34 minute read


An integrated approach for the study of the Casa la Peña schematic rock-art (Castrocontrigo, León) Una aproximación integrada para el estudio del arte rupestre esquemático de la Casa la Peña (Castrocontrigo, León)

Javier Fernández-Lozano1, Pablo Higueras2, José María Esbrí3, Rosa María Carrasco4, Javier Pedraza5 and Jesús Celis Sánchez6


The province of León represents a geographic boundary of great interest for the analysis of cultural and social relations between the Mediterranean and Atlantic populations during the Neolithic-Bronze Age, the most important expression of which is rock art. This study presents an integrated geoarchaeological approach based on the multi-element geochemical and geological analysis of a new group of motifs located in the heart of the Leonese Massif, in which the pictorial remains were identified using image processing techniques and characterized using atomic absorption spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy (portable and laboratory). Image processing allows us to define the areas of analysis, while the analytical techniques aimed to the identification of pigments, ruling out the presence of cinnabar and confirming the main element as Fe and the main compound as hematite (Fe2O3). Geological and structural mapping techniques allow us to determine the origin of the pigments, which most probably came from the Fe oxide present in the Armorican Quartzite. This study shows that the multi-technical approaches usually employed to characterize this type of archaeological material often fails to extract the full meaning of the data by not resorting to basic, cost-effective techniques that are less glamorous. A combined approach based on geochemical and geological analysis can provide significant information for an accurate reconstruction in ancient archaeological scenarios where time has hidden the turn of history.

Key Words: Schematic rock-art paintings, Geochemistry, Micro-raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, Mineral pigments.


La provincia de León representa un límite geográfico de gran interés para el análisis de las relaciones culturales y sociales entre las poblaciones mediterráneas y atlánticas durante el Neolítico-Edad del

1 Área de Prospección e Investigación Minera. Escuela Superior y Técnica de Ingenieros de Minas. Universidad de León. jferl@unileon.es 2 Departamento de Ingeniería Geológica y Minera, Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Almadén, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Instituto de Geología Aplicada (IGeA), Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. pablo.higueras@uclm.es 3 Departamento de Ingeniería Geológica y Minera, Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Almadén, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Instituto de Geología Aplicada (IGeA), Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. josemaria.esbri@uclm.es 4 Instituto de Geología Aplicada (IGeA), Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Departamento de Ingeniería Geológica y Minera. Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales y Bioquímica. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. rosa.carrasco@uclm.es 5 Departamento de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. javierp@ucm.es 6 Diputación de León. Instituto Leonés de Cultura. jesus.celis@dipuleon.es

Bronce, cuya expresión más importante es el arte rupestre. Este estudio presenta una aproximación geoarqueológica integrada basada en el análisis geoquímico y geológico multielemental de un nuevo conjunto de motivos localizados en el corazón del Macizo Leonés, en el que los restos pictóricos fueron identificados mediante técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes y caracterizados mediante espectrometría de absorción atómica, fluorescencia de rayos X y espectroscopia Raman (portátil y de laboratorio). El tratamiento de imágenes permite definir las zonas de análisis, mientras que las técnicas analíticas se dirigen a la identificación de los pigmentos, descartando la presencia de cinabrio y confirmando que el elemento principal es el Fe y el compuesto principal es la hematites (Fe2O3). Las técnicas de cartografía geológica y estructural permiten determinar el origen de los pigmentos, que muy probablemente proceden del óxido de Fe presente en la Cuarcita Armoricana. Este estudio demuestra que los enfoques multitécnicos que se suelen emplear para caracterizar este tipo de material arqueológico a menudo no consiguen extraer todo el significado de los datos al no recurrir a técnicas básicas y rentables menos glamurosas. Un enfoque combinado basado en el análisis geoquímico y geológico puede proporcionar información significativa para una reconstrucción precisa en escenarios arqueológicos antiguos donde el tiempo ha ocultado el giro de la historia.

Palabras clave: Pinturas rupestres esquemáticas, Geoquímica, Espectroscopia micro-raman, Fluorescencia de rayos X, Pigmentos minerales.


The characterization of the mineral compounds in cave paintings is one of the most controversial topics in the archaeological literature (Bécares 1992; López-Ibáñez 1980; Prinsloo et al. 2013; Sánchez-Gómez 1983). The recent introduction of new analytical techniques, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Raman/MicroRaman spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy have allowed researchers to determine the composition and paragenetic sequence of the studied minerals (Gomes et al. 2013; Pitarch et al. 2014; Resano et al. 2007; Rowe 2001). This has helped to identify the different mineral phases present in the pigments and patinas found in rock shelters, and ultimately their possible origin (Goodall et al. 2009; Hernanz et al. 2006; Iriarte et al. 2013, 2018; Izquierdo et al. 2009; Olivares et al. 2013a; Smith and Clark 2004; Vandenabeele et al. 2007). Thus, geochemical analysis has revealed as a powerful tool to improve the historical background of human activity from archaeological sites (Baldellou and Alloza 2012; Olivares et al. 2013b). However, most of the research studies do not consider the importance of a combined approach based on the above information and the geological-structural mapping, which may help to an accurate identification of the origin of pigments (Arias et al. 1994).

One of the major obstacles to determining the chemical composition of cave-art is the analysis of pigments on rocks that have become severely altered. This is usually accompanied by the development of different types of patina that cover part or all the painting, making it difficult to identify the pigments of the original paintings. We present a study of a cave complex, recently discovered in the Teleno Mountains by one of the authors (Figure 1), in which a multiapproach based on geochemical analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman and MicroRaman spectroscopy and elemental determination of atmospheric Hg using Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry is combined with the geologicalstructural surveying of rock outcrops. The article explores the geological source of the pigments, gaining insights into the characteristics of the mineral pigments used for the production of schematic rock-art paintings found in NW Iberia, where no analytical studies of this type have hitherto been performed till now. Our findings will contribute to a better understanding of Neolithic-Bronze Age rock art in the context of cultural assimilation between the Mediterranean (Meseta del Duero) and the Atlantic societies.

Rock art paintings

In this study we present a new group of schematic paintings located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, along the southern sector of the Leonese Massif (Teleno Mountains), in a place called Casa la Peña (Castrocontrigo, León). Two adjoining rock shelters containing a total of six panels have been identified (Figure 2). Shelters are strongly folded and faulted, and Fe oxides cover some sectors of the rock surface (Figure 2B and C).


This shelter is located over a rock spur, at an approximately altitude of 1.056m o.s.l. It comprises up to 5 panels (Figures 3 and 4).

Panel-I is represented by two small figures (4cm) strongly weathered by Fe oxides. They seem to correspond with anthropomorphs. Panel-II shows a group of 3 phi-like anthropomorphs and a pectiniform (4-5cm-long). They are strongly altered by the presence of bird droppings and smoke. Paintings were made with a fine brush using red colour.

Panel-III consist of a pectiniform. This zoomorphic figure was selectively painted in a white surface. It was painted in red colour using a fine brush. It is characterized by a horizontal line that connects to 6 orthogonal lines. Panel-IV is probably one of the worst preserved motifs. It consists of several (6) anthropomorphic figures. However, the presence of bird droppings, smoke and Fe oxides makes difficult its interpretation.

Panel-V comprises a group of 5cm-long zoomorphs. They are situated at different levels in the vertical. This rock sector is strongly affected by weathering, but the red hue is still visible by naked eye.


This rock shelter comprises a single motif represented by an anthrophomorphic figure (Figure 5). It is located 12m to the east from shelter-I, over an altitude of 1.057m o.s.l. The panel is segmented by the spacing of the Fe mineralized fractures (15cm). The motif is located over a series of minor fractures that are orthogonal with the main fractures and are Fe-mineralised, giving the rock an ochre tone. However, the strong reddish colour of the paint is imposed on them. According to our interpretation, this motif represents a human figure with a head with two cephalic appendages, perhaps horns. It is 10cm in size and could be a prominent anthropomorphic figure, looking in the direction of the other motifs painted on shelter-I. There are also several discontinuous lines on its left side, with one arm extended downwards, in a relaxed position, indicating that it could be carrying a possible crook.

Geological setting

The rock shelters are situated on the northeast border of the Duero Meseta, along the Central Iberian Zone of the Variscan Orogen. This sector forms part of the northern flank of the Truchas syncline, comprising a thick sequence of Cambro-Ordovician rocks. The stratigraphic sequence consists of two main formations: the Los Cabos Series and the Rubiana Layers. Two members of the Los Cabos Series crop out in the region (Figure 3). The lower member is made up of alternating layers of green shale and sandstone that culminate with quartzite. The upper member is eminently quartzite with a thickness of up to 200m and is characterized by thick banks of the Armorican Quartzite (Hernández-Sampelayo 1942). The whole formation is severely deformed, giving rise to straight large-wavelength kilometricscale folds. The study area is located in one of these large-scale folds and being affected by the intense

fracturation that is responsible for the formation of the rock art shelters. There is also evidence of adits and shafts opened in the rock to extract the hydrothermal Fe deposits (Fernández-Lozano et al. 2019a).

Figure 1: A) Distribution of the main post-Palaeolithic cave art motifs (engravings and paintings) in the north-west of Spain. B) Location of the two shelters found in the Eria valley (Galician Massif): recent discover of the Casa La Peña (red dots) and other known sites in the vicinity (Pozo de Rocebros and Llamaluenga, previously studied by Fernández-Lozano et al. 2017a, 2017b).

Figure 2: A) Location of the Casa la Peña area. B) Studied shelters showing the heavily fissured quartzite rock, and C) the presence of secondary oxide that cover the rock as a result of weathering.

Figure 3: Interpretation of panels from shelter-I.

Figure 4: Pictorial motifs of the panels studied and processed images from shelter-I. Original photograph (left) and treated image obtained using DStretch processing software (right).

Material and methods

Figure 5: Pictorial motif on shelter-II and interpretation.

Geological and structural mapping of discontinuities

Geological mapping of the study areas was based on previous works carried out by the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (Plan MAGNA, 1:50.000, IGME). The identification of the different rock formations was aided using aerial drone footage, which allowed us to map folding structures and possible new shelters associated with the limb of anticlines associated wih the Armorican Quartzite. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) images improved the observation of the fracture pattern. Joint measurements were performed using a structural compass (Brunton Axis Transit compass). The structural analysis was based on 173 joint planes that were statistically treated using a Schmidt stereographic projection. The statistical analysis was generated using the joint poles density graphs and main orientations were plotted using a rose diagram (Figure 7).

Image enhancement tools

The paintings were documented using a Canon EOS5 DMarkIII, 20-megapixel digital SLR camera and CMOS sensor (50mm). The photographs were processed to improve their visualization using image enhancement tools based on the DStretch correlation algorithm implemented by Harman (2008).

Mineralogical and Geochemical analysis

The pigments were characterised in situ by means of a portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (EDXRF) (Oxford X-MET3000TXS), a handheld microRaman spectrometer (BWTEK, IRAMAN plus), an inVia™ confocal Raman microscope, and a portable Lumex RA-915M mercury analyser. A basic geochemical multielemental characterization was achieved with the EDXRF spectrometer using fundamental parameter calibration to quantify elements of interest, with 180 second scan time analysis. The in-situ identification of mineral pigments used in the paintings was achieved with the BWTEK Raman handheld equipment, using a 785nm laser beam and a fiber optic probe in contact with the paint to acquire the RAMAN spectra. A basic darkness correction was applied before each measurement. The equipment features a combination of wide spectral coverage and high resolution, with configurations measuring from 65cm-1 up to 4200cm-1, enabling the user to measure stretching bands around 3100cm-1 .

The identification of Fe compound used as pigment was performed on a detached fragment found on the ground under the paintings and undoubtedly belonging to them. The inVia confocal microscope was configured with a laser beam of 532nm and 1% of power. The possible presence of cinnabar in the pigments was studied using a portable Atomic Absorption Spectrometer with Zeeman (ZAAS) effect, Lumex RA-915M, which can directly measure gaseous Hg concentrations per second (Higueras et al. 2014; Sholupov and Ganeyev 1995).

Figure 6: Geological map of the study area and surroundings (modified after Geode, 2018). The study sector is dominated by Lower Ordovician Los Cabos Series, which comprises a strongly folded quartzite layer (Armorican Quartzite).


Geological and structural fault analysis

The Casa la Peña shelters are located in the strongly folded Armorican Quartzite, along an isoclinal vertical fold. This fold was formed during a deformation event associated with the Variscan orogeny (360-295ma). Differences in competence between the quartzite and the interbedded slates allow the presence of rock ledges, which are controlled by the strong faulting. The structural analysis shows three different joint sets (Figure 7): an NW-SE trending set; an E-W striking family and the most important of them trending NE-SW. In general, this joint system allows the migration of mineralized fluids rich in quartz and Fe, together with other minerals such as Au leading to stockwork and saddle-reef deposits along the fold limbs. Fieldwork in the area has shown the presence of Fe-bearing veins. The presence of mineralized fluids is probably related to the hydrothermal activity across the Truchas syncline occurred during the last phases of Variscan metamorphism (Fernández-Lozano et al. 2019b). This mineralization mostly occurs in the Armorican Quartzite and led to a ubiquitous mining activity in the area. Fe ores have been profusely exploited in the area as suggested by the presence of shafts and trenches. Mining activity was, therefore, concentrated along mineralized veins associated with stockworks, although secondary transformation of Fe-rich minerals, such as sulfides or chlorites, may also occur, especially within the interbedded slates.

Figure 7: Structural analysis of fractures from shelter-I. A) Mapping of representative joint sets and rose diagram. B) Pole density map showing three different sets of joints. C) Orientation of three representative joint sets: Family 1 (NE-SW), Family 2 (NW-SE) and Family 3 (E-W).

Besides, strong fracturing of the rock shelters shows the presence of exposed surfaces in the quartzites and slates. Fernández-Lozano et al. (2016b) argued that secondary transformation in these rocks is a common phenomenon in the area. This transformation involved the chlorite minerals, which would be transformed in exposed areas into Fe oxidroxides (goethite). Similarly, the presence of pyrite crystals is observed in the quartzitic layers, which is also transformed into oxide due to atmospheric weathering.

Image processing

Image processing using the DStretch correlation method allowed us to visually distinguish between different mineral phases based on their reflectance in the visible light spectrum. Similar approach has been used by Rogerio et al. (2009) for the identification of different phases in rock art panels of La Coquinera II, Obón, Teruel). As shown in Figures 8B and 8F, areas with significant compositional variations can be observed. In the case of Fe oxide, different phases were distinguished on the basis of colour (red and garnet). Another white mineral phase was also revealed by image processing (compare Figures 8A and 8B).

A similar phenomenon was observed in another of the pictorial motifs studied (Figures 8E and 8F), where mineral phases (red and ochre) and another white phase were identified. The image processing technique also allowed us to separate the different phases to be analysed, a key preliminary step before performing the chemical characterization of the rock art. Image processing was also used to highlight the edges of the different mineral phases and facilitated the mapping of the pictorial motifs (Figures 8C, 8D, 8G and 8H). A comparison of the hind legs of the zoomorphic motif in the raw and processed image shows that they can only be clearly identified after the image has been processed (Figures 8C and 8D). This allowed us to map the motif in detail, taking into account the imperfections due to rock surface roughness and fissures. Changes due to oxide re-precipitation and imperfections make it difficult to determine the edges of the pectiform motif shown in Figures 8G and 8H. In addition, the figure seem to be painted with a fine brush, making it even more difficult to identify its component parts, since the edges are not clear due to imperfections in the surface on which the line was painted. The growth of patinas or concretions usually causes precipitation of mineral phases that hide or mask the pictorial

remains. Irregularities on the rock surfaces due to the presence of roughness and fissures or imperfections caused by weathering make it difficult to analyse and characterise the minerals.

Multielemental analysis

Determination of multielemental contents was performed directly on the unwashed pigments, on the rock (quartzite), and on patinas found near the pigments (red and grey). The elements detected (up to 1mg kg-1 and included in the calibration) were Fe, Ti, Ca, Zr, Sb, Sn, Zn, Sr, Pb, Mo, Mn and Cu. It is interesting to note the absence of Hg up to the detection limit of this technique (3mg kg-1), which makes the presence of cinnabar in the pigment highly improbable. This was confirmed by comparison with a reference sample from the Bilbilis archaeological excavation (Calatayud, Spain), in which a cinnabar pigment was applied on a limestone substrate. The most interesting data are those offered by the Fe contents, which showed a sufficiently significant variability between the figures, the context of the rock, and the patina found in the vicinity of the pigments. Table 1 shows Fe content and an enrichment factor (EF=Cfigure/Ccontext) calculated to clarify the comparison of Fe content in the motifs and in nearby areas.

The EF is greater than 1 in all motifs and panels (red in Table 1), showing that the compound used as a pigment must contain Fe. It is also noteworthy that the EF is usually lower in the motifs than in the nearby patinas, when present. As already mentioned in the motif’s description, the narrow line thickness suggests that some motifs have been delineated with a brush, so they show fine strokes. These two features represent a limitation for XRF analysis, since X-rays can pass through the paint, surpassing the ‘infinite thickness’, and analyse an unknown proportion of rock, and the delicacy of the stroke means that in some cases the entire pigment analysis surface cannot be covered. These two limitations have the same consequence, namely, the dilution of the pigment in the result of the analysis. Thus, the EF of the patinas is generally higher than that of the figures, except in the case of panels 2 and 6, which show similar low EFs.

Gaseous mercury data

The gaseous mercury content present in the shelter and on the surface of the pigments was the same than that registered as background of the area (3ng m-3), ruling out cinnabar as a component of the pigment. However, it is important to bear in mind that the emissions of these materials, if they contained cinnabar, would be low, and the dilution of the outdoor conditions would make it difficult to detect the mercury emissions. To solve this issue, Hg was measured during a long time (6 hours) to increase analytical representativeness.

Raman data

Once Fe had been identified as the main element of the pigments used for the paintings, ruling out Hg, the identification of the compounds which may contain this element were analysed to trace its origin.

The Raman spectra obtained with the portable equipment gave low definition for the patinas and even less for the motifs. This was certainly because the analyses were performed on the pigments without removal of the impurities deposited on the surface. As shown in Figure 9A, the spectrum of the pigment has far less definition than that of the patinas. Given the hematite spectrum as a comparison, the lighter peaks coincide, as expected, with those of the red patina spectra, but cannot be found in the black patina spectra, nor in the pigment. The figure only shows the spectra from panel-I as representative of all panels. Therefore, it was essential to perform a laboratory Raman microscopy analysis on a sample that may confirm the elementary compounds. Figure 9B shows this Raman spectrum clearly identified as hematite and not quartz, which is the underlying rock. Although the Raman spectra of the pigment do

not have a good definition, the coincidence of the peaks is clear enough to determined that the compound is hematite (Fe2O3). These pigments may have two possible sources: oxidation of iron due to weathering of sulfides (i.e., pyrite) existing in the Armorican Quartzite, which led to Fe oxide formation on the rock surface; or the presence of fissures and breccias filled with oxides from hydrothermal activity of unknown age.

Table 1: Geochemical analysis of studied panels.

Panel 1

Panel 2

Panel 3

Panel 4

Panel 5 Figure figure bis Context Fe (mg kg-1) EF (Cfigure/Ccontext) 8828




7258 1.00

Red patina Cutted figure Pectiform

70,981 22,127 73,946 Anthropomorphic figure 71,748 Context 7722 9.78





Red patina Figure Context Red patina Figure Context Bird droppings Figure Figure 2 Context 73,327 13,938 10,634 98,173 3425





3446 9.50










Panel 1B

Gray patina Figure 1 Figure 2 Panel 6 (shelter 2) Figure 1 Context Red patina 12,803 16,390 8191



6873 3.72







One of the most controversial aspects when studying pigments in rock art is to establish the provenance of the elements used for painting. The use of Fe-rich minerals to produce rock art such as oxides, oxydroxides and carbonates, or even sulfides like vermilion (cinnabar), are the corner stone of the archaeological literature (García and Pérez 2010; Martínez 2009).

The colour of the brush strokes in the paintings of the Casa la Peña suggests the presence of the Fe or Hg compounds as the origin of the pigments. Both materials are available at distances accessible to

Prehistoric settlers. Cinnabar outcrops in the northern part of León7 have probably been used as a pigment. Almagro-Gorbea and Martínez-Fernández (2007) described the frequent use of cinnabar at the end of the Bronze Age in the Iberian Peninsula. However, data obtained in this study about the presence of Hg in the air and on pigments rule out the use of cinnabar as a raw material for the pigments in the studied paintings. Instead, the paintings contain Fe as a major component and the compound identified by Raman spectroscopy has been hematite (Fe2O3), which is consistent with the presence of Fe in the Armorican Quartzite (Fernández-Lozano et al. 2016a).

Figure 8: Image analysis of two representative motifs observed in Figure 3. Arrows show different patinas identified from image enhancement. Left image corresponds to original picture and right to processed image using DStretch software.

7 Mostly in the Riaño, Lois and Miñera de Luna areas (Paniagua-Condado et al. 1987).

Figure 9: Raman spectra obtained from portable (A) and laboratory equipment (B).

Fe-rich pigments are usually obtained in the vicinity of the shelters based on the cost-saving economy. This suggests that the source of pigments must be related to the nearby environment. The presence of Fe in soils has been often argued as a rapid and cost-effective source for iron and carbonate pigments for rock art paintings (Huntley 2015; Newman and Loendorf 2005). However, geological conditions may control the presence of such pigments being more prolific in certain regions such as lateritic soils or limestone terrains. The Fe isovalues map shows that, unlike these soils are present in most of NW Iberia, in the Castrocontrigo area there is a low concentration of Fe in soils (Figure 10). Thus, the source of pigments cannot be located in the sediments of the surroundings. Another possible source of Fe could be represented by Fe ores associated to veins and stockworks. Although Fe may be extracted from mineralized veins the yield strength of these veins involved a major effort to extract the mineral. Thus, stockworks seems difficult to be benefited. Moreover, these Fe ores represent a source of pigments dispersed in the area, only restricted to certain strongly faulted zones of the quartzite (shear zones). Therefore, iron-rich veins seem to be local and may not be an easy-to-access source for pigments in this area.

After using sophisticated analytical techniques to identify the compound, basic geological mapping techniques were used to discover the presence of flushing processes in the slates and quartzites of these formations, which give rise to geothite (Fe3+O(OH)) from the secondary transformation of chlorites of metamorphic origin. Fe-based pigments can be obtained from the alteration product of slate rocks. Areas containing shafts for Fe-ore extraction have been observed to coincide with areas that have slate intercalations inside the Armorican Quartzite, or areas where it acquires a more pelitic character with narrow intercalations. Another possible origin of Fe for the production of pigments could be linked to the presence of this element in dikes and stockworks, as well as the cements in the tectonic breccias, all of which are linked to an important hydrothermal activity that accompanies silica-rich fluids that mobilize elements such as Fe or silica (i.e., quartz). However, the most probable origin for the pigments used in the Casa la Peña schematic rock-art motifs comes from the Fe oxide present in the Armorican Quartzite, originated during the weathering of sulfides, mainly pyrite (FeS2).

The schematic rock-art sites of Pozo de Rocebros-Llamaluenca and Casa la Peña show strong similarities in both, rock-type, technique, schematism and paint patinas (Fernández-Lozano et al. 2017a, 2017b). This suggests that both sets of paintings may have been performed by the same human group. As shown in the 15km field view map (Figure 11), there is a strong convergence in the field of view from both areas, which suggests that both rock-art areas are closely related each other and therefore may have been developed by the same human group. This type of geoarchaeological research based on non-

destructive techniques is often limited, and difficulties arise from the conditions in which the analyses are carried out, such as rock roughness, concealed surface of the panels to be analysed due to smoke, bird dropping or patinas among others, and reduced thickness of paintings surface (Alfed et al. 2019; Angelini et al. 2019; Barone et al. 2019). However, a combination of these two techniques with basic geological and mineralogical studies allows researchers to identify the pigments and, in certain cases, determine their most probable source. In primitive societies, humans maintained an intense relationship with their surroundings, especially the geological environment, which provide resources for their every-day life. In this context, the standard multi-technique approaches used in more recent excavations require detailed geological surveys and the combined use of visual enhancement techniques to solve the problem of analysing exactly what is intended, reducing errors caused by the presence of patinas, coatings, or dirt that have been deposited over time on the pigments. Some studies have used similar techniques (XRF and Raman, Eftekhari et al. 2018; Holakooei et al. 2020; Lebon et al. 2019) yet failed to determine the origin of the materials studied because did not consider basic analysis based on geological interpretation. Therefore, the combined implementation of archaeological, geological, and geochemical analysis improves the accurate interpretation of rock-art pigments and patinas contributing to gain insights into the sources of the materials used for elaboration of the paintings.

Figure 10: Fe2O3 isovalues (%) measured in soils across NW Iberia. Data interpolated from Locutura-Rupérez et al. (2012).


The discovery of new rock-art panels in the Teleno Mountains enriches our knowledge of postPaleolithic schematic painting in NW Iberia. The use of a combination of in-situ multistage techniques and geological-structural analysis has shown that these methods can improve the characterization of such findings. In particular, image enhancement techniques allowed us to improve the visualization of the paintings. Paints were chemically characterized using a portable XRF spectrometer, and their mineralogical composition was determined using both portable and laboratory Raman spectroscopy. Image processing improved the identification of pigments, patinas and traces of mineral coats that covered them. Multielemental determinations using portable XRF have shown that the pigments are based on Fe compounds, while the results of portable Raman spectroscopy were inconclusive due to the difficulty of acquiring quality data in situ from stained samples. However, laboratory Raman

spectroscopy identified the main compound of the pigment as hematite (Fe2O3). Finally, basic geological and structural mapping techniques allowed us to pinpoint the most likely source of the pigments, namely, the Fe oxide present in the Armorican Quartzite, as a result of weathering of sulfides, mostly pyrite (FeS2). It seems clear that Fe ores associated with hydrothermal fluids result in a more difficult source of mineral obtention. Thus, it is reasonable to think that iron ores in veins and veinlets were not extracted in the area for the elaboration of the Casa la Peña rock art paintings. This work shows the importance of collaboration between interdisciplinary teams for solving complex geoarchaeological problems using different techniques. In the light of the above, the contextualization of the data helps to locate the source of the pigments based on the geochemical characterization and the geological setting in which the Neolithic-Bronze Age settlers lived. Moreover, this new set of paintings sheds light into the existing relations between the different social groups that occupied NW Iberia, as well as the physical environment on which the settlements were established, focusing on the control of the territory and natural resources. The strategic location of the studied panels, placed on a rocky shelter with a dominant position over the surrounding territory, and the anthropic transformation of the shelters, suggest the sacralization of the environment. The findings contribute to improve the information available about schematic rock-art in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula and allow the determination of geographic impact and proximity relations with the cultures that occupied these valleys and others from the surrounding area of Galicia and the Duero Meseta. The new findings contribute to provide, in addition, a solid framework that allows analysis on which the influence of cultural transmission can be established in cross-border areas within the framework of the Iberian postPaleolithic schematism.

Figure 11: Location of rock-art paintings in the Teleno Mountains. In red the new findings of the Casa la Peña. The fields of view are indicated at a distance of 15km together with the area of convergence from the main shelters.


We would like to thank the Castilla y León Territorial culture Service/Heritage Section for granting permission and facilitating this study of the pictorial motifs. We would also like to thank the IRICA instrumentation service (UCLM) for their collaboration, particularly Carlos Rivera and María del Carmen Carrión. The field and laboratory work were funded by the GRIN-27011 and 2019-GRIN-27027 Research Groups and by the Vice-Rector´s Office for Research of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).


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