February 1982 Washington Dossier

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Carolina Herrera Ltd. for

Carolina Herrera's special envoy will show the complete Spring '82 collection on February 26th and 27th

ROMONA • 2828 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW • WASHINGTON D.C. 20007 • (202) 337-5670

February 1982/Vol. 7 No.9

For People Wth the Taste and the Tune.

Prealdent David Adler Publlaher Jonathan Adler Editor Sonia Adler Managing Editor Don Oldenburg Alalatant Editor Laura Elliott Alalatant to Editor Lee Kirstein Contributing Edltora Dorothy Marks Patty Cavin VIola Drath Robert McDaniel Maggie Wimsatt Mickey Palmer Anne Denton Blair Judy Lewis O.algn Director Tom Heffner

Continental lunch at

The Montpelier Restaurant

Haute cuisine in the European tradition of service. Luncheon Monday thru Friday. Dinner every evening. Enticing English Sunday Brunch, 11 AM 'til 3 PM

In the Madison Hotel 15th and M Sts. , N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 Reservations suggested (202) 862-1600 Free interior parking Marshall B. Coyne, Proprietor


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2/ Dossier/ February 1982






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FEATURES 16 Winter Getaways by Cash Lockhart Clay Where Washingtonians beat coldweather blues 18 J. Carter Brown: Sculpting Washington's Art Stature by Viola Drath Under acclaim and controversy, the National Gallery's young director fashions the new culture capital




22 The Status of Status Automobiles by Ted Orme A bumper-to-bumper account of the latest in automotive luxury 25 Oh, To Be In England ... by Warren and Sonia Adler A letter from Britain 35 Lasting Impressions by Robert McDaniel and Don Oldenburg Memorable touches of Washington restaurants

DEPARTMENTS 7 Annabell's File 8 Poet's Corner A collection of love verses 10 Design for Living by Mickey Palmer Watergate: A Washington nest for high-flyers 39 Along Party Lines Natural history, Nobel physicists and a new year 61 Fashion Calendar 62 Real Estate Transactions


William burg reproduction, hand-crafted by Kittinger. For your fine books or objet d'art. Adjustable shelve , interior lighting, full locks on cabinet and drawer. Copied from the original - Engli h ca. 1740 - Chippendale; in choice mahogany. HT: 79 !12'' W: 46 짜.;" D: 15 짜.;"

On display in our Gr at Fall Shop


Now In Progrc

76 Social Calendar by Maggie Wimsatt Curtain ' Going Up by Anne Blair The fact that J. Carter Brown, director of \he National Gallery of Ans since 1969, turned that institution into one of the mo t glittery galleries in this country has earned him a certain amount of critique as well as high praise. Among experts, this scion of one of America's oldest and wealthiest families is con idered to rank among the best educated mu eum directors in the nation, and is perhap the most notable one. In one of his rare interviews, Brown, who is by inclination a private man, talks about himself, hi plan and visions for the National Gallery and the capital' role in the development of the arts . (The photograph was taken by Peter arfield in the David Smith Arena of the National Gallery's a t Wing, which house an extensive collection of the American culptor's work and is one of Brown's favorite rooms .)

Antique Interior Design Fine Reproduction ~

JULE RI T INTERIOR Great Falls, Vir inia 759-5880 Lee bur , Vir inia Metro 471-7272 Do i r/February 19 215



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December. .. That John Warner-Liz Taylor split had a real estate fallout as well. Liz was buying two apartments at the Wesley in Arlington and had an architect designing them into one big, cozy nest. Now kaput. .. the Warners had been going downhill all year. .. Fairfax Hotel magnate John Coleman getting married ... Larry King of Texas Whorehouse fame who just bought a posh pad on Woodland Drive got good marks from the noseup Woodland Drive Neighborhood Group who had called a meeting to look him over. .. Father Hartke's 75th birthday celebration organized by CU Drama Head Bill Graham a moistyeyed emotional tribute. Plans already underway for the spunky Father's 80th ... Mel Krupin just shed 30 pounds on a pickle only diet. "I get them wholesale," he says .. . The Carl Shipleys back from Europe and South Africa .. .Greek tycoon Basil Tsakos and wife Laura back from Gstaad and Acapulco vacations to decorate new Watergate pad ... the Alex Orfilas selling their Jamaica house ... Most poignant irony of Ronald Reagan's second inaugural: He went in and out of the Hilton using the same doorways where he was shot in March ... Larry Hogan gearing up to make strong Senate bid in Maryland ... Mike Deaver dead serious about leaving at year's end . . . More talk surfacing about second term for Reagan with Lyn Nofziger already designated point man ... A number of Democrats quietly tooling up ... Guests at the Brzezinski's home in McLean regaled by Zbig's stories about Carter years, some highly satirical concerning the ex-Prez ... Frankie Hewitt bringing some good old fashioned American melodrama to the Ford's. Full houses expected ... Vincent Price, a tireless worker in the cause of American Indians, who played Oscar Wilde at Ford's, would like to be included in the First Indian celebration coming Peepling: this March ... Jeff Davis, handsome son Jeannine Cusson, gorgeous gatekeeper of Trudy and Jeff, studying law at St. ~f the ~ld Rive Gauche, married to Johns in Cambridge, now out of his cast, ostoman Herbert Fletcher in the result of a bad polo fall in Virginia.

International Stuff: Even in death, Anwar Sadat left his co.u~try a proud legacy. Nearly a m1llion pieces of armament were found in the hands of Moslem fanatics who had hoped to establish a Khomeini style government in Egypt. .. Most of the network has been broken, according to insiders . There's some other good news for that c?untry. Allegedly, a major oil discovery in the Red Sea is about to be announced ... Travelers from Europe report increasing antiAmerican feeling as Right and Left b~come increasingly polarized ... IraUlan exiles becoming more and more enamored of restoring the Shah's oldest boy as a symbol behind which a democratic Iran may emerge when I<homeini dies ... The Richard Allen ~ffair was only the tip of the iceberg lU .terms of ultra-right Japanese ?usmessmen trying to get their fangs Into American interests . A strange story on the Washington Page of the N. Y. Times: a mysterious foreign agent named Craig J. Spence, who ~ays respected U.S. reporters like arab McClendon, Ira Allen, Gregory ~ordon and Robert Mackay to write 'profiles" of administration figures and also"entertains" big Washington ~a~es, according to the very nT1meslike story. It seems to have created more doubts than it professed to er1mmate. · Apparently there's a lot more money being spread around than one realizes ... Gold bugs are bearish ~ow that it appears the Russians may ~ve to sell even more gold to bail out ~ e Poles, or at least the West h ermans, who are owed $30 billion, ope ... The Saudis are low-profiling ~~ese days now that they' ve discovered at the PLO, the second richest ~on~territorial government outside the atlcan, may not really want any settlement at all.

This is the thinnest water resistant watch in the world . Bar none. A sculptural blending of stainless steel and warm, rich 14K gold. The movement is CONCORD's new ultra thin impressively precise nine/quartz. Hand-crafted in Switzerland.

Diamond Brokers • Appraisers Monday-Friday 10 to 5:30

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Dossier/ February 198217


I WOULD BE I would be with you first in high places there - where love and all is tentative in that lean space where birch trees tense against thin winds, and scant grass prys among the ice ground glacial stones. I would be with you, too, where spruce spring separate, touching only at arms length in accidental motion, as one looks (the other looks away,) knuckle on cheek bone and back of hand to back of hand, not more.

And then go on to openness and shade of elm and oak, in confidence and fear, into the no longer free fields, tempting the thistle, taunting the thorn, knowing the good of the floating flower of flax, the joy of the wind random in a field of ripening rye, the hot fertility of com in June, sterility of stubble, the burden of the meadow where heavy hay lies bleeding in slashed rows, composed as men fallen in more human wars, with limbs left and identity for a day.

At this hour the light is brighter on the water than in the air, and all the greens are deepening into the same color. The orange flowers on the African Tulip tree and the clumped leaves of the almond trees darken, except those still in touch, those last lit, placed just where the last light hits. Then the Tulip Tree is only a silhouette against the blackening sky and soon it isn't there. Then the ocean disappears. -

Edward Gold

And then at end go down to the last aridity of sand, flat yet curving, under the flat yet curving face of the sea. Curve under curve, eternity, all made real by our seeing and saying together, Yes, Yes. - Eugene McCarthy

DAPHNE I cannot hear my voice. A web of fine gold covers my eyes. I have put on the full armor of the solar man. More than constant, my shield blazes with your sign. I enlarge, tumescent with light.

Daphne, possessed by the god, her long arms rising, Helpless with love, moved, moves, changes. Look through the leaves of her flesh: Her veins are translucent, pierced everywhere by the sun. Caressed, she opens, thrusts, sends up shoots; showering flowers on the ground Grows relentlessly skyward. As shadow in this brilliance Be rooted in earth . Grapple it; draw strength from it to reach the sun. Sway in its soundless music like the wind. Love through these words: all my words are yours. - 0. B. Hardison Former senator Eugene McCarthy has long been acknowledged as one of Washington's finest political poets.

8/ Dossier/ February 1982

As Director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, O.B. Hardison's longtime study of the British bard's sonnets makes him particularly adept at writing love poetry.

Edward Gold is an instructor of English at the University of Maryland and has had poems published in such quarterlies as Southern PoetrY Review and Poetry Now.


ONCE AGAIN, REMY MARTIN CREATES A COGNAC MADE FOR ROYALTY INTRODUCING CENTAURE ROYAL. In the Mid-Eighteenth Century, The House of Remy Martin created a cognac expressly and exclusively ,~~~~~~~1\ for the rulers of the AustroI Hungarian Empire, The Royal House of Hapsburg. Today, Remy Martin has once again created an exquisite cognac expressly for the discerning connoisseur. Centaure Royal, the ((RoyarJ Remy Martin. A singular blend of perfectly aged fine champagne cognac. 路 Then, as now, a cognac of remarkable body and bouquet created to grace a Royal Table or please the most sophisticated palates and ((nosesJJ in the world. Every bottle bearing the brass Centaure Medallion, the mark of Remy Martin, known since 1724 as the house in Cognac that has raised the art of making cognac to its highest level. A limited bottling will be available in America. Each bottle bearing its own ((ReserveJJ number. We believe you'll accord Centaure Royal the welcome it has always deserved. The Royal Welcome.


A Washington Nest for High-Flyers BY MICKEY PALMER Watergate. An architectural landmark of Washington's cityscape as familiar as the Capitol dome and the fountains of the White House. Its riverside mooring carries with it an exclusivity that's as ultimate a status symbol as the capital city offers. Ironically, while its jutting angular battlements represent rich living to Washingtonians who breeze by on Potomac Parkway, for others its name

(Upper Right) Apricot panels imitating the x of the Shakespearean alphabet are the backdrop for a bronze bust, circa /880, and 18th century Vietnamese choirs. The fabric of the throw pillows was designed for the Watergate and inspired by its shrubberies. From America's colonial period ore the drop-leaf walnut table and the server. (Right) Lining the walls of Frankie Welch's bedroom are panels covered in her own Elizabethan garden maze fabric. To continue the theme, she chose flowery fabric to cover her bed and throw pillows. Inspired by Indian art, she is now designing Indian jewelry, displayed on her headboard. She also is working on a Kennedy Center benefit for the Indian educational fund.

Nicolas and Jo.neline Sa/go often entertam lavishly in their Watergate home, using the culinary talents of Chef Klau of the Watergate Terrace Restaurant. They plan their partit• to take place during sunset to take adl•antage of thetr spectacular view of the Potomac. On the buffet table is a pair of large amique silver Hungarian candlesticAs - one of the many rarities the Sa/gos ha1•e gathered during worldwide travels. To create a bright and lively living room ("it has a nice summer house look"), Lillian Groueff has mad eclectic use of colors and textures. From the abundant wicker furniture accented with madras pillows to the trend-selling rag rug from New England to the patchwork quilt used as a tublec/oth and the refined pat· terns of her antique Chinese porcelain, Grouefj's apartment is evidence of the designer's ima inatil'e flair.

Will always commemorate a scandal tha~·~ an ugly scar on America's POlitical credibility. Its duplicity of image is echoed in a c.osmopolitan clientele, its own promot~on as a city within a city. With offices, a luxury hotel galleries designer b0 . ' ' . Ut1ques and restaurants, Watergate IS a fortress of convenience. .Often its residents leave this microcosm not for a .shopping trip in town, but for a flight to another city, another home, another life. Waterg~te's roster of power brokers social clrt ~·governmental hotshots and' international businessmen include from the · · · the Drew Lewises, Liddad nurustratlOn and Bob Dole, and the Charles . leks . Other Watergate homemakers ~elude long-time Democratic Senator I-1ussel~ I. Long, new Senator Paula thawkins, Judge John Lewis Smith, e John Sapienzas, the Carl Shipleys ~d the Bob Rosenthals to name a few. any of them own a string of homes ~cross the globe. A Watergate abode IS a luxuriant layover station a place ~ t ' . s op off and leave a mark before jetting off again. Such mobility not only results in jet 1 tg but in homes that can have a steriliy that only permanent occupancy ~auld allay. Making a part-time home d~mey, ~kes a cunning eye and careful coratmg. Three of Watergate's ~~~~~ble residents - Nicolas Salgo, al~ Ian Groueff and Frankie Welchth have dwellings and work which take em across the nation. With r~rseverance and their own design t~ ~nts they have managed to wrap ofelr Watergate homes '?'ith a feeling f ~~rmanence by filling them with arnihar furnishings and objects of personal meaning




Wa hief ?f. the well-traveled at S tergate IS Its progenitor, Nicolas M. 1 ti~Igo. Family heirlooms and collect es gathered on their worldwide r;ve[s attest to the cosmopolitan life ~ the chairman of the board of atergate Management Corporation

Its duplicity of image is echoed in a cosmopolitan clientele, its own promotion as a city within a city. and his wife, Josseline. As an international broker, Salgo orchestrated the design and development of Watergate, bringing together a local construction company and a European real estate investment firm and finding land for the project. He watched the complex grow in stature from ridicule (it was once called "spaghetti on the Potomac") to national awe. His own Watergate residence reflects the international flair of his pet project. The intricately woven and colorful patterns of Salgo's miniature rug collection which lines the walls testify to the connoisseur's eye of the archentrepreneur. The exotic carpets from Persia, Tibet, Arabia and China decorate the entire perimeter of the space, displaying great variation in size, shape, pattern and decorative stitching, and give a flowing layout to the apartment. The Salgos jest that this particular apartment, one of six homes maintained by the couple across the world, has the atmosphere of a souk - a Middle Eastern market bazaar. "She calls it a souk because we have all these rugs hanging," Salgo said with a laugh. "I call it the only place where I had the chance to hang all my saddle bags." The quality of the rugs creates more a feeling of a treasure-filled museum than of an over-crowded bazaar. The sense of exhibit is enhanced by the other collectibles that furnish the Salgo apartment. Most of the antiques - a

Swiss commode, a 17th century table topped by a copper saddle, an English chest and a German cabinet - are family heirlooms, held for hi on, a medical doctor in New York City. A rack of Chinese swords and a set of three huge silver candlesticks also adorn the dwelling and represent two other interests to which Salgo gives studious attention: collecting old Hungarian silver and shagreen, a medieval material made from the skin of a sea reptile and used to cover uch artifacts as medical instruments and sword sheaths. The retired financier and industrialist is quick to dispute the wealthy Washingtonian's transient stigma. "Washington has received a reputation of being very transitory," he said, "but it is not a proper image. A tremendous percentage of people remain after they have served their terms or finished what they originally came to do." Salgo, however, is beginning to gradually withdraw fromn the day to day concerns of the complex and already commutes for the weekends to New York City, where social activity is very different, said Josseline. "New York is very social, but in a completely different way than Washington," she explained, to which her husband added, "New York's social life is extremely departmentalized. They have over 2,000 groups." "In Washington, you see more or less the same people all the time because it is a much smaller town." The Salgos maintain several residences in Europe and around the United States. Until1980, Salgo owned a 600,000 acre cattle ranch in Oregon. Now, in addition to their Waterga~e and Manhattan dwellings, Salgo sa1d they have a residence in Florida ("for sunshine purposes"), an apartment in Switzerland ("for my mother"), an apartment in Paris ("for my daughter," Mrs. Salgo interceded), and a family home in southern France Dossier/February 1982/ 13


e the high spirited culotte suit geranium red, our 1aunty suit takes shape in a peplum jacket, then surges into fullness with a culotte skirt. By Jordache in rayon-polyester with a crisp linen weave, 4 to 12 , 140 .00 Lord & Taylor, Washington-Chevy Chase-362-9600; Falls Church-536-5000; White Flint-770-9000; Fair Oaks Mall-691-0100 . All open Monday to Friday 10 to 9 :30, Saturday /0 to 6 (except White Flint and Fair Oaks Mall until 9 :30), Sunday 12 to 5.

("a country chateau where he maintains vineyards"). Another Watergate couple who rides the shuttle circuit between Washington and New York is the Groueffs, Stephane and Lillian. Not long ago, ~rs. Groueff found herself suddenly ?lsplaced from a thriving five-year-old mterior design practice in New York when her husband, the former Paris Match bureau chief in that city, came ~o Washington to work as director of Information for the Embassy of Oman. She hasn't let that stop her, though. She commutes at least twice every two weeks between her Watergate apart~ent and her Southampton home, carmg for the decorative needs of her older clients there and her newer ones here. ''As soon as we arrived in Washington," she said, "people started asking me_ to do things here. Now I'm spread a httle wide because I'm working in Southampton (where she also has her showcase house on Pine Street), in New York City and in Washington. Fortunately, the things in Washington ar~ small. Otherwise, I just couldn't swmg it." The Watergate apartment is a retreat, and she has decorated it with familiar objects and furnishings garnered from her Long Island home and showcase house. . "I love coming here," she con~mued. "After getting off the plane ro~ the hectic pace of New York and gettmg into the cab as soon as I tell th e dnver . ' West please ' 'Watergate th • ' ' IS cloak of tension starts falling off me. Then I walk into the apartment and everything is bright, cheerful, hapPY. I can really relax." The Groueff apartment is a comfy, ~~z~ place: decorated with blue wicker airs, gmgerbread-trimmed lamp tables, traditional sofas and many, ~any ~hrows and pillows . But it is, as me Pomted out, a mite crowded. "In d Y own houses, which I would never t 0 for a client, I tend to fill them up t 00 much. I'm a collector, and I hate ko PUt anything in storage. So I just places for things . It is sort 0 ~~~:Ikefindi?g domg a jigsaw puzzle," the intenor decorator said. In the living/dining space of the apa:tment, for example, there are 14 c~alrs, not including couches and ben~ es. At least, there is plenty of seating or guests. GAs to putting them to party use, roueff said, "I like extemporaneous entert ammg, ¡ ¡ putting things together

Atop Frankie Welch's 18th century walnut drop leaf table are lmari China reproductions and purple and peach goblets sold in her boutiques. Reflected in the 1880 gilded mirror is the living room's pillow-filled sofa. Orchids and spring flowers complete the dinner party ambiance. Welch often plans her entertainment long distance by choosing one of pre-selected menus her Chinese housekeeper prepares.

and just having fun." Although she loves "very formal affairs," she said people move around so much today, they have to be so much more flexible . The Groueffs do their share of moving around. They have a home in Switzerland ("very ruggedly decorated with lots of furs") and one in Mexico ("The only place that looks sparse" because you have to be a Mexican resident to bring furniture into the country and she is not there enough to "keep after people to get things made"). Her New York apartment is the most formal of all. Frankie Welch, who divides her time in Washington between her 18th century Alexandria townhouse and her Watergate apartment, also moved recently. Hers was a much shorter trip, however. She merely changed apartments in the same building. Now the Charles Wicks rent her old home. And as she transferred, she did something that might, at first, appear unusual: she took the walls with her. But for the creative textile and graphic designer, such a transaction was not so extraordinary; especially since they were not the permanent walls, but her own invention : portable floor-toceiling panels, padded and covered

with her uniquely designed fabric . Traveling with her to a new living room was a wall ection disp laying an Elizabethan design she created for an exhibition at the Folger Shakespeare Library in 1978. Another Elizabethan design resulted in rows of umptuou pillows along her twin couches. In facte, Welch de ign dot the whole land cape of well-chosen and cherished antiques mixed with finely crafted modern furniture and accessories. The meticulous detail of the fabric patterns complement the careful arrangement of the interior layout. "What I have to work hard at," said Welch, "is keeping the room from looking too feminine. I want to achieve a balance so that men also feel comfortable. I think I've been able to do that with the antiques and all the purples." Her colors, like her designs, are distinctively artistic, reflecting her extensive background in graphic design as a student and a teacher before she opened her first dress shop in Alexandria and went on to be America's foremost industrial textile designer. True Christmas red and green enliven a graphic tree that has appeared on scarves, shopping bags and cocktail napkins of Washington for a decade. The bicentennial celebration design evoked an authentic patriotism with its red, white and blue. The colors that decorate her own apartment - apricot, pale turquoise, purples, grays and mauve - replicate the changing colors of the sky and its reflections in the Potomac that flows past her window. "Many of the colors in these fabrics are the same as the colors of the evening sky when I come home from Alexandria. I've spent many hours trying to match the cloud magenta and the deep apricot of the sunset,'' said the artist. "They make me feel close to the outdoors." Although several of her textile designs for museums and major corporations can be seen in her home, the total of her works numbers over 2,000. The whole collection is now in Athens, Georgia, where a museum exhibition of her work will open in May. She plans to follow them there as a university lecturer at the University of Georgia and will also teach at Clemson in South Carolina. "I'll probably have a part-time home in one of those places," she said. This will be in addition to her two Washington homes and her Wintergreen condominium in Charlottesville, Virginia. D Dossier/February 1982/ 15

It began at Christmas and will peak this month. It may be the only known antidote to this most unbearable season's dripping gray skies, freezing temperatures and brownish slush that fills the streets. It is a probable cure for postholiday blues that somehow linger into February. And there's nothing better for relieving the pressure of overwork or lifting depressed spirits after a love affair gone stale. Veteran Washingtonians know that the best thing to do during Washington winters is leave. Get out. Take a vacation. As sure as Spring is around the corner, Washingtonians annually descend through this month and next by the 747-full onto the beaches, bars and golf courses of the Caribbean. They flock to mountain resorts for skiing, both the spartan and sybaritic type, in the West, New England and Europe. To tone and tan those paling, pillowy bodies, they check into luxury spas in California and Florida. Some of us, though by far fewer, seek out not only sun and snow, but the exotic. A felucca journey down the Nile, a stroll on the Great Wall of China or a tour of the Buddhist ruins of Sri Lanka are the exception to usual winter travel. While destinations vary, what motivates us all at the deepest level to travel, according to a recent unpublished study at George Washington University, is the same: sentience, the seek-

in the sun. Nature is the Caribbean's asset.'' Even with the Joss of direct air service from Dulles International Airport, the Caribbean is still only a few hours away. And you needn't worry about the everswelling number of tourists, because it is still possible, even now, to get the best in accommodations. "Every agent in this city will tell you to book months, even a year, in advance," said Bressler. "That's a good idea. But there are always cancellations and you always can find a place, even in a good hotel." And where are the good hotels, those quiet, often private, always established resorts forever on the tips of travel agents' tongues? According to 15 veteran, Washington-area travel agencies, the finest places to stay and those most frequented by Washington residents visiting the islands include the following: • Many prominent Washingtonians, including former vice president Walter Mondale, gravitate to Caneel Bay, the Rockefeller resort on the eastern shores of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The 170-acre estate is a formal enclave with its scattered tennis courts and 156 discrete guest accommodations, virtually surrounded by a wildlife sanctuary, seven white sand beaches and a national park that covers half of this smallest of the Virgin Islands . • Caneel Bay's little sister resort is the beachfront isolation of Little Dix



16/ Dossier/ February 1982

BY CASH LOCKHART CLAY ing of sensuous impressions. It is that intrinsically human need to stare vacantly into the shifting, fire-blue depths of the sea, to feel snow in our hair or sea-salt between our toes, to smell in the darkness of night the fresh fragrance of jasmine or honeysuckle. And when else but during the heart of winter - nature's own sensory deprivation season - do we most yearn for the sensual? Despite hurricanes and volcanic eruptions (there's such a thing as too much sentience), rakish poverty, political instability and, in places, an oversaturation of tourists, the Caribbean islands with those broad sugarsand beaches and turquoise seascapes remain the preferred winter destination of traveling Washingtonians. Why? ''Luxury service and fine food of the sort you find here in Washington are not what you find in the Caribbean," said Charles Bressler, president of Foreign Travel Inc. in Chevy Chase. ''People go there for one reason, and that's to rest for a week

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BY VIOLA DRATH "Competition is the spice of life," comments J. Carter Brown, the lanky clirector of the National Gallery of Art, with a boyish grin. The imaginative professional, born in 1934 in one of the splendid 18th century mansions of Providence, Rhode Island, with all the privileges old money can supply, is not in the habit of coming in second. With his prestigious international superexhibitions, quickly dubbed "detente" shows among critical experts, the National's clirector - in office since 1969

18/ Dossier/ February 1982

- has illuminated the art scene of the 70s, gained the respect of his learned peers and a reputation as one of the most aggressive, able and ambitious museum directors in the United States. By putting Washington squarely on the map as a culture capital, Brown was the first to challenge the supremacy of New York's revered Metropolitan Museum of Art. That the newcomer among museums - the National was inaugurated only in 1941 dared to compete with an established institution, its senior by some 70 years, shocked and dismayed cosmopolitan New Yorkers. When it became apparent, however, that Brown and his visions of excellence amounted to more than an attention-getting flash in the pan, they came around, traveled to Washington to pay homage and added a dash of New York chic to the glamorous black tie openings at the National where notables from various administrations and other power brokers became main attractions. Brown, graduated from Harvard summa cum laude and elected to Phi Beta Kappa, is as articulate as he is charming. Suggestions of a competitive relationship between the National and the Met are dismissed by him with a disarming smile. ''There is an essential historic distinction between us and the Met," he asserts. "The Met is a visual encyclopedia of cultures. We are a galleria, a pinakothek. Our collection

The National Gallery director inspects the East Wing with (L toR) Dodge Thompson, museum curator, Angela LoRe, his executive assistant and Caroline Engle, deputy information officer. (Below left) J. Carter Brown with his wife, Pamela, at the National Gallery's 40th birthday celebration last year.

is limited to Western European paintings, sculptures and graphics starting with the Middle Ages, and American art. We are national. Though our collection was provided by private donations, the gallery is supported by the American taxpayer. Except for a few top salaries, federal money pays for the entire operation," currently budgeted at $30 million. "We want to be both elitist and populist," he continues. "We try to appeal to the public - whether from Texas or from Rome - on different levels." This has been accomplished by exhibitions such as the "Eye of Jefferson" or an in- depth study of Bernard



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Berenson's esoteric world; with a survey of America's luminist movement or an encounter with the "PreColumbian Art of Costa Rica." As Brown maintains, all of them are important. But all of them address differing interests and needs. For all his somewhat mannered nonchalance and easy camaraderie, J. Carter Brown is hardly the type to invite intimacy. While his gangly, Youthful appearance and clean-cut good looks at age 47 remind the older generation of the British movie idol Leslie Howard and the younger one of Van Cliburn (for whom he has been mistaken in Russia), they hardly con-

ceal the determination of a very private individual to remain that way. There is a remoteness about the highly motivated and highly intelligent Brown that intimidates. He never tires of stressing the importance of the relationship between the arts and scholarship, scholarship and the arts. His face lights up whenever the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, his pet project, is mentioned. It promises to be a gallery of art that also serves as an international center of learning, where scholars engage in re&earch and learned discussions with outstanding authorities in the related fields of architecture,

design, anthropology, psychology and education and then return to their homes with an extended vision of their own pursuits. A goal yet unmatched by any university in this country, the realization of such an idea is made possible by the unique combination of the resources of a great art collection that includes the only Grunewald west of Kolmar, the only Leonardo in the United States (Ginevra de' Bencl), the superior collections (Mellon, Kress, Widener) of the art of the Italian Renaissance, French Impressionists (Chester Dale), Lessing J. Rosenwald's splendid graphics collections of some 35,000 items embracing the whole hisDossierI February 1982 I 19

tory of Western printmaking, an extensive art library and a huge visual data bank with an unmatched photographic art archive - nearly 900,000 photos and 723,000 images on eight sets of fiche. A Pergamum on the Potomac? A cultural center like the ancient city? "It's under way!" Unlike some serious-minded intellectuals, Brown has not lost his youthful enthusiasm. For him culture means "enhancement of life,'' something that transcends ''the basic animal need for shelter.'' "Our journey here is short enough," he philosophizes. "Only art, only culture, can give one a sense of roots, a sense of the continuum of time and an insight into creativity." He never forgets to mention that qu;ility, not to be confused with rarity, is the objective. In defining the task of the art museum as preservation, acquisition and education, he outlines the qualifications of a museum director in terms of versatility. Along with a feeling and knowledge about art, Brown cites administrative abilities, handling complex financial planning and a talent to work well with people as imperative. Next to being an impresario, an interest in educational aspects and an urge to widen horizons is required. Furthermore, he says, the readiness to continually challenge existing theories and values and an understanding of scholarship must be equal to the director's diplomatic skills for raising funds. To be sure, the job description sounds like a playback of Brown's own qualifications. The scion of one of the oldest and wealthiest American families that made its fortune in shipbuilding, molasses trade, real estate and finance grew up in a family where music and art were regarded as integral parts of daily life. His parents collected art with an emphasis on drawings, books and prints. Both were musical. While his father played the cello, his mother, a music critic and historian of military uniforms, played the violin. Brown learned to play the piano and the clarinet and fondly remembers chamber music concerts at home. While at Harvard, where he received an A.B. and a Master of Business Ad20/ Dossier!February 1982

ministration degree, he served as president of the glee club. Touring Europe, that choral group surprised the continentals with renditions of Bach. His postgraduate studies of art at the University of Munich, in Florence at the Villa I Tatti with Bernard Berenson, whom he remembers as a raconteur par excellence, at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris and at the Netherland's Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorisches Documentatie, were capped by a master's degree from New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. His thesis focused on Jan Van Goyen and the discovery of nature in the development of 17th century Dutch landscape painting. He is fluent in French and commands a number of other languages, including German. When he joined the National Gallery in 1961 as assistant to its director, John Walker, he had received training in art history and administration that few contenders could match. It probably mattered little that his parents were friends of Walker and that Brown had known him since childhood . Brown's apprenticeship at the National was a thorough one. He proved to be a quick study. Eight years later he was at the helm. Since 1980 marked the termination of the A. W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust - the foundation through which Mellon gave the gallery and his considerable collection of 132 old masters to the country, presumably the largest single gift the government has received - alternative financial means must be found. Surprisingly, the famed gallery is not particularly well endowed when it comes to the acquisition of art. "Private sources have provided all the gallery's works of art," Brown explains. But in contrast to other national galleries of art around the world which spend about $7 million on acquisitions annually, no such amount is at the National Gallery's disposal. For that reason, the trustees decided on a special endowment for the purchase of art. Claiming to have no preconceived notions about acquisitions, Brown hopes to raise at least $50 million. "One can never fill all the gaps," he states. "Sometimes it is just as well to

collect from strength . In a market of dwindling masterpieces and growing prices, our overriding criterion is quality." As far as President Reagan's cuts in government funding for the arts are concerned, Brown appears to be less nervous than other museum directors who also seem to detect a drop in corporate interest. Although less confident about the generosity of the private sector than the president, Brown adopts a wait and see attitude . Delighted with Congress' "fair" funding of the endowments, he nevertheless anticipates a belt tightening and more pressures for the corporate dollar from organizations in the social sector. ''Nobody knows the effect of the new tax legislation in the Economic Recovery Act of 1981," he says with regard to the lowered tax bite, the reduction of the maximum income tax rate from 70 to 50 percent and of the capital gains tax from about 28 to 20 percent. It is no secret that Brown, an imposing social figure, makes use of his firstrate social connections in eliciting corporate and government support or favors from prominent collector-donors for his spectaculars. One of his great assets, no doubt, is his stunning wife Pamela Braga Drexel, a sylphlike brunette and expert horsewoman from a rich New Jersey family with impeccable social credentials. After a brief marriage to Cons tance Barber Mellon, a distant relative of Paul Mellon, Brown wed his "dream wife" at Westminster Abbey in the presence of Europe's haute volee. With their son John Carter Brown IV, born in 1977, the couple spends most of its charmed life in a house in Georgetown and a 75-acre farm near Middleburg. The beautiful and versatile Pamela bas studied at the University of Madrid, brushed up on art history and Cordon Bleu cooking in London, often designs and sews her own elegant dresses and is adept at painting antique furniture. Like her husband, she lends a perfectionist touch to the highly successful opening parties. Far from being content with being a decoration as the director's wife, she actively participates in the


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journey here is short enough, he philosophizes. "Only Art, only culture, can give one a sense of roots, a sense of the continuum of time and an insight into creativity. II


Planning, seating and organization, often creating table decorations like ~he virtual still-life arrangements of ~~i~, flowers and vegetables for the b ntlsh Post-Impressionism show that ecame conversation pieces among the Purposefully chosen guests. . Brown's argument that the Nation's cap1t 路al IS路 the place ' where Impor. t~nt exhibitions get proper international attention and become the focus ofth e nation 路 and its government has seld ' or tJ om b~en lost on foreign leaders .S. presidents, secretaries of state and ~e~bers of Congress. All of them are has!ly persuaded that Washington, the tarsh, pragmatic capital of power, can ~ and some gilding by the ennobling Image of cultural prowess. ~uch to the chagrin of the MetroP~htan, Brown managed to run away With the most promising shows of any museum during the 70s: East Ger~~ny's "Splendor of Dresden," egedly negotiated by the Met long

before Brown got into the act; the "Treasures of Tutankhamun" for which the Met is listed as organizer; as well as the "Archeological Finds of the People's Republic of China" which, according to its former chief Tom Hoving, was originally conceived at the Met. The fact that David K. E . Bruce, a friend of the National and cousin of Brown's mother, was heading the U.S. Liaison Office in Peking at the time and then secretary of state Henry Kissinger served on the board of trustees, certainly did not hurt Brown's chances of diverting the course of that historic exhibition. What used to annoy the New York art crowd in particular was the National's arrogant "me first" policy, even in cases when other museums had initiated the idea. Meanwhile, most of the critical voices have been silenced by the expertise of Brown's meticulously researched and dazzlingly displayed productions and his innovative blend-

ing of showmanship with sub tantive scholarship. Actually, Brown welcome collaboration with other, often les prominent museums basking in the National's reflected glory. The forthcoming international blockbuster "EI Greco of Toledo" - with nearly 70 oils, 40 of them from Spanish collections and museums around the world - is such a show. It was initiated and organized by Roger Mandie, director of Ohio' Museum of Art. What intrigued Brown, who proudly points to the National's possession of eight paintings by the migrant Greek-born master including the famed Laocoon and the dramatic St. Martin and the Beggar (1597 and 1599) - was the novel humanistic interpretation . This approach not only communicates the immense appeal of Toledo as Spain's cultural center of its day, but yields a more realistic explanation of El Greco's style, long acknowledged as precursor of modern art, and his civic concerns. With each painting valued from one to several million dollars, insurance for the first $50 million of the paintings, to be viewed in Madrid's Prado in April and at the National from July to September, is carried under the Federal Art and Artifacts Indemnity Act. Asked about the breakdown of the "me first" policy, Brown allows that it only applies to the States. Another cooperative venture is the current "Pre-Columbian Art of Costa Rica" exhibition. It was conceived by the Detroit Art Institute and is the first show outside Central America devoted to pre-Columbian objects of gold, jade, ceramics and stone dating from 500 B.C. to the middle of the 16th century. The magnificent Rodin retrospective which has been extended into May, on the other hand, was an inhouse effort. It is, of course, no accident that Brown's exhibitions have made their impact and become a trademark for excellence and professionalism. Brown concedes to being a perfectionist and to keeping an eye on the smallest detail in his effort to engage the public in an ongoing dialogue. Despite his resoluplease turn to page 32 Dossier/February 1982121


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~ ::0 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22/ Dossier/ February 1982


oth;ng about Washington society is static, least of all its status symbols. The "right stuff" ~hanges like shifting sand, and keepmg up with trends in these capricious times has become an outright challenge. This is particualrly true of perhaps our most blatant symbol of taste and achievement, the automobile. As was reported in these pages two years ago and is still true today, America is in the throes of an automotive revolution. In a mad rush for better fuel economy, we already have seen car sizes shrink faster than the dollar while price tags soar like a thermometer at high noon. And we've Watched in horror as hordes of new cars rolled off assembly lines in shapes and styles about as chic as Russian fashion. Yet luxury car connoisseurs remained filled with hopeful expectations for the future of fine automobiles despite every rational reason for fear and ~repidation. After all, we were still reelIng from the shock of long gas lines. The president then, a modest, rather austere sort, was actively scorning Washington's most cherished vehicle -:- the long, sleek but gas-guzzling limousine. And holding the auto industry's feet to the fire was a hardhearted Congress with legions of vindictive regulators sworn to make sure cars of the future were more "socially responsible." The prospect left automotive epicures sucking air. But that was two years ago, and ~nless you have been living in Antarctica, you are aware that things have changed. The gas lines never came back. Neither did that president nor a l~t of those lawmakers. But the limos did. And with them came a new administration with a different phil?sophy of life and life's pleasures Including cars. Of course, this new ~roup cannot down shift the revolution. The commitment to smaller and more fuel efficient cars is irrevocable but it has already set a new style stan~ dard and, more importantly, lifted any

taint of guilt from lovers of luxo-cars. So, while it's true you can now buy a 22 mpg Cadillac about the same size as a 1950 Henry J, you can also pilot your 15 mpg designer series Lincoln around town without apology. The nice thing is there are still status cars for everyone from gentry to parvenu. the traditional nameplates remain at the head of this list, but some newcomers have crept into the limelight offering wondrous luxury,

outrageous performance and style and even some flippancy. But becau e klieg-lit auto introduction have gone the way of fins and heavy chrome, people are generally les aware of the new offerings. So let' shine our own light in automotive luxury and fine driving. In a decade filled with change, it is reassuring to know no one has nudged Rolls-Royce from the top spot. Yes, 20 coats of hand-rubbed lacquer, glove



Italian Ambassador Rinaldo Petrignani (left) Poses with another notable Italian this year's lUXurious, family-size import, the M:ZSerati Quat~oporte, at his embassy residence overlooking bock Creek Park. (Right) The newest design and oldest concept in the status car market: the sleek. ' stam 路 less-steel- skmned . DeLorean, producm Ireland by automotive maverick, John eLorean.


Dossier I February 1982/23

soft Connelly Circassian walnut, those designed in Egypt 4,000 years Wilton tufted pile carpet, 24 weeks of ago to guard the tomb of the hand-building and a price range from pharaohs, company officials claim the $109,000 to $160,500 still spell status. odds against a car thief successfully Perhaps more so with this automobile forging a Rolls key are 24,000-to-one. than any other, it is standardly believ- And the sales pitch that a Rolls is so ed that you get what you pay for. Last quiet at 60 mpnthat the only sound is year, 42 percent more Americans paid the ticking of the electric clock is no for the detailed comfort and luxury of longer valid. Now practically everything in the car, from digital clock to Rolls-Royces than in 1980. The newest members of the Rolls speedometer and fuel cap cover family are the Silver Spirit and slight- release, is electronic. The highline ly larger Silver Spur, a pair that spit Camargue coupe and Corniche converin the eye of conventional wisdom, ar- tible round out the Rolls line. riving with the same size, weight and Speaking of decadent gas mileage, thirst (1 0 mpg) as the Silver Shadow II the grand prize goes to the exquisite that they replace. The product of eight Maserati Quattroporte which, at 9 years of engineering development, the mpg, is dead last on EPA's fuel two newest Rolls-Royces are the com- economy list - a dubious honor that pany's answer to the automotive revo- carries with it a $650 federal gas lution, at least in looks if not in per- guzzler tax. But the guzzler tax pales formance. Both are slightly lower and beside the sales tax on this $56,000 wider than their predecessors, and are beauty and is not likely to discourage touted to be aerodynamically more ef- the discriminating few choosing pure ficient without sacrificing traditional Italian sensuality in a large, high performance, high luxury sedan. And for sophisticated elegance. The company's confidence in its less than the price of a single Rolls, you automobile's lasting value continues: can add the exotic $40,000 Merek to this year's models sport electronic your twin port garage for a set of odometers that read up to one million matched Maseratis. Make no mistake, however. The miles. With features such as an automatic transmission lock and pin two-plus-two seat Merek is not the car tumbler door locks patterned after in which to take Aunt Em for a spin, ---------------------------.

ade to pamper and please, the luxury, comfort and family-sized roominess of the Cadillac - all nine models from the compact Cimarron to the Coupe de Ville (below) to the full-sized Fleetwood - are the features that have always made it the American car of class.

unless she is really looking to kick out the jams. The car's racing heritage is abundantly evident in sound, smell and feel. It's performance potential begs to be tested. And it's rakish, shark-like lines are guaranteed to turn heads like going naked in public. No discussion of mega-buck, high profile sports cars is complete without mention of the leader of this class Ferrari. This marque has always been synonymous with the epitome of Italian automotive exotica. All of Enzo Ferrari's cars have the same objective - style and performance - and in this sense the latest offering, the four-seat Mondial, is very traditional. Designed by the renowned Pininfarina, the Mondial carries the Ferrari legend into the 80s with the poise of an ancient Roman. At 10 mpg, clearly nobody buys a Ferrari to save on gas, but the low-nose models, including the heavier and larger Mondial, share the same mechanicals and V-8 powerplant that always have defined Ferrari with that race car spirit. All the models can hit 60 mph from scratch in less than nine seconds flat. But exotica, exclusivity and mystique don't come cheap $63,939 in 1982 and no lid in sight. Oddly enough the right stuff in this sporty category of car doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg, at ieast this year. The latest and most moderately priced entry is the exciting, new stainless steel-skinned, gull-winged doored DeLorean, a steal at the manufacturer's recommended list price of $25,000. You won't be able to find one for that, but even at the $30,000-plus they currently fetch in our area, the car is a bargain. For that price, you are not only getting a very stylish, first-on-the-block automobile, you are also buying into the image of John DeLorean, its creator. As Peck's bad boy of the corporate world, he forsook the glory, power, riches and confinement of General Motors to pursue against great odds a long-held dream of building his own car company. Last year marked the first of his batch of limited production eyecatchers, imaginatively designed namesakes that set the automotive world on its ear with the promise of 18 mpg and never the fear of rust or corrosion- the industry's first honest attempt to make planned obsolescence obsolete at less than Rolls prices. If you can't get your hands on a please turn to page 73

24/ Dossier/February 1982

Oh,ToBclnE E W~ are happy to report that the full d ngl~sh. experience is quite alive, ~SPite Its obituaries and like a great Win . ' e•. IS growing better as it ages. d ~gmg, of course, is what the English 0 . est of all, and our winter holiday ~~ the countryside and London con~~m~ this once again. Here, it is quite d SSible to shut out the modern world on the blinders of "civilized society': and tr ansport one's psyche to the good ~ ~ as once, we imagine, it was lived e ore the lower classes, in their under-


-----------BY----------WARREN AND SONIA ADLER ~~~~~

standable desire to get a piece of the pie, ruined the baking pan. If such a lapse of the democratic spirit may be permitted, you are free to join us on this journey of nostalgia, although the original experience was only fantasized through the recitation of English nursery rhymes and reading the joyous consolations of Mr. Pick-

wick, Sherlock Holmes, Becky Sharpe, Tess and Little Nell among others. Whisked by Daimler-Jaguar from Heathrow with the redoubtable Harry at the controls, we glided through the glazed, wintery countryside under a glaring northern sun to the village of Broadway in the heart of the Cotswolds, a studiously preserved area of the country that derives its name from the warm yellow stone that has been quarried there for centuries. Our country hotel in Broadway, the

Lygo~ Arms, an operating hostelry since before the days of Oliver Cromwell, sits proudly in the Cotswold town of Broadway

m the heart of the hunt country and antique center of England. The Inn's two million dollars worth of antiques were selected under the careful eye of Douglas Barrington, the owner.

Dossier/February /982115

(Top) Manicured lawns and scrupulously maintained gardens surround the Chewton Glen Manor House. Just a stone's throw from the sea and 900 acre New Forest in England's Hampshire, the Chewton caters to a celebrity crowd seeking a quiet oasis from the hurty burly of success. (Above right) Jeff, the Chewton Glen chauffeur was an expert in the byways of Hampshire. (Above left) Broadlands, the stately home once owned by Lord Mountbatten of Burma is both exhibited and lived in by the family of Lord Romsey, Mountbatten's grandson. Rooms, like the Saloon shown above, with its gilt-styled classic decoration, are visited in season by nearly a quarter million tourists. It's just one of Hampshire's many attractions.

Lygon Arms, dates from the 1500s. It began as a coaching house, suffered through years of neglect caused by the railroads coming into vogue and was rejuvenated by Mr. McAdam's invention and the motor car. Nearly five centuries of add-on after add-on have resulted in an exquisite jewel of a country inn with an awesome authenticity, carefully nurtured by owner Douglas 26/ Dossier! February 1982


Barrington and Director Kirk Ritchie. Properly greeted, we were ushered into suite 15, which once quartered Charles I who met there with his loyalist cohorts. This was, of course, before he lost his head, courtesy of Oliver Cromwell who, irony aside, also slept at the Lygon, thankfully in another room. That room, too, is scrupulously preserved and embel-

lished with antiques of the period and paintings of Cromwell's not overly attractive visage. Our Charles I bedroom, replete with four-poster bed, antique oak furniture and mysterious geegaws of a bygone era, opened via an ancient wooden door to a sitting room dominated bY a stone fireplace in which a coal fire blazed cheerily on the grate. The



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The perfect interior ... one that fits your lifestyle best, clending the elements that express your taste and personality. A trained professional designer can create the ideal setting for your Georgetown pied-a-terre or rustic country home. Call our Studio of Interior Design: Washington, Chevy Chase, Wheaton Plaza, Tysons Corner, Montgomery Mall 1.~~ 'II',;' ¡~ and Annapolis ~



authenticity and sense of history cast an odd spell, as if we had, indeed, passed through the looking glass, eons away from the turntable life of Washington. Even in the Lygon's public rooms, a maze of cozy nooks and crannies, warmed by toasty fires and served by dedicated attendants, reality seemed held permanently at bay. "We here at the Lygon strive for the personal touch," Director Ritchie intoned at tea in the Cromwell room, an idea seconded subtly by Douglas Barrington, a thoroughly charming man who has been at the Lygon helm for more than 35 years. We quite agreed, and privately toasted both gentlemen at a midnight candlelit supper for two in front of the fire in our sitting room after viewing a splendid performance of All's Well That Ends Well given by the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratfordon-Avon, 14 miles from (no pun intended) Broadway. Their tribute was well earned as we supped on Scottish salmon, salad, cold beef, ham and chicken, washed down with a Blanc Fume de Pouilly and topped with fruit salad and whipped cream. Later, we both might have jumped out of the four-poster for more toasts if it hadn't been for the magnetizing joy of icy toes on the hot water bottle the management thoughtfully had tucked under the comforters. The outside temperature was below zero, unusual for England but quite appropriate for our frame of mind. In the morning the outside frost was defied from within by a hearty "winter warmer," porridge topped with Drambuie, a prelude for a lavish English breakfast. This provided sustenance for an energetic day of visiting quaint Cotswold villages that are preserved by government edict and roaming through antique shops, which are undoubted-

=JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~illy the best in the country. The collection in the rooms at Lygon, inciden-


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28/Dossier/February 1982

tally, is appraised at a million pounds ($2 million). We could have opted for castle hunting as well. Blenheim, Warwick and Sudley are all nearby. Or we could have bought a cap in the local hunt if that were our fancy. We even could have gone for a pheasant shoot, if we had chosen. We did encounter a group of Saudi princes at Lygon who were set for a pheasant shoot the next day. In the morning they seemed to have left another species of bird behind. We saw an odd bevy of English "birds" fly out of their rooms, complete with full

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length furs and black lace dresses. We don't know how many pheasants the Saudis bagged. The food at the Lygon is continental, interspersed with English country fare such as partridge, kidney and saddle of venison. Angus beef is flown in weekly from Scotland. The wine list is superb, a sampling of which, a Palmer 77 Medoc, proved exceptional. Prices range from $60 for a single to $200 a day for a four-poster suite like ours. Continental breakfast is included. Considering the pedestrian accommodations offered in many places for the same price, we thought the price Well worth the one-of-a-kind experience. What then is the point of travel? Hardly surfeited with the Lygon, we Proceeded by car for two-and-a-half hours to Chewton Glen, a country hotel on the edge of the New Forest in lush Hampshire on England's southern coast opposite the Isle of Wight. Once the home and property of Captain Maryat, famous for his children's books, the hotel has been superlatively decorated under the sensitive eye of owner Martin Skan. Now in its 15th year of operation, the Chewton has already been discovered, we learned, by other Washingtonians, among them Charles and Anne Camalier and Senator and Mrs. John Heinz. In a world of declining standards, there's no sign of that at the Chewton. The huge, carpeted, gold-fixtured bathroom in our suite with its bathtub for two, reminded us of a private spa, Which provided an afternoon's delight for the female member of this contingent. For the curious, the male refused the offer of a double bath, further proof that the female of the species is more adventurous, if not more romantic. Both of us, however, were far more venturesome at the dinner table, where Chef Christian Delteil's faultless ~ouvelle cuisine was elegantly served 1U a dining room decorated with red Walls and dark paneling. One dish that tantalized us with its delicacy was ~agret de Canardaux Epices, duck cut Into thin pink slices with a delicate brown sauce, which went well with Sancerre white wine. Our wi.ne steward Guiseppe, glowed ear-to-ear when we Ordered the Chateau d'Yquem 1967, a dessert wine that slides down the palate like honey. A persistent rain kept us from a much anticipated walk through the 900-year-old New Forest where footPaths snake through miles of lovely

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Dossier/ February 1982/ 29


woodlands, where an occasional companion might be wild deer, a stray cow and, most certainly, one of the thousands of ponies that are allowed to graze and run wild. But we were lucky enough to persuade the manager of Broadlands, the stately home of Lord Mountbatten of Burma, to give us a peek at the place where Prince Charles and Lady Di spent their honeymoon. The house is still in use as a private residence of Lord Ramsey, Mountbatten's grandson. The garage has been converted into a museum. Last season nearlY 250,000 tourists passed through the house. At one pound and 25 pence per head, the gross is still not enough to cover the expense of upkeep. Next season the price goes to two pounds. Stately home hopping brought us to the magnificent house of the Earl of MANY OF WASHINGTON'S FINEST RESTAURANTS Normanton, which sits on an estate of ARE ONLY MINUTES AND 65c AWAY BY METRORAIL. 7,500 acres that has been in his familY for six generations. The Earl, who AND WITH SERVICE UNTIL MIDNIGHT looks exactly like a young David MONDAY-SATURDAY, YOU'LL HAVE PLENTY OF TIME Niven, lets out the house, all inclusive TO ENJOY YOUR MEAL. of himself and his wife, Countess Vicky, for private parties, weddings, business conventions and pheasant Getting To Work or Having Fun ... Metro Makes It Easy shoots . The house sleeps 14 and conmetro tains one of the most fabulous collec---------------------------~ tions of paintings by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Titian, Canalletto, Murillo, Etty and Annigoni in private (perhaps public) hands. Unfortunately, the Earl would have to pay a 75 percent death duty tax on any sale and has been forced to become a hotelier and caterer to preserve the estate. In England such stiff-upper-lip conduct is considered gallant. The Earl is quite cheerful about his circumstances and he and his wife seem genuinely to enjoy the company of their extended family members who pay 85 pounds a day for the privilege One ticket good for unlimited 1st of living in the Manor House as a class rail travel 15 Days: $250.00 guest. Not a bad way to actualize one's 21 Days $320.00 - 1 Month $390.00 aristocratic fantasies. Determined above all not to appear 2 Months $530.00 - 3 Months $650.00 trendy, Chewton Glen discreetly caters 2nd class youth pass for anyone under 26 years: to film stars, MPs and titans of in1 Month $270.00 - 2 Months $350.00 dustry attracted by the brisk sea counIssued on premises try air, the numerou~ nearby golf courses, quaint villages and, of course, the New Forest itself. Owner Martin Skan keeps a wary and anguished eye out for lapses. While enjoying a late evening glass of champagne in the lounge, he noted that the garden lights were sensibly shut off. He insisted theY 1825 K Street NW Suite 305 be turned on again so that the last one Washington, DC up could enjoy the view. Prices at the Chewton range from about $100-a-night, double occupan-

by Rail


EuraHpass... The best bargain to 16 European countries



30/ Dossier/February 1982

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cy which includes continental breakfast. There are a variety of room configurations and meal plans that boost the price according to taste . In season, from April through October, early booking is recommended. A special treat was being hauled around the countryside by Jeff, the hotel chauffeur, who had spent hls entire life in the area and knew every blade of grass, the best pubs and the habits of the natives, who seemed to us quite content to languish in this unusually beautiful corner of the World. We both felt that the contrast between the Lygon and the Chewton, as between the Cotswolds and Hampshire, provided a perfect sampling of the English country experience, enabling us to toddle off to London and the fast track, still imbued with a desire for a second country helping. Aside from the historical ambiance, Physical beauty, the marvelous sense of pomp and pageantry that the owners of these establishments have c.ontrived, they seemed to have embellished the idea of "service" by turning their guests into actors and their staffs into supporting players . Indeed, both the server and the served know their stay here is fantasy. It is easy to Perform one's expected role. The staff knows all the cues. It's on-stage for everyone, folks, and the play begins Upon arrival. A yen for more formal theater brought us via the speedy and comfortable Daimler provided by Camelot Cars Couriers Ltd. to a blustery London still reeling from a rhythmical bout of unaccustomed snow. Where else but the famed Savoy, created by Richard D'Oyly Carte in 1888, could one find the flamboyant flourish of the true showman? Once the stage for hotelier Cesar Ritz, who managed the Savoy, and Chef Gustave Escoffier, the hotel still retains both the accoutrements and Spirit of the lost age it represents, when the lords and ladies of England at the height of its empire cavorted within its walls, along with the celebrities of the day, such as Bernhardt, Langtry, · Melba and, of course, the jolly Edward, Prince of Wales. As you have gathered by now, we rather like that sort of thing. . Our suite at the Savoy, with its di.sptay of Chinese export, fireplaces With marble mantles ormolu mirrors and 20-foot ceilings' overlooking the Thames, with its view of the National Theater, Festival Hall Big Ben and


ease turn to page 70


J. CARTER BROWN continued from page 21

Pat rick Hayes, Managing Director

Washington Performing Arts Society Has it All! Orchestra




tion to delegate more and more of his complex tasks, he interrupts our discussion for a look at a display which is troubled by distracting reflections. His decision is swift: the distressing situation is remedied by tinting one of the plastic cases. "One not only has to consider what visitors can absorb at one time and what not, but one also has to be mindful of peripheral vision," he cheerfully explains. "We don't just see what we are focusing on at the moment. Therefore, the whole environment with its subspaces, different shapes and sizes, becomes important.'' Like the anthropological museum in Mexico City, Brown says the East Wing's galleries, all of them enclosed subspaces, are grouped around a great open central court. This enables the visitor to pick up a story at any point he chooses. Brown compares the court with a town square. "You see people, trees and nature through the glass walls. Your curiosity about what waits for you around the corner is aroused - yet the experience of art, a private one, takes place in screened off places." Brown's occasional outbursts of enthusiasm are infectious . He obviouslY has mastered the art of persu~sion along with his intensive training in the arts. I.M. Pei's geometric $95 million addition with its ingenious tetrahedral skylight of 15,000 squar~ feet enchants him. Brown confesses that he could not be happier with the East Win~路 ''We still are learning how to use thiS most exciting space," he beams. It is a joy that was shared last year by a whopping 6.7 million visitors. The Met's attendance, Brown wistfullY recalls, was a mere 3.8 million. He regards Washington's growing cultural awareness as an ''extraordinarY phenomenon.'' "It was a result of many factors, one of them demographic. Washington has grown faster than other cities - ev_en Houston. It has the highest medium mcome and a higher percentage of college graduates. The Library of Cond gress, NASA, the universities an various research centers, such as the Woodrow Wilson Institute, have created a receptive climate for cultural activities." Other factors listed Brown are more leisure time, hig.her 111d come levels nationwide, a wtdene . n horizon of the average Arnenca f . 0 (mostly by travel) and the explosiOn the arts. Yet another positive element,


Tickets: WPAS Box Office, 1330 G St, NW; Kennedy Center; & Instant Charge, 857路0900.

32/ Dossier/ February 1982


IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY! The critics say: "DeLorean has done a remarkable thing. He has built a sportscar from scratch and it works ... It's a professionally designed and built car in every way . .. John Z. DeLorean has reason to be proud: He's added a new dimension to the American sports car ... " Road and Track Magazine

"One not only has to consider what visitors can absorb at one time and what not, but one also has to be mindful of peripheral Vision," he cheerfully explains. "We don't just see what we are focusing on at the moment. Therefore, the Whole environment with its subspaces, different shapes ~nd sizes, becomes zmportant." Brown adds, is the proximity of the rnuseums to the Mall. Museums feed on each other. Not the least worried about the lack of excitement in the current art scene, Brown thoughtfully refers to the suPerb work of today's artist. "It is healthy to get out of the trend psychology. Trends are something that interest dealers, the fashion industry and P~ople intent on writing instant art history," he wryly observes. He has no desire to nurture yet anOther museum for contemporary art in the East Wing. His aim is to assemble an "anthology of creative achievement." . "W e have to keep the next 100 years In mind!" Carter Brown's amused Sl'h:t "~e barely camouflages the profound ~enousness in his tone of voice. The efect tends to be as unsettling as an introvert's attempt at overt jocundity.D

"When the gull wings (of the car) reach for the sky and their amber warning lights alert the neighborhood's low-flying Learjets to the new obstacle, all the world's air-traffic controllers couldn't channel the glut of onlookers. It looks wonderful.· Car & Driver Magazine

6500 Little River Turnpike· Annandale , Virginia 22003 • 750-2700 • VA Dealer License #7583


Or~nt East


Fine Furniture • Objet d'Art

7315 Wisconsin Avenue • Bethesda, Maryland • (301) 654-0788 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 11:00-5:00 and Thursday night 6:00-9:00

Dossier/ February 1982/ 33


Finally, a dining guide that snuggles inside evening bags. Slides into tuxedo pockets. And slips out discreetly for pe between acts at the theatre. It's Dossier's Indispensable Guide to Washington Area Restaurants. Laden with who has the best borscht. Where to find a waiter in a kilt or a gypsy with a violin. And how late it's safe to crave Coquilles St. jacques on a Thursday night. Simply look for this, the creme de le creme of guides, at your newsstand. It costs a mere seventy-five cents. And it lets you indulge. Intelligently. For Association and Convention bulk orders call 362-5894. Purse and compact courtesy of Garfincke/'s. Lighter courtesy of l.Magnin .


-------------------------------------------------------------------------and centered around an old wooden THE MOST MEMORABLE

----- If you believe in common wisdom, our first impressions are to be trusted, ~ur lasting impressions savored like a 51 P of very special, old cognac. That rnay be especially true of restaurants. Our experience of the amenities an eating establishment offers - from its grand decor to the more personal touches, like a fresh flower or a napkin snapped into place by a dramatic ~cutre d'Hotel- can create an evenIng rnernorable beyond the meal itself. Washington is no different than other reputable dining cities. Its number of restaurants and variety of cuisine provide a host of imaginative settings that, with the push of a door, can wisk you into a medieval tavern, a grand San Francisco ballroom or a crowded Montmartre bistro. th On one side of town, for instance, _ere's the polished dark wood, intncate stained glass and meticulous attent.ion to Victorian detail at Henry ~r1ca, located at 607 King Street in th exandria. Only four blocks away is f e bluesy Bourbon Street sophistica~~n of the 219 Restaurant. And at the ?t er end of town, on Pooks Hill Road ~ ~ethes~a, the lush palms, handmade l<:ok 1can:1~gs and volcanic rock at the th na ~ru IS so convincing you'd swear ere IS a warm tropical breeze steady ~nough to waft all the way downtown ; the outriggered island paradise of rader Vic's at 16th and K Streets. f Elsewhere in the restaurant caverns ~h~own town K Street, the grand-style ll Inese cuisine of the House of unan, at 19th and K matches the Posh • F rench-influenced ' decor that hi rn n~s of pre-proletarian times on the toa~nland. Just a step off M Street intu as Pampas Restaurant suddenly in:ns one small corner of Georgetown an~ a gaucho cafe filled with the scents con ~ounds of Argentina. At 4200 WisSin Avenue NW Pueblo Joe's with 1.ts attra · · 'room tiled . m . terra ct"tve dmmg cotta, topped with a mirrored ceiling

horsecart overflowing with plants, creates a Mexican mirage. And on Capitol Hill, the stark, simple and warm restoration of the 1847 building at The Broker Restaurant, with barebrick walls, skylight roofing and custom wood tables and stairs, provides a memorably handsome dinner setting. All impressive interiors aren't exotic. For a city that too long has suffered unfavorable comparisons to the Big Apple's swank, Washington has its share of restaurants unforgettable for their Manhattan motif. Step into the understated elegance of 1930 New York City with billowing black-leather seats that enclose white-clothed table-tops, and you'll know why The Prime Rib, at 2020 K Street NW, has been a gathering place of businessmen and celebrities for almost five years. With



New La CaveM. Better than a wine cellar. These areas bring eight reds and 12 whites to recommended serving temperatures.

Many factors contribute to the excellence of a fine wine, but none is more important than how it is aged.

Both models come in beautiful walnut or French Provincial oak finishes. La Cave is handsome, to complement any路room decor, yet sturdy enough for the basement or garage.

And nothing, not even a conventional wine cellar, ages your wines as well as La Cave. Designed by French wine experts And perfect and engineers, for apartments is La Cave allows La Cave Petite, only 31 ~ wine to develop graceinches high, to age up to 65 bottles. fully to its peak under ideal conditions of temperature Clearly, La Cave can greatly and humidity. La Cave enhance your enjoyment of wine, also completely protects your wines from odor, vibration and light As a wine lover, you're assured that every bottle you serve has reached its full potential of color; taste and bouquet. You know as well that your monetary investment in wine could and thoroughly protect your not be better protected. treasured wine collection. Yet even the most expensive model costs no more La Cave 1-Temp can stock than a case of Lathe '61. up to 200 bottles at the ideal cellar temperature For complete infor- all in just four square feet mation and the name of of floor space. the dealer nearest you, La Cave 3-Temp caiiB00-221-1 042 (New gives you the added conYork state call collect venience of chambrage 212-371-2595) or send and ra{raichissement the coupon below. compartments.

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36/ Dossier/ February 1982


its slick, ultra modern, Upper Eastside decor, the two-year-old Americus Restaurant in the Sheraton Washington Hotel has won several design awards. For another side of the city, the casual warmth and ambiance of The Vagabond, at 7315 Wisconsin Avenue NW, is reminiscent of the small, out-of-the-way New York nightclubs of years past, replete with two strolling musicians. But grand scale decors don't always leave a lasting impression. Often, it is the small gesture of the restaurateur, the subtle touch. For example, think of Tiberio, one of this town's formidable Italian ristorantes, located at 1915 K Street NW. What, besides the tempting aroma and tastes of Milan, comes to mind? No doubt, it's the roses - an abundance of ~;ed and pink buds seemingly everywhere, even in the restrooms, all flown in fresh from Bolivia by owner Giulio Santillo. At the end of the meal, Santillo presents a single, long-stemmed variety to each lady. Germaine's, at 2400 Wisconsin Avenue NW, is known to attract a steady flow of Washington journalists, and recently became the usual SundaY luncheon spot for Vice President George Bush. But the standout feature of this popular Asian restaurant is its skylight garden, which makes for romantic evenings under a full moon while savoring the scents of grilled sate. Another Washington hangout, particularly for the business and sports sets, is the Palm Restaurant, at 1225 19th Street NW. Like its namesakes in New York and Los Angeles, the Palm is noted for two things: huge portions and caricatures of leading locals hanging on its walls, from the Redskins to the Reagans, even Willard Scott. For people watchers, the flurries of table-hopping at Mel Krupin's, that popular and very New Yorkish place at 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW, is a must. Early risers stake out the crois路 sant crowd at The Bread Oven, the authentic boulangerie/restaurant at 1220 19th Street NW, and late lunchers look to Joe and Mo's, at 1211 Connecticut Avenue NW, where on special occasions a rousing chorus of waiters sur路 rounds the table. For the unusual touch, ask for the Chairman of the Board table at Gary's, the restaurant at 1800 M Street NW that's acclaimed for its American cuisine. You'll find a taxidermized head of a Wildebeest sharing your table. Or, if you yearn for the highlands, Scotland Yard owner James Graham will greet you with a

side icus ingsign ity, e of nsin the ighttWO ays it is

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Scottish blessing and a sip of Drambuie amid the clan flags and Celtic folk ~usic of his restaurant on King Street In Alexandria. As Washington continues to gain stature in the world of art, some of its restaurants are following the example by adding serious, eye-catching, if not always museum quality art and antique collections to their dining rooms. Among the most elegant is Jean-Pierre Goyenvalle's ever-expanding collection of fine French porcelain - much of it Rauen and Le Moustier - at his restaurant, Le Lion d'Or, at 1150 Connecticut Avenue NW. European oil paintings, 19th century and contemporary, are the focus of the dining room in The Iron Skillet at 5838 Columbia Pike in Falls Church and at Jean-Pierre, located at 1835 K Street NW. Georgetown's Cuban eatery, Cafe de Artistas, is faithful to its name. With a gallery entrance at 3065 M Street, it exhibits samples of the Latin American art on show in the Washington World Gallery upstairs. If You like the touch of antiques, Mrs. k's Toll House - at 9201 Colesville Road, once the location of an early Maryland estate toll road - has a sitting room and an adjacent curio disP~ay room filled with country and hJgh-style period Americana. For a dose of the federal period, Evans Farm Inn, at 1696 Chain Bridge Road in ~cLean, features another fine collec!ton of antiques, especially downstairs tn the Sitting Duck pub . If YOur favorite art is audio rather than visual, there are two Washington establishments that rank as institutions and are sure to add rhythm to your Walk. Blues Alley, located at the rear of 1073 Wisconsin Avenue in Georgetown, recently was commemorated by the city with its own alley sign for its many years of showcasing nationally ac.claimed jazz artists such as Dizzy Gtllespie, Stan Getz and the McPartlands. A couple of blocks away ~ 3223 K Street is Charlie's torgetown, the relatively new home 0 .lo~gtime Washington master jazz ~It~nst Charlie Byrd . Besides the f agtcal nylon-string sound he's noted or • Charlie imports other top talent ~~h as Bobby Short and Tammy f nmes to complement his straightorward American cuisine. . While recognized talent is the call~ng card of some Washington resura~ts, something more freewheeling and JUst plain fun creates a lasting imPresston · N' at others. For instance, La tcoise at 1721 Wisconsin A venue NW

The Once-In-A-Lifetime Value Cruise to Audralia, New Zealand, the South Seas. If you've dreamed of sailing away to the South Pacific, its time to book for 1982. Becau Princes Cruises is offering an outstanding V.Uue Package. Depart San Francisco or Lo Angeles ept. 13/14 to ydney (29128 days). Or from ydney to Los Angeles Oct. 13 (27 days). Or sail round trip. Your ship, the luxurious British-

registered Pacific Princes . ail to the Hawaiian Islands. hri tma I land. Reeffringed Bora Bora. Tahiti. Apia. Moorea. Pago Pag . Fiji. Tin Can I land. enic Auckland. Co mopolitan ydncy. Enjoy award-winning cuisine, the finest entertainment afloat. superb service and dozens of activities.

1982 \bl11r Paclwg,• Fly free round 1rlp from Jtilll'Wil)' ntlt''· $500 cruise credU for onc·wuy pa~ ·ngcr f,,, ·"'Y 1983 . PM<c s Crwsc ( 1000 round tnp) Third person free 111 )'tJUr sHHt.>nKlnl COthL·r \'1t!Ut'

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Call us now for details.

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Dossier/February 1982137

has worked for years to maintain its reputation for cantankerous waiters (with a lot of Gaul) who serve dinner on rollerskates and, at the end of the evening with the help of the kitchen crew, put on a little bawdy show. If good-time impudence is served up at La Nicoise, illusion is the entree at Brook Farm Inn of Magic, located at 7101 Brookville Road in Chevy Chase. Described as ''like being at Disneyland with a fistful of E tickets," this unusual restaurant offers non-stop magical action, from zany waiters to roving sleight-of-hand artists to a fullscale stage act that includes levitated diners. Slightly more modest in scope but certainly complementing the spicy cuisine are the Spanish guitarist and authentic flamenco dancer who nightFEATURI!'IG TEPPANYAKI AND HIBACHI COOKING ly rivet diners' attention at Tio Pepe Party Rooms TEM PUAA • STEAK • SHR IM P • CHIC KEN • BEEF Major Credit Cards El Spanish Restaurant in Georgetown, Available LUNCHEON: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Honored at 2809 M Street. Slightly less modest, DINNER: 7 NITES PER WEEK (Sat. 5:30 - 11 p.m., Sun. 4-9 p.m.) in dress at least, are the two spirited bellydancers who undulate and cavort around tables in the traditional Hellenic setting of the Astor Restaurant at 1813 M Street NW. And, for a good-time, "go-to-hell" atmosphere, Crisfield Seafood Restaurant, at 8012 Georgia Avenue, - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - , . - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - 1 is revered by Washington seafood lovers who appreciate its occasionallY noisy dining amid the undecorated, white formica and beer tankard decor. Everyone knows a romantic dinner (among our favorite dining memories) has more to do with one's partner than the choice of restaurant. But the right atmosphere has been known to nudge a couple's intimate impulse. Whether it's the turned-down lights and nicelydistanced tables in the Parisian setting of Jacqueline's, at 1990 M Street NW, or the isolated booths with drawn curHighly rated tains and waiter call-buttons in The Foundry's upstairs rooms, at 1050 30th by the Post and the Street NW, privacy itself is a cherishWashingtonian magazine ed commodity that encourages sparks to fly between gazing eyes. And some Delicious entrees of Washington restaurants play Cupid Lamb, Poultry, Beef, Fish, better than others. & Vegetables For instance, a hand-in-hand stroll down the Potomac in Old Town could InexP-ensive - Prices lead to a romantic detour into the quiet from $3.60 courtyard of King's Landing, at 121 S. Union Street. Continue through the ~ airy and sunny main dining room decorated with fountains and skylights 2463 18th St. N.W. to the smaller backrooms that are (Near I&h & Columbia Road) equally pleasant but much more 483~7656 private. La Fleur, at 3700 MassOpen dally Music achusetts Avenue NW, creates a softMajor credit cards noon till edged environment particularly suited 2a.m. honored please turn to page 56 38/Dossier/ February 1982

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(Above) Patting a smaller version of the enormous elephant that dominates the Museum of Natural History's rotunda are Mrs. James Collins, chairman of the Women's Committee, and d~nce chairman, Mrs. Frank Clay. (Below) Mrs. J. Noel Macy With James Buckler, director of the Sl's Office of Horticulture and former D. C. commissioner, Samuel Spencer.

(Above) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mellon Evans, donors of the Evans Room, enjoyed a special tour guided by the museum's director, Dr. James Fiske. (Below) At one of the 44 tables-for-10 around the elephant are Candy Somerville with Jack Pflieger and Diane Schmults, wife of the deputy attorney general.

r;urw, fhe lOth ish-


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Aufantasy jungle straight out of a Rousseau dream greeted

~i ests at the 10th annual dinner dance "Around the Elephant,"

mven by the Smithsonian Women's Committee. A tropical re~o~ bathe~ 400 guests in becoming light, and realistic (but the or ed) Chirps sounded In the Rotunda. Earlier, cocktails in kac~·ew Evan.s Ro~m showed off the exhibition of Hopi Indian hon mas Wh1ch VIed with the ladies' ballgowns. Guests of Whoo'~ were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mellon Evans, the donors, in G . tyco~:ln" it in New York when they're not raising horses tor ~ 1 ~esv•lle. They received accolades from Harry Lowe, dirac0 Jim C 8 . Museum of American Art, Rep. John Rhodes and Rep. Olllns of Texas, whose wife Dee, chairs the Women's

Committee. Since her parents- Smithsonian Secretary S. Dillon Ripley (an ornithologist of note) and his wife, Mary- were off on a bird-watching expedition in India, Sylvia Ripley hosted a table herself for "young" guests. She was escorted by her fiance, Chris Addison, who is also her partner in the new (and booming!) Addison Ripley Gallery behind the Cosmos Club. A caterer's snafu produced a dinner not up to expectations, but who cared? Champagne flowed. Everyone seemed to know everyone els.e. "It's like a private party," pronounced baliaficionado Genny Sapienza as she waltzed happily with John. - A.B.

Dossier/ February 1982139


A Mexican restaurant that truly strives to bring you all the flavor of Mexico, this side of the border. Begin with one of their famous 16 oz. Margaritas - perfectly blended and frosty cold. For dinner, you can choose from special creations like Chicken Yucatan. Steak El Tapatio and some excellent seafood dishes. Plus fantastic tostados, including the incredible Fiesta Tostada. You'll be pleased with their reasonable prices. And they have a special Little Amigo menu for children under 12. Lunch and dinner served. Reservations accepted. Banquet facilities available. Major credit cards welcome.

With some 1,600 Republicans, conservative think-tankers and celebrities from administrations past on hand at the Washington Hilton as guests of the American Enterprise Institute, the only commotion was when the guest-ofhonor, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, and his old boss, former president Gerald Ford, entered the crowd. Photographers' flashes were blinding as the two bear-hugged, then casually chatted about losing weight, golf and teaching. "Your profession is going to Hell," Ford teased the now-frumpish Kissinger (right), who has added some weight since his Washington days. With the start of dinner, guests settled into the ballroom for a long evening of filet mignon, conservative rhetoric and punchy one-liners. The ceremonies marked the end of AEI's public policy week conference.

CASAMARIA WASHINGTON, D.C. 700 Water StreeL S.W. (202) 554-5302 McLEAN 1'11 5 Tysons Corner Shopping Center (703) 893-2443 ALEXANDRIA 5951 Stevenson Avenue, Landmark Shopping Center

Former national security advisor Richard Allen and his wife Patricia arrive under the strain of controversy, while nearby another former national security advisor, Brent Scowcroft (right), chats with Nancy Kissinger.

Political columnist James J. Kilpatrick talks over old times with his former editor at "The Washington Star", Murray Gart.

401DossierI February 1982

Rep. Millicent Fenwick greets Arthur Burns, the former Federal Reserve chairman and current ambassador to West Germany, who flew in for the oc路 casion from Bonn.

Departing envoys: (Above) Israeli Amb.

~nd Mrs. Ephraim Evron and (below) rench Amb. and Madame Francois de Laboulaye.

1260 Connecticut Ave . 223路4050 Major Charges

Dossier/February /982141

THE PHYSICISTS After curtain call at the Eisenhower Theatre's production of Friedrich Durrenmatt's "The Physicists ", most of the blacktie audience moved slowly to the celebrity supper in the KenCen's ,atrium while quietly debating the play's message -the destructive potential of science and the ultimate survival of mankind. "It may have been too simplistic but it did succeed in catching you up in the Intellectual aspect," analyzed former supreme court justice and Mrs. Arthur Goldberg, making an early exit. " It's still relevant in a proverbial sort of way," defended journalist Tom Braden, while Dr. Charles Towne, one of the five Nobel Prizewinning physicists attending, said: "The notion that scientists have that kind of power is highly exaggerated." Among the notables feasting at the buffet of Chinese duck, wild rice and sweet-and-sour shrimp were the Livingston Biddies, who thought the play was"provocative," former supreme courter Abe Fortas, new Canadian Amb. and Mrs. Allan Gotlieb, NASA Director and Mrs. James Beggs and Librarian of Congress Daniel Boorstin, who cornered Dr. Donald Glaser in intellectual conversation .

Assistant to Vice President Bush, Susan Alvarado, and "Washington Post" Executive Editor Ben Brad lee talk with Jean-Paul Vignon and Liz Stevens about the dramatic shift "The Physicists" represents for the Eisenhower Theatre.

Actor Brian Bedford (left) leaves behind his Isaac Newton persona while talking with Nobel Prize winning Dr. and Mrs. Leon Cooper. (Above) Swedish Ambassador Wilhelm Wachtmeister, actress Caroline Lagerfelt and •he Countess Wachtmeister.

C?·star of "T~e _P hysicists," Len Cariou (above), and Motion P1cture Assoc1at1on President Jack Valenti. (Right) Nobel Prize winner Dr. William Shockley, who Invented the transistor his wife Emmy and author Herman Wouk. '

42/Dossier/February 1982

Save Up To 50o/o Off Miller's Regular Winter Fur Prices . . . Now!

Former secretary of defense Melvin Laird escorted "The Physicists" co-star lr~ne Worth at the party following the Pay.

~ith the entire cast of the play enjoying

b e spotlight among Washington's own rand of celebrity, actor Len Cariou talk~~tlth an admiring Ben Bradlee while 1 e Sally Quinn Bradlee picked at Pastries. The KenCen 's Roger Stevens ~nd the Newton Steers chatted with con~~versial scientist Dr. William Shockley, d 0 Predicted nuclear tragedy and call~ f~.r voluntary sterilization bonuses. R~d Washington Post" critic emeritus A:?hard Coe busied himself introducing J Ice Acheson to Ben Wattenberg and ust about anyone else he knew.

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All Furs Labeled to how Country of Origin

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far the discrimiru1ting. Jim Bill' the lat lngton greets artist and wife of Ache e secretary of state, Mrs. Dean son, near the buffet table.

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(Under the Whitehurst Freeway) Wash1ngton . D.C. 20007 202-338-6312

Hours: 9·00-5 :30 Monday-Fnday 10:00-2 :00 Saturday

DossierI February I 982 I 43


Toasting the success of their newly opened hotel, Marbury House, are (L to R) owner AI Wheeler with his son Tom, hotelier Collins Bird and general manager Hans Franke. The new establishment houses 200 suites and rooms, several specialty restaurants and the only hotel swimming pool in Georgetown. Bird was especially happy about the hotel's phone number: PA6-5000, as in the Glenn Miller tune. They threw an opening party New Year's Eve for 200 guests, including (above) Bob and Nancy Hines.


This delicate Regency cello chair was never meant to be moved anywhere. So when Security Storage moves it halfway across the country, we'll make it so comfortable, it'll feel like it never left home. We'll pad it and wrap it. We'll be even more delicate than it is, when we load it. And we'll be loading it onto the airride vans of America's largest long distance mover, Allied Van Lines. When we deliver it, 1,700 miles later, it'll look just the way it looked 1,700 miles earlier. And so will everything else, from the finest bone china to the sturdiest rumpus room couch. 44/ Dossier/February 1982

Security Storage has been Jil 0 ing families longer than anybodY else in metropolitan Washingto · And because all long distance moving rates are regulated by laV'', our extra experience won't cost you a cent.

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For local or long distance moving estimates, or ,. information about .f·~it'' modern storage fa~t ~ in Maryland and Virg 1111 a' telephone (202) 234-5600


(Left) Frank Hodsoll, new chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, chats during dinner with Jamie Craft, chairman of the Washington Opera benefit. Guests came early to enjoy the casino (proceeds from which were used for the silent auction) and stayed late, enjoying champagne and the prospects of a happy '82. Kicking up their heels were the Liv Biddies, the Mike Feldmans and the John Groths. (Above) Irene and Abe Pollin.

1en rno V' nybodY tingto

tance y Jav-.', 路t yoLI

Nini and Djamchid Tavallali (left) pucker up for a New Year's kiss at "A Viennese New Year's Eve" held at the Four Seasons. In the casino (above) Alec Levin congratulates Martin Fein路 stein, general director of the Washington Opera, on his luck with number 13 at roulette.

Dossier/February 1982/45


Serving Washington and the USA

A CHILE EVENING Washingtonians turned out enthusiastically to extend a warm greeting to Esther and Manuel Trucco former Chilean ambassador to the United States. He is returning from Geneva to act as his country's U.N. ambassador in New York. Martin and Betty Malarkey tossed the black-tie dinner dance at the City Tavern Club for the Truccos, who were one of Washington's most popular diplomatic couples during their stay here. U. S. Ambassador to Chile and Mrs. James M. Theberge, Chilean Ambassador to the U. S. and Mrs. Valenzuela and former U.S. ambassador to the OAS and Mrs. William Mailliard were among the 80 guests in the pine-swagged ballroom . Esther Trucco, elegant as always, joined Manuel in the sometimes tearful reunions with old friends, eager to welcome them back to U.S. shores. Joining the festivities were the Webb Hayes, the Godfrey McHughs and the Charles Camaliers.

Martin Malarkey and EstherTrucco (left, top) dance to the music of Devron . (Above) Honoree Manuel Trucco briefs Giselle Theberge on life in Chile.

Charley's Place A young, spirited atmospher e greets you at Charley's Place. It's indeed a delicious experience in every way. Featured are juicy steaks and a superb collection of treas ures from the sea. including fresh fish specials every day. Service is polite. casual and friendly. No pretensions. Prices? Moderate. Lunch and dinner served. M ajor credit cards welcome. Reservations accepted. Banquet facilities avaUable. McLEAN 6930 Old Dominion Road (703) 893-1034 WASHINGTON, D.C. 1110 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. (202) 363-7244 SPRINGFIELD 6900 Old Keene Mill Road (703) 451-0662

461DossierI February 1982

Marking the frivolity of the evening, Scooter Miller (above) dons a ribbon napkin holder headband while Howard Burris plops his gold seal name card right in the middle of his forehead. Carol and Bob Foley (right) pause in midstep to chat.



THE ULTIMATE CONVENIENCE The offspring of many WashIngton families kept the tradition of the Washington social circuit alive at the Potomac home of fourth generation Washingtonians, Stephen and Theo Hayes. (Left) Knight Kiplinger shares a moment of quiet conversation with hostess Theo, clad in rustling plaid taffeta. (Below) Stephen Hayes points out the fine details of a 17th century English painting- belonging to the family for several generations-to Todd Samperton and Billy Minshall.

Holds the key to

DIAL-A-MEAL "The Absolute Taste"




Gourmet meals delivered piping hot to home or office in our original, completely appointed, (yet fully disposable) dining tray. Delivery within our boundary lines or available for pick-up, with two hours notice. Delivery other areas minimum twelve orders, per delivery, within a 15 mile radius.




546-4546 Mon. to Fri. from 12:00 Noon Sat., Sun. & Holidays from 5:00P.M. All Seven Days Closed 12 Midnight

CAPITOL HilL First and D Streets, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 American Express, Visa and Master Charge In her final days as chief of protocol, Leonore Annenberg accepted on behalf of

~.he U.S. Government 1,200 copies of the new and attractive coffee table book,

Washington, The Capital." The generous gift was presented to Annen berg by photographer Robert Llewellyn (left) with co-publishers John Grant and Frank Thomasson. White House curator Clement Conger (right) wrote the foreward to the book.

a service ....... - - . by


DossierI February, 1982 I 47


Carnegie's is a new restaurant with an accent on casual elegance. As pleasing as you'll find the aunosphere, you 'll be especially delighted with our extensive menu and fust class wine list. Try the Roast Beef au Jus, or one of our many fresh seafood dishes. There's also a wide range of Pasta and Oriental dishes available. Reservations accepted. Major credit cards welcome. Banquet facilities available.


1700 N. Beauregard Street Alexandria (703) 820-4432

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Consumer Health Services of America, a wide selection of Washingtonians concerned with public health, including (right) Mayor Marion Barry, former mayor Walter Washington and Rep. Walter Fauntroy, attended a reception at the Four Seasons Hotel. Senior vice president of the nonprofit organization, Edward van Kloberg (above) applauds as Frances Humphrey Howard, sister of the late Hubert Humphrey, draws the name of D. C. General Hospital as winner of a rare coin worth $5,000, donated by New England Rare Coins Gallery.


.Marked Down! Our extraordinary 'Etheria' comforter , with baffle channel stitching for even distribution of our prime white goose down ... and the ultimate in restful sleep ... Now marked down an equally extraordinary 25 % in all sizes while supplies last! Wrap your Etheria with our exclusive collection of imported and designer bed linens ... Throw in some perfect down pillows in just your size ... And you'll be giving yourself the winter warming present of luxurious style and unparalleled sleeping comfort. Come see European-style sleeping at its finest. Or call for our free catalog. We're Scandia Down Shops. And we're a real sleeper.


10% off any pillow

with this ad!


nShops 路'路

3303 M Street, N.W. - Georgetown 342-2245

48/Dossier/February 1982

Margaret and Tom Seagears inaugurated their new VIrginia duplex by tossing a housewarming bash for 50 friends. Margaret, a Department of Education official, received rave reviews for both her home cooking and her hospitality. The evening was kicked off with violin serenades by Neil Armstrong and wound up with hostess Margaret providing piano accompaniment for an impromptu singalong by Oakley Hunter, Judge Marjorie Lawson, Lynette Taylor and out-of-towners Connie Appleby and French Stone. (Above) Tom Seagears welcomes Marie Jackson and Mrs. E. A. Mostafa (center).


Howard Devron (right) demonstrates his answer to jogging in the winter's sleet and snow-windshield wiper eyeglasses. Talking shop (below) are Dr. John Mclaughlin, his wife Ann who is assistant secretary of Treasury for public affairs, and CIA Director and Mrs. William Casey.

~argaret Hodges, in a sparkling sequin Jacket, takes the floor with Bill Quinn at her annual brunch for 250 friends at Congressional Country Club.


ssing a official, 9vening nostess Oakley ~ppleby

rs. E. A.

Above路 J d" h the H 路 u It Lichtmann, president of Women 's Auxiliary , and Jebrew Home . Starr oan C1bel, chairman of the on a lght ,Ball, congratulate each other fund Y~ar s preparation for the biggest raiser for the home.

Unfortunately, someone forgot to turn on the heat in the cavernous Old Pension Building for the annual Starlight Bali that benefits the 372-resldent Hebrew Home of Greater Washington . With freezing temperatures outside, and only 50-degrees inside, many of the guests, such as Mrs. Paul Cooper (left), Mrs. Robert Mendelsohn and Mrs. Stanford Steppa, kept their wraps throughout the eventful even ing of dining, dancing and honors. The annual Hyman Goldman Humanitarian Award was presented to Samuel Dweck, described by Hebrew Home Director Jerry Golomb as " a man who has served every Jewish cause."

Dossier/ February 1982149

CHORAL CAROLING After an extensive program of Christmas music which filled a crowded Concert Hall with good cheer, the Choral Arts Society of Washington trooped to the Watergate to celebrate its 15th year. Sponsored by Alta Leath, wife of Texas Congressman Marvin Leath and owner of the Altomar Collection, the late night buffet also featured a preview of Leath's collection of 18 karat gold jewelry designed by Brazil 's H. BurleMarx. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the society which taps the talent of 280 local singers. Guests included the Smithsonian 's gem curator Dr. Paul DeSautels; Peter Krogh, dean of Georgetown 's foreign service school and fellow Texans, Dale and Scooter Miller.

(Above) Three of the five Society directors (L toR): Ann Ward, Barbara Burris and Tamara Strickland with Alta Leath.


Because they won a bluegrass b-nd at an auction benefitting the New Playwright's Theater, of which Roland Hornet is chairman, Hornet and his wife Meredith threw a foot-stomping bash with Newton and Gaby Steers at the Steers home. The WilloW Creek Band delighted their 60 mutual friends who munched on delicacies dubbed with mountainY names. (Left) Stuart Rockwell swings his partner, Monir Nedjazi, clad in the prerequisite country at路 tire. (Above) Meredith Hornet, Joseph Wright, depu路 ty secretary of commerce, Ann Fairbanks, domestic policy advisor to Ed Meese and Roland Hornet test clogging.

50/ Dossier/February 1982

Dossier Looks At The Who, What, When, Where's And How's Of Buying A Wedding Gift

Founder and conductor of the Choral Arts Society, Norman Scribner (left) talks with Bill Cook and Mrs. Alice TullY, long-time New York philanthropist, recently honored by the dedication ohf a new wing at the Lincoln Center in ername .

To advertise call (202) 362-5894


on ch ife ;on ow


lnY 1er, atpu;tiC est

(Above) G b in a a ~an~ Newton Steers romp so 11 Playful tno With their housekeeper's • Moses Bernal.

DossierI February 1982 I 51

WINTER ESCAPES continued from page 16

Bay on British Virgin Gorda, another sunspot owned by the Rockefellers. "Both resorts are superb and super expensive," said Tom Goertner, coowner of Professional Travel Associates Inc. in Bethesda. "Little Dix is a bit less formal, more laid-back, and doesn't have the celebrities of Caneel Bay - and that's why some people prefer it." • If formality sets the tone of the evenings at Caneel Bay, it's round-theclock informality at La Samanna, a dazzling crescent of whitewashed, Mediterranean-style villas stretching along 4,000 feet of beach on St. Martin in the French West Indies. Travel agents differ on whether La Samanna is "going downhill," some indicating that from their clients' point of view, the exclusively topless beach is a turn for the worse. • Golf and tennis pros often winter in La Toe Village, a secluded 100-acre development on St. Lucia in the West Indies. But Bob Moss, controller of Ambassador Travel Inc. in Chevy Chase, said that besides the sports facilities, the resort offers other enticements. "St Lucian prices are midranged but there're not too many hotels and cottages that cater to the American taste besides La Toe. There are those splendid Piton Mountains that rise up like twin pyramids the height of the Eiffel Tower. And the boating and fishing is excellent." • Half French and half Dutch, St. Martin/Sint Maarten is one of the most popular of the more than 3,000 QUALITY FROM AROUND Caribbean isles. Its numerous hotel THE GLOBE resorts include Mullet Bay (which has 1363 CHAIN BRIDGE ROAD the island's only 18-hole golf course MclEAN, VIRGINIA and 18 tennis courts), Oyster Pond 734·0153 Yacht Club, St. Tropez, Little Bay and Great Bay Beach Hotels. The dual per- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 sonality of the island, lazy Dutch villas on one shore and the boutiques and bistros of Normandy on the other, make it all the more inviting. • On Barbados in the West Indies, the best bet is the Sandy Lane Hotel. "It draws a better clientele and is a bit more exclusive than most of the acThe ad you place in DOSSIER's Real Estate Properties commodations there," said Moss, who section reaches an audience of 120,000 with a median praised the Barbados beaches and noted Trafalgar Square in downtown income of $87,500. 34°/oof those readers own or rent 2 Bridgetown with its nearby shops. or more homes-median value of $229,000. For the sales • Due to past racial unrest, tourists results you're looking for, call (202) 362-4040 for have been avoiding Jamaica, and travel agents say it's unfair. "Tremenadvertising rates and information. dous strides have been made to correct those problems, and I wouldn't hesi-



52/Dossier/February 1982

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Late to send anyone to Jamaica," said Pat Lohaus of Van Slycke & Reeside Associates Inc. "It is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean." Among the Jamaican resorts she recommends are the Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, Tryall Golf and Beach Club near Montego Bay and the fabulous, pink rococo Sans Souci Hotel. The three- and four-bedroom villas, complete with domestic staff, facing the ocean on the island's north shore are the choice of Bethesda Travel Center president Tony Adelfio. Connoisseurs of the Caribbean are languishing this season at a host of lesser-known resorts, some pure luxury and others downright quaint. Here's a few that are attracting the most attention: • For exotic luxury and some of the

Are there winter vacations beyond the Caribbean? Travel agents in Washington say they often wonder if area residents know there are . . . but there is a growing interest in our neighbors to the south, Mexico and South America. highest rates in the islands, there is Haiti's Habitation Leclerc which, according to Julia Bottelson who owns Georgetown Travel Service Inc., ''makes La Samanna look like an outhouse." Its large rooms, priced from $80 a day for a single to $170 a day for a villa, feature tiled floors and columns, Haitian murals, sunken baths and shuttered doors that open to a panorama of the paradisiacal 30-acre estate once owned by Napoleon's sister, Pauline Bonaparte Leclerc. • Not a luxury resort, but nevertheless spectacular, is the recently opened Mahogany Run on St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Greek-white one- and two-bedroom condominiums overlooking 315 acres of thick, green forests and a rugged coastline, "it's not a place for high cuisine," said Lohaus, "but its golf and tennis facilities are fabulous and, for shopPing, Charlotte Amalie is only 10 minutes away." • The Cotton House is the only resort on Mustique, part of the

Setting by The Fairfax. Food by The Jockey Club. (Anything less isn't really a banquet.) Wll n you'r planning m II 111 ling, dinn r r p rty imp rlar1llh l nol11ing llorl of pl endid will do, let u 11 lp. We'll s e to illhallhe rvice i imma ul t , th fo d nd drinl up rb, urrounding qui tty b a uliful. and tl1 Anything I wouldn't do. And you couldn't a I\ for n thing 111 r . For in forma lion , all Cynthia Kibbey at (202) 29.3-2100.

2 100 M<l'>'>.tc llu -.c lt.'> A\ ' rlll ·• N.\V. \Vil'> ll i11!JI0 11, 0 ... 20 0 0 8

Don't take an ordinary vacation Cruise Royal Caribbean! Ship's Registry: Norway

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Fly to and from Miami for $50.

On 7-day cruises.

Free On 14-day cruise ROYAL CARIBBEAN ng of orway o ordlc Prince • un Vlklna 7-day and 14-dll,)'

For information and brochures contact: 4601 N. Paf1( Ave., Chevy Chase, Md. 654-5475 1825 K St., N.W. c Washington, D.C. 463·7505 Dossier/ Febmory 1932153

Grenadine chain near St. Vincent in the West Indies, a private island less than three miles long and one-and-ahalf miles wide. The hotel is an 18th century stone and coral warehouse which has been "discreetly modernized." Each room, decorated by designer Oliver Messel, has a small library with books in at least three languages. Tea is served in the afternoons, and horses are available to the guests. • For travelers with a hedonistic bent, there is Negril Beach Village in Jamaica- the subject of an extensive and rather risque ad campaign depicting unabashed pleasure. The brochure states that visitors may "dress as you wish, when you wish. The less clothing you bring, the more comfortable you'll be." And Ambassador Travel's Bob Moss said the ad is no put-on: "Jamaica is willing to try anything to attract vacationers.'' • To truly "get away from it all," there is the remote island of St. Eustatius in the West Indies (popularly known as Statia) where stragglers at the Old Gin House overlooking the harbor have "absolutely nothing to do at night but go into the bar and get

plowed on schnapps," according to Bottelson. • For those concerned with exclusivity, the West Indies isle of Antigua shouldn't be overlooked. While

Despite hurricanes and volcanic eruptions . . . the Caribbean islands with those broad sugar-sand beaches and turquoise seascapes remain the preferred winter destination of traveling Washingtonians. your travel agent won't be able to book you a room, the island's most exclusive spot (and therefore the Caribbean's as well) is Mill Reef Club, a luxury compound owned by the Mellon family and open only to "friends of friends of friends." Those of you unknown to the Mellons, however, can stay at the nearby Half Moon Bay Hotel or at the recently refurbished Curtain Bluff.

A variety of resorts notwithstanding, the most popular way to experience the variety of the Caribbean this season is on a cruise ship. Travel agents attribute the boom to the fact that escalating hotel rates have made cruises competitive (especially when the package includes, as it often does, air fare to the port of departure). "And there's the allure of ships," said Judy McDowell of Enzor Travel Service in Arlington. A bevy of firms offer one- to threeweek cruises, with rates beginning at about $150 per day. The undisputed "Rolls-Royce of the cruise ships" is Royal Viking, where an inside cabin for a 17-day cruise will cost about $3,100 and a penthouse suite up to $10,700. Are there winter vacations beyond the Caribbean? Travel agents in Washington say they often wonder if area residents know there are. While only a few are willing to brave surpri.singly wet and chilly February is tn Greece, Israel and North Africa, there is a growing interest in our neighbors to the south, Mexico and South America. One of the hottest South American

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GUARDIAN ALARM SALES, INC. 4850 Rugby Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814 54/ Dossier/ February 1982

trips offered this season is a package deal by American Express - the eightday "Peruvian Express ." Rates ranging from $799 to $927 include air fare from Miami and first-class hotel accommodations for five nights . Stops are made at Lima, Cuzco, the incomparable archeological site at Machu Picchu, and Iquitos, where accommodations for two nights are in the primitive but comfortable Amazon Safari Camp. The company also offers an eight-day "Brazilian Express," with rates ranging from $899 to $1,249, including air fare from Miami. This tour is highlighted by nearly four days in fabulous Rio. In Mexico, the obvious- and alas, somewhat spoiled - winter resorts are Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun and the once unknown skin-diving haven on the Yucatan island of Cozumel, perhaps still more refreshing than the others but likely to become a beaten path. Not all Washingtonians seek Warmth on their winter vacation. "It's been terrible for snow the past two seasons and skiers are anxious to get back on the slopes. This winter, ski resorts are going to boom," said lid aro~yn Landow Cardozo, of Ski InUstnes America. WSerious skiers opt for resorts in the est where, most agree, the slopes and facilities equal those in Europe. Acc~rding to Cardozo, ''the elitist of the ehte" will go to Beaver Creek, Vail's ~ew and still-developing neighbor. Ondorniniums there are selling for $650,000 and up with buyers including ~ least one former Washingtonian, erald Ford, as well as a slew of ~ollywoodites . Enchantment with . eaver Creek is not complete. "!think It' t s more a place to be seen rather than to ski," said Thomas P. Todd, direcor of American Express Travel Service and an experienced skier. i "There's not much at Beaver Creek s~ the way of development and the sk~Pes are mostly for intermediate v •~rs. Vail, on the other hand, has a i anety of trails (including the demande~¥· ~ack bowls), superb maintenance, restaur ICient lifts and excellent . rnants •" sa1'd Todd, addmg that h e r ade reservations at his favorite bes:aurant for dinner this month e ore Christmas. se~o~her new resort to be tested this th ~n Is Deer Valley, 45 minutes from qu~ alt Lake City (Utah) airport. " It's co let, ~ecluded and mostly for hardIJ/ere skiers. If you go this year, you'll

Quality Escorted Tours

o Maue!!J!QY.!. EUPOPE- ORIENT/JAPAN MIDDLE EAST - NILE CRUISE ISRAEL & EGYPT- AFRICA INDIA/NEPAL/KASHMIRSCANDINAVIA- SOUTH AMERICA SOUTH PACIFIC -GREEK ISLES Why settle for less than the most comprehensive, most interesting tour? Treat yourself to a grand style and a relaxing tempo. For information and free brochures contact:

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Mediterranean Fleet Mediterranean cruises that bring the high cost of European travel down to sea level. MTS Danae

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Sailing every other Saturday May through October 1982 Venice Katakolon ·Oiymp la (Gre ece) , Alexandria (Egypt), Haifa (Israel/, KusadasiEphesus (Turkey), lstanbu (Tu rkey) , Athens-Piraeus (Greece), Corfu (Greece), Oubrovn lk (Yugoslavia), Venice cru ise only rates from $1870, per person, double occupancy

Genoa, Gibraltar, Tang ier (Morocco), Funchal (Madeira Islands), Tenerlfe (Canary Islands), Casablanca (Morocco), Palma de Majorca (Spain), Genoa Cruise only rates from $1600, per person, double occupancy

For information and brochures contact:


1825 K STREET, N.W., • WASHINGTON, D.C. 463·7505 4601 N. PARK AVENUE • CHEVY CHASE, MD. 654·5475

ase turn to page 69

Dossier/ February 1982155

LASTING IMPRESSIONS continued from page 38

for intimacy with its eggshell colored decor, its red rose and Scandinavian storm light on each table. Another nice touch is the nightly background music by a prize concert pianist. Occasionally, it's the view that provides an amorous mood. There may be none better than the 180-degree panorama of the monuments, the Capitol and Old Alexandria that hypnotizes diners at The View Restaurant, on the top floor of the Key Bridge Marriott in Rosslyn. If it takes a warm fireplace to sto~e the flames of passion, one of the most memorable is the large stone beauty in the Alpenhof, the robust German restaurant at 1243 20th Street NWDon't be surprised if a suckling pig is roasting on the fire - spanferkel is a standard at the Alpenhof. For a more formal and historic but no Jess romanThe 1789 Rc tauram, in historic tic evening by the fire, the 1789 Georgetmvn, erving superb French cui ine. Restaprant at 1226 36th Street NW 1226 36th r., .W., 965- 17 9. lights up its cozy federal-period interior on cold nights. For a setting as The American Express Card. Don't leavr home without it; informal as a spic-and-span horse stable, the Iron Gate Inn, at 1734 N Street NW, has two fireplaces, upstairs - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- r - -- - -- - - - - - - -- -----i and down, in what originally was an 1800-vintage carriagehouse. For down-home charm that tugs on the memory, Washingtonians don't have to drive far to find genuine country inns to recall simpler and heartier Ours is decaffeinated in Switzerland times. Only an hour away in Middleby a unique pure water process that burg, Virginia, the historic Red Fox leaves no chlorinated hydrocarbon Tavern has been operating since 1728 residues. and still features colonial cuisine servIN ed by appropriately dressed maidens. GREAT FALLS, VIRGINIA The Comus Inn, near Sugarloaf Mountain in Maryland, was built in Countryside setting 1860 and impresses diners with its Live Gypsy Music original log walls and low ceilings . Closer is the Old Angler's Inn, Special Gourmet located on MacArthur Boulevard in Potomac, Maryland. This century-old Dinner Menu ... stone building near the canal is plush Snwd from 5 :30~:00 PM with green lawns, patios, dark heavy Appetizer, Soup or Salad beams and a spiral staircase that spans Main Course the two floors of diniT\g. Nearby, in Dessert and Coffee for $12.95 Great Falls, L' Auberge Chez Francois is an inn of a different countryside. Buaineaa Luncheon Specials The white stucco and wide fireplaces 11 :~:30 Mo.day-Friday accentuate that French province amDinner 5 :3 0 · 1 1 :00 PM M onday-Sunday biance, and you may even find the chef in the herb garden clipping fresh spice 703 I 759-4150 for your entree. FOOD SHOP Cor"tr of W•lktr Rood at Colvi" Ru" Mill GrtJJI Falls, Virgi"ia For those of us who live in WashA Natural Food Supermarket 5 miles from Tysons Cornor 6t Wolftrap ington but whose hearts remain in 1015 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Georgetown 338-1700 Paris, a host of restaurants serve that

~~When was the last time

you had Reindeer with lingonberries?" ~~In 1789."

Now you can enjoy good coffee without feeling guilty.


l 1e~ !"


please turn to page 60 56/ Dossier/ February 1982

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1789 NW

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For Grecian Cuisine at its best, the Phoenix Restaurant passes the test. Choose from a delectable selection of Seafood, lamb, Beef, and Poultry, not to mention the scrumptious combination Greek Food Platter for the Grecian Cuisine Connoisseur. Enjoy Washington's most talented piano and mandolin musicians Thursday- Saturday evenings beginning at 7:15PM. And for those romantic summer nights enjoy dining under the moonlight in a beautiful outdoor setting. 2950 N. Fairfax Dr. Arlington, Va.


25th & L Streets, N. W. Reservations: 965-2209 Valet Parking at Dinner

A NEW RESTAURANT featuring cuisine


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le cheval rouge

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Speciali:.ing in Seafood, Veal and Florentine-cut 24 ounce Beef Steaks A private dining room is available to accommodate up to 30 guests. Free valet parking at dinnertime. Conducive Bar Lounge with Separate Menu

2020 K Street, NW • Washington, DC 20006 Tel: (202) 296-7112

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fBarltu flnw An exqui ite olde English atmo phere and fine fare await you here. Thickly-cut Prime Rib, Beefe Devon hire and Filet Mignon are highlighted, a well a Lamb, Veal and Roast Long Island Duckling. Fre h seafood delicacies vary from the Baked Stuffed Trout to Australian Lobster Tail. Price are reasonable, portions are ge nerous . The desserts including Lady Windemere Trine, are award-winners. Banquet fa ci litie , non- moking ections available.

V,MC,AE. 700 Water Street, South We t (off Maine Avenue), Wa hington 554-7320 Lunch served Mon. • Fri. II - 3; Dinner 5- 10 Open for Dinner Sat. 5- I 1 Sun. 4 • 10 Nearest Metro SlOp: L'Enfant Plaza

Wa hington' intimate new re taurant. On 'N' Street just off onnecticut Avenue .

''Everything shows superb preparation and preselllation . Chaucers, my friend, is a Find .' ' - Don Hearn, Roll Call Pre-Theatre Dinner Special (5:30 to 7:00p.m .) Ju st $9.95 Free valet parking , Banquet facilitie . Serving lunch and dinner.

Reservations: 393-3000. 1733 'N' Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036




965-1185 Dossier/February 1982157

The DoggieBag Dilemma BY CAROL MACGUINEAS A large chunk of steak winks at you from your restaurant plate. "Take me home," it whispers seductively. "You know you can't eat another bite. Wouldn't it taste nice at lunch tomorrow? Hmmmm? It's all right - your mother will never find out you asked for a doggie bag.'' Doggie bag. What tacky images the words bring to mind! Respectable citizens just do not sink to such a level. If you mumble a request for one, the waiter will surely laugh at you. The press will be alerted. You will no longer be invited to the best cocktail parties - possibly none at all. Yet the idea is so tempting, especially with steak costing the earth. What, oh what to do? Go ahead and ask. You will find yourself in good company. More and more diners leave the most elegant restaurants these days carrying aluminum foil swans, cunning baskets, no-nonsense brown bags. These conceal rockfish, veal, the occasional dab of chocolate mousse, ready to double as exotic breakfasts. Once these brave souls probably had scruples about the whole thing. But they have learned to say, with fearless glance and steady voice, "May I take the rest of this home, please?'' Often they do so with the restaurateur's blessing. "I hate to see all that food wasted," says Dominique D'Ermo, owner of Dominique's, where you can exit with leftover snake, shark or buffalo. "If we could collect the leftovers that go into Washington garbage cans tonight, we could probably nourish the population of Frederick, Maryland. People are entitled to take home what they pay for." D'Ermo's waiters, rather than laughing, actually suggest that customers cart off what they can't finish. So do those at Cantina d'Italia. "My portions are big," reports owner Joseph Muran de Assereto. "When we ask, 'Would you like us to wrap it up for you?' the answer is usually yes. No one feels embarrassed. At these prices, why should they? Our artistic busboys create birds, like something in the Inca or Aztec mode to hold the leftovers." Simply wrapping up that alluring piece of steak would be duck soup to 58/ Dossier/ February 1982

most restaurant people, who get far stranger requests. One Dominque patron asked to carry away his lobster shells. The waiter was puzzled. It turned out that the diner was making a fish stock, so D'Ermo threw in a few extras from the kitchen. So go ahead. Think of how good it will taste tomorrow, how much you have paid, how clever you are. If you still tremble in your boots at the idea, however, and crave more specific guidance, here are a few words to live by: • Consider the restaurant's atmosphere. The darker and quieter it is, the more chichi or awe-inspiring, the more nerve you will need to ask. Maybe you should practice elsewhere the first couple of times. But take heart: even the most expensive restaurants will not refuse you. At Le Pavilion, your treasure will be presented to you with doilies underneath. At Tiberio, it may be topped by a rose. • Consider your approach. Forthright and serene is good; shamefaced and furtive is not. Don't blush behind your napkin." I'd like to take the rest of this home with me,'' makes your point nicely. If you feel a bit shakY afterward, soothe yourself with a brandy. Ease comes with practice. • Consider the food you have set your sights on. Will it keep, and will it taste as good the next day? Oysters, sweetbreads and anything with eggs don't preserve very well. Joseph Muran de Assereto worries when his patrons ask for them. Liver turns into mush. Leftover limp salad is unspeakable. Leftover shark seems rather brash for breakfast. Carrying food around on a hot July day is rarely a great idea. • Do not pretend that a canine or a feline friend will benefiL from the food, if it is not the case. You don't need an excuse. The waiter doesn't care in the slightest. Besides, you won't get awaY with it. "Years ago I had a little girl sitting with her mother and father," recalls Mel Krupin, owner of Mel Krupin's. "The woman said, 'We'd like to have a doggie bag.' And the little girl said, 'Oh Mommy, are we go0 ing to buy a dog?"'

.711~ far

culinary Li:ndma:~-k of V./rgimc1~! .Evans- .Fa..r:n1 .I:n:n.:in .M. e1ea.n..-


ster urnfish


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The newe tin town, the olde tin experience. Giuliano Bouini and Giorgio Brunani have created this truly Northern Italian re tauram. Tartufo offer the food and atmo phere of the region of the Po Valley . From Risotti AI Tanufo to Tortelloni Tabiano and Orata AI Cartoccio to Fagiano Tartufato. Our guests are our best food critic .

1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW • Washington, DC • (202) 887-5489



or a



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he lit-

e go-


· Washington's most attractive re$laurant ... noted for exceptionally fine French Cuisine ~

785-8877 1990 M St. NW

corner 20th & M Streets

Dossier/February /982159


continued from page 56

"moveable feast" with styles that range from the haute cuisine and grande decors of the Champs Elysees Americus. An unprecedented to the noisy brasserie air of the Latin restaurant proudly dedicated to Quarter. For instance, when you step the American culinary heritage. into Le Provencial, at 1234 20th Street Its recipes are refined interpretations NW, the essence of the provinces is uncannily captured, so wear your beret. of the great traditional and regional For the feel of a Parisian bistro, dishes of the United States. HS Georgetown's only true neighborhood Ingredients, the seasonal abundance restaurant, Au Pied de Cochon, at of Amerlcds farms and waters, 1335 Wisconsin Avenue, draws a hOrvested at the peak of crowd of regulars who add to the congenial atmosphere. A few blocks away, at the small La Ruche, at 1039 31st Street NW, the noise-level is as much the decor as the cluttered tile tables. Ah, Paris! Maxime, the airy and flowery restaurant in the Mazza Galleria, offers a comfortable setting that's not the grande style of Jean Louis at Watergate or Rive Gauche, at 1312 Wisconsin Avenue NW. Alas, there is the ultimate test of confidence in a restaurant that one never forgets. You've had the initi~l glass of wine. Your dinner partner IS about to examine the menu when you call over the Maitre d'Hotel. "Pierre.'' You use his first name. "I would appreciate your ordering for us this even----------------------------~ ing." What follows is a grand displaY of showmanship and choice cuisine not available in every restaurant. In Washington, there are several that would never dissappoint t~e sophisticated diner. Among them IS Maison Blanche, the elegant French restaurant with an old world decor at 1725 F Street NW where gracious tableside service under the experienced eye of Georges Torchia is the rule. Jacques and Gilbert oversee the fresh, garden-inspired setting at Le Bagate~Je, at 2000 K Street NW, where the w1ne list, cheese selection and pastrY. car~ are truly special. Amiable attentiOn f 1anet Cam and the presentation nouvelle cuisine that looks too good t~ eat is the hallmark of Le Pavillon, a 1820 K Street NW. Besides the sporting motif and plank-pegged floors, much of the warm environs at 1h~ Jockey Club, in the Fairfax Hotel ~ 2100 Massachusetts Avenue, can be atributed to Paul Delisle, while similarly the name "Christian" adds the app;eciated panache at Chez Gra~d 111 Mere located at 3057 M Street ' the Georgetown. And in Bethesda, at Old initimate Le Vieux Logis, at 7925 el Georgetown Road, the affable Mar.c e Montagnier gua(antees a ge~u~~g welcome and an exceptional dtlll 0 experience.

60/ Dossier/ February 1982

Fashion Calendar A GUIDE TO AREA SHOWS FEBRUARY Fashion Show at "219" Restaurant, Alexandria. Frankie Welch, Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout February, noon - 2 p.m. Slightly Laced. La Bergerie Restaurant at noon Thursdays. 2, 3, 4- Morton Myles Mylesport trunk show. Garfinckel's, informal modeling, 2nd-Montgomery Mall; 3rd-Spring Valley; 4th-Georgetown Park; 12 noon - 3 p.m . ~· 4- Ernst Str11uss trunk show. Garfinckel's, Informal modeling, 3rd-F St; 4th-Spring Valley; 12 noon - 3 p.m. 3, 4 - Benton Suit Collection. Rizik's, informal modeling, II a.m. - 4 p.m. ?• 10- Louis Feraud trunk show. Garfinckel's, Informal modeling, 9th-F St; lOth-Spring Valley; 12 noon - 3 p.m. · 12, 13 - Potomac Coordinates fashion show. Woodies, 12th-F St; 13th-Tysons; 12:30 p.m. 13 - Genesis fashion show. Woodies, Montgomery Mall, I p.m . - 3 p.m. 15, 16- Chane! trunk show. Woodies, Montgomery Mall, I p.m . - 3 p.m. 16- Christian Dior Sportswear. Rizik's, informal modeling, II a.m. - 4 p.m. 17 - Informal modeling. Woodies, Chevy Chase, 12 noon - 2 p.m. 17, 18, 19- Baron Peters trunk show. Garfinckel's, informal modeling, 17th-Spring Valley; 18th-Montgomery Mall; 19th-F St; 12 noon- 3

Alfredo's Garden

.Jf1Q.m:l'!!l/ - $tel~ ff:SO a.m. JczLtu<d'!f/ to -op-.m.



.20tit-Jtreet, Oettueuv.!7cmdETCJtreet.r Gfese/'oatioll& 04!) :9Q94


;7, 18- Givenchy trunk show. Garfinckel's inormal modeling, F St, 12 noon - 3 p.m .

~-Junior fashions. Woodies, informal model-

Ing, Tysons, Wheaton, Landover, 2 p.m. ;4, 25- Tiktiner trunk show. Garfinckel's in10rmal modeling, 24th-F St; 25th-Spring Valley; 2 noon - 3 p.m.


To visit Jordan is to discover a thousand and one Arabic delights. Like in many of its Middle Eastern neighbors, Jordan cuisine features traditional Bedouin cooking, an outstanding example of which is mansaf (lamb, rice, & yoghurt sauce). There are many common varieties of main course dishes such as, yahkne (meat & veget~bles), mahshi (vine leaves & vegetables), rosto (meat or chicken), or shawerma (spitted lamb).

Mrs D . B . both aviS_ urroughs and Mrs. Morton Wilner,

To caQture the finest in Royal Jordanian cuisine .. 1805 H Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 737-4466. Banquet facilities and catering available. Stuffed whole lamb our specialty.

Weanng Oscar de Ia Renta. Dossier/ February 198216/




Roll-up Shutters

Designed by European engineers Roll-up shutters afford you the ultimate in: Security • Thermal Protection • Privacy





Elegantly appointed condominium apart, ments, many with fireplaces located just across from The Columbia Count;ry Club in an exten, sively landscaped setting. ' Spacious one and two bedrooms plus studies and secured indoor parking. Sales Office at 8534 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland. For information call: (301) 986,6178, Sales by B. F. Saul Co.

62/Dossier/February 1982

3930 Argyle Terr. L V Deerling to E Weisman - $365,000 2809 Chesterfield PI P W Sher to Geo Warner · $350,000 3017 Courtland PI A E Bennett to P C Patel - $335,000 4707 Fulton St NW B C Straight to Frank H Pearl . $495,000 4426 Hawthorne St NW I S Rollow to Richd J Hindin . $325,000 3411 Newark St NW H B Stern to Belinda C Straight. $360,000 2321 Pa Av NW J T Smith Jr to 2321 Penn Av NW Gen Ptshp - $375,000 3105 Woodley Rd NW W F !lehman to Anna Victor . $335,000 2260 48th St NW J W Stanton to Randolf H Aires. $350,000 1015 33rd St NW Flour Mill LP to John Driggs - $287,000 4117 Brandywine St NW W 0 Dawson to Robt W Graham Ill $560,000 4780 Dexter St NW J R Lowe Jr to Jas M Fallows- $420,000 4915 Loughboro Rd NW J W Baeir to Republic of Chile- $700,000 5132 Loughboro Rd NW S W Cooley to Frank R Vogl - $280,000 3208 Newark St NW D A O'Toole to Peter B Edelman · $333,000 1826 R St NW R L Barthoff to Govt of Rep of Singapore· $355,000 2103 R St NW 2101 R St LP to Jas F Bell - $350,000 3041 Lane Keys St NW W F Tait to John W Stanton - $395,000 3228 Woodley Rd NW A L McDonald to Jan W Mares- $400,000 1416 34th St NW A M Johnson to Joan E Cramer- $370,537 650 lndep Av NE R E Reich to Richard A Kline & C Schneider- $350,000 5171 Palisade Lane NW H J Barth to Robt H Bork - $470,000 2402 Wyoming Ave NW S R Turtle-Becker to Anthony G Chase · $650,000 2707 32nd St NW J K A Watson to Beth R Myers - $500,00°

OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA DANDY's accommodations offer pleasant dining :tfloat, in the tradition of the rest.mmm riverboat wluch ply the Scmc through the heart of Paris. Dmner and luncheon cmiscs for one to one· hundred·fl.fcy CLIMATE-CONTROLLED ALL·SEA ON RESTAURANT.

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rvtARYLAND 7307 Burdette Ct, BetHesda J H Resor to Edw T Mitchell - $310,000 8005 Overhill Rd, Bethesda G A Tripp to Robt J Kenney - $290,000 Unsurpassed 8919 Bel Air PI, Poolesville . View of B C Thorpe to Step.h E Moss - $355,000 8812 Potomac Stat La, Poolesville Potomac River Pot Stat Ests JV to Mario V Mirabelli · $505,250 11108 Potomac Vw Dr, Poolesville Saddlebrk Dev Cp to Peter L Passero · $360,000 8305 Whittier Blvd, Bethesda Contemporary on 7 1/z R G Blitz to Michl F Goldman - $310,000 4424 Chalfont PI, Westmoreland Hills acres, ideal for the nature W T Brawner to H Wayne Warner · lover. 20 minutes from $275,000 the W hite House. 5206 Wehawken Rd, Glen Echo AD Phillips to John E Murdock - $275,000 3516 Plyers Mill Rd, Kensington S H Kay to Milton B .Po peck - $325,000 22200 White's Ferry Rd, Poolesville T R Lingo to Robt T Eiasseches - $425,000 9908 Glenolden Dr, Poolesville Sho wn by appointment with E R Padilla to Milton J Koch - $420,000 John Y. Millar 5408 Edgemoor La, Bethesda C D Heap to Steven H Lewis - $300,000 364-8416, 362-4480 11045 Show shoe La, Rockville US Home Cp to Wm Y Lee - $275,000 11045 Showshoe La, Rockville FO XHALL SQUARE US Home Cp to Wm Y Lee - $275,000 3301 New Mexico Avenue, N .W. • Washington, D .C. 20016 9201 Pegasus Ct, Potomac Mardosian to R D Barker - $580,000 W e sell investments to live in . 11017 Stanmore Dr; Potomac P E Ruppe to F X Kelly - $375,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H . S 5 0 8 Bonnie Dale Dr, Gaithersburg R P Jones to H Jas Sheetz - $268,000


MGMB, inc. Realtors

\11RG!Nv; 1204 Suffield Dr, Mclean R H Harris to Kenneth W Gideon · $288,900 7313 Hooking Rd, Mclean Ridge Dev Corp to Jack M Park. $305,000 1314 Skipwith Rd, Mclean Burns-Nida Devt Cp toE Linwood Tipton· $310,000 8501 Robin Rdg Rd, Fairfax H F Grimm Jr to Howard P Horton · $275,000 10201 Brennanhlll Ct, Great Falls D J Sheftel to Gerald J Lerner- $300,000 8025 Old Dominion Dr, Mclean D A Murry to Timothy C Kelley- $285,000 4117 Ridgeview Rd, Arlington M M K Zung to Sakr Fakhri - $397,500 11308 Hunting Horse Dr, Fairfax Statlon G L Kendrick to Leonard Smith- $355,00 0 6313 Beachway Dr, Falls Church E P Mathias to J Ronald DenneY · $345,000 1318 Skipwith Rd, Mclean T G McWilliams to Richd H KimberlY· $420,000 770 Potomac River Rd, Mclean 0 AT AI Saud to Delmar J Lewis- $340,0° 3339 Anna Rd, Falls Church 4 B A Harding to JohnS Bowers- $378,95 1600 King James Ct, Alexandria . DeGroff Enterprs to Victor A Schroeder $325,000 64/ Dossier/ February 1982


,000 ,000 ,000 elli · e ro ·




26 ACRES OF HIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL. Located on Rt. 7 just inside town limits. Ready for shopping center, motel/restaurant, garden apts. $1,950,000.00.

MANASSAS: 8.34 ACRES OF PRIME COMMERCIAL. Ready now for office/ retail

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condo or standard concept development. Beautiful ground very near 1-66, right on Rt. 234. $1 ,300,000.00.



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26 PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL ACRES RIGHT ON RT. 7 NEAR XEROX CENTER. On master plan for l.P. Ideal site and location for large corporation looking for right setting for llome base. Backs onto Broad Run Creek . Sewer and water nearby. $1 ,200,000.00.

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I •. ~Homes«> . and Gardena

French Colonial - Bu ilder' home - Large formal living rm . & dining rm. 5 Bedrm , 5 Bmh . omplele apl . in lower level. Swimming pool, 2 acres. Near Congr ional Coumry Club. Joan Kerrigan 299-5566








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Call today for a private consultation at 881-6664.

"MAPLE VIEW". Very complete small estate with II park-like acres adjoining 400 acre farm . Custom brick home has 5 bedrooms, 3 Y2 baths, 4 fireplaces, lovely woodwork throughout. Also, lighted tennis court,freeform swimming pool, stocked pond, exceptional landscaping, much more, ju s t minute s from downtown Leesburg. $349,000. Call for brochure.

King and Cornwall, Inc.



Leesburg, Va.

(703) 777-2503

Metro Area 471-5400 (no toll) Dossier/ February 1982165


Uppermost Bracket


The Ultimate Address . .. belongs to one of the choicest properties currently available in McLean. Built in 1976, this white brick Georgian Colonial is distinguished in its detail and quality. Notable features include four spacious bedrooms at the top of the grand staircase, banquet size dining room, large greenhouse with climate control plus an exquisite 42' pool with cabana and putting green. Call for private appointment to inspect.

ELEGANCE AND CHARM blend delightfully in this bright and sunny home located on a quiet street convenient to good transportation and shopping. This centrally air conditioned home has a spacious floor plan including a sun room and an inviting den with a fireplace on the first floor, six bedrooms and four baths plus a semi-daylight recreation room on the lower level. Very reasonably priced.

Shown by appointment- Margaret King 951-0193

H.A. GILL & SON "Three Generations of Quality Brokerage"

(703) 356-0100

McLean, Virginia





STATELY ELEGANCE Outstanding example of one of the finest period brick homes in exclusive Kalorama. CIRCA 1900, this lovely townhouse offers exquisite moldings , high ceilings, and many exceptional architectural details. Ideal for gracious entertaining with its spacious entry hallway, large living room, and library. Five bedrooms, three and half baths , plus charming garden. Located in the heart of Embassy Row, this gracious property could also serve as embassy or chancery. Reasonably priced at $350,000. Call today to preview this exceptional property. 277 S. Washington Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314


66/ Dossier/ February 1982


Fairfax Station

'This unique property in a prestigious estate area boasts a bam converted to a residence of unusual sryling and aPr;d a ments. A breezeway connects it to an annex featuring 3 rooms, which are presently used as offices, a utilitY room .(all' 1 half bath. 'This structure has its own central air conditioning and heating systems and is perfect for guest rooms. n suite, studio or offices. c;e5 tlorse bam, pony shed, 2 trairting areas, excellent pastures, 120' x 60' tennis court, 4 car garage, 2 patios, 3 flfePia and unlimited potential make this property an outstanding buy. Shown by appointment only. Please call our Burke, Virginia office at 703-569-7870 or Shep Oliver at his residence, 703-9784341 Out of town call our toll free number 800-336-0276



Immediately upon entering PapermiU,the high The magnificent condominium drama of its design is evidenced by the sparkling homes of Papennill. Opening today overlooking the George- skylight running the full length of the foyer. But it is the homes themselves that are the most town waterfront. impressive aspect of PapermiU. The dazzling feaWash. If Georgetown is the heart of tures include gleaming hardwood floors. Gourmet th. mgton, the Potomac is its soul. Now somekitchens with microwaves. Sparkling baths. FireGmg magnificent is happening overlooking the places for cozy winter evenings.And all the special roeorgeto~ wa~erfront, to assure you a lasting little touches that make a world of difference. There dorn~~e With city living at its zenith. The conrnmmrn homes of PapermiU. are even nine and a half foot ceilings and underground parking service. Yo:ro.m ~e sweeping window walls of Papermill, Papermill. Studios,I bedrooms, I bedrooms with city Will discover the finest Potomac views in the Ke~ encompassing Rosslyn and the Key Bridge, the den and 2 bedrooms,from $112,500 to $275,000. Open 12 to 6 everyday except Monday. 3299 KStreet. but Center.and Watergate Hotel. Yet you are G elevator nde from all the myriad charms of Take Wisconsin Ave. South to KStreet. Thm right, d~orgetown. There is assuredly no comparable ad- proceed 100 yards to Papermill. Phone 342-1400. ss to be found in all of Washington. With lovely 12rs% financing.


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Harvard Bartenders South. Experienced, reliable, attractive, intelligent. Reasonable rates. Call Cameron 363-8036 or Andrew 671-7826.


Discover THE BOOK CELLAR for out-ofprint books to read & collect. Most subjects & languages. 8227 Woodmont Ave., Bethesda, Md. 654-1898. Open 7 days, 11-5.


STORM INTERIORS Where More Is Less 953-3165 Lynda Storm 776-3880


Family vacation at an 18th century VIrginia farm. Carefully reestored house and dependency (c.1752), 2 acre grounds, 20' x 48' pool on 50-acre farm. Central to battelfields, Lake Anna, Williamsburg. Washington 90 miles. Maid Service. $350 per week. (919) 482-7771 , 7159.


~x~ui~itely ~and-lettered announcements, Will pay cash for your old rugs. Appraisals,

mv1tat1ons, diplomas, menus. Fortune 500 & cleaning & repairing. Hadeed Oriental Rug State Dept. Clientele. 298-4518 or 370-8173. Emporium. 1504 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria,


Beautiful fabrics at sensible prices. Basics, notions for dressmaking. Threadneedle Street, Potomac Promenade. (inside mall) 9812 Falls Rd. Potomac. 299-3370


For bookings call 332-1796 LYNNE ANDERS , soprano . Brochure 385-1165 BOB GIDEON, piano/ combo/band. 273-4790 Weddings, banquets, receptions, parties. AM ORA STRING QUARTET, also Trio, Duo. Perfect for after dinner concert, wedding, or reception . Call Robert 333-0717


St. Thomaa Detached villa, sleeps 4, kitchen, 1 V2 baths, private deck overlooking ocean 5 mlns from Mahagony Run Club.$ 700/week Dec路 April 548-4515


INTERIOR BY AUGUST Res ident ial Mr. August-544-2999

68/Dossier/February 1982

v_a_._54_9-_09_9_1._=:;;-;;-;::::;;:::;:;- - - - - _ _ _ _ __


Queen of Hearts Meet some really great singles in the area. Save $4 during Feb . _by mentioning this ad . Call 393-2118 or wnte P.O. Box 34881 Bethesda, MD 20817 MRS. JACQUELINE Astrology reader & advisor. Consultant on all matters of life such as marriage, love, business, etc. One free question by phone. She is located at 6499 Marlboro Pike, District Heights, Md. 568-9626 Will take good care of a fine elderly, !o_nely person. Florida waterfront condomm1um . References exchanged. Reply to P.O . BOX 2199 St. PETERSBURG FLA 33701

SHUTTERS CUSTOM WOOD SHUTTERS & DOORS 40% off we install 20% off you install Call Sal at 953-3165 anytime

WASHINGTON ANTIQUARIAN BOOK FAIR Preview $10- good for entire show, Thurs. Mar. 11 , 5-9 PM ; Mar. 12, 11 AM- 9PM , Mar. 13, 10 AM- 5 PM . Info: 654-2626 ; rare books, prints, etc., $2.50/day Rosslyn Westpark Hotel, Arlington, VA

_ __ _ __

Classified Ads Stand Out On The Gold Page!

~ The Gold Page is a monthly feature of the Washington Dossier Magazine.

A II classified advertisements are accepted at the discretion of the Publisher. Rates are $12.00 per line, and there is a minimum of 3 lines. Display Classified AdS are $120.00 per inch. For more information, call 362-5894.

WINTER ESCAPES continued from page 55

be seeing it without the crowds," Cardozo said . For those not wishing to sample a new resort, the skiing is exPected to be good at Park City (Utah), Aspen, and Sun Valley. For cross-country skiing, there's none better this side of the Atlantic than in New England, and specifically ~towe, Vermont, where 100 miles of tnt~rlocking trails are maintail).ed by vanous touring centers. Boutiques, restaurants and after-ski nightspots


For little more than a "discount" Caribbean cruise, Norwegian American's Sagafjord and Vistafjord can take you on a Five-Star adventure. With 9, II , and 14-night Caribbean, Caribbean/Mexico and Caribbean/Mexico/ Bermuda cruises sailing from Ft. Lauderdale january through May 1982. And the 19-night Christmas Cruise sailing December 18, 1982. Visit places like St. Thomas, Haiti, Cozumel, Hamilton and more. And see it all on your Norwegian-registered luxury vessels-the only ones awarded Five-Plus Stars by the travel industry's Fielding~. Stop by .....: , . , . . our offices today for a free color brochure. Like everything else, it's unquestionably Five-Star. • ~

(Complete cruise from $1200 to $7820 per person, double occupancy.)

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Not all Washingtonians seek warmth on their winter vacations. They flock to mountain resorts for skiing, both the spartan and sybaritic type . . .

4601 N. Park Ave., Chevy Chase, Md. 654-5475 1825 K St. , N.W., Washington, D.C. 463-7505

FOR THOSE WHO SEEK THE FINEST IN LIGHTING! Reed Electric takes great pride in bringing you quality lighting from reliable manufacturers we all know and trust. Lighting for every room of your home or office. Everything from Tiffany lights to the finest " Strass" Crystal . .. you'll find it at REED ELECTRIC AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT!

~ke up for whatever is lacking on the

(n~e~ o~ warmer days. And nearby Oth htng Is far in the northeast) are the in er venerable winter resorts of KillSugton, Bear Mountain and gar bush

be~~ Euro~e, St. Moritz, Switzerland, Pres:· all other resorts hands down for as th Ige, having attracted such skiers elate shah of Iran and Jacqueline 0 nassis bit · Ski'mg and being seen is every rec~s good at Gstaad. Todd's personal renornrnendation is St. Anton, the 290 _wned Tyrolean ski school with its has Instructors. "St. Anton is low-key, A.ust ~xcellent slopes, wonderful A.rne r_Ian food and virtually no ncans," he added. 0

1611 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Washington D.C.


OPEN MON-SAT. 9:30-6:00

Dossier/ February 1982/ 69

TO BE IN ENGLAND continued from page 31

Were making impressions in Georgetown Parko Collective lmpre ions has a n w gallery in fashionable Georgetown Park- with works by some of the world's most renowned artists: ,.. Shuptrine ,.. Simbari ,.. Vasarely ,.. Altman ,.. Collette ,.. Jenkins ,.. Neiman ,.. McKnight ,.. Gantner,.. Timberlake ,.. Volpe ,.. Romero ,.. Chagall,.. Delecroix ,.. Maxwell,.. Ne bitt,.. Keefer ,.. Secunda,.. Appel ,.. Slaymaker,.. Chemkevitch ,.. Sargent ,.. Lundgren ,.. Bodine ,.. Gromme ,.. Denison ,.. Crane ,.. Miro ,.. Rockwell,.. Hansen ~&- Calder,.. Kohl ,.. Engel ,.. Axatard ,.. Aga m ,.. Gorman Our expert staff can answer all yo ur questions - from general information abo ut one of our many artists to what piece of art will best sui: your decor. Visit our new Georgetown Park gallery - yo u'll be impressed! For more ihformation give us a call at 342-9654.

COLLECTIVE IMPRESSIONS Other gallery locations: Columbia Mal l Harborplace

Towson Plaza


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70/ Dossier/ February 1982

Parliament, was a scenic tour de force . We literally had to tear ourselves awaY from the twinkling night view to get to the theater by 8 p.m . to see Cats, with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber set to the words ofT.S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Cats. Cats is the kind of daring theatrical experience one would expect from the English who Jove their four-legged, little tigers obsessively. Performed in the wonderful New London Theater on a stage that revolves along with the patrons in the stalls, the presentation charmed people of all ages and is sure to be a smash hit when it crosses the big pond. Back at the Savoy restaurant after the theater, we enjoyed two grilled Dover soles, expertly boned, asparagus hollandaise and a cold bottle of Sancerre, 1980, while sitting at a corner table looking out on the Thames. Patrons in the huge room danced and cavorted as if the much publicized UK depression was actually occurring bY proxy in Bangladesh. An affable wine steward told us of a huge cellar in the bowels of the building that contained one of the largest wine collections in the worJd. Many of the Savoy customers since itS inception have kept their private stock in these cellars. When they died the stock remained, probably forgotten bY the heirs. Given the price of wine to· day, we hope we will not start _a stampede of relatives looking for thetr rightful inheritance. It wouldn't much matter. Death duty taxes, as we pointed out earlier, are staggering .. The Savoy is a living historical anti· que scrupulously preserved as a breathing monument to a lost age. I~ six years it will be 100 years old a~ each decade has left its mark. While tiS rooms have a distinct continental flair, its corridors are 1920s luxury ship ;Vt Deco vintage. Its public rooms reflect the show biz propensities of o•oyiY Carte dating from the 1880s and its service orientation is 1890s to the core. Indeed, the continuity is underlin~d. b~ the fact that the heirs of the ongt~as partners are still numbered among 1t directors. A grandchild of D'OY1Y Carte was vice chairman until a couple of years ago . s An inaccurate report in the Stat~ 1 has prematurely rung the death kn~e of the Savoy by announcing that dt ohotel was being sold off for con d miniums . Actually, a connecte


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bu~ding was sold in its entirety, but the m~m building of the Savoy is quite ~hve and well, with its labyrinth of anquet rooms and superbly trained staff still very much intact. On our second evening at the Savoy ~e took in Tchaikovsky's The SleepIng Beauty performed by the Royal Ballet in the opulent Royal Opera Bouse, a short walk from the Savoy and next door to the famed Covent ~ardens now converted into huge Uildings of shops and restaurants. S Admittedly, the world for which the d~voy was originally built has long d lsappear~d. The management will escnbe 1t as traditional and the Plumbing and other ameni~ies are ex~ell~nt. We call it eccentric. If you The Thames Foyer at the Savoy, was originally a courtyard when the hotel opened in 1889. h?n t appreciate the implications of Now used for tea, cocktails or simply browsing, the foyer retains the original Art Deco mirrors and the dance floor still used for gala occasions. !Story you would do better in the ~ornputerized jungle created by mass t ernand. But, if your sensibilities are we spent the time with ·t heir lovely completely and had to lay over with the ~~ned in ~o the essential immortality of family eating turkey and Christmas Shaws until the trains embarked again e creative human spirit (and you like pud, complete with hats and crackers; the next day, a delightful bonus for us. Our plan was to spend two days at to Walk to the theater) the Savoy is well stopping off the next morning for a :orth the candle. Our two-room suite pleasant chat at their neighborhood the Berkeley, the most luxurious hotel in London. It was cut short by one day ent for $400 a day, but there are Jess pub. expensive rooms. We had planned to head back to and, unfortunately, Christmas weekBeading up to Bedford for Christ- London on Boxing Day, the day after end is the most static time of the year . rna · Joyce and John Shaw, old Christmas, but didn't remember that The Berkeley opened in 1972 and is the ct· s With lplornatic friends of long-standing, all of the United Kingdom shuts down last super-luxury hotel built in Europe. CO!Nm£Au l.IQUEL!l, 80 PRlOF. RENRELD IMI'CRIERS, LID, NY CCOINTREAU CORP.l981.

It can sleep 250 visitors in its apart·



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72/ Dossier/February 1982

ments, which include 25 lavish suites and studio rooms, designed by five separate designers. Marble fireplaces, and furnishings from the famous old Berkeley were preserved, embellished by antiques of every English period which add a tone to the hotel unequall· ed in London. Unfortunately, we didn't stay long enough nor had we arrived at the perfect time to sample the magic of Head Porter Brian Good berry, who is reputed to be able to produce anything remotely available in the Kingdom at the guest's whim. Billed as a posh home away from home for people who live the lifestyle once described as "upper crust," the Berkeley has a worldwide following that spoils it for other hotels. This, to us, was purely hearsay, although we were able to sample the cuisine of Maitre Chef Clemen Schmidl for din· ner in the cozy Le Perroquet room. normally open for buffet lunch and dinner with dancing in the evening. Quite right. The main restaurant was closed. Also the swimming pool and sauna and all of the stores including the beauty salon. There was not a ban· quet in sight in the lush banquet rooms. We were warned earlier in the weelc by the manager, Stefano Sebastiani, with whom we lunched at the Savoy, that Christmas weekend was not the perfect time to visit the Berkeley. fie, too, was off visiting his familY in Rome. Nevertheless, deserted London and an immaculately quiet Berkeley had an interesting ambiance, as if it were our private stomping ground. We strolled through Mayfair and lunched at the Connaught where waiters in ducktails served up miraculous dishes in huge silver trolleys . Comparing the Berkeley to the Savoy was a little like comparing the Cotswolds With the Hampshires. Each. obviously, had its special wonders, but for samplers like us the watchword was variety and we believe that these four establishments provided a perfec} week-long holiday. Our business, 0 course, was pleasure and adventure. It was certainly different, perhaps to~ caloric, but it left us with a sense 0 achievement. Like America, there are many Englands, and within the counl try itself you really don't have to trave far to find some of them. . "t We did, and we think you'll hke \ as well. Just tell them, the Adlers se you .


apartsuites 'Y five ,]aces, us old llished period equally long at the .gic of who is ything lorn at , from festyle , " the owing his, to 1gh we ine of Jr dinroom. :hand ·ening. nt was ol and Juding a ban· mquet eweek .stiani, SavoY• LOt the y. J-Ie, lilY in Jn and bad an :re our trolled at the cktailS



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STATUS AUTOS continued from page 24

DeLorean, or would rather allow the new product a shakedown year, the next closest thing is the Lotus, made by the people who provided a good bit of styling and engineering counsel to the budding company. And it shows. From the two-seater Esprit to the twoplus-two Eclat and the four-seater Elite, Lotus continues to transcend the ~u~dane needs of the street by proV!dmg a rare, futuristic style, performance and luxury better suited to the ou.ter realms of the solar system. All Pnced in the mid to upper $30,000 range, the three different models rivet ~ttentio? with ~heir compact finesse. he hghtwe1ght, nimble and sophisticated sports cars are even

THE ITALlAN IMPORTS I I~ the old days, Americans associated ftalian products almost exclusively with Ood, wine, textiles, shoes and leather ~Oods. But over the past decades, Italy as become a highly industrialized coun~· having the sixth largest economy in e western world, producing sophisticated goods such as electronic equipment, chemical products and nuclear Power stations. The traditional products are still ~?ng the strongest exports to the Dlted States, with footwear at the top of the list. But I am pleased to note that sportscars are Italy's second major exPort. The American fascination with It alian cars is a longstanding one and, ~s a matter of fact, the Italian car in~stry ranks fifth largest in the world :~:~~a production of approximately 1.6 ""'bon cars per year, of which 30,000 are exported to the United States. d The presence of the Italian car in~stry is felt on the American market With hig~ly prestigeous cars such as the M aseratJ, as well as with more popular cars: the Fiat 124 Spider, which is the ~umber one selling export to the United tates, followed by the Fiat Strada, the nu;nber two selling car in Europe. n 1981, the total value of Italian ex~f11~s amol!nted to approximately $10 lon, which showed an increase of 18 ~~r cent over the 1980 figure. We hope It~ not only cars, but other leading g a an products will be exported in i~eater quantities to the United States t order to further improve the important trade relations already existing bes~een the two countries, based on such . ong Political and cultural foundatlons.


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energy-conscious at about 20 mpg, using the standard Lotus four-cylinder engine - not as puny as it may sound when designed in the classic racing slant for maximum horsepower. Combining V-12 performance with cat-like grace and silken luxury is the Jaguar XJ-S, which at $32,100 is at the low end of this exclusive group. The company has made two major changes to the 1982 model worth noting: its interior is completely new, featuring more leather than most cows see in a lifetime, and mechanically, something called "Fireball" combustion chambers, part of an engineering package that promises to give a I 0 percent gain in fuel mileage with no Joss in performance, boosting miles per gallon to about 15. For about the same price you could join the performance cult of true believers who own Porsche 9lls, or for a little more ($39,500) you could opt for the Porsche 928, the company's standard bearer which delivers high performance and distinguished styling in a very civilized, non-British driving package. Both offer a long list of neW standard features this year and are generous on gas mileage, at 25 mpg on the highway and 16 mpg around toWll• while boasting an acceleration rat~ from 0 to 60 mph in seven seconds an a top speed of over 140 mph. Despite the severe economic recession in the auto business, the remarkable sales success of these high ticket performance cars has had a trickledown effect on the rest of the industrY· In fact, 1982 might be called the "Year of Performance'' as more and more manufacturers quicken their stock to add some zest to their sagging images. For instance, the word "TURBO" lettered on the rear of your Saab or Volvo definitely sets you apart fro~ the rest of the herd. And what does 1 say about the mother who zips her brownies and cub scouts around in a wicked looking, turbo-charged VolVO GLT stationwagon? d But enough of these sophisticate playthings of status. What about ~h: real automobiles - rars that we drtV r or see veering up Wisconsin A venue 0 s along M Street every day? The ~~ that offer utility and dependabth along with comfort and style? We l~e­ them for the last, because in this s~c\.Tl ty it seems the more sensible the 1 ce the Jess status it commands. Let's aut it. In a city where Mercedes :rre ab~t. as rare as Chevies, we are a Jade? h iS Nonetheless, debate over whlc ld the best production car in the wor



lust I mile west of 495 on Leesburg Pike, Rt. 7 At Tysons "Best" C orner • Phone 893-2990 74/ Dossier/ February 1982

Des·tgned with the catlike sophistication and canny finesse that has been Jaguar's trademark for 50 SJ/~~s, .t~e Jaguar XJ6 is the third generation of the company 's sedan series. Priced at about co ' 0, tits a complete luxury package that produces the EPA fuel economy figures of a modest mpact - 17 mpg city and 24 mpg highway.

could true or for d opt any's high tyling riving fneW d are pgon town. n rate ds and reces:markticket rickleiustrY·


l more ock to nages. )" lettab or t froJll does it ps her td in a volvo ticated >Ut the e drive :nue or te cars labilitY Ne left ; societe iteJll ·'s face ; about ed Jot· bich is world

~~s abated. Most automotive authorBIes concede that title to Mercedesenz, at least in terms of overall en · Whgineering excellence. In fact, th· atever model you buy, Mercedes . IS Year offers a new warranty cover~~g the co?lplete car for 36 months or .• ooo m1les - a demonstration of faith · · M m Its product at a time when ercedes sales are up. n Whether you drive the stunning, ew, aerodynamically pure 380SEC ~~~p~ or 380SEL sedan, the 300SD . h Its state-of-the-art turbo-charged rd1ese1or the venerable 'bottom-of-thet~ne 2400, you are telling the world e at You recognize this excellence. But cXcellence, like oil, is a rare commodity ever higher prices. For 1 ~rnrnanding 8 to $~ Mercedes will sell from $21,000 0,000. 0 an~ ~ get. the same fine engineering q . . avanan quality in BMW's extrUI~Itely handsome 733 and newly in$2~ uced 528e. But at $33,315 and tha~2 ~5 respectively, BMW is more l'h JUst an alternative to Mercedes. ha e ~ornpany still builds the best se ndhng sedans in the world (although d .vera! others now come close) aimed e~~hect~y at the serious driving us1ast. Gel'hat may be the shortcoming of serrrnan cars, however. They are too th ous. There is no "child" left in ernl'he E nothi . ng to pamper and amuse. ter at t~lish and Italians are much bet\' ou d his, and the French are better yet. You h on t know what comfort is until soss ave occupied a seat in a Peugeot at th: But the Americans are still king IS garne Bave y ·d. desi ou nven or ridden in a Chr~~~~ series . Lincoln, Cadillac or unct Irnpenal lately? Plush is an erstatem . design d en t · F rom the Cartiere crystal hood ornament and

matching ignition key for the baby blue Frank Sinatra edition Imperial, to the Oivenchy leather interior and superb 36-watt stereo system in the Continental, or the rococo interior and bustle-back styling of the Seville Elegante, these cars were built to pamper and please. And if you don't like that patented "boulevard" ride our big cars are famous for, you now can buy cars like the Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe with a stiffer, better handling suspension which gives a decidedly European feel. Priced from the high teens to rnid-20s, these goodyladen fun-mobiles are an excellent value. If they are a bit too anachronistic for your taste, remember that most of this finery is now available in the compact Cadillac Cimarron, OM's answer to the BMW, and one of the smallest Cadillacs built since the Model D was introduced in 1905. This four-door, front wheel drive sedan is the first Cadillac with a four-cylinder engine since 1914 and the first to feature a standard manual transmission in 29 years - all part of OM's effort to fit the Cadillac into the parameters of an energy-short future. So you see, come the automotive revolution, the fun of a fine car needn't be sacrificed . If you are a displaced Democrat or bureaucrat with hate in your heart and a mini-car in your driveway, you can either grit your teeth through the Reagan years or jump on the luxury bandwagon for as long as the ride lasts. Whatever your auto motives, the car industry is trying to make our fate easier to bear. Remember, like what you eat, wear or do, you are what you drive. 0 Ted Orme is a freelance writer and Washington editor of Motor Trend magazine.

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656-4911 Dossier/ February 1982175



f you're planning an event, please call Maggie Wimsa/1 at 652-7574 well in advance of publication. We regret that not every item can be published for reasons of space. However, private parties will be placed on a special/is/ that will not appear in this column.

FEBRUARY Feb. 2-5: Antiques Show and Sale- St. John's Episcopal Church - II a.m. - 9 p.m. - benefits various charities - 6715 Georgetown Pike - $2.50 admission. Feb. 7: "An Evening of Chocolates and Champagne" benefit of Capitol Hill Hospital The Four Seasons Hotel - 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . by invitation - $25 each - Honorary Patrons, Ambassador of Belgium and Mrs. Schoumacher Hosts, Mr. Seamus McManus, Mr. Schuyler Lowe Feb. 8: Women's Committee, Washington Performing Arts Society - Meeting and Coffee - 10:30 a.m. -at the residence of Mrs . Richard E. Marriott - for members only - President, Women's Committee, Miss Coral Schmid Feb. 8: National Hockey League All Star Benefit Dinner for The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - International Ballroom, Washington Hilton Hotel- reception, 6:30p.m. - dinner, 7:30 p.m. - by invitation - $150 each - black tie Honorary Chairmen, Secretary of State and Mrs. Haig, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Munro- Chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pollin Feb. 9: "An Evening with Art Buchwald" benefitting the Georgetown Children's HouseGaston Hall, Georgetown University- 8 p.m . $7.50 a ticket - Business and Profess.ional Association of Georgetown Feb. 11: Women's Board of the American Heart Association, Nation's Capital Affiliate Thirty-Fourth Annual "Affair of the Heart"International Ballroom, Washington Hilton Hotel- luncheon and Saks Fifth Avenue showing of "The Heart Collection" - 12 noon - by invitation - $20 each - Chairmen, Mrs. Charles T . Hellmuth, Mrs. Samuel Hale Feb. 12: The Fairfax Hunt Ball - Fifth Annual International Hunt Ball - dinner dance at Organization of American States Building sponsored by the Fairfax Hunt- 8 p.m . -by invitation - scarlet, if convenient, or black tie Chairmen, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Michael T . Masin Feb. 17: Homemaker Health Aide Service Benefit Committee- meeting and luncheon for Committee members of the Fourth Annual "Gourmet Gala International Cooking Classes" at the residence of Mrs. Ernest N. May, Jr. - by invitation- Honorary Chairman , Mrs. Fernando Schwalb - Gala Chairman, Mrs. Francis E. Pearson, III - Asst. Chairman, Mrs . Robert W. Dudley Feb. 17: Second Annual "Caribbean Carnival" benefit of Hospital Relief Fund of the Caribbean - dinner dance with music by Trinidad and Tobago Steel Band at the Organization of American States Building- reception 7:30p.m . dinner 9 - by invitation - $100 each - c~ rnival costume or black tie- Chairman, Mrs. Allan A. Sherlock Feb. 18: First " Fashion Gala" benefit for Big Brothers - at the Organization of American 76/ Dossier/ February 1982

The Sheraton- Washington Hotel entertained the Embassy Social Secretaries Club at a Christmas buffet supper. Those attending were: first row, (L toR) Eleanor Joyce Kelly (Associate Membe:): Arlette Remy (Mauritius); Liliane Vasquez (Senegal); Delores Leon (Mexico, OAS); Rachel DaVIes (Venezuela); Lynne Liquori (Italy); Liz Strannigan (United States, OAS); Sophia Fleischer (Associate Member); Svava Vernhards (Iceland). Second row, (L to R) Suzanne Tiefenbrunn (Israel); Ann Willoughby (Diplomatic Liaison, Sheraton-Washington Hotel); Patricia Po.w (C.C.N.A.A.); Doris Simon (Guyana); Barbara Naylor (Egypt); Patricia Lee (Ivory Coast); Jam lie Batuli Ricardo (Brazil, OAS). States Building - reception 7 p.m . dinner, 8 black tie - by invitation - Elizabeth Arden presentation of Oscar de Ia Renta Spring and Summer formal fashions - Honorary Chairman, H.E. Alejandro Orfila, Secretary General of the OAS Feb. 20: St. Patrick's Episcopal School Annual Benefit - auction and midnight breakfast -The Madison Hotel - 8:30 p.m. - precedes by private dinners -by invitation - $40 each - black tie- Chairman, Mrs. John E. Threlfall Feb. 24: Capital Children's Museum Dinner - honoring leaders of the communications com-

CURTAIN GoiNG UP February is short on days, but long on cultural excitement. At the Kennedy Center - The Eisenhower offers Sidney Howard's period comedy, The Late Christopher Bean, starring Maureen Stapleton (until Feb . 27). In the Opera House there's Little Johnny Jones, the Geo. M. Cohan Musical (until Feb . 7) . .. then the 1927 movie-epic Napoleon with full orchestra (Feb . 9-21) and Dance Theater of Harlem (Feb . 23-28) . . . The Terrace Theater presents duo Karn and Lewis (piano and bass) (Feb. 2) .. . Emlyn Williams as Charles Dickens (Feb . 9-14) .. . Theater Chamber Players with James MacDonald, tenor; Pina Carmadi, violin (Feb. 18) . .. and the Handel Festival Orchestra (Feb. 27) In the Concert Hall, Muti conducts the Philadelphia Orchestra (pianist Martha Angerich) (Feb. I) .. . The Lincoln Center Chamber Orchestra (Feb . 6) ... WPAS brings the Brandenberg Ensemble, cond . by Schneider (Feb . 7, 3pm), . . . Yehudi Menuhin (Feb. 20), flamenco guitarist Carlos Montoya (Feb. 27) and

munity- at the Museum, 800 Third St. N.E.reception 6:30p.m., dinner 7:30- black tie- bY invitation only - Host, Thomas E. Wheeler Chairman, Museum Board, Mrs. Jack Coopersmith Feb. 27: Women's Board, Montgomery couoty Heart Association Annual Benefit - "f\n Evening with Heart" -dinner dance and Woodward & Lothrop Fashion Show - by invitation only- black tie - 7 p.m. - Congressional counj try Club- Chairman, Mrs. Richard A. Dresse

virtuoso trio Valdimir Ashkenazy (piano, Itzll~ Perlman (violin) and Lynn Harrell (Feb . 25) ~e the concert version of Wagner's Rienzi ~y t d Opera Orchestra of N. Y ., soloists, chOir an_ band (Feb. 28, 2pm) ... Elsewhere in toW~ 1 at the Lisner Auditorium, Washington B~ es presents Birds of Paradise and Variatton) Serieuses (Choo San Goh), Othello (Larn~~~~. Echoes by John Meehan (Feb . 10, II, 8 pm. the 12, noon, 8; Feb . 13, 2/8 pm) and ) Washington Chamber Orchestra (Feb. 28,8 pm~ At the Corcoran Contemporary Music Fo2V) (Feb. 18, 15- 8pm). The Hartke Theater ( er offers Twelfth Night, Feb. 2-14. The Folger Theater pesents a Restoration comedy The R?V A (until Feb. 21). In the Arena, Sam Shepard 5 rs Delicate Balance (all month), the Kreeger off~4) Tom Foolery (Lehrer flashbacks) (until feb路 nd and hurry if you haven't heard Steven Wade ~ger his banjo in the Old Vat Room and The Fo b Consort brings Musica Mediterraneo (f~r~ 13 , 14,15). (No NSO this month; our orches is touring Europe. Back March I) AI~ --ANNE



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Some Cadillacs operate on a higher plane.

Need we say Moore?

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