “I AM” of the LORD JESUS is in its entirety, provision perfect and complete in absolute terms. We grow in eternity as we realize the dimensions of HIS “I AM”. [This substantive reality of HIS “I AM” is introduced in a separate book entitled “WHO Is GOD?” and will be developed in another book entitled “Of HIS Fullness”.] In this Witness realized in JESUS Name, we can ascend into the Mount Of The LORD - by the SPIRIT (see Genesis 22:14; Psalm 24:3-5; 15:1-2; 1 Corinthians 2:10; Ezekiel 43:7,12). Entering this substantive reality, so as to fully function in it, will take us some time, as the HOLY SPIRIT lays the Word into us in JESUS Name. But, this inward reality will come. It will come in the exclusive merits and excellence of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, made alive into our inward parts in an actual knowledge construct (see 2 Peter 1:3-4). [There is no power in the universe that can prevent this substantive reality from unfolding in its time. Give it a year or two and you will come alive to the tangibility of this inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a). And it is the realization that, what manifests will become a growing continuum, that, we must come to understand and envision. What is realized is an actual growing, eternal possession! The time is needed because this is a creative construct of the Word (see Exodus 32:15-16) - and not simply spiritual experience in the anointings that come upon us when we pray or worship. We are speaking of a creative realm of anointed substance and reality being laid forth and fashioned into us by the HOLY SPIRIT - in 60

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JESUS Name, in HIS Spirit and HIS Life, from HIS Rhema Word revealed (see John 6:63; Exodus 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3). Such a construct can’t be manipulated. It is of the FATHER’s Sovereign Will for each one of our specific lives. For we are each uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made. AMEN!] This realization involves a nature brought forth by the washing of renewal and regeneration by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Titus 3:5) with the Water of the Rhema Word (see Ephesians 5:26-27). And this realization is birthed in an understanding (see Proverbs 9:10b) of how much we are loved (see 1 John 4:10,16-18) that is the Witness of HIS Blood. All of this realization is uncovered in the province of the Word (Logos) Of The Cross formed into the flesh of our heart.

Unveiling The Word O f The Cross The Word (Logos) Of The Cross is described in 1 Corinthians 1:18 (NASB) in the following terms: “For the Word Of The Cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of GOD.” This word “power” is called “dunamis” in Greek. It refers to a reality and actuality of HIS power made available to us from and through HIS resurrection (see Philippians 3:10-11). This power is unveiled into us in a three-fold realization of HIS faith and HIS love for us. This power comes to us as a Witness of the Water of the Rhema Word that supernaturally cleanses us. This power comes to us in a Blood


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Covenant construct that defines the realities or actualities in which this power will be unveiled. And this power comes to us in an anointing of the Spirit Of CHRIST that clothes our inward parts in enabled terms, described by the Blood Covenant Word revealed into us, that is to be activated in exclusive partnership with the HOLY SPIRIT. The use of the word Logos for Word indicates that the Word Of The Cross is meant to become part of the construct of our heart of flesh. It is the Word Construct of the cross, which when enabled in the SPIRIT, releases the power of HIS resurrection to enable us to actualize the wonder of “being saved”. The witness realized in our inward parts is Wonderful! The Blood and the Water and the Spirit, when manifested by the SPIRIT (see 1 John 5:6, NKJV/KJV), brings into us the power of the risen CHRIST, alive in the intimacy of JESUS our LORD (and our Husband, as noted in Isaiah 54:5).

The Five Constructs Of The Word Of The Cross Being saved has five constructs to be realized within us in the Witness of the Water and the Blood brought to us by the SPIRIT, in enabled Spirit terms: • A freedom from sin through repentance that results in a transformed nature. • A release from guilt and the imprisoning effects of sin through deliverance that results in a transformed nature and freedom in the inner man.


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• A growing conviction of actually belonging to GOD (see 2 Corinthians 5:15; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17,21-23). • A growing reality of serving GOD and our brethren in all that we do in word and in deed (see Colossians 3:17). • A growing reality of coming to know HIM and to love HIM from the inward totality of our being. [These five realities are foreshadowed in prophetic terms in the Old Testament sacrifices recorded in Leviticus 1-6: (i) The Sin Offering (Leviticus 4:1-12); (ii) The Guilt Offering (Leviticus 6:1-7; 5:14-19); (iii) The Burnt Offering (Leviticus 1:1-9); (iv) The Meal Offering (Leviticus 2:1-3,11,13); and, (v) The Peace Offering (Leviticus 3:1-5,16-17), respectively. The depth of the prophetic realities that arise from the various symbolisms, that hold the keys to the meaning of GOD’s Word, are described in our previous books on the Covenant, the Anointing and, the Testimony.] All of these five realities are meant to be empowered in the construct of the Word Of The Cross. We are saved by the power of GOD working within us through the construct of HIS Word rather than by our efforts at practicing “Christian principles”.

Please don’t misunderstand what is being said here. It is the Righteousness Of GOD that must come alive in us - not expressions of our righteousnesses. It is the power of GOD that needs to enable us in all that we do in word and deed, not our abilities. The cross testifies of the power of GOD given to us in the faith and love of CHRIST JESUS expressed for us. The Blood, the Water and the Spirit are expressions fo HIS faith and HIS love for us. 63

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The Substantive Reality Of CHRIST Crucified We must learn to walk by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS. This is a reality that GOD means to bring alive within us in the living Word Construct of the Witness of the Water, the Blood and the Spirit. And, the three must be in agreement (see 1 John 5:8) says the Word Of GOD, brought into us by the SPIRIT Of CHRIST, the HOLY SPIRIT (see 1 Peter 1:10-12; 2 Peter 1:20-21,16-19). The Word Of The Cross presents to us CHRIST crucified (see 1 Corinthians 1:23). And there is an empowered reality in CHRIST crucified that we need to see and receive or, realize. 1 Corinthians 1:24 presents CHRIST crucified as the “power of GOD and the wisdom of GOD” expressed unto us. How? Through the faithful and true Witness, the AMEN unveiled in the Blood, the Water and, the Spirit; supernaturally made alive in us, in an inwardly realized agreement - or, Covenant - of peace in our inward parts (see 1 John 5:6; John 14:27; Isaiah 54:10). In this revelation, CHRIST must become to us “wisdom from GOD, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption” as noted in 1 Corinthains 1:30. This is a reality of power in the revealed Word, alive by the SPIRIT in CHRIST JESUS.

Wisdom Notice that the Word Of The Cross must bring into our realization a reality of a wisdom that is entirely from GOD. This is the revealed Word received from GOD through the Witness of the Blood, the Water and, the Spirit (see Deuteronomy 29:29; 1 Corinthians 2:7,9). We need an understanding of all that we have received through the 64

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cross, and the wisdom to draw the power of salvation and, actually apply it in our daily lives. This application comes by faith, through HIS faith and HIS love realized. The Word Of The Cross opens to us a realm of wisdom laid forth by GOD for our glory (see 1 Corinthians 2:7; John 17:22)! A realm of Wisdom that “eye has not seen and ear has not heard” (see 1 Corinthians 2:9) brought to us by the HOLY SPIRIT (see 1 Corinthians 2:10-13; John 16:13-15). In this wisdom, we come to realize (see John 17:8a,7a) the awesomeness of GOD, by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name. We come to realize - from the cross - a reality in which the SPIRIT searches the depths of GOD (see Genesis 22:14) to bring forth revelation in CHRIST JESUS (see 1 Corinthians 2:10; John 16:13-15) to life within us (and through us) in fulfillment of the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). In this process of fulfillment, we are set free from the law of sin and death. Through this realization, we enter the reality of actually receiving the Wisdom Of GOD - by “I AM” Testimony, possessed in the tablets of our heart and mind! The cross is the place of beginnings. Notice the astonishing, limitless, span of the Levitical sacrifices in prophetic terms. The cross is - always - the place of beginnings because the heart of the WORD (see Luke 22:15-16) is the Beginning of the creation of GOD (see Revelation 3:14b). AMEN! The heart of the WORD describes the FATHER’s Will; and, the HOLY SPIRIT will unveil every creative nuance of the Rhema Word expressed in the FATHER’s Will, according to what HE hears as our free will response to the Rhema Word of the Testimony Of JESUS (see John 16:13).


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Please understand this very clearly; it is not the anointing that saves us, it is the Testimony of the LORD from the cross. Anointings are not the basis for measuring growth. The heart for GOD, alive in us in JESUS Name, always is. Because the heart has the capacity of realizing and unfolding a united witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit (see 1 John 5:8, NKJV). Lucifer realized anointings we have never even heard of and he fell because he thought his anointings were the be all and end all of life. Lucy-fool was so impressed with himself and his anointings that he came to actually think that he was the be all and end all of his life and destiny! This is why wisdom begins with the fear of the LORD (see Proverbs 9:10). This is why knowledge begins with the fear of the LORD (see Proverbs 1:7). This is why understanding is defined as knowing the HOLY ONE (see Proverbs 9:10). You and I will never know the HOLY ONE except from HIS heart expressed on the cross (see Luke 22:15-16, NKJV) for each one of us in unique terms. And, this is so because HE is the fullness of the GODHEAD in bodily form (see Colossians 2:9, KJV). There is an intimacy - a personal intimacy (see Luke 22:15-16, 19-20) - that needs to be unveiled from the cross, in the Witness of the Water and the Blood, enabled by HIS Spirit inherent in the Rhema Words that express the Witness of the Water and the Blood.

Righteousness And Sanctification When we enter the reality of receiving the Wisdom Of GOD through the Word revealed with understanding in the tablets of our hearts, we, as a matter of course, step into the reality of receiving and realizing the Righteousness Of GOD. 66

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This is when we begin to see the Word Of GOD as expressions of the Righteousness Of GOD, in JESUS Name; which, when received, enable us to actually begin to become the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS. We will see changes in nature and character in line with becoming the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21b)! This righteousness of GOD is the witness of the Word that is alive within us - by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name. Where, JESUS’ Name is a witness realized (see 1 John 5:10a; John 1:16-17) from the Witness of the Water and the Blood, by the SPIRIT, in enabled Spirit terms (see 1 John 5:6,8, NKJV). [It needs to be clearly understood that there can be no true growth - in and by CHRIST JESUS - without the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT. Only the HOLY SPIRIT can bring the realities of CHRIST JESUS to us. The LORD JESUS said so HIMSELF (see John 16:13-15)!] Sanctification describes the process by which we actually become the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS. Sanctification describes the process by which we become perfect (see Matthew 5:48) in growing measures of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS realized (see John 1:16-17; Ephesians 4:13; 1:22-23). Sanctification is entirely enabled in resurrection power. Sanctification is a very simple process to understand. We are sanctified as the LORD JESUS becomes more and more alive in us. As the Word Of GOD begins to unveil as a reality of the WORD HIMSELF alive in us. As HE becomes life to us; we are in this realization of HIS “I AM”, sanctified. In this realized state we are increasingly becoming the 67

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righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS!

Redemption Redemption describes the freedom and liberty of the SPIRIT (see 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; James 1:25; Romans 8:10-11,13) achieved supernaturally in JESUS Name (see Philippians 3:10-15a). The same freedom in which the LORD JESUS moved in the FATHER’s perfect will, which describes the actuality of our redemption. One day the actuality of our redemption will have a new body that will be able to fully express our redemption in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. Right now, we are each being inwardly transformed from glory to glory, as we look upon the wonder of the LORD JESUS revealed by the SPIRIT (see 2 Corinthians 3:18; 4:6-7,16) in the reality of becoming eagles, that soar by the SPIRIT in the Word revealed realities of the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS.

Understanding The Framework Of GOD’s Living Word The Word Of The Cross is the expressive framework for the entire Word Of GOD. The Word Of The Cross is expressive in the actuality of the Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit, alive as our witness of CHRIST crucified “for me”. This witness is fashioned as the Root Of David. When the Word Of The Cross is matured into us, we take possession of the Word Of The Oath (see Hebrews 7:28; Ezekiel


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44:28) in the Holy Of Holies - the Beginning - of the reality of the depths of GOD described to us in the “I AM” of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The “I AM” of the LORD JESUS only opens from the foot of the cross. All seven “I AM” statements find their root and meaning at the cross. Leave the cross, for anointings experienced, and you and I will never see JESUS again (see Matthew 7:21-23). The LORD JESUS fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. We practice lawlessness when we can no longer see JESUS crucified (see Matthew 7:21-23). This is why CHRIST crucified is the Wisdom and the Power of GOD realized (see 1 Corinthians 1:23-24). The LORD JESUS went to the cross to enable a supernatural construct of the Covenant (see Exodus 32:15-16) to be made alive within each one of us, by HIS Testimony realized - uniquely - in each one of our hearts as a living and growing witness. This inward state is an intimacy alive by the SPIRIT. In this reality, the “I AM” Oath of the Logos Word - realized - would become the basis and framework of a lifestyle realized and lived by each one of us. This is a lifestyle lived in HIS Fullness; achieved, entirely in, and by, the merits of the LAMB. We shall take a brief overview of the different realities that arise from and through the Word Of The Cross. These different realitites fashioned in the Word Construct will become living stones of conviction, that describe actualities in GOD and of GOD, which will enable us to enter the maturity of the Word Of The Oath. 69

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The Word Of The Oath is the fulfilled substance and reality of Blood Covenant fashioned within us. In Blood Covenant we are each enabled to express the Name Of JESUS, as a Covenant Name realized from HIS Testimony, by the SPIRIT. This will release the Might Of GOD - in the will of the FATHER - over the Body of CHRIST and into all creation (see 2 Chronicles 6:40-42; Deuteronomy 10:8; Revelation 22:16). We shall begin with the Word Of Healing.




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very human being needs healing. Every human being must receive healing. Healing is a necessary step in the growth process. Healing is a necessary part of the processes of change that bring forth our transformation.

Healing is necessary in order to enable us to function in GOD’s plan for our lives. The Word Of GOD proclaims the reality of something called the Word Of Healing (see Psalm 107:20). It is through the Word realized - as a reality in which our inward man dwells - that we are fully and permanently delivered and healed and brought into a newness of life that is entirely of the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see 1 John 5:10a; John 6:63; 1:1617). Redemption is in fact an actual expression of this permanent state of healing; brought about, as the Word is performed in our life - in GOD’s appointed time.


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The most dramatic expression of this Word Of Healing - in its full potential - is found in the life of Enoch (see Genesis 5:21-24). At age 65, Enoch had a son called Methuselah. The birth of this son heralded a new move of GOD over Enoch’s life over a period of 300 years. In the 365th year of his life, Enoch was taken alive unto GOD - alive! The Book Of Hebrews (11:5) expresses this awesome wonder as being attained through an actual witness realized: “By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death; and he was not found because GOD took him up; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to GOD.” Enoch had actually taken possession of the AMEN of the true and faithful Witness, in his inward parts as his Amen in GOD (see Revelation 3:14b; Ezekiel 44:28). Jude 14 shows us some of the amazing realities of the LORD JESUS CHRIST that Enoch witnessed in the SPIRIT Of CHRIST. The SPIRIT Of CHRIST is the ONE WHO bears the Eternal Witness into our inward parts (see the application in 1 Peter 1:10-11). These verses confirm that, the Witness that Enoch received was the “AMEN, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of GOD” (see Revelation 3:14b).

The Crucial Reality Of GOD’s Witness Realized The key to Enoch’s life is not Enoch himself; instead, it is GOD’s Witness that Enoch came to actually realize, that is the key. Anyone - given time - who comes to realize the Witness Of GOD will experience the same or similar blessings that Enoch realized.


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There is an entire Church across the globe that will come to realize this Witness in spectacular fashion, in the FATHER’s appointed (kairos) time (see Luke 22:14-16). This is the Witness that comes in the unity of the Water, the Blood and, the Spirit, in a living reality of the SPIRIT, unveiled and explained in CHRIST JESUS. [In GOD’s plan, the LAMB was slain from the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8c, KJV/NKJV). And this is alluded to in Genesis 3:21, where Adam and Eve (after the fall) are clothed in prophetic terms that foreshadow the fulfillment of our garments of salvation (see Isaiah 61:10; Galatians 3:27).]

Understanding The Healing Process Of The Word Now we have the basis to understand what the term “Word Of Healing” means! The Word Of Healing is the Witness of GOD, that comes to us as the Rhema Word Of Healing, that expresses the actual Spirit and the Life of CHRIST JESUS into us in a Logos Word Construct. It is this Logos Word Construct that gives actual fulfilled expression to the Word Of Healing. The Rhema Word Of Healing finds realization in our being as the Logos Word Of Healing - expressed even unto our mortal flesh (see 2 Corinthians 4:11; Romans 8:13,11). The Logos expression is substance that finds expression in our spirit, our soul and our body. The Word Of Healing brings healing into us in (and according to) every reality of the Word realized. We have three centers of consciousness - spirit, soul and body. Realization needs to manifest in each center of consciousness and we will see healing effects automatically manifest according to the 73

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specifics of the witness possessed. The specifics of the witness possesed being in accordance to the revealed Word realized in our inward parts. The witness possessed needs to grow in the “I AM” of the LORD realized; to give growing expression to the healing process and, to complete the healing processes; in HIS substance and HIS reality (see Ezekiel 44:28; Exodus 15:26-27). Psalm 107:20 reads: “HE sent HIS Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” Healing and deliverance are two realities of the Word that we must all be receiving and pursuing as a matter of course, as GOD moves in our lives by opening HIS Word to our heart and mind and, as GOD performs HIS Word in our lives. Please understand that all this is possible because it is HIS Word. And HIS Word has the potential of becoming an everlasting witness alive in us in a substantive reality alive by the SPIRIT Of GOD (see John 6:63; Luke 21:33).

The Awesome Potentials Of The Witness Realized This is the Witness of the “I AM” Testimony Of JESUS that expresses the Spirit and Life of HIM, WHO gave HIMSELF for us - entirely upon the tree (see Luke 22:15-16; Isaiah 53). Notice that what will be fulfilled in Luke 22:16, is a Passover into the “functional reality” of all that stands in terms of an actuality that is called the Kingdom Of GOD. This Kingdom Of GOD, Luke 17:21 (KJV/NKJV) declares as being opened to us from inside ourselves, as a living reality actually possessed (see John 3:3,5). That is, as a living witness possessed in partnership 74

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with GOD the HOLY SPIRIT (see 1 Peter 1:11; John 14:16-17; 16:13-15). Notice that in Luke 22:15, the Passover reality arises out of the Witness of the heart of the LORD JESUS opened to us (see Colossians 1:17, NKJV; 2:10). This is Spirit and Life expression of the Testimony Of JESUS - HIS Words (see John 6:63) opened to our inward parts by the SPIRIT. So, from the heart of the LORD is the Witness of the Passover reality by which we enter the Kingdom Of GOD. This Witness of the Passover we are entitled to realize (see John 1:12) in and through HIS Fullness (see John 1:16-17). Understand the eternal implications of John 1:14. We enter the Kingdom Of GOD when we receive HIS Witness and, we understand the functional realities of the Kingdom Of GOD in the faith realized from HIS Witness. We enter the Kingdom Of GOD and function in its Laws, through the realities of the Water (the Rhema Word that cleanses us) and the SPIRIT, alive in us in JESUS Name (see John 3:5). This Passover reality is therefore a living witness that we come to realize and to possess. And, our inward parts dwell in this inward witness by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). In this witness of our heart (see Matthew 5:8,6), we can enter the Mount Of The LORD (see Psalm 24:3-4) and even dwell in its reality (see Psalm 15:1-2) by the SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15; 1 Corinthians 2:7-10). This is what Enoch obtained! How? Through the reality that “the AMEN, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning Of The 75

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Creation Of GOD” is the eternal Witness that actualizes and fulfills the FATHER’s Will (see Hebrews 11:5). Enoch obtained this Witness, in the witness of his heart. This Eternal Witness covers past, present and future in the GODHOOD of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is into the reality of this Witness - of the Rhema Words Of GOD that Enoch was translated, by what he had obtained as a witness, through his perfected and completed response to “I AM”.

The Light Of Life The eternal Witness is Rhema Word that expresses the Light Of Life to all creation (see John 1:4; 8:12c; Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:3a; Revelation 21:22-27). The Life of JESUS CHRIST heals us (see 2 Corinthians 4:11b). Also the Life of JESUS CHRIST is communicated to us by HIS Words unveiled by the SPIRIT (see John 6:63; Romans 8:11). The realities of HIS Words are enabled by HIS Spirit so that we will realize the actualities of HIS Life in our being. This Witness of HIS Words is the eternal Witness sanctified in the prophetic reality of the LAMB slain from the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8c, KJV) so as to bring forth a new creation in CHRIST JESUS, in the merits of the LAMB. The Word Of GOD declares that we are daily being transformed from glory to glory in our inward man as we receive and live GOD’s Word in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 3:18; 4:16) in the merits of the LAMB. 76

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This transformation involves a process of healing that, is part and parcel of the process of spiritual growth in which we are being transformed. The LAMB justified this process of transformation into us, as an actual Passover in HIS merits. The Word Of GOD also declares that we will all receive a new body (see 1 Corinthians 15:40-58) that will bring our redemption (and the inherent processes of healing in this redemptive process) into a reality of completion in the FATHER’s appointed time. In addition to this redemptive realm of prophetic fulfillment in GOD’s appointed time, the Word Of GOD also declares that there is a reality in which we can realize the life of JESUS even unto our mortal flesh while we are on the earth (see 2 Corinthians 4:11). Now this is a process of the SPIRIT, brought to us as we die to self (by the SPIRIT) and arise in CHRIST through JESUS Name (unveiled by the SPIRIT) as noted in Romans 8:6,10-13. Amazingly, Enoch realized all three realities (in spirit, soul and body) of this healing process - 3,500 years before the advent of the LORD! Can you see the power of GOD’s prophetic Word in its fulfillment? This is the reality of Ephesians 2:10, Ephesians 4:23-24, 2 Corinthians 3:18; 4:6-7,16 realized - by Enoch! 3,500 years before they were actually written by the apostle Paul through the SPIRIT Of CHRIST! The reality was always alive in the SPIRIT Of YHWH (GOD - as expressed in HIS “I AM”). And, Enoch received the Rhema Of GOD, in the Spirit and Life of the WORD, expressed in the prophetic actuality of the LAMB slain from the foundation of the world. Can you see this same prophetic actuality unveil to us in our celebration of Holy Communion? Can you see the economics of


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salvation? Awesome isn’t it! GOD proves the power that is available - in HIS living Rhema Word - by picking a man called Enoch, before a time of the written Word, to prove the contents of HIS written Word as being entirely true! This is the Witness that heals and saves and delivers and creates. This is the “I AM” of GOD given to us (see Isaiah 9:6) - as an inheritance possessed - in JESUS Name (see John 17:6,26; Ezekiel 44:28); as a growing realization of the Memorial-Name witnessed to all generations (see Exodus 3:13-15; Ephesians 3:19-21). This Memorial-Name includes the living “I AM” Witness called YHWH-ROPHE, “I AM” the Healer.

Being Healed To Fulfill GOD’s Purposes From this background of fulfillment, let us now examine the Word Of Healing as it is available to us today. Because, healing improves the quality of our life and our lifestyle. And, healing is necessary and fundamental to our being able to function in CHRIST JESUS, by HIS SPIRIT. We all need to have a growing heart of flesh, a reality of a continuously transformed mind (see Ephesians 4:23-24) and, a wholesome body without sickness and disease, in order to fulfill all that GOD wants to fulfill with us. And, in this process we each break the strongholds of sin, sickness and disease by which satan binds the human race. When we break through we give realized expression to the Light Of Life.


The Word Of Healing

Being Healed By HIS Wounds 1 Peter 2:24 tells us that: “HE HIMSELF bore our sins in HIS body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by HIS wounds you were healed.” We want to focus on this amazing verse, oft discussed/quoted in Christian circles. How are we healed by the wounds of the LORD JESUS CHRIST? How do we take hold of this verse as a possession and an inheritance? We know that GOD sent forth HIS WORD PERSON made flesh (see John 1:14) to bring healing into our lives in fulfillment of Psalm 107:20. From 1 Peter 2:24 we are being told (in mind boggling terms) that healing is expressed by HIS wounds! How do we see this reality? How do we cultivate this reality so that we can actually live by it?

The Prophetic Reality Of Our Healing Isaiah 53:5 reads: “.... HE was pierced through for our transgressions, HE was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon HIM, and by HIS scourging we are healed.” This passage tells us that: because HE was pierced through for our transgressions; because HE was crushed for our iniquities; and, because HE was chastened for our well-being (and peace); by HIS scourging - of being pierced, crushed and chastened - we are healed. All that the LORD went through for us, in HIS free will expressed for our well-being, by faith in the FATHER, enabled HIM to justify us so 79

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that we can all enter the reality of having been healed; and, we can each receive the reality in which we have been healed - through the realization of HIS faith for our well-being. It is HIS faith for our well-being that heals us. We need to receive the Witness of HIS faith. HIS faith brought to us as the AMEN of the true and faithful Witness, the Beginning of the creation of GOD! This healing comes to us only as the Rhema reality of what HE realized “by HIS scourging” is brought alive to us in the witness of our heart and mind. We need to realize HIS Witness (of faith for our well-being) that stands in HIS scourging. Isaiah 53:11 tells us: “... By HIS knowledge the Righteous One, MY Servant, will justify the many.” See also Psalm 54:1. The LORD JESUS realized a peculiar realm of knowledge in HIS manhood. This peculiar realm of knowledge comes to us by the HOLY SPIRIT, in a living Witness of the Water, the Blood and the Spirit (see 1 John 5:10a,6,8, NKJV). This knowledge is exclusively communicated to us in the Spirit and Life of the Testimony Of JESUS - HIS Words (see John 6:63). This is HIS knowledge for an entirely new man - in the understanding of a faith by which HE would, in the FATHER’s grace, be the exclusive means by which man would be saved perfectly and completely. The TRUE MAN realized the blue print for a new man in HIS manhood. In HIS Fullness, the fullness of HIS manhood, HE realized a peculiar realm of knowledge that expresses this blue print for a new man through the medium of HIS faith (and HIS love) for us. A reality that is, unto us and upon us who believe (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV)!


The Word Of Healing

This medium of HIS faith, is expressed in the reality of an unconditional love by which, HE mediates the fulfilling realities of HIS Covenant of love and faith into the tablets of our heart. One of the complex realities in this Covenant is our healing. This realm of knowledge (by which we are justified) was perfected as HE actually expressed HIS faith unto GOD for us. HE realized the blue print for a perfect new man in HIS manhood. This blue print is described in HIS spirit in Spirit terms available to us without measure (see John 3:34; Luke 23:46). This Spirit (of HIS faith and HIS love) HE releases to us in and from HIS GODHOOD - in the “I AM” of HIS Name, as a living Witness of the Testament for eternal life. We realize the Witness of the Testament, through the medium of HIS Spirit and HIS Life realized within each one of us in deeply personal terms as we learn to: “Behold the LAMB!” The realization of the Witness of the Testament is inscribed in and by and through an actual relationship with HIM; and, in HIM, in HIS “I AM” realized, with GOD. In HIM - described in HIS Spirit and HIS Life - is the blue print of a new man who has realized the reality of overcoming sin, sickness and disease and, choosing a reality of life in which GOD alone is supreme. Such a knowledge the LORD JESUS realized for us. HIS knowledge when received and realized within us - justifies us, so that we can actually receive from HIM and, be enabled entirely by HIM. In this receiving and enabling, the actualities of our salvation become part and parcel of our lifestyle.


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Isaiah 53:11 tells us that by HIS knowledge we are justified. This knowledge, attained in being pierced through for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities and, chastened for our well-being - entirely for us - enabled CHRIST JESUS to become the Righteous One on our behalf. And, this fact justifies us, because HE did for us something we would never even begin to be able to do for ourselves. In CHRIST JESUS, GOD has vindicated us by HIS Power (see Psalm 54:1). Romans 3:21-23 (KJV) puts it succinctly: “But now the righteousness of GOD without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets; even the righteousness of GOD which is by faith of JESUS CHRIST unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of GOD.” In addition, HE also undertook the actuality (in space and time) of saving us - in intimately personal terms - in HIS MANHOOD, expressed into us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life, through HIS GODHOOD. HE has undertaken, even right now, to mediate a Covenant Of Salvation into our hearts (see Hebrews 8:6,10-12) and, “HE always lives” to intercede for us in HIS Righteousness (see Hebrews 7:25) so that, all that HE has accomplished, will be perfected and completed into each one of us, as a realized state of being, brought forth by the SPIRIT through HIS Name alive in us, in HIS faith realized through HIS love for us. This is an amazing expression of love. The love of the cross is expressed in real time into our heart and mind and into our spirit, soul and body - in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. This reality is being communicated into us in the Witness of Blood, Water and Spirit.


The Word Of Healing

So “HIS wounds” bear perfect Testimony - right now - of all that HE has undertaken and accomplished for us in an eternal sacrifice. This Witness of Blood and Water (see John 19:34) lives in the faithful and true Witness that expresses the AMEN of our salvation. The Word Of Healing is alive in this Witness in the enabling of HIS Spirit, as an anointing consecrated for our healing, that we must receive by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name. Revelation 3:18, addresses this anointing unveiled to the eyes of our heart in the following Words: “I advise you to buy from ME ..... eyesalve to anoint your eyes, that you may see.” Mark 4:24 instructs us that we buy when we take care to hear carefully. Jeremiah 1:11-12 instructs us to see well HIS Word. We buy by spending time to pursue GOD through HIS Word. We need to receive this Witness - by revelation (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Mark 4:22) - that impacts our heart and our imagination. In fact, this Witness must impact the centers of consciousness that are our spirit, soul and body. An intellectual concept of the LORD suffering for us, has no substantive root within us and has therefore no meaning within the construct of our inward parts. Only the Root Of David heals (see Exodus 15:23-27)! The witness that we speak of, belongs to the substantive reality that is revelation knowledge unveiled in CHRIST JESUS, in the merits of the LAMB (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Ephesians 1:17-18) by the SPIRIT (see Hebrews 9:14). We need to actually realize how much HE suffered for us - the pain, the humiliation, the suffering - to receive the reality of HIS love, so that the Root Of David (the root that expresses the love of the Well-


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BELOVED realized) will be established within us (see Revelation 22:16b). The Root Of David unveils itself, as the Sun Of Righeousness expressed as the intensity of the realized fullness of the Bright Morning Star - arises with healing in its wings (see Malachi 4:2; 2 Peter 1:19; Revelation 22:16). From this rooting, we become the Offspring Of David, inheritors of all that HIS love has bequeathed for us - unconditionally - in the exclusive realities of the Word Of HIS Grace (Acts 20:32) unveiled in us. This unconditional love carries and expresses our healing in spirit, soul and body through the Witness of HIS Spirit and HIS Life. This healing is a living continuum in which we need to be always immersed so that the privilege of eternal life is ours forever. Exodus 15:27 foreshadows this prophetic reality by pointing to twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees. Twelve expresses the Church. Seventy expresses our completion (ten) in perfection (seven). Notice the reference in Exodus 15:27 to being camped by the water. We know that Water refers to the Rhema Witness of HIS Words. And, we know from the cross that Water is the Witness of HIS wounds (see John 19:34). See John 4:10,13-14 and John 7:37-39. Understand that by the SPIRIT, this Witness of HIS wounds flows into us and through us as the abundant Waters Of Life. As we see this reality of HIS love more and more deeply, our nature and disposition will be transformed, and the life of JESUS will begin to work in us by the SPIRIT (see Mark 4:26-28).


The Word Of Healing

In this process, the reality of CHRIST JESUS will consume us and we will actually come to love HIM. We need to ask for and, pursue the revelation of the Word Of The Cross for our healing to be realized. By HIS scourging we are healed! By HIS wounds, have we been healed. The scourging expresses the Witness. HIS wounds represent the fact that HE alone paid the price. And, because of that price, the fact is that we have been healed by the Spirit and Life expressions of HIS faith and HIS love for us (see 2 Corinthians 4:13-14,6-7). This fact must be fashioned into our inward parts by the SPIRIT (see Exodus 31:18; 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3, NKJV; Mark 4:2628,20). In Luke 11:13,9-10 the LORD JESUS instructs us to ask for the HOLY SPIRIT so that we will know how to ask, seek and realize the opened Door of HIS “I AM� Name! Because healing is a supernatural reality, only the HOLY SPIRIT can explain its realities from the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS (see John 6:63). Notice that it is the SPIRIT WHO actually gives life! We can only say that we obtain the Witness when we have actualized the realization of HIS love for us from HIS sufferings, into a witness of love for HIM demonstrated in all that we do in word and deed (see 1 Corinthians 13; Colossians 3:17). That is, we must be careful to continually express this witness of HIS love in all that we do in word and in deed. This remembrance of HIM will facilitate the Passover that will precipitate our healing. This love realized is the medium of our healing received (see Proverbs 4:23,20-22). Understand that this realm of realization is a lifestyle cultivated, that anticipates a reality of continual healing, through renewal and regeneration, in the life of JESUS brought alive to us by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Titus 3:5; Ephesians 5:26).


The Word Of Healing

Remember that we are the flesh of HIS Flesh! When we understand this (see Luke 22:19) through the Witness of the Blood (see Luke 22:20) we will come to actually realize the fact that the flesh of HIS Flesh cannot bear corruption. This reality is revelation knowledge possessed in the “I AM” of the Healer! This is the substantive reality that Enoch realized so that he was taken in spirit, soul and body. AMEN! Brethren, GOD is watching over HIS Word - to perform it! AMEN! As the LORD declares in Isaiah 62:6b-7 (KJV), “.... Ye that make mention of the LORD [YHWH - “I AM”], keep not silence, and give HIM no rest, till HE establish, and till HE make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” AMEN! [Please understand that what we have discussed here is the healing that manifests out of revelation knowledge that is addressed as the Word Of Healing. There is also a realm of healing that manifests out of healing brought about by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT, which we commonly experience in evangelistic meetings, that involve specific releases of the anointing of the Spirit Of CHRIST, as an anointing that comes upon us by the HOLY SPIRIT. This is an outpouring of grace. What we have mentioned in this chapter is the growing reality of possessing our healing by revelation knowledge. Acts 20:32 speaks of the Word Of Grace that builds us up and gives us our inheritance which includes the reality of good health! We need to realize that these are two different aspects of healing, although, there is a realm of ministry of the Rhema Word that is an expression of both realms; which, the LORD JESUS demonstrated and, we see in parts of the book of Acts (see for example Acts 3:112,16, KJV).] 86



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f HIS Fullness we have all received (see John 1:16). Faith is the means by which we actualize this reality of HIS Fullness - as substance or hupostasis (see Hebrews 11:1, KJV/NKJV).

This fullness of HIS substance HE gave to us in the Logos Word Of The Cross. Luke 22:19 expresses the Rhema of this awesome treasure (see Colossians 2:9, KJV), in prophetic terms, as: “This is MY Body that is given for you.” Ephesians 5:30 (KJV) expresses the realization of HIS offering fulfilled as being a substantive expression in which: “... We are members of HIS Body, of HIS Flesh and of HIS Bones.” The substance (hupostasis) of HIS Fullness is of HIS PERSON (hupostasis - Hebrews 1:3a, NKJV) and HIS Nature (hupostasis Hebrews 1:3a, NASB) communicated in the Rhema expressions of HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:63).


The (Rhema) Word Of Faith

This totality of the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature is HIS Flesh, the Bread Of Life in HIS “I AM” (see John 6:51). This substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, being communicated to us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life, gives true expression and fulfillment to the reality of HIS Body being given for us. This communication of HIS Fullness, is an inwardly realized actuality that unveils itself in a confidence (see Hebrews 3:14, NKJV).

Confidence In The LORD JESUS CHRIST This confidence noted in Hebrews 3:14, NKJV, is a substantive reality realized in our inward parts. The Greek word for “confidence” used in this verse is also hupostasis. And, this is why this verse talks of us being made actual partakers of CHRIST (see also 2 Peter 1:3-4a,1-2). What is being described in all this is a complex unveiling of our state of being, as a new creation in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS realized (see Ephesians 2:10), such that, we actually become partakers (and, living and growing expressions) of HIS Fullness (see John 1:16-17, NASB). Understand from John 1:16, that we are each ordained to receive HIS Fullness. In HIS Fullness, we come to realize the “I AM” expressions of grace and truth given to us for expression through a living Body (see Ephesians 1:23) of HIS Flesh (see Ephesians 5:30, KJV/NKJV) that unveils the actualities of “I AM” realized from the revealed Word.

“I AM” Realized Our realization of HIS “I AM” Fullness must be such that we actually


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reflect the status of being partakers of CHRIST JESUS, in the Spirit and Life terms described by HIS Testimony; realized, as our possession and inheritance or treasure. Ezekiel 44:28, describes a substantive reality in which HE - in HIS “I AM” realized - becomes our “possession” and our “inheritance”! In Hebrews 3:14 (NKJV), this realization of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS is being described as an inward state of confidence in HIM. This confidence is an enabled expression of HIS Spirit Of Faith realized (see 2 Corinthians 4:13a; 2 Peter 1:1; Ephesians 4:5). The “contents” of this realization, becomes the evidence of our faith (see Hebrews 11:1, NKJV) in truth realized. Truth is realized in the “I AM” of the LORD JESUS unveiled to our understanding supernaturally (see Proverbs 9:10b). Because, “I AM the Truth”, says the LORD! The evidence of truth is entirely of HIS substance (hupostasis). This evidence in truth becomes the substance of “one faith” (see Ephesians 4:5,13; 2 Peter 1:1). In this realization of HIS Fullness, in a substance revealed and realized into the tablets of our heart (see Exodus 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3), we eat of HIS Flesh and drink of HIS Blood as noted in John 6:53-58. We eat and drink in substantive terms realized. Eating the Bread Of Life - HIS Flesh - results in growth in substance while, partaking of the Drink Offering of HIS Blood results in an intimacy. This process of realization is a process by which our inward parts of spirit and soul are formed and even enlarged (see Psalm 119:30-32).


The (Rhema) Word Of Faith

We celebrate this creative process in prophetic terms in Holy Communion! And, it is the resulting confidence in the LORD JESUS that is the evidence of the truth realized! When we have confidence in the LORD JESUS our faith is true faith. This confidence is substantively built into us in an intimacy of communion. The confidence is exclusively a result of the intimacy built in substantive terms within us. We are actually being created (in our inward parts) in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10) in this realized confidence.

HIS Faith Communicated And, this substance is meant to be realized within us in realities described in HIS Spirit and HIS Life. This realization is the substantive evidence of HIS faith and HIS love communicated into us through HIS Spirit and HIS Life in an understanding that knows HIM (see Proverbs 9:10b). This realized evidence is a substantive reality made available to us in dunamis power (see Hebrews 1:3b). Dunamis power is held in the framework of HIS (Rhema) Word - the (Rhema) Word of HIS (Dunamis) Power, as noted in Hebrews 1:3b. The Rhema Word is the living Testimony of HIS faith and HIS love for us, that is HIS power given to us for realization and application in HIS fullness. HIS fullness is being explained into our inward parts, by the Rhema Word that communicates through living expressions of HIS Spirit and HIS Life. 90

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Our Faith Formation The power within this Word (Rhema) framework, when unveiled to our inward parts, enables our faith formation to be entirely a supernatural construct in the substance of HIS fullness (see Exodus 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6). Hebrews 12:2 tells us that JESUS is the Author and Finisher of our faith. 2 Peter 1:1 (NASB), tells us that our faith is received from the Righteousness of our GOD and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST. The result of this true faith formation is an understanding (see Hebrews 11:3a) that knows HIM (see Proverbs 9:10b). Such an understanding is received by revelation fashioned out of HIS substance (see Ephesians 1:17-18). This substantive faith formation - in Logos terms - is realized in, through, and from, the Rhema Word Of Faith received, by a process of hearing from within (see Romans 10:8,17) from our inward parts. Through this process of faith formation by hearing from our inward parts, the LORD JESUS actually mediates the Covenant Of Salvation (in Blood) into our inward parts.

The Righteousness Of GOD Expressed This realized totality is an expression of the Righteousness Of GOD, actually manifested by the faith of CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 3:2122, KJV) unto all and upon all them that believe. This expression of the faith of JESUS CHRIST - unto all and upon all that believe - is of the Fullness Of CHRIST JESUS. And, the Fullness of CHRIST JESUS is the Righteouness Of GOD expressed, that saves us.


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The Rhema Word expression that communicates HIS Fullness, is the totality called the Words (Rhema) Of GOD (see John 3:34; Matthew 4:4) that is to form the flesh of our heart and unveil us each as a new creation in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Being Created In HIS Faith Realized Given the fact of the Rhema Word Of GOD, and the faith of JESUS CHRIST that expresses this Rhema Word in the peculiar medium of HIS faith, we are now in a position to appreciate the role of our faith and all that rises in our faith formation. HIS faith is GOD’s creative medium - in substance (hupostasis) brought forth through HIS Love for us. We are created in CHRIST JESUS in HIS Fullness realized through HIS faith and HIS love for us (see Ephesians 2:10; John 1:16-17).

Responding To HIM Given the fact of HIS faith unto us and over us. We need to understand that faith is also the medium alive in our inward parts (see Romans 12:3) in which, we express our free choice response to the Righteousness Of GOD, expressed through the faith of JESUS CHRIST, that, we have come to receive through HIS Testimony unveiled (see Romans 3:22-23, KJV). We make this response in heart and mouth (see Romans 10:8) - to GOD - in and by, CHRIST JESUS. Our faith is by definition always a response to GOD, to HIS “I AM”, received in the Rhema Testimony Of JESUS. This Testimony being the Righteousness Of GOD expressed to us - in substance or hupostasis.


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The faith of JESUS is of the “substance” HE perfected in HIS manhood - that expresses the substance of HIS Fullness, which is HIS Flesh in prophetic terms - that we want to receive and take possession of in JESUS Name (see Ezekiel 44:28).

The Rhema Of HIS Faith We receive by responding to the substantive reality of HIS faith communicated to us, in the Rhema Word Of Faith, that is the living expression of HIS Words (see John 6:63; Luke 24:44). What we realize in our response is of HIS substance. HIS substance that we receive is the Truth! HIS Flesh! In HIS Flesh realized - in a heart of flesh - we are perfected into one Body of HIS Flesh (see Ephesians 5:30, KJV).

HIS Flesh The faith of JESUS is the Righteousness Of GOD expressed unto us and over us (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV). The faith of JESUS expresses HIS Flesh through the actuality of HIS love for us. HE laid HIMSELF down for us. In this reality the LORD’s faith is an actual expression of love PERSONified - HIS Flesh (see Ephesians 5:28-29).

The Reality Of Being Created In HIM The Rhema Word Of Faith is the communicative expression of HIS Flesh and, when received within us, this Rhema unveils the evidence (see Hebrews 11:1, KJV/NKJV) of HIM alive in us (see John 6:56c; 17:26c).


The (Rhema) Word Of Faith

This evidence is a realization in the flesh of HIS Flesh that results in a confidence in HIM (rather than in our own selves). Understand that this confidence is not a “put-on” but, is an actuality fashioned creatively into our inward parts from HIS fullness! We come alive in HIM and by HIM - to HIM. A new creation is actually being brought forth (see 2 Corinthians 4:16-18). A new reality is being opened in the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, in the understanding of GOD’s promises. Romans 10:17 (NKJV) tells us that our faith comes by hearing the Rhema Word Of GOD. This hearing is the actuality of our response to HIM from our inward parts. Our heart and our mouth are the means by which we articulate our response to HIM. The heart responds by believing and the mouth articulates our response in desired terms and in realized terms (see Romans 10:8-13). This complementary articulation in heart and mouth, is our faith expressed in response to HIM. This articulation must become a conscious lifestyle pursued and, we will come to realize the substantive reality of CHRIST JESUS in our inward man (see John 17:26c). Notice from Romans 10:8-13, that our response brings the actualization of our salvation into us. This realization of our salvation is exclusively the handiwork of GOD (see Mark 4:27c,28a,26-28). Brethren, it is not difficult to realize (and validate) the reality of the supernatural in CHRIST JESUS. Every Christian can readily enter this realization. We simply need to articulate our response to HIM in heart and mouth, in the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth (see 1 Corinthians 5:7-8) - in a lifestyle lived as a response (in faith) to HIM. 94

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A response described in the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth unveils a supernatural reality into us that is described as a Passover (see 1 Corinthians 5:7-8) into HIS “I AM” Light.

The Body Of CHRIST The Word Of Faith realized - in Logos terms - is expressed in the Church, the Body Of CHRIST, as HIS Bones (see Ephesians 5:30, KJV). HIS Bones give form and structure to the Body in the SPIRIT Of YHWH - in the actuality of one faith (see Ephesians 4:5). The Word Of The Cross declares that not one bone in HIS body was broken (see John 19:32-36). The Body Of CHRIST, called forth to express the Fullness of HIM WHO fills all in all (see Ephesians 1:22-23) will come forth in its true form through the Word Of The Cross. And, in the reality of the Word Of The Cross not one bone will ever be broken as the Body is creatively structured in, and as, a construct in HIS Flesh and HIS Bones (see Ephesians 5:30, KJV). HIS Bones are the living expression of one faith, the faith of CHRIST JESUS fashioned into us, that establishes and enables a living Body to take form and structure. This Body is realized in one Spirit, by our living immersion (by free will choice) of being baptised into CHRIST, in the “I AM” of the FATHER, the SON and, the HOLY SPIRIT, realized and explained in our inward parts in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. AMEN! This is the Gospel that the Church must understand. We must leave our righteousnesses which are as filthy rags and start living by the


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Righteousness Of GOD expressed by the faith of JESUS CHRIST (see Galatians 2:20c, KJV). We must start living by the Testimony Of JESUS unveiled in our heart and mind. We each need to discover the foot of the cross by faith in HIM so that HIS faith “unto all and upon all who believe� will save us supernaturally in actualized terms and, not merely in positional terms. It was on the cross that HIS faith found its full expression. The cross is a Place in the SPIRIT Of YHWH that unveils a reality called YAHWEH-JIREH (see Genesis 22:14). This Place is unveiled in a Passover explained into our inward parts in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT.

A Lifestyle That Articulates HIS Salvation Realized Only HE can save us. We need to discover an entire lifestyle that is a (continual) articulated response to HIM, WHO is the righteousness of GOD unto us. It is simple; it only requires a heart that believes and a mouth that confesses the Testimony Of JESUS, in terms of all that we do - in word and deed (see Colossians 3:17) - daily. In this response the LORD JESUS will respond to us by actually becoming the Apostle and High Priest of our confession on an on-line basis at the speed of thought (see Hebrews 3:1). True faith that arises out of the Word Of The Cross will always be answered. Because no bone in HIS Body can be broken! Please understand what is being said here. This is the reality of grace that we


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must come to realize. This grace only exists in the Truth - HIS “I AM” Truth. The LORD JESUS opens this reality to us in the Rhema of HIS Testimony: “I AM The Truth.” It is the realization of “I AM” that is the Testimony Of JESUS. The Testimony Of JESUS is the knowledge expression that justifies us (see Isaiah 53:11b). Please understand that true faith makes the entire process of salvation completely alive in GOD. We simply learn to rest in HIM, in the reality of an on-line response to HIM in heart and mouth and, we will each be changed. It is that simple! This rest is not a rest of idleness, but, is one in which we pursue the realities of the faith of JESUS CHRIST with a heart that receives HIS Testimony and, a mouth that confesses our continual response to HIM in all that we do in word and deed. AMEN!

We Must Obtain The Witness Of Grace Realized Like Enoch, we too must obtain the witness (see Hebrews 11:5, NASB). We obtain the witness in the substance of HIS faith. We obtain the witness by all that we believe and confess in the reality of a continual, daily living response to HIM. This witness is realized in faith, so that the grace that it carries will be released, according to the specifics of our faith response to the Testimony Of JESUS (see Ephesians 2:8). We are told in Ephesians 2:8, that all this is a gift from GOD (see also James 1:17). We simply have to learn to receive by responding to HIM, in the totality of a lifestyle cultivated in HIS power. The power


The (Rhema) Word Of Faith

of HIS faith and HIS love for us. We are saved by HIS Name and we are vindicated by HIS Power (see Psalm 54:1). HE communicates this awesome miracle by HIS faith for us. In the Word Of The Cross this faith is released for us to possess. The Rhema Word Of Faith expresses this communication in HIS “I AM� Name as the Bread Of Life - HIS Flesh (see John 6:51). Just imagine a faith reality alive in us, in which we can all live by the faith of JESUS CHRIST, all of the time, in a continually growing reality and understanding of HIS Fullness (see Ephesians 1:22-23). This actuality alive in us is grace realized or, grace actualized - in faith!




The Word Of Grace


cts 20:32 tells us that the Logos Word Of HIS Grace “is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are being sanctified.”

All of GOD’s Word has a reality of HIS grace (that unveils HIS Word) that is to be realized in our inward parts. This grace builds us and gives us an inheritance. Grace is a substantive reality, communicated through the revealed Word. This substantive reality is tangible. Grace builds us. Grace gives us an actual inheritance that will be ours forever! And grace operates in a Word defined reality alive in our inward parts, in which or where, we are being increasingly sanctified in CHRIST JESUS revealed to our inward parts. [GOD calls HIS grace riches that we can actually possess through faith (see Ephesians 2:7-8). We are called to steward the riches of HIS grace (see Ephesians 3:2) given to us as a gift through faith (HIS faith realized and applied - 2 Peter 1:1) as noted in Ephesians 3:7; 2:8.] We are built in grace as we are increasingly sanctified by CHRIST 99

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JESUS coming alive in us, by HIS SPIRIT. This inward reality, described in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS (see John 1:17; 6:63), by the HOLY SPIRIT, is the actuality in the realized Word in which grace operates (see Romans 8:2). 1 John 5:10a calls this inward reality, alive from the revealed Word, a witness. This inward witness is a response to HIS Witness. Our inward witness is fashioned from HIS Witness through the Word revealed in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. HIS Witness is “I AM”! The LORD JESUS CHRIST comes alive to us in a Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit (see 1 John 5:6,8, NKJV). This Witness sanctifies us because it is the true and faithful Witness (see Revelation 3:14b), the Righteousness Of GOD communicated to our inward parts (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV) by the faith of JESUS CHRIST (see Galatians 2:20, KJV) in HIS love for us. The Blood and the Water bring a living Witness of the LORD JESUS alive into us (see 1 John 5:6). This is an awesome revelation of CHRIST JESUS crucified (see John 19:34) unveiled in a living Witness by the SPIRIT Of Life (see Hebrews 9:14). This revelation unveils in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS in an abiding and growing continuum of the revealed Word (see Mark 4:22). The Spirit of the Witness becomes the enabled confidence in which we become actual partakers of CHRIST (see Hebrews 3:14, KJV). Being actual partakers of CHRIST is a functional state of being where, we are enabled (in Spirit terms) to function in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT. This realization is grace and truth realized in some measure of HIS


The Word Of Grace

Fullness (see John 1:16-17). And, this realization of HIS Fullness unveiled in HIS Spirit and HIS Life through the revealed Word represents the riches of GOD’s grace possessed (see Ephesians 2:7). The riches of GOD’s grace are described in the Word that is supernaturally revealed and explained in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS.

Grace Realized - “I In Them” Fulfilled This realization of HIS Fullness is the growing fulfillment of “I in them” (see John 17:26c). The substantive reality of “I in them” realized is the highest realm of grace (see John 1:17, NASB); and, represents the highest intent and expression of HIS Offering on the cross - HIS Fullness (see 1 Corinthians 1:30; Philippians 4:13). This grace unveiled in us, makes the Offering on the cross and the Word Of The Cross that unveils that Offering, deeply personal. Because the actuality of the Offering is being inwardly realized as GOD’s provision for us in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. And, in this realization we are each drawn into the Word defined actuality of seeing GOD in HIS provision. Coming to know HIM in HIS provision, and as a result, coming alive to loving the LORD our GOD with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength! GOD provides for us in HIS “I AM” Fullness unveiled in CHRIST JESUS through the revealed Word (see John 17:6a; 1:16-17). In HIS Fullness realized we are being created (see Ephesians 2:10). The unveiling of grace is peculiar to the substantive reality in which we are each being fearfully and wonderfully made. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are being created in CHRIST JESUS. 101

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The Word Of The Cross Is An Expression Of Grace Personalized Grace is the substance and reality of the living Witness that we have obtained (see for example Hebrews 11:5). Our verse from Acts 20:32 is telling us that we are built and given the blessings of GOD as an inheritance in grace realized in our inward parts (see also Ezekiel 44:28 and John 1:17). As in every reality of GOD’s living Word witnessed, HIS grace comes alive to us from the cross in the revealed terms of the Word Of The Cross. The Word Of The Cross is unveiled in personalized terms - in an inward witness - relevant to our life and our calling, in the actual fullness of CHRIST JESUS communicated into our inward parts by the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15). The reality of grace unveils in us, from the Witness of the Word Of The Cross realized in accordance to the situations and circumstances of our life and ministry (see Ephesians 4:12-13), in the actuality of CHRIST JESUS WHOM we actively seek to express in our life and ministry - by the SPIRIT. The Word Of The Cross tells us that CHRIST has become to us Wisdom from GOD, Righteousness and Sanctification and, Redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). This is grace being unveiled into our being. This is the prophetic Word meant to be fulfilled in unique personal terms, in all who pursue the reality of receiving of HIS Fullness through the Word Of The Cross. This is an unveiling in grace of the wealth of the FATHER’s Heart (see Ephesians 3:16-19).


The Word Of Grace

The power of the cross is realized in this creative transformation realized in a living witness - through HIS Fullness given to us. The cross is the living expression of HIS Fullness given to us. The Word Of The Cross describes this provision - of HIS Fullness (see John 1:16-17) - in the true riches of HIS grace that is the prophetic actuality of YHWH-JIREH! This totality of the Word Of The Cross is a realization of the grace expressed to us from the cross, in the intimate personal terms of an inwardly realized functional witness, in the merits of the LAMB. Grace is realized in CHRIST JESUS according to our living (on-line) response to HIM and HIS Offering of HIMSELF to us, realized in fully functional terms, in and through every situation and circumstance of life. In this process, the HOLY SPIRIT unveils CHRIST JESUS according to what HE hears in our witness (see John 16:13; Mark 4:24-25).

Grace Is GOD’s Treasure Realized We need to catch this. Grace must be realized through the revealed Word perfected and completed into our inward parts and, manifested as a fully functional inward witness. Grace must be understood and valued as a treasure given in the fullness of the LAMB, through HIS merits,. Grace realized is GOD’s treasure realized in and by the merits and fullness of the LAMB. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us: “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of GOD; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.”


The Word Of Grace

The realization of grace into a fully functional inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a) is by faith. This is a faith perfected through our response to the hearing of the Rhema Word Of Faith, expressed to us, in and from and by, the Testimony Of JESUS. Because we are only saved by the Name Of GOD unveiled (see Psalm 54:1; John 17:6a). The evidence of our faith - in truth - is commensurate with the reality of grace that has been unveiled to us - in CHRIST JESUS in HIS faith and HIS love for us.

Grace Is Realized In The Fullness Of CHRIST JESUS We need to realize the treasures of the Testimony Of JESUS. In this realization of HIS Words (see John 6:63; Luke 24:44; 21:33), grace is unveiled so as to build up and give us our inheritance in CHRIST JESUS - in HIS merits. We come to see this reality of grace with an understanding that actually knows the LORD JESUS. Of HIS Fullness we have all received - grace upon grace (see John 1:16). John 1:17 (NASB) tells us that grace and truth were realized through JESUS CHRIST. Mark 4:22 tells us that all things hidden have the potential of being unveiled. We need to understand that in the context of the Law Of CHRIST (see Romans 8:2), everything described in CHRIST JESUS has the potential of being unveiled in us, and through us, as a growing fulfillment (see John 1:16; Luke 22:15-16). And, this is because the Kingdom Of GOD unveils from our inward 104

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parts (see Luke 17:20-21, KJV/NKJV). This realization of grace and truth through JESUS CHRIST unveiled, is the key to the reality of the power of GOD being experienced - as an empowering within ourselves (see Ephesians 3:20). This realization in a fully functional inward witness, is the Passover fulfilled in some measure of the fullness of the LAMB. This empowering in HIS grace, is unveiled in the true, full and perfected knowledge of CHRIST JESUS. This knowledge is unveiled in and by the conviction of HIS Fullness realized in the Nature of HIS Excellence, so that, we can actually function in HIM, in HIS grace realized in, and from, HIS Fullness unveiled. This entire knowledge of CHRIST JESUS is a realized functional witness, alive in us by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name. This witness is of the Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit alive in us, in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. This witness is grace realized.

Grace Realized Is An Inward Confidence Hebrews 3:14 (NKJV) tells us that this realization comes alive in us as a confidence. This confidence is based on what we have come to know HIM as, through all that we have received by grace, in HIM and by HIM through the Word revealed in HIS Spirit and HIS Life. This inward state of being empowered in HIM and by HIM, is a realized state that grows gradually as the knowledge (Greek: “epignosis�) of CHRIST JESUS grows in us (see 2 Corinthains 4:6-7). 105

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It is the FATHER’s Will that we each be fully empowered by the realized fullness of CHRIST JESUS. In this realized fullness, we come to actually know HIM. And, this reality of knowing HIM becomes an understanding in which we function through HIM. This understanding describes the grace that we have actually realized in HIM which, we are able to apply through the Word alive in our inward parts - in HIS Name, by the SPIRIT. The potentials are beyond imagination!

Grace Realized Is A Sanctified Inward State The Logos Word Of Grace speaks of this realm of realization in which we are sanctified in the reality of knowing HIM in functional terms. We need to realize - through the hearing of the Rhema Word Of Faith - the Logos Word Of Grace that sees all that HE has given us in HIMSELF. The Logos Word Of Grace is the realized evidence of true faith. The faith of JESUS evidenced as our faith in HIM, is grace realized or actualized. The evidence of HIM (“I AM”) fulfilled into the tablets of our heart of flesh is grace actualized (see Exodus 25:16; 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3, KJV/NKJV). This grace realized is to be made alive as an empowered reality (see Ephesians 3:20) alive by the SPIRIT Of Grace (see Luke 2:40; Hebrews 10:29) in JESUS Name.

Describing The Empowered Inward State The empowered inward state is the power (dunamis) of HIS resurrection realized and actualized in our inward parts; that is meant to be testified to through a living Body that is: 106

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• Wise, in the Wisdom Of GOD (see 1 Corinthians 2:7,10-14). • Righteous, having become the Righteousness Of GOD in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthains 5:21). • Sanctified, having been washed spotless without blemish in the Water of HIS Rhema Word, in the reality of becoming blameless and holy, supernaturally (see Ephesians 5:26-27; Titus 3:5). • Redeemed, in the reality of HIS power applied to our spirit, soul and ultimately our body (see Hebrews 11:5). All this, is what is meant by the Word Of Grace that builds us, in order to give us an inheritance in HIS “I AM” realized (see Ezekiel 44:28). Underlying this reality of grace is the concurrent process of us each being sanctified or, purified in HIS “I AM” realized (see 1 John 3:3). This process of being sanctified is simply the reality of becoming the righteousness of GOD, in CHRIST JESUS, even as the faith of JESUS finds actual expression within us, as witnessed by the reality (or, evidence) of our faith in HIM. The evidence being fashioned within us is of a nature that reflects some measure of the fullness of our BELOVED LORD. This is how we can measure the grace that we have received through HIS faith for us!

Confidence In HIM Is The AMEN Of HIS Name Realized This sanctified inward reality is evidenced as a growing confidence in HIM. This is the AMEN of the faithful and true Witness realized 107

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inside ourselves, in our heart and mind - as our Amen, in and by HIS Name (Deuteronomy 6:13). This is grace actually realized (see John 1:17, NASB). The Amen of our confidence in HIM is the power of GOD realized as an inward strength that is fully dependent on HIM. Grace realized is able to give us this strength in which we are able to draw from HIM. So, for example, a prayer warrior knows a reality in grace, by which to pray for several hours at a stretch in the strength of the LORD. A teacher of the Word can discover HIS strength to pursue the Word - contemplatively - by revelation, over thousands of hours, over several years. And, in this strength we can pursue the “I AM” realities in which this grace is meant to be fulfilled. We are inwardly built in this fulfillment, as the realities of the riches of HIS grace become an actual functional state that we are able to express in GOD and by GOD. Potentially, every human expression - in thought, word and deed - can be 100% unveiled in the riches of HIS grace! Please understand that in GOD all things are new. Because they are of HIS “I AM” unveiled in CHRIST JESUS.

The Evidence Of HIS “I AM” Fleshed Out The Word Of Grace is in effect HIS Flesh that we possess in the flesh of our heart; as HIS faith enables HIS Fullness to be realized within ourselves, even as our faith is perfected and expressed as an evidence of HIM. Grace will automatically manifest as long as our witness proclaims the Name Of JESUS. This is why we can do all things through CHRIST WHO strengthens us (see Philippians 4:13). 108

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We need to cultivate the witness to the Name of JESUS in order to realize the blessings of the FATHER. Grace enables the realization of GOD’s blessings. Grace enables the realization of the pathways of life that GOD has opened to us - personally, according to HIS calling upon us (see Ephesians 1:17-19a).

Spiritual Growth Is A Gift Of Grace Realized Brethren, it is not hard to grow in GOD. We simply have to receive, in a realization that is articulated into a lifestyle, in which the Testimony Of JESUS is supernaturally expressed. The process must be 100% supernatural - 100% a gift realized in fully functional terms. Cultivate the reality by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Luke 11:13,9-3), through hope in CHRIST JESUS (see 1 John 3:3; Hebrews 6:19). We each need to learn to put away our abilities and, receive and put on, the abilities of CHRIST JESUS realized. And, we will all realize the empowering of resurrection power that comes forth from the cross - as HIS grace is realized. Of HIS Fullness we have all received! 2 Corinthains 4:6-7 puts this reality across in very precise terms: “For GOD .... is the ONE WHO has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of GOD in the face of CHRIST JESUS. .... That the surpassing greatness of the power may be of GOD and not from ourselves.” The realization of this power is grace realized. This grace realized knows HIM. Knowing HIM sanctifies us! Grace enables us to pursue realities, GOD has opened to us inwardly in HIS will (Exodus 32:16).

Grace Is An Actuality Realized The Word Of Grace describes the dimensions of HIS empowering 109

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alive in us - in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. The Word Of Grace describes our empowered inward state. The Word Of Grace becomes the living expression of GOD’s grace realized that is actually in force, as a reality of the LORD JESUS actually alive in us. This is an aliveness within that is brought forth by the SPIRIT in JESUS Name. In this grace realized, we can actually pursue HIS calling and, unveil through the Word Construct a total lifestyle that is in HIM and, by HIM and, of HIM.

Grace Realized Describes HIS Workmanship Fulfilled When we are inwardly quickened by the HOLY SPIRIT, the Word Of Grace describes our functional state of being - attained - in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. This is the realm of grace that details every facet and reality in which we can actually function in, in GOD’s power. The awesomeness of this functional state is described in Ephesians 2:10 as follows: “For we are HIS workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS for good works, which GOD prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Coming alive to the substantive reality of being HIS workmanship is the realization of grace. For this growing reality of grace to be fulfilled in us, the LORD JESUS CHRIST went to the cross for us. HIS five wounds unveil the prophetic realities of this grace that are described in five Levetical Sacrifices that the LORD JESUS fulfilled (see Luke 24:44). 110

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HE is all that we actually need. Colossians 2:10 tells us: “And in HIM you have been made complete.” This is the righteousness of GOD that we need to realize as a functional reality through the faith of JESUS CHRIST unto us and upon us who believe (see Romans 3:2122, KJV; Galatians 2:20, KJV).

The Word Of The Cross Realized All this comes alive through the eternal continuum of the Word Of The Cross. Because the offer was eternally made on (and from) the cross in the prophetic actuality of YHWH-JIREH. Revelation 13:8 (KJV/NKJV) tells us that the LAMB was slain from the foundation of the world. To receive we must realize the inward state of grace that is at the foot of the cross. This Place at the cross is called YAHWEH-JIREH (see Genesis 22:14). It is an actuality alive in the SPIRIT Of YAHWEH by HIS Testament sworn in the Blood of the LAMB (see Hebrews 9:14). We will always be before the Throne Of Grace when we see things from the foot of the cross. Always remember, that it is the realization of CHRIST crucified that is the Wisdom and Power of GOD unto us (see 1 Corinthians 1:2224). When we see CHRIST crucified, from within, we will continually be in the reality of “being saved”. This is grace realized. Remember, throne room experiences are wonderful but, Lucifer fell from the throne room. If we anchor our heart at the foot of the cross, we will never fall. Because, at the cross the heart of the FATHER is realized - actually 111

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tasted and never forgotten (see Luke 22:19-20). This actuality realized is called the Memorial-Name (see Exodus 3:15, NASB; 22:16; 32:16; John 6:48-63; 2 Corinthians 3:3 KJV/NKJV; Luke 22:15-16,19-20)!




The Word Of Righteousness


ebrews 5:13-14 tells us: “For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the Word (Logos) Of Righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.” There are two forms of growth in the Word. The basic form of the Word that we need to begin with is described in 1 Peter 2:2 as “the pure milk of the word.” The Greek word for “word” here is the word “logikon”. This is the reality of reason in the Word Of GOD. This word logikon, in the context of this verse in 1 Peter 2:2, deals with the unadulterated realm of the reasoned word. This is the realm which underlies the presentation of this book. The reality of reason is how we begin in the Word Of GOD. Simply because this is the way in which we are taught how to learn in our system of education. We learn by reason. There is however, a deeper reality of the Word that is called the Word 113

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Of Righteousness, that deals with our inward spiritual senses, realized and developed through the substantive realities of faith and grace unveiled in truth. This is the realm of the reality of the Word that is of the Righteousness Of GOD, unveiled to us by grace, through the faith of JESUS CHRIST unto us and upon us who believe (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV). Given the centrality of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, to the realized realities of faith and grace brought alive to us by the HOLY SPIRIT, we see here a realm of learning and understanding that is actually entirely not of the processes of learning that we know from the world system. We see here a learning system that is entirely of the Righteousness Of GOD, of HIS Stature, communicated into us by the faith of JESUS CHRIST. With the faith of JESUS CHRIST bringing into us realities entirely of the stature and nature of HIS Name. In this faith realized within our inward parts, we become the righteousness of GOD - in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21)!

The Word Construct Of Our Inward Spiritual Senses The deeper reality of the Word is born of the reality of us being an actual temple of GOD, within which, we operate our priesthood unto GOD by all that we have realized from HIM (see Deuteronomy 10:8; 1 Peter 2:5,9). In this realization of being a temple of GOD, we function in a realm of the Word (Logos) that is tied to our inward spiritual senses (see for example 1 Peter 1:10-12) that are in their entirety meant to be alive to


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the Righteousness Of GOD realized from the faith of JESUS CHRIST, communicated into us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life. This realm of discernment and judgement through our inward spiritual senses governs our priesthood in JESUS Name (see Hebrews 7:12,16,22,28).

Disernment And Judgement By Our Inward Spiritual Senses This means that we learn to discern and to judge by our spiritual senses instead of a merely reasoned thought process. We learn to function in a realm of the Word that is beyond our understanding! As for example, in the peace that passeth all understanding (see Philippians 4:7-9,23; Isaiah 54:10-17; 55:1-5,6-12). Or, in a conviction that is witnessed to by joy in the LORD (see 1 John 5:14,18-20; Nehemiah 8:10c; Philippians 3:1-3). The end product is an inward process of thought that reasons and also senses the vindication of these thought flows through the witness of our inward spiritual senses. All of the fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT - love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control - arise from within our inward spiritual senses, to be expressed in all that we do in word and deed. They also enable us to discern.

Being Clothed In The Light Of The Word Revealed In the clothing of the Aaronic priesthood, there was something called the Breastpiece Of Judgement that stood at the center of the garments of the priesthood - over the heart (see Exodus 28:2,4,15-30). These garments of the Aaronic priesthood foreshadow the garments of 115

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the Light Of Life that clothe us with our salvation (see 2 Chronicles 6:40-41; Galatians 3:27; John 8:12c; James 1:17-18). The Light Of Life communicates the reality of an indestructible life into us (see Hebrews 7:16, NASB). This communication is of the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS released into us through the revealed Word, by the HOLY SPIRIT. This revealed Word is the Word Of GOD explained in and from and through the Testimony Of JESUS (see Luke 24:44). This explanation is written and formed into our inward parts (see Exodus 32:16) in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. The clothing of the Aaronic priesthood foreshadows the clothing of the priesthood of the Order Of Melchizedek (see Hebrews 7:12) in the Righteousness Of GOD, realized in the power of an indestructible life (see Hebrews 7:16, NASB) by Oath (see Hebrews 7:28) explained in the Testimony Of JESUS (see Exodus 25:16; 31:18; 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3) and guaranteed in the Name Of JESUS (see Hebrews 7:22).

The Inward Functions Of Our Being In CHRIST JESUS The Breastpiece Of Judgement that the Aaronic priesthood wore, carried within it the Urim and the Thummim. To us in the New Covenant, the Urim and the Thummim are the Lights and Perfections of GOD’s Rhema Word realized, so as to become expressions of our inward senses - the Light Of Life realized with understanding (see John 8:12c; James 1:17-18) and, even beyond understanding, in JESUS Name (see Ephesians 1:17-18).


The Word Of Righteousness

We realize, through revelation of the Word, explained through the Testimony Of JESUS. The revealed Word is meant to be perfected and completed into our inward parts, through all that we do in word and deed in JESUS Name. In this process, the inward construct of our spiritual senses is realized from HIS Spirit and HIS Life as a construct of the Word Of Righteousness; which, is the Word explained to us in the faith and love of JESUS CHRIST. In this realization we are actually sanctified and consecrated unto GOD in CHRIST JESUS. In this sanctification and consecration there comes alive within us a realm of our inward senses - sanctified and consecrated to GOD - so as to enable us to discern even beyond our understanding. What we see here is an inward state consecrated unto GOD. This is a consecrated state attained in the righteousness of GOD. The righteousness of GOD is brought alive in our inward parts by the faith of JESUS CHRIST unto us and over us who believe, through our responses to HIM. Our responses to HIM, unveil through the realization of the Word Of Righteousness, in the truth of the grace given to us in HIS Fullness (see John 1:16-17).

The Witness Of The Word Enoch’s witness realized (see Hebrews 11:5), is of such a realm. When the Logos Word is realized in our heart of flesh something of GOD has found form and substance within us - in fully subordinate terms. This is the construct of the Word Of Righteousness, that expresses the Righteousness Of GOD that we have actually realized and are able to function in, in our priesthood. 117

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Hebrews 4:12 tells us: “For the Word (Logos) Of GOD is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” The reality of the Word being mentioned here is living and active; sharp, so as to be sharper than any two-edged sword; and, piercing, so as to be able to judge or discern. It is this discerning that describes the formation of our inward spiritual sense. Please understand that the degree of this discernment is exclusively a measure of the “I AM” fullness of CHRIST JESUS fashioned into our inward parts, in HIS Spirit and HIS Life.

The Quickened Word Has A Functional Purpose Notice that in Hebrews 4:12, we are speaking of the Logos Word that has been quickened. In this quickened state the Logos Word is described as living, active, sharp and piercing so as to be actually able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. The basis of judgement is CHRIST JESUS alive in our inward parts. Hebrews 4:12 is pointing to us the reality in which the Logos Word is quickened into a Rhema state that is alive and able to perform actual functions (by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS - see Romans 8:2). The Sword Of The SPIRIT is an expression of the Rhema Word Of GOD (see Ephesians 6:17), made alive by the HOLY SPIRIT from the Logos Word Of Righteousness fashioned into us. The Sword Of The SPIRIT is an actuality of the Rhema Word, made alive by the SPIRIT Of CHRIST, that can be developed in CHRIST JESUS, to judge and destroy the strongholds of the enemy (see Ephesians 6:17; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5).


The Word Of Righteousness

This reality of the Sword Of The SPIRIT can be developed to manifest in prayer, worship, preaching, teaching, counselling, in any reality that gives quickened expression to the Logos Word by the SPIRIT.

A Functional State That Must Be Alive By The SPIRIT The realm of “the thoughts and intentions of the heart” mentioned in Hebrews 4:12, is the sensory realm of the heart. This is a quickened inward state. The quickened state is a state brought forth by the HOLY SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS. Where, in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT, there is a quickened revelation of the Word in the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, that has been fashioned into our inward parts. The HOLY SPIRIT operates the “living, active, sharp and piercing” Logos as a quickened state of the Rhema Of GOD within HIS temple - our body, in JESUS Name (see 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19). The purpose of this unfolding, is so that a functional realm of the Word Of GOD is alive from within us in some measure of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 4:13). This enables a functional state in and of GOD to be formed within us. The functional realm of the Logos Word, that forms the flesh of our heart, is in its Rhema state, when brought alive by the SPIRIT Of Life, in CHRIST JESUS. In the SPIRIT, we have an actual functional state that is an expression of the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS that we have realized in HIM (and, by HIM and, from HIM).


The Word Of Righteousness

Our Inward Functional State Must Reflect The Righteousness Of GOD What is being described here is an actual inward functional state. It is of essential importance that our inward functional state be alive in the Righteousness Of GOD expressed into us in the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS. Only GOD is Righteous. So it is absolutely essential that we function in this actuality by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS through, the realities of the Word described into us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see 1 John 5:6,8 NKJV; Romans 8:2; Jeremiah 33:14-26). This inward functional state is substantively defined as the Logos Word Of Righteousness. This functional state enables us to live by GOD so as to actually become the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, through HIS Spirit and HIS Life received (see 2 Corinthians 5:21; John 6:63). This inward state is a reality that is defined in and as the Word Of Life. Which, is the Word that describes our ability to actually live by GOD!

Being Made To Function In The Name Of JESUS In the Word Of Righteousness the Door of the Name Of JESUS is being opened to us. In prophetic terms, the key to the Door of the Name is called the Key Of David (see Revelation 3:7-8) fashioned into the hearts of the Offspring Of David (see Revelation 22:16). So that we can operate in HIS faith realized, a reality fashioned in HIS love, that is the Righteousness Of GOD expressed into us in deeply personal terms (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). We can now begin to live by the LORD JESUS CHRIST - our BELOVED. AMEN! 120

The Word Of Righteousness

We are now unveiling the essential purpose of GOD’s Word; to enable us to live by HIM. We can now soar as eagles in the Righteousness Of GOD. This is a reality of the SPIRIT Of YHWH, empowered entirely in and by the power of HIS resurrection, expressed into our inward parts supernaturally in the Spirit and Life expressions of the Testimony Of JESUS. The LORD JESUS arose because HIS human spirit (expressed in Spirit terms by the SPIRIT as an anointing) was in HIS crucifixion an expression of the Spirit Of Holiness (see Romans 1:3-4). It is in CHRIST crucified that the Wisdom and Power of GOD is released for us to soar like eagles. This is an enabled knowledge reality that is of the Spirit Of CHRIST, brought into us in HIS Name, by the SPIRIT Of Life. This is GOD’s righteousness fulfilled in our inward parts (see Proverbs 9:1; Hebrews 3:4,6).

HIS Faith Alive As Our Faith In HIM Is GOD’s Righteousness Realized The reality of CHRIST crucified, when received by us, is a reality in HIS faith for us and HIS love for us, that is the Righteousness Of GOD received. A reality of grace fulfilled by HIS faith for us and HIS love for us, is being made alive in us, through our faith response to HIM. Our faith response is unveiled in an actual love for HIM, that we have articulated by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Testimony received by us, in our own free will. This entire realm of knowledge or, knowing, fashioned in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS realized (see John 1:16-17), is alive as a witness to CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT in our inward parts (see Romans 8:2).


The Word Of Grace

This inward reality of “David”, the Well-BELOVED, WHO is the treasure of our heart, establishes us as the fruit of HIS Body, a royal house of priests, prophets and kings (see Jeremiah 33:14-26; Psalm 132:6-12). The fruit of HIS Body are the people who have realized some measure of HIS Offering or, some measure of HIS Fullness. And, this Offering realized is the Righteousness Of GOD unveiled into us in a construct of the Logos Word Of Righteousness. In this contruct, we increasingly become the righteousness of GOD, in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). Becoming the righteousness of GOD is our destiny, opened exclusively, in the Righteousness Of GOD - YHWH TSIDKENU. We are being created in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10) as sons of GOD, in HIS Righteousness unveiled. The fashioning of our inward spiritual senses is the core of this creative process! Our inward spiritual senses make us alive and sensitive to GOD. This inwardly realized state is the reality in which we actually begin to function as the righteousness of GOD, in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). AMEN! This inward state is rooted in us as the Root Of David and, in this rooting we are fashioned and established as the Offspring Of David (see Revelation 22:16) who are able, by the SPIRIT, to operate the Door of HIS Name with the Key Of David (see Revelation 3:7-8) alive in us in HIS righteousness.




The Word Of Life


e now understand the awesome actuality of the wealth of grace made available to us in the Righteousness Of GOD. This is grace unveiled through the faith (and love) of JESUS CHRIST for us.

We can now open the realm of the intimacy of the Word that actually enables us to live and function by CHRIST JESUS being alive in our inward parts, by the SPIRIT. This realm of the intimacy of the revealed Word is called the Word (Logos) Of Life. It is the revealed Word that enables us to actually live through all that GOD has given us in HIS SON. We need to understand this revelation clearly as it is the actuality of John 17:26c fulfilled in us as - “I in them.” This actuality of “I in them” is fulfilled in a realm of the Word Construct called the Word Of Life that enables us to function in the reality of CHRIST JESUS being alive in us by the SPIRIT. This reality of CHRIST JESUS is a living witness in our inward parts (see 1 John 5:10a). 123

The Word Of Life

The Word Of Life describes the reality of communion with CHRIST JESUS, into our inward parts. This is the actuality of true life realized. It is the realized fulfillment of “I AM the Life!” The LORD JESUS went to the cross to enable us all to come alive to GOD and, to live by GOD (see John 17:6,19,22,26) in HIS merits and the power of HIS faith and HIS love for us. This fulfillment is communicated into us in the substance and reality of HIS “I AM”, made alive in us (see John 6:56c) by the SPIRIT, through HIS Spirit and HIS Life unveiled and explained into us through the revealed Word (see John 6:48,63). This funcional state of being, that is able to function in GOD, is built in a realm of the Word called the Word Of Life. This is the Word that enables us to actually live and function in GOD. We have called this reality of the Word an intimacy because now the Word has enabled us to actually come alive to GOD. GOD is now alive from within the temple of our being. We have realized an intimacy in the actuality of the revealed Word. GOD is actually alive in us by HIS revealed Word! 1 John 1:1-3 reads: “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the WORD Of Life - and the life was manifested, and we have seen and bear witness and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the FATHER and was manifested to us - what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the FATHER, and with HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.”


The Word Of Life

1 John 5:6-8, KJV reads: “This is HE that came by Water and Blood, even JESUS CHRIST; not by Water only, but by Water and Blood. And it is the SPIRIT that beareth Witness, because the SPIRIT is Truth. ... And there are three that bear Witness in earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three agree in one.” The apostle John begins his first epistle with what seemingly is a personal, “externalized” intimacy with the WORD Of Life, the LORD JESUS CHRIST; and, he ends his epistle with the sublime intimacy of the Word Of Life - the growing actuality of the LORD JESUS communicated into our inward parts (see 1 John 5:6) - through the inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a) fashioned from the revealed Word (see Mark 4:22-25). In 1 John 5:10a, we are told that anyone who believes in the SON has the witness in himself (see Exodus 25:16; 31:18; 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3, NKJV). The inward witness is a supernatural realization of CHRIST JESUS made alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT when we were born again (see 1 John 5:6; John 3:3,5). 1 John 5:6, tells us that the LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF comes alive to us in a Witness of the Water and the Blood. And, it is the Word Of Life that unveils the substantive realities of this Witness into our inward parts, as the actualization of the Way, the Truth and the Life! The key to understand this revelation is to understand that there can be no separation between the WORD and HIS revealed Word! The revealed Word will in itself make the LORD JESUS alive to us, by the SPIRIT in an intimacy realized from the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS! This intimacy is Life itself realized and actualized in enabled Spirit terms. 125

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Intimacy - The Purpose Of GOD’S Word Unveiled The intimacy that was experienced in terms of the WORD Of Life being heard, seen, beheld and handled in 1 John 1:1, is replaced by an intimacy of a far higher reality through the Witness of the Water and the Blood being brought alive to us by the SPIRIT in enabled Spirit terms - in our inward parts. This is an actual Heart to heart communion facilitated by the HOLY SPIRIT. A communion of CHRIST JESUS’ inward parts with ours in a Word Construct called the Word Of Life that is brought to life in us by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT. This is a realm of communication in the Rhema Word, orchestrated by the HOLY SPIRIT, that unveils itself in an understanding of WHO CHRIST JESUS IS and, in an understanding of all that comes to us in HIM and through HIM by what HE has done and is doing for us.

How Intimacy Developes The inward witness also involves our inward spiritual senses being formed and fashioned in the Word Of Righteousness (see Hebrews 5:13-14) that, communicates into us the spiritual realities of discernment that are of the faith (and love) of CHRIST JESUS. We enter the reality of living through HIM (see 1 John 4:9). We enter the reality of living in HIM and living by HIM. We have been brought alive in HIM and by HIM. The spiritual realities of the faith and love of CHRIST JESUS, is GOD’s provision (via HIS Word) that enables us to come alive to HIM, in objective and sensory terms, so as to actually know HIM and, 126

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know how to function in HIM and through HIM, in HIS fullness, by the SPIRIT. All this enablement is fully the Righteousness Of GOD communicated into us (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV) in the Logos Word Of Righteousness. So as to unveil a Word Construct of the Word Of Life that enables us to live in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT, in an intimacy that opens the FATHER’s Heart (see John 16:13-15). This inward substantive formation, alive by the SPIRIT in a living and growing witness, is the fulfillment of the reality of “I in them” realized. The growing fulfillment of John 17:26c, the fulfillment of the Offering from the cross. The unveiling of the treasures of the FATHER’s Heart in and by the fullness of CHRIST JESUS unveiled (see Ephesians 1:3-6; 3:16-19). This entire reality of the inward witness realized in the Witness of the Water and the Blood, brought forth by the SPIRIT in enabled Spirit terms, is described in an incredible “on-line” intimacy that is substantively described and developed as the Word Construct of the Logos Word Of Life. The HOLY SPIRIT quickens the Word Of Life into a witness that functions in and by CHRIST JESUS. This is the Word fashioned into us in HIS substance and, made alive in us, by the SPIRIT, so that we are fully alive in GOD, by GOD and, to GOD. The Word Of Life is the Word Of The Cross communicated into us in realized functional terms, as true life actualized in and by the fullness of CHRIST JESUS unveiled. This Word Of Life is made alive in a unity of the Water, the Blood and the Spirit unveiled in our inward parts in a peace that is abiding. In the witness of this peace a Word Construct is being unveiled. 127

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The Word Of Life unveils the actuality of CHRIST JESUS in HIS Fullness to our inward parts (see 1 John 5:6) - in a substantive reality realized, in the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, from the Righteousness Of GOD (see Exodus 32:16).

The Law Of CHRIST The Righteousness Of GOD expresses its growing fulfillment by unveiling the fullness of CHRIST JESUS into us supernaturally (see Exodus 32:15-16). And, by enabling this fullness to come alive by the HOLY SPIRIT in a growing functional state of being in CHRIST JESUS. This inward state functions in a reality described as the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). This Law Of CHRIST is fulfilled as we increasingly come alive to CHRIST JESUS by the SPIRIT in the realities of faith, righteousness, love and holiness. Each of these Word unveiled realities are defined in CHRIST JESUS and made alive to us by the HOLY SPIRIT. In this fulfillment we become increasingly alive to CHRIST JESUS in the Word revealed to us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life - in an intimacy (see Proverbs 9:10b) orchestrated through the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15; 1 Corinthians 2:10,9). This intimacy is described and developed in the realities of faith, righteousness, love and holiness. Each reality unveiled from the Word is described in CHRIST JESUS and is made alive in our inward parts by the HOLY SPIRIT. These Word defined realities unveil an intimacy of CHRIST JESUS in our inward parts. Because, HE described each of these realities for us in HIS manhood. And, in these realities HE actually comes alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT. 128

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This is the realized reality of the WORD Of GOD actually alive in us - “I in them!” Alive by HIS SPIRIT, in enabled Spirit terms. So that, we each function by the SPIRIT, in the actual fullness of CHRIST JESUS made alive in the witness of our heart (see Exodus 32:16). HIS actuality unveils and supernaturally explains the intimacy of HIS Word that we can function in! In this realization we become the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21)! In this realization, we are each being brought forth as the Offspring Of David (see Psalm 132:11-12; 2 Chronicles 13:5), inheritors of the treasures of the FATHER’s Heart (see John 16:13-15; Ephesians 3:16-19; John 16:22-27).

The Word Of Life Enables Us To Come Alive To GOD The Word Of Life is exclusively the result of receiving the Bread Of Life (see Matthew 4:4), of HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:63,5358) through the Rhema of HIS Testimony (see John 6:48) brought into us supernaturally, through the medium of the revealed Word, by the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15; Exodus 32:16). The Word Of Life makes the reality of the “I AM” of GOD alive in us in an intimacy, realized and explained, through the Testimony Of JESUS that supernaturally explains the revealed Word in us, through HIS Spirit and HIS Life. The “explanation” is entirely a supernatural revelation and Word Construct (see Exodus 32:15-16)! By revelation (see Mark 4:22), unveiled in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS, we actually enter the reality of being alive to GOD and of being alive by GOD. This aliveness is described and developed in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT Of Life. This aliveness is entirely of CHRIST JESUS. This 129

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aliveness is not of ourselves. But, it is entirely of HIS Fullness (see Exodus 32:16; John 1:16-17; 2 Corinthians 3:3, KJV/NKJV). In the Word Of Life we are actually made alive to GOD. No longer is GOD a mere belief. But, HE is now a reality and actuality to our inward parts. [See John 5:19-20. Notice how CHRIST JESUS describes the reality of GOD. This is a functional reality alive in HIS inward parts.]

The Word Of Life Enables Us To Live By GOD In this aliveness we are enabled to live in JESUS Name. And, this aliveness is in its entirety the workmanship of GOD described in, and as, the Word Of Life (see Exodus 32:16; Ephesians 2:10). The Word Of Life describes the potentials in which CHRIST JESUS will actually become, in fully experiential and empowered terms, the Way, the Truth and the Life. This is a knowledge form fashioned into our inward parts as an actual Word Construct. In this knowledge form, that is exclusively of HIS Fullness, we are in fact created (see Ephesians 2:10; 4:23-24) to become actual sons of GOD. In this reality we come to actually love GOD from all of our inward parts. This is a reality of HIM opened into us by the Word Of The Cross that brings the Offering of HIS Fullness - to life - in us. The Word Of Life makes HIS Offering of HIS Fullness into actual expressions of Life unveiled in us, in HIM and by HIM, in HIS faith and HIS love for us. In the revelation of what has been given to us through HIM, in HIM and by HIM, we come to see our life actually being fully provided for in, and by, HIS Fullness.


The Word Of Life

In this actuality brought alive to our inward parts, we enter the reality of being the actual branch of the True Vine, living and bearing fruit in HIS abundance, rather than in ourselves! And, this actuality of being HIS branch is made alive into us from HIS Spirit and HIS Life. This is the reality of HIS Fullness explained into our inward parts by the revealed Word (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Mark 4:22,24-25). What is established inwardly, is an actual state of communion that manifests itself - as life itself - in everyday terms, in all that we actually do in word and deed (see Colossians 3:17). This is an enabled state of communion that results in us actually being able to live by the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Being able to live by the LORD JESUS CHRIST will enable us to realize a reality of life that is an expression of some growing measure of the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets.

The Word Of Life Defines Our Inward State Of Communion The realized actuality of communion - via the construct of the inward witness - is what the Word Of Life represents. The intimacy with the SON and ultimately the FATHER, by the SPIRIT, is what the great apostle John, who came to know the heart of the LORD, is speaking of (see John 16:22-27; 14:21,23). The apostle John is talking about the LORD JESUS being actually alive to us in every day terms (see 1 John 5:6), in which, we actually hear, see, behold and, even touch (with our heart) HIM WHO is the WORD Of Life.


The Word Of Life

This actuality defines our life and our lifestyle by the “I AM” of GOD, opened to us in an intimacy explained through the “I AM” of the LORD JESUS, communicated into us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life.

Realizing The Life Manifested And so, 1 John 1:2 reads: “and the life was manifested, .... the eternal life, which was with the FATHER and was manifested to us.” This is the substantive reality of the LORD JESUS [“I AM the Life”] expressed, uniquely, through each one of us. The fulfilled substantive reality of “I in them!” See also John 6:56. This Word Of Life defines a realm of communion that 1 John 1:3 explains: “what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the FATHER, and with HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.” In this state of communion, our functional reality becomes operative by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name, in two realms that are meant to bring forth a fulfillment of the Law Of Love. The substantive reality of knowing and loving GOD; and, by HIS love, and the true knowledge of HIM, realized, also being enabled to love our neighbour. The SPIRIT Of Life brings into us a reality of communion “with the FATHER, and with HIS SON JESUS CHRIST”. The SPIRIT Of Life also brings into us the reality of the communion of the saints, expressed as “that you also may have fellowship with us”. 132

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Here the idea of “fellowship” is even speaking of a reality beyond the constraints of space and time. It speaks of a Body in a living and growing fellowship in the SPIRIT Of YHWH, in the growing fullness of CHRIST JESUS.

The Communion Of The Saints The communion of the saints is a deep subject that transends even space and time (see examples in Luke 9:29-31,32 and Revelation 19:910; Ephesians 2:5-6; Luke 22:14). However, these deeper realms are a subject that must be opened by GOD alone, never by fleshly desires (see Colossians 2:18-19) spiritualized via our spirit man (see 2 Corinthians 7:1). In communion, GOD is defining a lifestyle in which we learn to live by HIM with each other. In a unity, that reflects the reality of the love that binds the GODHOOD in a unity, that is perfectly and completely ONE. The Testimony Of GOD is the basis of true life. As we see GOD more and more we will discover the meaning of true life in the reality and blessing of becoming one Body. This true life is a reality described awesomely by Colossians 2:19. “.... Holding fast to the Head, from WHOM the entire Body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from GOD.” Ephesians 4:15-16 describes true life realized as a substantive reality in which, “.... speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into HIM, WHO is the Head, even CHRIST, from WHOM the whole Body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual


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part, causes the growth of the Body for the building up of itself in love.”

Living In A State Of Rest The reality of life is a rest in GOD - not a struggle of evolutionary death and competition. This inward state of rest is the realization of the Sabbath fulfilled (see Hebrews 4:9-10) that is exclusive to the substantive reality of GOD as YHWH-M’KADDESH, the Sanctifier (see Exodus 31:13,16-18; 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6). In order to enter this state of rest we need the Truth to set us free from the bondage of sin. Without freedom from sin there is no reality of a rest. So we are again brought to our roots at Calvary. Calvary expresses the substantive reality in which the Root Of David (see Revelation 22:16) is established and fulfilled in us. This fulfillment having “germinated” and grown from the Seed of the Logos Word Of CHRIST, through an actual relationship unveiled in our heart by the HOLY SPIRIT (see 1 Peter 1:23; Galatians 3:16). The Root Of David is the substantive reality of communion with our BELOVED, that has taken root within us. In this “I AM” root of the BELOVED alive in us, comes an actuality of the Tree Of Life that will unveil us each as the Offspring Of David - the sons of GOD!




The Word Of Truth


hen satan sowed sin into our state of being he thought that he had defined a reality in which it would be absolutely impossible to be set free from. Because, everything realized within us would, in the very process of realization, be automatically tainted by the corruption within man’s nature. Lucy-fool thought that he had devised a means by which he had defeated GOD. Nothing GOD could do could set man free. Because man was tainted in the very nature of his person and would therefore never be able to commune with a holy GOD. And, if GOD could be defeated in the reality of HIS creation, then HE would no longer be GOD. Well we have each discovered that we can be born again! And, in the actuality of being born again we have been given a new spirit and a new heart (see Ezekiel 36:26) and, lo and behold, all things are new! And, the potentials in our life are awesome - in GOD! We are actually able to receive from GOD, through our spirit man, perfectly (see Exodus 32:16; Matthew 5:48) by revelation knowledge, 135

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the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS, communicated into us through the medium of the revealed Word, in an actual Word Construct, held in place and developed by the “I AM” of GOD - unveiled in CHRIST JESUS - and, revealed into our inward parts (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Mark 4:22,24-25,20-28) creatively (see Ephesians 2:10)! In the process of receiving the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS, we are realizing the reality of actually being created anew in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS in our inward parts (see Ephesians 2:10; John 1:16; 2 Corinthians 5:17). The fact is that GOD is still the Creator! The fact is that GOD is the Saviour, the Healer and the Redeemer. The fact is that GOD is Love and, HE has an astonishing capacity to love and to express HIS love in creative and tangible terms within our inward parts by striving with us. Realities that Lucifer had no true comprehension of. The fact is that GOD has fashioned a process of transformation in CHRIST JESUS; which, HE has brought alive into us by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT. It is a creation and transformation of our inward parts in CHRIST JESUS’ Fullness, unveiled into our inward parts in the Spirit and Life expressions of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature through the revealed Word. This is a growing expression of GOD’s Righteousness unveiled in us - in CHRIST JESUS - forever. GOD has in CHRIST JESUS astonishingly fashioned a process by which the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature would, in fully dependent and subordinate terms, be fashioned in the creative formation of each one of us, in HIS Fullness (see John 1:16-17; Ephesians 3:19,16-21). We see here, a process by which GOD’s Righteousness is unveiled, through the medium of the faith (and love) of JESUS CHRIST, into the supernatural creation of our inward parts. 136

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And, we see the testimony to this new creation being unveiled and expressed in an inward witness that is a living and growing expression of the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS realized in our inward parts (see 1 John 5:10a; Exodus 31:18; 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3). The faith (and love) of JESUS CHRIST that unveils the actualities of the Righteousness Of GOD, into our inward parts, saves us. Ultimately, the faith and love of CHRIST JESUS, when realized in our inward parts, facilitates our transformation in creative terms. The actualities of the Righteousness Of GOD, expressed through the unified Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit, comes alive in us as a witness that expresses the reality of us each being transformed so as to become actual expressions of the righteousness of GOD, in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). All this is the reality of the miracle of Truth being unveiled into our inward parts by the faith and love of JESUS CHRIST for us; unveiled to us, in the Eternal Offering described in (and, by and, through) the Word Of The Cross. By the faith of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, through the realities of HIS love for us, we each can discover, through the cultivation of the Logos Seed Of The Word Of CHRIST, planted into us (see 1 Peter 1:23; Galatians 3:16) by the HOLY SPIRIT when we were born again, the miracle in which the Truth sets us free - creatively. There is a substantive Seed of the Logos Word alive in us, that is growing and being fleshed out within us - as a construct of the revealed Word, in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS - as we each learn to realize and actualize the “I AM” realities of CHRIST JESUS unveiled through the revealed Word (see Luke 24:44). The creative “fleshing out” is a supernatural realization brought into us by the SPIRIT Of YHWH, in and through the actualitites of the Spirit 137

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and the Life of CHRIST JESUS, communicated into us by the Word explained in and by the Testimony Of JESUS, as the Bread Of Life (see John 6:63,48,51). Meanwhile, dear Lucy has also discovered that he is no where near as smart as he thought he was! In the process he has achieved the status of becoming the paramount fool of the universe (see Psalm 14:1; Isaiah 14:12-19; Ezekiel 28:19,11-19).

Understanding The Medium Of Truth Truth is the substantive reality in which GOD sets all creation free forever. Truth is the medium in which GOD communicates HIS Life and HIS Spirit into HIS creation. And GOD defines Truth as: “I AM The Truth.” GOD “fleshes out” HIS Truth in the “I AM” reality of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature (see Colossians 2:9, KJV) revealed in subordinate terms. John 6:53 describes this subordinate status as an actuality realized from: “the Flesh of the SON Of MAN.” This is the substantive reality in which we are actually being created (see Ephesians 2:10; 4:23-24; Revelation 3:14b) so that we would be fully alive in GOD and by GOD, to GOD (see James 1:18,17-18).

A Creative Medium In the substantive reality of HIS “I AM” revealed, in fully subordinated and derivative terms, into our inward parts, in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS, we are created in HIM and are also enabled to live by HIM, as opposed to attempting to live by ourselves.


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GOD therefore saves us by HIS “I AM” Name (see Psalm 54:1) by creating us in HIS “I AM” Fullness (of substance and reality) unveiled into us in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS; and, by enabling us to actually live by all that HE releases into us in HIS “I AM” (see John 6:51,53) in revealed terms (see Mark 4:22). GOD has explained this reality of HIS saving grace through an Offering from the cross, being unveiled and, actually explained into our hearts in a growing revelation called the Word Of The Cross. HE is the Bread Of Life! We are created as we eat of HIS “I AM” Fullness being revealed (see John 1:16, Ephesians 2:10); which, is the Offering unveiled to us from the cross - as YHWH-JIREH (see Genesis 22:13-14; Colossians 2:9, KJV). And, we celebrate the Offering realized, as a growing Passover attained in creative terms, in Holy Communion (see Luke 22:15-16,19-20).

The Seed Of CHRIST Fleshed Out In JESUS Name The “living and abiding” Logos Seed of the Word Of CHRIST, by which we were born again, has the potentials of growing in the substantive reality of HIS “I AM” from the inward parts of our state of being (see 1 Peter 1:23; Galatians 3:16) according to our free will response to HIM through HIS Word revealed (see Mark 4:22-25). We were born again of the Logos Seed of the Word Of CHRIST (see 1 Peter 1:23; Galatians 3:16). We also grow out of this “born again” state of being, as the Logos Seed is fleshed out in a Word Construct, as we respond to the Rhema Word Of GOD, manifested to us in the Testimony Of JESUS (which, communicates HIS Spirit and HIS Life into us).


The Word Of Truth

Here, the Testimony Of JESUS is HIS Fullness, communicated into us in, and by, HIS faith expressed upon us and unto us in HIS abiding love for us. The Logos Word Of CHRIST finds its true fulfillment (or, fulfillment in truth) in an enabled (fully dependent) intimacy brought alive in us by the Spirit Of CHRIST. Every reality of the anointing unveiled in the Spirit Of CHRIST must be developed and sustained in an intimacy with CHRIST JESUS or, the anointing will be corrupted and will lead to our fall (see Ezekiel 28:12-19). The Spirit Of CHRIST is being worked into our inward parts through the Word Of CHRIST revealed into our inward parts. The Spirit Of CHRIST finds its release into us from the Testimony Of JESUS - HIS Words (see John 6:63). The Testimony Of JESUS - HIS Words (see Luke 24:44) - is thus pointedly called the Spirit Of Prophecy (see Revelation 19:10c).

Truth Is Communicated In HIS Spirit And HIS Life The Rhema of HIS Testimony brings HIS Spirit and HIS Life into us. HIS Spirit and HIS Life are actual expressions of HIS “I AM” and are, when realized, an actualized expression of the Truth, received supernaturally. Truth forms in the very substance of our being in accordance to our free will response to all that GOD has given us in the “I AM” Fullness of CHRIST JESUS (see Colossians 2:9, KJV). The growing fulfillment of what the LORD JESUS CHRIST prayed for in John 17:26c: “I in them.” 140

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In this substantive reality - of “I in them” realized - the Truth sets us free and makes us actually alive to GOD. “I in them” is a living and growing expression of HIS Spirit and HIS Life - HIS Fullness - alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT. We need to choose to die to all that we are in ourselves and, come alive to all that is of HIS “I AM” Spirit and Life. We have to choose HIM over ourselves in our own free will and, discover the awesomeness and the freedom of actually living by HIM! Mark 4:24 tells us to choose by listening carefully. Deuteronomy 4:1 explains the reality of listening as a process of hearing, learning and, observing carefully. We need to hear, receive and live the Word that unveils the fullness of CHRIST JESUS into us. In this process we are set free by the realized formation of the substance and reality of HIM in ourselves (see Mark 4:27c, 28a). Please understand from Mark 4:26-28, that we are talking of an entirely supernatural growth process (see Exodus 32:15-16; Colossians 2:19). In this process the Truth becomes alive in us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life realized, in the Logos of HIS Flesh formed into the flesh of our heart. HIS Flesh is HIS “I AM” communicated into us in fully subordinate, substantive terms (see John 6:51,53).

Pursuing The Truth In “I AM” The growth process in GOD is supernatural. We grow as we choose to live CHRIST and reject our fleshly ways in the strength of the LORD already alive in us. As we discover the Truth, the ways of falsehood and the flesh die within us. As we discover the reality of living by CHRIST JESUS and,


The Word Of Truth

through CHRIST JESUS, the appeal of the flesh dies. As we realize the essential reality of “I AM the Truth”, the “i am” of death that comes from a self-centered focus dies - by free choice (freely and willingly made in HIS strength alive in us!). In HIM, by HIS Words unveiled, we come to realize aspects of HIS “I AM” that establish the realities of Truth within us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life. First, we come to freely realize that HE IS GOD. We come to realize that we are necessarily fully subject to HIM and all THAT HE IS. And, this is necessarily so, because HE IS LIFE; and, from HIM alone is there life manifested. Second, we come to realize a nature in which the reality of GOD flourishes within us. And, this reality becomes an actual functional state described in an actual Logos Word Construct, that finds expression as our inward witness. We discover the realities that arise from the fact that GOD Is Love. We discover the actualities of peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. We discover the nature that enables us to actually live and function in Truth realized. All things realized inwardly in GOD cannot pass away; they are eternal, because HE IS! “HE IS” is described in the substance (hupostasis) of the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS, that is in accordance to the revealed Word Construct in our inward parts!

Fashioned In HIS Hupostasis In this complex formation, of being fashioned in HIS Hupostasis, which is the substance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, that is a realization of the Fullness of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, we come 142

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to take possession (see Ezekiel 44:28) of the substantive reality of HIS “I AM” that is the Truth that sets us free! This unveiling of HIS substance into our inward parts becomes a fully subordinated state of being, in HIM and by HIM. HIS “I AM” substance is Truth unveiled!

We Need To See HIM From The Depths Of Our Being Revelation 1:17 describes this reality in succinct prophetic terms: “And when I saw HIM, I fell at HIS feet as a dead man.” Notice that John actually falls at HIS feet when he actually sees HIM, after describing the LAMB Of GOD in prophetic terms! This prophetic communication depicts the substantive reality of Truth realized in our inward parts. When we behold the LAMB, HE illumines us in HIS Fullness revealed. In this realization we die to self. When we die to self, it expresses the realization of our baptism fulfilled. Truth realized is the fulfilled state of our baptism. Our baptism is fulfilled in the reality of being immersed into CHRIST, in the realized “I AM” of the GODHEAD, explained in JESUS Name (see Colossians 2:9, KJV). The “I AM” of CHRIST JESUS communicates into us the Truth that explains, in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS, the fullness of the FATHER, the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT (through CHRIST JESUS realized - see Colosians 2:9, KJV). Colossians 2:9, KJV reads: “For in HIM dwelleth all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily.” The key to receiving the Truth is to behold the LAMB. The LAMB Of GOD describes HIMSELF in HIS “I AM” expression offered for our 143

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salvation - bodily - through the Word Of The Cross. And, the Word Of The Cross is the framework for the realization of all aspects of GOD’s Word. Without the cross there is no basis for communication between GOD and man. This is why Adam and Eve were clothed with skins that resulted from a sacrifice. Otherwise, there would have been no basis for further communication. Truth always rises from the “I AM” Offering (YHWH-JIREH) unveiled through the cross. The LAMB revealed must become our Lamp and, we will see the Truth all of the time and be able to live in the Light Of Life that unveils from the substance and reality of our state of being, being fashioned from HIS Fullness realized (see Revelation 21:23; John 8:12). In this revelation, that unveils the Light Of Life, we are called lights (see James 1:17-18). The Light Of Life unveils the Truth that saves us in an actuality that sets us free from sin and death. The radiance of Truth realized is exclusive to all that is revealed in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. Revelation results in enlightenment (see Ephesians 1:17-18). Revelation knowledge unveils in an enlightened state of being.

Truth Is Unveiled In A Radiant And Enlightened State Of Being We are lights fashioned out of the radiance of the Bright Morning Star. Lights established in the radiant state of becoming Morning Stars, that stand in the realized wonder of the prophetic Word tied to the Bright Morning Star (see 2 Peter 1:19). 144

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Morning Stars described entirely of HIS Fullness. HIS Fullness being HIS radiance of Light - “I AM The Light!” Notice the confirmation of this from James 1:17-18; where we see that light comes forth from the Logos Word Of Truth. In this Logos Word Of Truth we become, in prophetic terms, the firstfruits of HIS creation. This is the reality of the Light Of Life (see John 8:12c) actually sown into our inward parts through the revealed Word (see Psalm 97:11; 2 Corinthians 4:6-7). GOD creates us in Truth realized in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10; John 1:16-17). In the hupostasis of HIS “I AM” PERSON and Nature. The Rhema that carries this creative reality has the power of the LORD’s resurrection alive in it so that we are fully empowered by HIM (see 2 Corinthians 4:6-7).

Being Created In The FATHER’s Will This Rhema is the Word of HIS Power (see Hebrews 1:3) that “upholds” this eternal creative reality, for a realized fulfillment in all eternity. This fulfilled realization is conformed to the “I AM” of the LAMB given 100% to us in the construct of the Logos Word Of The Cross (see Isaiah 9:6; Luke 22:19-20; 24:44-45; John 17:6,26).

GOD’s Word Is Vital To Us We have come to see that realizing the written Word in the “I AM” Testimony Of JESUS is actually a matter of life and death. In 145

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CHRIST JESUS, the limitless abundance of GOD’s Word is opened into each one of us creatively. And, this is an awesome reality. Which, when actualised, will cause us to tremble at GOD’s Word (see Isaiah 66:1-2). The Word Of GOD is therefore, no mere intellectual exercise. The Word Of GOD unveils the “I AM” of GOD into us in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS (see Psalm 138:2c, NASB). The Word Of GOD holds the reality of our destiny as fashioned in the heart of the FATHER’s will. This reality is what Scripture, in Ephesians 1:5-6,3-6, refers to as the substantive reality of the “kind intentions of the FATHER’s will” freely bestowed on us in the BELOVED (“David”). The key to being formed in the Truth is the realization of the LORD JESUS CHRIST as our personal Well-BELOVED. In this formation something called the Key Of David is opened into our heart. The Key Of David opens the treasures of the FATHER’s Heart. And, this represents our destiny - as prophets, priests and kings - in Truth realized, through HIS love received and expressed from a total state of being that is alive - exclusively - by HIM. Truth is a subject that we can get excited about because it is the substance and reality (the light) of our every blessing realized in subordinate, derivative terms from the “I AM” of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT! This is how we become actual sons of GOD! AMEN! Remember that Truth is creative in its fulfilled expression within us. GOD is watching over HIS Word to perform it (see Jeremiah 1:11-12, NASB; Hebrews 9:3-4)! AMEN!




The (Rhema) Word Of HIS Power


ebrews 1:3 (NASB) carries an astonishing reality that reads: “And HE is the radiance of HIS Glory and the exact representation of HIS Nature (or, PERSON as noted in the NKJV), and upholds all things by the Word (Rhema) Of HIS Power (Dunamis). When HE had made purification of sins, HE sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” This is an amazing passage of Scripture that requires our careful understanding. Because it speaks of a power (Greek: “dunamis”) that stands over everything - past, present and future - forever in the LORD JESUS CHRIST! GOD’s will is unveiled and expressed into HIS creation in an eternal framework of fulfillment. This eternal framework of fulfillment is a growing expression of HIS “I AM” Name revealed and expressed as Rhema Word. And, in this context of revelation and fulfillment, GOD’s Name is called a Memorial-Name (see Exodus 3:15c, NASB) to all generations.


The (Rhema) Word Of HIS Power

This expression of growing fulfillment in HIS “I AM” is communicated in the Light of revelation (see Ephesians 1:17-18; Psalms 97:11; John 8:12). This Light of revelation is an expression of the glorious radiance of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, brought alive into us in the medium of HIS Rhema Word (by the SPIRIT). This glorious and radiant expression of HIS “I AM” is unveiled through HIS Word in a prophetic reality that is to be fulfilled according to all of HIS Name (see Psalm 138:2c, NASB). From the New Testament revelation, we know that the glorious and radiant expression of the realities of HIS Name, unveiled in HIS Rhema Word, is communicated into us in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS our LORD (see Hebrews 11:3; Colossians 1:16-17; John 17:8; 15:7). The RhemaWord communication is to be fulfilled into a reality in which CHRIST JESUS becomes our BELOVED. This Spirit and Life expression of HIS Rhema Word is also unveiled in a power dimension that is entirely HIS Power. The power HE consecrated for our salvation and our life in HIS merits and HIS Fullness through the Cross. This power is called resurrection power and, it is the power to uphold (and fulfill) all things in creation, in the Righteousness Of GOD unveiled in the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Resurrection power is an eternal reality alive from the FATHER’s heart. Scripture describes this eternal reality as the LAMB slain from the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8, KJV/NKJV). This power is held in a Rhema Word expression in the SPIRIT Of YHWH. This Rhema Word expression is unveiled through the 148

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Testimony Of JESUS which, is the Spirit Of Prophecy (see Revelation 19:10c). That is, all Rhema Word must find its fulfillment in the Spirit Of CHRIST; which, is the Spirit consecrated for the well-being of all creation through the Testimony Of JESUS. In the Testimony Of JESUS, power has been consecrated in the FATHER’s will so that we will all come to live in the reality of this power unveiled into us in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. In this power dimension is the reality and actuality of fulfillment realized in accordance to the Word Of GOD explained through the Testimony Of JESUS, through HIS Spirit and Life unveiled into us (see Ephesians 3:16-19) and, from us into all creation (see Ephesians 1:22-23; Luke 24:44; 22:15-16; Jeremiah 1:11-12; Hebrews 9:3-4; Revelation 15:5). We need to understand this Rhema Word Of HIS Power. Especially in terms of how precisely it is made available to us and, in terms of how exactly we can find true expression in it.

Understanding The Rhema Of HIS Power Hebrews 1:3, proclaims a power that will unveil a realm of eternal fulfillment, according to a living prophetic Witness described and expressed to us, in Rhema Word terms. The unveiling of this fulfillment will be in a power that is in accordance to the Rhema Word Of GOD revealed. Rhema expresses some measure of HIS Fullness described in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS and unveiled by the SPIRIT into our inward parts (see John 6:63).


The (Rhema) Word Of HIS Power

It follows that it is vital that Rhema be entirely GOD’s Rhema, expressing HIS will, through HIS “I AM” Fullness realized. This Rhema communication must therefore always be of the HOLY SPIRIT and, it must always express the Name Of JESUS. This Rhema Of GOD is an expression (by the SPIRIT Of GOD) of GOD the WORD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, WHO is, in Hebrews 1:3, being described as the radiance of the FATHER’s Glory and the exact representation of the FATHER’s Nature (NASB) and, the express image of HIS PERSON (NKJV). Rhema communicates the “I AM” Light of the PERSON and Nature of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. This communication is addressed in prophetic terms as the Testimony Of JESUS, the Spirit Of Prophecy. Fulfillment is therefore, being unveiled in a power that is released in, and from, the living Rhema Witness that is an actual expression of HIS Fullness in HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, communicated through HIS Spirit and HIS Life (see John 6:63). Being the radiance of the FATHER’s glory, the express image of HIS PERSON (NKJV) and, the exact representation of the FATHER’s Nature (NASB), the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the WORD, upholds all things for fulfillment in the FATHER’s appointed time by the Rhema Word Of HIS Power.

The Rhema Witness Of The Truth Given that the Rhema Word expresses HIS Spirit and HIS Life. We can clearly see that it is only in this expression of HIS Spirit and HIS Life that Truth is unveiled. And, this is so, simply because HE is in HIS “I AM”, exclusively the Truth. So, eternal fulfillment is necessarily an expression in the conduit of 150

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Truth unveiled. This Truth is necessarily entirely of HIS Spirit and HIS Life because there can be no other means to communicate the realitites of “I AM”. Truth is therefore not a reality that is of the intellect of man but, exclusively of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS, communicated into us and amongst us by the HOLY SPIRIT. And, we must understand this very clearly. Truth is not a mere set of principles; but rather, Truth is entirely of the Spirit and Life of the WORD HIMSELF, HIS “I AM” expression brought alive into us in the PERSON and Nature of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, by the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 6:63) in fulfillment of the FATHER’s will.

The Actuality Of HIS Power Is In The Truth We are being told in Hebrews 1:3, that the substance and reality of HIS Spirit and HIS Life carries the actuality of HIS Power. This actuality of power unveiled in HIS Spirit and HIS Life is also the Truth (see James 1:18,17-18). In this actuality of Truth, power is free to flow! In this actuality of Truth, power can be freely given! In this actuality of Truth, power will also finds its true and appointed purpose in the FATHER’s will. In the substance and reality that carries the actuality of HIS Power, in HIS Spirit and HIS Life, as a living expression of HIS “I AM” Truth, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the WORD Of GOD actually upholds all things, in prophetic cosmic terms, until the appointed time of fulfillment - as Truth unveiled through HIS Spirit and HIS Life - in the FATHER’s will. What HE upholds in Rhema Word terms, will be fulfilled according 151

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to the specifics of the Rhema Word that unveils HIS Spirit and HIS Life. HIS Spirit and HIS Life express the actuality of fulfillment. This is why in the context of growing fulfillment in each one of us, the LORD JESUS is pointedly referred to as the TRUE MAN. The fulfillment will be fully enabled in HIS Power that is communicated in, and by, HIS Spirit and HIS Life - into us, as the Truth unveiled (see 2 Corinthians 4:6-7; Luke 22:15-16). John 6:63a, tells us that it is the HOLY SPIRIT WHO makes the communication of HIS Rhema Power into us. The HOLY SPIRIT is pointedly called the SPIRIT Of Truth because HIS primary ministry is to communicate the Truth of the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS into us (see John 14:16-17; 16:13-15) and, through us into all creation (see Ephesians 1:22-23). In John 16:14, the LORD JESUS describes exactly what the HOLY SPIRIT does: “HE shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you. All things that the FATHER has are Mine ...”

An Inward Functional State Of The Truth What is laid forth as a Word Construct into us, is therefore, quickened by the HOLY SPIRIT into its functional state, so that we are able (in partnership with the HOLY SPIRIT) to function in the actuality of the LORD JESUS’ Spirit and Life, made alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT. This is the actuality of Truth unveiled within us, by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2)! This is the reality that unveils the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). Truth comes alive as a fully 152

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functional reality, in which, all creation will one day - live - only, by the “I AM” of GOD (YHWH). To us, this functional state represents the realization of a fully empowered inward state (see Ephesians 3:20). HIS Power is meant to work within us so that we may express the realities of GOD’s “I AM” Fullness realized (see Ephesians 3:19). We now understand that HIS Power is fully expressed only by HIS Spirit and HIS Life brought alive into us - only - by the HOLY SPIRIT. The Body Of CHRIST is called to express the “I AM” fullness of HIM WHO fills all in all (see Ephesians 1:22-23). And, this expression is necessarily the Truth that is exclusively communicated in (and by) HIS Spirit and HIS Life! It has nothing to do with what we can produce in and of ourselves.

The Necessary Framework Of The Word Of The Cross In order to enable this fulfillment to be realized in a creation fallen into sin, GOD the WORD accomplished something through the unveiling of HIS PERSON and HIS Nature, that our verse in Hebrews 1:3 refers to as: “when HE had made purification of sins.” This accomplishment of making purification of sins is perfectly and completely described in a framework of Scripture that is called the Word Of The Cross. We have in this Light, pointedly called the Word Of The Cross, the framework of the Word Construct that this book is explaining. The Word Of The Cross is the essential Logos Word Construct which describes the very substance and the reality in which HE actually 153

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made purification of our sins. What Isaiah 53:11b calls HIS Knowledge that justifies. And, in this Spirit and Life that HE expressed in making this purification of sins are we in turn actually purified (see 1 John 3:3)! Ephesians 5:26-27 (NKJV) tells us that we are in fact washed with “the washing of Water by the (Rhema) Word” to become “holy and without blemish”. What an astonishing actuality of purification (see 1 John 3:3; Hebrews 10:22,19-23)!

Discovering The Place Of The Cross This Word Construct finds expression from the Rhema Word of HIS Spirit and HIS Life that described this purification of sin for us in HIS Power. HIS Power is made functional - perfected and completed into us in a fully empowered inward state, laid forth from “the cross” in an actual construct called the Word Of The Cross. Why the “the cross”? Because this is the Place (see Genesis 22:14) in the SPIRIT Of YHWH (see Hebrews 9:14) where GOD the WORD made purification for our sins in the frailty of human flesh. This place of “the cross” is the actuality - in the SPIRIT Of YHWH (see Genesis 22:14) - in which the LAMB was slain from the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8, NKJV/KJV). This Place in the SPIRIT Of YHWH opens within us as an empowered state, that is realized from the cross in an actuality revealed to our inward parts, called the Word Of The Cross. What is being established into us is an empowered inward state, in which HIS Power is working to bring about realities beyond all that we ask or even think (see Ephesians 3:20) on the basis of the realization, 154

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that HE has made purification of our sin - in personal terms, in HIS merits and in HIS fullness. We actually grow exclusively by the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see John 15:4-8,3). We are actually created in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 2:10). This supernatural reality comes alive to us through our inward witness, simply because HE has made purification for all of our sin. And, the conviction of this purification must be established in our inward witness as a confidence in HIM (see Hebrews 3:14, KJV/NKJV). This realization of the purification of sin - in personal terms - brings about a personal intimacy with our BELOVED, our Husband [see Ephesians 5:28-29,30 (KJV/NKJV)], the LAMB slain from the foundation of the world, in a Place in the SPIRIT Of YHWH (see Hebrews 9:14) - the Cross - referred to prophetically by Abraham (see Genesis 22:14) as YAHWEH-JIREH. YAHWEH-JIREH is the reality in “I AM” where the Mount Of The LORD is opened to our heart (see Psalm 24:3-4; 15:1-2) as a Passover, unveiled in an intimacy rooted into our inward parts, called the Root Of David (see Revelation 22:16; Luke 22:14-16,19-20). Where David means: “Well-BELOVED”.

The Empowered Inward State This inward state is also called the inward witness (see 1 John 5:10a). This inward witness is meant to be alive by the SPIRIT in CHRIST JESUS, in an enlightened inward state that is of HIS glorious radiance (see John 17:22) that, is in prophetic terms fulfilled called the Morning Star (see 2 Peter 1:19). HIS glorious radiance is brought alive into us by the HOLY SPIRIT, 155

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in the realized fullness of HIS PERSON and Nature, communicated into us through HIS Spirit and HIS Life, in an empowered realization of the revealed Word that is an actual Passover realized (see Luke 22:15-16; 1 Corinthians 5:7-8). This Passover attained, is an inward state that functions in the Covenant reality of the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). The power of GOD made available to us, is described in Rhema Word terms from the glorious radiance of the LORD JESUS’ PERSON and Nature, expressed into us in the framework of the Word Of The Cross that is unveiled (in fulfilled terms) as a Passover, in which we can function in, from our inward parts. The Word Of The Cross opens into us an “I AM” actuality called YHWH-JIREH, from which the Mount Of The LORD is opened to our heart (see Psalm 24:3-4; 15:1-2) as an empowered functional reality in CHRIST JESUS, brought alive to us by the HOLY SPIRIT. The power that unveils this Passover into the Mount Of The LORD, is peculiarly defined by the Greek word “dunamis” and is the resurrection power unveiled in CHRIST JESUS (see Philippians 3:10,8-11) so that a new creation will be established in HIS Fullness realized and expressed (see Ephesians 2:10; Revelation 3:14b). Now we must clearly understand that resurrection power cannot manifest without the purification of sin being established within us in the construct of the Word Of The Cross. Therefore we must deal with sin (see Matthew 26:26-28) before we can realize - in the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth - the fulfillment of the glorious realities of the Kingdom Of GOD, from within us (see Luke 22:15-16; 17:20-21, KJV/NKJV; 22:19-20).


The (Rhema) Word Of HIS Power

The Power Construct Of The Attitude Of Mind From the foregoing, we can understand that the substantive reality of HIS Rhema Word unveiled, is the actuality of HIS Power. HIS Power expresses its relevance to us from the Word Of The Cross made alive in CHRIST JESUS by the SPIRIT. What comes alive into us is of the fullness of HIS achievements - by HIS merits, imputed into us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life because HE has made actual purification of our sins. HIS achievements are described in the Witness of HIS attitude or mind as pointed to in Philippians 2:5-10. This attitude (NASB) or mind (KJV/NKJV) is part and parcel of the expression of the radiance of HIS PERSON and Nature that triumphed through the cross over sin and death by making purification of our sin. This attitude and mind is the power framework that we need to realize - by the SPIRIT, in JESUS Name (see John 16:13-15; 22-27). This is what Romans 8:1-16 is speaking of unveiling by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS. This is part of the new creation (see Ephesians 4:2324; 2 Corinthians 5:17). This Witness of HIS attitude and mind is part and parcel of the Rhema that is an expression of HIS Spirit and HIS Life that we are each meant to fully receive (see John 1:16-17) so that we will each be fully empowered by HIM (see Galatians 2:20, KJV; John 17:26c). Notice that Galatians 2:20 (KJV) refers to the “faith of the SON Of GOD.� It is HIS faith explained to us in the language of HIS love that purifies us and enables us to inherit every blessing that the FATHER has ordained. This is a supernatural explanation unveiled into our inward parts, in and by, HIS Spirit and HIS Life! 157

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The Preeminence Of HIS PERSON And HIS Nature This unveiling of HIS Spirit and HIS Life into our inward parts, is why the Rhema Witness is called the Rhema Word Of HIS Power. But remember, that this Rhema of HIS Power is a full expression of the glorious radiance of the LORD JESUS’ PERSON and Nature. That is, this Rhema Witness does not exist - for all creation - without the PERSON and Nature of CHRIST JESUS (see Revelation 3:14b). This Rhema Witness only exists from the PERSON and Nature of CHRIST JESUS. An essential attribute of this living Rhema expression (in the SPIRIT Of YHWH) is the fact that the LORD JESUS has triumphed over death by making purification of sin so that all creation will find life through HIM. The substance and reality of HIS Power exists for us only because HE has made purification of our sins. This realm of power is necessarily only alive in the Rhema of HIS Witness, alive from the cross, having been expressed through HIS love according to HIS faith unto us and over us (see Romans 3:21-23, KJV). This Witness is brought alive to us, kept alive in us, only by the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 6:63,48,63; 16:13-15). This peculiar realm of power is alive in the Rhema expression of HIS resurrection, alive as a Witness in the SPIRIT Of YHWH, revealed into us by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Philippians 3:10,9-11). In this Witness unveiled, we are made complete in HIM and by HIM (see Colossians 2:9-14) through HIS Witness received, in realized terms (from HIS Testimony), in an inward witness that is fully empowered by the SPIRIT - exclusively - in HIS Fullness realized 158

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(see Ephesians 1:19,17-19). What all this means is that all of our teaching and preaching and praying and worship must express the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST or, we are guilty of simply paying lip service to HIS Preeminence.

The Greatness Of The Power The power is so great that our steadfast hope in HIM is able to purify us even as HE is pure (see 1 John 3:3). This power is so great that our hope in HIM anchors us automatically (at the speed of thought) - behind the veil (see Hebrews 6:19). This power is so great that we can actually become the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). GOD expressed this awesome reality in the following terms through the prophet Isaiah (42:5-9): “Thus says GOD the LORD, WHO created the heavens and stretched them out, WHO spread out the earth and its offspring, WHO gives breath to the people on it, and Spirit to those who walk in it, “I AM the LORD, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you. And I will appoint you as a Covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and those who dwell in darkness from the prison. I AM the LORD (YHWH - “I AM”), that is MY Name; I will not give MY Glory to another, nor MY praise to graven images. Behold the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; 159

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before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”” See also John 16:13-16.

Power Manifested In Knowing HIM Dunamis power is carried in the intimacy of the knowledge (Greek: “epignosis”) of HIM (see 2 Corinthians 4:6-7). This is knowledge fashioned exclusively in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS. This power, carried in the epignosis of HIM, is of a magnitude sufficient to engineer our life and our godliness in all eternity (see 2 Peter 1:3-4) in the collective continuum of a growing Body Of CHRIST called to express the Fullness Of HIM WHO fills all in all (see Ephesians 1:23,17-19a,19b-23)! This is the revelation that we need to realize by hearing and receiving the Rhema Word Of HIS Power, that releases HIS Spirit and HIS Life, in and through the formation of the Word Of The Cross as a living Word Construct into us. The Word Of The Cross is a construct in the substance and reality of HIS Fullness and, in the substance and reality of all that HE has achieved for us in HIS merits (see 1 Corinthians 1:18,22-24,30). So the reality of resurrection power comes alive to us only in the Testimony Of JESUS realized from the cross (see 1 Corinthians 1:2324) in the substance and reality of all that HE has achieved for us in HIS merits, inscribed for us in the Rhema of HIS Spirit and HIS Life, according to HIS Power. We must learn to explain all of GOD’s Word through the Testimony Of JESUS (see Luke 24:44) because HIS Testimony will be fulfilled (see Luke 22:15-16). Our schools of theology must train men of GOD to function in the Name Of JESUS, by the SPIRIT. This is the Law Of 160

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Life that will set us free from the law of sin and death. HIS Fullness addressed prophetically as YHWH-JIREH (see Genesis 22:13-14) is released into us as a realized witness alive by the SPIRIT, in a living partnership that draws the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS into our spirit, soul and body as GOD’s perfect and complete provision for us. This Testimony Of JESUS is the Spirit Of Prophecy, that brings the realization of the fulfillment of our salvation into us (and amongst us), in the living terms of the Spirit and Life of JESUS, so that we can come alive to the substantive reality of GOD’s power from the Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit (see 1 John 5:6-8, NKJV). This Eternal Witness (see Revelation 3:14b) Enoch realized (see Jude 14; Hebrews 11:5) long before the advent of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, so that we would understand the eternal power of the Witness made alive to us in the SPIRIT Of YHWH (see Hebrews 9:14, 13:20-21) according to the Name YHWH-JIREH.

The Appointed Time For A Witness To Be Obtained This Witness, foreshadowed in Enoch’s life, an entire Church is called to realize at the appointed time that the FATHER has decreed. This Witness is defined in the knowledge (epignosis) of CHRIST JESUS (see 2 Corinthians 4:6-7). The appointed time in which we are called to enter this Door of the epignosis (true, full and perfected knowledge) of HIM is upon us. This is the Righteousness Of GOD expressed to us according to the conduit of the faith of JESUS CHRIST unto us and upon us. This faith is realized by HIS Testimony unveiled into the tablets of our heart by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT.


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The Time To Prepare For A Marriage If the Bride is to stand before her Bridegroom spotless and blameless (see Ephesians 5:27,26) then it is the Testimony Of JESUS that is going to bring this forth. It is time to prepare for a marriage. It is given that we should clothe ourselves (see Revelation 19:8; Galatians 3:27-28). We need to make ourselves ready (see Revelation 19:7) through our response to all that is given to us in the Rhema Witness of the Testimony Of JESUS. The fine linen of our clothing is righteousness. This is the Righteousness Of GOD expressed by the faith (and love) of JESUS CHRIST unto all and upon all them that believe (see Romans 3:2123, KJV; Galatians 2:20, KJV). That, we receive exclusively by the Testimony Of JESUS. We are to be clothed in GOD’s righteousness made alive into us in CHRIST JESUS. HIS faith must fashion the one faith (see Ephesians 4:5,13) by which we do all things in word and deed. This is how we clothe ourselves in righteousness. This clothing is the fulfillment of our calling to become the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS. The power that will enable this clothing has been established for us from the Word Of The Cross - “when HE had made purification of sins, HE sat down at the right hand of the Majesty On High.”

We Have A Destiny To Fulfill The unveiling of the Rhema Word of this power in us as the Church, 162

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the Body of HIM WHO fills all in all, is our destiny! We are in effect the prophetic firstfruits of HIS creation perfected and completed through the Logos Word Of Truth (see James 1:18,17-18). We have to move into the substance and reality of the Rhema Word of HIS Power by faith - the faith of JESUS CHRIST realized from HIS love - in HIS Name, according to HIS Testimony unveiled by the SPIRIT into the tablets of our heart and mind. Remember, that in HIM we have been made complete (see Colossians 2:9-10; John 1:16-17). Remember, that we have all been given of HIS Fullness. We need to realize the Witness of HIS resurrection power through the Word Of The Cross unveiled in our heart by the SPIRIT. We must learn to leave the reality of our righteousness (see Isaiah 64:6) which is unambiguously called filthiness! The LORD (YHWH) has provided for us in HIS Name - YAHWEHJIREH (see Genesis 22:14,13-14). We need to take possession of this substantive reality of the cross - with fear and trembling (see Philippians 2:12c-13) - in the realization of HIS “I AM” Testimony. A Bride needs to prepare Herself in the purity of HIS faith and love for Her salvation. The preparation is in HIS “I AM” realized. This is the reality of HIS “I AM” brought alive into us, so as to fashion all that we do in word and deed (see Colossians 3:17). This is the “I AM” realization in which we can live by HIM and through HIM. In this realization, we will be clothed in HIS Righteousness. And, our inward man will assume an empowered reality of the Witness received (see Hebrew 11:5). We must understand that the Witness Enoch realized was fashioned into him over a period of time. There was a point at which this witness in him matured so that he could be taken.


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Understanding The Witness To Be Obtained We will come to know - with an inward conviction of fear (reverential love in holiness) and trembling (the awesomeness of the reality of HIM realized) - that our Husband cometh to take us unto HIMSELF! We will know from the Witness Of HIM alive in us, in the Blood and the Water and the Spirit (see John 19:30,34), in the growing reality of HIS love being made alive within us, by the SPIRIT. AMEN! We will know that we are pleasing to HIM (see Hebrews 11:5). And we will be taken! AMEN! As this happens satan and his angels will be dethroned from their strongholds in the heavenly places (see Revelation 12:7-17). We have an important task to receive the Testimony Of JESUS that will unveil the Sword Of The SPIRIT into the heavenlies against satan and his angels (see 2 Corinthians 10:4-6; Ephesians 6:10-17), by the Blood Of The LAMB witnessed in the Word Of Our Testimony (see Revelation 12:10-12).




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he (Logos) Word Of CHRIST speaks of the anointed functional status - the Spirit - of the Word Construct laid into us by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS.

This is an anointed and empowered inward status, fashioned through CHRIST being formed in us (see Galatians 4:19). “CHRIST” means the “ANOINTED ONE”. The perfected inward state described as CHRIST formed in us, is an anointed state unveiled and expressed - as Spirit - in our inward parts. The anointing is GOD’s provision in HIS Name (YHWH-JIREH) unveiled from the cross. This anointing was consecrated for us through CHRIST crucified. This anointing, described as Spirit, is the enablement the LORD JESUS perfected for us in HIS manhood, so that we will each be able to live and function through HIM. The anointing, in Spirit terms, is described from HIS “I AM” provision for us, as the Bread Of Life. The enablement that forms part of GOD’s provision to us is described as the Spirit Of CHRIST. This Spirit was entirely fashioned for us in 165

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the “I AM” of the LORD JESUS CHRIST through the cross. GOD the WORD became flesh in human terms to consecrate before the FATHER an eternal provision for us in HIS Fullness. The core of this provision was HIS Spirit perfected in HIS manhood through the cross. In HIS death, HIS Spirit was judged and found to be the Spirit Of Holiness and, HE was raised from the dead and, proclaimed in eternal terms fulfilled as the SON Of GOD (see Romans 1:3-4). In HIS resurrection, GOD’s provision for us - in the only Begotten SON - was completed. The Word Of CHRIST describes and unveils GOD’s provision of the Spirit Of CHRIST into our inward parts. In this revealed Word perfected through our choices and our actions, we are anointed to function in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. In this inward, anointed state we are enabled to live and function in GOD and by GOD.

The Passover Realized In the enablement described in the Spirit Of CHRIST, is the functional reality of a Passover into the Mount Of The LORD unveiled and described into the witness of our heart and mind (see 1 Corinthians 5:7-8; Psalm 24:3-4; 15:1-2; Genesis 22:14). The enablement is made manifest into our inward parts in and by the SPIRIT Of YHWH, through the construct of the Word Of CHRIST. This is an inward functional state described and enabled in Spirit terms from the Word unveiled into our inward parts. And, this is to enable us to move in the SPIRIT Of YHWH in Spirit enabled terms brought alive to us - exclusively - in CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT. To walk by the SPIRIT involves the HOLY SPIRIT and, the enabling or, anointing described in the Spirit Of 166

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The Kingdom Of GOD This functional state inwardly described in the Spirit Of CHRIST, is an actual Passover into the realities of the Kingdom Of GOD. The realities of the Kingdom Of GOD are governed by the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2). See also John 3:5. The Kingdom Of GOD is unveiled in four spiritual sub-sets of the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life, In CHRIST JESUS. The Law Of Faith, the Law Of Righteousness, the Law Of Love and, the Law Of Holiness are the sub-sets of the Law Of CHRIST. Faith, righteousness, love and holiness are functional realities defined in CHRIST JESUS, and brought alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT. These are realities in which we come to know GOD, so as to function in HIM and by HIM. In the realization of these realities - in enabled Spirit terms - a Passover is being described into our inward parts! These realities of faith, righteousness, love and holiness, when unveiled in our inward parts in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT Of Life, describe a Passover into the Kingdom Of GOD, unveiled from the revealed Word. The Passover is enabled in an anointing described in, and as, the Spirit Of CHRIST that we have realized from the revealed Word. This unveiling of the Passover comes in an understanding that knows 167

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the LORD JESUS (see Proverbs 9:10b; Psalm 24:3-4; 15:1-2). This unveiling of the Passover in functional terms has a confidence in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. Since this unveiling is an actuality in Truth, our inward parts come alive to a freedom of love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. This inward state is the nature of the Spirit Of CHRIST that enables and facilitates the Passover of the LAMB to be realized in fully functional terms.

YHWH-JIREH In the inward reality of the Passover realized, we are opened to the actuality of YHWH-JIREH in fully functional terms. And, the Mount Of The LORD is opened to us by the SPIRIT in CHRIST JESUS, as a reality of “I AM” alive within us by the SPIRIT (see 1 Corinthians 2:10, 7-14; Ephesians 3:16-20; Genesis 22:14). This inward, anointed reality is described in the Spirit that clothes our inward parts. This Spirit is the anointing that enables us to function in the “I AM” reality in YHWH-JIREH alive in our inward parts. This Spirit enabled reality is unveiled from the revealed Rhema Word that communicates the fullness of CHRIST JESUS into our inward parts, by the SPIRIT. 1 Corinthians 1:24c expresses this reality of our inward anointed state in the following perspective: “CHRIST the power of GOD and the wisdom of GOD.” In the context of verse 23, we see that the reference to CHRIST is in the peculiar context of “CHRIST crucified.”


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And so, we come back to our roots at the cross. We see the necessary laying forth of the inward anointed state, in and through all that is unveiled in the framework of the Word Of The Cross. We can in fact say that the Word Of The Cross that unveils the Spirit Of CHRIST into our inward parts, is the Word Of CHRIST!

The Power To Live The Spirit of our anointed inward state is YAHWEH-JIREH’s provision to enable us to actually live in GOD and by GOD (see James 4:5,NASB; John 3:34). Through the cross, we see the anointing being brought into its fullness of application, in the power of HIS resurrection. This power enables the actuality of our Passover into the Kingdom Of GOD. This reality is explained in the wisdom of the Word revealed into our inward parts (see Mark 4:22-25; 1 Corinthians 2:7,9-13). The fulfillment of the Offering from the cross is a realization (see John 1:17, NASB), into our anointed inward state described in Ephesians 3:17 as CHRIST actually dwelling in our heart by faith. CHRIST actually indwells us by the SPIRIT. In this reality the HOLY SPIRIT becomes to us the SPIRIT Of CHRIST, in the “I AM” Of YHWH. This indwelling of CHRIST, is an empowering in the Spirit of HIS faith perfected and completed into a substantive reality of true faith realized through HIM. We are inwardly clothed with CHRIST in our inward parts, so that we can actually function in HIM, by HIM and through HIM, in the actuality of HIM being alive in us by HIS SPIRIT!


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A Growing Passover This application realized in CHRIST, by the SPIRIT, is described in the Rhema Word Of HIS Power, that releases HIS power into us in HIS Spirit and HIS Life; unveiled and described into a Passover through, the Word Construct revealed and fashioned into us by the HOLY SPIRIT. The level and extent of the Passover is described in HIS Fullness actualized in our inward witness. This fullness carries with it the Spirit of HIS enabling in us. We can now make the conclusion that the Fullness referred to as “I AM ... THAT” is unveiled (in subordinate terms) as HIS Spirit, perfected in human terms in CHRIST JESUS (see James 4:5, NASB) and, made alive in us by the HOLY SPIRIT to facilitate a growing Passover into the “I AM” Mount Of The LORD, addressed prophetically as YHWH-JIREH. The Passover is empowered in an anointing given to us in the Spirit Of CHRIST, to enable all expression in us, and from us, and amongst us, to be actualized in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT, instead of ourselves.

Functioning By GOD In this Spirit, YHWH-JIREH is unveiled as the GOD in WHOM we live, move and have our being! And, we live, move and have our being according to HIS provision made alive in us in HIS “I AM”, unveiled in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS (see John 6:48,63). This Spirit is an anointed reality in which we are taught (see John 6:45); we are enabled to preach (see Romans 1:9; 9:1; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5), to pray (see 1 Corinthians 2:10,11b), to become stewards of 170

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the Mysteries Of GOD (see 1 Corinthians 4:1; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6) and, to manifest the realities of the Kingdom Of GOD with power (see 1 Corinthians 4:20). And, this has to become so, simply because, all of our righteousnesses are as filthy rags (see Isaiah 64:6, KJV)! The Word Of CHRIST is therefore, Logos Word that refers to the Word construct that is being laid into us by the HOLY SPIRIT, in enabled Spirit terms that are entirely conformed to CHRIST JESUS through the revealed Word. In this context, we must see the Name JESUS as ensuring our enablement in CHRIST, as being unveiled in Spirit terms fashioned in an intimacy, as oppossed to an ability to merely accomplish something. We can now see that all of GOD’s Word communicates the realities of YHWH-JIREH in a Passover realized from the framework of the Word Of The Cross! The Word Of CHRIST tells us that all of GOD’s provision comes with HIS Spirit so that we will be fully enabled in HIS Name, in the will of GOD (see James 4:5; Exodus 34:14).

The Enabled Word Construct This Word Construct is exclusively the work of GOD (see Exodus 32:16). We are required to receive and possess the Word that GOD unveils to our heart, in a step by step process, in which, GOD HIMSELF fashions the Spirit of our inward parts. The Word Of CHRIST is the Word Construct that defines the Spirit of our inward parts and, as such, the Spirit of our functioning in 171

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thought, word and deed. See 1 John 4:1-6. In this transformation a Passover is actualized in our inward witness. And, this Passover is enabled in the Spirit fashioned into our inward parts. And, we can function in this Passover (by the SPIRIT) at the speed of thought, word, desire, purpose, etc! The key to ensuring the integrity of this Passover is the command to: “Remember ME!� We will in the Spirit being perfected and completed into our inward parts, come alive to a step by step process, by which, GOD will enable us to express what HE has put into us. And, in this way we are carefully prepared by GOD to function in HIS purposes in the Spirit Of Truth (by the SPIRIT Of Truth).

Understanding The Word Of CHRIST The Word Construct within us is meant to be entirely conformed to CHRIST through HIS anointing perfected into us; and, as HIS anointing formed into us (see Galatians 4:19). The Word Construct within us is to find total and exclusive expression in the Spirit Of CHRIST. And, the expression is dependent on our actual response to CHRIST JESUS revealed in the Word being unveiled to our inward parts. That is, in the final analysis, the Spirit that governs our functional state is always fully dependent on our response to the LORD JESUS. It is that response that we must guard and keep watch over. For the Spirit is never an end in itself. Only HE is the Truth!


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The Inward Anointing Personalized The Spirit of the Word Construct is meant to be established in the personalized specifications of the Word Construct, fashioned into us by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Hebrews 10:15-17; Corinthians 3:3-6; Exodus 32:15-16). We need to realize with understanding this inward construct and, be fully submissive to the unveiling of GOD’s handiwork. Because this inward crafting of the Word unveils GOD’s calling and GOD’s purpose for our life. This personalization through the Word Construct, is in accordance to our being fearfully and wonderfully made in the FATHER’s will (see Colossians 1:9-11) according to the call upon us (see Ephesians 1:17-18). We are here referring to an anointed state being established within us, from the Spirit PERSONified and PERSONalized in CHRIST JESUS (see Galatians 2:20, KJV) and made to indwell us (see John 3:34; James 4:5) according to HIS call upon us. This Spirit is meant to express an enabled reality of HIM alive from within us, as the fulfilled handiwork of GOD (see John 17:26c). This is why the Word is called the Word Of CHRIST. The enabled Spirit reality of CHRIST JESUS within us, is the reality of being alive by HIM because it is a reality that is of HIS Spirit and HIS Life manifested in us in the PERSON of the SPIRIT Of CHRIST! This is a realm of knowledge realized (see Isaiah 53:11b) entirely above and beyond our intellect (see 2 Peter 1:3-4).


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The Reality Of Learing In this inwardly anointed reality of HIM, attained to through the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15) we come to learn (by making the right choices) to function by CHRIST JESUS instead of continuing to function in ourselves. This learning is a supernaturally unveiled understanding; unveiled and fashioned into our hearts, as Spirit perfected and completed through the choices that we make, as we learn to wait upon the LORD contemplatively and, put into practice the Spirit Of CHRIST that we have realized (see Proverbs 9:10b; 20:5). We all know how to apply our intellects to something but, we are here speaking of a growing Spirit reality in which GOD HIMSELF unveils the inward witness; and, we continually choose to receive, observe and apply all things in HIM through this inward witness, in the measure of HIS Spirit given to us, even as we wait upon GOD to continually fashion us (see Luke 2:40,46-47,52; Isaiah 40:27-31). We are speaking of a process that is 100% orchestrated by GOD (see Exodus 32:16; 2 Corinthians 3:3 KJV/NKJV) even as we choose to respond to HIM in every situation and circumstance of our life. In this unveiling we develop a personal intimacy in GOD. And, we can actually function in the Spirit of this intimacy. We also learn to function in the Spirit of HIS faith (see 2 Corinthians 4:13-14) perfected and completed into us as a fatness that covers our inward parts (see Leviticus 3:3-4,16c; Galatians 3:27; 4:19c; James 4:5, NASB). Where “fatness� represents the measure (and the quality) of the fullness of HIS Spirit realized and possessed. Ultimately, we will be able to do all things - in word and deed - in the Name of the LORD JESUS (see Colossians 3:17). 174

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This perfected and completed Spirit Of CHRIST, is what we need to see the totality of the Word Construct as bringing us into, through the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS explained and made alive in us. HIS Spirit enables us to actually live by HIM! And, this is the purpose of the Word Construct!

Functioning In The Realization Of The Law And The Prophets There is an actuality by which we function in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT Of Life (see Romans 8:2). This is a functional reality and strength - unveiled as Spirit - of the Law and the Prophets fulfilled, being made alive in us, in CHRIST JESUS (in some measure of HIS Fullness - see Ephesians 4:13), by the SPIRIT Of Life (see Romans 3:21-23, KJV; Matthew 5:17; John 1:16-17). We attain an anointed, empowered inward state - in Spirit terms conformed perfectly to CHRIST, in the Word Of CHRIST fashioned into us, as a living and growing construct of the Word. This construct is entirely (perfectly and completely) the handiwork of the HOLY SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT’s handiwork alone enables us to function or live, in CHRIST JESUS and, by CHRIST JESUS. In this perfected construct we are actually taught by GOD our FATHER (see John 6:45), to live in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT, in the purity of the Spirit Of CHRIST perfected and completed into us! The Word Construct defines the stability of the Spirit that we have come to realize. AMEN! When we learn to flow into this reality designed in the FATHER’s will, we are in growing conformance to GOD’s Law, fully enabled by 175

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the Spirit Of CHRIST to actually realize the promises that are in accordance to the fulfillment of the prophets. This fulfillment, described in enabled Spirit terms, is a growing actuality in the Spirit Of Prophecy, released into us through the Testimony Of JESUS! This fulfillment unveils the growing fulfillment of the Prophets into us and amongst us, through the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS! This fulfillment explains the reality of the Passover that we have actually attained to.

A Body Expressing HIS Fullness It is crucial for us to understand that the Body Of CHRIST (the Body of HIS Spirit perfected and completed) - the Church - is called the Fullness Of HIM WHO fills all in all in Ephesians 1:22-23. See John 14:12-14; 17:22,26. This construct in the Body is an enabled state, fashioned into us according to the complex calling over our life; made alive into us in the realized (see John 1:16-17, NASB) Spirit of the LORD JESUS CHRIST (see Ephesians 1:17-18, 1 John 5:6,8, NKJV). This realized revelation is fashioned from HIS Spirit and HIS Life by the HOLY SPIRIT! This is “I AM the Life� fulfilled!

Describing The Anointing HIS Spirit is described as seven Spirits of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Strength, Truth (see John 14:6) and, the Fear Of The LORD (YHWH) as noted in Isaiah 11:2. Seven means perfection.


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In Revelation 5:6-7, we are told that the LAMB gives perfect expression to the seven Spirits Of GOD. Revelation 21:23c tells us that the LAMB must become our lamp! The essential purpose of HIS Spirit is to enable us to take delight in the LORD and to marvel at HIM (see Isaiah 11:3a; John 5:20c,1920) as we learn to function in HIM and by HIM. This reality is an expression of the Light Of Life (see John 8:12c). The radiance of our enlightment (see Ephesians 1:17-18) in HIS substance realized! The attribute of the Spirit Of Truth is the actuality of being conformed to CHRIST JESUS. The attribute of Truth is not mentioned in Isaiah 11:2, because the actuality of Truth will only be understood, when brought alive into the people of GOD through conformance to CHRIST JESUS, by the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 14:16-17). The Spirit Of Truth is a Spirit reality only fully unveiled in the New Testament revelation of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the LAMB. The HOLY SPIRIT brings expression to the actualities of Truth - “I AM The Truth” - within us, in the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST unveiled to us from the Offering of the LAMB.

Realizing The Offering Of The LAMB The LAMB brings into living, realizable, expression the “I AM” realities of the Name Of GOD (see John 17:6,26). The LAMB unveils this reality by becoming our Lamp, in our inward parts, through all that is fashioned into us in HIS glorious radiance unveiled (see John 17:26,22; Hebrews 1:3a; Revelation 22:16; 2 Peter 1:19) and possessed (see Ezekial 44:28). 177

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HIS radiance becomes our light and, GOD our FATHER is called the FATHER Of Lights (see James 1:17). The LAMB will also unveil HIS “I AM” radiance from amongst us, in the unique radiance unveiled from each one of us and, fashioned into a composite radiance alive amongst us, in one Spirit of faith through HIS love realized (see Revelation 21:22-23; 2 Corinthians 4:13). Revelation 5:6-7 tells us that the LAMB with seven horns and seven eyes gives expression to the seven Spirits Of GOD. A horn was used in the Old Testament to carry the oil of the anointing (see 1 Samuel 16:12-13). In New Testament terms the Spirit of the anointing is carried by the quality of our faith in the ANOINTED ONE.

The Seven Horns The seven horns reflect the LAMB’s perfected horn of faith (see Psalm 89:19-29) that will hold the Spirit of the anointing in its appointed place within us, who are the fruit of HIS Body (see Psalm 132:11-12; Ephesians 5:30, NKJV/KJV). Revelation 22:16 address the LORD JESUS as the Root Of David and the Offspring Of David. We are the fruit of HIS Body. Having received HIS Fullness through HIS Offering of HIMSELF as the LAMB. In the reality of us having received the LAMB, the Spirit of the anointing in our inward parts, is held in place by the Spirit of HIS faith unveiled into us, according to the Word Of Righteousness revealed in us (see Romans 3:21-22, KJV; Hebrews 5:13-14).


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This is HIS faith unto all who believe (see Romans 3:21-23, KJV). HIS faith is meant to be perfected into us in the power in which HE upholds all things by the Rhema Word Of HIS Power. And, this perfected reality, the evidence of HIS faith fashioned into the evidence of our faith in HIM, through HIS Spirit and HIS Life expressed into us, comes about, as we each learn to live “by the faith of the SON Of GOD, WHO loved me, and gave HIMSELF for me” as noted in Galatians 2:20, KJV. “The SON Of GOD, WHO loved me, and gave HIMSELF for me” is the LAMB with seven horns and seven eyes.

The Seven Eyes The seven eyes reflect the perfection of all that is revealed through the LAMB (see Deuteronomy 29:29; Mark 4:22-25) unveiled, in and by the application of the Spirit of the anointing, in our appointed function in the Body Of CHRIST (see Ephesians 4:15-16).

The Necessary Focus On The Testimony Of JESUS The seven Spirits Of GOD are to be made manifest within us (see James 4:5, NASB) in CHRIST JESUS (see John 3:34) through HIS Words (see John 6:63) - HIS Testimony unveiled (see Revelation 19:10c; Luke 24:44). Notice from John 3:34 that the Spirit is given in an abundance through HIM WHO has the Words (Rhema) Of GOD. The Rhema Words Of GOD are expressed in the perfect and complete conduit of the Testimony Of JESUS (see John 6:63; Luke 24:44).


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This Testimony Of JESUS is Rhema Word that communicates all of GOD’s Word in and by and through the Spirit and the Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF (see John 6:63). In this communication, the Offering of the LAMB finds its personal application in our inward parts. John 6:53 explains this necessity in the following terms: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the SON Of MAN and drink HIS blood, you have no life in yourselves.” In HIS Spirit and HIS Life are we saved, and our salvation actualized in enabled Spirit terms alive in us, in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT. This is an enabled status in which we live, move and, have our being, in GOD and, by GOD and, through GOD! The reality of GOD, being made alive in us - in Spirit - realized through CHRIST JESUS being alive in us (see John 17:6,26). The Word Of CHRIST defines and explains the Spirit that enables our functional status in GOD. We come to discover within the witness of our heart, what it is GOD wants us to do - in HIM, by HIM and, through HIM! And, we come to discover how exactly HE wants us to do all things, in word and deed, in HIM and by HIM and through HIM! So, all that we do can be for HIM; because, it is entirely of HIM! AMEN! This is the Word Of CHRIST, the actuality of CHRIST alive in us so that we are able to function in HIM, by HIM and, through HIM. As we taste the Word Of CHRIST, we will throw out - willingly - all 180

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ideas of our abilities and our greatness. Because the excellence of JESUS will quite simply overwhelm us! See Revelation 1:17a! Please understand that this will only happen when we actually see HIM through HIS Testimony realized within the tablets of our heart. The Testimony Of JESUS is a growing actuality that can only be opened through the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:1315; Exodus 32:15-16; 2 Corinthians 3:3-6). The Word Of CHRIST actually describes the specifics of the Spirit in which CHRIST has been brought alive from within us (see Galatians 4:19; Ephesians 3:17) by the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT. Colossians 3:16-17 opens the awesome actuality of this functional realm, in the following words: “Let the Word Of CHRIST richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thanksgiving in your heart to GOD. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name Of The LORD JESUS, giving thanks through HIM to GOD the FATHER.” Notice that this inward functional realm is one that worships GOD all the time! This is the evidence of the Word Of CHRIST. It is the inward reality in (HIS) Spirit and Truth [“I AM the Truth”] that worships the FATHER! This inward state results in a reality of word (logos) and deed where we can (increasingly) do all in the Name of the LORD JESUS. This is a functional construct that fashions an entire lifestyle in HIM, by HIM and through HIM, for HIM. In this realization of a lifestyle in HIM and for HIM, we will actually come to fall in love with HIM and, continuously choose to function by HIM - in HIS Spirit - forever! AMEN! 181



The AMEN, The Faithful And True Witness


OD has laid forth for us - in Water, Blood and Spirit (see 1 John 5:6,8, NKJV), by the SPIRIT - a living Witness of HIS Rhema Word. In this Witness, to be realized within us, GOD describes the AMEN of HIS faithful and true Witness (see Revelation 3:14b). The Oath of HIS “I AM”!

In this Witness, GOD communicates to us the “I AM” of HIS Name - exclusively - through the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS (see John 17:6; 6:63). In this communication, our inward state will be fully empowered in CHRIST JESUS realized, into an inwardly quickened functional state, by the HOLY SPIRIT. In this process the Word Of GOD is being supernaturally (see Exodus 32:16; Mark 4:27a-28a) made alive from within us. What is realized from the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, is the “I AM” Testimony of HIS Name. In “WHO” HE has unveiled HIMSELF as, to us - personally. And, in all “THAT” HE has unveiled in HIMSELF, to us - personally. In this unveiling is explained the true meaning of the Word Of GOD, that is meant to be explained according to all of GOD’s “I AM” 183

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Name (see Psalm 138:2c, NASB)! This Testimony is a GOD given Testament unveiled into the tablets of our heart and mind so that we can live (and function) in the AMEN of HIS faithful and true Witness; in and by a witness realized in the inward parts of our being (see 2 Corinthians 1:20, 22); a witness created and explained in the fullness of CHRIST JESUS realized.

The Meaning Of AMEN It is the realization of HIS “I AM” in CHRIST JESUS, that becomes the Amen of our inward witness. This Amen alive in our inward witness, is a confidence - in HIM - that reflects the AMEN of the Name Of JESUS, realized from HIS Spirit and HIS Life and fashioned into our inward parts in a Word Construct. This is the realm of the true Word realized that expresses the “I AM” of HIS Name. This is the realm of our inheritance and our possession in JESUS Name (see Ezekiel 44:28). This is the inward realm that describes and expresses the reality of the clarity and certainty of GOD’s will and HIS purposes for our life. This certainty comes alive in us as a living witness of the AMEN Of HIS Witness. Its witnessed hallmark is a steadily growing confidence in HIM. It is the reality of being inwardly built in living stone (see 1 Peter 2:5)! This confidence (hupostasis - Hebrews 3:14, KJV) is of the substance (hupostasis - Hebrews 11:1, NKJV) and reality of HIS PERSON (hupostasis - Hebrews 1:3b, NKJV) and HIS Nature (hupostasis Hebrews 1:3b, NASB) unveiled by the SPIRIT into the tablets of our heart and mind (dianoia - the imaginative mind).


The AMEN, The Faithfull And True Witness

A Guarantee Of Fulfillment This is the actuality of the living Word that GOD will fulfill in eternity according to the unveiled reality of HIS Name. This reality of the Word fulfilled is potentially so powerful that, Scripture proclaims the actuality of the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets in a reality in which we will each actually come to love GOD with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind and, all of our strength. And, be able to function in this reality fulfilled. This is the realm of the Word fulfilled that, GOD the HOLY SPIRIT means to make alive to each one of us as an inheritance and a possession in the “I AM” of JESUS Name (see Ezekiel 44:28). This is the realm of the living Word that will bring forth - in its fulfillment - the sons of GOD, the FATHER’s OWN possession (see Exodus 19:5; Revelation 5:9-10; 22:1-5). This is the FATHER’s OWN possession that will unfold as one Body of HIS SON, in the fullness of HIM (CHRIST JESUS) WHO fills all in all. Understand the awesome grace, by which HIS Fullness that fills all in all, has been given to us all for our possession and our inheritance (see John 1:16-17; Ezekiel 44:28) and, for our growing eternal expression. This is our destiny in the BELOVED. And, this destiny will be fulfilled as the actuality of the BELOVED is realized in our witness. HIS love purifies our witness and increases the measure of our confidence in HIM. This unveiling is the workmanship of the HOLY SPIRIT (see John 16:13-15; Ephesians 2:10). In the BELOVED, we have a destiny in which we have been blessed 185

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with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in CHRIST JESUS (see Ephesians 1:3-6)! This is the love of GOD actualized in each one of our lives in unique terms described prophetically as the Root Of David (see Revelation 22:16), unveiled into a realized functional status, that is prophetically called the Key Of David (see Revelation 3:7-8,10-12). Those who function is this reality are also called the Offspring Of David (see Revelation 22:16; Psalm 132:11-12). A new creation that is the fruit of HIS Body (see Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 132:11-12; Ephesians 5:30, KJV/NKJV). The fruit of HIS Body is the fulfillment of Luke 22:19-20!

The Realized Witness In Which We Function The faithful and true Witness will be the reality in which this one Body will live and function in. This will be the “Operating System” in which the will of the FATHER will be unveiled (or, explained) and performed (see Colossians 1:9-11). This is the AMEN of the Word Of GOD alive for a growing, performance and fulfillment - forever! This is the AMEN of the Fountain Head that flows forth the rivers of the Waters Of Life by which all creation will live (see Jeremiah 2:13b; Ezekiel 47:1-9; Revelation 22:1-5). The “I AM” of the Fountain Head Of Living Waters finds a realized witness within us, through the Fullness Of CHRIST JESUS realized (see John 4:10,13-14; 7:37-38). In this substantive reality we come to receive the Witness and, actually 186

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function in the Witness that declares: “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

Realized Waters Of Life What comes alive into us from wells of living Water (see John 4:14), fashioned by HIS Word realized, will also flow forth from our bellies (our inner most being) as rivers of living Water (see John 7:37-38, KJV), by the SPIRIT, in the exclusive realities of the Name Of JESUS actualized from HIS Spirit and HIS Life through the Word. We have an awesome destiny. We need to see it in HIS “I AM” - with fear and trembling (see Isaiah 66:1-2; Philippians 2:12c) - and take possession of our inheritance (see Ezekiel 44:28) in CHRIST JESUS, by the SPIRIT Of Life. In this growing expression, we need to possess and cultivate the witness that hallows the FATHER in Spirit and Truth - “Hallowed Be THY Name!” “AMEN!”

The (Logos) Word Of The Oath In the Word Construct of the inward witness is the realm of the (Logos) Word Of The Oath (see Hebrews 7:28). The Word Of HIS Flesh brought forth in the reality of the Most Holy. The Word of HIS Flesh brought forth in the reality of the Most Holy is the Bread that is Most Holy (see Leviticus 21:22). The Bread that is the Hidden Manna of HIS Name (see Hebrews 9:3-4; Revelation 2:17). This is the realm of the Word that functions by Oath Of Covenant, realized by the Name Of JESUS, through the specifics of HIS Testimony, unveiled for our understanding by the HOLY SPIRIT, 187

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through the Logos Word Construct fashioned into our inward parts, from HIS Spirit and HIS Life - in the reality of the Most Holy. This is the realm of the Word that describes our priesthood in functional terms (see Deuteronomy 10:8).

A New Priesthood The Priesthood Of The Order Of Melchizedek (see Hebrews 7:12) functions in this realm of the Oath (see Hebrews 7:28) by the guarantees realized in the Name Of JESUS, through the specifics of HIS Testimony unveiled in the Word into our heart and mind by the HOLY SPIRIT (see Hebrews 7:22; John 16:13-15,23-27). This is a priesthood that is fully functional in the Law Of The SPIRIT Of Life In CHRIST JESUS (see Romans 8:2: Hebrews 7:12) through the realized application of the realities of faith, righteousness and love, in holiness unto YHWH. AMEN!

A Priesthood That Functions By Oath Every realized reality in CHRIST JESUS, carries the potential of being expressed as a Covenant, established by the Oath of the FATHER, through the temple of our being. This realized reality is brought into us through the Witness of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit. Our witness unveils from each facet of the Word-defined, realized, fullness of CHRIST JESUS. Our witness unveils in a quickened state within the tablets of our heart, by the SPIRIT, in the Spirit consciousness of CHRIST JESUS actually alive in us. In this inward Spirit reality we must always remember that we are 188

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servants of the New Covenant (see 2 Corinthians 3:6,3-6). The reality of hallowing the FATHER, in servanthood to HIS Will, is the necessary inward witness - described in the Spirit and Life of CHRIST JESUS - that we must come to possess. Only then can we manifest the actuality of the Word Of The Oath within us - by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS alive in us. AMEN!

A Priesthood Of Prophets And Kings We need to always understand that the Word Of GOD is meant to define a substantive functional reality in CHRIST JESUS, brought alive by the SPIRIT, in the FATHER’s will realized. In this functional reality we will begin to function as priests, prophets and kings unto the glory of GOD. The angels declared in Luke 2:14a, that there will be a reality that proclaims: “Glory to GOD in the highest!” See also Genesis 14:1820 and Galatians 3:26-29. This is our destiny in the merits of the LAMB, our Husband and our BELOVED. Our functional abilities in GOD will unveil in HIS love for us, being unveiled in the purity and strength of our love for HIM. It is in the quality of this love for HIM, that the reality of being holy unto HIM will unveil.

Understanding The Word Of GOD The witness to the Word realized in JESUS Name, has the living intent of increasingly fulfilling the FATHER’s will. This is a quickened reality of the SPIRIT brought alive in us in JESUS Name. Remember, that this is a substantive functional reality, fully and exclusively formed in HIS Spirit and HIS Life from HIS faith and 189

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HIS love for us. This functional reality is a living witness to HIS Testimony received in the wonder of HIM BEING the BELOVED - our Husband, for WHOM and by WHOM, we live. AMEN!

In Summary We have in this book opened the astonishing relevance and practicality of the living Word that communicates the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST into us. Into every part and facet of our inward man, even unto our mortal flesh (see 2 Corinthians 4:11). This communication is established in the framework of a living and growing Word Construct that is entirely of the Spirit and Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. In this realization of the fullness of CHRIST JESUS we are actually being created (see Ephesians 2:10) through a process of being actually transformed (see 2 Corinthians 3:18; 4:16-18) by renewal and regeneration (see Titus 3:5). What is being established into us, is a living and growing witness that functions by the SPIRIT, in CHRIST JESUS. Imagine an inward construct of the Word, in CHRIST JESUS, by which we can manifest actualities of the living Word by the SPIRIT in every facet of our lives. In this Rhema expression will come forth a power that is in its entirely an expression of CHRIST JESUS, in some measure of HIS Fullness brought alive in us by the SPIRIT, in the FATHER’s will. This is an empowered inward state that is meant to realize and express a Covenant reality by Oath. We celebrate this prophetic actuality of 190

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the FATHER’s Oath in the SON (see Psalm 89:3-4,34-37,20-37; 132:11-12,17; Revelation 5:6-14) at Holy Communion in a remembrance that is a witness to a living and growing construct of spirit, soul and (even) body. In unravelling the mysteries of GOD’s Word may you be blessed in JESUS Name, and may you be a blessing in JESUS Name - always and forever. AMEN! The next book in this “Growing In GOD” series is “Knowing GOD”. In this book we will discuss the realities in which GOD unveils HIMSELF to us. We hope to meet you in the pages of this book.


EPHPHATHA MINISTRIES No. 6, Jalan Terap, Sentul, 51100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fax : 603-4410786 EMAIL: ephphatha@hotmail.com

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