Faith in a Changed World - July 2020

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Faith in a Changed World

Antony Mugford  

July 2020 Page 1

I lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. The Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121

© Antony Mugford First edition compiled and edited by David White Published by BrancoPrint © Majors Antony & Fiona Mugford The Salvation Army Westgate Guisborough TS14 6AW

01 July 2020

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Prologue In 2020 the whole world was struck with Coronavirus pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China. Countries were affected in every way of life as lockdowns were advised and imposed, meaning that normal life could not continue. Business, travel, and family life were severely curtailed with impact on so many activities that were just taken for granted. All expressions of Faith ceased in the traditional rituals and formats; impacting greatly on shared fellowship. Fortunately technology was available, and expanded, that allowed some virtual contact during social distancing. New expressions of Faith service blossomed not only to the individual, regional, national and, indeed, international congregations but, perhaps more importantly, also to the many new contacts within the wider communities. The world-wide Salvation Army took virtual reality to its heart. Majors Antony and Fiona Mugford, the Commanding Officers of Guisborough Citadel, UK grasped this opportunity with daily ministry to both the Corps Fellowship and a much wider community via Facebook and YouTube; reaching many hundreds of people. Each Sunday, and other special Christian occasions, online services were also produced. This booklet is a collection of those daily “letters" shared to an audience that remarkably grew exponentially; thus contacting, and helping, many hundreds of people during the Coronavirus lockdown. What an opportunity of witness these ‘letters’ proved to be! We can only hope and pray that the short-term benefit will lead to a longer-term commitment and blessing. David White

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Sunday services


ach Sunday, rather than having another reading, Majors Antony and Fiona lead online worship, Together

in Worship.

These services including Good Friday were added to the Guisborough Salvation Army Church Youtube channel and are all still available; the links being: Sunday 29 March 2020 Sunday 05 April 2020

Friday 10 April 2020

Sunday 12 April 2020

Sunday 19 April 2020

Sunday 26 April 2020

Sunday 03 May 2020

Sunday 10 May 2020

Sunday 17 May 2020

Sunday 24 May 2020

Sunday 31 May 2020

Sunday 07 June 2020

Sunday 14 June 2020

Sunday 21 June 2020

Sunday 28 June 2020

Sunday 05 July 2020

Sunday 12 July 2020

Sunday 19 July 2020

Sunday 26 July 2020

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1 July 2020


ood morning everyone. We hope you are well đ&#x;˜Š

So, we start July. Can you remember March? What a dierent world it was; so much has changed. On one evening the Prime Minister gave us those words, 'Stay indoors, one period of exercise per day...' What is fascinating is that from that moment on, people became quite determined to make the best of it all. How easy it could have been to vegetate in front of the television, to stay in bed all morning, to complain that we were bored... But no! People got on their bikes, they started jogging. They started walking (even me) and I noticed whole families - Mum, Dad and children all walking together on their permitted once-a-day exercise; and I guess that might have been a new family experience for many. I was amazed at how many people were out walking their dog. I didn't realise so many people had dogs in the ďŹ rst place! It made me wonder whether some of them had gone and bought a dog to give them an excuse to go out! Some people started a hobby, some volunteered, and many of us turned to Facetime or just the phone and made extra eort to keep in contact with family and friends. Who had ever heard of Zoom before March? And now there are people who spend literally hours a day chatting with family. The lockdown challenged us to make an eort to do things that perhaps we wouldn't have done. Things have eased now, but wouldn't it be a shame if we eased-up on the eorts we made to not let the lockdown 'lock us down' as it were. (Which reminds me, I haven't been for a long walk in a while...) Faith is a little like this. We use our faith more, turn to it and value it when we are under pressure or in need. But faith in God isn't just useful in those circumstances. Faith is a daily experience even in the easier times and we are encouraged to make an eort to keep that faith strong, to add to it and allow it to give us a fuller, richer life. Lord, it's a new day, a new month! How time is ying. Thank you Lord for the blessings there have been even in the cares, the diďŹƒculties and restrictions of these last months. People everywhere have found the good in things, made eorts, come together as families, community and nation; help us to keep these good things going. I think of those Lord who have found these last months to be very hard - especially those who have been bereaved, those who have been very ill, and those who have suered from being furloughed or even losing their jobs. May the future have hope for them. And may all of us make every eort to live in peace and to put our faith in you. Amen. Have a lovely day everyone. God bless you đ&#x;™? We're here if you need us. Page 6

2 July 2020


orning all! Now today IS a day for staying in...

We hope you are well nevertheless. It's an important day for Salvation Army people because it's Founders' Day. On this day, July 2nd 1865, former Methodist Minister and revivalist, Rev. William Booth was walking in London and he came across a group of street preachers. After he'd listened for a while, someone asked him to speak. It was in that moment that he knew what he had to do. He went home, said to his wife Catherine, "Darling, I have found my destiny!' and the founding of The Salvation Army is reckoned from that date. It started with open air preaching in the East End, it continues today in 132 countries, a world wide mission to preach the Gospel of Jesus for everyone to hear and, of course, to do what the Church has done for 2000 years: feed the hungry, heal the sick, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless and all those things that show practical care and compassion in Christ's name. One of the innovative things at the time was that William's wife Catherine was already an accomplished preacher - in fact it's said she was better at it than him! And so we can say that she was a joint founder alongside him. Women have had leadership in the Army ever since. I read recently a quote by an American evangelist: 'A scared world needs a fearless church.' I think that's what the Booths set out to create. The world needs a lot of hope and healing at the moment and the message of the Army for 155 years has been just that. Father, thank you that though the world changes, times change, people change, your word and your love are constant. The message of hope and love inspired people like William and Catherine to start a great movement, but I thank you that right here where I am, in my own life, that same hope and love can be a comfort and a strength to me. Thank you Lord that when the Bible speaks of your love for the world, I am included in that. And when Jesus said 'whosoever', that means me too! Father, I love you because you ďŹ rst loved me. Amen. Whatever you do today we pray you will feel God's presence and know his blessing.đ&#x;™? Have a good day everyone.

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3 July 2020


orning everyone! Another week nearly over. We hope it's been good for you.

Have you ever been in a Zoom meeting? Some of you have. Some have been on Facetime or other such video calls. I know a lady who spends 2 hours every night with her family in this way. We started a weekly family quiz night recently; all great fun but the sports round always lets me down. For us all who can do this is a wonderful thing to speak to and see our loved ones like this. Yesterday Fiona and I were on Zoom for two and a half hours with the Salvation Army oďŹƒcers from North Yorkshire and Tees. It was mainly business but there was spiritual content too. I'm going to confess though that it was hard work! The people are lovely, the conversation was interesting and informative, but peering at 25 little rectangles with 1 or 2 people in them soon tired the eyes, the neck and the brain! How we have appreciated the gradual relaxation of regulations about seeing one another. But even now it's still nowhere near back to normal, and Zoom meetings, though useful and helpful, are not the same as being in the same room. Face to face is what we like, what we long for. There's a verse in the Bible that has always intrigued me. Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the 10 Commandments would go to pray and we're told, 'The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.' (Exodus 33:1) Apart from trying to imagine what that would have been like, I just love this idea of face to face friendship. It sounds so relaxed, so natural. It reminds of the old hymn: O the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy throne I spend, When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend. This side of Heaven we are not going to see Jesus face to face, though that's the longing of many people. We don't have a spiritual Zoom meeting with God, but what we do have is his unseen presence and the assurance that when we pray he isn't far away as we try to communicate, he's right here as we commune. It really is 'as a man speaks to his friend.' God sees us as friends and so we don't need special places, times, people or words. We can simply be still and there in those moments he is there. Become aware of Him, For He is ever near; Speak out your prayer to Him, For He will ever hear. Stretch out your hand to Him, He's ever by your side; Leave all you've planned to him And let Him guide. These words are found in this song Instead of a written prayer today, listen to the song and allow God to speak to you as a friend. May God bless you today đ&#x;™? Page 8

4 July 2020


orning all, happy weekend! Major Antony and Major Fiona here...

Well, we enjoyed a hidden gem with friends yesterday as we were invited to Falling Foss, near Whitby. Have you ever been? It's a deep, tree-ďŹ lled valley with an old house at the bottom near a lovely waterfall. They served the most delicious scones in their open-air tearoom. But it was the path we walked that intrigued me. We walked alongside the broad rocky stream, sometimes the path was smooth, at times muddy or rocky, there were tree roots to negotiate. Uphill, downhill, then the trees cleared, at times it was quite open, at other times it turned into deep, dark, foreboding pine forests. We met one or two walking towards us, we asked directions on the path, sometimes we were not sure where we were. The wind blew strongly, sometimes it was all perfect stillness; and yet, being together, chatting, laughing, giving a guiding hand as we negotiated a crossing over the river or a muddy patch, the journey was a delight, a couple of hours of togetherness and discovery. I think you can guess this next bit. Life's experiences are varied, surprising, 'sunlit' or dark and foreboding, the sight of one day's 'beautiful waterfall' is contrasted with the next day's 'wet, muddy path'. But when we walk together in fellowship life is indeed a wonderful journey. Faith is a shared experience as much as a personal belief. I have never understood those people without a faith who insist that Christians should keep their faith private; that's actually impossible. It's one of the reasons why all the restrictions on life at the moment are so painful. We can't meet together in the way we used to, and we miss it, we miss each other! The journey of faith, of life itself, is so much more satisfying when we walk not only with God, but when we walk together with him. Father God, life is a winding path of experience and relationships and looking back I can see the many twists and turns of my life. I want to thank you that you have walked this journey with me, sometimes holding my hand, sometimes even carrying me over the places too steep for me. I thank you too for my companions. Loved ones and friends, and those who believe with me and walk in faith with me. Help me to be a good companion to them too as we continue on our path. I pray that one day we will be able to sing your praises together again. Today help me to know your presence and to trust your leading wherever the path takes me; In Jesus' name. Amen Enjoy your day everyone, Join us for Together

in Worship, here, tomorrow. God bless you đ&#x;™? Page 9

6 July 2020


ood morning to you all. We hope you had a good weekend.

I took this photo in Guisborough of an amusing signpost pointing to where certain groups might be found - Woollybacks, Yorkies and Smoggies. Was it to show you which way to go to ďŹ nd these lovely people? Or to warn you not to go that way!? It's funny how we've always labelled ourselves, or each other. I'm a Lancashire lad from Blackpool (a Sandgrownun, they call us). Many of you are proud Guisborians. Or maybe you have another word that describes your origin. I love the sense of history and pride we might feel about our origins and allegiances, though I try not to publicise the Red Rose too much around here! It is a shame though that sometimes our identity and origin divides us. Nationality, colour, gender, wealth. My observation over recent weeks has been that most trouble is not necessarily caused by ordinary people but by those who deliberately seek to stir up division, dissent and dissatisfaction in the name of justice. When people conspire to highlight division instead of being an inuence for unity and fairness can we be surprised when all that happens is people become further entrenched in their dierences? One of the great truths of the Bible is the brotherhood of man, the unity of the human race. The Bible says quite clearly that all mankind is 'of one blood'. How then can we be racist? And the Apostle Paul is clear when he says that the Christian message is of unity, bringing everyone together in the love of Jesus. The big divisions in his day were not between black and white but between Jew and Greek, slaves and free people, men and women. Paul says that Jesus has broken all those barriers: 'We are all one in Christ Jesus.' I believe that message is exactly what our world needs to hear today. It's encouraging for us too whether we're Woollybacks, Yorkies, Smoggies or immigrants from Lancashire. God loves us all, so let's all love one another! Father, as we begin another week it's good to remember that I am am your child, part of your family with brothers and sisters. Lord, we're all dierent; dierent faces, opinions, backgrounds. Dierent stories to tell, dierent experiences, mistakes and successes. But Lord Jesus Christ, you died to bring us all together into your kingdom. I pray for our country, our world today. Our divisions are not new, our prejudices go back centuries, but today I pray for peace, for love and for togetherness. I pray for families who have fallen out, for people who are alone, neglected, suer from prejudice or even persecution. May the message of your love be heard, accepted and spread so that our world can be a more peaceful and fairer place - whoever we are. In Jesus' name. Amen. Enjoy your day whatever you do. Keep safe, be happy. God bless you đ&#x;™? Page 10

7 July 2020


i everyone; new day, a new beginning for us all. How's the hair?

Many are ocking back to the salons and barbershops (Turkish or otherwise) to restore their long-forgotten styles and lengths. In conversations I have heard many people say how relieved they are/will be to have their hair done again. There's a real feeling of self-conďŹ dence and self-worth associated with how our hair looks. The Bible has a lot to say about hair. A few weeks ago - 27th April in fact - I wrote about hair and our inability to get it cut professionally, and I talked about God who knows even the number of hairs on our head, suggesting he not only knows but cares about us in a detailed way. Well, hair in the Bible seems to reect more than just looking neat and presentable. Cutting your hair very short could reect grief and mourning, shaving it would mean real distress. Growing it long and putting fragrance in it could be seen as a sign of rejoicing. Some people grew their hair long as a sign of dedication to God and it was a symbol of their faith. That's why, when Samson was tricked into having his hair cut by Delilah, he felt that his strength had left him: the conďŹ dence of his faith was gone. It was a real psychological weakness for him. The Bible says that grey hair is 'a crown of splendour; it is attained in the way of righteousness.' (Proverbs 16) So there you go! Increased grey is a sign of being righteous. When God is pictured he is described as having white hair. That doesn't symbolise old age, it symbolises holiness and purity. So, all in all, hair seems to be used as an outward sign of how we feel, how our emotions, character or state of heart and mind really are. It's true isn't it that our hair can be expressive of who we are. Yes, God does count the hairs on our head, as it were, but he doesn't need to look at the style or length of our hair to know how we feel. The Psalm writer is glad because he knows that God has examined his heart - the very depths of his mind and soul - and knows everything about him. That means God understands. He feels what we feel, he empathises, he knows what our thoughts are and understands what our minds deal with each day when others have no idea, and when sometimes we don't understand ourselves either! It's wonderful that God certainly does not judge by the outward appearance, but he is deeply acquainted with our heart. I ďŹ nd that a great source of comfort and reassurance, and it leads us to having faith in him who knows us better than we know ourselves. Father in Heaven, I praise you because I am 'fearfully and wonderfully made'. And not only that but you are acquainted with all my ways. That does make me feel loved and aďŹƒrmed today. I am glad that I can turn to you in my prayers and not have to put into words my thoughts and feelings because you do know my heart, how I feel and what I need. So Lord Jesus today I rest in that knowledge that you are here. May today be a day we share together, you and me. Thank you for your grace and your love. Amen. Enjoy the day today, we're here if you need anything. God bless you đ&#x;™? Page 11

8 July 2020

G night.

ood morning to you all! We wake up to a lovely day after a beautiful sunset last

I took the photo through the roof light of our attic, but photos never seem to capture the beauty that we see with our eyes. Speaking of which, a quick quiz question: Who sang 'Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see...'? (Answer at the end) Anyway, I added a verse from the Bible to the photo of the sunset: 'The skies proclaim the work of his hands.' (Psalm 19 v 1) Since creation, mankind has looked up. Primitive people would have gazed up at the night sky with the stars and watched the sun rise and set. They would have wondered at the different cloud formations and asked why the sky was blue. In ancient times they would have wondered what was above the sky? Well, science has answered these questions - we know what stars are, we know what lies beyond the atmosphere. They can tell us why the sky is blue and even what the moon is like to walk on. But science has never yet taken away the awe and wonder we feel when we look up and see a sunset. Believers in the Bible, people who have faith in God, can never be satisfied with just the science wonderful and amazing as that is, of course - there is always going to be a sense of God's work and God's majesty in and through it all. Yes, we can go a little way to explain what it all is, but science cannot provide that inescapable feeling that lifts the heart in worship. The Bible tells us to lift our heads, lift our eyes and look to the heavens, and see there the glory of God, the evidence of his handiwork. Human beings have a built-in capacity for worshiping 'something'; in fact, I would call it a need. This need to worship, to 'look up' as it were, makes us different from animals that tend to spend their lives snuffling on the ground (did you know that pigs can't look up?). Humans have a sense of the eternal, of the divine, of 'God' simply because we are made in the image of God and it's as if we have something within us that can only be satisfied when we connect with God again. Through Jesus we can restore the connection that the heart longs for when it sees or hears beauty; through Jesus we can be brought from an appreciation of creation into a knowledge of the loving Creator, our Father. All we need to do is look up, not just to the sunset, but to the one who's hands created it all. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see... (Yes, Freddie Mercury wrote it) A Prayer Lord, whenever I look up, I see something of the beauty of creation, but the sunrise or the sunset really lift my heart in worship. How can people look at the wonder of the skies or of nature around them and just see the scientific explanation? Lord, I see your hand in it and perceive a Father's heart. How you must grieve when your children ignore or reject you, or when we spoil your created world. Forgive us for taking what we see and hear for granted. Help us to care for your world and then, when we look up, help us to see you and give you thanks, worship, and praise in the name of Jesus. Amen. God bless you, enjoy a lovely sunny day! Please share this message......... Page 12

9 July 2020


ood morning everyone from Major Antony and Major Fiona.

It's a celebration day in our house because Fiona has a birthday today, but as a gentleman I would never reveal the number! So happy birthday đ&#x;Ž‚ đ&#x;Žˆ ! I've heard all the comments: age is only a number, you're only as old as you feel. People say, Oh I've stopped counting. My favourite is, I'm too young to be this old! Well, I wonder if you're feeling your age today. Can I encourage you with something I learned when I was an elderly care chaplain? Children see everyone over the age of 30 as the same age. Now that is encouraging. You can claim to be 31 for the rest of your life - well you might as well because we're all the same age in the eyes of a child! Wouldn't it be good if we could stay the same age? Well, yes and no of course. Age brings with it experience, memories, learning, wisdom. Age carries all kinds of blessings and as I myself get older and look at the changes I am thankful that I was young when I was. But with advancing years there needn't come a giving-in to being 'old'; do you know what I mean? Old in the sense of being weary, of living in the past, of closing your mind to new things. We talk about people who seem to be old before their time because they have lost the joy and the excitement of life. The Bible promises that God will renew our youth like the eagle - what a picture. We can y high, as it were, with renewed life and interest, taking pleasure in new things, in friendships and even the simplest things of life take on a freshness. A book I read once had the title No Wrinkles on the Soul. That's what faith in God does - he can restore, revitalise and renew us from within. As an old Salvation Army song says, He can take your life as he did mine and make it anew. May God breathe new life into your day, into all that you do today. Father thank you for the prospect of a new day ahead. Let it be ďŹ lled with joy and life. May I see something that renews my faith, that brings encouragement. I thank you for the years that are past, may I look forward now to new experiences, to life in all its fullness, just as you promised. Whatever my circumstances Lord, renew my soul and give me strength today In Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you all đ&#x;™? Have a happy day! Please share this post....

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10 July 2020


orning all!

Major Antony and Major Fiona here. It's a bit of a grey, damp start to the day - not at all conducive for walking. Perhaps it'll brighten up. That's how optimists always think: the sun will come out, things will change. Or as Yorkshire people say, 'It'll be reet.' As we sail quickly through July hoping for the sun to shine, I detect a bit of weariness and also wariness, amongst the various changes. It's good news that shops are opening, it's good news that restaurants are opening, and all the other announcements that keep coming; but in conversation with people I hear confusion: can I do this yet, why can't we do the other? If we can engage in this activity why not another? It must be very diďŹƒcult for the authorities to make rules or guidelines for every eventuality; that's perhaps the root of our uncertainty. There is one underlying truth that will govern our behaviour of course - we must try to keep each other safe from a virus that hasn't gone away. That's why some restaurants and other businesses are choosing not to open. It's why we in The Salvation Army across the whole of the UK are remaining closed for public worship; we want to keep people safe. (Check out our YouTube channel When it comes to making choices it's always good to have a guide, a principle that undergirds our decision. Which choice should we make? What is our guide saying? Making decisions is not new of course and for thousands of years, in every generation, people have looked to their faith for guidance. God himself says that when dierent paths present themselves, his people will hear his voice saying, 'It's this way...'. Jesus himself said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life.' And one very well known Bible proverb advises, 'In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.' There is no better guide through life than the One who is 'the way'. Lord, thank you for this new day. The hours lie ahead of me and oer opportunity and experience. Whatever I do today I want to know that you are with me, guiding and assuring me of your presence. In these confused times there is so much that remains certain, so much that I can rely on - the love of friends and family, the familiar things around me, and I'm grateful for the normality. But I pray for our world that has changed and keeps changing, that people will ďŹ nd the certainty that comes with faith in you. As I walk with you today may that sure and certain hope give me conďŹ dence within, knowing that whatever the future holds, I am in your hands. In Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you again today đ&#x;™? Page 14

11 July 2020


ood morning, welcome to a beautiful sunny morning! Majors Antony & Fiona hoping you're well.

It's a bit of a late start for me this morning because as you will know if you live anywhere in the proximity of the Citadel in Westgate you will have heard our alarm ringing around midnight. And then stopping. And then ringing again. And then stopping. Why is it always at night?? We got a phone call at 11.45 - I went to look. Facebook messages at midnight - but it stopped and I waited for the police to contact me - they didn't. 12.50am; another phone call from a poor man who, unsurprisingly couldn't sleep - so I went again.... Here's the thing - do you do this? - when a car alarm goes off, a house alarm or a commercial premises (I hear a lot of shop alarms from where I live) the first thing we all do, without exception is think, 'Oh there's an alarm going off'. Five minutes later we're all thinking, 'I wish they'd turn that alarm off!' Twenty minutes later you, like me, will be thinking, 'That alarm is doing my head in!' How many of us ever think, 'There's something wrong! Let me rush round to see if there's a burglary!' I confess I've never really thought that some criminal activity was going on - it must be a fault, a shop worker setting it off by accident, that kind of thing. Isn't it odd that we rarely react to what an alarm is there to tell us - act now! Or perhaps you do: you call the police, you look to see what's happening, ready to confront whoever is responsible... An alarm is an alert, a warning, an insistent message to make a decision to take action, to 'do something.' There's a kind of 'alarm' in the Bible; it's a call, an invitation for today that says, 'Believe, have faith in God, accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, now is the day of salvation.’ It's an urgent invitation for two reasons: Firstly, why wait? Why put it off when today, from the moment you believe, your life is filled with the love, joy and peace of God? From the moment you believe in Christ, all is forgiven and it's like having a new life? Why wait? Do it today! Nobody has ever regretted it Secondly, the opportunity, the invitation, the choice might not come again. Are we promised tomorrow? Will we forget the invitation and other things will take over, the voice of God will get quieter in the noise of life? Faith in Jesus is the most wonderful, life-changing thing. It's what the Bible is all about - calling us to believe and have the new life that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Today really is the day of salvation. Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you for your love for me, even me! Thank you that you died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free.Thank you that you offer me forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit to give me new life. Today, I want to believe! I am truly sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Please forgive me. I now turn from everything I know is wrong; please come into my life to be with me forever. I want to follow you and trust you, and learn more about you. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen. If you would like to know more about Christian faith, please ask a trusted Christian friend or contact us, we're always here to help. God bless you today. Don't forget to share this message and join us tomorrow from 10am, or when you can, for our recorded

Together in Worship.

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13 July 2020


orning all. Majors Antony & Fiona here starting another week with you.

We have to say that it's wonderful that so many are sharing these thoughts each day; we've become like a community. Sundays have become very different for us all and they probably will remain different from now on. We spent yesterday afternoon with friends, walking round the Priory grounds and also the churchyard at St Nicholas. It's one thing to walk round it on a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon - even the shady parts - but I'm not sure I'd like to walk round in the evening, and certainly not at night time! The old gravestones certainly have a Gothic feel to them - overgrown, worn, leaning at strange angles. Definitely very atmospheric. For historians and genealogists, it's a very interesting place! Some headstones were illegible, some easily read and surnames and Christian names were often spoken aloud. There were a lot of Williams and a few Mary Anns in Guisborough over the years! Occasionally a familiar surname would be discovered with dates from the early 1800s: 'I wonder if he's an ancestor of So-and-So', would be the comment.. We noticed that the very old stones had very large lettering and just the name and dates, written under a 'Here lythe ye bodye of... I wish we could have read the bits of poetry or verse that some of the older ones had. The Victorians were much more open and pragmatic about death than we are in our squeamish times; and I did see the old phrase 'In the midst of life we are in death.' Well, there's a cheery thought for a Monday morning in July! So I'm going to turn it round to a more positive and uplifting thought - 'we are in the midst of life!' Life is all around us - even in the cemetery there is life (plant life, I grant you). When we look around at our families, our gardens, when we meet friends, listen to music, read literature, see children playing, people laughing - it's all life, here and now. The Bible records Jesus saying at the grave of a loved one that he himself is the resurrection and the life here and now. The Christian faith is that heaven starts now, life begins now, and those who believe in Jesus already have his resurrection life in their hearts. Even in our world of sorrow and difficulty we can say heaven has already begun in us. That's life: here and now! It's certainly good news for a Monday morning. So, just remember, whatever your situation today, whatever this week brings, life is filled with Him who is the resurrection and the life - today! Father, I thank you for a new day, a new week. I praise you for the days that lie behind me - some of them, I confess, I am glad to see the back of! But I look forward now to fresh opportunities. Would you walk with me today? You are the way - so you can be my guide. You are the truth - so I can trust you. You are the life - so I can give you mine and know that your gift to me will be life in all its fulness, that begins now and lasts for eternity. I start this week in the confidence that you love me. So Lord I put my faith in you and ask that whatever happens, nothing will separate me from the love of God which is found in Jesus my Lord. Amen. Have a great day everyone! God bless you all. Page 16

14 July 2020 Hello everyone. Major Antony and Major Fiona here again. We had a 'ďŹ rst' yesterday when we went to a coee shop for a drink. We've been many times, queued up at the counter and then the order was brought to us. This time we were met at the door by someone in a visor and, before she showed us to a table, wrote our name and contact details in a book. This was for the 'test and trace' scheme so that if anyone else shows symptoms of Covid-19 we can be traced and told to isolate. It kind of brought it home to me that even with some restrictions being lifted, they are being matched by careful systems to keep a careful watch on developments. If ever our church services started again we'd have to do the same - you would be escorted to a seat and your name taken and recorded. It got me thinking about that great symbolic way of describing being a part of God's family - having your name written down in the Book of Life. Jesus said about rejoicing because our names are written down. When we belong to Jesus, by grace and through faith, it's as if he enters our name on his roll, carefully and lovingly including us alongside all the saints - the known with the unknown, the giants of the faith with the equally faithful but known to just a few. What a roll of honour; and to be included is a privilege that comes when we accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. For our prayer this morning here are the words of a favourite Salvation Army hymn. You can follow the link as well to listen to it 1 I know Thee who Thou art,

3 Beside Thee as I walk,

And what Thy healing name,

I will delight in Thee,

For when my fainting heart

In sweet communion talk

The burden nigh o’ercame,

Of all Thou art to me;

I saw Thy footprints on my road

The beauty of Thy face behold

Where lately passed the Son of God.

And know Thy mercies manifold.

2 Thy name is joined with mine

4 Let nothing draw me back

By every human tie,

Or turn my heart from Thee,

And my new name is Thine;

But by the Calvary track

A child of God am I,

Bring me at last to see

And never more alone, since Thou

The courts of God, that city fair,

Art on the road beside me now.

And ďŹ nd my name is written there.

(Albert Orsborn) Have a lovely day today. God bless you đ&#x;™?

Page 17

15 July 2020


midweek 'hello' to you all! We hope it's a good week for you.

We do recognise, however, that some of us - all of us - are going to have diďŹƒcult days, weeks or even ongoing circumstances. You might remember if you've been following these readings for a while, that during the strict lockdown when we were told to stay at home I commented a few times on how loudly the birds were singing. They were shouting, using megaphones; I could hear them through the double-glazing! Well this morning I couldn't. I sat here with my coee and... Nothing. I opened the window and, Oh yes, there they were, tweeting and warbling, with the odd cooing; but it was all so subdued, as if they'd been told by someone to 'keep it down!' How strange. For a while in April the birds sang so loudly, the sun was warm, the skies were blue. It seemed to compensate for the lockdown. But even the weather is subdued now, along with the birdsong. These daily posts have focused on faith, on praise, on God's love in our lives, but what about those days when, metaphorically speaking, the birds are not singing? Those are the days when our feelings seem to override our faith and our prayers, like the birdsong, seem to have no volume. It's not a lack of faith to feel like that. In fact sometimes it takes all the faith we have just to hold on - and the best we can do is trust somehow in God who, in Jesus, still loves us in the darkness. Maybe our act of faith on those days is to 'open the double glazed window' and listen for the birdsong, however quiet. The Bible has a lovely passage that says 'although the ďŹ g tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the ďŹ elds shall yield no meat; the ock shall be cut o from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.' That's a farmer's way of saying, 'even if it all goes wrong, I'm still going to praise God!' Today, even if the birds are not singing very loudly for you, still oer a prayer of thanks. God will be there. Father, some days are just ďŹ lled with love and joy and peace and it's easy to praise you. But you know the diďŹƒcult days I have; you know when I feel that my faith is low. Help me to remember that on those days it's you who holds me, not the other way round. Today, whether I'm in joy or sorrow, peace or anxiety, I simply want to say thank you for being there. Today Father, let me hear the birds singing. Amen. We hope you have a good day. We're here if you need us, God bless you đ&#x;™?

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16 July 2020


ood morning everyone. Antony and Fiona here.

Today is a BIG day for a number of Salvation Army officers because today they will move to a new appointment. They will, like us, have been ministering and leading a congregation or working at a HQ or in a chaplaincy role in a residential centre, but today they travel to take up a new responsibility, possibly far away from where they have been for the last few years, and certainly quite a long way from their original home. It's a time of excitement and anticipation or, for some, a time of trepidation and disappointment. Their families go with them and that can be difficult for them too; so we remember the officers who are moving to 'pastures new'. All of them will say that they are following the call of God and maybe many of them today will recall the words of a Salvation Army song, 'Just where he needs me my Lord has placed me, just where he needs me, there would I be.' We're not moving of course, but from experience I can say that every move we have made has brought us great joys and the privilege and pleasure of meeting new friends and having new opportunities. In the Bible Abraham was called by God to travel from his home to what is now Israel, and thus started the whole story of the Jewish people and the Christian faith too, centred on Jesus. The interesting thing is that he didn't know where he was going: God just showed him the road and he went! That really is faith. The reality of course is that most of us are not called to move, travel or leave our home town in order to serve God. And that takes faith too. To remain amongst the people we know and love is also the 'calling' for most of us. I remember the phrase 'blossom where you're planted.' In other words, we are called to be a blessing to others right where you are. Stay where you are but, by faith, do something. Be an encouragement, be a helper, be an example, be loving, be joyful and inspiring. Make a difference. That's the calling of God to us. We don't need to travel like Abraham, or even like a Salvation Army officer but we are called to live for God and love him and our neighbour just where we are. And that can take just as much faith as the travellers. Father, I thank you for the blessings of a new day. I ask for your presence and peace on me, my family and those I love. I thank you for them and I pray that right here where I am, in my home, my street, my place of work and in all my meetings with others, I can be a blessing to them. Lord, I thank you that I don't need to be a missionary in order to follow your call or be what you want me to be because 'just where I am my Lord has placed me'. So today may I have faith enough to be your servant here where I am and in whatever I do. In Jesus' name. Amen. Have an enjoyable day today everyone, God bless you all.

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17 July 2020


ood morning everyone đ&#x;Œž It's a beautiful day and the seagulls are in ďŹ ne voice!

Have you bought your mask yet? This time next week if you go to Morrisons or Lidl, or if you're rich, M&S đ&#x;˜‰ , you must wear a mask. Well it's not an easy thing for many of us; it's not natural, it's not part of our culture and I know some are quite worried. We know the sense of the precaution. We know it's to protect others, we know there is an element of protection for ourselves too, as ongoing studies reveal. We are impressed and inspired by NHS workers and others who wear them constantly - even hairdressers! - and we now hardly look twice at people who already wear them as they push a trolley in the shop. But soon, it's all of us. I bought some masks and frightened myself when I looked in the mirror! I've not worn a mask outside yet. I've spoken to people who are genuinely concerned about them. And yes, I can see that they reduce human contact in that you can't see a smile, an expression. It's sometimes diďŹƒcult to hear what's said. So much of human contact is visual and so wearing a mask might be a challenge. But I've noticed that in true British style, a sense of humour and 'spirit' has crept in. We won't have to walk around looking like a member of the cast of Casualty because there are so many fun designs! Camouage, rainbows and owers. I've seen designs that would work well as a tattoo on a heavy rock fan's shoulder! There are even fun designs for children. I've seen Salvation Army ones too but yours truly will not be wearing one!! There's something about this humorous response that seems to me to embody a deďŹ ance, a sense of not just accepting a hardship but of taking away its eects by facing it (excuse the pun) on our terms. We will not be defeated! And if it means drawing a smile on a paper mask, then so be it! Paul in the Bible uses the strength of faith to conďŹ dently say that regardless of any hardship - and to be honest, mask-wearing is the least of our troubles for some of us - we will not be defeated. With God on our side why should we? We are not deďŹ ned by the diďŹƒculty we experience. We are not controlled by the situation. We are 'more than conquerors through him who loved us' says the Bible. We might be pressed and perplexed sometimes, but we are people of faith, and we will rise above it all if we have faith in Christ. Father, you are Lord of all; everything is in your hands and no matter what my situation is today I give it to you. Help me to live in faith and so to face each day with a strength and determination that is not my own but comes from you. I remember those inspiring words, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' So today, I trust in you, I love you, and I will walk by faith. I pray for those in need of that same strength today, people I know. May they also know the strength and peace that comes with your presence. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. God bless you all đ&#x;™? If you're wearing a mask and we don't recognise you, still say hello đ&#x;˜ đ&#x;˜ˇ Page 20

18 July 2020


orning all! Major Antony and Major Fiona greeting you on a grey and wet Saturday. We're sure that today will still be a good one! As arguments and protests about race have raged over these past weeks an unexpected side issue was raised that, to my mind caused more unnecessary division. What did Jesus look like, and especially, what colour was he? To my mind this was a rather contentious and spurious question designed to unsettle people and divide people. The reason I say that is because although we in the West have indeed tended to give Jesus a European appearance, the world has always, everywhere, adapted his appearance locally. You'll see old pictures of Jesus as very dark skinned, oriental, Middle Eastern. There's a whole range of images that picture him as African. And I have to say that whilst Jesus was evidently a Middle Eastern man, it's perfectly understandable that people have always pictured him like themselves. One of them. At Christmas we will use the name so often: Immanuel, God with us. So, whenever people have thought of Jesus of course they picture him as one of us. A child was colouring a picture and her teacher asked, 'What are you drawing?' 'I'm drawing God', was the reply. 'But nobody knows what God looks like,' said the teacher. The child replied, 'They will when I've ďŹ nished.' God was made man in Christ to be like us, to look like us. How else could we relate to him? I'm glad the answer to the question, 'What did Jesus look like?' goes far deeper than skin colour or ethnicity. He looks like me - whoever I am. And he came by his grace to make me more like him. Father God, you loved this world so much that you gave your one and only Son so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. I thank you that he came as one of us, one with us. Lord Jesus you understand us and sympathise with all that we are, loving us and oering your love and grace for every aspect of our life. You came to oer life in all its fullness, to make us all more like you. Thank you Lord for that hope that in Christ we can be all we long to be, all we are meant to be. Today may I know that grace and be aware of your love. Amen God bless you all today đ&#x;™? Don't forget Together and on YouTube.

in Worship tomorrow from 10am on Facebook

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20 July 2020


appy Monday everyone đ&#x;˜€ đ&#x;˜Ž We hope and pray that whatever you do today, it's a good day!

Yesterday was a first for our Salvation Army congregation as we met socially distanced in the Priory grounds. There were no hugs or handshakes, no songs or prayers, no brass band and no sermon(!) And yet it was a meeting of part of the Church. There's an old hymn that says, Jesus, where'er thy people meet, There they behold the Mercy Seat; Where'er they seek thee thou art found, And every place is hallowed ground. For thou, within no walls confined, Inhabitest the humble mind; Such ever bring thee where they come, And going take thee to their home. As we stood and chatted, watched the children play and enjoyed the lovely surroundings, I looked at the foundations of the once majestic Priory and gazed again at the old East window arch, and thought that 600 years ago when worship inside that building was in full flow, the clergy and people could never have imagined that one day in the far future people dressed in summer casual clothes would sit in the ruins of their long-deconsecrated church building and enjoy a summer's afternoon there. Actually, though our vestments were not clerical and our speech was not liturgical, we put 'church' back into that church yesterday. We were God's people sharing fellowship together, and he was with us. The church is not a building, it's not the music, the prayers, the sermon. It's actually not just people: the Church is the gathering of God's people in love and in unity. And in a way that we are discovering, we who

read these reflections every day online, or those who worship as they watch Together in Worship on YouTube, are being drawn together as Church, gathered online, even though we don't see each others' faces or hear other voices. This is church. We are gathered in a modern way, communing in a different way. If the Holy Spirit indwells us then that same Spirit binds us together in prayer and the reading of his Word. Moses was told that where he stood at the burning bush was 'holy ground'. Yesterday the Priory became holy ground as believers in Jesus gathered there. Today, just where you are, that is holy ground if God's Spirit lives in you. Father, I am glad I don't need to sit in a building in order to find you. I don't need to say particular words or eat certain foods; I can know the fulness of your presence, the overflowing gift of your grace here, just where I am. I thank you that there are people who pray for me, or people for whom I pray. We are a family, a fellowship of faith, and wherever we go, even when we are apart, there you are binding us together in love. Today, may that be a reality for me. In Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you all. đ&#x;™? We are here when you need us. Page 22

21 July 2020


ello again from Major Antony and Major Fiona. It's going to be a lovely day đ&#x;˜ƒ

Yesterday we did a 'tour' of Teeside Park. We didn't go into every shop, but what was fascinating was that the only shop with a queue was Hobbycraft. Obviously lots of people still have hours to ďŹ ll. The other fascinating thing was the hand sanitiser at the entrance of the shop. In Hobbycraft for instance, the smell was so strong! In Costa, the smell was disgusting. Some sanitisers are thin and watery, others make your hands sticky. Some shops just stick a bottle on a table, others have elaborate 'sanitiser stations' with stainless steel dispensers. OK, so you've not noticed all this, and possibly think I've developed an odd interest in hand sanitisers đ&#x;˜† ; but it's become part of life's experience now. You can't escape it, especially when in some shops they purposefully employ someone who lets you in and tells you, 'Please use the sanitiser!' (From Friday she will be checking your mask as well of course!) Yes, sensible people are aware that clean hands helps keep the virus at bay. In the Bible the requirement for clean hands was not so you can enter Hobbycraft or Costa, but so you could enter the Temple for worship. Some faiths still do this hand washing ritual. For us it would be symbolic. Someone with 'clean hands' would be innocent, blameless, sincere. And the Bible matches clean hands with a pure heart. Jesus said famously, 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God'. The wonderful thing is that this purity of heart and cleansing of hands isn't something that we have to achieve ourselves. Forgiveness for trespasses and sins, forgiveness that God freely gives, will give us the purity of heart that we ask for, that we long for. There's a lovely prayer that's over a thousand years old which is used in Anglican and Catholic churches, that we can use today. It's called the Collect for Purity. It reminds us that as we come to worship God he can indeed cleanse not our hands but our very heart. "Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen." Today, may the refreshing and cleansing presence of the Holy Spirit be with us all. God bless you.đ&#x;™?

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22 July 2020


i everyone. Antony and Fiona here. I heard a lovely true story yesterday that was really quite moving.

Many years ago a lady gave up her son for adoption. That must have been so hard for her. Later she had a daughter, and at the end of her life she said to the daughter, ďŹ nd your brother. Sadly, although a search was made, no trace could be found... During lockdown the friend of a certain man oered to trace his family tree for him, just to pass the time. In doing so he discovered that the man, though adopted, had a sister. Contact was made and the two, after many decades of being separated, were reunited. Had it not been for that friend in lockdown it would never have happened. Why was it that the sister had failed in her own search? Simply because her brother, once adopted, and unknown to his original family, had been given a whole new name. He was 'lost' because they didn't know his name. The Bible tells us that God knows our name. He says, 'I have called you by name, you are mine.' That was initially a word of assurance to the nation of Israel as they thought God had forgotten them, lost them even, but it's a promise for us too. God knows your name. He loves you and calls you to be part of his family so he can say - just like the adopted boy's sister - you are mine. It's a wonderful thing to be reunited; it's a wonderful thing to be part of a family, and accepting God's invitation to accept his love, to know we are not 'lost' anymore, is the most wonderful of all. Father God, I thank you that you do know me; everything about me is known to you, even my name. In love you have searched for me and called me to become your child. You oer me a welcome into your family. How wonderful it is to know that I am found and that I belong. Now Lord, because you love me, I can love you too. I'm never alone, never lost, because you and I are together. Today, dear Father, I am happy to be your child. Amen. We hope you have a lovely day today. We're always here if you need anything. God bless you. đ&#x;™? PS If you'd like to look in to the Bible fellowship group this evening, send a message and we'll send you the link. All welcome đ&#x;˜Š

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23 July 2020


appy Thursday everyone. We hope you're all well.

For months I have looked from our house at an other house near me and wondered what on earth they had in their upstairs window. What was that tall object? Every time I noticed it I tried to identify it. And then I realised that if I looked later in the day the 'object' was never there; it was simply a reection of something else, and it disappeared as the sun moved. I was once told the story of a Salvation Army band that used to play in the high street every Sunday. They had noticed that whenever they gathered, someone was watching and seemingly listening in an upstairs window above a shop. Every week their audience of one listened to the music. One day a bandsman decided to try to speak to this person and asked in the shop, only to be told that the band had been faithfully playing their music to a shop dummy. Whether true or not, that story shows that sometimes what we think we see is not always as it is. In his famous poetic words of 1 Corinthians 13 Paul tells us that now we 'see through a glass darkly'. That might mean we see a shadowy image in a dark window; it might mean we see a dim reection in a mirror. Either way he means that we're not always able to see the full picture. He might be talking about circumstances - we don't know why things happen, we don't understand completely, we have unanswered questions. He says, 'We know in part.' He might be saying that when we think of God we might not understand his ways, or that sometimes we can't perceive his presence. He says however, that one day we will see him 'face to face,'. That very phrase gives hope. One day what we see dimly will be known and understood, but more wonderfully, the God we know and love but who cannot be seen, will be seen face to face. No more 'through a glass darkly', we will see Jesus and, in the words of Job, 'I will see him with my own my heart yearns within me.' In the meantime, on those 'dim reection' days, we can be assured that he really is there. As the old Gospel chorus says: Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll ďŹ nd Jesus, He's the only one who cares and understands. Standing somewhere in the shadows you will ďŹ nd Him, and you'll know Him by the nail prints in his hand. Whatever you do today may you know God's presence, peace, and provision. God bless you đ&#x;™?

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24 July 2020


ood morning everyone from Major Antony and Major Fiona.

Apart from that car that has literally just sped down the street as I started writing this, I have been sitting in complete silence for a while. It's lovely. Occasionally I hear a tweet from a bird, but that's it. I like the stillness. When it's a choice, the quietness is indeed a pleasure; but there are times when we long for other voices, familiar sounds, music and laughter. When silence is unwelcome, especially when we are lonely, that might be hard to bear. And so we put the radio on, we seek out a friend, make a phone call, even go to the shop just so we can see people and hear some other voices. Sometimes we like to be 'alone with our thoughts'. If you pray, you may recall the words of Jesus: 'But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.' (Matthew 6:6) Many Christians talk about having a 'quiet time'. Some might even speak about listening to God - usually a feeling rather than a voice - but what happens when it feels like nobody is there, nobody is listening let alone talking back? Do your prayers seem to 'bounce back o the ceiling'? The picture is helpful because it reminds us that God always hears us even in the 'silence' when we don't feel his presence. Keep praying, keep reading; be assured that God does hear. And if God is not 'speaking', well perhaps his silence is simply an opportunity for you to think. Or it may be that somehow there's something that prevents you from hearing his voice, something that needs to change. Something to confess, an attitude or wrongdoing. He longs to speak but sometimes the blockage is in us. In the silences today - and even in those busy moments - may you 'hear' his voice, 'feel' his presence, and know his companionship. O Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; Be Thou forever near me, My Master and my Friend; I shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my Guide.

Oh, let me hear Thee speaking, In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion, The murmurs of self-will; Oh, speak to reassure me, To chasten, or control; Oh, speak, and make me listen, Thou Guardian of my soul.

Oh, let me feel Thee near me; The world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle, The tempting sounds I hear; My foes are ever near me, Around me and within; But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer, And shield my soul from sin.

O Jesus, Thou hast promised To all who follow Thee That where Thou art in glory There shall Thy servant be; And Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; Oh, give me grace to follow, My Master and my Friend

Have a good day everyone, Mask up đ&#x;˜ˇ and stay safe đ&#x;™‚ God bless you đ&#x;™? Page 26

25 July 2020


i everyone, Antony and Fiona here. It's going to be a good day!

Is it Saturday? It's becoming a very familiar and frequently heard question: is it Saturday? What day is it? It's almost becoming a clichÊ now that we bring into most conversations a comment like, ' I spent half of Friday thinking it was Thursday...' What creatures of habit many of us were before all this started. If we work or had clubs or activities to go to, if we were church goers, choir members, volunteers or punctuated our weeks with set activities on set days, we hardly needed a calendar because we knew what day it was simply because of what we were doing at a given moment. 'I'm at Slimming World therefore it's Thursday'... Now we've had 4 months (!) of 'dierent' many of us have constructed a new weekly timetable and where some, thankfully are back in a work routine, others are still adapting; hence the brief confusion about days. Of course life doesn't depend on a calendar; life is for living and sharing. There's no day of the week marked out for happiness, no set day for peace; we don't wait until Friday to smile at a neighbour. Neither, of course, is there a set day for praise and expressing worship to God. I miss gathering in church - and not just because it's my vocation. I miss singing the songs, hearing an 'Amen' at the end of a prayer, sharing thoughts about the Bible with others. It's good to be together. But I know that I can worship, pray and read my Bible every day of the week because we don't need a particular 'holy day'. Every day is the Lord's Day when he's with you and you walk with him. The Psalmist joyfully wrote, 'This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!' I'm glad he didn't stipulate which day or even which place. Wherever you are on this Saturday - I pray that you will rejoice in the Lord always, for today is a day to be glad in him. Lord, my days can be so varied. Quiet days, hectic days, relaxing or noisy days. I have days where I have no time for myself and days where all is calm. Throughout this day, whether out and about or relaxing at home, help me to know your presence and to make this the day you have made. I will rejoice in you today, in the things I see, the sounds I hear. Today Lord, is your day and I will enjoy it with you. In Jesus' name. Amen. Join us tomorrow from 10am for Together

in Worship on the theme of Friendship with Jesus.

Have a lovely day today. God bless you đ&#x;™?

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27 July 2020


ood morning one and all from both of us :) It's been a good weekend. We hope you were able to join us in worship yesterday - of course the Video is always available, with all the previous weeks too, on Youtube. Last week our oldest son and his girlfriend took us both on a walk through a valley filled with trees, cliffs and a meandering stream. Suddenly there appeared an old stone arch, which we discovered was the Causey Arch, the world's oldest railway bridge. It didn't carry a steam railway, but a wagon way - horse drawn wagons running on rails, carrying coals to Newcastle. It was built in 1726 and in those early years 900 wagons a day were crossing the bridge. Astonishingly, its usefulness came to a swift end after a couple of decades and it stood gradually decaying for over 200 years until its restoration as an historical monument. When it was so busy, at the cutting edge of the mining industry, nobody would have questioned its usefulness or its importance but there it was, a relic within a few decades. How things change all of a sudden. Things that seemed so permanent and indispensable one minute, gone and forgotten the next. I suppose we could say the same today. Four and a half months ago we were living routine lives, everything working to a pattern. Even with the ups and downs of life we broadly knew where we were, what to do. Our institutions were reliable then even if we didn't make use of them until needed. We knew how to behave. But now everything has changed and many of the old certainties have been mothballed, shelved, cancelled or changed. Even walking down the street and going into a shop has a new etiquette. When it comes to practicing faith and worship, that's changed too. Some churches are open for private prayer and the celebration of the Eucharist; others whose worship is focused on music, singing and preaching have moved online for the foreseeable future. But I take heart in this: Our faith is in an unchanging Saviour! There will never, ever be a monument to the Christian faith as a relic of the past; there will never be a relic that will silently remind a future generation that once, in the past, Christians worshipped God. We serve a risen Saviour, a living Christ, a God who is active in our world through his people and by his Spirit. And the faith that is a gift to us is secure, unwavering, and sufficient for our lives and our future hope. As I gazed at the arch, indeed as I walked across it, I imagined the footsteps and the voices of the men who used to work there - all long gone, as has their industry. This morning I remember that the voice of Jesus is never silent, and his footsteps are constantly accompanying our own for he is the same yesterday, today and forever. I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King I know that He is living, whatever men may say The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer None other is so loving, so good and kind And just the time I need Him He's always near Refrain: In all the world around me I see His loving care He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today And though my heart grows weary I never will despair He walks with me and talks with me I know that He is leading, through all the stormy blast Along life's narrow way The day of His appearing will come at last He lives, He lives, salvation to impart You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian Lift up your voice and sing Have a great day everyone. God bless you as you walk with Jesus. Page 28

28 July 2020


ood morning everyone from Major Antony and Major Fiona. We hope and pray that you and your family are well.

We're now being reminded about our health. It's not a new thing of course, but the government is encouraging us to lose a little weight, to stay healthy. It's always a good idea and so I decided to do the 'couch to 5k' challenge. Well, why not. I have to remind myself I'm not young anymore and it's easy to be inactive. So yesterday, as some of you know, I made a start. A bit of walking, a bit of jogging, some more walking - briskly is the requirement - and more running. It's all alternate running and walking and it took about 26 minutes. Now, I could have just set o running down the street, run until I was fed up and tired, and then wanderered home. But there's a dierence: I had someone with me. As I walked and jogged I was accompanied by an American Olympic gold medalist sprinter: yes, Michael Johnson was right there all the way, telling me, 'You can do this!', 'Good job!' He said, 'Are you ready? Go!' or 'OK, now slow down and walk...' Alright, so he wasn't really there; it was his voice on the app on my phone; and he had no idea I would be listening when months ago he recorded his voice overs... But that didn't matter to me, there was a human voice spurring me on and you might think I'm odd, but I found myself saying out loud, 'Yes!' when he asked if I was ready đ&#x;˜ I also groaned at him when he said I had to start running again đ&#x;˜ƒ . He didn't run for me. He didn't actually do anything for me. But I allowed myself to feel encouraged, I used his words to help me focus, to keep going when I probably would have walked for longer and run a bit less. It was my willingness to listen that actually made my running easier. The parallel with life and faith is easy to draw. God's words are already written, they are written for all not just me, and the voice of Jesus, though personal because he knows me, can easily be turned o I guess; but what an encouragement we receive when we actually decide to listen and accept his inspiration, his direction, his guidance. It's all up to us. The dierence of course is that unlike just having a recorded voice, God speaks to us individually. He takes his word written for us all and applies it to me, to you in our own life and situation. Our part is to read, listen, pray, and open our mind and heart so that life's journey can be run (or walked) well. A Prayer. I thank you Lord for today and the promise that it brings. For love and life, for company or for quietness. Lord even if today proves to be diďŹƒcult I am determined to walk the journey with determination, listening for your encouraging voice. I am grateful that I am not alone and that you do walk the journey with me. Strengthen and inspire me, I pray, that at the end of the day I can be at peace, knowing that I have walked well with you. I pray your blessing on all I love and ask again for your grace, peace and joy in all I do. In Jesus' name. Amen. Enjoy your day everyone. God bless you đ&#x;™? Page 29

29 July 2020


ood morning to you all on this sunny morning! How do you like your music?

Is it mellow easy listening? What about something to dance or sway to? Perhaps you like a bit of opera, or songs from the shows? Are you into country music or heavy metal instead? I'm in the middle of a written conversation with someone who has complained about a group that have taken an old hymn and given it a slightly dierent rhythm. It's not faster, it has orchestral strings on it, beautiful harmonies but, horror of horrors, a drum beat that somehow has made it inappropriate for worship. I ďŹ nd that quite odd. Some old hymn tunes were written for secular songs - O Sacred Head Once Wounded, Love Divine All Loves Excelling, even Hark the Herald Angels Sing were written to be sung to tunes that were not religious at all. Some of you know that before copyright laws were in force The Salvation Army used tunes stolen from the music halls - usually the type of drinking songs with o-colour words! Other popular hymn writers wrote tunes that deliberately mimicked the waltzy drinking tunes you could swing a pint glass to as you sang! Shocking! đ&#x;?ş đ&#x;˜ I like music (not opera or jazz though) and in my time I've listened to all styles used in Christian music, from march time to waltzes, country to punk rock (yes really!) I have my preferences as we all do, but the Bible simply encourages us to use music of all kinds to praise the Lord. We can use trumpets, harps, lyres, strings, utes, and even cymbals if your neighbour will let you! It doesn't matter what style or tune. In fact you don't need instruments or even a tuneful singing voice. The Bible encourages us to 'Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord, giving thanks to God for everything'. So today, let's make it a day when songs of praise rise from hearts and lips and CD players. I wonder what kind of music Jesus would like......I reckon he'd like the Carpenters...đ&#x;˜† đ&#x;¤&#x; A Psalm of Praise: I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praise to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you-- I, whom you have redeemed. My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long (Psalm 71) God bless you today everyone đ&#x;™?

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30 July 2020


ello everyone :) We hope you and your family are well :)

One of the beneďŹ ts of having an unusual name like Mugford (originally a Devon name) is that whenever I come across anyone with that name I know they will be related somewhere back across the generations. There are some very interesting Mugfords in history. My great grandfather was an actor and musical hall comedian in the 1890s (No comments please!). His grandfather was the Captain of the Enterprise (a timbercarrying schooner, not the starship!) and perished o the coast of Hartlepool in a huge storm in 1861. Another Mugford whose link to my own tree I have not established yet was a Captain James Mugford who was an American revolutionary war hero, dying in 1776 in a battle against the English.

This is Lydia Brown, born Lydia But last night, by chance I found someone even more interesting: a Mugford, (d. 1997) a Salvationist in lady called Lydia Brown, nee Mugford, who was a Salvationist in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland Newfoundland who died in 1997 at the age of 101. Enrolled as a Salvation Army soldier in 1957 she was described as having a strong faith. I've found others too! I found a Samuel Mugford (died 1973) who was buried in the Army's own graveyard in Port de Grave (could it be anywhere else?).

And I absolutely LOVE the sign at the entrance: "Salvation Army Cemetery - The Dead in Christ Shall Rise First!" In the UK there are only about 500 Mugfords. I don't think there are that many more in Newfoundland, and so to ďŹ nd a 'relative' who is also a Salvationist is so exciting. What is also exciting is the certainty that there are at least two named Mugfords - Samuel and Lydia - whom I shall meet one day in Glory. The sign says it all. We are a resurrection people; our hope is not for this life only, but we expect a day when we will rise to new life with Christ. What a day of reunion that will be: to see Jesus and then share in eternity with loved ones who also looked forward to that day. When all my labours and trials are o'er,

When, by the gift of His inďŹ nite grace

And I am safe on that beautiful shore,

I am accorded in heaven a place,

Just to be near the dear Lord I adore

Just to be there and to look on His face

Will through the ages be glory for me.

Will through the ages be glory for me.


Friends will be there I have loved long ago;

O that will be glory for me,

Joy like a river around me will ow;

Glory for me, glory for me,

Yet just a smile from my Saviour, I know,

When by His grace I shall look on His face.

Will through the ages be glory for me.

That will be glory, be glory for me! Have a lovely day everyone. Enjoy the rain! God bless you, đ&#x;™? Page 31

31 July 2020


ood morning! It's going be a lovely day! In fact it's going to be a hot one - the hottest of the year so far!

I don't know what we Brits would talk about if the weather was the same every day; we talk about the weather so much, in fact if we meet someone briefly then only thing we might say is, 'Nice day again!' before we move on. What have we actually said to our fellow human being? Nothing. But we won't stop - it's compulsory to talk about the wind, the rain, and today the sunshine (though it's still windy!) It's interesting to see how the Bible uses the sun within its pages. It might be simply as a reference to a day: Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its setting The name of the Lord is to be praised. Or it might use the image of the sun to portray the glory of God whom the naked, natural eye cannot see: Habakkuk 3:4 His radiance is like the sunlight; he has rays flashing from His hand, and there is the hiding of His power. The light is often described as affecting each of us and so we're told that God comes into our life like the sun: Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Our Salvation Army songbook also uses the imagery of the sun: 'There is sunshine in my soul today...' 'God is our light, and God is our sunshine...' and ironically, because we mostly sing it in the dead of winter: 'Thou its light, its joy, its crown, Thou its sun which goes not down...' There is something about the presence of God, the love of God that has enabled poets and writers, preachers and composers to use the imagery of sunshine, of warmth, of the light of a summer's morning to try to describe the experience. There's always something 'bright' about Jesus who is, of course, 'the Light of the World'; and not just of the world of course. The light of God is poured out into every heart that looks for it: Jesus said that 'Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.' Or as someone else put it: I met Christ and felt like I swallowed sunshine! Lord Jesus Christ, light of the world, light of life, shine into my heart again today. May the warmth of your blessing surround me and may the brightness of your joy fill my soul. As the sun moves across the sky until the day ends in sunset, I want to be singing your praise; and when the light fades into evening shadows, may your peace settle upon me and may the darkness be restful and filled with the hope of another new day in your presence. Amen. Have a lovely day everyone - don't forget the sun cream :). God bless you all, đ&#x;™?

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riginally from Blackpool and Bristol, Majors Antony and Fiona Mugford, with 32 years experience as Salvation Army Officers, have served mainly as Corps Officers (church leaders), but also have experience of working in homeless services and in elderly care. Fiona is also a qualified staff nurse working in hospice care in Newcastle and Stockton, and last year Antony completed a Masters Degree in Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies. They have three adult sons and have been Corps Officers here in Guisborough since July 2014.

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