SAINI LAURENT rive gauche
Tile Walergale 600 New Hampshire Al'elllle
5516 Wiscollsill Al'i'mf(' ChelY Cllose, MO/y/alld
Wllili' Nilll KCllsillg/oll. M{//)'/olld
From Imperial Formula, an UltrfHlch caress ofmoisture for soft sheen, and a seemingly ageless glow. Bio-Protective Gelee Makeup, 1.5 oz., 20.()() Cosmeocs, all stores except Tysons Corner, Landover Mall and Springfield Mall.
INTRODUCING THE PLAZA SHOPS COUECTION. A Ralph Lauren jacket from Ramona's. A French angora sweater from Cachet. Diamonds and gold from Creative Goldsmiths. Rare 19th century European prints from Guarisco Galleries.~ All part of a unique collection of high fashi0"p and art in Georgetown, at the Four Seasons. .--.<'9 So you can park, lunch and shop all in one TI.VF place. Beginning this month. c!ltClJu./~O/lt.SeasOIlS
For People\t\ilth theTaste and the TIITle4
The tviQlltpelier Haute cuisine in the European tradition of service. In the Madison Hotel 15th and M Sts., .w., Washington, D.C. 20005 Reservations suggested (202) 862-1600 Free interior parking Marshall B. Coyne, Proprietor
Publisher David Adler Editor Sonia Adler Associate Editor Susan Ellis Assistant to Editor Lee Kirstein GeneMll Manager Jean Tolson Design Consullant Susan R. Eason Art Director Lianne Uyeda Liang Chief Photographer John Whitman Contributing Editors . I Viola Drath, Betle Taylor, Maggie WlInsal , Anne Denton Blair, Burke Wilkinson Pally Cavin, Dorolhy Marks Editorial Coordinator Helaine Lovell Michaels Copy Editor Diana H. Regenthal Typography Van Dashner Advertising Production Bonnie Down Production Assistanl Peter Lincoln Dunnigan Orculalion Waller Duncan ewsstand Consultant Nancy Fandell Bookkeeper . Martha Brekhus Shamsesfandabadl Vice Presidenl/Advertising Jon Adler Local Advertising Director Dick Moessner Account Executives Michael Earle, Donna Korman ational Sales Offices: ew York Catalyst Communications 260 Madison Avenue, N.Y., NY 10016 (212) 578-4830 The PaWs Group Chicago 4761 Wesl Touhy Avenue Lincolnwood, IL 60646, (312) 679-1100 Los Angeles . 7 1800 North Highland Avenue, SUll e i:iJ Hollywood, CA 90028, (213) 462,2 7 Miami 5.6263 7600 Red Road, Miami, FL. 33143, (305) 66 Montreal 475 Sherbrooke SI., W. 223 Montreal, H3A 2L9 Quebec, (514) 842-5 London nd 69 fleet Street, London EC4Y lEU Eng la (01) 353-0404 I Advertising and editorial offices loca~d2&16, 3301 New Mexico Ave., Washinglon, D General Telephone (202) 362-5894.. OS 10 F?r Social Coverage: Please send aU ~vital~1 eoil Social Secretary, The Washing/on DoS5ler, 3 nd in' Mexico Ave., Washington, DC 20016 (Please seage.) vitations as early as possible to schedule CO~~ion For Subscriptions: Please send all subscrtPess 10 inquiries, applications and changes of ad dr IInenl, The Washing/on Dossier Subscription DeP~es are PO Box 948, Farmingdale, NY 11737. PrtC :zA per SI2 for I year; S22.5O for 2 years. Overseas S year. Canada SI4 per year. ercia! Photographs for commercial and non~omm use are available for sale. hly bY The Washington Dossier is published mo nl ideol; Adler Internalional, Ltd. David Adler, pr~rea5' Jon Adler, Vice Pres.; Sonia Adler, SeCY路' Controlled circulation paid al DC Richmond, VA 23261 and Washington, ISSN # 0149-7936. Id. Copyright 1981 漏 Adler International L To be audiled by
The magazine accepts no responsi~i1itY ~O~r unsolicited manuscripts. artwork, Plct;dC cartoons. They will not be return .
4/March 198/1Dossier
FEAT! 14 Ma
J. , Fin
16 Me, Sto
18 Thl Thl 29 Thl
Me' The Wei 3\ The 3()
32 Ml!l Mel 34 Rea Nev
Vol. 6 No. 10 March 1981
l4 Man With a Maelstrom of Talent:
J,. William Middendorf By Dorothy Marks FInancier, Composer, Civil Servant and Athlete
13 The Alvin Robinsons: Rooted in Early McLean
MClean: Washington's Charming Country Cousin Stories on McLean by James C. Webster and Susan Ellis Their Family Tree Goes Back To the Civil War
29 The Eric Wards: Californians Reborn
I I~ 3\
MCLean Is Even Better the Second Time Around They Call Mclean Home Well-Known People Who Live There The Shopping Scene Stores & Services, Where Ph.D' Kids Go To School
~ :: Megafmns Move In MCLean As Corporate Headquarters, The Auto Dealers ~ I Realtors Speak Out: Where the Powers Buy and Why New Growth In the Old Dominion ~ DEPAR-ifM-E-N-TS---~-------------~ 109 Annabell's File "'I
~ ~
Art and Artists By Viola Drath Corporate Art: Offices That Are Art Galleries
\6 liail To the Chief
~ ~ ~
I )
Reagan's First Days In the White House Images By Don Oldenburg A Sampler Of Recent Films 800 ks by Neighbors By Burke Wilkinson A Critic Picks Some Spring Winners The Educated Palate By Bette Taylor A "Cooks" Tour Of McLean
travel Time By Patty Cavin ~rmuda-the Clo eby ~mote" Vacation
Command Performance For Percy 53
Fashion Calendar
Real Estate Transactions
Social Calendar By Maggie Wim att
Curtain Going Up By Anne Blair
INVESTMENT Your purchase of a fine Oriental rug from the collection at
offers more than meets the eye. It is a superbly wise investment at an unus'Jally attractive price. Oriental rugs increase in value as they mature. Offering you a lifetime of reward as you reap the pleasures of their beauty. Our rugs are of unequalled quality and excellence Examine them for their craftsmanship. Fascinating design. Intricate hand woven detail. These are touchstones to quality of beautiful Oriental rugs. We invite you to our gallery to select a fine rug from our collection.
'----=-------------------J. William Middendorf is right at home in ommodore lephen Decatur's IOwnhouse facing Lafayelle Square where he is hown al the piano with hi own composition, Thumbs Up, America, the theme ong for the Reagan Inauguration. Middendorf, who was Secretary of the Navy, has Navy tie that go back to the time of Decatur, and is a direct descendant of Captain William Stone, credited with commanding the first ship of the Continental Navy, the Horner, which put to ea in February, 1776, to protect the Colonies from the British. His numerous memberships in historical societies include The Society of the Cincinnati, which requires one 10 be a direct descendant of an officer in the Revolutionary War; The Sons of the American Revolution; the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and the Company of Military Hislorians. (photographed at the Stein way by John Whitman in the south drawing room of Decalur House; Mr. Middendorrs three-piece suit and accessoric are from Woodward & LOIhrop.)
ADD AN ORIENTAL RUG TO YOUR INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Hecht's Tysons Corner Oriental Rug Gallery 8100 Leesburg Pike, McLean, Virginia For Information About Our Investment Quality Rugs Call (703) 893-3003 Do sier/March /9 //7
PIAGET Master Watch makers and jewellers
Biggest Washington Bafflement: Why does a woman who has absolutely everything take a job as Chief of Protocol, a highly demanding, physically exhausting, hand-holding job as mother hen to the largest corps of ambassadors in the western world? Nonetheless we wish Lee Annenberg lots of luck. She'll need that as well. Local Vignette: Ann Regan, wife of the Treasury Secretary, grew up on Bancroft Place in D.C. Her great-grandmother was present at Ford's Theater the night that Lincoln was shot. Somewhere down the line the playbill of that night was lost. Talk about a hot collectible. Duoing: an and Flo, Joy and Randy, Jane and Tony, Mortimer and Joan, Candace and Adrien.
THE POLO: a water resistent quartz Piaget. 136 grams of 18K gold carved link-by-link into the most dynamic sports watch ever made.
Diamond Brokers • Appraisers Monday-Friday 10 to 5:30
1710 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036
202·872·1710 FREE PARKING
Major Credit Cards Accepted
8/March /98//Dossier
Hitching: White House Press Sec. Sheila Patton and William J. Tate, insurance exec . Maxine Cheshire and Jack Warren . Jordanian Shushu DeJani and French Baron Olivier de Chillaz ... Jon Adler of Dossier clan and Lissa Said man ... ex-White Housers Harolyn Landow to Mike Cardoza . . . Real estater Gary Kirstein to Leslie Marks, Rep. Marks' daughter ... Marcello Via to Lucia de Figueredo . . . Frederic Smoak to Louise Hull ... Nicholas Grasselli to Margaret Morgan. Good news for the averages. Splitsville was quiet last month, but certain Senatorial action looming. Politico-notes: Backstage scrambling getting fierce on House Speaker job in next session with heavy rumors that Tip O'Neill might not run again . . . John Block, new Agricab, will be the first Cabinet officer in history to run in the Boston Marathon ... Ray Donovan outclasses all other cabministers with purchase of over $800,000 McLean pad, all cash ... CIA's Casey still looking ... Looks like
the Caspar Weinbergers plan to stay ~ D.C. for a long. while. They bought t Frank Pearl's luxe home on Califo ro Street and are also renovating t\~ houses on the Hill for future use ... Colleagues in Senate complimentl Joy Baker on how well she looks. I.Sri her husband's success or a new faceh Look for a change in focus at the US! when Charlie Wick takes over ~O, John Reinhardt, Carter's man. e turn it into more of a public inforfll tion agency with more emphasis on. n~t~1 and information, Wick's specla i Nancy Thurmond, now most SOUgn: after luncheon and dinner guest, cO plaining she can't lecture anymore. B theme-kids and Senate wifing. 'rl Frank Church joined Whitman Ra som law firm specializing in interl1 tional affairs. Asidems: r Frankie Welch's inaugural fa~ C designs already fetching higher prt as collectibles . . . New powerh?~ firm set up by ex-Reps. Bob (Cah~r nia) Wilson, a Repub, and (Missouri) Ichord, a Demo, along W;r Ed Terrar, Jr., called Washington fll! dustrial Team (Witco), already b~O ~ ville ... Yul Brynner, perennial Klng f Siam, shleps along two beds, one I sleeping, one for sunning durin~ 10 stopover ... That Nancy SandWIch I the Hamburger Hamlet menu was narJ1 for restaurant Manager ancy ~f1101 I ; not our Nancy of the big house as \ opined last missive ... Former hOS~~' Bill Royer received a yellow Cadi 01'1 from Houston Mayor ... Thos~ sef sold sold signs on The Clolst Townhomes at 35th Street should ~11! l you something about what's happen in luxury real estate. Better h.urry Enriquillo (Ricky) del Rosano of. n' . Ie·' New York to serve as the Dom tO Republic's Ambassador to the U.N·
More: ~ The Georgetown Club will be e~ II vating to accommodate an A~~~~e style club under its present faclhtJ e .
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T'heworld, unfortunately, will never receive another painting from Monsieur Renoir. All that will ever be now exi t. . This District, in the ame kind of way, will have no more chances to live at Georgetown n green, wooded acres, imply uITounded yspace. There won't be any more forty-two acre . Sites discovered at Georgetown.
liillandale at Georgetown has begun accepting contracts on the thirty-four new residences in our Chancery section. . These grand new homes offer spat:/? to WashIngtonians who require a great deal of pace. t In ide, homes in the Chancery have over OUr thou and square feet and offer three, four, and five bedrooms.
Dramatic design features in the Inverness House model include a living room which soars three stories high ...set off by a glass wall two stories high... and, above it all, a kylight lets in sunlight and tarlight. An elevator, at your option, will \ hi k you smoothly and quickly from your underground garage to your third-story library...where you may enjoy the magnificent view. Outside, homes in the Chancery ri e three and four tories out of the hill ide, fr nt on the District's most delightful park and court, and like all of the Hillandale community... are but a bri k ten minutes' walk from the delights of Georgetown.
Spacious, graceful homes in a ecure location at Georgetown do not come along everyday. But they ha c, today. That makes today the best pa;sible time to et an aproi nt ment to see these ncw h mcs in the hancery. Be au e today the ele tion i as large as thc homes them elves. And fixed-ratc financing is available. Brokers, too, are weI omc t all 33-6600 to view, preview, an I di cuss any of the thirtyfour grand new homes whi h appear on the market when V u need an investment that won't let yOLi down. reat art won't. And ncither ill yOLi r t \ nhome in [8~:b",~~1\~C Hillandale at Georgetown.
'lillllllllI!W] \
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L F (1/ /!/'OI'lff11JW1I
ncase you are wondering why art prices are rising, and auction houses like Sotheby's and Christie's report season increases of 43 and 45 percent-up from $90.7 to $130.1 million and $34.7 to $50.3 million-the answer is not just inflation or a heightened interest in the arts. The great demand for art works, which prices the regular art lover right out of the market, is at least partially due to the phenomenon of corporate art. Gone are the times when banks and chairmen of big boards carefully selected one or two paintings for their offices. Now they buy by the dozens. Some of us remember the awe and the joy we experienced in the fifties when the Container Company of America, one of the pioneers in corporate art,
I. Phenomena: Su Ping Mantel by Paul Jenkins, acrylic on canvas, hangs in the reception area of Coopers and Lybrand. 2. John Silton, managing partner in Coopers & Lybrand. at the conference table with Horsem en bronze by Dean Meeker, Gabor Peterdi's oil on canvas Celebration III graces the wall at hiS bac and in the far background Red Sound, Julian Stanczak's acrylic on canvas. 3. Kinetic sculpture, Mirage, by Robert Amory at Patton. Boggs & Blow. In the background, an original poster, The Royal Mail Line Cruise Ship, 1930, by Odin Rosenvinge. 4. Elliot Cole and Tim May, partners at Patton, Boggs & Blow, stand beside Long Line, steel l' painted construction by Joe Brown. At right, View from Kalorama, oil on linen by Joe White; Ie ' Kenneth Noland's Sun Bouquet, and in the background, Memorial Bridge by Joe White. 5. Helen Frankenthaler's acrylic on canvas Pernod, hangs outside the library at Arnold & porter. 6. Picture with Blue Stripe, a magna acrylic on canvas by Morris Louis, also hangs there.
IO/March 1981/Dossier
displayed its formidable collection in highbrow ad relating to the "Great Ideas of Man." Since then, corporate art has become a status symbol for the new Medicis, an investment and, ala , an integral part of corporate decor. The corporate collection can ab orb anything from a mountain landscape by Bierstadt to a trendy "Lavender Disaster" by Warhol. It is a boon for art consultants, gallery owners, auctioneer and-incidentally artists. The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts inspected some 300 corporate collections in order to mount an exhibition "American Paintings from Corporate Collections," in 1979. Choosing 88 paintings from 30 collections, it sang the praises of the "sensitive and adventurous nature of corporate art collecting." To be sure, it was a super-show. Blount, Inc. proudly presented its Hopper, its Stuart Davis and its Reginald Marsh. The International Business Machines Corporation surprised with 19th century luminists like Cropsey and Kensett Weil Brothers-Cotton, Inc. with its Homer, Thomas Hart Benton and Andrew Wyeth. American impressionists found a home at United States Steel and abstract expressionists from Philip
Do ier/March /98//11
Guston to Stamos at CIBA-GEIGY. Rather than being adventuresome, most of them had settled for big names and glossy catalogues prepared by professionals to record their treasures. Needless to say, Washington has its corporate Medicis. One of the least pretentious and most stimulating collections of this kind-some 300 fine examples of mostly contemporary American graphic art-is housed in the elegant offices of the international accounting firm, Coopers & Lybrand. When the firm moved into its cheerful quarters in 1975, designed in a spirited con,temporary manner with gently curving spaces, much glass and brightly colored filing cabinets by Larry Sealy of SLS Environetics, it was decided to enhance them with artworks. John Silton, a partn~r and collector of contemporary
Paintings by wives, relatives and friends were ruled out. But a Thomas Hart Benton owned by Governor Shafer, who works there, easily found a place of honor. Haslem relates with pride that the National Museum of American Art borrowed some graphics for one of its shows, among them Michael Ponce de Leon's "Succubus," a relief etching sculpted of handmade paper. Among the jewels of this collection, where graphics by the stars of abstract expressionism Jasper Johns, Claes Oldenburg, Mark Tobey, Frank Stella, Adolph Gottlieb and Joseph Albers hang side by side with the works of Washington's Sam Gilliam, Jacob Kainen, Charlotte Robinson and Dennis O'Neil, is Richard Ziemann's large triptych of exquisite etchings "Backwoods I, II, III," reflecting the subtle interplay of
An outdoor sculpture, Crazy Drunk Chicken Blew. a steel construction by Peter Reginato, is one of the selections made by Arnold & Porter's art committee, comprising, from left: lawyers Scott Lang. William D. Rogers, James R. MeA lee, Murray H. Bring and James A. Dobkin.
American art, who was supervising the office construction, took charge of the project. Mindful of the firm's extensive art collection of 600 items in their New York offices, Silton considered the budget and called art dealer Jane Haslem, an expert on graphics. "We did not intend to buy for investment purposes," Silton stresses. Haslem backs him up. "This is one of the few corporate clients who has not asked for an updated appraisal," she comments. "They were interested in quality and learning. They wanted the best from Washington and elsewhere." Sonia Delaunay's exuberant "Rhythm in Color" lithograph testifies to the fact that Europeans were not excluded. Working with gallerists Bader, Fendrick and Michelson, as well as Sidney Janis and Martha Jackson in New York and others, Haslem returned with more than 300 paintings, drawings, lithos, etchings and prints, abstract and representational. /l/March 198//Dossier
density and space, growth and decay. Ziemann,. who teaches at Lehman College, was Gabor Peterdi's student. His work, a favorite at Haslem's, is amply represented, but never better than with the vibrant "Celebration III" which fills one of the conference rooms with its joie de vivre and virtually silences Julian Stanczak's "Red Sound," an acrylic of measured intensity. The masterful touch of Peter Milton, another Peterdi student-held in great esteem at Bader's-can be admired in several of his enigmatic etchings. In such distinguished company the pleasing acrylics by Paul Jenkins strike the viewer as merely decorative. Plunges into corporate art are also taken by leading law firms, among them Arnold & Porter and Patton, Boggs & Blow. In both cases the development of their considerable collections were prompted by moves into new promises of stunning contemporary design. The
deliberately intricate spaces ~t pat:~~; Boggs & Blow, designed to flg h.t ? b) fatigue and to lift the SPirit 0 Philadelphia's Kenneth Parker. & ASSn; ciates, constitutes a perfect envlr.on~~a. for the 76 lawyers occupied with mte d tional, legislative, administrative ::n. other kinds of corporate law reprMar ting clients from Playboy and In' Candy Bars to Chrysler and ISIS, the ~ stitute of Scrap Iron & Steel. A1thO~he some of the art was bought bY of original partners in the sixties, noneur' the art seen in the public spaces was Pol' chased before 1978. At that tirne a~aYI ficial art committee-TimothY sen, Elliot Cole and Garret Ras~uMid' brother-in-law of art dealer Chns lie)' dendorf-came into being. Its po was to focus on Washington's art~t~ee "We needed something to en awef the contemporary design. The ans t " was affordable contemporary arli~h chairman May, a collector of Eng e~足 and American antiques and art'vent plains. May accepted the task t? p~ewith the public space from being fllle "atrocities costing a fortune." J II "We buy everything on approva~ie5 our people-and that includes secret 'e;ee as well as senior partners-like a.t~e and nobody throws eggs, we buY washwould like to add more works by ingtonians, for example." artMay is reluctant to spend thed~a}eT ners' money. When New york neth Andre Emmerich offered Ken th er Noland's "Sun Bouquet," a. r: at d bland acrylic from 1972 pri c the i $26,000, he balked. Consequent Ytt OO painting was bought by partners pa and Boggs. . r artAs Mary Patton, wife of a sen lO ~jnt ner, textile designer and weaver, ~Y the out, the mixture of art owned f the partners and by the firm is ~ne 属IWe unique aspects of this collect!on~thetie too, the partners express the~r e 'TheY preferences in their private offIce~eri足 range from George Blow's early blY 01 can prints to Elliot Cole's asse~ patPhillip Ratner's sculptures and NOll a ton's combination of a ROU~uw'ell足 Willem de Looper and a Duke 0 ington desk, circa 1710. hapPY Artworks in public spaces, a tiOnal blend of abstract and representa'ttee' pieces, are subject to the cornrn;es of approval. Here, first-rate exarnP J(ai' b works by Leon Berkowitz, Jac~ Sum' nen, Willem de Looper, CarO corn' mers, Sam Gilliam and others are landplemented by equally well-choseWhite, scapes and street scenes by ]oeNfichaei Richard Estes and the brothers
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the one of as puran of-
ussen, 5 MidpolicY lists. lhance lns wer art, " :ng lisn 'I,
The Popover, a dress for today, if there ever was one.
Totally American, pure line and
re venl
movement, introduced and named
by Lord & Taylor when Claire McCardell
va). If
first designed it in 1943.
piece 't I路
Claire McCardell,
part' dealer ln eth
perhaps more than any other designer,
.d at
inspired the fashion movement Ulat
y the
became "The American Look" in the 1940's.
We launched it, and generaUons have enJo)'ed the innovative clothes that the legendary Claire McCardell designed.
The Lord & Taylor Claire McCardell Popover, designed exclusively (or us in a charming plaid, predominantl)' green aPPY 'anal,
cotton-rayon, 6 to 14, 78.00
,tee 5 :s, of, J{aJ'
;uJ1l' -oJ1l' ~nd'
nite, ~d
Lord & Taylor, Washington-Chevy Chasecall 362-9600; Falls Church-call 536-5000; White Flint-coli 770-9000; Fair Oaks Moll-call 69/-0/00.
The Popover In plrcd by
Claire McCardell Inlrodllccd by
& Taylor thanks Mr. & Mrs. Adrian McCacdcII ror their kind permls Ion nnd coop ration Ulroughout.
an avi and Mark Clark, Mary Patton. . t ac' collector, recalls that one of the firs the quisitions by the law firm was blel elegant sculpture of laminated ~ar nd by Lee Aks, suggestive of Brancusli ~he Joe White's riveting canva~ 0 150 "Memorial Bridge." The flfm aiky owns, among others, a small sp nel sculpture by George Rickey, a large 0y Tro . movable parts by Ro bert Am°r, WIth W cuf Jr., the talented nephew w:~rtj· kn Cleveland Amory, and a maSSive Joel . cal piece of steel painted black by n' whl Perlman. It commissioned the huge c~i' flo r structivist sculpture of brushed aJu the doc num by Linda Howard. However. bY prir translucent triangular sculpture g bl o Rockne Krebs belongs to Tom BO~nk and Mark de Suvero's handsome m' hor study for his misbegotten steel m~ to we: moth at the Hirshhorn was present~ Mary Patton for her supporting :0 ~on nO\ Thanks to the fascinating co~blOaceP' De~ of private and collective esthetiC pe~ors, Sp< tions, the excellent oils, waterco de' Wo sculptures and photo images conveY. de' spite their stylistic diversities, a h Chi cidedly intimate non-corporate tO~f~c~S' At Arnold & Porter's law 0 Jaw where 150 lawyers toil at corpor~te dor in the pale beige designer:s sp e~PF dreamed up by San FrancISCO s ch). (Environmental Planning & Re~ea~ bY everything is grand in scale. AIde with huge stretches of glass highlightedR haS brass and truckloads of plants, EP don not just created light and airy recep fof and dining areas, terraces and a barn to its international clientele but ~as se~ated it that every coat hanger was IOteg into the imposing overall design. c' "The impetus to form an ~t CO '[he tion came with the new offIces, ears nucleus was created about twO Yom' ago," says Jim Dobkin of the art ~ing'l mittee that is headed by Murray.B hiS Dobkin's desk is of sparkling IUCI~~sh' view a breathtaking panorama of s of! ington. The bold hard-edge can~asetUfe his walls carrying his own sl~n: the reflect his deep involvement WI~ art arts. Like his colleagues from t ~cott committee, Bring, Jim Mc~ee, ers, Lang, Jim Fitzpatrick and Bill RO~arY Dobkin is a collector of contempo , f high American art. In order to obtain a collectIOn 0 the qua~ity and support for loc~ artiS~sdeaJ' committee worked closely wlt.h ~idden ers Andre Emmerich and Chns aJ1ds dorf. In the selection process. thOU~tJess u of slides were scrutinized and co sult jS galleries and studios visited. The r~th big a remarkable collection, replete WI 52)
Setting by The Fairfax. Food by The Jockey Club. (Anything less isn't really a banquet.) When you're planning a mclll me ling, dinner or party 0 irnporlanllhat nothing shorl or splendid will do, lel us help. We'll se lo it lhat th s rvice is immaculale, the rood and drink up rb, and tile surroundings quietly b autirul. Anytllinu less \\Iouldn'l do. And you couldn't asl, ror anylhing more. For inrOnmllioll, call Jacl<.ie Godman Irvin al (202) 293-2100.
2100 M"'>'>d( Illl'>dl,> A\l"lllIC, Wd,>llillqloll D.C. 2000B
IN WASHINGTON, THERE IS A TRADmON OF PROUD NAMES. For over 50 years, Martin's of Georgetown has been a symbol of fine tableware and gifts for the Washington community. The famous craftsmanship of the best names in China, Sterling, and Crystal are on display; Bemardaud, Herend, Buccellati, Baccarat and Tiffany to name a few. Today's gift, tomorrow's treasure at Martin's, located next to the Georgetown Inn.
(Continued on page
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[a;~~ Anne Klein's new pants proportion
spiky ge one T ory, rouser-styled, writer cuffed at the vertij knee, creamy Joe White wool eConaJurni- flannel. With it, er, the dobby-weave Ire bY print crepe BO~gsk blouse and le In h marJ1- and-knit Ited to weskit, cream/ ole: navy melds naU on D路 . erceP" eSlgner olors, Sportswear: :y, de- Washington and de- Ch ah evy Chase
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President and Mrs. Reagan and Chile's Ambassador Jose Barros exchange pleasantries and handshakes.
Guinea's Ambassador in bou bou and Mrs. Mamady Conde, wearing a gouba.
/6/March 198//Dossier
The first days of the Reagan reign plunged the Californian deeply into Washington's diplomatic community as ambassadors and representatives of 134 nations were guests at the President's first major White House reception. This year, many third-world representatives wore colorful national dress instead of the prescribed white tie. Other Ambassadors sported chests draped with medals and bright ribbons of various orders, outshining their wives' gowns as a male peacock puts his mate in the . shade. On a day when Americans were still celebrating the hostages' release, Reagan did not talk about the sensitive matter of diplomatic immunity to which Soviet Ambassador Anatoliy Dobrynin, as dean of the Washington diplomatic corps, would have had to respond. He was the genial host, making small talk and smilingly receiving congratulations in a hundred different accents.
OAS Secretary-General Alejandro and Mrs. Orfila in a Murray Arbeid.
Paraguay's bemedalled Ambassa d0 Mrs. Mario Lopez-Escobar.
Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin, the dean.
Sweden's Ambassador and Mr . Wilhelm Wachtmeister in a family heirloom tiara. n
Great Britain's Sir Nicholas and Lady Henderson in gold and lace by Bill Gibb.
Malaysia's Ambassador and Mr . Azraai Zain in checak musang, the national dres .
Nigeria's Amba sador in agbada and Mrs. Olujimi Jolaoso wearing iro and buba.
Dossier/March /981//7
A MEMORAfli BIRTHDAY ------------------. 70
For President Ronald Reagan, turnl~g '( didn't seem to faze him a bit. Celebratmg d in the White House with 100 famous an adoring friends probably made turning .Ih~ pages on a seventh decade easier than II for most. In any case, the sprightly sepllJ~' genarian survived his second birthday par.; ofthe day with his usual high spirits and WI' ty quips. 0 Whether the festivities were as mu~h 0 ~ surprise as wife Nancy intended rem d secret, although Nancy Reynolds inslste "He looks astounded by it all. " on~ SIJ~ thing is that he bore away enough gifts he completely cover his desk top. But II' knows what to give a President? bY Perhaps the best gift of al/ was offered hi Bill Buckley who said he would "repeal I j. 22nd Amendment. " That limits the PreS dent to two terms in office. I
l"'iiIi_.~;" A birthday cake for each table-President Reagan cuts into one as Nancy and White House maitre d'hotel John Ficklin look on.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buckley, Jr.
J Deputy Secretary of State Bill Clark
IS/March 198//Dossier
CIA Director and Mrs. William Casey
With Ford's Conswper Appeals Board, your vOIce has more power than you think.
You have the power to write a wrong. Because your written word carries considerable weight with the Board. Ford's Consumer Appeals Board has an impressive record of success in reviewing your side of a service-related problem, then reaching a fair settlement. Its fairness is assured because this is an independent Board; three of its five volunteers are consumer representatives with no affiliation with Ford Motor Company or its Dealers. The Board considers complaints involving Ford Motor Company vehicles and Metro Washington and Maryland Ford and Lincoln-Mercury Dealers. The Board will not review: complaints currently in litigation or cases that involve alleged personal injury or property damage, or complaints involving requests for consequential damages. After you've discussed the problem with your Dealer and the Company-and if it remains unsolved-the Ford Consumer Appeals Board will review your case; then it will make a fair and just decision. Its decision is binding on Ford Motor Company and your Ford or Lincoln-Mercury Dealer. But it is not binding on you. We think that's more than fair. Call toll-free:
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POTOMAC ENERGY GROUR INC. 401 Wythe Street路 Alexandria, Virginia路 (703) 683-5001
ow that the glut of HOllywood's so-so Christmas 'W . fare is mercifully behind us, I t~hmgton moviegoers in search of in~e ltgent and sensitive filmmaking eedn't look beyond the current off.' ason. This is normally time for moIOn . PIcture moguls to dump defective ~O?UC~s on the boondocks (the nation's ~Pltall~cluded). It's their last chance to at Spnng to the box office. bBut don't despair. Several pictures 4~ previously opened to critical acclaim n ew York and Los Angeles are finally tOWn. The best of them are free of ;olllmercial formula and Hollywood's :01eavy b ~ h an d edness, yet aren't so artsy as e maccessible. A. case in point: the enchanting earthi~ss of the long awaited Bye Bye Brazil. ~ ~duced by the same company that ~ Ivered Donna Flor and Her Two ~ Usbands, this little exotic comedy ~ ade an unexpected hit at the 1980 Canyes festiVal before its U.S. debut in New ork last Fall. 'the film is a vibrant landscape of the
Brazilian countryside that just dances with the rhythm and motion of a good rhumba from beginning to end. It is the portrait of a sideshow entertainment troupe as well-five in all, including a lovestruck accordianist and his pregnant wife-who truck around Brazil in search of bigger audiences to hustle. Instead, they find their fortunes stuck in the middle of Brazil's ongoing identity crisis. Their two-bit tent act fails to lure anyone away from the almighty television in the thoroughly modern cities, so the troupe ventures further into the tropical backcountry, from one archaic village to the next, where base poverty has already mesmerized the peasants. Writer-director Carlos Diegues spins an engaging tale of old Brazil and new, buoyed throughout by authentic location music and rich performances-especially by Brazil's popular actor, Jose Wilker, who makes the rakish indulgences of Lord Gypsy come alive. To speak of acting tours de force of last year, Washington filmbuffs shouldn't overlook the top-drawer per-
formance in Australian director Bruce Beresford's period drama Breaker
Morant. The story line follows the fall and rise of a valiant if morally confused Aussie officer, Lieutenant Harry "Breaker" Morant (played superbly by Edward Woodward) whose brutal atrocities during the last year of the Boer War in South Africa land him in a military court. The rigged trial, which provides the framework of the film, parallels in feel if not in fact the celebrated Vietnam case against Lieutenant Calley. The biting courtroom battle gradually twists viewer sympathies to Morant, who becomes an obvious fall-guy for a far more brutal and obsessive British imperialism. Jack Thompson's Cannes award-winning portrayal as the earnest defense attorney is a brilliant piece of acting in a film that provocatively balances cinemagraphic simplicity with moral complexity. A bright note from an American film company: Melvin and Howard, Universal's highly original folktale about a
~~ector Roman Polanski, below left, brings Thomas Hardy's masterpiece to life with Nastassia Kinski,
center top, playing the title role of ess." William Hurt plays in "Altered States. " At right, Zaira Zambelli and Fabio Junior from "Bye Bye, Brazil." ,
Dossier/March /98/12/
In London, in Paris, in every great city, there is one fine fashion salon that is truly in touch with the tastes and the needs of the city's elegant woman,
111 the nation's capital, it's
ClAIRE DRA1UI Dressing the women of Washington, , , for day, . , for evening. , , for over a decade.
1224 Connecticut Ave" DowntownJ466~500 7615 Wisconsin Ave., BethesdaJ656-8000 Bethesda Open Thurs. 'til 9/Major Credit Cards
loser who becomes the unlikely bene d ficiary to $156 million· via ~o~~r a Hughes' infamous "Mormon will, I textured, generally quiet picture" loW Bo Goldman's screenplay is a b,lt. I off the blocks, but it picks up stnklng Y with exceptional directing by Jonat~a~ Demme (Handle with Care) an ld charming portrayal of a craggy 0 Hughes by dependable Jason Robard~ m By thrusting poor Melvin Dum d (played by Paul Le Mat) suddenl~ an quite unprepared into the ma~lmdu~ American Dream, the script unwIn S tale of pathos and hilarity. Of c~urs;; for Melvin, the American Dream IS t one that got away. ., Shorts: Tess is Roman polanskl,~ decorous adaptation of Thomas Harn n "Tess of the d'Urbervilles," a mus t- I 's that is being talked up as this dir~ct,or a masterpiece. Nastassia Kins kl IS th ravishingly young beauty (alone wl~ras the admission price) who fits we 'n Hardy's tough heroine, fighting fate ~i the rough, rural English past. pola~,s buffs should also take note. of A tho festival of his works later thiS mo n d Tribute is director Bob Clark's .naw~e film version of the 1978 stage hit. r 's strength of the movie is Jack Lemmon d portrayal of the dying, middle-ag~o press agent, Scottie Templeton, er neurotically lived his life, one one-lInhe after another. Unfortunately, I't'S t 's movie's weakness as well. Lemmon n living punchline is more irritating th~s believable. Robbie Benson is typeca~t a klutz of an estranged son return e . of Anyone lured to see Sphinx out. bit fond memories for the King Tut exhl re should be forewarned-all who enter a c cursed by an inept script and a lead ~,; tress, Lesley-Ann Down, who ca n carry the minutes she's on the scree . At your own risk. 's
One of the most exclusive showrooms in the United States featuring handcrafted furniture who supply Harrods from the finest artisans of London and .'; ~~ / ~ " 0t~. other exclusive showrooms ~·ts" If ! \ ~'f in Europe. "~s., '.,Ij,;' _L ,./~<> '-.:.~
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~hrf!!i!!&Ptim/ Mon., Thur. & Fri. 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 PM. Tue., Wed. & Sal. 10:00 A.M. 10 6:00 PM. THIRD LEVEL, MAZZA GALLERJE
';300 Wisconsin Avenue, Wa 'hinglOn, D.C. 2001'; 202/ 363·';881
11/March 198/ /Dossier
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\\lith incre dent! by a Return of the Secaucus Seven I~S butic novelist/actor / director J o~n SaY be Stron proof that a good movie still can f his f made for $60,000. Should be the first 0 ~sgi many from this young talent. c' Ideal Dogs of War is an intelligent and ~r' the C casionally powerful treatment ?f m a' ~eaci cenary warfare in a corrupt Afncan n e Welll tion. Though troubled with soIlla to st: shallow moments, it may be worth r repO} view for the provocative subject ma~es; ~!rn Tell Me a Riddle is Lee Grant'S ~~g blve , film as director, featuring compe1h d oY,· performances by Melvyn Douglas a~y and t Lila Kedrova as a short-tempered e1d~r g WOrk 1 couple who find some understand1l refus . ryes· \Ira s and peace at the twilight of their 1 e Moving, though it doesn't always COIllO ..... off. -DON OLDENBUR
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r. Wilkinson, do you love ~ooks? My questioner was Currn tlce Hitchcock, in his day a uch-loved, tweedy editor. There was afeathering of mockery in his voice 11 11: really don't know," I answer~d. ve been working so hard writing ~hPY for Lucky Strike and Schenley Tat I haven't cracked one in months." ,he year was 1938. I was looking for a ~? in a publishing house. Reynal & .ltchcock was a young New York firm With ~ mixed bag of authors including !\ntoIne de Saint Exupery, Adolf Hitler and Pearl S. Buck. o/he fir~, it developed, was in need ~ an assIstant advertising manager. t~eel~ translated, this meant someone ill Wnte the jacket blurbs. My answer h¡ ust have been on target, for I was blred on the spot. I grew to "love nooks." To this day, the fun of spot/)ng ~otential bestsellers by studying ~~~"sher's Weekly, the Kirkus StaVlews ~nd the Library Journal has St Yed ~Ith me. Here are some likely arters In this spring's sweepstakes. 1
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hib it D EIsenhower the President: Crucial 1951-1960. By William Bragg rare ld ! Jr. (Prentice-Hall, $12.95). :lacI h tlme working for him Ike is seen :an't 1,ncr . , 'eeO' d easIngly as one of our better Presib~nts. ~his lively segment of biography n is bUt~ faIthful Boswell is a major contrilyleS Str~on t~ the upgrading. Eisenhower's n be his n~ POInts as Ewald tells them included st of lllis ~Ir!ll grasp of world strategy, his id g~VIngs about a land war in Asia, his th~~sm as expressed in such tangibles as J oC' lie pen Skies proposal and Atoms for mer' We~ce. Ike the military man knew very a 1n' orne to thow to protect his flanks and when th a re s ay above the tumult. "If I give the Itter, Ji~orters that answer," press officer firs! g' Bagerty once protested, "they'll me hell." "Better you than me IIing blve Oy " Ike chuckled. "Now go out there' and and' JerlY Wor~ell them. " For most of the time this ding refu ~d very well, but in the matter of iveS' \Vas Sing ~o grapple with Joe McCarthy it a disaster that neither time nor orne
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Ewald's valiant efforts can explain or justify. Yet, in the main, the author falls mercifully short of hero-worship. Under Ike's easy friendliness and behind the famous grin was a thin-skinned sensitivity to criticism that only his "fire and self-discipline" were able to conceal. Among the book's many virtues are fresh material and insights about the parts Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller played. An Ambassador's Wife in Iran. By Cynthia Helms. (Dodd, Mead, $12.95). Former CIA Director Richard Helms' appointment as Ambassador to Iran (1973) opened up a whole world to his observant wife, and Cynthia Helms took full advantage. Publishers Weekly rightly calls her "a fine writer and a shrewd observer." She was also an avid student
of the language and history of the troubled land, and she explored it from the northern frontier to the wastelands along the Persian Gulf. She has a good ear except when she indulges in such tautologies as "an invited group of guests," and a brisk sense of the ridiculous. So the strangeness and excitement of a shared four-year adventure come through intact. There is an amusing bonus in the account of a nearroyal visitation by Henry Kissinger. A President in Love. By Edwin Tribble. (Houghton Mifflin, $12.95). For years the second Mrs. Woodrow Wilson hesitated about publishing the 250 or so letters which she and the President wrote each other during their 1915 courtship. Just before her death in 1961, she finally agreed to their release, specifying a further delay of 15 years. Now the former Sunday editor of the Washington Star has pulled together and annotated the correspondence. Wilson, whose letters sometimes ran to 20 pages in longhand, comes out warm and impulsive as well as brilliant. Edith Bolling Galt-whose intellectual credentials hardly matched the President's-surprisingly enough more than holds her own. The Library Journal calls the letters "as captivating as any novel ... remarkable for their candor and passion." The fact that the President's all-consuming love affair was played out against an anxious America edging toward WorId War 1 adds a haunting dimension.
Late Spring Entries and Long Shots:
Richard and Cynthia Helms
One of Scott Fitzgerald's short stories tells of a young American artist who went abroad "to paint something new into the Bay of Naples." My first reaction on hearing that Professor Matthew Bruccoli was writing a full-dress biography of Fitzgerald was that perhaps he was attempting a similar feat. What could he add to Mizener, Turnbull and the rest? The answer is that Bruccoli, who is the chief curator of Fitzgerald lore and legend, has almost 20 new years of accumulated material to (Continued on Page 73) â&#x20AC;˘ Dossier/March /981/13
BILL MIDDENDORF: A Tower of Talent By Dorothy Marks
e is a composer, a painter, a designer of stained-glass windows, an art collector and patron, a champion oarsman and a marathon runner who stays on the course. He is also an ex-Ambassador to the Netherlands, a forlier Secretary of the Navy and currently President and Chief Executive Officer of Financial General Bankshares, Inc., the city~s largest are~-wide bankholding company with 13 banks whose earnings have more than doubled and whose assets are now approaching $3 billion. As if this weren't enough, at presstime the White House was ready to name him Chairman of the ExportImport Bank which does business all over the world for Uncle Sam. But lest you are tempted, please don't call J. William Middendorf II, "a Renaissance man." It makes him really
14/March 198I1Dossier
uncomfortable. "I'm tired of hearing people described that way," he says. "Don't forget a lot of those Renaissance men, including those big in the arts, were poisoners-or just as bad-poisonees. I collect Renaissance bronzes but that's as near to being a Renaissance man as I care to get." He also collects Robert Frost manuscripts (they were neighbors once in Vermont), a variety of old masters, including a notable collection of Rembrandt etchings, American prints from 1670 to 1820, paintings of early Christian scenes and old musical scores. Five years ago he sold Rembrandt's "J uno" to his longtime friend and business associate Armand Hammer for what was then a record price of $3.25 million. When he was posted to the Hague, he studied stained glass tech-
. h hiS nique and a window he designed Wit 'caII teacher hangs in the English ~meMjd足 Church there. An EpiscopalIan, 0/1 dendorf has another of his windoW~ i/1 view at the Presbyterian Chu rc McLean not far from his horne. he At the embassy in the Netherland~, he took up painting on china, bu AIdoesn't do that much anymore. [of though he had been collectin.g art usiC years, he only started compOSlTIg rn when he became Ambassador. lain: On that score, he is careful to eXP tpe "Really, I am just an amateur. 1 pla~ear piano just well enough so that 1can what I am composing." d eight Since that time he has produce t cow symphonies and appeared as gU;~he St. ductor with the Boston Pops an k preLouis Symphony when his wor sut all miered there. He has even turned a
.• rlOrk ' Wise from right: Winner of "/IilA1arine Corps Marathon that ~ dendorf organized as Navy C/elary he wins the Middendorf Q~ He ran the 26-mile 385 1j78 course in 4!12 hours in ~~ , In front of a J. F. Her!r~.palnting from his art col1es~on, Middendorf sits on the I. In the executive office of "'0 'e ncial General Bankshares. 10"Ispaper headlines tell the '\:~Of his attempt to make '11/ ·S. Navy the world's " eSt by initiating a 3000-ton I~Oce effect ship travelling ~Odrnph. He piloted the Q~ el, but President Carter elied the project; Official •.,c "lJ II . ~('I all Of Middendorf as etary of the Navy.
about King Richard and the °Ots. 'h"dlhittedly, Bill Middendorf is a man 0 ll\t gets misty-eyed at events featuring ~: flag or national heroes, and patriotic 'y tChes are his thing. He has composed Ile~ 100 of them and even now late at 11\t in his studio at his home in ~c ean, he's probably working on Other I . , 11 A.ugust, 1975, when he was Secre~ of the Navy, he climbed into a bear ~~tUlhe to hand out lollipops to thou\)~ds of children gathered at the Jefferbl Memorial when the Navy Band a ~U Yed his "Lollipop March" at its anthoal Picnic. Some of the admirals ~a Ught it an undignified thing for the ~i~Y Secretary to do, but the kids-and Iiso dendorf-loved it. Of course, he has Produced marches for the Navy
Band and the U.S. Naval Academy Band, too. However, his most publicized musical effort to date is the "Thumbs up, America!" march he wrote with lyricist Sammy Cahn which was the theme music for the Reagan inauguration. With a fanfare of Marine Band trumpets, Middendorf stepped smartly up to conduct it for the first time in public at the Governors' Reception at the Sheraton-Washington. It was played again before an audience· of thousands at the Sunset Sky Salute on the Mall January 20 and 100,000 copies of the sheet music were handed out to inaugural visitors in their hospitality kits. So who are his favorite composers? Along with Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Mahler? Mention John Philip Sousa, the march king, and his eyes light up.
"He's my hero! I wouldn't be surprised if history rates him as one of the greatest American composers." For this interview, Middendorf its behind an over-sized desk in his large corner office at 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue with its picture window looking across at the Old Executive Office Building and the White House. In the window is an abstract acrylic sculpture by his friend and one-time business colleague, John Safer. "It is just about the only modern piece I have." Behind him, a huge oil, "Horse Fair on Southborough Common," by the 19th century English painter J. F. Herring, is more representative of his taste. Other pictures reflect other strong interests, like the primitive of a sea captain, and an early Christian scene. A direct
(Continued on Page 59) Dossier/March 1981/25
efore World War I, escaping from Washington meant crossing the river to catch the Great Falls & Old Dominion Railway for a Sunday outing to McLean and Great Falls Park. Today, escaping from the Capital means moving to McLean, enjoying the trees and the open spaces, the active community life, and the relaxed atmosphere, all the time just 15 minutes from Connecticut and K. The life style is wide-ranging. There is a small black enclave that dates from the 19th century. There is a very wealthy "Green Book" set with its horses and homes in the Caribbean or Martha's Vineyard. There is the government worker, and the member of Congress, upper middle class, international in its outlook; and there is the new wealthy singles set made up mostly of highincome computer wizards and investors, with a few top drawer government officials and professional people mixed in. McLean's business district-bounded by Chain Bridge Road which runs roughly parallel to Dolley Madison Boulevard part of the way and intersects with Old Dominion Drive-about as close as you can come to the center of town, reflects the changes brought by high incomes and lots of discretionary buying power: a McDonald's can be sandwiched between a luxury gift shop and a posh clothier; an exquisite French restaurant may be next to a barber shop or a filling station. Never mind that the corners of the town's center house three service stations, a carpet store and a real estate office, McLean is still one of the most affluent places in Fairfax County, one of the two or three richest counties in the world. You can hardly call "tacky" a community that has $200,000 homes classed as low to moderate-priced housing, and plenty of homes selling for between $500,000 and $1 million, even in a period of tight money and 15 percent interest rates.
26/March /98I1Dossier
Not a town, not a city, not a county, not really a definable place by governmental standards, McLean is a community, a nice place to be, separated from Washington by a river and a lifestyle, but at the same time a place that could not exist without Washington. Power is here. So is money. Derived from Washington, without question, but it's here. Present and past members of cabinets, ambassadors, admirals, generals, present and past senators and representatives, the governor of Virginia before the one we have now, and one who wants to be the next governor. Presidents and near-Presidents have lived in McLean-John, Robert and Ted Kennedy. It's not Georgetown, not Old Town and not Cleveland Park. Nor is it The Plains or Middleburg. In a sense, McLean is all of these, because it has elements of each. The luster of Camelot, which the Kennedys brought to McLean in the 1960s may have become tarnished. But there is a new vibrance, a new cosmopolitan spirit that sets McLean apart and gives it a character of its own that brings that "fascinating mix" of people, businesses, industry and institutions who call McLean home. -JAMES C. WEBSTER
Ballantrae, one of McLean's stately old homes, belongs to Joseph Rosenbaum and wife Jill Gore, center, playing chess in the library with friends Suz.y Barnes, an antique dealer, and Tony Teixeira, a writer. "Ballantrae was originally a dairy farm. We still have the largest intact acreage around, 27 acres, with the old barn and silo. I also keep two riding horses and a stable, .. Jill Gore says.
"The realtor had three houses we liked, two were in McLean and only 25 minutes from the White House. I had nothing to do with the choice. My wife chose it and 10 and behold, it turned out to be in the same area as Brzezinski. " Edwin Meese III Dossier/March 1981/27
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The history of McLean is, in large part, the history of the Alvin Robinson family and its forebears. The family and its various branches have lived in McLean for longer than any resident there can remember, their property on Crest Lane dating back to the Civil War. As Jacqueline ("Jackie") Robinson remembers: "Payne-probably a great-grandfather of my husband-was freed either immediately after the Civil War or during it, and he purchased a large parcel of property a halfmile up the road. One of his offspring, Gunnell, was my husband's grandfather. He was a minister and built a little boxlike church, Gunnell Chapel, which is still standing, up there on Route 193that's old Georgetown Road-right opposite the entrance to Ethel Kennedy's road. Even when I first married 40 years ago they were still using the church. At one point, I don't know where the Robinson line came in, but my husband's grandfather Robinson purchased this land, ten acres at the time. It was a truck farm and he raised vegetables and supplied his neighbors with milk from his cows." She recalls with some bitterness that the government appropriated three acres of their land to make a cloverleaf for the George Washington Parkway after condemning their property and failing to inform the Robinsons. Their parents had died and they were then living in Washington, using the McLean property as a summer vacation spot. "There was originally a log cabin on the land, then my husband's father built our present home that we've surrounded (with room additions). His grandmother, who lived to be 100, stayed in the log cabin. The family later built her a nicer house on the front of the property but when the government took the land, they destroyed the house which was newly remodeled. That was a blow." The oldest remaining monument to those days is the 100-year-old pear tree standing beside the house which still bears fruit. "Grandpa's tree" seemed to be ailing a while back, la/March 1981/Dossier
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and Mrs. Robinson called the National Park Service which ministered to it, and now it thrives. Tough as the going may have been at times for the older Robinsons, "anyone who wanted to go to school had to go to
school" , she says. Four of the fa(111 . sOIl, became physicians. Alvin Rob l.n 011 Sr. is an obstetrician-gynecol.Oglstsol1 the staff of Providence HospItal. i)(, Alvin is a medical officer in St. ~ro 011 the Virgin Islands. An uncle and hIS 5
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ere doctors, and from the other ranch of the family, Frank Jones was noted black urologist who, in the earv 1940s, developed a special one-step nethod for prostatectomies that has en written up in medical journals and still used today. Daughter Jacqueline, known as "Chi :~i," her sculptor husband, James lng, and seven-month-old son, Jason, ~e currently living with her parents in !cLean. In the spring they will build nnearby land given them by the Rob~~ons. Jacki'e Robinson is Executive ~ce President and part owner of YCB, a community-oriented gospel a~d news radio station, the first ~lnor.itY-Owned commercial station in naSh!ngton. After spending most of er life as a nurse and a Spanish teacher, she devoted years to civic work a~d is a founding, life-board member o ~ack and Jill of America, an organi!alion that sponsors educational proJe~ts for minority children. On the day 0, OUr interview, she was "in the ~ oUds" over a phone call confirming Cer appointment to the White House lSonference on Children and Youth, an I -rnonth, international forum devoted nO ex~anding youth opportunity and .ononng talented and academically ~If.ted children. She considers her parIClpation "a culmination" of 30 years' 'l;Ork on behalf of children. ~ While her conversation about her lIJ cLean neighbors is studded with fad ous names ("Stewart Udall lived oWn the street, and Willard Wirtz was ~n Crest Lane ... the Elliot Richardt~ns still live here. Ted Kennedy and 12e Chuck Robbs are across the road on They're in the 6oos, and Ethel's a 7 lIe down. Nancy Dickerson is at t~")' th.e main impression that comes h rOugh IS of a closely-knit neighbort~~d Where famous-name parents send eir children to the local schools and th e " L room mother" could as well be Ynda Bird Robb as Mary Jones. t JaCkie Robinson cites the "one house bO an acre" law in McLean, put on the StO~ks to promote spacious, countryaYe liVing. When townhouses and aPartrnents go up, they must be built in equocluster and connected , and the Ivalent amount of land set aside for Iands . c\' capI~g. McLean's diverse cultural With Asians, Caucasians and bllrnate acks ' . th mixing socially "is good because rn ey USually have some bond in comon .....h . They're not seeking anything. ley' . be re Just there because they want to tOgether," says Jackie Robinson. I
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McLean's new Sporting Club finds the Wards-Lisa, /4, Eric, Jr., /7, in the foreground-Eric and Ann with instructor Greg Demko, doing progressive workouts on the Nautilus equipment. Theyappreciate the wide variety offacilities available at the $7.5 million complex.
"People ask Why do you live in McLean?" Ann Ward mimics the disdainful tone used by frequent questioners. With two well-chosen rejoinders, the transplanted Californian answers.
â&#x20AC;˘ "When Eric was here before with the White House, he said, 'Go buy a hou e, but not further than 15 minutes away from work. I just can't stand long commuting.' " McLean fills the bill. Do sier/March /981/29
â&#x20AC;˘ "You're not caught up in the whirl of Washington all the time. You can get your breath and then go back to it." The Wards find McLean's small town ambiance irresistible. It's a folksy business community with the conveniences of a metropolis, where the parking is easy and "the gas station delivers your car when it's finished." It has "marvelous shopping from the dress shops to the International Safeway, where you food-shop alongside embassy people from around the world." As native southern Californians who are here their second time around by choice, the Wards' insights are significant. Eric Ward served in the White House during the Nixon administration as assistant to Dr. Lee Dubridge in the Office of Science and Technology. He is an electronic engineer in the high technology field by training and now owns Fox Jones office products company. Ann Ward owned a ladies' sportswear manufacturing business which she sold to her employees when they left California. Before marrying, she was a buyer for the large Los Angeles department store chain, Bullock's, a habit she "never got over," says husband Eric, referring to her inveterate shopping. They left Washington to return to San Marino five weeks after Watergate to devote time to their family of three then-small children-Lisa, Julie and Eric, Jr. But with Julie's 1980 graduation from high school, they "pulled up all stakes" leaving their house in San Marino to return to Washington. "Our friends who have never lived here think 'Well, they've really slipped. What's wrong with them?' And all I can think to say is 'You've never lived in Washington. It's just great fun.' People here put themselves out. They're very open to finding out what you're like." The Wards own two McLean homes. The living room of their current Ranleigh Road residence overlooks a drop-off below where Eric plans to put a tennis court. From their windows they can see the homes of former Virginia Governor Linwood Holton and Texas Representative Jack Brooks, and "the Strom Thurmonds are just around the cui de sac." Ann Ward enthused, "The very second day we were here, the Holtons invited us to a cocktail party-Jinx is just a darling lady-and they told all the neighbors, 'Here are the people who bought that house.' In California, you could live there all your life and not get a welcome like that-and Californians are supposed to be so friendly! " -SUSAN ELLIS 30/March /98/ /Dossier
McLEAN HOME Thomas L. Ahern, Jr., Foreign Service Officer held hostage by Iranian militants. Senator William Armstrong of Colorado. A. Smith Bowman, distiller of Virginia Gentleman. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor. Pat Buchanan, syndicated columnist, talk-show commentator. Representative Clair W. Burgener of California. Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, Senate Minority Leader and sometimes fiddler. Frank Carlucci, ubiquitous government official. Henry Cauo, former Chief of Protocol. Senator Lawton Chiles of Florida. Senator William Cohen of Maine. William T. Coleman, former HUD Secretary. Representative Philip Crane of Illinois.
Samuel Bookatz, artist. Senator Dennis DeConcini of Arizona. Representative E. (Kika) de la Garza of Texas. Representative Glenn English of Oklahoma. Representative Bill Frenzel of Minnesota. William Gorog, President of Arbor. Gilbert Grosvenor, President of National Geographic. Albert Grasselli, Vice President of Rockwell International Overseas Corp¡ Representative Kent Hance of Texas. Representative W. G. (Bill) Hefner of North Carolina. Linwood Holton, lawyer, former Governor of Virginia. Carol Jackson, fashion consultant, author of Color Me Beautiful. Senator J. Bennet Johnston of Louisiana. Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Ethel Kennedy. Representative Dale Kildee of Michigan. Herb Klotz, President of Quest Research Corp. John A. Knebel, lawyer, former Secretary of Agriculture. Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana.
II \
Civic leader Aliki Bryant, Dana Hodgdon, financier and movie producer, Diane von Meister, realtor, and Chuck Robb, Virginia's Lt. Governor. get ready for a match.
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"Heaven and earth never agreed to frame a better place for man's habitation." -Captain Smith, about McLean
Fred Malek, Executive Vice President f o Marriott Corp., former OMB Director. PrE~win ~eese III, Counselor to the eSldent In charge of Domestic Affairs. J. William Middendorf, President ~nd Chief Executive, Financial General ankshares. C Roger MUdd, NBC Television News orrespondent. ~ â&#x20AC;˘.Representative Lucien Nedzi of IVll chigan. Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana. V. John ~. Rainbolt, lawyer, former FIce Chairman of the Commodity Utures Trading Commission. HElliot Richardson, lawyer, former EW Secretary, Ambassador, etc. GCharles and Lynda Robb, Lieutenant I overnor of Virginia; daughter of the ate President and Mrs. Johnson. BJames R. Shepley, Chairman of the oard, The Washington Star. ~ Marion and Francis Smoak, lawyer, ,orrner Chief of Protocol; she is a eading hostess.
Former Virginia Governor Linwood Bolton likes McLean because it's a lown where the people work together, cooperating on civic activities. His wife, Virginia, adds, "There are many cultural and educational happenings, like the upcoming antique quilt exhibition at Potomac School and the benefit concert for The McLean Chamber Orchestra."
Frank Terpil, one-time arm supplier to Idi Amin, presently ab ent. Victor L. Tomselh, Political Counselor held hostage by Iranian militants. Eugene Smith, President, National Bank of Fairfax. Admiral Stansfield Turner, former CIA Director. Representative Morris Udall of Arizona. Stewart Udall, former Secretary of the Interior. Senator Malcolm Wallop of Wyoming. Representative Howard Wolpe of Michigan. Edward P. Morgan, former ABC radio and television commentator and syndicated newspaper columnist. Raymond Donovan, Secretary of Labor. Maryon Allen, widow of former Senator James B. Allen, public relations consultant. Wyatt and Nancy Dickerson, financier; Executive Producer, T.V. Corp. of America. William Lawton and AUki Bryant, realtor; volunteer, fund raiser. Richard Viguerie, publisher, direct mail consultant. Walter Ridder, Ridder Newspapers Syndicate Giuseppi Cecchi, developer of Watergate. Roscoe Drummond, author and syndicated newspaper columnist. Marcus Bles, farmer, long-time McLean resident who used to grow corn on the site of Tysons Corner.
\\'here the PhDs' Kids Go
------------------------------s Two of the top-rated public high s~hoOls in the country and two exclue private schools set a high standard Or education in McLean. !ll Langley High School, the newest and NOst Sought-after by homebuyers in wOrthern Virginia, rates highest in the s ell-regarded Fairfax County school /ste m in national standardized test bcoh~es. McLean High School isn't far e Ind.
h They also excel athletically. McLean 1ad an undefeated varsity football c~arn ~nd its soccer team was state am Plan last spring; Langley had the
state champion women's tennis team last year and they boa t a perennially strong women's soccer team. Despite the two pre tigiou private schools in McLean, many of the top people in government and business send their children to the public schools because of their excellence. The two private schools are Madeira, an exclusive women's preparatory school with boarding and day students and Potomac School, a day school, kindergarten through high school, that draws mostly from the surrounding area. Both have outstanding reputations. 0
Linda Ningard, owner of Habitat Unlimited, decorates the home of the wealthy and the nearly wealthy. She says decor in McLean homes i decidedly traditional, much like the re idents and the architecture. When McLean re idents shop, they look for quality items in good taste, at a fair price. Here are the place they patronize: The Orchard, Ltd.-356-1345 1345 Chain Bridge Road Contact: Kessa Sakai Made-to-order resort clothes for men and women featuring a large selection of ultra suede. Lilly Parker's Antique & Restoration, Inc. 1315 Chain Bridge Road-893-5298 Contact: Lilly Parker Fine quality oriental antiques, restoration on porcelain, glass, ivory, jade and lacquerware. Habitat Unlimited-356-4005 1388 Chain Bridge Road Contact: Linda Ningard A complete interior design studio with four trained decorators working in contemporary, period, and eclectic. Custom-colored furniture is another specialty. Gray Matter Flower Shoppe Ltd. 1427 Center Street-356-21 10 Contact: Fred Gray Flowers for all occasions, specializing in the new European design. Gourmet baskets include cheese, caviar and chocolates. Bailey Banks & Biddle-893-4030 Tysons Corner Center Contact: John Damsgard [n addition to fine jewelery and watches, they have made many of the U.S. Military medals including the Purple Heart and the Congresional Medal of Honor. Heritage Photographers-356- 1052 1390 Chain Bridge Road Contact: Jerry Rodbell Four expert photographers on hand to cover weddings and other ocial events. Everhart Jewelers-82 1-3344 6649 Old Dominion Drive Everhart recently donated a 342-carat opal to the Smithsonian. All jewelry is American made, and custom designing is offered. Mesmeralda's-356-4494 1339 Ch.ain Bridge Road Contact: Charlotte Neil Offers a large selection of Cuisinart and Calphalon cookware, gourmet acce sorie , herbs, spices and cookbooks. Hendry Galleries-356-589O 1349 Chain Bridge Road Contact: Elizabeth Hendry Robinson Oriental art, antiques and a wide selection of Japane e lacquerware, netsuke and obidome, ornaments worn at the sash. Porcelain and ivory are also featured. Dossier/March /98//3/
Roland's Custom Tailors-356-2100 6723 Whittier Avenue Contact: Mr. Roland Hand tailoring for men and women. Fittings at your home or in the shop. Top Drawer Ltd.-790-1361 6637 Old Dominion Drive Contact: Peggy Jones Artists from around the nation do appliques and other custom designs for the creations sold. Chase & Collier Ltd. Menswear 1349 Chain Bridge Road-356-4006 Contact: Michael Faul Men's furnishings in a large comfortable showroom. The Designing Needle-356-2217 6625 Old Dominion Drive Contact: Peggy Ewing Art needlework accessories and day & night classroom instruction in all types of needlework. Anita Perlut Fumiture-893-7551 6629 Old Dominion Drive Contact: Anita Perlut Here in McLean, like her popular store in Springfield, a sophisticated array of fine furnishings is offered. Bath & Boudoir-356-3110 6655 Old Dominion Drive Contact: Wendy Herstein A complete line of bathroom accessories is offered as well as decorative items such as china glasses from Italy and porcelain flowers. McLean Woodstove-821-9166 6706 Old Dominion Drive Contact: Albert Ward The only store in the area that deals in high quality American and European stoves and offers a fireplace conversion service. McLean Antiques & Crafts-821-9191 6728 Lowell Avenue Contact: George and Helen Hartzog Indian jewelry, American primitive antiques, quilts, woven items and toys. La Camille-790-8530 6655-B Old Dominion Drive Contact: Diana Mowry and Helen Oechsli Home of the Old World Christmas Showcase, La Camille is a full-service florist. Carpet Yard-893-7555 1311 Old Chain Bridge Road Contact: Mitchell Ames Carpeting for commercial and private establishments. They sell ever.ything for the floor-Chinese and oriental rugs, vinyl, etc. Whale's Tail Ltd.-442-8666 1309 Old Chain Bridge Road Contact: Bettina Tierney Primarily preppy, they offer designs of De Lanthe, David Brooks and a wide selection of kilts, wrap skirts, jumpers and Sero shirts. Wicker World-734-Q153 1363 Chain Bridge Road Contact: Jeff Howard Wicker imported from the Philippines, Hong Kong, Portugal and India. Etageres, tea carts, hanging swings and a "big lady's chair" are some of the unusual items offered. 32/March 19811Dossier
Bobette Winkel selects a bathing suit for a trip to Hawaii from the rack at one of her favorite McLean shopping haunts, Top Drawer, Ltd. She, and her busy Hughes Aircraft exec husband Jack, did a switch and moved to McLean after their children left for college.
Regal Accessories & Antiques-442-8388 1449 Laughlin Avenue Contact: Joan Polk Clocks, collectibles, antiques and gifts that run the gamut of all periods and price ranges. Mae's Boutique-356-6334 6707 Old Dominion Drive Contact: Mae Shipe Elegant fashions and evening wear in a moderate price range. Juvenile Fashions-356-19l9 1376 Chain Bridge Road Contact: Claire Honig Fashions and accessories for the younger set. -Compiled by Helaine Michaels
Going Moblle Good news for prospective car-buyers, there's an excellent selection of automobile dealerships in the area, among them: Moore Cadillac-790-0950. This architecturally interesting, awardwinning dealership sells fine luxury automobiles. Cherner Lincoln Mercury Here they offer a wide range of luxury and economy cars and are introducing the new stainless steel, gull-winged De Lorean sports car.-893-0800. HBL Mercedes and Volvo Fine German and Swedish engineering, factory authorized service and a concern for quality characterize this firm and their products.-591-9600. Peacock Buick-790-0000 Immediate delivery is promised on the popular, fuel-efficient, front-wheeldrive Buick Skylark. Brown Rolls-Royce-893-2670 Sales and service for the epitome of world class luxury automobiles. Penn-Avanti-356-48 I2 Roger Penn offers custom-made Avantis. You may test drive by appointment.
. . k-tankS, The giant megaflrms-thlO government consulting contractor~: computer and other industries.-:ntracted to McLean add a further dIm sion to the community. a Dynalectron Corporation direct~ worldwide force of more than 9, 'r 1 employees-servicing missiles or a : On craft, designing complex electrical c nd struction, developing synthetic fuels aall solving environmental problem~ing from an unassuming four-story bUild in McLean. . (r m The diversified, $350 + milho n .I _ gh was one of the first of several hI ate technology firms to establish c?rporved headquarters in McLean when It ~ hfrom upper Wisconsin Avenue in ~s re ington in December 1975. NoW t ~e足 are several, and the McLean-~estgrast Tyson's complex is groWI?g and enough to rival Boston/Cambndg~ the San Francisco/San Jose as o~e 0 trY "silicon valley" high-tech IndUS centers of the nation. nd Charles G. Gulledge, President a ge Chief Executive Officer, and JO~,s Carnicero, Chairman of Dynalectr~ers board, direct a corporate headqua~ of staff of 220 that oversee the. wor rafour divisions and the financial openy . tions of the publicly-held comp.a faThe company had outgrown th el : of cilities in Washington and the cO
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: p;esent day phenomenon is the proliferation of consulting firms that do business with the government and are housed in office buildings lie as those above, located near Tysons Corner at the intersection of Dolley Madison and Highway 395.
relo . . catmg to the suburbs presented a Sig . m'fIcant savings from another locaho,~ in the District. It gave us better access to the airP~rts, especially Dulles, because much o Our operation is international" he SayS . "I t gave us room to expand and ' it w ' l';s centrally located. The quality of 1 e here suits our employees, and we W~re concerned about the growing enme ra t e m . Washington." D GUlledge, in addition to running CYnalectron, is chairman of the Fairfax thOU~tY Economic Development Auonty, which has been extremely suc~hessful in attracting high-tech firms to e area.
Source Telecomputing-a homegrown computer industry, now owned by Readers Digest, offers programs for the fast-growing home computer market. Planning Research Corporation-a diversified high technology firm that services government and industry. Mitre Corporation-a non-profit
corporation that spun off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the second largest private employer in Fairfax County, mostly in government contracts. Flow General, Incorporated-research and computer services, especially in cell and tissue culture and biomedical instrumentation. -JAMES C. WEBSTER
b d e did not want to be simply the he room community for Washington," e tr lsa ys . "Our objectives were to cone 0 the quality of growth, to attract Orporate headquarters and high technOlogy 0 . . ind rgamzatlOns rather than heavy Ustry and also to attract all the supPorting' f . Sho . m rastructure-small busmess, g /pm centers and the like." Ust a few of the other McLeanbased . M giant firms include: h ars Incorporated-the corporate h:~dquarters of the giant, privately and largely secretive candy manufaeturer h . bet as a net worth estimated at dOlwleen $350 million and one billion ars.
Dynalectron's far-flung operations service aircraft at U. S. commercial airports and foreign military bases; build and operate the largest fuel-from-coal plant in the world using the company's "H-Coal" system; and build wastewater treatment plant. Dos ier/March 198//33
SPEAKour Do you want a custom-built, fouryear-old home with more than 10,000 square feet of living area-for $1.25 million? Then McLean's the place. But if that's a little too steep, there's a new home in River Oaks, hard by the river and just outside the beltway, for just $850,000. Those are just two you can see by appointment if you call Diane von Meister, owner of von Meister Properties, a McLean and Potomac firm that specializes in fine homes. You could also talk to Grace Kempton. She's sold a 50-acre estate as well as homes to former Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall and to Angier Biddle Duke. It's likely, if you can afford the monthly payments on homes like these, that you're getting one of the best investments in town. Real estate people agree without exception that McLean real estate appreciates faster than comparable areas-even beating the recent 16 to 17 percent annual appreciation rate for Northern Virginia. That may be one of the reasons that Counsellor to the President, Edwin Meese III, and Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan bought homes in McLean. "I believe people in the Reagan administration are well-heeled. As we are a prestigious area, some of them are bound to come here to live," says Pietro Di Benedetto, president of Magruder & Di Benedetto in McLean. Joan Powers, McLean manager for Hugh T. Peck Properties, says McLean reminds her of the Rocky Mountains as compared to the Appalachians which are "mellow, like Alexandria and Arlington, while McLean is raw beauty, like the Rockies. It's here to stay." Even despite high interest rates, homes in the higher price ranges are still selling briskly in McLean. Although realtors disagree about the reason, Marge Kremidas, a Long & Foster agent in their record-setting McLean office and a McLean resident, feels one reason may be the tax deductibility of interest rates on top of the premium appreciation rate. John Jeffries, an agent for the McLean office of Harper & Co., says 34/March I98J/Dossier
McLean Mews.
New Growth
in the Old Dominion
, Madison of McLean.
interest rates should not be the principal deterrent for homebuyers who want to "move up" into something better. If one takes the difference in the buyer's old interest rate, say 10070, and the prevailing rate of 14%, the remaining 4% is a lot cheaper than the annual appreciation rate. Take out the additional interest deduction and the capital
Country townhome developments ar~ booming in McLean. Here's wha they're offering. Madison of McLean-Laughlin Realty路 Luxury brick and block, which offer a two-story botanical atriUm and two-car garages. $279,000-$315,000.893-7903. McLean Mews-Lewis & Silverman .. h Three bedroom brick townhouses Wit his and her bathrooms off the master bedroom. $211,500-$219,500. 442-0024. Merrywood on the Potomac -Long & Foster. 765-2809. -Property Associates Ltd. 734-3990.. h Interestingly elegant, large designs ~Ylt 12-foot ceilings; some with a rivervieW. $330,000-$395,000.
gain gets even more attractive. fof Margo Sider, McLean agent wO Mount Vernon Realty, who sold t a homes in the $150,000 bracket o~he single February weekend, fig~r~S the appreciation rate in McLean IS In 20% range. Why? (Continued on Page 56) on-
The popularity of McLean Station homes, developed by Edward R. Carr & Associates, proves the C tinued interest in dramatic, contemporary detached homes. I
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Missoni: Soft SCulpture...Spring '81
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T~in jersey dresses In bold challis prints... color-mixed in a way that's memorably Missoni.
The easy boat neck with Patch pockets, Blue, green and red; Wine, red and blue, 400,00, The drop waistline with soft Pleating at the hip. Multi boxes on seafoam, shrimp or navy, 410,00,
~oth Wool jersey for Sizes XS,S,ML, The Missoni collection arrives On Wings of spring, Do Come savor it all! On 2, Tysons Corner; On 3, White Flint,
- - - - - V I R G I N I A M c L E A N VIRGINI~
McLean's Newest Boutique
Where only the best is good enough Our select line of better quality U.S. and European stoves assures your complete satisfaction. Call or write for illustrated catalogue. 6706 Old Dominion Drive McLean, Virginia 22101 821-9166
442路8666 Monday路Saturday 1().5
8 9
10 11 12
BELOW REOOLAR RETAIL PRICES for high quality, name-brand carpeting f, floor covering.
14 15 18 11
18 19 ,
20 21
Present this ad with your order and receive free padding!
Shop at home. Free estimate.
Call 893路7555.
28 27
28 29
30 31
32 33 34 35
~Carp!irtard tor yards of carpel
1311 Old Chain Bridge Road. McLean (Behind Drug Fair)
An eleganl boutique featuring a di5linquished colleclion of one-of-a-kind fashionS
6637 Old Dominion Drive, Mclean, Virginia
~'-c :1-----------------------~ - - - - - - - VIRGINIA VIRGINIP\ ~_
McLEAN 1-----------------------~qe ~e5igning ~ee~le We Feature: Paternayan - D.M.C. - Elsa Williams Medici - Zweigart Canvas - Even Weave Fabrics - Oritz - Metallic Threads Hand Painted Canvasses Pre-Worked Needlepoint Crewel & Accessories Blocking - Finishing
LvMirabt({V Fine French Specialties
Banquet Facilities Lunch 11 :30-~:00 Mon-Fri Dinner 5:30-10:00 Mon-Sat 5:30-10:00 Closed Sunday
Open Monday thru Saturday 10-4 Thursday Evening 'till 7
Reservations: 893-8484 6645 Old Dominion Drive
McLean Square Mall 6625 Old Dominion Drive McLean, Virginia 22101 356路2217
McLean Square Center McLean, Virginia
Your Hosts: Joseph Philipp Chef Jeannol
'h..)~eeIr i III H
Complete Fur And Leather Service
Fairfax 573路9232
(next to Drug Fair)
1310 Chain Bridge Road 356路9400 Vienna 938路2235
Falls Church 560-6440
Formal Wear And Bridal Specialists
Springfield 569-2900
Whispered shades ofsoftest apricot, jade & gold, echo the elegance of a bygone era recapture a moment in time with our magnificent secretary in the Chinese taste.
Another treasure from the Wonderful World of Anita Perlut. Creating & coordinating exclusively for you.
Furniture, Wallcovering, Carpets, Fabrics, Accessories McLean. Virginia
6230-6l RoUing Rd. Springfield, Virginia
6629 Old Dominion Dr.
"Unique because we are on llo/ion family style restDuronl operated & owned by an itolian family. "
"A Little Touch of Italy"
"You won't go away hungry. . . and, that's good"
Specializing in Weddings, Parties, and Bar Mitzvahs Ask about our custom Fruit Baskets
1427 Center Street McLean, Virginia
Maureen P. Haus, "The Critics Two" THE MARKETPLACE, November 25,1977
".. .a bright, Italian cafe with red-checked tablecloths, hanging plants and wine bottles .. .afamily place extrodinaire. . .infectiously jovial. The pizza was a stand-out. " Wash. Post FAMILY OUT, June IS, 1978
1357 Chain Bridge Road McLean, Virginia 821-3736
Joan Polk, Proprietor
1449 Laughlin Avenue McLean, Virginia (across from the A&P Shopping Center)
[ happ tan t now Sa
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You'll love our handy new pocket-size booklet because it's packed from cover to cover with over 100 of Washington's finest restaurants. It's attractive. It's useful. And you'll really appreciate it when you have to entertain out-of-town friends or relatives. Or when you're looking for that very special restaurant for an extra special occasion. The Washington Dossier's Indispensable Guide to Washington Area Restaurants. The perfect choice to keep in your pocket. Look for it at the finest news outlets.
Bulk orders for associations and conventions are now being accepted. Call (202) 362-5894
ining in McLean can be as w?rldly or traditional as you h . wish. This cushy suburb has applly benefited from the cosmopolian populace around Washington, and Ow boasts a Turkish restaurant as well a Mexican hacienda, a Szechuan and antonese eatery and a fine French restaurant. Join us on our "cook's lOUr" f . . Wh' or some culinary gems about Ich you should be aware. R. Evan~ Farm Inn, 1696 Chain Bridge oad, IS a handsome rustic inn with Waitresses in Colonial garb of long skirts ~d ~prons, serving cuisine George ashmgton would have loved. An early American feeling is enhanced by the dark wood tables and chairs and the antique ~tte~ on ~he ~alls. Entrees like roast ~.ck1ing, pnme nbs and hickory smoked c, Icken are joined by specials that can in~ ude q~ail and seafood. A copious salad ar wIth homemade pickles and Preserves, breads and marinated salads is :ctmeal in .itse~f. But the spoon bread servtableslde IS a stand-out. Families are ~e1come, and at holiday time Evans arm Inn is chock-a-block full. They ~~ow. many of their vegetables on the emlses, and there is even a barnyard
zoo to keep the youngsters entertained. The Dynasty Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, is a recent Chinese addition to McLean. The festive red, blue and yellow painted building beckons one into a panelled wood ambiance and friendly service. Cantonese, Peking and Szechuan style dishes are featured in this unprepossessing restaurant, like Moo Shi Pork (shredded pork, egg and vegetables served in a thin pancake) and Shredded Chicken Szechuan Style. The 00 Soup-Cantonese-is a special treat with assorted meats and vegetables simmered together. They also offer family dinners and take-out service. The Joshua Tree, 6930 Old Dominion Road, has a dark atmosphere of brick and stained-glass windows inside-and prime rib and steak are the name of the game. But hefty salads as well as seafood specialties like fried scallops or Coquilles St. Jacques are also interesting. People keep coming back; the meat and potato types find it very comfortable. Kazan, 6813 Redmond Drive, is a surprising place. On the outside, it looks like part of a shopping center. But once inside a casbah-like atmosphere of white arches with blue harem fabric draped
seductively across the ceiling is totally disarming. The food is middle Easternprimarily Turkish-with offerings like Shish Kabob and braised Lamb Shanks as well as Mousaka (eggplant and ground lamb melange sheathed in cheese bechamel sauce.) Don't miss the shredded chicken in walnut sauce as an appetizer-a very subtle and fragrant starter. Orange Baklava is a sweet ending to the meal. Rocco's looks like a roadside diner at 1357-A Chain Bridge Road. It may be a roadside diner, but the kitchen sings in Italian. The tables are all covered with red-checkered tablecloths and come complete with straw-covered winebottIes. The pizza, especially the Sicilian Pizza, is very popular, as is the Chicken Cacciatore, heady with tomatoes and garlic. It's a very casual and cheerful way to spend a supper for many neighbors in McLean. La Mirabelle is a fine French restaurant nestled away in McLean Square Center at 6645 Old Dominion Drive. It's small and romantic, but once one goes through a dark decorated foyer, the wood panelljng in the dining room is true to McLean. The Chef has taken
La Mirabelle's intimate decor and fine French cuisine make it a favorite with McLean's resident members of Congress.
.., Dossier/March 1981/39
r-r; Lf
The perfect interior. .. one that fits your lifestyle best, blending the elements that express your taste and personality. A trained professional designer can create the ideal setting for your Georgetown pied-a-terre or rustic country home. Call our Studio of Interior Design: Washington, Chevy Chase, Wheaton Plaza, ~a~~ Tysons Corner, Montgomery Mall ~..~ and Annapolis ~
WOODWARD & LOTH ROP Lawn Party Tents for your elegant gathering . and chairs . . . tables . . . china . . . glasses . . . silver . .. and much more.
Ty Brooke 150 Maple Ave. E., Vienna, VA 22180 4O/March 198//Dossier
great pains with the menu, offering d~~ specials like Filet de Boston Sole a price-Boston sole with glazed bana~s. and toasted almonds, or the superb P an ciutto ham and watercress mousse for ja ~R~ appetizer. The mango and maca~a.rnus nut sundae for dessert is a de!lClO original. .'Ie Zachary's, 6238 Old Dominion D\~ is a warm and friend~y place, off~%a. Beef Styfado, Lamb Kebabs, Do of dakia and a celebrated Veal Helen Troy. we Moving on to Tyson's corner''fhe IS the find a new addition to fitnes s-;; rO for a Sporting Club at 8260 Greens 0 of vacat Drive. In a handsome gray maze. es Th hallways with purple and green PIPrg ISlan< reminiscent of Paris's Bea~~o~ed \\lith Museum, all manner of sophlStJ~1 as turqu equipment for toning up as we ball, hour facilities for tennis, squash, racket ack ilIore aerobic dancing, swimming and tram POrt. are offered here. A computer prog~l as of co individual health regimens as we ant New] progress. The accompanying restau~ith by A -lounge lies at the entrance, in graY 'ng Be yellow modern pipe bannisters, offer~ye OtheJ sandwiches and quiches. The\os form brought the California touch of nacenu of p and healthful salads to complete a rn ore fishil found on a little wooden racket. A rn en formal dining area is scheduled to O~sjS This I in early summer with a definite ern?~oos Pink, on seafood. Management en VIS. a tanks for live trout and lobster l;ese modern decor of casual elegance: T and restaurants are open to the pubhchletiC will give you a chance to see at , facilities that are tomorrow's-todaY~os Clyde's has also arrived at TYs io e Corner at 8332 Leesburg Pike. The ~e's red building is handsome and elY' de In. slg a' . a f 0 II owmg路 . has attracte d qUite one finds dark panelling overse~lOver' long mural of nudes gamboling ~n Bill dant greenery by Washington artist ded Woodward. The restaurant has e~p~n ted its culinary repertoire with sophl stlca aW pasta and fish entrees as well as a rnd bar. But the famous hamburgers a chili can be found just the same. oos Casa Maria is in the middle of TYstter Corner Center. What could be a be rrn way to finish off shopping on .a w~nd day than a pitcher of margarttas 'ca o quacamole? The Tostada-a MeJ{l es h salad of meat, refried beans and [rhell salad piled on an enormous !ostada ~hilj is a popular entree, as IS the Rellenos. It's cheerful and fun. nd Diversity in dining, good value /th e careful preparation are just some 0 tOUr nice things you'll find in your taste LOll of McLean. -BErrETA)'
I daily
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to the Reagan AdministratIOn: The best kept Anglo-American secret in Washington today If the practical proximity of Bermuda Or a long weekend off or a minivacation. The prize gem in the British Empire's Island crown is a 22-mile chain of islands With lush semi-tropical vegetation set in ~UrqUOise reef-protected waters just I Y2 OUrs flight time from the Baltiillore/Washington International AirPort. Round-trip airfare is $274, unless ~ COurse you Lear Jet in, sail over in the beWport to Bermuda Ocean Race or go YAir Force 1. BermUda has that change of pace, ~ther-country feel plus a dash of British orrnality mixed with the casual elegance ~f Palm Springs. You'll find fantastic lshing, golf courses usually found in
Scotland and better (more deserted) beaches than Hawaii complete with a colossal climate. What the Carter Administration chose to overlook has long been the haven of honeymooners and select old-
guard Washingtonians who sneak off regularly to Bermuda for atisfying but hushed-up fun in the sun. Too much talk about this oldest British colony (founded in 1612) might spoil it in the long run. Tourism is clearly Bermuda's main game, and it's played with leisurely, uncrowded success from March through November. Last year some 650,000 vacationers spent over $550 million (umecessional) dollars in this two-mile-wide area, a 70 percent contribution to the colony's economy, and further proof that there's "something special" about the fishhook shaped islands which lie just 600 miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. For instance, Bermuda men have long been especially stylish in a hairy-legged way. Where else can one find the male of
chos lenu no re Jpen las is ;~is map charts the best fishing waters in thefishhook-shaped Bermuda islands, above. Below, Windsor's Beach in Tucker's Town is typical Bermuda-sun.
ionS in a
sand and sea. New guest cottages at Mid-Ocean Club overlook peaceful Castle Harbour.
leUc y! ions ~jne
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a "er-
BiIl lded ,ted raw and
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~--------------------Dos ier/March 1981/41
1/._ Oil on Canvas
"The Champs-Elysees"
30" x40"
Exquisite Exhibition MARCH 20th - MAY 20th
THE DENT COLLECTION 5232 - 44th Street, N. W. Near Neiman Marcus
the species clad almost exdusivelY ir Bermuda shorts and knee sock,s, COI1l plete with white shirt, tie an d blazer-the uniform of th islands-bustling about his busin es( through the cobblestoned streets 0 Hamilton, the capital? (Male knees are nifty if tan!) In a season where Americans a~ struggljng to file their 1040s by Intern" Revenue's deadline of midnight, APril 15th, it's enviously special to find tha the 60,000 Bermuda residents pay nO personal income tax. In the absence of most forms of dir~ taxation, the islands standard of living I high, with virtually no unempl,~yrn~nt~ This continued economic stabIlity IS contributing factor to the little kno~n fact that Bermuda is the third largest tn; surance center in the world, ranked neX to London and New York. Part of Bermuda's charm, of co~rs:~ is the climate which, on a yearly basl~d 1 really better than that found in Fiori :; Sunshine is the main commodity (next e the Easter lily). The annual a vera1y temperature is 70 degrees, with ~ year er average of 7.9 hours of tanning tlrne P So day. Into each Bermudian's life, only inches of rain falls each year. tel No-one can deny the special p~s k romance of an island dotted with pIn t' cO blue, green and yellow limestone fs tages topped by white lime-washed rO~or which help collect the rainwater an future showers (and flowers). It's, s island rimmed with morning glor~~k hibiscus, oleander and miles of ~I hI sand beaches-an island wi~h br ~IS blue harbors filled with red-saIled ~Othe which move gently in and out 0 I a bays-an island where you can't ren car for love nor money. 0Only residents may drive autO~IY' u biles, and the ration is one to a fa n: nS The Bermuda code of the road sanctl째ile driving on the British left, a 20~~IY speed limit and licenses are qUI~'ng revoked at the faintest hint of spee ~Of or drunkenness. Since cars are outhere f:r visitors, one's best bet to get anYw, (of Sa on the islands is to call a native taxI ted fie live dangerously and go by ren ............ motorbike.) f the Clubs, incidentally, are one ,0 Be rbest ways to stay happily housed In est, ............ muda, unless, of course, you houSeg~ re- lias Bermuda's two private clubs bot CU3 quire an introduction by a member. jn bra' The Mid Ocean in Tucker's T?W~nd just St. George's Parish is both exclUSive ped frie elegant, built on a beautiful lands~eJ11' dan estate surrounded by homes of 54)
(202) 363-4425 The Dent Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 1:00 to 5:00
(Continued on page 41/March 198//Dossier
,Ufse, ,sis, is ,rida. ~xt to ~rage
'earlY ,e per lly SO
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Saul, President of Chevy Chase Youngest guest Guy Martin IV, 2, enjoys the aHen- Mrs. Guy Martin and Col. Robert Evans v fl o ng~ & Loan, takes to the dance tion of John Boyd, his father Guy Martin III, Mrs. polka to Devron's music in the large double Or with his lovely Trlcia. Robert Evans and Mrs. John Weir. drawing room.
G Pltahty comes easily to Edie and
iii Jld d Ie
b~ M~rtin, so when Guy, Sr., celeJUSt ed hIS 70th on January 22, he invited frie about that number of family, old dannds and neighbors to a white tie ce at home. ....
There was dancing to the music of Devron, an elegant midnight supper in the mirror-ceilinged dining room, and ubiquitous bars on both floors to dispense champagne for toasting the host. Youngest guest, Guy Martin IV, came with his mother and father, Ellen and Guy ill, and his maternal grandparents the John Palmer Fishwicks. of Roan-
oke, Virginia. The other three Martin children-Theodosia, Jay and Christopher, were on hand for the celebration-as were Edie's brother and sister, the Kingdon Goulds. It turned out to be a triple-birthday that included Scooter Miller and summertime neighbors Didi Weir, down (Continued on Page 45)
~-----------------Dossier/March /98//43
--- -
Senator and Mrs. Lloyd Bentsen, left, greet fellow Texa~; The ute t Rep. Jim Wright, House Majority Leader, at the pre.dl nn es reception. Below left, White House Social Secret~r1 nt .adtal Mabel "Muftie" Brandon and Tish Baldrige (for preSide ry ,ts an Kennedy), talk shop with Mrs. Reagan's Press Secretan' Sheila Patton, as Henry Brandon, London Times corresPOrd Uaffi dent, listens in. Bottom: Senate Majority Leader H~waer. esid( Baker and wife Joy arrive for the Salute to Congress d~~n nO eakir Guests were a mix of the newly "in" and recently "out, , ~ra' Old came for the fun-and to be seen with Reagan adml nls 'letta tlon lions.
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"I'm not satisfied with our service until evety customer tells me they re~ It's nonnal to worry when almost everything you own is about to travel across ocean to an unfarruliar place. But after one conversation with Mrs. Albert, you, know you can relax. She's been dealing with details and people for over 30 years at Secwity Storage. Security has been building a dependable service record around people like this since 1890. Multi-lingual professionals, modem customs warehouse facilities, expert packers, and a complete international forw'ardiug department are all available, even for the most routine move. Mrs. Albert follows up that service with a personal call to every customer. It's not the "modem" way of doing business. But it's the only way she can be sure they're completely satisfied.
$rrupitl! ~fro."8 • ijompann I
1701 Florida ve., NW. Washin on . 20009
, •••• • ~ ••• , .... ~ ••• ;.
#/March 1981 Dossier
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Albert, Overseas Moving Divisioll
thol aule ~ ah ,h
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~Int, ~irth
\fr. j
~EDIA ACCOLADE The Washington Press Club's annual Ute to Congress played no favoritesdtable speakers included three senars and three congressmen with politiaffiliation equally divided, until Vice ident George Bush was introduced, eaking the tie. Old Ronald Reagan movies provided tertainment during the cocktail recepon, and cornucopias of freshly popped 째Pcorn replaced the peanuts which Ire so popular the last time a President ended a Salute to Congress. President Reagan came without his llney, explaining he had urged her to I~Y home and nurse a cold, but Barbara '\ISh, ebullient as ever, accompanied the ICe President, who led off the list of .Qngressional speakers. The three-minute speech was amusing, Jl' IJ It, and the rest of the evening, were I up to the hilarious hijinks of previYears. There was never any doubt ~at ,the "pro" of the evening was the eSldent himself-a past master of the i e-liner on which the Press Club dotes. ~e ad-libbed quips to refute those who I ~ceded him and produced the biggest __ last laugh when he confessed he ~n't concerned about his age anyrr e. "You know," Reagan confided, ~ ho mas Jefferson said that a man 40Uldn't be as concerned about his age \n about his ability to perform well. I' d, well, ever since he told me that, Ve ' la' Just stopped worrying!" At that li Int, just two days short of his 70th p/t hd ay , the 1400 guests sang a ~ernature and lusty Happy Birthday, r. President.
~ILY AFFAIR fco , - - - - - - - - - - - -
Basil Fine Steaks Traditional American and Continental Cuisine Elegant, comfortable and intimate dining.
Lunch: Monday - Friday from Noon Dinner: Monday - Friday to 1:00 A. M_ Saturday: From 6:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M.
After Theater Dining Sundays and Holidays Closed "Elegant room done in forest green, glistening brass, handsome mirrored walls, dramatic flower arrangements, impeccable linen, bone-white china and formally dressed waiters, .. " By John Rosson, The Washington Star - Oct. 2,1980
"Attention to Detail: A BASIL Trademark" "We continued with Loin Lamb Chops and Veal Chops a la Pescador (glazed with pesto sauce). These were hearty portions of prime meat which would disappoint no one. With these we selected fresh asparagus (all BASIL'S vegetables are fresh), perfectly cooked with good hollandaise sauce. We drank the red house wine, a fIDe light Bordeaux. An ample wine list here should cater to most tastes in good wines . .. " By Sally Cremin, The Georgetowner - Dec. 2, 1980
CAPITOL HILL First and D Streets. Southeast Reservations Recommended
(202) 546-4545
Proper AI/ire - J3ckNS Requesred Sn13/1 Execuri"e Room.,
ntmued from Page 43)
hlisband Michael and son Matthew. sang an enchanting ~lId day song, with words by husband, to ~m, to the tune of Meet Me in St. C041S , paraphrased as "Meet me at the serncert, Edie," since Mrs. Martin has \Iv ved on National Symphony and ~hington Opera boards. the ~7 Luke Battles, the Frank Sauls and 00 lek Coolidges hardly left the dance \)t or. Pretty Gloria Grimditch was with lin' RObert Hughes, the Pat Hayes' Iltogered Over supper with Jack Lear\)11 ~t and Doda, Colt DeWolf, the ~li\'id Smiths, Gerson Nordlinger, the \lvU'~ Warrens and Gordon and Carrie 0lit lams, were all on hand to help blow the candles. -AN E BLAIR
bi~nnelise Maasry
Offering EXCLUSIVE EYEWEAR and PROMPT EMERGENCY SERVICE 2558 Virginia Avenue, NW Washington, DC (Watergate Mall)
965-4686 Major Credit Cards Accepted
Dossier/March /98//45
Austri r's din lllnator iOlnled e Ireq Chang enlng' theyo 'Nerlu ons an Guesl ann, \ ....:l1UH¡1II anslti( ssadl O'Nan
'_ of
â&#x20AC;˘ -' , " aling Among the guests for dinner were Swiss Ebba Schober personally supervises se n af' Ambassador Anton Hegner and Lisa arrangements and tablesettings, olle inK ranging floral centerpieces to match Ihe P Cerami.
Nelly and Jaime Ingram, the latter Ambassador to Spain, duo pianists from pan~~ were honored at Emma and Efrain Paesky's home after performing an OAS spon\oS6 concert at the Kennedy Center. Paesky is Chief for Performing Arts at the <?AS 'II 05 1programs have brought world attention to Latin American artists. EnjoYing, aJve s, concert recital are Ambassadors from Panama Amado and Castulovich and their 46/March 1981/Dassier
Ambassador and Mrs. Karl Schons dinner honoring their friends, Indiana I ~tor Richard Lugar and wife Charlene, en ad out the fact that embassy parties c~raqUentlY the occasion for purposeful e anges of information and Ideas. The t~lng's select assemblage was Interested a ><lW oung lawmaker's key position on two on ar ul Senate Committees, Foreign RelaGs and Banking. a Uasts included Ambassador Robert Neua~~' .who headed the State Department as s tlon team, and his wife, Saudi Amo:ador Faisal Alhegelan, Carl and Vivien Igars al 'u an, ~artin and Sharon Agronsky, the II toast, YMartins, Sr., and Sandra McElwalne.
The quiet luxury of this home begins with a very special building material ... Northern White Cedar. Traders' cabins built with it 250 years ago are still standing. It's fire-resistant, maintenance-free and a natural insulator of superior quality. When you add the meticulous way we build each home (every log is hand-peeled twice, every difficult angle is pre-cut perfectly) you can see why a custom-made Boyne Falls Log Home is unique.
lh:" -- ---"'""~/y'~ rr-~
NaJa.ttmz $f~. !At!. 2323 Wisconsin Ave., ~.W. Washin~ton, D.C. 333-7800
A. n emb Cha' race between Ambassadors Zemin rela;' and ~. R. Narayanan seals the cordial Of c~?nShIP between the People's Republic Ina and India on India's National Day.
An extensive a.I.Tay of xquisit On ntal Rug fr m Persia, Rumania, Turkey, India, Afghani tan • Egypt
Dossier/March /98//47
'd£ ~
Frankie Welcb CLOTHES • SCARVES • GIFTS IN VIRGINIA 305 Cameron Street Old Town Alexandira
- - - - - - - - - - - - to rem At Lord & Taylor's newest area s ed Fair Oaks Mall, Washington's finest tur; of out to dine on seafood quenelles, Ie and lamb with sausage and pine nuts eof Grand Marnier souffle, all for the IOv protecting our green open spaces. En vlr. The fund raiser Jor the Piedmont slul, on mental Council was highly succe~hee, reports Co-chairman Cecilia Mc rg e whose husband, the Honorable GeoproMcGhee is a prime mover in the grouP'rnall ceeds will enable volunteers and a ~onal professional staff to continue educat ople and study projects aimed at giving P~and. a real voice in the future use of their the Mrs. Marie Ridder, a Co-chair for rv a' event, is a member of a land-use consernor tion board, appointed by Virginia GOv~n a Dalton. She and husband Walter 0 350·acre farm in Hume. din' Among those who attended the galaMrs. ner dance were the Honorable and the Joseph Fisher, the Arthur Arundel~, and James Symingtons and the Honorab e Mrs. Henry Catto.
IN WASHINGTON 1702 G Street, NW (across from E.O.B. & White House) Washington, DC
Country Floors
Old Tyme
This is the original ceiling fan. the one exported to India and Africa around the tum of the century. Yearround energy savers. they keep you cooler in summer and warmer in winter. The largest display and stock in the Washington area.
The finest artisans of Portugal. Spain. France. Holland. Mexico. Finland and Peru send us their best. A visit to our dramatic new showroom will be an inspiration ... over 4.000 square feet of design ideas. Nothing else like it in the Washington area.
Commercial accounts invited.
HAYMARKET· ADEMAS On capitol Hills Barracks Row
721 8th STREET, S.E. 546-6400 / 547-5100
48/March 198//Dossier
ve ning Front and center were pastel;tuxedo gowns, the one above with pleate nta. and lace bodice by Oscar de la Re
Iturned leg of Its and love 01
t En v1r' :ess(Ul,
;Gn ee , ,eorge Ip. prO' I
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nai people 8tlO Ir land. or tn e Iserva ' vernor
own a
'~~ Walter .Ridder, left, and Mrs. George McGhee, right, co-chairmen of Lord & Taylor's :roo~lack-tle dinner dance to
benefit the Piedmont Environmental Council, join Joseph s, the store's Chairman, and Alice, his wife.
Chandeliers • Fixtures • Garden Lights Picture Lights • Fluorescent Fixtures
Track Lights Recessed Lights • Down Lig ts
Establish d 1949
1611 Wisconsin Ave., NW Washington, DC • 338-7521
Of St ~on spectacular featured "The American Look," from the bathing suits and coverups ~air ~Phael, above, to daytime wear and elegant satin and lace evening dress, staged in a s Mall, site of the new Lord & Taylor.
Dossier/March /98//49
SRO FOR SUPERPO\tVtRS Amt lar-flul he Sa ew C Ihe ho
Nlth It Nlthm IOns , Ami ~Iafs
~mll1 lIthe ~rs a leta :Ouns 1ime 1esid
SO/March 1981/Dossier
--------------ANEW CHAIRMAN ----------------
fa Ambassadors from east and west and Ihr'f1ung places In between came to honor ~ee Senate Foreign Relations Committee's h\ Chairman, Senator Charles Percy, at e ome of the Sylvan Marshalls. ~I~ommunist-natlon emissaries mingled ~It~ their Arab and Latin counterparts and 10 members of Congress as ticklish sltuans Were side-stepped for the evening. :tl~mid the superpowers, Including Joint , efs Chairman David Jones and Marine ~t~mandant Gen. Robert Barrow, the star 10 e show was Edwin Meese III. Ambassa· le;S and other dignitaries stood In line to ~ a Word In edgewise with the President's 'iunselo.r, who has been nicknamed "The , me Minister," for his proximity to the eSident.
Since 1954, Dictograph has dedicated itself to providing life safety for hundreds of thousands of American families. In the past our biggest job was convincing people they were in danger. But that's all changed. With break-ins and face·to-face confrontations at an all-time high and the threat from fire mounting year after year, today's families know they need protection. The best protection comes from a company that won't cut corners and won't gamble with your life.. ,a company that places your personal security first, while planning sensible protection for your valuable property as well.
DICTOGRAPH ... Because you already know you can't afford anything less.
GUARDIAN ALARM SALES., INC. 4850 Rugby Avenue • Bethesda, MD 652-1990
tOr I) noted usta's like former diplomatic Pal~s dean Sevllla-Sacasa, with Percy, respects at the Marshall fete.
LA.£n--iORA OF CHEFS ~:I)t t~
learn to cook gourmet dishes a la sw,I)Calse, or in the Italian, South American, ~h ISS, Chinese or Middle Eastern style? se: ~pportunity presents Itself with a nineUe S,lon Course In March and April at L'AcaCh: 1e de Cuisine In Bethesda, taught by ~rn~S of leading restaurants and the Saudi ~o assy. The classes will benefit the thernemaker Health Aide Service that helps hou elderly and handicapped with their InSt sekeeplng so that they may stay home the ~ad of being institutionalized. Wife of ~o audi Ambassador, Nouha Alhegelan, Sa~~,rary Chairman, Is shown at left In the Ge I Embassy with benefit Chairman Mrs. A.n Orge Pendleton, Embassy Chef Dino ho 9101i1l0, and Mrs. Robert Dudley who he~~red Mrs. Alhegelan at a luncheon in otomac home.
Dossier/March /98//5/
--------------(Continued from Page 14)
names, of about 80 canvases, lit~O~ sculptures, photos, an Attic vase, Clf a 510 B.C., and a ritual painting on tap'l bark cloth from New Guinea. ~o~rte Louis is represented with a gigantiC b ~_ stripe painting and Robert Raus che e berg with a mixed media assernblag d ___ "Public Station V." LithoS ~n IMv silkscreens by Willem de Koonlng, "'\'\ Jackson Pollock, Ellsworth KeIleY --d Robert Motherwell, Frank Stella ":" I hio n Ve . f'Ig~ratl d -''larch 10, 1 others are balanced with works by Philip Pearlstein, Rlch a: lllch: z Diebenkorn, Richard Estes, Alex, Ka l..Stani nd the pop images of James Rosenquist a t lldalei Roy Lichtenstein and classics by Gran ~~t Wood and George Bellows. ,the lli,·S J Local talent is not shortchanged, In- II Pia monumental stripe painting I'Star of _ "hlon dia" by Gene Davis was specially ~ ~~bl/ missioned for one of the glass- W rng corridors. Michael Clark's cornpel~OO "t.l "Classic Grisaille " a weighty ( fOr rna , suous ~1~9Q pounds) acrylic and collage in sen. tine ~ bl~cks by Sam Gilliam, a not so Pfi S , ~rrna: uitt paInted wood sculpture by An~e Tr tef' ~ c a vintage Berkowitz, a dynanu ~~Art fOnlg~ color and charcoal on paper, OIOf ~n ( Park," by Robert Stackhouse, c rk s ~l"i4 photos by Bill Christenberry and wOand lognin by Kainen and Kevin McDonald st Jl 1 out in this professional survey. {v l'oorni es For its handcolored Currier & 856, Jlli,i, lithograph, "The Last WhooP," '!New Ioorn • Pollock's "Silkscreen V" and the op' Illi..s Republic Suite" with etchings by 11 011 ~lll per, Sloane, Haskell, Marin, B~~llg ~~~ (Peggy) and Miller, the en~erpflrhe IQr;~ committee went to the auctions., n is . l possibility of upgrading the colJectl~ell' ~r!inl always kept in mind. Helen Fran ern' thaler's unfocussed "Pernod" i;,a~966) lli,~ barassment and Noland's ':Ca,IJ, ,( 1 aP' by now has lost much of Its lIutl a t fOf peal. Considering the obvious qu es th ef the highest of standards, there are ~iOIl' flaws, though minor, in this collecbrut' The latest addition is a somewhat aced ish sculpture by Beverly Pepper g~ rrn, neither by expressive form nor cIa fresh out of Mr. Emmerich's stab ~~ be Few of the new Medicis profess thOse interested in art as investment. For d of who are, Jane Haslem has a wo r rn o' caution: "We live in a period of'pr~bIe' tion. Art has become very fashion nt js It's scary. The only safe inves trne dead Europeans!" p to €~a, We might add: Dead Americans':A'fH JOSE the turn of the century. _VIOLA D totl r in
Offices were shown on Corcoran Gallery January, 52/March /981/Dossier
mhion Calendar
lithOS, , circa 1GUIDE TO AREA SHOWS n tapa \-farris ic blue schen' bIage, '--; and -------------
ARcH '---
:eJleY, _ and f~bl a . e 'ill On Shows at "219" Restaurant, Alexanratl Y 'j' Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout chard ~~;h, 12 noon - 2 p.m. Fashions by Frankie
Katz, sh. nnd I" tanley t
Blacker. Informal Modeling. Bloomnl I "Qle's FI ' Tysons Corner, 11 a. m. -4 p. m. Ora 'Ila nlty. Informal Modeling, Bloomingdale's, '" lis Corner 12 p.m.-3 p.m.; White Flint, 2 d' the S p.m. S
of In- '~brlanned
Parentbood Association Benefit fJ1' '" On Sbow. Lord & Taylor, White Flint, 9:30 cO . A ~Ob For information and reservations: Mrs. ",aJJc:u Il(lree, 439-1195. leHin8 Naval IntelUgence Wives Benefit Fasblon (ZOO ifo"" L~rd & Taylor, White Flint, 9:30 a.m., For SU OUS 1'1/.~';;;lon and reservations: Judy Burrows,
ll-..C .
.e 'is~J1 -rUltt, ",ater' "Art alar
'0"" lalre Dratcb. Luncheon and Fashion Show,
J... andy Farms, 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m.
'lo l'W A Travel Fasblon Sbow. Garfinckel's, nlg (inn Omery Mall, 2:30 p.m., Commentators: IJi! Ovelman, Garfinckel's; and Pat Moore,
l~Stanley Sberman. Informal Modeling, I.
ij ~nln, White Flint,
12 p.m.-3 p.m. ~Oo ~4--Stanley Blacker. Informal , lye! '111 IIJmgdale's, White Flint, Tysons '1856, J"S P.m. ~Oo" . 14-BeUe France. Informal 'NeW ... IIJmgdale's White Flint, Tysons "'''Sp .m. ~,
Modeling, Corner, 2 Modeling, Corner, 2
:ac oJ1 ~ 14--Rose WUUams. Luncheon and Fashion 'isiJ1g ~t.s~' Professional Women's Club, National Center, Nebraska A venue. For inforThe '11,.~n'Yterian and reservations: Mrs. D. Bell, 966-4124.
ioJ1 is 'DIn 17-Adele Simpson. Informal Modeling, lkeJ1' Il.....'nckel's, F Street, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 1 efJ1' IFSaint Anne's Infant Home Benefit Luncbeon lshion Sbow. Bethesda Country Club, 11:30 1966) IlIl, F'ashions by Rose Williams. For information
aP' ,t for other , :tioJ1 · ~
and reservations: Mrs. G. Allison, 530-8975. 18-Adele Simpson. Informal Modeling, Garfinckel's, Spring Valley, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 19-0atJands Museum Benefit Fashion Show. Lord & Taylor, Fair Oaks, 9:30 a.m. For information and reservations: Nicole Sours, 777-3174. 21-Ellen Tracy. Informal Modeling, Bloomingdale's, Tysons Corner, 12 p.m.-3 p.m.; White Flint, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. 23-TWA Travel Fashion Show. Garfinckel's, Seven Corners, 12:30 p.m. 23-Rose WUUams. Luncheon & Fashion Show, Army-Navy Club, Dupont Circle, 11:30 a. m. For information and reservations: Robert Paulin, 628-8400. 23-Calvln Klein. Informal Modeling, Bloomingdale's, White Flint, 1l a.m.-4 p.m. 23 & 24-CastJeberry Knits. Informal Modeling, I. Magnin, White Flint, 12 p.m.-3 p.m. 24-Hebrew Home Hosting Private Lingerie Show & Luncheon. I. Magnin, White Flint, 11 a.m. For information and reservations: 881-0300. 2S-Kenzo. Informal Modeling, Bloomingdale's, Tysons Corner, 12 p.m.-3 p.m. 26-Claire Dratcb. Luncheon & Fashion Show, Normandy Farms, 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m. 26-Junlors Fashion Sbow. Garfinckel's, F Street, 12:30 p.m. 26 & 27-Kenzo. Informal Modeling, Bloomingdale's, White Flint, 12 p.m.-3 p.m. 28-Sasson. Informal Modeling, Bloomingdales, White Flint, 12 p.m.; Tysons Corner, 2 p.m.-5 p.m.
ff~ (!)i/.JonminaLin? J/~t.J and J/t:JteJ:Je:J ...
..ftn~a?,i/TlaWu-e (!)e~' and CCui/.Jine ~'}t C'1Wltan~
APRIL 2-CUpped Wings Benefit Fashion Sbow. Lord & Taylor, Fair Oaks, 9 a.m. For information and reservations: Mrs. Hoffman, 281-1954. 7-Falrfax County Medical Wives Fashion Sbow, "Shaping Up For Life." Garfinckel's, Fair Oaks, 1l a.m., $7.00 tax deductible. For information and reservations: 628-7730x620.
Jfnwmate (!)wu/J,? CI.eFnt ~akJ
~a/J<de1~ all'
ootJide 9~ed
brut' 'aced
.arfJ1, ,.
to be
since ]946
:d of
,rno' able. nt is
7023 Blair Road, N.W. Washington,D.C.20012
10 angeline Bruce and Bill Blass; Ivory Coast Ambassador and Mrs. Ahoua, in a Givenchy; Mrs. seph Brooks in an Oscar de la Renta; Swiss Ambassador and Mrs. Anton Hegner, in a St. Laurent.
Dossier/March 1981/53
Requirements ! !
For 26 years we've been first in china, glassware and gourmet accoutrements. We believe in three things: Design, Quality and Value. Champagne Toast? From 1 to 100; great glasses at $1.99 ea. Need 700 demitasse cups that won't break the treasury? We've got them! Heads of State, buffet night? Great plates at 99< and up. And, our Gourmet department is truly an international affair! So, from the kitchen to the table and even into the living room, great values for less! At The China Closets'!
THE CHINA CWSET Chevy Chase 6807 Wise. Ave. 656-5400
loehmann's Plaza White Flint Mall Harborplace Arlington, Blvd. N. Bethesda 201 E. Pratt 51. 698-9236 468-2130 332-1175 (Balto.)
d;e' and Iitne" Spa.
This Spring you can spend 8 wonderful days at the beach...Ioose up to 12 pounds on our special diel. ..enjoy personalized exercise and fitness sessions, indoor pool & health club facilities hike, bike & play tennis...stay in luxury apartments at Sea Colony at Bethany Beach enjoy the seashore & come home a new slender you just in time for summer - for as little as $525.
Call today 652-6971
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Owned by one family since 1943
We know Luigi's is still the best pizza in town. Luigi's also knows 230 ways to make pasta!
G /, S
4919 Fairmont Avenue Bethesda. Maryland Tel. 656-5882
AE, CB. D. V, MC
6723 Richmond Highway Alexandria, Virginia Tel. 765-5900
54/March /98/ /Dassier
1132-19th Street. r..W. Washington. D.C. Tel. 331-7574
--------------(Continued from Page 42)
nda bers. It has a large private beach, a r aJl1 world-renowned 18-hole private ch io ionship golf course. Guests ar~ put u~ir' char a charming cluster of pink, k'O' than conditioned cottages within wal c: u; tio distance of the beach. The general Sou 1379 demeanor is decidedly sedate. b I try The Coral Beach & Tennis C!u 'ne 455 Paget Parish (Bermuda ha n~n' Ac~ parishes which correspond to our COden bed ties) is a bit more lively, has a gar lId COtt flavor, and caters to the tennis cro an J, (complete with resident pro). It. ha\ng I Clu 18-hole putting green and a sWI~lT1htb clUb pool which provides a handsome ntg. ng . and backdrop for moonlight dinner dan c1 ( Wall u The cottages and main clubh~or( 9,20 overlook the beautiful south s A COtt beach. uda, gare Property is at a premium in Berrn 30 Illal and real estate is booming. Close ~o 10 heal real estate agents handle rent a Shan and foreigners, and few Americans (1~ss t the 189 five Washington families includ1D~cUf' AlS( Frederick Henriques, the Arch any Pah locks and the William Reagans) act~gh( tage own houses there. Luckily they bo the and or built before August, 1979 dWh~~ rul- h~~ government put a freeze on Ian a. s." 3 ed that "Bermuda is for Bermudlanaef_ ,1 Mortgage money is controlled b~ not IOJ. muda law at a modest 7010 which IS has available to outsiders. ate' terr Homes for sale in the $150,000 cuda I' gory are non-existent, so the ~errncon' ko; government is currently buildlOg sing Cess dominiums to ease the native hO u the cUi! strain. Be it humble or elegant, the 'Wei average Bermuda residence and up) rest market today bears a $400,000 (an un SOl! price tag. eek' I Quick trippers who plan a long ~1~' lo end in Bermuda can find a wealt.h a from eVe ury hotel accommodations rang lOg S in anc the big Southampton PrinceS ok OWl Southampton Parish which over~Oand S 60 acres of golf course and beac of Bel the parent Princess on the edg BaJ. (hi: Hamilton Harbor, to the Castle b jn an( bour Hotel Beach & Golf Clu su al tan Tucker's Town, all priced at the :on. ~~t resort rates of $65 to $135 per per en(S I Housekeeping cottages, apartrnt tile Or and guest houses abound through.OUy of Sh, islands, and offer a wide van et yoll \ViI budget accommodations. Wherever lles, hal stay you will not be far from beaceinS SCt watersports, golf courses sig htse rn uda ll1e and shopping. Just remember to pack your Be~Avlr-l rig shorts. -PATTY
Where to Stay
I What to Do
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chWhile all Bermuda hotels have
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13 Uthampton resort is P.O. Box tr 79, Hamilton 5, Tel: 809298-8000) 4Ythe Elbow Beach Hotel (P.O. Box ~;, Hamilton 5, Tel: 809295-3535). beJommodations include balconied COttrooms in the main hotel, duplex J a~es and the deluxe lanai rooms. el Ub0 n Young's Lantana Colony Clu • Action centers around the an bho use bar, the two tennis courts wa~ the private beach with sailing and 9'2~r skUng from the dock. (Sand's , Bermuda, Tel: 809294-0141). CoAnother good bet is Horizons, a altage colony set in the hillside ~ rde~ of a distinctive old Bermuda h anslon in Paget Parish with a a~ated pool, 9-hole mashie course lag 18-hole putting green. (P.O. Box A.J ' Paget 6, Tel: 809 295-0048). P ~o "in" for Washingtonians is the a ta llletto Bay Club, Hotel and Cotges. It's small and run by Robin ~nd Sue Gilbert who specialize in the nersonal touch (yummy breakfasts, 30Twers, etc.) (P.O. Box 132, Smith's , el: 809293-2323). I The Pink Beach Club (P.O. Box hO I7 ,. Hamilton 5, Tel: 809293-1666) t as Pink tennis courts and a large sun errace. ~ If you live to eat, the Newport COO~ of the new Southampton Prince~s.IS a.n elegant MUST. Continental ~Islne IS served with sterling silver on r edgwood. The Four Ways French lestaurant in Paget, and the buffet SUncheon at the Waterlot Inn in O~thamPton are two other favorites. l Or no-tie casual food'n fun, The Obster Pot in Hamilton for ~verYbodY'S favorite seafood choice nct Pedro's in Smith's Parish with its oWn beach. II Shopper's Note: Alfred Birdsey, (h~tmuda's veteran artist-in-residence IS murals grace Rockefeller Center ~nd B.oston's Nathaniel Hall) paints tall shlp~ and landscapes daily. A visit o the Blrdsey Studio in Paget might net collectible investments. o Don't miss The Irish Linen Shops st Polly Trott Hornburg's Calypso w~ops. No Bermuda visit is complete hIIhout a prowl through TrimingSallls. for. multi-colored cashmeres, coltish kilt tartans and bone china. In the liquor is quicker depart!l.lent, don't bother as it's cheaper right here in town. -PATTY CAVIN
The S~ial Moments Of Her Life. Camp Rim Rock i quite probably th fine -t girl camp in the nation -and only 100 mil from W: hington nearWinche ter. Virginia The expcricn cd staff. superbfaciliti sand rang ofactivitie arewhatbl-ing young ladie to Rim R k Th Y any hom a 'pirit of friend hipandbe utyandali~ tim ofm mori . P rh p that' why 8 of 10 Rim Rock coun elOJ w r ampcl and wh . in our 30th year. w 'r w !coming the daught rs of our fit 't eanlpel For Girls 7-16. All-inclu iv Ci cov • Riding. Swimrning' Canoein • Archery·1 nni • raft • Hiking. ookout • Ov mi ht Limit d Em-oUm nt: 3. 4. . 7. 9 and 10-w 'k Personal inl !vi ~w and r~rer ~nc "s on r; qu >-/. WriteJor brochure. Jam . L. Math so 11• Box 882. Winchesl r. Va. 22601. (703) 662-4650: (304) 836-2869
CAMP RIM ROCK Do sierlMarch /98/155
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _------ rnbla, .eness (Continued from Page 34) futl "P roxlmlty .. d . " Sider idu an prestIge, real a says, her comment echoed by every Pace· estate agent with whom we ta (ke d. an 0'" $'. "Schools. Langley and McLe Ann High Schools," adds Grace Kern piOn. od al MI "The top people in government ~eir :veryt business who live out here send I SC ,sons children to public schools bec all ill enj they're so excellent." th eCOn ROll Lyn Wirth of Coldwell Banker "'t'S "Thl Robbins Realtors indicates that ~n' ~ge dl the beautiful prestigious homes-Co yeo S in try-style living with in-town coo lndor nience. " J1la ent hi Barbara Maloney of panoraban &rnal points to "the maturing sub ur • ardin neighborhoods, lots of trees an d ,~ "It quick commute across Chain Bridg~er °mes Troy Burnett of George H. RU'\h e ~~t, Realty says that McLean offers Ihe hhs ~ best access to Washington w~th jog . ~nn( greatest potential for contI nll od 0 We development-both commercial a Cati residential. " hrCC 'Phria AI Brown of Begg Inc. offers t a Ed J s reasons: "Historically, its im~ge, a tO e ~f posh summer retreat, its proXlrnltYnitY .~ hv town and its reputation for com rnu '08 ~Ihtar spirit and good schools as well as bel ·ack t a prestigious place to live." anY °u re Doug McGuire of Harper & CornPe(llS feels that McLean's attraction "st Ys. 1 alion Bucolic living on Sparger Street, Laughlin InC.. 1Vities 'f!
Secondhand Rose
Realtors, •
Resale Shop for Women
Designer Fashions, Furs and Accessories Consignments Accepted Doily 10 em - 4 pm 337-3378
1516 Wisconsin Ave, In Georgetown (between P & 0)
56/March 19811Dossier
25th & L Streets, N.W. Reservations: 965·2209 Valet Parking at Dinner
31N Jill proximity to the District of Co- - Illbia, the quality of life and the unieness of the individual residents. For ,future, residential development, inSider eal Idual in character, will be moderate ryr Pace-30-50 homes per year-selling d, o °lll $250,000 to $1,000,000 each, ;Lea Ann Bleish of Carousel Realty says IplOOd' at MCLean rates near the top because t aO ., , their "erYthing's at your fingertips-D.C., ISons Corner, the Beltway-and you caUse Il\ enjoy a country atmosphere with all tit conveniences of the city." Rou "it'S "ihere will always be a market for uo &e detached luxury homes on wooded co e' S in McLean, although townhomes, oov ' 'ndominiums and smaller energy-effint homes will be attracting an increasra ro3 g baO tnarket share" says Larry Barnett of Jr ~tdinal Associ~tes. lod,~ 'It is the large variety of quality jge, ~rnes close in to the centers of governucker ent, and the excellent schools," says "Ihe It!' Ihe ~ IS Simmons, McLean Manager for h annon & Luchs ~u~~~ "We just feel th'at McLean is an ideal OCation for families," sums up ee Phtiam Goss, broker for Carousel. thr a Ed Joseph, who runs the McLean of, as to ~ ~f Better Homes, decided to build Ity 'I~ ,ct live there when he retired from the ru I 11' IU 'oS 'a ltary. "Everyone I ever knew comes bel . ck through the Washington area. If paoY ~u retired to Acapulco you wouldn't t ros aVe much chance of seeing them," he ;Ie ~Ys. The ambiance of McLean's interat' I ,l?nal community and the many acVI lIes available also make it the place to
~1;~~ n(O}~ !J)(Q)% @ifif
338-5100 3144 M Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 893-3366 Tysons Corner Center McLean, VA
Solve Your "''''lIl.\'JI'I~ Decorating Problems In One Day!
Design Solutions is a one·day decorating consultation ser· vice which can create a fresh look for one tired room or your entire home. The day begins at 10am in your home with a discussion of your lifestyle and design problems. At the end of the consultation, your designer will present you with a detailed portfolio of plans. Then you can complete the decorating confidently and at your own pace. Call for our Brochure:
(202) 965·6040
469-6161 Montgomery Mall Bethe da, MD
Dossier/March /98//57
live for so many people, he adds. IDe Mary Lou Griggs, McLean office rn~' ___ nager for Merrill Lynch Realty_~hr:, (COnti, Coile Inc., says the "close-in location is the principal drawing card for Ocestc McLean. Illande "We expect strong, continuing appr~~ be the ciation," says von Meister. "AS ~i11 PUt Tysons area gets more and more b d tf w up, traffic there becomes a greater ana I~ hay greater problem. So there will be tnce, premium on living inside the beltwaY, rather not out beyond Tysons." '0 t( To a person, the people who work '~Y Mid 1 the McLean real estate market on a da ut ilapen basis are enthusiastic-not only abo ~ce tl the market today but about its futu re :o ew c, Kip Laughlin's family first settled I dating ntUrY on h the area near the end 0 f the 19th ce l.rY lh t I when McLean was primarily a da II ern, community. He's seen it evolve thr?U~. a'lia~ I a predominantly governmental res,d~. ~ Mlc tial neighborhood into the rapidl~ gr~~l Ie(lle ing, more cosmopolitan community t I. Its, it has become. His firm, Laughlin Re~f btests ty, developed the popular Madisonare ~oug McLean townhouses and he sees rn (0' ~ d c of that kind of development in the cO rY ~ ally ing years. "For the future, IUXUte. hobe townhomes and condominiums, t~de eadq fully landscaped and planned to pro 'tll ~uns gracious country living in harmo~y \VI' al ~ e fl nature, will dominate the reSIdent! 'Ii~fol market." Ith 1 'ectOr en' Marta Leipzig, Marketing DI~ en- JOy with Town & Country Realtor~ IS dif. ~ran couraged. "As we are representing ace ( ferent builder/developers in the ar~~ eUltu we're pleased that the demand for ncar ~~a~ homes is increasing and we 1001< ldd more of the same." NeW t In Bill Jacobs of Realty Worl~/ the ~'Wet Town Realtors says that "desPite ial thO rnj relative insanity of ongoing co~mer~op at~ N development, vacant land is go109 at CI10~ dollar without an end in sigh!." so' cUdll Nancy Williams with property M· ng it~Use ciates Ltd., is optimistic concerntic_ ij s a future commercial development, par si- Ci e,hl U ularly in the somewhat maligned b rd thV1C ness district. "We are looking forW~er ~ e I to the future. We can't be ano~n't 'lig~P Georgetown or Alexandria and we d 'ai- 'Iihie: want to be. They predate us commerc~nl cl~r~ Iy by too many years. We're a new to wll ~ business-wise, instead of an old toall- c 1 and we have to move forward in a cu5 ,eou , UO I uVe temporary way, with conUg 'aJlY ~ r. tasteful designs replacing th~ baSIC II a1111 architecturally uninteresting pres,ent~p: ~~I Marge Krem idas sumS It reat III e "McLean is unique, it has a g pie nuak reputation, and it always will. peOn." hi Tn are just determined to live in McLe;r6f{ ,,; 1 -JAMES C. WEB te
JOI WIGS A natural looking way to change your hair to the look you wish you had. Go from: Thin to Thick... Straight to Curly...Short to Long Custom made to fit your needs. You never knew wearing a wig could be such a JOI. 1000/0 HUMAN HAIR 100% SYNTHETIC HAIR
Men's Hairpieces Custom Made Toupees & Pieces Available STYLING· COLORING • REPAIRING
:ern~' ~ENDORF
Chris tion"
Ontinued from Page 25)
In Washington there is only One.
I for :cestor , Captain William Stone, com-
beande~ the o:iginal Hornet, believed to l the first ship of the Continental Navy ~Put to sea in February 1776. MiddenI. rf was the first Secretary of the Navy '\I h en ave received a degree in naval scitatce , '.'which," he reminds one, "is her Ironic. I was a terrible sailor. I ,rk in to get seasick. dailY PaMiddendorf's desk is piled high with ,bo ul an Pers and books, including an insurure. r~e textbook he wrote along the way. A ed in da' Campaign buttons, some of them 1tUrY 0 hng to earlier Congressional races, lie dairY lh the pen set. "No, I don't collect OUgh a: rn , really, but I don't throw them ay either." iden- M row' ~!1 iddendorf's wife, the former Isa,that let e ~aine of Worcester, Massachu~ea!- Ie ts, IS a very private person whose in, f btests center on her family-they have In 0 to ;JIore an Ught up three girls and two boys~orn' ~ d church. Mrs. Middendorf is espexurY Rally active with the 700 Club and Pat aste" hobertson's Christian TV crusade, ,vide ~adquartered in Virginia Beach. A with shIlnsellor for the spiritually troubled, 路.1 be frequently spends time at Lorton ntliIJ iii I\efor~atory helping Chuck Colson :ctOr en~h his prison fellowship project. She en' ~JoyS attending functions at the CorI dif- th ran .Gallery of Art or the Society of rea, cu~ Cincinnati and numerous other lnel\' en tUral and political events which for fvt~age her husband but generally, the ;ddendorfs avoid the cocktail circuit. \leI\' fe n Contrast, he is a joiner. He lists no the C\Ver than 23 boards from the Asian rcia! thOIllPosers Expo, which he chairs, to tOP at~ National Liberty and Panax CorporCllO~S. He belongs to 12 social clubs, in5S 0- calldlng Flyfishers in London "not beling it,llse I'm a great flyfisher, but because rti c- ~ s a good inexpensive place to stay." lusj - ~~.hOlds a dozen decorations-military, ,ard th Ie and musical. He is most proud of :h er ~ e Order of the Arab Republic of Jn't ~t~Pt-Rank A, Egypt's highest award, ;ia!- ~ leh Anwar Sadat gave him for his wfl, cl~rk as Navy Secretary in helping to )wo ar the Suez Canal. :0 0- ce i'lis days haven't been quite as full reus, o",tlUy because with the Potomac frozen allY Sc~t' he has had to skip his daily six-mile I' ap I down the river. His single shell is Jp: \\1Pr o priately named "My Navy." ear 11) ~n the weather permits, he tries to ,pJe nua e up for it by running an equal ~." hi tnber of miles around the park near :E~ A.~ rUral four-acre McLean homesite. ter all, he plans to compete in the
ppre' s the built r an d be a :waY,
"Best French restaurant this side of Paris." (and the other side too.) 3700 Massachusetts Avenue at the corner of Wi consin Avenue
~-.---..... J. NORMAN LAWRENCE, l~wren('e
of London
Nell, Intimate, Elegant. in Wasbingto1l, D.C.
Only 44 accommodations. All are lu:xuriously appointedguest rooms and suites resemed for disce171ing trcwelers ll'1JO appreciate the unique amenities andseruices ofan elegant French auberge. furl)! resemations suggeste<l Phone(_02)86~/626
7bli Free8()()14_4-85 1507 M t., . It' - Washington, D. Marshall B. Coyne, Proprietm'
417 Fifth Ave. (At 38th) NY 10016 212-889路3119
Dossier/March /98//59
Marine Corps Marathon next fall, an rnber event he helped organize several yea~ Ju art S~ ago. He finished the 26-mile cour etWO ark CI years straight, but last November wa lrther ( taken out midway so he could be atlh~ A sofl finish line to present the Middendo r Vely tir Cup to the winner. , a bea After a fall of strenuous campaigntOg uSine s for Ronald Reagan and deep invol,~ eilth I ment in his inaugural, it seems a pert 60 01 of relative calm for Middendorf. he ~~d in Fresh out of the Navy and Harvard48 hose teamed up with the Republicans in 19 &ht," ref "M and started up the hierarchy as treas~ ~ 01 of the Goldwater Presidential campalg~; hat san For several years he was treasurer of~he 'e~t g01 Republican National Committee. fused next time around he was Treasure~ ~ ,0 ;ow' the 1968 transition, Finance comrn~tlee ~a Or I Chairman of the Inaugural com rnltl n vy tv and headed the CIA transition pane~, ~o p An unabashed political conserval1~~ ~ ornp in speech after speech last fall he cal tin ~ avy_ Jimmy Carter "the Neville Charnbe~ g ~ part UO of this generation" for his role in gul f 째rnrni y our defense capability, particularlY Of :a , e his beloved Navy. He told audiences 0 Denlnl "the gap of terror this country face ~ ~ For tween now and 1985 as a result." ECO~I etherl omically, he says the country haS~'n ~Okin~ re been in as bad a shape since Frank ;nh to Delano Roosevelt was elected in 1932'fOI he ree consequence of his long and succes~gS Iij~ Ne career in investment banking, he. ~ I fea travelled recently to London, cal~~: ~teXte Tokyo and elsewhere to speak on eC Bwee omic strategies for the 1980s. a t ani He did find time recently to pick up," 'hade. 'fral" 'lOr ' chunk of the near-bankrupt Auto- J1l' n e s and he took over C. G. Sloan and Co 0 a 187, pany's Auction house several years agel; :nOStor along with Donald Webster and Ru sder I\'~ge( Burke, and it is now a major conten(lIS 'I en. in the auction field with record pro ler 1t rn , , and the prospects of a vastly larg y any il building in the 9th street area soon, 'f~~, 0\~,or 't II' vv' have done fabulously and I don 'd, ItI terfere with good performance," MI tests dendorf says. d ~rnetl After several years of controversY a~o e fir a half-dozen lawsuits dating back al t sel when Bert Lance and Saudi Sheik Karner ack 1 Adham tried unsuccessfully to take 0" ~geth Financial General Bankshares, J~~'II o~, everything now seems amicable as 01 as In as prosperous. The present managern~r' ~t of of Financial General, which includes od e l-l mand Hammer as Vice Chairman aed 'ard, Frank Saul II as Chairman, has agr~l1g ~.t a c to a tender offer for the outstand~ed Ilant: common stock to a now-ex~an aP' n'A. f group of Arab investors, pendlOg ner IS" proval by the Federal Reserve and ?~dle 째u d government agencies. (The new rvfl rd 1'ht Eastern group now has three boll ecret I
/789 French Cuisine in Historic Georgetown Setting.
3251 Prospect Street NW. GEORGETOWN Washington, D.C. 20007 (202) 338-3556 Monday thru Saturday 10:00 am-6:00 pm 6O/March 1981/Dossier
"The '89 is a jewel" Dresden, Washington Post Valet Parking 1226 36th Street, N.W. 965-1789
I, an rnbers at Financial General. They are
year Uart Symington, Elwood Quesada and tWO ark
lifford.) Middendorf expects no wa Jrther change of management. t the A soft-spoken, seemingly shy, decepdorf ~ely timid man "Bill Middendorf can a bearcat in the Board room," says a going sine s colleague admiringly. His own eilth leaped phenomenally during the ,oJ.vode" g en 60 on Wall Street where he pecial~ed in insurance company stocks. rd he l'hose were the golden years, all 1948, ~~t,,, he says. s~reln h Most of all, Bill Hkes a challenge," aJg , hat arne colleague says. What, besides ,[thee at government appointment which he 'fh lefused to discuss, is Bill Middendorf up er 0r nOw?" 1!llee ~ For one thing, as President of the ee lltt avy Memorial Commission, he's deep ,el, ~o planning with Admiral Bill ItiV~ ornpson, a li~ing memorial for the all, aaVY_a band shell on Market Square le~lIn ~ Part of the Pennsylvania Avenue tt1~~ :nOrnrnission's redevelopment there. "I y f ay even write a march for the ;:s 0 OPening." s bC' For another, as Chairman of the CO~; oet~erlands-Arnity Trust, he is already 15~'n ~ Oklng ahead to the 1982 celebration re Ik ;nh to mark the 200th anniversary of 2'[01 he recognition of the United States by ;5 as . . .~ Netherlands. That elaborate. event .h0 l~ I feature a visit by Queen Beatnx and urn: )e extended exchange of cultural events .0 tween the two countries. a Banker Middendorf was born to his UP'n ~ade. His grandfather founded Baltiraj, nOre's first large investment company om 1873. His father and uncle ran the 19d1 ~Oston a~d Baltimore offices of t?e 55 r '!Verged firm which evolved from It. 1~~5 ,hen Bill Middendorf formed his own ) ler ;rrn, .Middendorf, Colgate and Comrg y any In 1962 his father and uncle came 'he 0 ' " work with him. :~, With his extraordinarily diverse in1 rests, and after all he's done, isn't he ~rne.thing akin to a George Plimpton of all d 'ie f mancial world? Middendorf does to 'Ot See it but he does recall: "Plimpton, mal ,ver 01>ilckthLemmon and I were at Harvard "e er a.nd all in the Hasty Pudding C l .. Ih 0 well w. PlImpton was always a star an d I ell l las in the chorus line. I was spending a (\f' hI of my time though as a cartoonist for e Harvard Lampoon." Shortly afterd ad l!l ee d r, Mel Ott suggested Middendorf jllg ~r a Contract to pitch for the New York led llants. aP' h,A final question, put facetiously to be r ,IS "Man for All Seasons," "What do dle 'ou do in your spare time?" Ird 1'he final answer: "Oh, that's a Cret." 0
Rare and beautifully proportioned Chippendale fireside bench, circa 1760, all parts original
IEth ridge ltd. 703-548-7722 202-332-0761 Hours 11:00 Iii 5:00 Tuesday lhru Saturday
FINE ANTIQUES John Ethridge Morri INTERIOR DESIGN 220 o. Washington 1. Alexandria, Va 22314
Dossier/March /98//6/
OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EAST WINO Uittnamtst Culinary Art in Historit Old Town
@r~~ Comfortable and Chic... The atmosphere for the woman with fashion finese. Marie R. Moffell Fashion Consultant 309·B Cameron 51. Norford Court, Old Town 548-6011
Open 7 days for Luncheon, Dinner and Cocktails
4 I I I I
809 King Street Old Town, Alexandria
For Reservations:
836-1515 Major Credit Cards Honored Parking available behind Restaurant
313 cameron street old town alexandria 549·0040 most major credit cards
a dazzling little party dress to wear the year round. in black, shocking pink or purple cotton with contrasting mirrored embroidery,
CriUeyWareftouse ~all
We cordially invite you to visit us, Ten Specialty Shops and TWO Superb French Restaurants, in the Heart ofOld Town Alexandria
Conuenient parking across the street
218 North Lee Street • Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Buying, Repairing and Cleaning 621 South Washington Street Old Town Alexandria 549-0778 Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 1H, Thurs 11-8. Sat 1G-6· Sun 12-5 Free Parking Behind Building
Herend China Glnor! China Hutschenreuther Royal Copenhagen St. Louis Crystal Orrefors Tiffany Sliver
t:":'THi:';i;;iA:;;'ri':":":":":":":":":":":..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::~: ~
s: ~:
130-132 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314
~: ~~ ~'t
.:' I
~ ~jl~'L ~
;: IW' .:. ~ ~ s: ••~
~. • • •:~
~: ~....
- •• <. _ .• <. _ . .
Washington Metropolitan Area's Largest Brass Store
-Lighting Fixtures -Fireplace Equipment Brass Hardware - Brass Decorative Accessories
::: .;. :::
Virginia Metalcrafters Baldwin ~: Mottahedeh & Co. ;'. ~• • •~ Chelsea Clock Company and Many Others
.~. ::: .:. .:.
Fine Gifts Bridal Registry
:i: ';'
320 King Street ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 (703) 548-4543
218 N. Lee t. Old Town Alexandria 836-2666 Exquisite
----------~ ........:::,...--JJ
ReaIPstate Properties
Charming Home In one of the distinquished communities off Mass. Ave. 4 B.R., Sep. D.R. Fireplaces, 2 car garage, treed large lot - Flagstone patio: 15 mins. to Executive office building.
Inc. Realtors
Majestic, all brick Georgian Colonial Prestigious waterfront community .. 路 prohall ionally landscaped corner lot ". c~nle:brar) entrance ... Generou room izes including Ii in l' and family room .. , Exquisite decorator a~~05(JJ ments ... For the discriminating buyer. $2 , ()1
By Appoinlmenl only. 26/-2626 or (301) 263路(}4
.. . '
e~Better I
I ......
Annapolis 261-2626 (301) 263.{)400
Severna Park 261-2116 (JOl) 647-6112
This tastefully done center-hall colonial with spacious rooms offers an excellent location, on a wooded culde-sac, close to the C&O Canal. The home features 4 bedrooms, 2 Y2 baths, slate foyer and 2 fireplaces. The elegant living, dining and family rooms make it absolutely ideal for entertaining. COME SEE THIS REMARKABLE FAMILY HOME! CALL 983-0200 $234,500
TheCrossroads RealtY,ltd. Elizabeth C..deU. Broker
10200 RlvorR""d
Pl>tom..c Md.
64/March /98I/Dossier
(301) 983-0200
Artl掳 261.24 10 (301)974-04
A Magnificent home in this prestigious area with spectacular features such as a sunken jacuzzi double sized tub in Master Suite Front and Rear stairs, larg~ gourmet kitchen, natural wood paneling and loads of built-ins. $399,000.
A Gentleman's Country Estate in Town This delightful home is ideal for gracious entertaining. 7 Bedroo I11S , 7 full baths. Beautifully landscaped 1 1/3 acres give plenty of rooITI for a swimming pool and tennis courts.
Call us for a private showing
338-50 00
--===============::::::::=========------:::;;: '---
EIegance abounds throughout t h'~ IS V'i custom-built brick residence with hea e cedar shake roof, circular drive, spa~ for swimming pool and tennis cou;7', ~~e two-story marble-floored foyer, ail! t bvmg room and 17' dining room sus. s the formal dignity of this graCl~0 home. Particulars: 5 bedrooms, IsO baths, full walk-out basement. (A other homes by the same builder.) cj) 75 Evenings call Beverly Dillaway, 893or Sharon Singh 790-5119.
Located on 5 heavily wooded acres, this dramatic 4 bedroom, 4 bath, 4,000 sq.ft. Contemporary offers the ultimate in modern country living. The spectacular glass-walled living room, leading out to a cedar wrap-around deck, makes entertaining possible in a private woodland setting any season of the year. Ample acreage for pool/tennis court and, of course, horses who need room to roam.
McLean Office J3-Z300 '------------_--...:..:.:.::.:=.::=::...::.:.::::::....._-:=:.---:::
orgi311 This stately 18th century stone Ge 6 manor house, near Middleburg, offers ter bedro.o~s and 4. full baths, gracious. c~ll/ hall, livmg room, library, dining rOOm, kltC pantry, and numerous fireplaces. .
The 128 acre horse farm includes an o. size size indoor arena (80' x 216), an olympiC ler . . s cell out d oor nng, polo field, dressage nng, ureS aisle barns with many box stalls. The past are completely fenced with ample water.
"Three Generations of Quality Brokerage" (703) 356-0100 McLean, Virginia
Box 3, Middleburg, Virginia 2211 (703) 687-6395
Plus -
several dependencies.
Charm;r 149 aCr< nt,t no< library,
~n&lish ~itch.n
Sidt en~ have S b
â&#x20AC;˘ 8eJ>ar,
'Oorn, 3 In. Pro 'mok. t
hoUse ,
dant ha In. gra eQ by COUntry For ru
Presents its FINE HOMES AND ESTATES DIVISION HThe professionals for the discriminating" For information and appointments Call H. C. Howells, Jr., Director 370-4600
Elegant residence designed for formal entertaining and family privacy. Huge indoor pool opening onto oversized deck. This home has 5 bedrooms, 5 full baths, 4 fireplaces, and second floor library. The location is ideal - only ten minutes from the White House in the beautiful Virginia countryside. $450,000. Asumable $250,000 80 % loan. Jhl' Annil' .Il.llull'f <nOfpoflltion. £ .. 11 ... • For Professional Real Estate Service in Northern Virginia 1421 Oolley Mad'son Boulevard
_ _ McLean, Virginia 22101 _ _
N~:~~~~l~E SERV'CE
'_ m •. -.I.S
Call 703-821-2555
- "'-
e-~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vi
An exclusive and private community of elegant new homes in a setting of knolls and woods. All brick, cedar shake roofs, gas heat, 4 F.Ps, 4'12 baths. Regal master suite W/F.P. Whirlpool bath. Screened porch and deck. Appx. 4,000 sq.ft. of finished space. Call Elsa Roethe1827-0851 or 356-4079
rl. !7' ~n
o sO
first n::
century manor house on
UpperviUe, Virginia. The as a large living room paneled J:: -7, Silting roo • "&\ish ....__ m, and Sun porch' the \itchen U4>Cl1l ent has a large dining r';"m \i ' 1aundry roo I • de enranc' h m, V, bath and an outhave S bed e, t e second and third noors ms I "Parate r : and 3 baths. There is also n 3 bed g whICh consists of a living 1), rooms and 2 baths. e Propert . ''''oke hoUS: '~ further improVed by an old hoUse 4 ,ennel, swimming pool pool "._ ' tenant ho ' "'Ult hay and uses, 23 stalls and abun'the machine Storage. grace of "W' ndsor Farms" is enhancCd by the total'l COuntrySide. This uns POIIt. surrounding ~or fUrther' an ,"ceptlonal offering. describing thi Informalion and brochures Dountry pro~ and a Complete selection of nles, please Contact:
'b.. ~. ~
Middleburg Country Properties Inc. 10 W. WASHINGTON ST. • P.O. BOX 1140 MIDDLEBURG, VIRGINIA 22117 • (703)687-6337
Just 8 minutes from downtown Washington this 5 bedroom Custom Colonial Home is designed for both formal entertaining and casual living. Features include 5 full and 2 half baths, 5 fireplaces, elevator, swimming pool with fountain and cabana, security system, whirlpool and sauna. This quality built home has a spacious dining room, a walnut paneled library. and full finished basement. $475,000. Liberal owner financing. Brokers invited.
836-0132 Dossier/March /98//67
Bradley Farms
Imagination ,sophistication and flair are attracting discerning Washingtonians to Falcon Ridge and McLean Station: The Carr organization's modern day manor houses on the Potomac
and the ultimate contemporaries in McLean, Virginia. Highly . individual communities of distinctive homes set in two of Northern Virginia's most prestigious locations.
One of the most desirable properties in the Washington area. Has been featured in the "Washingtonian" and on the Potomac House Tour. The 3.57 acre property includes a fourstall barn with tack room and is fenced for horses. $637,500. Shown by appointment with Sherry Davis, 986-9292 or 929-1037
~om $215,000
Bethesda Office
Dirwc:tionl: From 495 take George1own P1k2 (Route 193) west to Great Palls Tum noht on Walker Rd 2 miles to a left on Beach Mill Rd Go Y, mile to a nght on Falcon Ridge Roae to Sales office on left Phone 759-4730
from $281,300
r""r"-· -:...L .....:~f. ~ :·;. ntltNn ""'RR U1
Dirwc:tionl: Tak2 Tysons Ileftway Exrt 11 east.
da Dolley Madison Bi'vd.. to a Ie" on LewlnsVll1e Rd.. an nght on Baits Hili Rd. Go about '/2 mile to McLean StalJOl' on Ie" Phone 821-1825 121>'k RRM (I3\{'~ APR)
Edw. R. Carr & Associates/Building a name since 1925. lO-Year Buyer Protection Plan' Financing by Weaver Bros .. Inc.• Code 6
-----------------------~~ $325,00 0 Me
LEESBURG $485,000 Magnificent Williamsburg Colonial finely detailed and perfectly sited on 7 of Mt. Gilead's choicest acres - within one hour of Washington - 30 minutes from Dulles Airport. Sweeping, panoramic views of the Virginia countryside from the 70' brick terrace. Unsurpassed construction and amenities including indoor olympic pool and 3 bedroom guest house. Truly, a one-of-a-kind property for those who can afford the very best.
"Three Generations of Qua/ity Brokerage"
(703) 356-0100 • McLean, Virginia 68/March /98J/Dossier
Super Rambler With Pool This adorable 3 yr. old rambler, on a comer lot, is most attractive. Built with antiqued brick and lovely landscaping and graced with a georgeous swimming pool, this home is one of the nicest in Evermay. Some of the many extra features included in this S B.R., 3 Y2 bath home are security and lawn sprinkler systems. Call 790-1990
LONG & ~
~~~~~~~~~~===::::~ Dn\~
10242 River Road POlomac,
(301) 983·9160
6700 Old McLea". Viil;~:OI McLean. Virgu1\3 (703) 827.0250
l'hi Pri'
McLean, Va. hit e 12 minutes from the VI • 11\"1:> '",0
House, award WII1. niI1S home ideal for entertaJ 1 , 0°' with private heated ~l1itY cabana, and com m oJ11s, tennis courts. 6 bedro 'sted 4 Y2 baths, owner aS Sl financing. $525,000·
By appointment.
eus fan
leVI elul (Sp
Vov 1-/ ,6t\JE II Ro i'>AB l-Y HfA R.1) 0 V-
;~~~Y'N OOD - 0 ~ - 1tiE -
PcrTO Mt\-0/
~~ SPE.0r,AclJL.A-Q... WOOnE~ 2.2. AGRe.. MC.LE>A~ S CIt oveR.~ QklNG- \\-tE. R1\l'fP-/ e>\.CT yO\.( ~\lEN'T SE.E..N lttE LAThST '!IlEc;At-sr TOWNHOMES ~E.R£ - - WE-'V£. &E.E.t-.1 ,SA'JIl-1G 'liE.
By TALL RVSTl-lNe:, TRE65 / 114 IS CU)~E.R. O~ LC\JELY ~E.W Tb'IJ~~ON~ SIJR.PASSes
I~LA.\JO~1) t..l't~
IlJG IN ThE. AR.EA. MAR-BLE. ~"(E.RS AN!> GRAC£l=uL Cu.A,.\HN6 SIA-~R.CA5E"5, SLAT~ RooFS AND \1AND GAA FlO W()()D I/'IO~. COME ANt> SEE FoR... yOURSe..\....F-. :PRICES
~3451 000
301-565-2323 Snider Bros, Inc. Realtors
.---- " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Upper Brackets
Quality and Location l'his stately Georgian is situated on two beautiful wooded acres providing Privacy and location in desirable Woodside Estates. The home features CUstom interior decorating, exquisite crown moulding, and marble foyer. A farnily room with stone fireplace and laundry room are both on the main level. The excellent floor plan provides easy entertaining for all seasons. Included are 4 large bedrooms, 3 Y2 baths, library, and a large recreation room. (Space for tennis court and pool). Shown by appointment only.
Harper & Company,
Nestled in woods a stunning contemporary for family liVing and formal entertaining. A 3-story foyer, 4-5 bedrms, 4% baths, Family room with stone fireplace overlooking unique Solarium, breathtaking master suite bath. For appointment or information call Elsa Roethel 827-0851.
(703) 821-1777
1359 Chain Bridge Road McLean, Virginia
Evenings: Contact Spence Rivett at (703) 256-7240
356·7000 Dossier/March 1981/69
lIomebIyers are demandifl8.... .
... and ham to please. So is ~nnislliurke. uncompromlS~
ON THE POTOMAC Truly "America The Beautiful" Cliffhurst is a spectacular 5 acre estate with a panoramic view of the Potomac River from every room and a shorel ine frontage of over 300 feet. The contemporary McLean home offers spacious elegance for entertaining as well as many family areas for comfort and privacy. The park-like setting secludes the residence and separate pool facilities at the end of a private road. Located approximately 20 minutes from the White House or Dulles International, Cliffhurst is unquestionably one of America's prize properties. For appointment call Gay Reich 536-4287 or 356-7000.
As President of Rourke Corporation, builders of custom-crafted homes, Dennis demands the finest quality available-both in materials and workmanship. He is uncompromising in his standards of design and detail, and hard to please because he recognizes that only through such consistent quality control can the Rourke Corporation assure today's discriminating buyer a home of enduring elegance and value.
Cl Iy fil
Discover how easy it is to work with a builder that's hard to please. Call Dennis Rourke Corporation at 881-6664.
ROURKE CORPORATION. Building today's dreams and tomorrow's security.
356·7000 CALIFORNIA COMES TO POTOMAC Dramatic! Stunning! Exciting ne~ completely custom contempor ar c
within walking distance of poto rna d Village. Quality throughout ~o countless luxuries for those VI chose to live in great style. For an appointment or further details: 4 Call Marsha Schuman, 299-858
Located in sought-after "Balmacara", this stately 4 bedroom, 2 Yz bath Colonial home has a lovely cul-de-sac location on over one half acre. Quality built with spacious rooms for entertaining and family living. For the tennis buff, plans are availble for a backyard court.
• Established 1906
Cto p fto n ~ear
teste illinl at $~
"Three Generations oj Quality Brokerage"
(703) 356-0100 • McLean, Yirginia
Lavishly appointed, elegantly decorated brick and stone tudor in one 0 Arlington's most desirable neighborhoods. Offered at $339,000 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE: 522-7474 Own
b1 {iJ.
"."LfOIII:·· ;:"
70/Morch /981/Dossier
"BRIARWOOD" Enter this majestic estate through iron gates that lead to sweeping circular driveway - Perfectly sited on very private grounds with outstanding Potomac River views, this magnificent Georgian colonial offers Italian rnarble foyer, formal reception room, elegant drawing room with 12 foot ceilings, Paladian window, sparkling crystal chandelier, ornamental 19th Century Southern plantation mantel, priceless 12 foot pier mirrors originally owned by George Washington's nephew. For informality, an expansive ~Irst floor family room with massive stone fireplace and rosewood panelled lIbrary. Price $750,000
Hugh T Peck PIDperties, Inc., Redtors
• Established 1906
Kempton Really Inc. For the Discriminating Buyer flom~s
• Acrtagt • Invtstmtnt • £StaltS • Ren/als
"ELM SPRINGS" ;ov ely farm-estate with 280 eery fertile acres, mostly rroPland, with extensive road nrontage in area of rapid growth ar commuter trains. Includes ll\~tored fieldstone house, circa 1800, stone bank barn with 6 box stalls, chara/ng log guest house, 2 ponds. An exceptional country home and investment $965,000.
urg, Va.
Metro Area 471-5400 (no toll)
Sweeping Potomac River View from this modern home in e tate area, about mile to D.C. via Chain Bridge. Fireplace in living room and family room. Wood stove in large country style kitchen. Modern equipment.. Charming study off ma ter bedroom. 4 bedroom, 3 bath. Privacy on large wooded lot. Asking $425,000. Charming Small 100 Year Old House on :v. acre lot. Big trees. Living room, den, & fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Perfect background for antique. On Metro bu line. $170,000. Like French Provincial? Don't miss this glamorous home with marble entrance hall, carpeting & draperies included. Black marble tub in bath of deluxe I t noor master suite. Beautiful cry tal chandeliers. Library, playroom, laundry & garage al 0 on main level. 4 bedrooms upstairs. Privacy. Tree & landscaping. $400,000. Another French Hou e for $365,000.
8112 Old Dominion Drive McLean, Virginia 22102 703-356-8633 Evenings: 703-356-3268
Dossier/March 198//7/
The Go14 Page 1rk fn
:nry Ji :lrst irr 'Qndet
Sue Okun, Antique Consultant. Consultations in buying, selling antiques, auction buying. Personal shopping service. Specializing in 18th & 19th century American and English furniture, accessories and glass. 202·363-7845. Antiques restored in your home. Complete refinishing services; stains, chips, scratches, burns, water & heat spots, etc. Let us find those beveled mirrors, handles, keyholes, etc. Pebblebrook Antique Restora· tion of Chevy Chase. 593·1165. Christ Child Opportunity Shop Fine China, silver, jewelry, paintings, prints. 1427 Wisconsin Avenue, Georgetown, D.C. 333-6635 Consignments Welcome
Magnificent, rare, hand·painted murals, fine detail & color. Ideal for walls, screens or framing. Signed. 762·4638.
Beautiful fabrics at sensible prices. Basics, notions for dressmaking. Threadneedle Street, Potomac Promenade. (inside mall) 9812 Falls Rd. Potomac. 299-3370
DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Active couple desires live-in housekeeper who can cook and serve well; experienced in home care and assist in entertaining. A private room in large Chevy Chase home is provided. Must have excellent references and be interested in a long-term situation. 986-8692.
HOT MUSTARD JAZZ BAND "Society Swing" & "Dixie Dance," 2 handsome LP's. Mail $6 each;$11-both. Combos for parties & dances. 467-4425, 332-8212.
ESCAPES Hilton Head Island-Sea Pines Plantation. Brand new - 4 bedroom, 4 bath home. Luxuriously decorated, nestled in Palm Trees, 350 feet from the Island's most beautiful beach. Short walk to beach, golf, tennis. Now taking reservations for 1981 season. Call (301) 424-0770.
HEAlTH FOOD You are what you eat! Let me show you the way to a sound mind & body thru health food. Simple preparation in your own home. Call for appointment, Mon.-Fri.-Nataniel 522·2692 (evenings), 468-3870 (days).
INTERIORS BOOKS Discover THE BOOK CELLAR for out-of-print books to read & collect. All subjects & languages. 8227 Woodmont Ave., Bethesda, Md. 654-1898. Open 7 days, 11-5.
CAKES Creative Cakes-"the professional's choice." Cake designs for any occasion. Your only limitation is your imagination. Paula Wolfson, designer. 301·657-1677.
CALLIGRAPHY Exquisitely hand-lettered announcements, invitations, dinner party menus. Fortune 500 & State Dept. Clientele. Prof., reas. 370-8173.
CHINESE LION DANCING Spice up your next party with an Oriental theme. Invite Grandmaster Tai Yim to perform the ancient Chinese art of Lion Dane· ing. Call Jason Associates. 565-0191
72/March /98/ /Dossier
INTERIOR BY AUGUST Residential Mr. August-544-2999
ORIENTAl RUGS Will pay cash for your old rugs. Appraisals, cleaning & repairing. Hadeed Oriental Rug Emporium. 1504 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Va. 549-0991.
REAl ESTATE ST. THOMAS· Winter vacation home with spectacular view above harbour. Estate Mafolie, 3 bdr., 2 baths, 40-ft. gallery, swimming pool, garden, beaut. fum., avail. on weekly rental basis. DeC.-Mar. $1000-1200 per wk. For pictures & info. call Randi, 9am-12 noon. 333-4846.
SERVICES Professional person seeks house to sit. 4 yrs. experience. Excellent references. Please call Mrs. Walsh. 393·2116.
~ Ina ---ES""'T""'A--C:T""'E-&~H-=-O--C:U-=-S-=-EH:-:-O~LD=-=S-:A-;"';LES (on, Er
sed ember -----: 'to I ns ad spi( TASTEFUL CATERING k,B Creative elegance to of i red ar please the palate. 483-9176 . Wil: David Hagedorn Brad DaviS n eith Martin Chadwick Licensed agents 892·0856
=~~~~~~~~~===~ aO~ed 1 TRIPS .----:; Vlng s ---------'-'-'-"----=-----. r11 er, any f Vacation in Kashmir or Ladake thiS sum Lila QV 0 Birding & trekking in the Himalayas. ernn Bishop 301-229-6799. .------::; OSt sl
self rjsin~ etgarr
lbere arters. ~rder
Ptil) f,
n. In
Ptil) s Bought & Sold ~o, Jr We're always interested 1 1llrnYI in acquiring significant, unu svo rneer 1!leet' ' and fine books in all fieldS. ~. Ie lch is besir( We invite you to visit our tesS). comprehensive collection of ~s G 50,000 reasonably priced ~Mij t used, rare and out-ot-prin I()eap
paperbacks and hardbacks.
llam - 7pm daily 1pm - 7pm Sundays (open late Friday and SaturdaY)
0lh er'
at. ( gene ~a tl
Ion' I
In two locations at t Wisconsin & Chesapeake stree S 4702 Wisconsin Avenue 4725 Wisconsin Avenue Washington, DC
Car, "tite
"---------------00ntinued from Page 23)
~rk from, plus his own highly-develd professional insights. So the book, eCarlos Baker's Hemingway and the ~nry James quintet by Leon Edel, is of Irst importance. The title is A Kind of randeur (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
------- /n a
1979 book called The Fourth ~an, English biographer Andrew Boyle !POsed Sir Anthony Blunt as a new _______ ~rnber of the sad little lexicon of ~on~ (Burgess, Maclean, Philby) who sPied for the Soviets. In the same ok, Boyle, employing his grubby tac: of indirection and innuendo, fine~~n English atomic scientist called . o· vvllfrid Mann. Boyle did not men'/15 n' I t either Blunt or Mann by name. He ::::---"'Ia~red ~o be right about Sir Anthony, ~\a ng SInce become plain Anthony. But :n~iI8 vnYOf Mann's co-wor~ers in the l!'S, ,. 0 ernrnent came to his defense III a .-/. rnSt Spi,rited way. Now Dr. Mann tj s~lf, In a book ironically if unsureSlngly called The Fifth Man • lktgarnon Press, no date announced) ~s up cudgels of his own. , a here are many other likely Spring (~tters. Margaret Truman moves on to p~der on Capitol Hill (Arbor House, S~ll) for her second venture in detecp: In Crossfire (Simon & Schuster, ~rll) seasoned operator Joseph Cali~o, Jr. relives his years under LBJ and )01 ftJlllY Carter. Retired Foreign Service te~ John Bovey has just published a ~ie~t~on of bittersweet short stories be IS, in a word, exemplary. The title te eSirable Aliens (University of Illinois o~S), And one of our better critics, Ie s ~rumbach, proves once again in 10 MISsing Person (Dutton) that she is l cap,able of writing fine fiction. lQ oOkIng a little further ahead, it is , ~knews that Merle Miller, in this year 0t e, is interviewing people for IJe ~~r of his mosaic-type biographies a IS very successful one on LBJ last t, On a St. Patrick's day note, ltelle McCarthy, one-time Senator l a touch of the leprechaun, is work,~n The Four Hundred Days of Jim'Ii ~rter, based in part on the column t5 ~etltes. It will cover the 200 weeks that p' a~d the 200 that weren't and will I.1 bhshed in the fall.
'k I~~ Wilkinson is writing a biography of \g IUs Saint-Gaudens. He is a contrib"" lilitbOOk reviewer to the Christian Science or.
Washingtons newest. brightest entertainment lounge. The look is contemporary, the sound is live. In the new Sheraton Washington ICS"'\ Hotel. Valet parking available. \. ;} ""'@
For four generations, we have specialized in bringing beautiful rugs and beautiful homes together. We invite you to visit our showroom and experience the magnificent artistry of oriental rugs.
8019 Wisconsin Avenue • Bethesda, Maryland 20014 • 657-2124 • 986-1908
-Selected Quality Fabrics "'~ - Sensible Prices ~\I~ J1 - Dressmakers Referred ~l~
~ i~irI~1 \
t If. lR rCC'
r Mall) POTOMAC Promenade Mall (inside 9812 Falls Road, Potomac, MD (301)299-3370
Dossier/March 1981/73
Real Estate "C.
ter A. K
'lQ4 CI, Inc
lransaet~~~l IS\07
~en to I 11932 I _____________ -------- ~Ile to 9024 M.
~ i~~~~~
_I"~ -~ We are pleased to ~ VOid where prohlb,ted by law announce the availability of a select group of chalets and condominiums in the heart of the Swiss Alps. For further information call 463-6363.
Let us find the perfect vacation home for you. ..
anywhere in the world
Representing properties Ihroughout the world The Alps. The Rivera· The Caribbean
#1 PARTY SUPPLIER One Call Rents It All Tents. Canopies. Marquees. Dance Floors. Bridal Arches Platforms. Candelabras. Tables • Chairs. Linens. Skirting. China. Glassware. Silverware. Coffee Urns. Chafing Dishes Punch Bowls. Champagne Fountains
for the disCTiminuting
l 74/March 198//Dossier
~\~~O~cl ndec
established 1968 Annandale, Va. Vienna, Va. 941-3520 281-0883
Furniture leusing
to Ll~ wa 3012 Cambridge Place, N.W.· J.w. Frey 770~d~ M. Novelli - $280,000. mes I Mil I 3100 Cathedral Avenue, N.W.. E.G. Ja 810~S ~ Charles P. Rose, Jr. - $240,000. to OB' ~n R C 4773 Dexter Street, N.W.. W.A.K. Lake .C D. Gries - $438,000. . triCK,' 4860 Linnean Avenue, N.W.· A.B. Ktrkpa stu ~ to Benny L. Kass - $305,550. 2710 36th Place, N.W.. E.M. HodgSOn to E. Benson - $220,000. J 1fl 3018 44th Place, N.W.. D.G. Baldwin to· 106 drew Scallan· $282,500. Mill p.oO! 1015 33rd Street, N.W. #509 - Flour 83hlilip Richard A. Dupree - $250,000. to A I"e 26 C S 5501 Hawthome Place, N.W.· R.L. ThO!T1t rtoaZl'" ~~~nde Hossein, Mohammed R. & Hossein-AII a ~ 9 Fe - $207,000. . T L~ 1ay W 3235 R Street, N.W.· J. Phillips to William' u0220 & Morgan D. Hodgson - $611,000. No l1ch to 4918 Tilden Street, N.W.. M.C. Wenger to 'N19 LI L. Anschuetz - $270,000. to 4i 9nE 2731 Unicorn Lane, N.W.· R.M. Silverman 0 l G. Hooper· $210,000. E 941 H 1453 Corcoran Street, N.W.· W.L. Ward to J Da~' p J. Donahue III - $210,000. osepll 604 lei 4555 Linnean Avenue, N.W.. M. Latt to J I aneSt I & Joan T. Mancuso· $298,000. ,Artnil' ~100 0 3216 Macomb Street, N.W.. SA Page to . ~ob \\ Segel & Patti B. Saris - $200,000. A N. M~'A 737 ~~ 4209 48th Place, N.W. . W.C. & .$212,!I"" ~t1 P Development Company to Louis B. Balla II to pBgil 842~r~ 2228 Cathedral Avenue, N.W.. E.J. Ha G 'NilI' A. Kobacker & David E. Shiffrin - $230,000· paul 8416a: 2131 N Street, N.W.. p.w. Hersh to ""lorna Dembling - $369,800. Gec'iI" 100 S 3207 P Street, N.W.. C.P. Maloney III to '~eI5 W. West & Carol S. Burke - $265,000. to C. R31' <45~O 3114 Quebec Place, N.W.· D.L. McLean d I 8658 I mond Marvin - $252,000. Mayn af 'IVe 1841 Wyoming Avenue, N.W.. R.C. tar 1707 te David L. Mushinsky - $222,000. Helen pe e~el 1670 31st Street, N.W.. A. Peter to ~.1<250~O $268,721. stuart 373' 2724 34th Street, N.W.. D.C. HickS to 'II. ~dre~ : Loory - $245,000. . nard 9~ Q , 5009 39th Street, N.W.· W.w. Wirtz to RIC e. ,~~~ ~ Bowe - $255,000. caM 362 er 314 12th Street, N.E.. C.L. Swisher to Ito3R~ Allgeier - $200,000. 8S0 7 I ------------
~~J151 ert
ANTIQUE <Z. CONTEMPORARY LEASING ~ INC. 3401 K Street. N.W-Rear Entrance (U nder the Whitehurst Freeway) Washington. D.C. 20007 202·338.£312 Hours: 900-5:30 Monday-Friday 10:00-2:00 Saturday
apP0P'" 87 I 7013 Buxton Terrace, Bethesda' A.A. R to n23 I to Lewis C. Lipson - $209,000. HamiltOn 140;lh 7117 Darby Road, Bethesday . T.J· 10 \ I James A. Gray - $312,000. TolSOn 14 0 F 9117 Fernwood Road, Bethesda' D.C. a c 03 I Mohammad Afkhami - $210,000. R ckY Gor~r. i3~00 J 13608 Maidstone Lane, Bethesda . D~ViSon, . ·nt C Communities, Inc. to Harry S. 31dl 7323 ( - $249,800. J cast ~~t 5301 Oakland Road, Chevy Chase' L. . 10 144~0 tOn to David C. Johnson - $390,000. W ASn -nn 8830 Belmart Road, Potomac' B.· d10 479Sk Daniel R. Young· $364,000. heppaf:C 9733 Corral Drive, Potomac· P.G. 5 to 10~\1 David L. Raish - $302,000. G'ldennorn lili a 9709 Hall Road, Potomac· J.B. I utyS ~20~ Yapin Chen· $405,000. E t<a sP ~Ob 8602 Hidden Hill Lane, Potomac' J.. nile- <OS ~ to William S. Shepard· $200,000. J F. G9 .~ to 7905 Horseshoe Lane, potomac" to 810 I man to William J. Eagleson - $215'~005weenei USt: 10700 River Road, Potomac· D. . 123 I Walter C. Hernandez, Jr. - $265,000. \In ~
Yto Lyn
JameS I to Da
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to SIU 10 J, A
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~~3AKenhowe Drive, Bethesda· J-W. Barrett to !9Q . Klein· $217 500 ;en4 ICleveland Street, Kensington - Witte & G6nc . to C. Keith Conners & Karen C. Wells 11' 1. Irl~g Homeplace Lane, Potomac· G.R. Miller to !S37 . Hekimian - $275,000. Geral~orseshoe Lane, Potomac - P.N. Schwartz \23 Freedman - $245,000. . 102~ Riv~r Edge Drive, Potomac· Ted Lingo, 1617 rancls M. Chang· $226,500. LloYdG~mewell Road, Silver Spring· C.P. Watts 4326 . Root, J r. - $205,000. iI. $~orth Lane, Bethesda - W.C. Ko to Robert 5322 0,320. ~en t CaMryel Road, Westmoreland Hills . J.E. 1193 0 Ichael M. McCarthy· $236,000. lie ~ Ga.insborough Road, Potomac - V.E. 9024 0 William C. Curtis III . $205,000. illin GMarseille Drive, Potomac - S.M. Spiro to 1830 rO!nlc - $203,000. ward ~lnk Hollow Road, Olney· V.L. Curtis to 7708 . Abbot - $220,000. MllesHMckamore Drive, Potomac· R H. Hoopes . Harbur - $230,000 61 09 hn R Ccalwood Way, Rockville . E. Nowab to antwell - $215,000. _
11~10600 S Philli Gamaga Drive, Oakton· Burman Building
,1,6326 P . Coble - $239.568. sto~ le~andCrosswOOds Circle, Falls Church· J.E. jrtO <109 Fer to Robert J. Hardy - $261,000. Laka Ray Wor~st Hill Road, Alexandria· T.E. Jackson nT.jl0220· ollari - $213,500. uCh to ~ohest Lake Drive, Great Falls . W.A. aries L. Sercu - $273,250. ) No 1119 L 'a .Vvagn:ngley Court, McLean· T.L. Barry to Jack 110. 1430 r - $205,000. a hang HLa~y Bird Drive, McLean· H. Feicht to ) Ed\\' 9415 p' Ie - $222,000. nJ DanielaWmlico Lane, Great Falls· L.E. Sample III osep 6048 . Stuart - $285,000. uri ane to ~dgeWOOd Terrace, Alexandria . W.E. n ,Art 2100 W. o.nald A. Goode - $240,000. "Ille RObertl:klDnson Place, Alexandria· J.S. Huckaby I. "'941 137 Ri . aVIS - $215,000. ,2t2,,,,, nil purud~e Drive, McLean· Machicote Land to o POY' 8424 WS ottam - $207,325. I G Vvilliamelcler AVGnue, McLean· E.J. DeFontaine pa U 8416 . Moore - $210,000. rge\Oll1 as ~ooo~ Road, McLean· F.V. Lilly II to Get' 1005 . Hara - $290,750. RayevelO Northwoods Trail, McLean - Norvail I C. 1245,&~ent Corporation to John M. Romary d 10> 6658 V· ,na' J'l'ier to OW· I Winkle Drive, Falls Church . D.L. peler; 1707 B I ma L. Vaught - $225,000. ,n ~Velop urlwood Court, Vienna - Rosenberg rt ~.1<25 oo~ent Corporation to Louis Mazawey Iua 3732 . rdy'i··~dtea ~~\h Place, N. Arlington· A.D. Robbins to ha ~ 248 W oS-Labini - $250,000. IhY e· ~Obert 1°~Glade Drive, Great FAils· D.A. Ahlert a 623 St . IIffln - $255,000. y to Ro~nlord Circle, Falls Church - D.A. McCar· 6507 A ert E. - $285,000. / l~d Co mnna Mana Court, McLean· Machicote 1508 A pany to .L1oyd C. Atkinson· $226,000. ~d Co mnna Mana Court, McLean . Machicote --------: 115 Fa pant, to Rong Chung - $218,340. poport ~bert II ~~a.1 Road, McLean· G.H. Wyman Jr. to , e123 Lor aid - $215 000. ' It0n to rneth S ~rt Lane, McLean. S. Decatur, Inc. to 401 Mc'L e ers, Sr. - $202,000. IsOn to l' to Rona~~~ MSews Court, McLean· S. Decatur, e 403 McL . habosky - $207,347. Go'j, ~ to Joh e n Mews Court, McLean· S. Decatur, ,n, . 320 Hon .' Burke, Jr. - $200,500. dl l~t courf~ln~ Road, McLean· Ridge Developjslal e323 Ho C! onald E. Easley - $280,000. ,0 l~t to Cao king Road, McLean· Ridge Develop,IOn 442 Cr esar T. Caligtan - $290,000. to :~n K D~well Road, Vienna . D.E. Bywater to ard I '98 VIS - $203,000. , to ;\;oall tol~~~msburg Boulevard, Arlington· W.B. orn II .01 0 er Kehoe - $245,000. S !llarn BU~ Street, Alexandria - P.M. Mollica to ;putY ,20 ROYal offltt & JOhn F. Mark· $295,000. ~ ,RObert A BStreet, N. Alexandria· D.V. Vermilye ·.n!· h' erlacher - $325000 IV 'h<08 ". "as i t ' . 10 61 to Geral~~on Street, N. Alexandria· M. Parley 1 09 River .. Fauth, Jr. - $320,000. ~ter _$22?~ve, Lorton· G.M. Gibbs to John A. \.<3000 ,00. ......... 'n W. c~levan Drive, Herndon· E.L. Catterton to ....... 'oll) ang . $200,000.
a report b R
1.8 ACRES Unique, large property in center of Washington with space for pool and tennis court. $750.000. Exclusively with John Y. Millar
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Y utus S. Lusk & Son. Inc. Publishers
Dossier/March 1981/75
f you're planning an event, please call Margaret Wimsall at 652-7574 at least six weeks in advance. We regret that not every item can be published for reasons of space. However, private parries will be placed on a special list that will not appear in this column.
MARCH March 7: Twenty-fourth Annual Dinner Dance - Women's Board, Northern Virginia Chapter, American Heart Association - Washington Hilton Hotel - reception, 7:00 p.m. - dinner, 8:00 p.m. - black tie - by invitation - Chairman, Mrs. John F. Hannon. March 7: "The Gatsby Ball" - Twenty-fourth annual Ball sponsored by the Junior Guild Davis Memorial Goodwill Industries - dinner parties followed by dance at Mazza Gallerie at 10 p.m. - black tie or vintage attire - by invitation - Chairman, Mrs. Kenneth R. Woodcock. March 7: "La Belle Soiree" - dinner dance sponsored by the Auxiliary of Suburban Hospital -Bethesda Marriott Hotel - black tie - by invitation - $100 each - reception 7:30 p.m. - dinner 8:30 p.m. - Chairman, Mrs. Edward E. Ahnell, Jr. March 8: Joint Benefit for D.C. Society for Crippled Children and Consumer Health Services of America - Itzak Perlman concert - Concert Hall, Kennedy Center, 3 p.m. - followed by Embassy receptions - by invitation - sponsors, $250 each - patrons, $100 each - General Chairman, Edward von K10berg - Co-chairmen, Executive Committee, Joy Scott Waters, Anna Maria Via. March 12: "Going Places" - Seventeenth Annual luncheon benefit of National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Washington Hilton Hotel - II a.m. - by invitation - $25 each - Co-chairmen, Mrs. Gary London, Mrs. Mark Freedman. March 14: Performance of Hexagon's "Civil Circus" benefit of Kiwanis Children's Orthopedic Clinic - Holy Trinity Theater, 7:30 p.m. - followed by supper dance at New South Hall, Georgetown University - $50 each - Co-chairmen, Mrs. Wayne E. Dorman, Mr. C. Jackson Ritchie. March 14: Annual Dinner and Auction - National Cathedral School Auditorium - proceeds to NCS Scholarship Fund - 6:00 p.m. - Chairman, Mrs. Williamson S. Stuckey, Jr. March 14: Antique Quilt Exhibition at Potomac School, McLean, to benefit Wolf Trap Associates - 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March IS: Music by a string quintet composed of members of the McLean Chamber Orchestra - 3:00 p.m. - by invitation - at the home of Mrs. John Kauffmann - benefit for the chamber orchestra. March 17: "Faith and Hope" Gala Ball - dinner dance honoring Mrs. Anwar Sadat - Shoreham Hotel - reception, 6:30 p.m. - dinner, 7:30 p.m. - black tie - by invitation - Sponsors, Ambassador of Egypt and Mrs. Ghorbal. March 17: Pre-Preview of "Little Foxes" starring
76/March 1981/Dossier
Elizabeth Taylor - benefit of Corcoran School of Art - Eisenhower Theater, Kennedy Center, 7:30 p.m. - followed by reception (cast invited) in the Atrium - $100 a couple - by reservation - Co-chairmen, Nancy Dutton, Ann Winsor. March 19: Wolf Trap and the Arts - luncheon with speaker Gian Carlo Menotti - Four Seasons Hotel - II :30 a.m. - by invitation - $35 each - Chairman, Mrs. Russell B. Long. March 20: "Mozart Ball" benefit for The Beethoven Society - Capital Hilton Hotel - 9:30 p.m. - period costume or black tie - by invitation - $40 each - Chairman, Mrs. Clarence Milton Fisher. March 20: "The Eye Ball" - Annual Dinner Dance benefit of the International Eye Foundation - Four Seasons Hotel - black tie - by invitation - Chairman, Mrs. Harold F. Baker. March 24: Wolf Trap and the Arts - luncheon with guest speakers, producer Zev Bufman and ELizabeth Taylor Warner - Four Seasons Hotel - II :30 a.m. - by invitation - $35 each - Chairman, Mrs. Russell B. Long. March 29: Tenth Anniversary "Crystal Tea Dance" - Women's Committee of the Washington Performing Arts Society - The Mayflower Hotel - 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - by invitation - $100 each - Chairman, Mrs. MacKenzie Gordon.
APRIL April 1: April Fools Day. April 4: End World Hunger Benefit Dinner - 7:30 p.m. - black tie - by invitation - $75 each - Cochairmen, Claire Stuart Rosenberg, Patricia Nathanson Kogod. April 4: ARCS Foundation Inc. Annual Charity Gala - dinner dance - proceeds to scholarship fund The Mayflower Hotel - silent and live auction black tie - by invitation - $100 each - 7:00 p.m. Chairman, Mrs. George L. Hesse. April 10: Twentieth Annual' 'Fountain of Flowers Ball- dinner dance benefit of The Florence Critlenton Home - The Mayflower Hotel - sponsored by
the Winifred McKee Somerville Circles - blac~ ~ by invitation - Chairman, Mrs. Ralph B. veil' . April 19: Easter Day. April 19: Passover. .~ April 21: Benefit for Episcopal Center for Chil .i ue - "Children of a Lesser God" - National Th~rJII~ p.m. - by reservation - $30 each - Co-ehll1lfJ1 Mrs. Thomas M. Davis, Mr. James De Mann, Mrs. John T. Sapienza.
Curtain GoingJ1 a fe'
Suddenly it's spring . . . and here are nc(ll cultural highlights for March. In the COs Iii Hall, Rafael Frubeck de Burgos condU~14l,6 NSO in an all Wagner program, Marc.h "Ibl (matinee). Maestro Rostropovich wlel~~lojSl baton March 10,11,12,13 (matinee) wlthdper!l' Maurizio Pollini at the piano and Leo~ar (!'lOf' stein guests with the Choral Arts soclet~ 19,20 man Scribner, Director) March 1.',1 ;tzl1B~ (matinee). WPAS presents violinist. al 1路)0 . Perlman March 8, 3 p.m. and SegoVIa d tJll p.m. The Handel Festival, March 14 anopttl Detroit Symphony on March 28. In the Itelll!: House, Washington Opera's Madame DU e d~ March 7,11,13,15 (matinee) and L' i\1II0~nee)' Tre Re on March 14,18,20,22 (1II\4ard' Baryshnikov's American Ballet T~e~ter l11eT iJ1 24-April 12. In the Eisenhower, LIlli pal Lillian Sarah in America until March 14. 'Taylor Hellman's Little Foxes with Elizabeth Arepl and Tom Aldridge, March 17-ApriI26. At paol Stage, the American premier of Jean nd ~ Sartre's Kean, March 20-April 26, ~rnaleS Carousel of New Plays (repertory) a\roOgb Disability. The Child and Cold Storage ,t'rD Get路 May in the Kreeger. At Ford's Theatre, Jlosd ting My Act Together and Taking It On t~eand al with Louisa Flaningham, through Marc award' Catholic University's Hartke Theater, r-Wcb winner Paddy Chayevsky's Gideon, APril 10-22. Reminder: Metropolitan Opera, Bl)Il~ 20-May 10. Reserve tickets now! A NE
Gelling a start on St. Patrick's Day at II of Dubliner are Jim Carro the Irish Embassy; fir:' Maguire, Liz Warner 5 bodyguard; Dubliner h s' manager Christy Hug e, and the embassy's CO; A Howard. March 13-1 '", (1/ Celtic Cultural progra Georgetown University, I sail celebrates Mrs. Rose. h Zalles' gift of her Ins /0 library to the universlt~aeliC be the backbone of a Studies program there.
black~' DeWeY'
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