25 June 2010
Support needed for community groups as McGregor Hall lost In the lead up to the demolition of McGregor Hall to make way for development, Greens spokesperson for Planning and Arts, Caroline Le Couteur, has called on the government to support Canberra’s musicians and community groups. “We have a serious lack of appropriate venues for live music and community groups in Canberra, particularly ones that are affordable to smaller groups and accessible by public transport,” said Ms Le Couteur “McGregor Hall is one of the few affordable, centrally located, and noise-appropriate community spaces in Canberra, and the Chief Minister admitted today that the venue will be lost, with no plan for any replacement.” “While there are places in Canberra for large, professional groups, we are seeing a pattern of smaller community groups being pushed out. Canberra’s Symphony Orchestra, for example, now has no affordable venue in Canberra so is having to head out to Queanbeyan.” “McGregor Hall is home to community groups such as Jump Town Swing Dancers and the Canberra Musicians’ Club.” In Question Time today the Greens pressed the Chief Minister over the squeeze on low cost community spaces in the city precinct. “Mr Stanhope announced that the Government would not replace McGregor Hall. He also did not have an answer for what the Government was doing to solve the problems facing displaced community/music groups.“ “The ACT Government needs to commit to supporting these groups as they lose yet another venue. The Government also owes it to future music and community groups in Canberra who may never have the opportunity to establish themselves if there are no affordable and accessible spaces for them.” “The Government now needs to assist these valuable groups to find new locations in appropriate locations. Given the dearth of adequate community venues, Canberra also needs the Government to create new venues, or to actively assist the community to set up new ones,” said Ms Le Couteur. Greens Press Government on Macgregor Hall in Question Time: http://www.hansard.act.gov.au/hansard/qtime/pq100624.pdf pg 9