s n I e u Tr
e c n a ur
n o i t c u d o r t n I e c n a r u s n I o t 3 t r a P
What is Insurance Bond??
• In the previous presentations we learn about the various terms of insurance. • But now we learn about the more important term which is known as bond.
• Insurance bond is a type of agreement between you and insurance company. • You will get claim and help from the insurance company according to this insurance bond. • It is required that you have to sign a bond to take benefits from any insurance company in any country.
• In insurance bond there are some terms and conditions of the insurance company. • You should read these terms and conditions carefully. • If any condition confuse you take help of the insurance company or an authorized agent.
You will get claim from insurance company if the circumstances fulfill the terms and conditions of insurance company.
• One more thing you should know about the bond that you have to pay lump sum amount to the insurance company. • This amount is also depend on your policy which you are purchasing from insurance company.
• When you read the bond you can know exactly for what you are covered and the plan you are purchasing is beneficial or not for you.
• From next presentation we will discuss about the different insurance plans in details • Keep visiting us…
Thank You.. • To know more keep visiting us… –
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