Washington Dossier October 1980

Page 1


1\ new turn on thepolo coat

fronz Geoffrey Beene. Natural gOlden sable with a new relaxed ClttitUde. COnsider it key in your ~ctrdrobe... so versatile you can Iterctlly wear it over everything. S From the COllection at ctkS]andel ~504 Wisconsin Avenue bevy Chase We Welcome American ~ess, \I1SA, Master Card, entral Charge, Bank Financing.

Vol. 6 No.5 October 1980





24 FUurs: Preserving the Status Symbol By Kathleen Burns seful Advice from Area Furriers

28 The British and Washington By Simon Winchester A British Journalist's View of Washington

34 Ambassador Anne Armstrong By Dorothy Marks More Summits to Conquer


~oving Up By Kenneth Geremia lot YOur Next Move Now

61 T

he Vase By Warren Adler

~her Short Story in a Series on Washington Mores


---------------------7 AnnabeU's File 9

~ a~d Artists By Viola Drath

ashington Project for the Arts

17 Ed

W UC~ted Palate By Bette Taylor ashmgton Wine Cellars

22 39


for Living By Victor Dwyer e Country House the Herbert Hafts Built

~ong Party Lines

o~~ara Watson

Appointment, Arena Anniversary. - tage at Wolf Trap



Fashion Calendar Real Estate Transactions

86 Social Calendar By Maggie Wimsatt

COVER The British and Washington are presented in this issue as seen by Simon Winchester, a London Times columnist who is leaving our town after eight happy years. In that time he has met and known many of the cast of characters who have come from the U.K. to their former colony. No Briton has had more impact on Washington than Sir Winston Churchill whose statue accompanies former U.S. Ambassador Anne Armstrong on our cover. Sir Winston stands one foot on British soil and the other on U.S. territory in front of the British Embassy on Massachusetts Avenue where for the past several months an early-morning jogger has placed a posy in his hand. The 1,500 pound statue was unveiled on April 9, 1966 on the third anniversary of the date on which Sir Winston was granted honorary U.S. citizenship. (photographed by Peter Garfield, Make-up by Susan Hauser.)

INVESTMENT Your purchase of a fine Oriental rug from the collection at


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ADD AN ORIENTAL RUG TO YOUR INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Hecht's Tysons Corner Oriental Rug Gallery 8100 Leesburg Pike, McLean, Virginia For Information About Our Investment Quality Rugs Call (703) 893-3003 Dossier/October 1980/5.


Publisher David Adler Editor Sonia Adler Assislant to the Edilor Lee Kirstein Editorial Associate Dorothy Marks General Manager Jean Tolson Design Consultant Susan R. Eason Art Direclor Lianne Uyeda Chief Photographer John Whitman Contribuling Editors Viola Drath, Bette Taylor, Maggie Wimsatt, Anne Denton Blair, David Hubler, Typography Van Dashner, Marsha Barrett Advertising Production Bonnie Down Production Assistants Carol Wydra . an May Engelen Jardin, Peter Lincoln Dunntg Circulalion Walter Duncan Bookkeeper Manha R. Brekhus Vice President/Advertising Jon Adler Local Advertising Director Catherine McCabe Account Executives Michael Earle, Donna Korman National Sales Offices: New York Catalyst Communications 6 260 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 1001 (212) 578-4830 Chicago 4761 West Touhy Avenue Lincolnwood, Illinois 60646 (312) 679-1100 Los Angeles . 1800 North Highland Avenue, SUIte 717 Hollywood, CA 90028 (2 I3) 462-2700 Miami 7600 Red Road, Miami, Fl. 33143 (305) 665-6263 Montreal 475 Sherbrooke SL,W. Montreal, H3A 2L9 Quebec (514) 842-5223 London I d 69 Fleet Street, London EC4Y IEU Eng an (01) 353.{)404 t Advertising and editorial offices located'~16 3301 New Mexico Ave., Washington, DC tpV , General Telephone (202) 362-58~ .. nS to For Social Coverage: Please send all mVltall~301 Social Secretary, The Washing/on DOSSl~'(please New Mexico Ave., Washington, DC 2001 edule send invitations as early as possible to sch coverage.)

. For. ~ubscripljons: Please send all sUbsCriPli~~o mqwnes,. applications and chang~s of addresrnent , The Washmg/on Dossier Subscnptlon Departs are PO Box 948, Farmingdale, NY 11737. Pnce" per $12 for I year; $22.50 for 2 years. Overseas $... year. Canada $.14 per year. ercia! rnrn Photographs for commercIal and non-cO . use are available for. sale. I bY The Washmg/on Dossier IS pu~hshed rnonthJenl; J Adler International, Ltd. David Adler, Presre talYJon Adler, Vice President; Sonia Adler, Sec Treasurer. Controlled circulation paid al D C. Richmond, Virginia 23261 and WashmgtOn, . ISSN # 0149·7936 Copyright 1980© Adler International Ltd. To be audited by


The magazine accepts no responsibility for

unsolicited manuscripts. artwork, piclUJes or cartoons. They will not be return~

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Annabells File HE DOSSIER OF WASHINGTON COMMENT ~Ol't' \ 10h lIes as Usual:




16. ,10 )1 .l)5t

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pra:.S.ears, once Reagan's guru, now G tlclng law, being wooed by Don \t~aharn to write political stuff for lVash' lith Ington Post...Nancy Reagan, Car~ugh. set in Middleburg, lonely for 1 100 Orma friends ... Mississippi now lectuS~all for Hodding Carter. He's With r~g at AU ... has a book contract Pia' arpers ... Sen. Stone's opponent ~c~ng dirty hardball ... Church and QObb~vern. ~till in trouble ...Linda CL s qUitting ERA to help make lIUck JOh governor ... Dr. James J. Na llson assistant secretary of the alt;: ~nder Nixon, is planning an /))0 native Inaugural Ball at the Arlie:: 2~O.OO a couple object: Prayer. keYn trYlOg to get Billy Graham as Otero


undin . the N g. IS not the only problem facing they' atJonal Symphony...The efforts by thr~ making are being undermined Illent el~ OWn Public Relations DepartStead' ow a~out making friends inand NOf enemIes? Splitsville for Dick dip I :ncy Haase and June (Popeyeone ~Y~ and Tom Jackson ...There's after elhlt~ House duo waiting until ~ader ectlons ... Hobart Taylor-Carol ll1anda~~rger was first in Marine Comthink' t s house ...The Taylors are Bahalng of spending lots of time in ·'.Ch~as. Empire Striking Back fisty's . SOtheb commg to town to give SChub/ a run for their money ...The for ~ t~ke-over as booking agent I< enc atlonal still rankling to been ... Upper balcony of National ll1inim touted for students at bare SUltantU~... International business conteleph eo Welt's book is literally a llekin One book for Americans visiting lliair ~ ..Mary Schneck, manager of COSt of ~~s~ couldn't keep up with the govern IVlOg on the tiny budget the teplace:ent .gave her ... she quit...her .\.l1lbtos ent. IS Ca~ol Benefield ...Myles e })~ckin' SInged m the eye at his Pig WIth Co h arbecue recovering ... Staged .\.J. C - ~sts the Ray Howars and the ronlQs EI . . ... ... em recovenng... Ron


Ziegler alive and well and living in Virginia...Rosemary Woods looking great. .. Victor Lasky laboring to meet deadline on Ford book ...Judy Lewis real estating ... Dick Coe, being deservedly heaped with honors, is writing a book ..Tommy Curtis interviewing for Metromedia network ... Renaissance man Joe McLellan covering Vienna Opera for WashPost ... Helen Hayes' name now on National lobby. She's fighting to preserve the Helen Hayes Theatre from the wrecker's ball in Gotham ...Larry King bitching about Whorehouse flick butchering ... Charlie and Algernon windy blast by Times' critic has angered Roger Stevens...True Davis hopes The Black Stallion will bring the kiddies to The Horse Show ... Kathleen Beer presented her painting of Prince Philip, driving a coach and four, to HRH ... Randy Reed's daughter, Pamela, married to Rick Amendola ...Two Mrs. Reeds attended ... The Cloisters in Georgetown attracting trendy set. .. 25% already sold ... Garfinckel's going English ... opening new Aquascutum shop... Curtain down on Beverly Malatesta's Palazzo boutique...Jane Evans, new prexy at Mt. Vernon College ... She's a Ph.D in Chinese literature. Foreign Intrigue: Ticketholders to the Meridian House Ball scrambling for dinner seats at the Russian Embassy ... It's a first time for the Russians ... Meridian House has a new angel. He's Robert J. Buckley, of Allegheny Ludlum. "I'll give them anything they want," he says ... Leila Hakki, pretty wife of Egypt's press attache, hooked on cigars ... Big Cubans.

Bits n Pieces: Informed sources report the new public TV magazine could lose up to $3 liz million this year ... Concern is over whether the taxpayer will be subsidizing this commercial loss ... Moonies infiltrating Boston University religious groups like Hillel and Christian organizations. 0


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Dossier/October 1980/7


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f you have not recently been to the WPA, otherwise known as the Yo ~ashington Project for the Arts, U will barely recognize the place. The ~ondemned building on G Street has bed?rne light and airy. Even the oncenlsmal performing space on its third 'W0~r ~as been spruced up. The mood at g A IS upbeat with a schedule of propr~ms to match its new direction. Occu~Ing the uncertain position between a th~seu~ and a commercial art gallery, lh project addresses itself not only to . e needs of "disenfranchised" WashIngton . o artists, the emerging talent in o~r .community, but to nationally recirnnl2ed artists whose work is too experci ~ntal to meet the criteria of com merO;t galleri~s or the conceptual precepts "he.capltal's museums. we With Our accent on the temporary, ge/ an do crazy things," says the enerCo IC Al Nodal who has steered the an~rse of the WPA for a year and a half irn ,saved the alternative space from 24 mlnent demise. With a program of d exhibitions_some of them outOOfS, smack in the middle of down-

Ed Mayer's Spiral with Two Triangles-Uneven Height, 1980, a site-specific project, was one of the installations at WPA's exhibit-StackingIRiggingIBinding-guest curated by Hirshhorn's Howard Fox. One of th . e most spectacular outdoor site projects is Overture - G Stnngs by Nade Haley, located at 12th and G Streets, N. W.

Dos ier/Oclober /980/9

town Washington-the visual arts are served as well as the performing arts. During the upcoming season the WPA's grand performing space will be enlivened by dancers, poets and theater groups every weekend. Judging by its stunning experimental exhibition of sculptures "Stacking/ Rigging/Binding," curated by the Hirshhorn's gifted Howard Fox this summer, the quality as well as the risks involved should be anything but routine. Fox's selection of ten contemporary artists who set out to explore the limits of their humble materials (mostly wood) by straining them to the breaking point, suggested intriguing esthetic perspectives. Given the properties of impermanence, like Ed Mayer's phantasmal labyrinth of stacked wood lath or Thomas Watcke's environment of precariously structured two-by-fours, the ambiguous constructivist vocabulary, probing the relationship between time and space, mass and gravity, force and constraint, took on-not unlike the leaning Tower of Pisa-unexpected, disquieting emotional overtones. Top-notch guest curators playa vital part in the WPA's programming. Walter Hopps, the California wunderkind of the arts, who brought glory and havoc in equal measure to the Corcoran and the National Collection of Fine Arts, is organizing an exhibition of imagist sculpture. Mary Swift, current chairman of the board of directors, and stripe painter Gene Davis, are talents who joined in April. Along with a show of the work of "Young Washington Artists," visitors will be treated to photography from Los Angeles and Texas. Al Nodal tries to strike a balance between showcasing home-grown talent, which accounts for 60 percent of the programming, and the works of artists from other places. By bringing the "vital flux of the avant garde into a city like Washington" Nodal hopes to keep the promising younger artists from moving to New York. The open studio which enables the public to visit the studios of local artists, will be repeated. The WPA provides maps. Last winter 23 artists participated in this successful outreach program aimed at a public not in the habit of going to galleries and museums. Once more, art site projects and large-scale environmental outdoor sculptures, will playa prominent part. Among the five monumental three-dimensional works, a prism piece by the well-known laser-beam artist Rockne IO/October /980/Dossier

itt路 Thomas Watcke's Untitled 1980, a 5 I specific sculpture exhibited at WPA in IllY'

o Krebs is without doubt the most inn ' vative entry. Also included w.i1l b\: neon show, possibly involv~ng stores along G Street, OrgaOl zed II Olivia Georgia, and a wall 'p~inting ~b Dupont Circle by Sam Gl1ham. Bw. Wade's giant "World's Largest co boy Boots" the 40-foot high. structure , d reo of pipes , wire mesh and paInte uen' thane foam on G and 12th streets eY t tually caught the eye of a deve1opme~ company from Columbia, Maryla n s; and it has proved to be the mOne rewarding art site sculpture. ~or developers purchased the bo?ts op. $40,000 and placed them in ~helr sh rt b ping center in San Anto~lO. RO';n' Newman's homage to "Pierre L shing' fant," a sandblasted map 0 f Wa !'la' ton, D.C., funded in part by the 328 tional Endowment for the Arts ~t. Is as New York Avenue, easily quahfl e


the most subtle and beautiful. . oY a' The art book store is another Inn . nO f tion. By no means an accumulatl O it expensive coffee-table art bOOkSj eS features books by the artists thems e Yge in small editions. With each pa e designed with special love and carr; these books are collector's items, art ob]'ects and first-rate presents for. ag thin . lovers and people who have every re It is, of course, no accident that th: c' is new life in the old WPA. "To be as cessible, to be eclectic and to take of many risks as possible" is the cred.OnO the 30-year old Adolpha Victor~e~' Nodal. In order to keep the u.tmos t ce ibility and provide artists With a spabe where they can do what they want,

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e'Y 01 Al Nodal, WPA 's energetic young director chats with Jack Pitcher and Carolyn RarnS the opening benefit this past summer.

will see to it that the store next door-until November on duty as an election headquarters-is eventually converted into an artist-run artists' annex, courtesy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. If finally after five years of existence, the WPA has shed its last vestiges of artiness and gained a professional profile as an important showplace for the arts in the nation's capital, it is thanks to the enormous artistic energies and managerial skills of its director and his crew of six who do not mind working extra hours. In contrast to the ego-trippers who drift in and out of the art scene these days, anxiously guarding their territory, Nodal, who holds an M.A. in museum studies from San Francisco State, is a true believer in openness and the democratic approach to the arts. "I like to get more people involved with our projects. You may lose some power, but in terms of input everybody gains," he comments. By training and temperament an artist, a sculptor and a photographer, the Cuban-born Nodal, who landed in Florida at the age of seven, is thoroughly conscious of the artists' concerns. At the same time Nodal understands that moral and financial support for a project of this scope has to be developed by "working at the grass roots. " His philosophy has paid off. First of all, the place, left shoddy by wellintentioned dilettantes in the mistaken idea that chaotic, anti-establishment chic somehow translates into creativity, got a thorough overhaul. Secondly, he /210crober 1980lDossier

. t s renee' put together a board of dlrec. or d t the ting his wide-ranging g~a.ls alme ~ash' extension of opportUnitIeS for first ington's budding artists. For the ard time poets (Ethelbert Miller of H~~ 9 University and Carolyn peac Yt~rs dancer (Maida Withers), cur)a and (Howard Fox, Walter HoPps. en 9 theater critic Gary Glover were glV s .. kl'ng pro ces'ty'S . . In . t h e d eCISlOn-ma vOIce Thirdly, he built up the com~un~s II support by initiating the "Fne~on~S There are 60 of them noW. As a theY SO for their annual donations .of $2 famed may choose a silkscreen pnnt by or 9 Gene Davis or Stephen LudlumWhile photograph by Mark powers. ctio JlS the Friends' fund raisers and ~~e seed barely make up for the loss of C fri It money provided by the ~ (00) ($30,000) and Meyer (abo~t $1 ~eral Foundations during the flr~t ~~ the years, Nodal is encou~age b siness positive response of pnvate u asoJl. which amounted to $60,000 lasth~e pro' With roughly 30 percent of .IJed bY jected budget of $170,000 pro~1 co tJI ' the NEA, grants from the D. . nitie a mission for the Arts and Hum t suf' and CETA he feels confident tha be , t can ficient corporate suppor mobilized to make up the balance;side If Nodal has one real concern e fof from looking for a permanent hO~eitY路 the WPA, it is the loss of spon~othef "I don't want to beco~e stuffy institution," he explaJOs. d the un By the looks of things aro n wit~ mo d not Place , which has much in com h nee New York's vibrant PSI, e DRA'f~ worry-for a while. - VIOLA

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The Imperial Formula beauty program: a basis for seemingly ageless s~n. Experience Bio-protective Night Cream. New, lavishly ,,~h, nourishing your complexion while you sleep. 1.3 oz., 35.00. CosmetIcs.


ยงooks by Neighbors




he last twelve months have seen a bumper crop of books that lila g? bump in the night. Among the I s ny fme tales of detection and I yUspense, I have singled out four for nOur pleasure and your peril. Read them ow, then give them for Christmas: (/n.no cent Blood by P. D. James p~~l?ners, $10.95). This is the story of It \I,h p pa Palfrey, adopted into a ,: Ish, ?onnish family but suddenly at P anxIous to know who her real harents are. By a new British law she as the . h that h rIg t to do so. The discovery 'at er mother is a murderess and her Of e father a rapist is just the beginning ad~ sUbtle and brilliant best seller that top s to P. D: James' reputation as the he woman In her field. Philippa and par mother take a small flat in a seedy ter~ ?f .London (the mother's prison lllUrd IS Ju.st .up),and the father of the night;r Victim stalks their days and






Treasure of Sainte Foy by MacHarris (Atheneum, $10.95).

hag' 1St h e u nus u a 1 s tor y 0 f a hi\llogr aphic heist. The setting is the uPl town of Conques in the spiny . of ands th of L angue d oc. The centerpiece e treasure in the great abbey

church at Conques is a superb goldencrusted statue of a local martyr. An American art historian suffering from loss of tenure falls in with a gang of political terrorists who want the statue for murky reasons of their own. Add an enchanting girl guide in the abbey, season with the aphoristic chief of the local gendarmes, stir with a brooding sense of time in abeyance and human nature on the lam and serve spicy hot. The gang steals the statue, but the French police chief steals the show. A Coat of Varnish by C. P. Snow (Scribners, $10.95). The late Lord Snow dubbed it the Establishment, and himself walked many of its Corridors of Power. So when he writes of the glossy world of British high society and politics as he does in this last novel, he brings credentials incomparable. A dowager who in her day had been an Edwardian enchantress is killed in her Belgravia town house and the suspects, all absolutely top drawer, are many. Snow builds his effects slowly but with great skill. There is a twist in the tail of the plot that is as clever as anything he ever did. Whip Hand by Dick Francis (Harper & Row, $9.95). Sid Halley is an ex-

jockey with a bionic hand. It will come as no surprise to Dick Franci fan that he is in deep trouble in hi new vocation as private eye to people in the racing world. At one point he escapes an assortment of thugs by hitching a ride in a balloon on a cross-country race. The pilot is a man as addicted to danger as Sid himself. Like the careening balloon, the story swoops over wellobserved valleys of the human condition. The speed with which Francis creates character-especially in the case of the charming ex-wife of the exjockey-makes other novelists seem slow on the draw. Oh, yes, if you can, beg, borrow, steal or buy a copy of the old Signet paperback of an early John Le Carre, Call for the Dead. It will make you realize what a splendid writer Le Carre was before he choked off his clear narrative gift with pretension and mannerism in The Honourable Schoolboy. -BURKE WILKINSON

Burke Wilkinson's own credentials in the field of suspense include Night of the Short Knives and two anthologies, Cry Spy! and Cry Sabotage!

Dossier/October 1980115



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Dc Fr



ine cellars in Washington are not usually blessed with the cold damp atmosphere of cellars in France where the dust and rnold-Iaden aged bottles almost makes them seem more special. But there are lllany individuals here who attach the s~me importance to a good bottle of WIne. The cellars in Washington can range from a specially built refrigerated room with cubicles solidly designed to h?ld aging liquid wonders to a closet nIche under the stairs. But the same love of fine wine prevails and colors the oWner's life. This has been going on for quite some time here. Thomas Jefferson had a great cellar at Monticello and loved the Champagnes and great Burgundies. lie C?unseled Washington, Adams an.d MadIson on selecting wines for their use. When he was President he spent oVer $2000 a year for wine to serve his guests. three ' The following summaries ,of S' .WlOe cellars may serve as an ~nto the good life , and we lOcIPI ration d I u e rare bottles one can buy now to ay away for future great occasions. ,Bunter Drum started collecting WInes cam after World War II , when he Ca e to Washington. In 1958, he beC;e a, member of the Confrerie des evahers du Tastevin, perhaps the lllo t prestigious wine society in the are 29 chapters in the nlted States. The Washington chapter founded in 1946 and Mr. Drum im ves as the "Grand Senechal." At an foportant gourmet dinner recently, C~s gras was served with Taittinger l'i oa~pagne, Consomme matched with pa , epe Sherry, river trout accomCordon Charlemagne Latour La and Veal Orloff was served with graceach~ 1969. The cheese course was Les ~ With ~he great Nuits St. Georges We f aucralns 1969. All these wines Ot~e rom the private cellar of the club! 'IN arren er members of the society include B David Ll urger, George Renchard, BOYd Kreeger, and Leo Daly. primarily collects urgUndles like his favorite La

~O~ld-there ~~s

I 19~;ed i

Fren~~t~r Dru~

Dossier/October /980//7

The time-honored tradition of decanting a fine wine is performed by Dr. Stanley Perl in his wine cellar, He is decanting a 1962 La Mission Haut Brion (a Graves Bordeaux),

Tache (Romanee Conti) 1964 or 1968, His wine cellar is in a closet in the basement-not specially cooled, but stable and accessible. He enjoys serving the American Schramsberg Champagne for special festivities. To Drum, good wine means the pleasure of sharing with friends. "It also preserves a way of eating and drinking which is perhaps disappearing." Fine wines enhance special occasions, and they are meant to be enjoyed. Other favorite Burgundies include Meursault and Chassagne Montrachet. Drum is also looking at Italian wines and Yugoslavian wines for daily drinking and is very enthusiastic about California wines. Drum suggests that the wine enthusiast save and store special bottles for as long as possible in the optimum conditions of little vibration and darkness. "Everything is usually drunk too young," he says and suggests one try less expensive choices. "But I'll buy Burgundies as long as I can afford them," he adds. To an Italian, food and wine are as natural as the sun. Guilio Cantoni grew up in Milan, but has made his home in Bethesda for many years. As an expert at NIH he undoubtedly knows the healthful aspects of wine, and he has collected 1,500-2,000 bottles in his cellar. He keeps his wines horizontally in clay canisters not specially cooled. He has been collecting since 1954 and has never lost a bottle. Guilio is a lover IS/October 1980/Dossier

191 6 Otdi of great French wines-he holds a, his Or a~ and 1934 Chateau Gruaud Larose l~ea1Jay 1 cellar. Other favorites are Ch1a for I~E Haut Brion and Cos d'Estorn ne ' 1\


~y &1

A Basic Wine Cellar White Wines 3 California Chardonnays dies 3 French Macons or White Burg un (Poilly Fuisse) 'net! 3 German (I Mosel; I Rhine Kabl or Spatlese) 2 Italian (Vernaccia) 2 Loires (Muscadet, Vouvray) Red Wines 6 Italian Chianti, Barolos, Barbera, ($3-$13) Spanish-Rioja-older '70s ($3-$7.50) Californian 6 Cabernets-3 for now ( '76 WilloW , ng Creek, Souverein); 3 for cellart ('76 Sterling' '77 Dry Creek) , ' H orne, Ridge) 2 Zmfandels (Sutter 2 Petite Sirah (Pedrizitti, '77 Concannon) 2 Gamays (Mondavi) 't French '75 petl e 16 Bordeaux-3 for now ( 6 chateaux); 13 for later ('75, '7 Classifieds) e' 2 Rhones (Chateau Neuf du Pap , Cote du Rhone) d BeaUne) 2 Beaujolais ('78, '79 Cot~ '~) 8 Burgundy ('76 Cote de Ul

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16 119 . n' y d'nn k'mg, a Ch"lantl Cl asslco , his Qr'Jtdinar : I~eau ~~s lanco de Ie' Allegra is perfect, he a for "....they are such values. I. nEventhoughmywinesarenotcooled, --------- yav e never lost a bottle. At the worst, great wines will mature in 40 years r Itead of 30," he adds. \tv ery month since 1961, Guilio and lt1~ther friends have a special dinner :lieS t SPouses-they are served the very ~ there is from the great Italian lett I{Olos to the great French Chateaux~~t Chateau Lafite and Chateau

~er ~961.

iidlashIngton is fabulous for someone ~ithY collecting fine wines, he says. ~ great competitive wine stores such ~d acArthur, A & A, Apex, Central WOodley, there are a great number ,,~POrtunities for wine tastings. ts t.art with a small number of bot~;-If You like a few, put them away. nin experiment." But if you like somethat's expensive-buy it to lay



Fabulous hooded fun fur. Utmost in warmth and style. Beige with dark shading. Sizes 6-20 Price $260.

Hours: Mon - Sat 9:30 A.M. - 6 P.M. 8300 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 654-5146 654-5002


~h SYe Great Italian Barolos may take ha;ar s to reach perfection, and one's age ces of finding the great 1964 vin,han are slim indeed. The market ~hit ges .rapidly. Guilio notes that even I)eop~ Wines are better with cellaring; hem e shouldn't be afraid to store InC)


~i~:~~le~ Perl, a radiologist, freelyad-

Fr nch cui inc from no n till midnight. For lunch, dinn r or late upper call 342-0810 for re ervations. omplimenrary valet parking available.

French cuisine. From midi to minuit.

IOns. Wine be!ng one of ~is .great yas-

~ \~t h路Cheap wmes were his first wmes, IS

taste and expertise grew. He

2800 Pennsylvania Avenue,

\'II Georgetown

Dossier/October /980//9

designer hancbags & 4417-19 jahn marr drive • annandale, virginia 354-2110 apen man-sat 10:00-5:30

20/0ctober J980/Doss;er

started collecting in bulk ten years ago and has built a marvelous, auto-cooled wine cellar in his basement in Georgetown, filled with favorites like 1945 Mouton Rothschild, 1947 Cheval Blanc, and Chateau Petrus 1975. "Wine is an interesting reflection of my life. It grows, changes, and hopefully matures. And you can look at it in an analytical way-you taste it as it changes," he says. Stanley's favorite region is the St. Julien in Bordeaux. He realizes a person just collecting now has high prices against him for the really exceptional bottles-he himself feels he started ten years too late. Stanley advises the wine buff to buy wines that are drinkable and try vertical tastings ("a '64 and a '70 in the same vintage"). It is essential to record one's experiences in the wine and food choices after sampling. Wine books and helpful wine purveyors abound for more assistance. The Perls are collecting Italian wines now, for high quality and low prices. People knowledgeable in wine are quick to discover favorites that they share with friends. Minister Pierre Colmant, the commercial counselor at the French Embassy, has a great love of Chateau Talbot-as old as he can get it. He'll serve it at home for dinners with Moet et Chandon Champagne for aperitifs, and often order Talbot when he is entertaining guests in restaurants. Jacques de Larosiere, head of the International Monetary Fund, enjoys serving Chateau Beycheville 1964 at his dinner parties; he acquired it and others during his current post. Experts in town are ready to assist you with the special bottles for cellar. The president of Les Amis du Vin, Ron Fonte, notes that Rhone wines, like Chateau Neuf du Pape and Cote Rotie, and Spanish Reservas, are reasonable now and of high quality. German wines have escalated 80 percent since 1970, 71 percent due to inflation. But the 1975 and 76 German wines are excellent and better buys for quality than later vintages. For real cellaring, the French Bordeaux and Italian Barolos are the longest "livers." The 1977 Vintage Port will be a bottle of the century to layaway. Buy a selection of red and white California and French petite chateaux to lay down for a few years. Almost any bottle, even jug wines, benefits from aging. Many wine purveyors will suggest special wines to hold and layaway.

, 'liar thOI The Cantonis check a vintage In the" ce 'e" , ji0 r wm .' has clay-canister-enclosed protectIon

L' uo fS Elliot Staren of MacArthur Iq f t recommends the 1975 and 1976 2~~O growths-wines that will live for ktO f 30 years. A 1976 Bernkastel er DOl tiS would be a nice addition for mar ve 0 sipping before a light dinner.. Rie s' The late harvest Johanmsb~rg I as lings of California are exceptlOnad'vi are the 1974 Cabernets of Mon , esa to' Sterling and Mayacamus-~mnote treasure in 10 to 20 years. Elhot eJ1' that recent Burgundies are v~rY eX~wef sive and do not have the staymg P talk' of older vintages-unless yOU a: e of ing about the Romanee Conti wme~ios. the best Montrachets and ~haf!lbertheif American wines are commg IntoYio e' own now. Staren gives Meredyth 'J11' . ks fof I yards' Seyval Blanc high mar mediate drinking enjoyment. still Douglas Jones at Ace Beverages he appreciates the older vintages t~a~ tiP and Harry Siegal can manage t~ ~c tl erJ1 for their customers. Chateau d . IqW ioe will always be a lusciousl~ specla The~ to match desserts or fOls gras. II [Of recommend Chateau Coutet as we of th a sweet Sauterne at alm~st ~ te~ouil' the price. White BurgundieS hke od . Cru a Iy Fuisse, Chablis Premier laid Chassagne Montrachet can be '[jed down for five years. The 1975 c1as~loWll y Bordeaux are wonderful to la p ' ho ll for 10 to 20 years-ChateaU h~teall Lalande , Chateau Montrose, Can be Petrus-some petite chateaUX ageS . drunk earher. May fl owe r BeverwjOeS has a selection of rare German 19005. and old Madeiras from the early t I de A spectacular 1900 sweet Mosca ecia l Setubel is available for occasions. _BETTE A


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hen Herbert and Gloria Haft lived in Chevy Chase and in Kalorama Square they missed the wide-open green spaces. Being a man of action, the founder and president of Dart Drug' 'moonlights," as he puts it, as a builder of shopping centers, apartment complexes and warehouses. He also has an interest in automotive supplies. Their son Robert is founder and president of Crown Books, and recently announced the acquisition of 14 more stores in L.A. Herbert bought 16 beautiful acres way out in Potomac and built the house of his dreams. Actually, the spacious white brick Normandy style country house is a mansion with 3 kitchens, 11 bathrooms, a gracious copper roof (equipped with a 75 year guarantee),


2UOctober 1980/Dossier

various terraces, an Olympic size swimming pool, an exquisitely kept tennis court, a vegetable garden and other suburban status symbols. It is also a decorator's dream. From the very grand 32-foot high foyer to the elegant twin living rooms measuring a comfortable 32 feet, everything was designed to accommodate any number of people with the greatest of ease. You could have a party with 250 intimate friends in these well proportioned rooms, all of them in understated tones of beige, gray and other neutrals, and still not feel crowded. The traffic flow-in and out of the living rooms, dining rooms and terraces-is worked out to perfection. On the other (Continued on Page 54)

h' h ceilings, is Above: The foyer, with its 32-foot Ig bl floor all space and light. The beige-hued m.ar e The in the entrance is graced with a Tabf/Z rug路 tapestry wall hanging was made ~o. order is China. Below: One of the twin IIVI~g rOO h'c air dominated bv Yankel Ginzburg's blomorp I " customstractions. The matching couches, the dinated made Edward Fields rugs are color coo,., and accentuated with ruby red pillows.



Left: One of the favorite spots in the living room is the elegant backgammon table made out of suede with its two art deco chairs. The target behind it is a symbol of Dart Drug and was designed by Herbert HqJt himself. Below: In the upstairs sitting room next to their art deco bedroom, the HqJts splendid collection of tableweights find a suitable setting. An oriental theme is repeated on the silk upholstered couches, draperies and all floral arrangement throughout the bedroom suite.

8elol\l' W; 'nOS ~rm par?uet floors 'no Ii. ere m the dmmg room


underline a quiet atseating 24. The . table of old black walnut is laidgnijicent d'mmg (ftnp~:t.for a buffet dinner. The Chinese screens, 4Ph Jars, hand-blocked fabric on the Ifndo:~ere~ dining chairs and floral centerpiece Oriental touch to a contemporary selling.

II Dossier/October /980/13

Pres rving the Status Symbol By Kathleen Burns

2410ctober 1980lDossier

Aging fur coats that have been hibernating in dark, dank clo ets are now being rejuvenated into more contemporary styles, thanks to orne innovative furriers. Unlike a passe suit or dress that may be handed down or given to Goodwill, you don't tend to give away a fur even if it's outdated. Instead, it is relegated to a closet or cold storage vault, where it hangs in isolation, season after season, while the owner fantasizes that someday that style will return. A check with a few of the furriers in town elicited some useful tips on what to do if you're down to your last fur and want to update it. Garfinckel's 628-7730 Shifting hemlines have rendered some coats useless. Various jacket lengths, collars and sleeves that are no longer popular, notes Bob McGrath, fur department manager for Garfinckel's. To salvage furs that still have some wearability, Garfinckel's is designing jackets using leather, suede and ultrasuede as well as knitted fabrics for sleeves, collars and coat fronts. Such renovations run from $700 to $2,000, depending on how many usable pelts were in the older coat. McGrath said the response to an ad the company ran last spring was "phenomenal!" People came to the store clutching the flyer and their old capes and stoles. McGrath cautions that restyling isn't always the answer since. high labor costs may not justify renovating too old a fur. But the company thus far this season has done more general restyling than they have since Garfinckel's opened its fur studios. "We've got quite a reputation in this area for doing miracles and we do lots of them," he said. I. Magnin 468-2900 At I. Magnin, fur manager Stephen

Sanders says the store supports remodeling and recycling furs, but only if the finished product warrant the investment. Sanders said they prefer to work with furs such as minks that are no more than seven years old. Their forte is repairs instead of remodeling, and they have no charge for the service. They also boast of their returns policy. "We take back anything. We want our customer to be happy," Sanders said. To enhance the aura of love at first sight, I. Magnin's has skylights for natural light on furs, serves cocktails to customers and favors a casual Califor-

At left, opposite page, natural heather Lunaraine mink by Christian Dior, at Garfinckel's. The Norwegian blue fox from Wood-ward & Lothrop, above. A t left on facing page, the woman in his life can't make a snap decision on a matter as important as choosing a fur. And so our goodnatured male stands by with a natural Glacial fox coat by Yves St. Laurent from Saks-Jandel on one arm and an Asiatic racoon coat from Garfinckel's on the other. On the limousine, left to right, are a grey cross mink cape and a Fitch jacket both from Mouratidis. A natural Lunaraine mink muff and hat from SaksJandel await milady's approval. Chauffeurs came by limousine from Dav-el Livery to carry gift boxes from Saks-Jandel, Woodward & Lothrop, Rosendorf-Evans, Miller's Fur, I. Magnin, Saks Fifth A ve., and Neiman-Marcus. The selection is so hard - maybe she can talk him into two furs?

Dossier/October 1980115

White mink coat at Mouratidis, pictured below.

/ White Russian lynx bellies coat at left, by Grosvenor. Below, left to right, natural brown Swakara blouson with wheat-dyed inserts, and wheat-dyed mink blouson with rust-dyed mink inserts, both by Jerry Sorbara, all at SaksJandel.

nia atmosphere so the customef i neither hurried nor harried. Unlike some department slOf~ ntO which lease the fur operation, I. Mag maintains its own fur factory in ~o Francisco and has fur salons in 18 of III 22 stores. 'e Nurturing their elite image is a prt'y e range from $450 to $135,000. 'fh r don't encourage trade-ins, as so~e 03 their competitors do. Designers ft~d . welcome niche here with attractiOn such as Berger Christiansen of ~e~' mark, Chloe, Karl Lagerfeld, Valentin, St. Laurent and Pat Iauto. Saks-Jandel 65Z-2250r ' ne Saks-Jandel also stresses de,slg to wear for its customer, according p Peter Marx. The Saks-Jandel line'~r, features Halston, St. Laurent, oeen' frey Beene, Sorbara, Chloe and Val tino. 3 "At this point, designers have beeniO major influence in the last six yeaf~ I' most of the fur houses in New yor ~I' Marx said. He termed the designer C 9 lections "an added plus, without doubt" in providing fresh insi.g~t ~ compared to "little old furriers h.ld 1'l: r away in back rooms turning out s1111 styles year after year." rn Taking up the cause of the for\째ci' male who wants to make the right dean sion when buying a fur for the wO~he in his life, Marx recommended that ee man review a woman's lifestyle to/be where and when a fur coat wo ul fof worn. Some are for skiing, some, 0' shopping and some strictly for fash10'1 s0 able evenings. If the woman dO,e jt want it, Marx requests that she bfll1~ld back and find something she WO really prefer. ~ , To avoid making mistakes, the Saus' C Jandel spokesman stressed that the 0tomer seek a furrier with the same CO th fidence he would a jeweler since bO are "blind" items.


Mouratidis One of the most common mista'rn' in buying a fur coat is getting an ;h e proper fit. And not only do th shoulders, back, arms, neck and leng jO have to fit, the overall coat must beef' proportion so the owner is not o~a whelmed by it, counsels Helen Nou heir of Mouratidis in Georgetown. ~ to coats, which range from $1,50 'dj $50,000, are all sold for fit. MOura~~~1 t also carries men's styles, with m 0 0 cco coyote, calf skin, nutria and ra at most popular. Men's furs start



(Continued on page 16/0ctober 1980/Dossier

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A Norwegian blue fox jacket from Le Parisien, at left. Above, mahogany mink from Miller's Furs. Below, pecan-dY~d fox by Dior from Garfinckel's.

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Dossier/October 1980117

There must be twelve thousand of us, give or take a few. No one knows for sure just how many Washingtonians are allowed to hold those delightful stiff navy blue passports that sport the royal crest and have the copperplate inscription on Page Two that begins: "Her Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs requests and requires ... " It goes on to demand that Simon Winchester has for eight years been the Washington Correspondentfor the London Daily Mail. He has recently left that post and is now a roving columnist in the European area for the London Times. l8/0ctober /980/Dossier

surly foreigners treat IS Britons decently, or else. No one kl ows for sure how many of those there are around here. This is no seamy Asian outpost where all the Queen's subjects are earnestly advised to register their names and addresses with the local British Consul. Insurrection and civil alarm seem so unlikely in Washington that we are reckoned well able to look after ourselves from the moment we arrive until the moment we leave. Only the State Department has a vague idea of our numbers since they do, technically, require foreigners to write their names on small white cards that can be found in post offices each January. And the

the! State Department informed me, ra laSl gravely I fancied, that there w~re at Co' count 990 Britons in the District of J1d J lumbia, some 5560 in Maryland \e 1 5487 in Virginia. Eleven thousand n ed hundred and thirty seven who b~the{a\'r to obey the American Immigrat~OnJ11e) to the letter-and a few more (like who forgot. aLI' It is tempting to say that the th aO sand dozen of us who live here h~ve to influence that is out of all proport~o; to our numbers. Think, lest you WIS 'gO challenge that, of the other fore~he groups who live in and around JO' American capital. What about the r 0 dians and the Pakistanis-I'll wage

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gUinea Or thel11 th two there are many more of Washin ~n there are of us, and yet is OUtpost g On becoming some western llr ooks BO f Bombay or Karachi? Do gUlab 'a rothers sell saris yet? Is there Cafeter~ ;;un to be found at Sholl's And ~'h Of COurse not! find P at of the French? I seem to , arts ofK S Citable Gall' treet swarming with exafterno IC matrons on hot summer half ot~ and get the impression that cal11p OUt ontmartre has decided to And Yet_O~ the banks of the Potomac. l11ake the; ough cuisine minceur may tOn Sta ood Section of the Washingb' r On naches and P Oc~asion and though erner and Les Cars are

de rigueur in racier parts of town, it cannot be said even by the most ardent Francophile that this town has been influenced-save, of course, for having been designed and planned-by the French. But the British-now there's a group who helped turn what might just have been a sleepy southern town into one of the more gracious of the world's purpose-built capitals. Compare Washington with, say, Canberra or Brasilia, Islamabad or whatever new town is being built to take over Juneau in Alaska. All of those places are, or soon will be, no doubt, sterile creations of some pompous architects, places that satisfy no one except for those who have to draw maps of the place. But Washington, as well as being a cartographer's paradise, is also a decent, softly rounded sort of city in which to live. To some small extent I am certain even the most keenly nationalistic of you will agree that has something to do with the presence here, in fairly large numbers, of the British. The French and the post-Depression architects of your own country made Washington a city of monuments, of course. We helped add the human touches-the gardens and the rows of townhouses and the Tudor mansions in the suburbs, the solid-looking clubs and the parks and the churches. The Washington Cathedral-does it remind one of Chartres, or the Jama Masjid in Old Delhi? No-its design comes straight from Exeter or Ely or Wells. Though it may well be graniteers from Vermont who sculpt the stones and fashion the gargoyles, the building's grand design says, discreetly, "I am British and I will set my mark upon the city I overlook." That is what I mean when I suggest that Britain has done much to soften the cityscape of Washington: that ideas

from the old country, models from the Cotswolds and the Weald and the fringes of Dartmoor have all come and settled down in the capital, making us somewhat homesick, if truth be known. This i an English city before anything else, an island of Engli hmen et in an American sea. But who are the twelve thousand of us who survive here, and what do we all do-save from making shop assistants laugh themselves silly at what they call our "cute little accents?" Well, as far as the State Department knows, we do just about everything you all do, except that a very large number of us-almost the largest single blocare members of the Corps of Diplomats. If anyone were to suggest the Briti h here like pecking orders as much as they do back in England-where, as they say, everyone from a duke to a dustman knows his precise position in Society-then we would have to admit that the Diplomats come top of the pile and are permitted first peck every time. There IS much interest in the character of the British Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary who is sent here by the reigning Monarch to convey her Ministers' messages to her friend in the Government of our Former Colony. When I arrived here eight year ago we had Lord romer-a rich and dignified man who knew a lot about horses and banking and precious little else-at the helm of the great flag hip British Emba y a he urged and ~ayed down Mas achusetts Avenue. His predecessor had gone off with the wife of the BBC corre pondent or viceversa: it wa a delicious scandal which Lady Cromer attempted to outdo by going on the radio and sugge ting that the life of an Asian (it was during a discussion of the Vietnam war, as I recall) was, on average, worth very little indeed. That cau ed a mighty flap. Dossier/October 1980119

Views from a Colonial

Sir Nicholas Henderson, current British ambassador.


It's the Middleburg Races, but couldn't it be a scene from Merrie Olde England?

Pamela Harriman was married to Randolph Churchill, the only son of Winston Churchill.

The Gerald Fords entertain the Queen and Prince Philip at the White House during the Bicentennial.

I Jay and Iris Former Ambassador Peter Cromer, wife Margaret greet the Earl o,{bothOms. who preceded the Peter Ran

1 ea 路路J-aaY Hermione Gingo 1a he;1 auction.

I~========-================================R=am=,,=w=i=th =='~ 3010ctober /980lDossier



A tiara-ed Lady Ramsbotham and Sir Peter wait to greet Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in July 1976.

Zandra Rhodes showed her collection at the Corcoran. Ambassador Elliot Richardson en route to present his credentials to HRH, the Queen.

The romer were ucceeded by the Ram botham , a charming couple who bu ied them elve in offering large dinner to anyone who had any influence in permitting the oncorde jet to land out at Dulle Airport. He clearly did hi job prelly well, because oncorde wa allowed in. The Ram botham were ordered home on one of the fir t to fly, becau e people back in "The Office" suddenly got it into their head that ir Peter wa ,a omeone in Downing Street put it, "a tuffed hirt." Then there were the thoroughly modern Jay, who did their be t to become intimate with the young ters in the Carter White Hou e but didn't do too terribly well and managed to divide social Wa hington into Those Who Did (like the Jays) and Those Who Didn't. Peter Jay found the whole busines of being Amba sador here a terrible bore-though he loved just being here, thinking Great Thoughts about the Decline of the West. He and Margaret remain here till, enjoying them elve hugely, Liked by those who Did, Loathed by tho e who Didn't. And the present incumbents are the Henderson , he a caricature of Engli hness, she a Greek hoste who is aid to set the be t table in Northwe t. Diplomatically, perhap they are not the greatest of ucce es, though the e are early days; ocially-though they have failed to revive that quinte entially English of ummer in titutions, the Queen's Birthday Party (or the "QBP," as it is known from our Emba sy in Reykjavik to our High Commi ion in Dacca)-they ar reckoned a singular triumph. From Cromer to Henderson the doyen and doyennes of the Briti h in Wa hington are leader, both in ymbol and in legal fact, of the thou ands of us who live here. Sometimes we feel comforted in the knowledge we are repreented and protected by a figure of terling credential. ometime we feel a slight twinge of unease, a though somehow Prince s Margaret had become Queen, and rock tar were heard to be tuning their guitars in the Gun Room at andringham. British amba ad or head a pack of some 600 diplomatic Other Rank who work either in the magnificent Lutyen man ion of the emba y re idence or in the omewhat unimaginative-were I not a patriot I might say, plain ugly-glass and brick office block next to it. No one is quite sure what all the e men and women do, ave shop at arfinckels and pu h paper from one ide Dos ierlOctober 1980131


of their desks to another. But they're a nice lot, and they decorate Chevy Chase parties with their uncommon wit and their interesting dental work. They are much in demand, from the lowliest Third Secretary in the passport office to the Minister himself in his great mansion (sort of Tudoresque, the kind of thing King Henry might have built had he settled on Foxhall Road). You'll find Britons propping up aspidistras and expressing quiet distaste at the temperature of the sherry from Middleburg to St. Mary's City and all places in between. But we are more than mere diplomats. There is, of course, the distinguished corps d'elite of the Washington journalists, men (I'd like to say there were women, but there aren't any just now) who have been given by their papers and magazines the nicest jobs going in British journalism: the American beat. There once was a time a decade or so ago when the British journalistic pack was the largest foreign contingent in town. Sad to say, we're now number two to the Japanese. The British are down to no more than forty strong these days, and when we take tea with the Ambassador every couple of months, we scarcely fill his drawing room. The Ambassador's little soirees are, in fact, about the only time we see each other en masse-the old bonds of siege mentality that kept us together have all but vanished with the years. Our editors like to suggest we meet as many Americans as possible rather than sticking to each other for security in this strange foreign land, so we tend to cultivate the natives and have found, to our delight, they are quite as friendly and as harmless as we had read. Then there are the other Brits-military people, naval types at the bases

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In tl The British Embassy Players, made up of staff members, presents plays of English origin to Tessie American and British audiences. Stars of a recent "Old Time Music Hall" are Len PrOSser, O'Shea, Mahri Miller and Producer, Doris Hall.

around here, army chaps out proving tanks over at Aberdeen and Air Force johnnies out at Dulles. There's a weekly plane which the RAF flies into Dulles-it happens to land in England at a village not ten miles from my home. A pang of homesickness courses through me when I see the Dulles departures board on a Saturday afternoon showing flights to London. The "bankies," as the World Bank employees are derisively termed, tend to include a lot of Brits-but once again, for some curious reason, there's no great social interchange between them and the diplomatic and journalistic community, which tends to move in lockstep for most of the tour here. Those I've known have this infuriating habit of taking themselves terribly seriously-not a British trait at all, oh, no-and leaving for protracted Study Tours of remote places in Deepest Africa, looking at textiles, or the effects of strange seven-legged bees on the local corn crop. Then they write huge Re-

kin 2 . ~ Ports , which occupy all of their wa tra a moments, and then they go on ex four gant Home Leaves ' for three or. ar e months at a time. Basically .bankle~ake freeloaders, and they know It: they ku 1k themselves too seriously, they s ne about in the knowledge that everYI~fe, knows they have far toO goo.d. a bY and they have the added liablhty.- I . all Ona virtue of working for an Intern re organization that somehow den aW re 0 .. h ny 01 ' them-of not being Bntls a t \0 but well, worldly. They even neglf~c un t carry their British passport~ and a the light blue laisser passers IOstead'their bounders. That's why they keep distance, frankly. . that The businessmen are lIke 'tis h too-the British Airways and Br~hO Leyland and British Paints people nd tend to commute between McLean; u Dulles and see little of the rest 0 a\l aW J' because their work keeps them ' h troUnced The Lincoln Mall Polo Club whIC. polO the British Combined Military ServICes othe' Team in Tidworth, England will hav~ ~~Olltll' crack at them on their home field thiS

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:t to tUllt the heir hat tish who and 'US raY,

a ddl~g to enjoy themselves out here l~ Stnce that is definitely not allowed ey get themselves posted off to Lagos and h So co t ra a f ter about a year, so it's Ihardly Worth making friend with ti~~' You tend only to spot them at the 109 stables on a Saturday afternoon fro - ."Oh Hello, Carruthers, you Ihe m ~elcester, eh? Why don't you and \lih mlSSUs pop over for a spot of tea 路 en you're back from your next Irip?" A j' nd then they ring to say they're USt on their way to Gan so sorry comPany' pohcy y'know "and you have lOme h ' In th ~ astly new fellah from Mumbles ch elr place before you even had a hafpce to see whether they could ride WWay decently. j ell, that's who we are-dipos O,urnos, bankies and military-wallahs' PUs a f h ' Gl' ew undred wives-of-AmericanVir s.a~d vice versas who live out in the to t~nla suburbs and somehow fade inOf e background like the better parts a onl .Muzak operetta: noticeable, but y JUSt.


tcnd ose of us who live settled lives here can'{ ~ sUPPose_I say that because one b e Sure some of the chaps who've Cen here I to k onger aren't going nativeDr' eep the British thing going in the of Our Own homes Yes we halvacy ve to r d ' , eVer ea. your awful newspapers Bank ~ornlng, but once the World GlObe ookstore opens or once the there' Book Shop opens its doors, reaso s The Times to read and a dian ~ble crossword to do. The Guarthat's ~eklY com~s each Tuesday, and the la~ o~ fu.n With pretty pictures of rnak e DI tnct or the Su ffolk coast to eoureye . two T s mist over for a second or here'_ T~:e:s good tea to be found Souch Inlng Earl Grey or Lapsang were t~ng are there in the Safeway-and get a ~ Water not so rotten, one might can b~ od ~uppa once in a while. You the qUite good teapot here but old I e has to knit a new co y on;e the One falls t b' by th h O l t or gets chewed up aWfUle ound. The biscuits are pretty rivin g-You tend to find that people arDUlle at the International part of a k' s are besieged by their relatives 11. Ing for k vvhOI pac ets of Chocolate they ce:;:.ea! Or Rich Tea biscuit as if become ~al~ed cocaine and we had all And th~~I~ted. Maybe we have. hertz e e s the BBC-9.755 megathe Wor~~r~ evening at 9 p.m. There's t~e next da ;w and the headlines from (It being / s Fle~t Street papers which ready b a.m. In London) have aleen read and digested by the



staff at Bu h Hou e. U ually the SBC newsreader pre ents the new in dignified monotone: very 0 ca ionally, though, he'll wi h you goodnight and tell you how he has to go home to Putney and it's raining and hi bike ha a puncture and you feel yourself wishing so badly to be home. There's a man at one of the belter tailor in Chevy Chase who Ii tens to the BBC every day, and once when hi radio conked out, he had to ring all the Brits for whom he had made suits to find out what the Test score was. I leave here in November, after eight happy years in Washington where I've written about everything under the sun from the travail of Watergate to the tragedies at Wounded Knee and Jonestown to the comedies of the Carter pre -

The Good Services ofEngIand By Janice Mione Barby's Fabrics, Mazza Gallerie-Look for the Union Jack sign on imported cotton prints, Tartanelle, Liberty of London. Harris tweeds and Peter MacArthur plaids. Saville of London, Mazza Gallerie-Custom-tailored mens' suits and coats, women's suits, finest imported fabrics. William P. Field, 3270 SSt., N.W.-English bench tailor, men' suits. Laura Ashley's, 32nd & M Sts., N.W.Classic frocks in pure cotton, no synthetics. Also upholstery and lampshade . Everything is custom-de igned. "A Laura Ashley is Forever." Bloomingdale's, Tysons Corner & White Flint-Styles and fabrics to suit the occasion. Jaeger's, White Flint-Preppie sweaters, English tweed , finest imports. Georgetown Tobacco, 31st and M Sts., N. W., Montgomery Mall, Tyson' Corner -Cheratan, Dunhill, and other quality pipes, assorted tobaccos. Alfred Dunhill's of London, White Flint-Lighters, leather goods, quartz watches, exclusive gifts. W. Curtis Draper Tobacconist, 1122 Connecticut Ave., N.W.-English tobacco and accessories. Magruder's Gourmet Grocers, 5626 Con'lecticut Ave., N. W.-Chutneys, marmalades, plum pudding, oatcakes and other delectables. Market House, 34th & M Sts., N.W.Fragrant bins of loose teas, cream toffee,

idency. Like all my fellow countrymen I have felt completely at home in thi town, becau e a I mentioned at the out et, it's a very Briti h ort of pia e, peopled with a very Briti h ort of bunch. Oh ye , the car are bigger and it get a lot hOller in the ummer and people don't dre s quite the way they do back home, and the gras i browner and the phone work more efficiently and you do all peak with funny accent . But generally, thi i a recognizable town to us, and that keep u happy. And if it' recognizable becau e of the influence we have had over the year, 0 much the beller. It give an added piquancy to that phrase you u ed to see on bumper stickers here: "DCLast Colony." We like that; long may it remain so.O

sea salt crystal, and "petticoat tail," butter shortbread for high tea. Crabtree & Evelyn, Mazza Gallerie, 1101 Connecticut Ave., N.W., White FlintGreen pepper wine vinegar, lime mustard, marmalades. Piccadilly Pub, 5510 Connecticut Ave., N.W.-Cock-a-Ieekie soup, shepherd' pie, or gooseberry fool. Sip orne merrydown mead, the honeymooners' wine. Barley Mow, 7th & Maine Ave., S.W.Enjoy beef and sumptuous des ert erved by wenches in 18th century costume. Phineas Prime Rib and Pub, Wi consin Ave., N.W.-Prime rib pecial, waiters and waitresses in courtly attire. Tiber Creek Pub, 15 ESt., N.W.-On Capitol Hill, ale by the yard. Scotland Yard, 728 King St., Alexandria-Beveled glass windows, tartan-clad tables, authentic mood and food. Try baked eggs or Scotch woodcock. Engli h lea is erved at Twig' in the Capitol Hilton, Watergate Terrace' Potomac Lounge, and the Lobby Court at the Sheraton-Carlton. The Garden Terrace at the Four Seasons Hotel erves scones. British Auto Services, Inc., Frederick, Md.-Sales and ervice on Jaguar, Rovers, Triumph, and MG . The only exclusively British auto dealer run by Britons in the Wa hington area. Manhattan Auto, Rockville and Arlington-Triumph, pitfire, MG. Rockville has the Rover. Key Bridge New tand, 32nd & M St ., N.W.-Magazine include Private Eye, In Britain, the Economist, History Today and Over 21. orne newspapers on the rack were London Times, London Observer, and Iri h Post. British Airways-Daily 747 service to London from Dulles, and the Con orde three times weekly.

Dossier/October /980/33

By Dorothy Marks

SIRONG More Summits toCDnquer

Racking up "firsts" seems to bea~nde way of life for Anne Armstrong. In • First woman co-chairman o~ the lew d Republican National CommIttee, Reag 1971-73. lIrea • First woman keynoter at a Repub' 'llind lican National Convention, 1972. , Ri • First woman counsellor to the pre \- Ialk dent to hold Cabinet rank, 1973-74 . re • First woman citizen-member of th l to Smithsonian Institution's Board 0 1lak Regents. Ost • First woman Ambassador fro~ ~h ~n p ln United States to Great Bnta , kacti 1976-77. . n' a hi • First woman to receive ser.lO uS ta : sideration for the Repubhcan Ie ~ nc Presidential post, 1976 and 1980. . t S.OI • First woman chairman of the Eng nWtn !ish-Speaking Union 1977-1980. alia . '. with five Currently she IS co-chairman h lh c Senator Paul Laxalt of the Reagan-BUS Whey campaign and a principal spokesman t' 01 Icesl Paigl


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3410ctober /980lDossier

, be aIn defense and foreign policy matters. r In an interview in her small office a ~ the:w doors away from that of candidate ,ttee, ijeagan, the Ambassador admitted she b ~eady has a few more summits in ~pu ~Ind to conquer. ;;es i. II~ight now there is talk-and it is only 3-74, ~ -that she may be the first woman f th cretary of State should Reagan make 'd of to the White House. If he doesn't ~ak . . e It, It will not alter her status as the [1 the ~ost important woman in the Republitain, ~n ~arty. At 53, she is a charming, at:aC~lVe and brainy woman, married to con' highly-supportive wealthy Texas V路 e ta ' Ie ~ ncher, Tobin Armstrong. Armstrong ~, ESOmething of a lookalike for Jock Eng' DWing, the rangy pater jamilias in TV's ). 'th nalias.. She has the support, too, of her ve WI h Ih children ("Now all working at jobs BuS ey like, thank heaven" ') three of 'mao I\'h . , , Ii o~ have already served appren"C~shlps working in Republican cam-alg ns .

lh~~es she have her eye on becoming o first Republican woman Governor / Senator of Texas? "If the circumtlances were right, I might even be inp~e~ted in the state legislature. I don't t It out of my mind completely" she Says. ' It . Ion .IS no secret that Armstrong, a 1\ ghme advocate of the Equal Rights prnendment and a supporter of the Sut{e rne Court's 1973 decision on aborRon, has her differences with candidate saeagan on these points. Sunnily, she h Ys she feels entirely comfortable in e~lpre~ent role in the campaign. li o Be IS very well aware of my views. Sa Wever, Our long-range goals are the onrne and I am impressed by his record Of ~q~al rights when he was governor I ah~ornia. If the ERA doesn't pass, ac~~y fmd myself working with him to sio leve equal status at the Congressa nal and state legislature level," she St Ys ' fl as h'mg the omnipresent Arm-' rang smile B' . th rIng up her role as Ambassador to e as ;ourt of St. James and she dimples eyes sparkle. "I loved eVerylue-green , Sh mmut~ of it," she says. gl e descnbes the day she rode in a Ye~ts Coach, clasping a bouquet of cre~W r~ses from Texas, to present her g en hals to the Queen as "the ti~~~~~t moment in my life to that


~~~ehArmstrong "feeling just like Cinderella"

to Pr usband Tobin alighting from a glass coach C;nd~:~~ her credentials to the Queen, Unlike Ivorry b' Ambassador Armstrong didn't have to a out her coach turning into a pumpkin.

She adds, "For one thing, being a woman was no problem. The British have a tradition of women in meaningful roles-Queens, Members of Parliament, famous writers-so I didn't have to spend a lot of time proving myself. I could get right to work." "The things I liked most about the British? Their kindnesses, their wit and their magnificent use of the language." Armstrong made her first visit to England as a 1949 Vassar graduate, majoring in English and literature. At the time, she was headed for a career in journalism. In 1976 she made points by being the first Ambassador to visit Ulster to observe firsthand the problems among the British, Protestant and Catholic partisans there. When she was three months into the job, the Washington Post's man in London, Bernard Nossiter, wrote that

President of the United State. While Henry Ki singer' State Department routinely ignored career diplomats, Kissinger did not ignore Anne Arm trong because he wa a power in the Republican party and becau e he liked her. Anne Armstrong's time in London was made even better by her hu band Tobin's love of the country and his volunteer assignment with the U.S. Department of Agriculture helping to promote the export of American agricultural products to Europe. At Grosvenor Square I was the Ambassador, but at Winfield House, Tobin was always the host," she says. It was also a fairy tale time because Anne Armstrong's Ambassadorship began during the Bicentennial year, events of which she had been instrumental in planning as White House advisor under Presidents Nixon and Ford. II


At home on the ranch in Texas, Anne and Tobin savor time with their family, enjoy riding, hunting doves and quail and fishing for bass in the ponds on their 50,OOO-acre spread.

she was proving herself "through intelligence and hard work." She had had to work hard, he noted, at overcoming a stereotyped view in Britain of rightwing Texans. The British press had pictured her monolithically-and mistakenly-as sympathetic to the Reagan wing of the Republican Party, and not as the pragmatic politician and diplomat she turned out to be. A measure of her success was the favorable impression she made on John Grigg of the Weekly Spectator who wanted her promoted and nominated as the first woman

She accompanied the Queen and Prince Philip to this country for the Bicentennial celebration. Prince Charles visited the 50,OOO-acre Armstrong ranch and helped herd their Santa Gertrudis cattle. The Armstrongs were houseguests of the Royal Family on everal occasions. Once, Anne Armstrong wore her handsomely-tooled Texas boots under a long dinner dress and the British loved it. One-time Minister to Washington Michael Stewart, now an official with

(Continued on Page 52) Dossier/October 1980/35

( Downtown, uptown or out of town: move up your lifestyle. Improve your tax picture. Plot your next move now to a better place to live. Washington is a pot-pourri of good housing, homestyles and neighborhoods. Choices range from Potomac to McLean, Annapolis to Winchester, from Capitol Hill to Kalorama, from Georgetown to Alexandria. Your home can be a riverfront condo or a country estate, a simple rowhouse, a penthouse co-op or a duplex apartment (own both, rent one). A home is like a person, unique in form and function with a personality all its own. Finding the right home is like finding the right mate.

Planning a Dream Home William Crowell of Crowell and Baker Builders says your next home should be the house of your dreams, a place to indulge your fantasies, Disneyland with your name on the mailbox. Put together your dreamsheet (along with your ledger sheet) to find what you want. Unless you're new in town, you've been making mental notes of your likes and dislikes as you travel in the better neighborhoods of the metro area. During each visit with friends or colleagues, at each formal or informal social affair, you've been making observations. Jot them down. Pull them together. Larry Silverman, president of Lewis and Silverman Realtors, says lifestyle is placed at the top of most home hunters' lists. But what physical requirements must your next home have to accommodate your desires? Go through your list: Bedroomswith or without adjoining baths, nursery, sitting areas, fireplace; the number, the size, their relation to each other and to the other living areas. Bathsshower stall and tub (for how many), lights, mirrors, lavatories, commodes, bidet, linen closet. Kitchen-are you a gourmet cook, or do you dine out mostly? Are your at-home functions catered, or do you do it yourself? 36/0ctober /980/Dossier


uptown or

By Kenneth Geremia


The list can be endless: wine cellar, billiard room, sewing room, library, offices, exercise room, family room, service quarters, laundry, garages, decks and patios and so on.

Exploration Pays Off While your dreams are important, Elizabeth Cadell of Crossroads Realty, Ltd., stresses that good quality housing is a prime motive for moving up. Be like every good scout exploring the unfamiliar: prepared. Be prepared to pay for location, to pay the difference between existing homes and new. Because of their locations, Washington's existing home prices often outstrip new home prices by 150/0 to 20%. That's a greater difference than for any other city in the nation, points out Dr. Michael Sumichrast, vice president and chief economist for the National Association of Home Builders. If you live in the metro area, you can take your time looking for the perfect match up for your move up. As with the Courtier, the savoring of the selections available makes the final choice that much sweeter. If you look long enough and hard enough, you'll find what you like. Start exploring by turning the pages of Washington Dossier and the weekend section of the local papers. Take a

tour through the city and suburbs IO~~; ing for For Sale signs. That helps, it's ofter. slow going. 81 Better yet, note the names of the r~lll estate agent or broker associated WI d the type of home and neighbo rhOO e you may be interested in. A few ~h?~1 calls can save many miles of ineffJCle meandering. cy Sorra-Lee Raven with her age/l v Snider Brothers, has introduced a r~. service to the area-a chauffeured I js ousine service to provide "an oa~e from distraction" while you toUr I town. Interview Agents tile Good real estate agents knoW Il e market. They know the details of I c neighborhood, home design and decOc~ They know the people who live t~~ve and the lenders who can help yOU I there, too. . jIll You'll be spending a lot of time W. e the real estate agent of your ch0 lC' oC Establish a rapport. Tell the agent yO'lY requirements. Be frank about f,ar/l1c.[ income. The agent will keep the Inf~o mation confidential and will shoW y o' how to use your income to your best a vantage. oll' Agents can assist with writin~ ~ C II tract, making an offer, o~tal~l/lg(1c' bridge loan or finding "creatIve fl/l a


ing" to suit your need. How much you pay for moving up i up to you. Homestyle, life tyle and Uncle Sam' tax turnstile all enter the decision. Creative Financing Many buyers arrange their own financing. Bu iness associates at avings and loan institutions, commercial banks and mortgage loan companie are often the first source. In urance companies, independent investor, a business firm or the seller may bankroll the purchase. In today's market, down payment requirements usually range from about 25070 to 33 % or more, depending on the size of the mortgage principal and the buyer's qualifications, says Larry Silverman. Your tax man will advise you whether to seek a high or low loan-tovalue mortgage. You may want a deferred-interest loan or one with a deferred principal, depending on money market conditions or your personal income picture. Fixed-rate or variablerate or renewable-rate loans may be to your advantage depending on how long you plan to stay in your next home. Steve Willmann of Crowell and Baker reminds us again about tax shelter: "Whatever you put into your home and lot goes on the mortgage." Rollover loans, usually with fiveyear options for renewing at a higher interest rate or extending the maturity (up to 40 years), may fit your inve tment plan better. Short term mortgages (five to ten years) with a balloon payment at maturity may be attractive, too. An equity-participation loan might even be constructed, depending on the appreciation factor of your new home investment (up to 20% annually or more) and the inclination of the lender. Combination of the above can tailor the financing to your personal needs. Minimum risk to the lender is the key. Put your assets, ingenuity, contacts and negotiating prowess to work for you. (Continued on Page 7/) Do sier/Oclober /980/37

let Us Awaken You to a Vast and Wondrous Land Since early last year we've been busy capturing, in true Bloomingdale's style, the spirit and substance of an entire nation-the People's Republic of China, Each of our stores has been totally transformed with exotic exhibits, shimmering shops full of treasures for you to touch, taste, tryon and take home, Myriad and magnificent multimedia events, Never has a country-a people-so captivated us, Herewith, an inkling of what awaits,

OUR CHINA MARKETPLACE Three Pools That Mirror the Moon: A trove of opulence, handknit cashmeres to antique embroidered robes. The People's Market: Brimming with delights, tea party essentials to painted enamelware,

Sept. 29

The Friendship Store: Today's lifestyle turned Oriental, with Shanghai T-shirts and Mandarin satins,

REFLECTIONS OF CHINA Ceremonial Robes of the Imperial Court, from the Palace Museum in Peking, made possible by a grant from Mobil. (October 27November 8 at White Flint),

Designer Spaces '80China-inspired interiors, traditional to contemporary, Photo Essays by Eastman Kodak. And a sensurround of exciting events every day, We salute Pan Am, airborne pioneer of the Pacific, We welcome the American Express card.


Nov. 8



DOYenne of W If ~Or Joh 0 0 Trap, Kay Shouse and Gover- Carol and Peter Kaplan at the South- Brazilian Ambassador Silveira and Carol Towe n alton. ' of-the-Border spread. cut a mean Mexican hat dance.


Dossier/October /980/39

f7lefllrfl to.gracIous



Member of the board of trustees emeritus, Patrick Hayes and his wife Evelyn (left) n Senator Alan Cranston and his wife (right) congratulate Victor Borge after his performa at the gala. After senators and friends of Arena Stage. for' comedian-pianist Victor Borge's per He mance, all available space in the thea ", was used for a cabaret in the Old Vat R~~ng a disco in the rehearsal hall ~nd a 5 ~as' quartet in Arena's lobby. Mexican Am ar' Zelda and Tom Fichandler celebrated the sador and Mrs. Margain hosted a fourth P 30th anniversary of the theatre they nur- ty at their Embassy for patrons. tured through the years with ambassadors,


The Embassy Row Hotel 2016 vllUssac/ltt.felts foe., 2064000

\ 'lfp

,Jioee oaletj}{fl'/uiW pftel' OjJl/I




. . . . / ,<.. . :.i'


Ires I ....... 'd and ~e~1 • A happy benefit chairman Susan Samuels reports to longtime supporters DaVI ~Seco Carmen Kreeger on the $68,000 grossed that evening.

french skin care excluslvlte for cellulite treatment muscles firmln


FRANCE INTERNATIONAL CHEVY CHASE 686 9310 40/0ctober /980/Dossier

Author Merle Miller receives congratulations from Rod MacLelsh and Joe Rauh.



Interior Design Studio

~o~~ ~

lIen ~ire: administrator Tom Fichandler ad·

Suddenly ... a chair becomes your whole room . .. a very personal statement. Once, just a dream in the back of your mind. Now, with our help a stunning reality ... even more beautiful than you ever imagined. Studio of Interior Design: Washington, Chevy Chase, Wheaton Plaza, Tysons Corner, Montgomery Mall, Annapolis

and Ile~i the beautifully carved ceilings at the ~Secan Embassy with Cultural Attache maria Casas.



"N' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '!tl~en the likes of Liz Carpenter, Coates ·boo~n, Bob Fratkin and Leslie Scherr host 11 b -and-author party they don't just pro~seooze and hor d'oeuvres and a few well· I)en words. nC\1 Party they gave at the Woman's Na· Iler, Democratic Club to launch Merle ~e ~ Lyndon: An Oral History came comliOn Ith campaign posters, banners and ~'s ~~rom the 1960s, songs composed on lly c Ir Force One rendered along with :~rt)yomm~ntary by then chief of protocol lit SYmington and some revelations l~e i;~ndon by author Miller which never ;ong S ~OSt In~o the book. n. ·tIlos algla hung heavy in the air as LBJ traded memories.





DID YOU KNOW? ·You can buy a handmade rug for less than a machine-made rug. ·You must wash your rug every 3 or 4 years (maximum) to refreshen the wool. We invite you to visit our showroom and share our knowledge and mutual admiration of these distinctive handmade rugs.

8019 Wisconsin Avenue • Bethesda, Maryland 20014 • 657-2124 • 986-1908 Dossier/October 1980/41



He)f TIll)

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fllrrrby117 \,IRC,I"I,'

SEYVAL BLANC '.1'...... '.OUI,J(lu .... n.Ollilllll\ "11'1I~ '" \ ''''''''1')0. '''I IUti I' '\IWl .... '~ ~1I0..lo( 1.- Iv .IJU



When you light the candles Light up your lover ... Wilh a classic. delicale(1' w/i Vir~i/lia lVille. A prelllill/1/ Seyval Blallc.


:1' care/it/(I' lIIolured 10 Ihe peak 0/ per/eelioll. Tal/e alld Ihell blly 01 .

I he winery slore. AI Ihe Middlebur~ blillker Ii~hl all US SO. 111m 101lih Oil 7762 112 lIIiles 10628. Ihellce rip,!11 2'12 lIIile.1 10 Mcredylh Villl'yard.s enlrallce.


Va. 22117


Regents Mrs. Randall Hagner, Jr. and Mrs. John Guy, Jr. pose with Director John Castellani.


Geol and

Ladi Clos1 Pres tan"



A privileged guest list of 100 was invited

D.C. Melr047/4399 or (703) 687-6277

Remember.. . ~ Virginia is for 1\ 100'ers


Food guru Bob McDaniels describes the evaning's menu to Senator Strom and Nancy Thurmond.

42/0ctober 1980/Dossier

co(ll' The International Culinary I din' petition held a dress rehear~~o the ner at L'Enfant Plaza Hote and delight of local epicures and politicos like Donald Dresdend hiS Senator Strom Thurmond an hats wife Nancy. In Frankfurt,. ~ en' will vie for gold medals Wit d as' trees like stuffed seabasshanchefS sorted pastry pastiches. Teare took over the kitchen to prel~cal their specialties. Kraft an~ riO Us food societies put on a g a Bob show. Gourmet honchO with McDaniels seemed pleased we il the evening's success - asshOW he should since he stole the away from New York.

Personalized Jewelry For The Discriminating Buyer Authentic six strand Biwl pearl necklace with assorted colored stones In a gold clasp

Author Ch Gear arl.es Cecil Wall autographs and ~~ W~Shtngton: Citizen-Soldier for Col. s. .M. Johnson.

n to yof

non non

ladies A '. ClOSely SSocl.atlon, it included persons president~Ssoclated with preserving the ton's COI: al home and a few of WashingPeter J ateral descendants like Walter , r. and Mrs. A. Smith Bowman.


lirs!' The midwe eVening is s~ turkey roll, hit entree of the F'r1eden;ei ~Iven finishing touches by Klaus CUlinary t c , captain of the U.S. Olympic SChneide:am, Baron Garland and Richard




Kraft's 0 . fre rIe's H orrs Ay res (center) and the ConChat befo~~rrh Greenwald and his wife Alice e rehearsal dinner.


A. RUBY - V, caral, V, caral lotal diamonds, $775. B. EMERALD - .20 carat, .25 carat total diamonds $925. C. SAPPHIRE - 1V, carat, .51 carat lotal diamonds $2350. D. EMERALD - V, caral, .30 carat total diamonds $1950. E. RUBY - .90 carat, .50 carat total diamonds $2300. All rings made of 18K yellow gold.




Dossier/Oc/ober 1980/43

44/0ctober 1980 Dossier



VIRGINIf\ Lilly Parker's




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~eg' ~Ve~onal Vice President of Saks Fifth

.1Il1l"'/~tartin Ralsky and his wife Marcia



the floor.

Dossier/October 1980/45

[ A. ar 2C te

wj la

RI h( c~







NaJa4i'1ZIl $f~. !At!. 2323 \\"isconsin Ave., ;\;.W. Washington, D.C. 333-7800


ee this exqui ite array of fine oriental rugs at Nazarian Bros. ow


46/0ctober 1980/Dossier

• . ~u~ Betty Quinn, Preview Party Chalrma n' de the Naylor and Millie Mailliard ready to r~ used 1929 emerald-green Ford like the log n-Co~ on invitations to view the G~umahOUSB House (circa 1929) at 3516 Rltt en scotf Street, NW. which opened to skirl °org a C· tish bagpipers on October 3. Mrs. Gehe NilBoddiger is general chairman of IICh will tional Symphony's show house wh remain open through November 2.



After mov' f and Herb mg rom Chevy Chase to their counry house in Potomac, Gloria t 200 of th er ~aft, Wanted to share the wide-open spaces with more than teins, thee~ cltY-b?und friends. The Sidney Epsteins, the Bernard Goldswho roam enry Klmelmans and Claudine Malone were among the guests lawns andedd through the vast California-style home, lingered on the wide RObert H f anced under the stars. (Above) Lynn Scalise, Crown Book head hour. (Lef~) tHand Pauline Lubcher enjoy a happy moment during the cocktail corner fo erbert Haft and long-time friend Dollye Berman choose a quiet favorite ~ ~ chat embellished by rare Chinese vases. (Right) Washington's' at er Hawkins at the buffet line serves the Shelly Kanins.





(;,.atLt~~ o~




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Dossier/October /980/47

Secretary Muskie embraces the new Ambassador after presenting her with the flag of the Bureau of Consular Affairs. The presentation was un· precedented and represented, according to the Secretary, a symbolic thank· you for a dozen years of grateful service.


Malaysia. Her brother, Judge James L. Watson of New York administered the oath while her sister Grace held the Bible. Secretary of State Muskie After twelve years as Assistant presided over the ceremony. Am· Secretary of State for Consular Af· bassadors from Jamaica, Trinidad, fairs, Barbara Watson, surrounded by Barbados and Mexico attended. The ti:l~:liIIIS!E admirers and friends, was sworn in Walter Annenbergs flew in especially as the new U.S. Ambassador to for the occasion.




., • Gov. Harriman, and Judge Watson reminisce about their families who have been friends for 40 years.

48/0ctober /980/Dossier



Veteran diplomat Ellsworth Bunker and Carol Laisewere alsoon hand to and counsel to the new Ambassador.

offer advice


/\nlique ~Guild~ ~AntiqUeS,~

Washington Square Antiques A carefully chosen selection of 18th and 19th century English and American furniture. acce~-sories, oil paintings and reproductions.

Sliver, Paintings, and Jewelry Estates 8< Individual Items Purchased, traded, 8< sold 113 North Fairfax Street Old Town Alexandria Virginia 22314


(703) 836路1 048

, 689 5. Washington 51. Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703) 836-3214






\ YJ'ar~house '!J'\.ntlques

ANTIQUE CLOTHING BOUTIQUE 218 North Lee Street Crilley Warehouse Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703) 683-0094

This exceptional New England desk was made at the renown cabinet shop of Thomas & John Seymour, circa 1790. It is completely original and in superb condition.

[thridge ltd. 703-548.7722 202-332-0761

Hours 11:00 n 5-00 Tuesda h i Yt ru Saturday


John Ethridge Morris 220 So. Washington St. Alexandria, Va 22314

THE INVESTOR'S SOURCE of fine paintings, furniture, jewelry and other work of art For over 20 year _ ..to favor the reader in




1l0Y2 N. St. A aph


WhiIe-you-wait appraisal Call 836-5363 for appointment



(Lawrence of London)


417 Fifth Ave. (At 38th) 212-889-3119

50/0ctober /980/Dossier



}62. Dr. lee t Ig'S


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Put Laura Ashley at the top of your holiday hopping list. Come and vi it our shop full of goodies at 3213 M St. NW


Home Fumi hings by Mail catalogue available upon request ( 2) 202-3


Dossier/October /980/5/



(Continued from Page 35)

Why have your

banquet in ahotel whenyou can have it in a legend. For more than half a century, The Mayflower has helped Washingtonians mark special occasions in the grand manner. ~ith the only complete gold service , In Washington. Glittering crystal. And the white gloves and sparkling silver of French service. For arrangements please call 347-3000, and ask for our catering director.


5110ctober /980lDossier


Sotheby Parke-Bernet, told friends that no Ambassador-with the exception of David Bruce, who spent nine year in London-was as popular as Anne Armstrong. About the only unpleasant memory of that stay in England was Fritz Mondale's treatment of her when he made his fir t trip abroad to talk to Euro~ean leaders after Jimmy Carter' election. She remembers going out in a bon~­ chilling rain to meet the new Vice President at the London airport, but becaus~ she was a Republican holdover an soon to be replaced, she was pointe~l~ excluded from the meetings and a sOCIa dinner Mondale had with the Prime Minister. , Armstrong says, President Carter" relentless use of "family diplomacY.,es and his politicization of the Sec!"etan of State and of Defense in this cami She. cites' the usefor 0 Paign , rouse her ire ' Billy Carter to negotiate wIth LIbya the return of the hostages. Also" she says our Ambassador to pekl?gi rs Leonard Woodcock , "held his fleO f press conference just for the purpos lambasting Ronald Reagan." ly "As Ambassador I was extrem~ " 'hiP' cautious about showmg partIsans , C venDuring the 1976 RepublIcan on f tion in Kansas City , I did a H tourse°1 Scotland and told the White ou would not be politically active." ' men t Admittedly , the Embassy a sIgn I' te I'n in London will be hard to dup Icatron g . A Arms her eyes. RIght now, nne 'rtis "camping out" in Jamie wyeth ~~Ja­ filled apartment at Watergate. , 'picture , d mle's and his father An rew k here lift my spirits whenever 1 g~t bac ring between campaign trips. WIth the IVbed room sofa, there's enough room toke it down my family when they can rna to Washington," she ~ays. , their Husband Tobin, stIll runntng famispread next to the King ranch as a a Iy partnership, spends three daYSnei week in Austin as chief .of persf~~nd and recruitment for theIr old Governor Bill Clements. 'nion The one big difference of ?~1ca IIY . h had polIu ' Tobm and she ave oohArmstrong recalls, was that sheJica n poohed the idea that Re~~ to the Clements could ever make I Texas State House, , overnor "He's the first RepublIcan g " he " omen s '0 in 105 years. 1 feel It IS an concludes.








r's ," ieS mof

~;~ayne Shoes. Tea-Cocktail Party, 5-7 p.m. 1 nVltatlon only. Garfinckel's F Street Store. l';~.~ankie Welch original art show opening. 3-8' e .Museum, 6-8 p. m. Continues all month. e OClety for former FBI Women Luncheon. t oIumbola Country Club by Woodward & Othrop 4 . >l~Glamour Workshops. 9-12 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. "'Q;ngt on Hyafl Hotel. For reservations: Wood6- d & Lothrop, 347-5300 ext. 362. "th lord & Taylor's Interior Designer Duane () Otnas takes you on a tour of the 1980 9:~~orator's Showhouse. Gruman-Cox home. ~ -1l:00. Meet in Cafe, Chevy Chase, Qshtngton.

9-Evening Gown how. 7:30, Place Elegante, Bloomingdale's, White Flint. 9-0rrefors Crystal Wine Tasting. 6-7:30, Reservations required, Garfinckel's F Street Store. 14-Boehm Promotion. Personal Appearance of Mrs. Boehm. 7th Floor, Garfinckel's F Street Store. IS-Fashion Show & Luncheon. Temple Israel Synagogue, 12:00, Rose Williams. 25-D.C. Nurses Association Luncheon & Fashion Show. 12:00, Washington Hilton Hotel, Rose Williams. 30-T. J. Vestor of Milan introduces their haute couture fabrics and linens. Garfinckel's F Street Store. 30-Frankie Welch. 1nformal modeling every Tuesday & Thursday at 12 noon - 2 p.m., 219 King Street, Alexandria, Va.

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At the HOPE Ball 5 were (I.) Mrs. Mamady Conde, wife of the ambassador from Guinea in native caftan, (2.) Tandy Dickinson in a Jill Richards, and (3.) Rose Marie Bogley in a Bill Blass. At the Herbert Hafts party were (4.) Evelyn Brandt in a St. Laurent, Bobbie Kotz in a Rafael Thelma Lenkin in a Chloe and (5.) Ruby McZair in an Ann Klein.

Dossier/October 1980/53





(Continued from Page 22)

Glitter and Glow A detachable South Sea pearl, suspended from an 18 kt gold necklace with ninety diamonds ... gentle magic for daylight or starlight, 15,500. Pearl earrings with pave diamonds, 3,600.


1213 Connecticut Ave. • Mazza Gallerie • The Homestead Foremost Purchasers of Estate Jewelry


For PeopleVVlth the Taste and the TIlTIe4

hand, you would hardly feel lost in t~i sunny hospitable space if left alone with the beige brick walls and the taffy col· ored marble floors. The sleekly stream' lined furniture is accentuated by the colorful art of the international avant· ni , t5 b u garde as well as the art of the ancien, You have seen glossy photos of the ,/ ho luxurious dwellings where everything I Pr in place and everything is fitted into the ba overall design in House Beautif,ul. YO~ fo~ have seen them in movies featunng C~ ac ifornia's plush Beverly Hills, a~d ~ W( Palm Beach where the Hafts, incld e , ani tally, keep ~ winter residence. In th~ CUI pleasant sea of graduated beiges-fro I a the walls of moire, raw silk and ult,r ' sh< suede and the cushy couches and chaJr ,; jo\ also covered in ultrasuede~ to the ca~v. bal eye faucets in one of the mirrored pOd lh( der rooms-everything is custom rna, e~ Po The superb silk tapestry from C~~e lec was custom made for the foyer. e of precious gilded 14th Century Chine te del ra wood carving worked in three sepa 5 WC1 , f' ure h layers in which several hundred Ig f a . sOL symbolize one of the eternal stone rn er mankind, was also brought b~ck fr~en Ot the People's Republic of ChlOa w s Le the Hafts traveled there under the alld~ Wi pices of the government's fir~t tra re mission some four years ago. St~11 m,~t. exciting than the monumental 011 pal of ing by Dutch artist Karel ~ppel? 0, his more mature works pal.nted I~ mor' and Yankel Ginzburg's giant blO are phic abstraction in the living rooms, Be' the invisible wonders of this ~ouse'ther ing a builder, Haft and h~s brOwith Leonard, an archi tect associated and Cohen, Haft, Holtz, Kerxto n hI) Karabekir, planned a thor?~g one energy-efficient h~me..AS such It ~here of the first houses 10 thiS country, 'an5 architects, builders an~ technIC~rti· worked together in feedlOg. th~ PintO nent data of the projected bul1dlOgffe c' a computer to ascertai? the most e '[he tive heating and coolIng system. ized result is a sophisticated compu~er series of six separate heating ~n't cand ing systems powered by electri CI y und oil. Its sun and other sensors a~~apes the house not only activate the of a absence but sense the presence or d to II people. The system is programrr~cienl fl function in the most energy. estern I( way. Haft maintains that hIS sy y bY reduces the consumption of energ about 50 percent. b ate in' Needless to say, the ela or



The f\iQ!ltpelier Haute cuisine in the European tradition of service, In the Madison Hotel 15th and M Sts., .w., Washington, D.C. 20005 Reservations suggested (202) 862-1600 Free interior parking Marshall B. Coyne, Proprietor

54/0Clober /980/Dossier


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do?r:outdoor security ystem is equally efficient. . It took two years to finish the hOll e In the COuntry which in many ways reFemble a well appointed country club. rom the many tables by the pool ide to the huge dining room which seat 24 eve h' , ryt Ing eern to be designed for entertaining, not for a family of three. ~f the Haft' three children, only Ron~Ie,. who i working on an M.A. in USlness administration is still at ~~m~. Daughter Linda Ra;paport, Vice eSldent of Dart Drug and her hus' on their own I'band Gary, live next door our green acres. Haft divided his 16 acr . We. Into four equal lots. Warner olf, the sportscaster owns a home on an o.th er lot, and a team ' of doctors occUPies the fourth. hNew York's decorator Joyce Lewin ~Job' ould be congratulated for a superb . b In creating a suitably neutral t:ckgrOund for the Hafts' possessions: e 17th Century J' ades the bronzes the Pol h ' , YC romed vases cloisonne jar colIected 0 h' .' of ver t e years from vanous parts the globe,. the photos with president· s, InclUdIng one with Egypt's An~:r Sadat, and other mementoes. The Ppy blend with her concept of con~~~orary liVing attests to the fact that or.la Haft worked hand-in-glove with LeWln to'd " with h prOVI e the splendid settIng er personal touch. '. Not su Herbert's im. Pres Ive rprISlngly, II . sh co ectlon of paperweights is Sit~·wn to best advantage in the upstair ne lng rO~m, another symphony in soft, sp~e.r-bonng beiges. There are some 75 ove~l~ens, picked up here and there 1830 e years, Some old from around Ba ' some new, and some precious ccarat . h b . who h Wit eautlful flat-bouquets Of ~cOI at auction would fetch thousands by R lars. Somehow, a small drawing appr~n~ir, a graceful nude, found an room Pna.te .spot in the elegant bathdard ' an .Intlmate space by Haft's stanRom' LIke the bath of the noble A ~~ , it invites the visitor to linger. PiCtu Igh mark for the success of this Iiaft:~efr~tty showplace i that the their l'f t In no way obliged to change POllut~ c ~tYles. D~ they long for the If Pre d air of the city? Not at all. Still, Of m sS~d they allow for the possibility LJ OVIng b k . llerbe ac one very distant day. and t rt, Who loves to design gardens nanceo rarden, feels that the maintefOUr a 0 the more or less uncultivated rep . 1enge. Cres Ob' resents the ultImate chalhis Wife GVIO~ISIY, the wiry Herbert and lona thrive on challenges. - VICTOR Dwy R

Aged in wood, Rhum Barbancourt is made like fine cognac. ''A mm to sip straight~' Imported by Monsieur Henri. Rhum Barbancourt. Haitian Rum 86 proof Available In 4, 8 and 15·year·old product. Imported by MonSieur Hen" Wines, Ltd., New York, N Y

• "






Period English Queen Anne burl walnut chest on

stand, cabriole leg tenninating in pad foot, circa 17W.

$8400. 6826 Wisconsin Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20015

(301)656-2766 Dossier/October 1980/55



(Continued from Page 27)

Le can

Mouratidis' strong point is i~dj颅 vidual styling, Noumas stressed, SlOce owner Mike Mouratidis is himself a fur designer, f rS "We don't have run-of-the-mill u like you get off the rack from a department store," she sal'd . "We kno\~ Z how to make a garment from A to ' We are not J'ust salespeople. We kno~ , the,,, the mechanics of fur. We give We (customers) technical answers." don't give them Uust) a sales talk. f They carry no designer lines. ~n~ a their unique touches is their coat hntn~~ which are silk and featu~e ha~d wO~Il manship. The store pndes Itself, e VIC finishing touches and personal ser ' "When we work with a customer w,: want her to come back to us for years, she said. 19 Lawrence of London (212) 889-31 nce of Norman Lawrence of L awr e , London recycles furs as linings for rainI I gth coats, coats, jackets and f u,I - en, sider The Fifth Avenue furner Will co n the coats up to 25 years old, provide d t into fur is still supple. "The good furs that are pu '11 h year WI storage and cleaned eac 'nd last" he said citing mink, nutna a " rings sable as excellent choices for 10 . ~er If there is enough fur, the d~slg for will fashion a matching hat or tnm the collar or cuffs. " s high One of the New York firm , fashion items is the world's only ultr~e , 'anteed to suede ralOcoat that s guar 'th all rainproof. Coats start at $535, ~I lin' additional $165 for a d~t~chable :rful1 ' ing. Restyling a fur hOlng for I the length coat would cost $550 p uS de , I ultras ue ' outer shell from Silk, woo or 'th II Men's styles are also available W~ the silk raincoat for $445 plus $550 fa removable fur lining. NeW Customers don't have to go to hOP 's the s York to shop at Lawrence , 'II send owner emphasized. The store Wl , h II f on Wh IC you a special or d er orm, he mell' dressmaker or tailor can wnte Wit t , h the , surements and send the sI lP an' furs to New York. Coats are g,uar fOf teed to fit. And if you are searchlOgfur , just the right fabric to go ove~ yo~rs llll talO 'd t h.e s t or e malO Lawrence sal, . a 61-page extensive fabnc hbrary with, land, f m SWitzer d book of swatc h es ro h unite Ireland, England, Italy and t e States.




~\ZERS \')

Beat the curtain call and enhance the finale with a meal from one of Washington's finest steak houses. Danker's is conveniently located near the National, Ford and Warner Theatres. Open Monday-Saturday 11 am-midnight. Moderate prices. - - - - - - - - - MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONORED - - - - - - - - -

Danker's 1209 ESt.. N.W. 628路2330 I Danker's West 6th & D Sts., S.W. 554-7856 56/0ctober 1980/Dossier


A Pri( Pro liar fun Pell Ne\ Adl labl F tha,

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Le Parisien 462-6771 According to Chris Fotos, owner of Le Parisien, buy the best fur coat you can afford. Don't buy a cheap sable, he warned . All Customers want to get a good price and all retailers need to get a good ~rofit to stay in business. The transaction requires compromises. Fotos said furriers are required to pay for their Pelts within 30 days or pay prevailing New York interest rates at 16.5 percent. A.dd to this shipping charges, insurance, labor and overhead. Fotos favors stressing services rather than dwelling on trade-ins. He offers a CUstomer free alterations, which average $75 to $100 per sale, including a monogram. Once major alterations have occurred he cannot take back a fur. "If it fits you perfectly, it won't fit someone else," he said realistically. Another Customer service only Fotos offers is no interest charge on a coat for ~~ to a year. The buyer must pay one .hlrd down and every such arrangement IS handled individually. "I never sell a garment to a person who is impulse-buying," he said. 'InStead he queries them on what their needs are.



Veteran buyers can fall into one trap

~s easily as the novice. That is not carI~g for a fur properly once it is pur~ ased. A well-preserved mink can last

.0 Years. The secret is an annual cleanI~g and storage, regardless of the type o fur Or its price tag. f l'he lUstrous sheen associated with Urs disappears as the oil in the fur f011' dull.Icles dries up and the coat becomes

B .

eSldes the deep-freeze beauty treatneed a good cleaning li~e wh~an s~m because of dirt in the alr ~ch gnn?s away in the follicles. tu ?tos ~ald a fur at his showroom can fon In pnce from a Korean rabbit jacket $69 to a sable for $39,000, with ~~nks starting at $4,500.

~ent, fur~


The EssexHouse is aUyou need to know about hotels in NewYork.

~er's Fur~

Spacious guest f(;>orns and beautiful suites; qUiet style and superb service. At New York's finest address.


160 Central Park South, N.Y.C. Call (212)-247-0300 or 800-228-9290 toll-free for reservation . Telex 12-5205.

628-5628 te anny Miller of Miller's Furs shuns li qUests he thinks are unreasonable and "We always stress we are You Odehng the style. We are not giving a to lnk ~ new fur. You are not going to get said. back for your muskrat," he


Or adds that honesty is essential {:ler .e CUstomer will have false hopes. A so~lan lamb Coat can last 40 years, but fUr e YOunger people don't want that , regardless of the style.

~ .Marriott's




"we never buy anything without considering its resale value."

One stop consignment ( for better quality men's, women's and children's clothing & accessories 549-1129

337-3072 4830 MacArthur Blvd. NW Washington, D.C. 20007

428 N. Columbus Old Town-Alex

Dossier/October /980/57

And not all customers really want the advice they seek Miller remarked. One stout dowager insisted on a Princes style fur for her size 18 frame when an A-line coat would have been far more flattering. Another demanded lang. . haIred fox when mmk wou Id n 't have ar . been overpowenng for h er par ticul build. . Ie "The biggest problem with peoP, . t h ey don I when they buy a fur coat IS nt to know how much money t hey wa I t a co a · spend. They just start 100 k m~ a. uP for $1 000 and then $5,000, Jackmg 't ' . h can their dream for somethmg t ey d have. They wind up emPty-~ant~:Y because they decided on somethmg couldn't afford," he said.


EAc~ OF OUR BANQUETS Is CUT FROM A D~L1CIOUSLY DIFF~R~NT CL.OrH. Loews custom designs intimate celebrations for up to 500 guests. With the high quality food you'd expect in a ftne restaurant. Call Ann Brody, our LD~s L'~NFANT Director ofCatering at 484-1000. Hor~L


480 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W, Washington, D.C. 20024

Energy conservation is incomplete without


Woodward & Lothrop onMore younger women are fur- c 20 on up, scious these days. From age ear these women want a fur they can WIe . nO to work and out in the evemng, d I!J, Susan Fish, manager of Woodwar Lothrop fur department. a _cui "An example is our cordur Y 'n mink jacket in natural Lunaraine ~~iS dyed ranch mink for about $1800. an is perfect for the young career W?m ean, to wear with slacks dresses, even J , '1 dre . or in the evening with a cocktal 5 d mink a "All ages still lean towar ya Iso carr the best value, although we ~ yale, wide variety of furs includmg COegian and all shades of fox fr?m ~~:h saYs blue to morning glory (beige), threethat styles from short jackets to ul af quarter and full length are all P~f 295 and range from a fox jacket for 'yo a . luxu r · to $4,000, to the ultimate 10 10 000 , full-length silver fox for about $ ,

833-9 100

Thermogram of side-wall shows Insulation void.

AGA Thermovision@ is a TV-like scanning system designed to detect heat losses which are recorded on thermograms. These infrared photos clearly show heat escaping from your home or business. how serious the problem is and where the most cost effective improvements can be made. A Thermovision@ survey together with a written analysis and photographs will provide you with valuable energy saving information not obtainable in any other way.

58/0clober /980/Dossier

Rosendorf-Evans h'ngtOn The largest furrier in the Was I d rearea doesn't bat an eyelash at p~o~ematS q uests for appointments from dIp a api. " the c abroad or movie stars Vlsltmg I ·.... 5 f Id call" tal. Manager Randolph Gar Ie partheir large stock gives them the o~S art tunity to pass on to their cus~om:'rhi infinite variety of furs at a savmg· she hether impresses the shopper w y fllr r . tempora comes away WIth a con 000 or jacket for $400 or a sable for $60, more," he com~ented. all from a Recently GarfIeld took a c d jrt . . h had serve dIplomat 10 Rome w a . k relurrt Washington and planned a qUI~ k coal trip to include "the finest mm ....e5 ' Laker cOu· f there is And Mrs. Fre dd Ie 'd a . . . " he sal in every time she VISitS toW?, "lndividWorld Airways owner's Wife. on """ . ty of reas S I leasure uals buy furs for a vane for warmth and for the sen.s ua p C that fur imparts" said Garfield.

Furniture leasing for the discriminating.

:ople 10n'I It 10 coal g uP :an'l

so CONl'~


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uP, wear late ;d 8t I.CU t

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~~ » ~

Fine French breads and pastries

Prospect Place 3222 N St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 338-7776 Open 7 days




o(Jarn/ Inc.

ANTIQUE <Ib CONTEMPORARY LEASING ~II~ INC. 3401 K Street N W -Rear Entr~nc~ . ( Mer the Whitehurst Freeway) Washington, D.C. 20007

".'" 'lr',. .

202-338-6312 Hours: 9:00-5:30 Monday-Friday 10:00-2:00 Saturday

A thin, of IIeGut)' )0)' forever.

"',Jl!f7.~,:8oo~~·" Is a .. ··1'~Tl..tt:


FINE ORIENTAL RUGS OF GEORGETOWN-DIRECf IMPORTERS We invite you to visit our showroom and view our large and varied selection of handpicked Persian, Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, Romanian, Turki h and Ethiopian rugs. We shall be pleased to provide professional assistance and advice in the selection of your rug both from the point of view of your immediate requirement, as well as its future value as an investment. We are Direct Importers and can assure you a better price, because we have eIiminated the middleman. Trade-ins accepted • Appraisals • Storage

THE FOUNDRY MALL. 1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW • Washington, DC· 333-5730

rate, gia ll

saY tree,ul ar 29 5 :y: a


'Il()WCA§~ ()f ae()r-ael()wn CANAL SQUARE. 3110 M ST., NW , WASHINGTON, D.C. (202) 333-1171

)100 gt Oll

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Wearable art for Washingtonians at

up to 20% on

Minton-The World's Most Beautiful China

3147 Dumbarton Street, N.W. (off Wisconsin, between N & 0) 333-2732

From a collection of short stories about Washington By Warren AdLer



118 fOr th th fl

of her precious vas . But how..

There ' th e vase stood on a little round bl emK ' ta' , at herine Laughton's upIrs hbrary h' h one h ,w IC was the room he cuad t,o pass before one got to

aUthe te, httl~ black 100 with the black %IC OrIental rug over the obv' arble floor, The library aglitlousl y, ['It fOr exhibition, was' r ter With shiny black leathbU~bn which could be seen candle light r~~lections and soft little spotbind' at washed over the leather Ii l~glS of massed, soldierly books eir ooms M . I ' argaret supposed, since the ro tead'Ingom ooked more for show than , tOad t 'han Impressive byway on the Peonie~ t ~ 100. A tiny bundle of white SPilled over the vase's neck and a sp ear of light . k Petal B PIC ed out each lovely ~arg~r tecause she loved flowers, rami!' e saw them first then the lar tape d ' ~ase, ubtly re f shape of the mauve apan ~ra ted by some nameless Th es~ artisan. wheree she Sight root d h . h . e er to the corndor, throbb' eSltated, feeling the surge of to her Ing blood in her temples louder tnornenet~se;han the downstair; din. A .....ide cir cr ore, she had walked up the cover of Ing carpeted stairs under the natu I' Of cUrios't ra Impulse, but more out been ha~ y to see the upstairs. She had Connie B py to see the 100 occupied. .....as an a~~ard, who, like her husband, cOlJFrtE Istant Secretary; there were

three of those, had chirped in her ear: "You've just got to see the upstairs library and the little black 100." The possessions and their decorative touches displayed on the first floor of this outsize Georgetown place, circa eighteen something, promised upstairs delights and she had nodded to Connie. It was three years since the Laughtons had bought the place. They had, of course, entertained before. Rather frequently. Within their carefully circumscribed tight little circle, the barbed ring

closed to mere as i tant Secretarie . They were in hi c1utche anyway. He was, after all, The Secretary. But tonight wa "open hou e," that euphemi m to a uage the year of collective guilt and, in one catered swoop, cancel out the Ie ser ho pitalitie . Or, a Margaret confided to herself, the ho pitalitie of the Ie ser, "Stop bitching," her Joe had warned, a they dressed. 'He' been pretty damned nice to me." He was, really, urging Joe's appointment in the first place, setting him up for a better spot if the President was reelected. Laying the groundwork for a meaningful productive future, he called it. "But she," Margaret had lingered on the 'ee,' "hasn't been nice to me." "You had exaggerated expectations," he sighed. "And you put them there. I wa perfectly content in Des Moines." "The little leagues," Joe said, selfabsorbed in the perfect tie knot. "Better than the bench in the big leagues," she mocked, getting a look meant to freeze aggression. She had, of course, been the good sport, pecking Katherine Laughton on the cheek, dchanging pleasantries. "It has been a long time," Katherine said, her eyes already floating to the next guest.


Dos ieriOclober 1980161

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"Nearly three years," Margar~t replied pointedly, certain that the wor~ were lost in a mutter as Katherine peek another cheek and passed her along ~~ the bar, while Joe talked a ~ew.second, of shop with Laughton. Dnnk In han they had both plunged in the rabbit ren, each seeking their own path, as had instructed. er Two drinks had softened her ang f which returned to its familiar niche ~e repression. By any standard, ~ot Laughton's house had an aur,a, ble quite majesty, but very servlC ea f prestige, quite enough for a secret~?~o the Interior and his fashionable WI ~he entertain the high and the mighty. , e President and the Missus came ~w~~d Scotty, too. And Ben and Sally, LIZ John, Henry and Nancy. hO "Heavy duty" , she had told Joe, w ever was the reporter, since the event n of got the writeups. The Secretary had, ed, course, been the prime source. "Different circles," he had shrugg By then, he had learned his place. ase She convinced herself that the ~ad remembered, since it surely elr beckoned her. standing there SO IO~el and misplaced in someone else:s ho 00 e this strange library, part of a plctur the the way to the 100. Why then, ? flowers, if it wasn't meant for shO~hal Approaching it cautiously, nOw she her motor power was restored, he(11 stretched her fingers, then pulled tilt back like Moses and the hot coa 'ill' could be a twin or a quintuplet, ~ f~o(11 cidence really. Hers had been an heir use c of dubious material v~ue. on1~ be Ber she had never gotten It appnu~ed. iO mother's father had •picked It udPOW"..., Japan somewhere and It had c~rne to her as a maybe genuine antique. lid' Its principal value had been ~~OIlS mental, although even that was dUh t jt until it had disappeared. Before t a ~r' had simply been there, a part of th~ Pthe sona of her space. It had grace little piano in her parents' house on af fIlj· silk doily, a sentinel among all the a ly pictures in their fancy fram~S. retrO' It was therefore, especially tn wit~ spect, a part of her family, alon~ uer' brothers, sisters, uncles and d gdll'l reotypes of old progenitors. It ha s 8 had too many festive moments auld flower container, although she c~s bl remember very occasional cornrn~n !ler friends, family or neighbors In mother's house. d saY "Beautiful vase." "Japanese," her mother wou\abJe, in passing. They were co~for were moneyed people and possessIOns



Creative ' - , Kitchens, Inc. Designers Showroom & Corporate Office & Installers 8480 Fenton Place Silver Spring, Md. 20910 301/589-0688

6210clober 1980lDossier



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tcepted as "things" then, not tasures. Now she remembered the ex~. tnoment of its disappearance. Not Ite, she thought, urging her own caun. Only the time frame and the event. "There is a method to this entertainent business," Joe had lectured. Laughton will come if we can get ge r, . ator Harris or vice versa. A little dine of '. Say 12." the It hadn't fazed her. They were still six nol Onths out of Des Moines, where she able nd Joe were that cute young Harringyof ~n cOUple. He's in politics, you know. fe to ~~ she's Jennings Fuel. Home enterrhe lInIng came with the territory. ice. ~"You'\l be an absolute smash in and ashington" Joe had told her when he lOt ' j' the appointment. He had, of course, whO l?arrned her reluctance. They were, leVer I ler alI, moving into the big leagues and d. of ~. as everyone in Des Moines coul~ see, d the potential for a real heavy hitter. ~ed· ~ "W ell, Daddy's given an awful lot ~o t1ator Harris' campaigns, and he did vase .elp You get the appointment, " she had had esPonded excitedly to Joe's suggestion. ,ne1Y ~ "0.f course, we'll be there," Senator arns )01e, lu h~d said on the phone. ~hey ha? 'e 00 t her nght in to him. And she ImmedIthe ely sent out an invitation' 'to remind." "W w? tol ell, I've done my part, Joe," she that ~a~ her husband who had gotten altershe ~ve dates from Laughton's secretary. he rn ~ hey had agonized over the others. ]. It lih had to invite Bob Shires, the Deputy, dn' Ii ° was his immediate superior. Shires oorn o~Uld. think he was deliberately going se au ~it r hIS head. And how could he not inlief an e Ray and Connie Howard? Ray was I io hi Other assistant Secretary. Didn't want ]wn ~ to think that old Joe was a snob. bo argaret had suggested their neigh:n O ' th:~ the Carltons. He was a Colonel at Ol io corr entagon and Sally was her morning ,I. jt 'e ee bUddy. per' ,e~aYbe if he had a star," Joe said. thee teStedUt he's a friend," Margaret proittl "1"" jTlj. felld his IS business," Joe snapped, of,,~d by the implication. rO' tesp ell, then let's leave it at 10, she had lith hact°nded. The sixth couple would have to b ,el' tate e squeezed in at best. The 11l'1 ag r rer, considering the size of the room, s 8 l~d and she was relieved. d ul Cate hedge her nervousness, she had the i bl setv~er send Over three in help, one to bel 1'h ey ' One to clean up and a bartender. lllilitarsprea~ out over the house in She h Yfashion, each to his own chore. a) a bla~d remembered that the bartender, e, the end man, ~ad moved the vase from ~e \Vhich h table In the drawing room near e had set up the bar. Later she

At last a restaurant with amenu as eclectic as)Wf~. The'o of Ashby's is that no matter whether you suddenly feel like Potted Quar/, Scottish salrXon, Medall ions,of Veal Oscar, a N,ew York Strip, Dutch coffee,lnsh coffee or Mrs Kent's Rum Topf Ashby s serves the best In town. . . . ' You'll find this 'many splendored feast? days a week, for lunch and dlnner,ln a unique set of period rooms, in the Washington Hilton. Please call 483-3000 for rese~atlons; Parking is free in,th~ hotel nerer a ~~.l5 garage for Ashby sdiners, In The Washington Hilton Hotel. ~


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had either seen or imagined that he had "e looked at it admiringly, holding it up to how, the light. Later the observation would loe s . If t become an agony. Senator Harris' administrative aSS l - "It 13nt had called an hour before the din' "I ner, warning that the Senator had beeO anirn summoned to the floor on a crucial vote, "li He would, of course, try to be there, the .&ht,' voice assured her sympatheticallY' &ht. When the Laughtons arrived a half-haUl land late, she had already passed the thresh- ICy hold of mortification. Joe "The Senator should be here soo.n.~ " she told the Secretary, who smile "y benignly, sensing her consternation, laid. Katherine Laughton looked about the he Co house, expressing hyperbolic praise. ., "1' "How absolutely lovely, my dear, of'a'1 she had said, patting Margaret's gOOse- Said a or pimpled arm. P h Frightened and hoping that the W1 Senator might show in time for dinner. the nl she let the cocktail hour linger tOO I~ng: es OffiCI reminded of the hour by Emma Shif Ique( thickening tongue as she became lo~g ~adn arkab winded about her children's rem e eveni achievements. three By any standard, the dinne~ was e~; l~ te cellent in terms of food and wtne. Th dI SC( was purchasable, of course, but ato on~ ltId couldn't buy the bodies of the sen d the h g and his wife, and the empty chairs an ;n .e settings lingered throughout the meal,,~ °gl( telling reminder of Joe and Margaret t " place in the pecking order. By desse~; tOld she regretted that she hadn't cleared ~he and settings since it was apparent that 11 lOng Harrises would not be coming af}~r ~r' Cate To be fair, Margaret told hersel a b; liler the Laughtons made every effort t~ his " good guests. Laughton spun tal~s a J1I- cou association with past presidential ~a e's had paigns, counterpointed by J(ather.lOns ouT little distaff anecdotes and h The~ both knew the value. of bac ~ar- oc" gossip as dinner conversation. anderfor- b garet was grateful for their p ) mance. It kept things going. a little Joe was even moved to make aiJ1 rc toast, tapping his glass discreetly t~ gd it roc attention. He had, of course, ~ractlceted ~?~ earlier, hoping it would be I~terp~hen more as gratitude than to tes the Secretary rose and paid hiS tn 'th a li~ Joe and Margaret and the food, WI ert. special commendation for the ~essand Set Everybody left soon after the c.of ee oJ1l' db wlOg after-dinner drinks in the.dra ro had In Des Moines, they would have had these at the table, but the caterer Ca been subtly persuasive.· hell out "They couldn't wait to get the hoUse of here," Margaret had said as the emptied.



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64/0ctober 1980/Dossier



e had: "c . . u to h ~nsldermg that the Senator didn't ~Uld J ow, ,It went off quite well, I thought," ~ scud. She knew he had allowed himass is' .F, to believe .the Secretary's toast. dill' was bormg," Margaret sighed. been l": I thought the Secretary was quite ""umated." vote. leu e felt obliged to hog the spotth &h"e e,allY, t" M ' . h'" argaret saId, sure of her mUl a& t. To bask in the glory of the hired -ha nds " h' res "y', . J ou re Just upset about Harris," " Oe mumbled o~~d ::A.nd Em~a Shires got drunk." tion. aidYou're too hard on yourself," Joe It the he ' He was good at rationalizing but ,;~uldn't hide his disappointment. ;~," of' a e,lI your Dad not to give that sonoose- Said ·bltch Harris another dime," he ~or ~s he. rolled over to sleep that night. the W er, It w~s ~ot. a surprise ending. nner, th hen her IrntatlOn did not go away long, Of~,next day, she called Senator Harris' lires' qUI~: a~d, with~ut identifying herself, long hadn,ze out the mformation that there cable ev ,t been a vote at all the previous Ih enl~g. The Senate had adjourned at s eX' tor~el In the afternoon. She decided not That dis e 1 Joe and sulked instead until she one ln~~vered that the vase was missing, latOr Ihe h~ent ~he rest of the day searching and I"g Use lIke an exterminator inspect'C eve ' ai, a 0gical r~~ook and cranny, however Bret'S "1' mally, she called the caterer. sert, tOld c,an't find my Japanese vase" she ' I t he and hIm " "I saw t h e bartender move it the lOng put It somewhere." There was a all. Cat pause at the other end as the erer .h . . ' .ter, silentl ' WIt a thIck VIennese accent, , be asses,sed the situation. 'his COUld ~:Sk hu?," he responded, but she aJ1'\' had bee nse hIS caution. Margaret, too, Ie's l'he n careful not to seem accusing. ,ns. hou caterer called back in half an







lar' bOOk e said he moved it to a shelf in the 'or' case " Yes sh' th had b' e ought, she remembered. It ttle Prom een there earlier in the evening. ain room whhere she stood in the drawing dI't SPace'I' er h~Yes swept the shelves. The nWlh'h ted ' '\\leli" c It ad stood was empty. ten testily.' It s not there now," she said to , 1a lie' ~:~ you sure?" the caterer asked. irt. Sensed reSPOnded too quickly, she nd "Of' a most belligerently defensive. .... I' sure. I'm standmg . ".' d'IrectlyCOurse , m ad "l'> across from it " rerh . d a Caterer s~ps someone moved it?" the "N ggested, placating. ut digna~oOnne, t?uched it." She felt her inse anger to n~mg, She hadn't wanted her to reStrai sP~\1 Over, had tried valiantly n It. "I saw him admire it."

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(202) 333-8900 6610clober 1980lDossier

"Really, Mrs. Harrington. He's one of our best men." There was the slightest note of hesitation in his voice. "How long has he been with you?" she asked with the same air of innocence she had used on the person in the Senator's office. "Three months," the caterer responded, adding quickly, "But he had the best references." "Three months!" He could hardly mistake her deliberately accusatory tone. "You're not suggesting . . .," the caterer began. "I'm not suggesting anything," she interrupted. "I know only that the vase is missing." "Perhaps one of your guests took it," the caterer said, obviously challenged. Then, after a pause: "By mistake. Perhaps there were flowers in it and someone asked that they take the flowers ... " "There were no flowers in it," Margaret snapped. "Well, I'm sure my man did not take it," the caterer replied finally, on the edge of exasperation. "I'd suggest you probe him diligent· ly," she snapped, hanging up, too angry to continue. She noted that her fingers shook and a little sob had bubbled out of her throat. "I know he took it," she told Joe later. "I saw the way he looked at it." "But you can't accuse the man. Not without proof." "How can I get proof?" The caterer called late that evening. "He swears to me he didn't take it." "And you believe him?" she asked. "What else can I do?" She had let her silence be explicit. The man should be fired, she decided, but she wouldn't dare suggest it. "I don't know what I can do," the caterer said helplessly. "Do whatever you think best," she said haughtily, hating her own nastiness. He had been waiting for her to say that perhaps she had been mistaken. She didn't give him that satisfaction. "The final debacle," she told Joe when she hung up. "Well, they could have gotten food poisoning," Joe had said, offering her the placation of his black humor. She hadn't laughed. "Maybe it was Emma Shires," she said at breakfast the next morning. "She was bombed. People do that sometimes. " "Don't be silly." By then, she had begun to feel guilty

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about her accusation. "Stop dwelling on it," Joe said. "It was only a vase. And it's probably on our insurance list." "They never pay you for the sentiment." Joe had shrugged and the matter was pushed aside by time. She had never called the caterer again and she dared not speculate if the man had been fired. Now, in the library, she reached out, touched the cool surface, let her fingers caress the glaze, dead certain that this was her vase, the sentinel among the family images. Her eyes blurred with tears of regret or anger or impotence. She felt beyond assessment, blindly outraged, urging herself to remain calm. What she really wanted was to scream out, to run downstairs and push through the crowds, confronting Katherine Laughton. Let them all bear witness. "J'accuse!" She heard the words rumble in her head, the crackling thunder of indignation. The flush of water in the little black 100 recalled her sense of place and she slipped into a corner near the bookshelves out of view until she heard footsteps recede and proceed downward to the din. Turning again, she observed the vase, so carefully placed to accent the room, yet, forlorn, trapped in this strange prison. A sense of cunning smoldered, burst into flame, and she noted that her pocketbook was far too small to smuggle it out. In fact, there seemed no logical method to spirit it out surreptitiously to its rightful home. She could, of course, simply pick it up, flowers and all, or dump the flowers, and walk it blithely through the crowds, carrying it proudly, pugnaciously, like a kidnapped child, back to its aggrieved and natural parents. Again, she felt the blood pumping in her temples, a shortness of breath, a welling of outrage, more tangible than she had ever experienced before. Yet cunning did not desert her. She closed the door to the library, then moving toward the vase, lifted it as one moved a newborn child. Her lips brushed its cool surface, and gently she laid the vase on the floor. The water spilled out, dampening the carpeting, and she put the weight of her shoe sole on its neck and pressed hard, hearing the shocking crunch as the vase's neck shattered. Then she quietly reopened the door and proceeded into the little black 100. It was only then that she could find the courage to smile through her tears. 0


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On hall

OVING UP COntinued from Page 37) Moving Up to Smaller Things .Moving up does not always mean a Igg er mortgage and a bigger home. .Ots of folks are ridding themselves of ~o'acre lawns and extra bedrooms. h,"Give me a smal1er place to do my lng, closer to town. I I "The kids are one, I Want something different now, better neighborhood, a new lifestyle," e frequent comments. If a downward move means a downled mortgage (not always the case), IOU ~ may not have to fret about the tax an lu : HOusing economist Michael a llllchrast, author of "The Complete thOO~ of Home Buying," points out 'hat If you're 55 or older, you may have ti eOPPortunity to take a once-in-a-lifeo~e, tax-free profit of up to $100,000 ga' a home sale, thanks to 1978 capitallns ill legislation. The home you sel1 lust have been your principal resiIhnce , owned and occupied for three of e Past five years. What's Selling and Who's Looking Sharkey, a realtor on Capitol Ie ' says homeseekers there are eclec,a'- drawing accoutrements from a ~i~lety of Sources. The rapidly expantheg bO~~daries of "The Hill" reflect traditIonal influx of government ork Yo ers as well as empty-nesters, ung bu . childless couples, singles, ra~~~ess professionals with small Ihes, and investors. an~ome buye~s are seeking convenience Ctaf the qualities of authenticity and nO tsmanship in older, restored lll and ~s. Others are seeking the chal1enge Ing Investment opportunity of restorhl o Or renewing lesser homes in better SI4~ks. Average prices are around tag ,000. Most units don't have gaSlll:~' b~t .they do offer creative use of b .er hvlOg spaces. C)(lt' . ~Olll' s. 109 slOgle-family homes and con. . . estlnlum conversions dominate NortheVer an? SOuthwest Washington in Pas/ Pnce range. Average resales this So", 路',eYear .Went from below $100 ,000 in $300 nel~hborhoods to more than l(alo'OOO 10 established sections like Indi:i~ma, W.o0dley and Forest Hil1s. sOar h' Ual pnces for select properties III Igher. e\.v If "l'h ames-Space, Elegance, Views I ere' $300 000 s new construction alsosOlll~ 0 to ~600,ooo wil1 put you in on re f the fmest neighborhoods, even hall ~Owned estate properties. At Foxrescents, $415,000 to $600,000


Dossier/October /980/7/

r \~ 'I


--- ~:_. f' ')

Prepare to be impressed.



will buy Palladian homes, authenticaJlY designed by architect Arthur cotton Moore and built by Crowell and Baker on the Rockefeller estate. Nearby on the 42 acres of Hillan, d' all dale construction is procee 109 thre~ and four-story townhomes, that , offer amemtles ' , suc h as pn"vate WIll pnvac) . garages, optIOnal elevators, J'ke and security in a gracious country' 1 atmosphere. of, Robert Foley's Foxhall Terrace specfers 22 new homes with a mas t I


\ I

ven in Potomac there are few communities the equal of River's Edge. Set among the trees and winding lanes are dignified English and classic American homes, each commanding two acres or more, You'll be impressed by the superior construction and attention to detail. Rooms of noble proportion have been planned for gracious living, Excellent financing available to qualified purchasers, See these exceptional homes for yourself, You'll be impressed,



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W'qr 1I1trrplacp ffiautrl §qup, 1Jur. 4217 Howard Avp.nue, Kensington, Md. Call 942·7946

71/0ctober /980/Dossier


tacular view of the city. Kettler ~r~fy, Westover Place is selling out qUI C a Donohoe's Cloisters represents 'n I major new home construction, I xactlng Georgetown for the e homeseeker. C untY, In Montgomery a ornChatsworth luxury townho mes c of bine the airy space and opti~~1 US~ith natural lighting of country hvmg " III ,,' town elegance usually found 10 . itS Bethesda the Promenade opens I'll , 000 ops doors to more than I, cO' and b twin towers connected by a lob to arcade. Prices range from $5~'nutes penthouses for $250,000. I Biil s from downtown, select Forest nve townhouses in Arlin~ton, O~f~\~~ches nience and luxury wIth specla frO rtl such as private elevators, $199,000 to $240,000. . Homes Fit the Personality nY While downtown areas at~ract ~:es­ people in politics and creative pr to al sions, the suburbs often app~ civil families of doctors, lawyers an servants. ses and Aside from posh penth~~e suburcourtly condos and co-ops, M ryland ban corridors of southern a acious and Northern Virginia offer gr ricaJl estates. French, English and A~~yside Colonial themes dot. the ~~nternPo­ along with an occasIOnal rary design. m belOW Prices can range fr'~r n Bere, $200 000 to more than a m~ ~o .space, you';e buying land and hvmg'ndulge and perhaps the opportunity to I tO rn 'th a cus your wildest dreams WI d pools, built castle. Tennis courts a~ance the even marinas and stables. e~ tdoor hvmg· enchantment a f au 'when rn ovRegardless of your ch~lce agree that ing up, people in the b~sm;~~ "a better most buyers are lookmg h Iter and · .. a tax s e place and way to IIve, a solid investment. t of taWil, Downtown uptown, or oU proper , I for t he there's a proper pace . t that is the move in the limitless vane y iJ Washington area.



cally tto O

aker lIan00

thaI vate



-like of-

pecos.' kly· s a

io ting





:oen,e of with


" In its s in and J to uteS I ills

TheCrossroads RealtY,ud. Elizabeth CadeU, Broker 10200 RiverRoad. Potomac. Md. (301)983-0200


'oen anY feSto

·jvil r eleven magnificent homes in 8V.orth c.ltrlington bordering the fourth hole at the QUashington {}olf - and rJountry rJlub mith the most dramatic viem in the QUashingtol1 OvCetropolitan c.ltrea. rJustom designed for the discriminating purchaser mith special living requirements and featuring Q tvealth. of luxury appointments such. as embassy sized rooms, separate sewants' quarters, and numerous fireplaces. Only minutes from the 8V.ation·s rJapital. !lJi

:o::ct~ons: 'ellain !Bridge. e50uth on glebe fR.o.ad, ugUlSS .:;e,/" . 1


volts by £0

"IN·TOWN ESTATE" Five minutes from the city In a secluded setting with a panoramic view of Georgetown and the Potomac Valley . Traditional stone and slate architecture . Contemporary, one level floor plan with huge stone terracing and pool. ..Magnlfl· cent sweep of tree shaded lawn...Owner financing available to the qualified buyer ...By Appointment. ..$350,000.

$400,000 to $595,000 leIt on fR.o.ek Oprillg fR.o.ad. bear left all Vermollt to

" SlglI on rigllt,


Oales Off,'

ng (lJ {Jaster 790-/990 lee op." 1-5 e50turday alld OUllday




Dossier/October 1980173

ReaIEstate Properties

th~~~~sades~~kf«leral f' .. ~ ,



Elegance with all the Modem




Para natu taini Bedl gara






.. _._~~'~'ns:thick fiberglass insulation and an

Barrett M. linde, builders, h~s achi~-;ed' the seemingly impossible. The charm, grace and spaciousness that characterize Federal Washington has been recaptured. And improved upon. With all the modern time and energy saving amenities. These 3-story townhouses and 4-story detached houses are extraordinarily large and feature immaculate attention to detail: Cedar roofs, copper gutters, marble foyers, hardwood floors, authentically reproduced plaster mouldings, two fireplaces. Behind it all is energy efficiency: a G.E. heat pump, triple track storm windows and




Builders Own Custom Built Home. Chic. Den,4 Bedroom. Marble Steam Room. Curved Windows. Great Entertainment Home. A Must to See.



~ .L ~ 1.:.1 l""."1:·~

automatic attic fan. I And modern convenience too: Centra air, central vacuum, intercom, and a spacious and functional G.E. kitchen . complete to the trash compactor. A JacuZZI is in the master bath of the detached homes. At MacArthur Blvd. and Arizona AV~., the Palisades is close to downtown and t e Northwest shopping district. The time to see it is now. The essence of Washington is at the Palisades. P;iced from $199,000.

652-4570 or 363-8800 EVenings:




Oliver Cowan 232-6130

Charlie Miller 933-5436

BIlOS., lB Tham." DC



Heather Twitchell 966-2926

OPEN SATURDAY & SU DAY 2 - 5 PM D.C. '''''DO' Dir: Corner of MacArthur Blvd. and Arizona Ave., N.W.,


Living In the

Traditionof Eto"·

Eton of Georgetown, located at Potomac and Prospect Streets, is reminiscent of the fine old town homes along King's Road and Belgrave Square in London, England. In fact, a Londoner might find our Eton more sumptuous. Not just for the charm of a familiar lifestyle and architecture, but for luxurious 20th century fixtures and amenities. Marble brick, hardwood, ceramic tile and other features will be available to create elegant interiors in duplex condominiums that are enhanced by a

townhouse setting of landscaped courtyards gardens and walJ{\..va~S. , . ble InOptions that are also avatla d clude; whirlpool tubs, intercoms :~ng central vacuum. Underground p nience is available to enhance the con ve of living at Eton. . Call Inquire today for full details. Earl Bugg or Sally Davis, 965-6665 . Sales Office: 3251 prospect Plac~daYs: .w., Georgetown. Open wee and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SaturdayS Sundays: Noon to 6:00 p.m. . Exclusive Residential Sales By.

BEGG, INC. pf~;...:.,r···"..~~:.....• ."....~~


/IJoo.,.. : :.t.·



' II'

-.-.• -,-~~~~~~ • :- ~........ _.,;u' 10"" ~••. Me.7'... -






-• :







. .

~ i _~



74/0Clober 1980/Dossier

"'.r . ,I?

_~.~' .. F~ ~h. ,~ v 1 \ \r I -I. '-'

~ . Oi'" ·~"~';I I.





McLEAN, VA - $799,000Minutes .fro m t he W hlte . House, a tImeless . .'. contemDOr custom bnck nat~r~ hes perfectly sited on 2.3 wooded acres of unsurpassed tai/ beauty. An open design embraces family, dining & enterBed~~~ areas: ~ramatic floor to ceiling fireplaces enhance Master gara m! Llvmg .Room & Family Room. Heated pool; 4 car ge, circular dnveway, maid's quarters. Brochure available.



For appointment,· call: Dotty A bt.



New Town (703) 790-5555

Stunning depanure for the ordinary... Vaulted ceilings open stairwell ...Six bedrooms, Five baths Balcony overlooking living room ... Glass enclosed porch. . .Dare to be di fferem in this unique and exciting home. $275,000. Call 261-2116 or (301) 647-6112.

MAGNIFICENT CONTEMPORARY, including opulent offices and personal health club. Six-room master bedroom suite, servants' quarters, 3 kitchen, indoor basketball court, sunken hot tub, whirlpool bath, 4-car garage, 2 saunas. Sophisticated security system. House wired for 50 telephones. In the $700,000's. or FRENCH STYLE house with 2-story great hall. Located on 2 beautiful wooded acres. In the $400,000's.

Ask about our many other beautiful homes-all prices.



s <iJ!!dws _.Better

REALTY, INC. McLean, Virginia

..... ••I . . Hornes.

and Gardens®


261-2626 (301) 263.{)400

Severna Park 261-2116 (301) 647-6112


261-2477 (301) 97'k)410

Office: 356-8633 Evenings: 356-3268

----------------------------MIDDLEBURG AREA

Middleburg, Virginia circa 1800 Large old shade trees, boxwood and a stream - the perfect setting for this charming brick Georgian house. On 2 plus acres, the property includes a stone smokehouse and an open-sided summer house. A center hall, beamed ceilings, 2 dressingrooms, a large tap room wi th wet bar, 4 bedrooms, brass fixtures and 3 fireplaces - a few of the very special features this completely renovated historic house has to offer. An impressive property at $275,000.

ARMFIELD PROPERTIES, INC. 687-6395 Middleburg, Virginia

VIRGINIA HUNT COUNTRY Situated on 26 beautiful acres near Middleburg, this country home features stunning family room, gourmet kitchen, cozy den, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, $379,000. More land available.

dbi 790-1500

Colquitt·Carruthers, Inc. Realtors

Dossier/October 1980175

Real Estate Properties

New England Retreat in Fairfax

enll ft.

REAL ESTATE Advertising Rates Real Estate Card No.5 Ix 3x 6x 12x 1/12 210 185 165 130 1/6 355 315 290 250 1/3 525 475 445 400 1/2 815 750 695 640


An ingenious designer tbuilder has fashioned a home of rustic elegance on secluded acreage. Of redwood and thermopane glass, it is architecturally unique and exceptionally energy-efficient. Four expansive bedrooms overlook woods and a natural-setting pool. Living excitement is in an inventive kitchen, recreation room. workshop and living room of soaring heights plus four baths, one with a sunken

sculptured tub. You 'Ib I e I'leveyou'reinJ 's centra Vermont, but this home I to everything. Priced at $285,000.

Bakery: THE FRENCH BREAD FACTORY, Gifts by: THE MOLE HOLE, Fashions by: HORSEFEATHERS, Special fragrances by: GALERIE DES PARFUMS, Rowers by: DAVID ELLSWORTH, Appalachian gifts by: AMERICAN CRAFTSMAN, Fine properties by: BEGG INC" REALTORS Clothes byJEANE EDDY, LTD. Call regarding the few remaining retail spaces Parking available. Exclusive agent 76/0ctober 1980/Dossier

Sep Slru


277 S. WashingtOn Street ,J.:""---'I Alexandria. Virglnta 549路8200

(202) 362-5894

Just a few steps from Wisconsin and M streets Jewelry by: THE MINERAl KINGDOM,

the Sitl



3251 Prospect street and 32


22 N street


in raj



e IA magnificent reconstructed and arge~ ~og house with over 3000 sq. th 'hOf hVIng space plus 2000 more in Sit Ouse that could easily be finished. Uated on a beautiful lot of six plus Seacres, the floor plan provides for Parate, complete guest or caretaker quarters. Original log house conSt rUet d . e In 1.896. All floors except loft $22 are ongmal oak and pine.


9,500. For information telephone: 938-5800. Vienna Office 502 Maple Avenue West Vienna, Virginia 22180

~. ... ------------....J ,...

\X.eshington from tne Penthouse Perspective. bUilt Three custom Vir . ~en~house apartments in rna~lnla, Just ':icross the Pototh No~erlooklng the river and dees' atlon's Capital, have been Ass~~ed by Leo A. Daly and deta·f,ates to include every insp~cf.f lux~ry..Yo.ur preview no Ion. IS invited, from on to SIX. Please call Millie Heinz for an appointment, 892-6390.

onstruction is well underway at the former Rockefeller Estate at 2500 Foxhall Road. We have just five homes left anticipating 1981 delivery. Reservations are being accepted for our next section to be built, including three impressive new Palladian designs. Prices are from $457,000. For your personal appointment to view our homes under construction and our future plans, please call Dagmar Hewitt Burton at 342-0096. FOXHALL


Builder/Developer: Crowell & Baker Sales: Lewis & Silverman





QUAY HARBOUR offers deep water, tennis, privacy, security gate, and panoramic views...


Contemporary Homes by JOE SIDOTI




Sales by Gary Hart & Assoc. •

Accepting site reservations now. Call Pat Morrison.

261·8977 - D.C. 266·0777 - AN NAP.

. •

'.. .

Dossier/October /980/77

Yesterday's Books Bought & Sold We're always interested in acquiring significant, unusual and fine books in 011 fields. We invite you to visit our comprehensive collection of 50,000 reasonably priced used, TOre and out-of-print paperbacks and hardbacks categorized in over 200 areas of interest. Browse and enjoy the selection while listening to the vintage 78 rpm recordings of Benny Goodman, Billie Holliday, Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker and many other musical greats.

Tucked ,1way on four very private culde-sacs, in the strategic BethesdalPotomac corridor. Minutes from White Flint, abin John Park, superb schools. future Metro stop. A galaxy of elegant colonial homes, featur ing deeply-recessed entryways. Ceramic-floored fuyers. Haute-euisine kit hens with Jenn-Air cook top. Family rooms with sun-filled window walls opening to deck or patio. Stone or brick

m·der ~

S BT Tham':a.nc._..".. ~os l.:J

'Ho'~~ ~I :u.w.



o -·

If you still think the best book bargains are found a t the "discount" new bookshops, you haven't shopped at Yesterday's Books, your first-stop bookshop!

fireplaces. Wet bMs. Opulent master suites with private sitting rooms and skylit whirlpool tubs. The economy of gas heat and cost-eutting energy package. The opportunity to make those very personal selections that make YOUR home unique. The ultimate luxury: Membership in Windermere's exclusive Swim & TenniS lub From $244,900, for delivery this Fall. BROKERS COOPERATION I VITED


983 1200

Evenings: Maxine 983-0010 32b Jean 983-1877 or ancy 4b8-0

OPE SATURDAY&SU DAY 1-5 PM Directions: From Old Georgetown Road, West on. Tuckerman Lane. Left on Lancelot Onve. Left on Earlsgate Way. Right on . ~R;o;;;u;,;nd;t;;,;ab;le;;.C;;;o;;;u;;.;,r,;.t;to.S;;,n;;;;id;er;.O ... pe.n.S.,g.n.s._


J'o..T' ,

"WOODBUR1"'l Near Lees b ur g ,


1f you're looking for a particular title, Yesterday's BookSearch ™ can help. In six years, we've been able to find thousands of scarce. rare, out-of-print and collectible titles for our BookSearch customers.

llam - 7pm daily lpm - 7pm Sundays (open late Friday and Saturday)

363-0581 In two locations at Wisconsin & Chesapeake Streets 4702 Wisconsin Avenue 4725 Wisconsin Avenue Washington, DC

One of the fmer estates to come on the market in re<:t::nt years. An excellent working farm of 422 acres, "Woodburn" offers a splendid collection of early domestic and farm architecture that has placed it on the National RegIster of Historic Places. Includes magnificent brick manor house, Circa 1820, creatively landscaped in the iiiiill::;.----=-----.--:-::·with "natural" school of 18th Cenlury England, a mid-18th Century gnst. and LOne miller's cottage, Loudoun Counly's fmest brick barn, Circa 1800, charrrung ogWilh long tenant house, rune-room farm manager's house, horse barn and much mor~ investment road frontage, only four miles from Leesburg, "Woodburn" is an excePll~n '\s , at $1,600,exx:>. :shown by appointment only to qualified buyers. Call for etaJ ~


KING AND CORNWALL, INC. Realtors Leesburg, Va. Melro Area 471-5400 (no loll)

78/0clober /980/Dossier




Dramatic! Stunning! Exciting new completely custom contemporary on 2 wooded acres adjoining parkland. Atrium with cathedral ceiling and IOxIO skylight. 1<XX) sq. ft. of customized Master suite. Gourmet kitchen by AllmilmB. Countless luxuries for those who choose to live in great style. For an appointment or further details: Call Mrs. Robert Newman, 299-5660


"Nice People To Do Business With"


• Established 1906

Potomac Village Office


Dale Denton, Inc. 797-8700

-----------------------------TIDEWATER VIRGINIA


Birthplace of Mary Ball Washlnaton Mother of George Washington


and 6 A.lE MANOR: Located some 100 miles from Washington, D.C. 0 dates miles ~ast of Richmond, this elegant three-story colonial home tlo nedtO the eighteenth century. Completely modernized and air condi· cent v: FIrst and second floors have screened porches with a magnifi· a thre Ie; across the wide RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER. This property includes 9ara e e~room guest house, separate servant quarters, three car irnat~~' ~Wlmming pool, large boathouse, and dock. Total of approx· Y 3 acres, with 3200 feet of waterfront. PRICE: $435,000. For information please write: P.O. BOX 3133 ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22302 OR CALL (703) 354·2632, (703) 836-0355, OR (804) 462·5460.

Situated On approx. 500 acres in the heart of Virginia's Historic Northern Neck in Lancaster County, this early 18th century plantation home has been carefully preserved for nearly 300 years. Wide center hall entry leads to sitting room, drawing room and dining room. Second floor hallway opens onto 4 bedchambers. Six fireplaces feature handcrafted mantles and imported brick. 12 dependencies include 4 original structures. Shown by appt. only· George Wood or Paul Shropshire Offering price: $1,125,000.

TATUM PROPERTIES, INC. 703-642-5600 Dossier/October 1980179


Dogwoods of Langley This gracious Federal Colonial is the perfect setting for your finest antiques. It features a dramatic foyer ~n~ center hall leading to a formal ~1Vlng room and banquet-sized dinmg .room. The. mahogany-paneled famJly room with beamed ceiling has French doors leading to private patio. This handsome home has 6 bedrooms, 3 fireplaces, 2 car garage an~ reflects quality and fine appomtments throughout.

For an appointment to see this fine home, call 532-8868 or Betty Norris at 256-0276

C.~outh Robbins ~oldwell Banker

~~tandg~ Majestically sited on a knoll one mile from Chain Bridge. The Williamsburg manor house overlooks four acres of sweeping lawn and garden. Large graciouS rooms for ent~rt.,aining include a walnut panelled library. Two porches overlook the p~ol and pavillion. There are seven bedrooms, seven full and three half baths (including se~' vants' or guest quarters), carriage house, three car garage, back stair, servant s passage and many other exceptional highlights. Shown by appointment onlY·

Harper & Company, REALTORS (703) 821·1777 After hours, contact Spence Rivett at 256-7240



Carr organization's modern day manor houses on the Potomac

and the ultimate contemporanes in McLean, Virginia. Highly.. . individual communities of diStinctive homes set in two of Northern Virginia's most prestigiouS locations.

Exceptional Guaranteed 30 Yur Financing AIIaliabie

MARPOVA Potomac, Maryland ommanding 9 wooded acres high over the Potomac, this OUI tanding French Provincial-style estate built by Washinglon\ own W. Waverly Taylor is offered at $3,250,000. Marpova is just one of the many uperb offerings avajlable from our neweSI regional office located at 2903 M Street in Georgetown. Plea e stop by or call amuel F. Beach, Jr. for a brochure and funher information. Telephone: 298 8405

Sotheby Parke Bernet International Realty 80/0ctober 1980/Dossier


from $230,035 Di*'iOlll: From 495 lake Georgetown PIke (Route 193) west to Great Falls Tum nght on Walker Rd. 2 miles to a left on Beach Mill Rd Go V, mile to a nght on Falcon R,dge Road to sales office on left. Phone 759-47J(l


•.•.•~., ... ,n@ ~



from $273,300 Dinldions: Take Tysons BeltWay Exn 11ln~tk Rd . and tlon a Dolley Madison Blvd.. to a left on Lew lO McLean Sla nght on Balls HIli Rd Go abOut 'h mile on left Phone' 821-1825

Edw. R. Garr & Associates/Building a name since 1925.

@ la-Year Buyer Protection Plan' Rnancing by Weaver Bros., Inc.• MLS Code 6






lll Antiques restored In your home. lcraf lete refinishing services; stains, chips, let ches, burns, water & heat spots, etc. ~hUS find those beveled mirrors, handles, Ion oles, etc. Pebblebrook Antique Restore. ~ Chase. 951·0648. Sue 0 Con kun, Antique Consultant. auctSUltations in buying, selling antiques, SPe IOn buying. Personal shopping service. andCialiZlng in 18th & 19th century ~merican las English Furniture, accessones and s. 202.363.7845. Co

no f fof


ser- PI'no


III - German Stelnweg, 6 ft. grand, 1924. since built for Swedish Opera ~OOO. 337-7359.

~g:r'~~~ ~


nu Y Guggenheim - private dealer repre'~r ng Outstanding artists in glass, clay, ~welry. By appt. only 488-1320



t/ash esney'S Bartenders

partllngton's finest specializing in Private II ~s, Weddings and Embassy functions. ~ney (202) 544-7571.



~kover THE BOOK CELLAR for out·of·prlnt 'angUS to read & collect. All subjects & ~8~~~·,,~227 Wood mont Ave., Bethesda, ~. Open 7 days, 11·5.

~ CAlLIGRAPHY InVlta~ltely

hand-lettered announcements,

~ Stat ons, dinner party menus. Fortune 500

~. Clientele. Prof., reas. 836-1737

~GANCE FOR S,AJ...E ~CI~nlt fabrics from designer cutting

rooms. Imports, Ultra-Suede'!l in 32 colors. ~~1Un~L1MITED 5015 Col. Pike, Arl. VA

~~a~~ Ve



autlf I ~;...'------:-:-:--:-----::----:---nOtion u fabrics at sensible prices. Basics, Street s fOr dressmaking. Threadneedle ~Pait~t:?~ac Promenade (inside mall) , ~. Potomac. 299-3370



8oUn~L.FONT'S HEALTH HAPPENINGS SPa foe Into fitness at 1200-acre mountain ~rUctl~ men. and women. P!ofesslonal !nhOrkshn with Carol Spilman and Diet Ikes, op instructor, aerobics, dance, ~Iet. Loma.ssages, 1200 calorie or regular 849.50/~glng, meals and training as low as erke\ ay. COolfont Re + Creation. ~D~b S..prlngS, W. VA. 25411. Dial direct ~A~~ 424-1232. lard's DOS - Luxurious week at Sam DeSign Castle. Nov. 22-29. Call Tour ~54'5820




INTERIOR BY AUGUST Residential Mr. August-544·2999

20th Century American Fine Art Appraisals



Bought-Sold·Appraised·Cleaned·Repaired. Hadeed Oriental Rug Emporium. 1504 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Va. 549-0991.

REA ESTATE Maryland Virginia Realty 301·822·1900 St. Michaels· New Contemporary - Bathing Beach· $78,500 . Brick Rancher Crab Alley. Bay Bulkheaded . $152,000 - 2 Story - Water Front - 2 Acres· SI. Michaels - $225,000 - 442 Hunting Acres· 2 Miles Water· $1000 Acre. ST. THOMAS - Winter vacation home with spectacular view above harbour. Est~te Mafolie, 3 bdr., 2 baths, 40·ft. gallery, SWimming pool, garden, beaut. fum., avail. on weekly rental basis. Dec.-Mar. $1000-120~ per wk. For pictures & info. call Randl, 9am-12 noon 333-4846. FOR RENT - SARASOTA SIESTA KEY Lux. T.H. 2 B.R. 2% Bth. Gulf View. Pool, Dock,3 min. walk to Bch. 363-1166.

SERVICES OLGA JEVTICH BEAUTY & FASHION CON· SULTATION - Antique lace dressing. By app!. only. 338-6715.




For pennies you can have real protection against such calamities with a photographic inventory of your housestructure and contents- for insurance claims. Photographed by one of Washington's most respected photographers and teachers. Call (202)244-8051.

T.L.C. among the stately pines of Arundel Kennels, an ultra-modern alc boarding kennel with heated floors for winter. Professional grooming is available as is kitty care. Arundel Kennels, 439 W. Central Ave., Davidsonville, MD. 261-PETS. Music Lessons: electric instruments: guitar, bass, keyboard, parking at NW studio. 234-1837 RELATIONSHIP, DIVORCE, AND CUSTODY PROBLEMS. Individual or group counsel· ing. Green Associates, P.C., Psychologists. Call 333-1049 or 965-4759. COMPLETE HOME INVENTORY Document your possessions on color film plus a written description for many purposes including insurances and taxes. Strictly Confidential Mr. Henry: 265-2799



ANN H. BISSELL Art Installations and Framing

202-363-2867 LAND·SCAPES WE DESIGN AND BUILD FINE GARDENS - 1979-1980 AWARDS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 270·6721 Steven Mackler MIKE'S RECONDITION CENTER & BODYSHOP. STOP WAXING YOUR CAR· polyglycoat It! We add luxurious gleem to the interior & exterior of fine cars. Profes· sional Service. Appointment only 340-6070. NEW CORDLESS TELEPHONE Makes conventional telephones obsolete • No more unneeded exten· ! sions or unwieldy long cords. • Place or answer calls up to BOO' from Base • Automatic rediallng, hold button, full Intercom • Slim and attractive decorator telephone styling • No Installation required, warranty 1 yr. I I • 10 days return privilege just $235 (other models available) Arbooz IntI. ask for Leo Hinden 457·0219

27 foot CAL Sailboat for Sale 1975, sleeps four, full equipment, Atomic 4 engine. Excellent condition. $19,500. Call lippencott Yacht Sales (301) 643·2112 or




Dossier/October /980/8/




----------------AsHINGTON ---------------,~~\BrandyWlne Street N.W.· FA Perna to

'003 .R. Perna & Ann M.P. Betances· $220,000.

IJOh DStreet, N.W.. R. Stein to Stuart A. Bernstein 18~ J. Mason & Richard S. Cohen - $7,260,000. 8a1~1 nd 19th Street, N.W.• C.J. Mellody to Jeffrey Ihin & Kreszentia M. Duer (Army Times Pub· S, g Co.) . $1,400,000. O%g~6 27th Street, N.W. . Covell Builders to ~3as K. Bemis, Jr.. $390,000. C'lin 3 d Street, N.E.· F.B. Corneal, Jr. to Joseph 173e an, Jr. . $215,000. Prllch5 Corcoran Street, N.W.. O. Clay to Paul C. ~2 ard . $210,000. ~lro~'tDent Place, N.W.• J. Tilley to Harold C. 483 I z - $325,000. ~IChall Kenmore Drive, N.W. . C.S. Joyce to ~ H. Callaway - $205,000. ~ger M Street, N.W.. K.E. Hogan to Ulysses G. 17 . $520,800. P Street, N.W.. P.J. Gayet to C. Duke BranISt~ T.T. Scambos & G.F. Jennings - $200,000. ~rll1e ROdman Street, N.W. . A.M. Keller to 2'00n l. & Beth-Ann F. Gentile - $242,500. '-1 ~ Street, N.W.. D.C. Coulter to C.J. & S.S. & 1760e Ody - $300,000. l.1indSwann Street, N.W.. W.F. Hyde to Michael 2(3 5 el - $235,000. heu rTracy Place, N.W.. W.G. Brown to J.H. 48t: - $495,000. elo \tan Ness Street N.W.· W.C. & A.N. Miller (J2 Pment Co. to Allison B. Birney - $221,781. ha~IWestover Place, N.W.. Kettler Brothers to (JS4 f'. MacLeod· $230,000. ~ard Wsestover Place, N.W.• D.T. Kingsley to ISSO losberg - $242,000. ~e~ ~lIl1amsburg Lane, N.W.. L.W. Carter to 12QOl arman - $700 000 tilor 9th Street, N:W. : R.T. Naing to Perry R. .1(23 r.. $690,000. ~lsa .33rd Street, N.W. . J.N. Binsted to '<40&!oChe Alkawa (Abou-Bakr S. Hazzah) . ~4264 . "Ielo 48th Place, N.W. . W.C. & A.N. Miller ",~pment Co. to Mark D. Lerner - $249,500. 11• $2~OS~reet, N.W.. E.R. Carter to Pamela P.


Exceptional stone mansion sited on eX9uisite grounds b~cking to Parkland. An extradinary oppo~tumty for the ConnOIsseur. $465,000. For an appointment to vIew call:

Welene Goller, 320-5064,362-4480


MGMB, inc. Realtors


Foxhall Square ew Mexico Ave., .W. Washington, D.C. 20016


We sell investments to live in.

:lite :lopd

of I<edufe SltoPd


Pris ilia Do Ie"

ENCORE Top 0 igner Fa hion

~~~ sBlft~~re 1

Street, N.W. . S.H. FlaJser to 2OQ GAngyal & Abby L. Bloom· $282,500. le~be artleld Street, N.W.. S.F. Pierson to Ray 48s, rg. $343,500. ~~is~ndlan Lane, N.W.. W.K. Tell, Jr. to John C. 8'7 New n . $460,000. hir G York Avenue, N.W.· J.B. Dobricky III to S30b' KOUchacji - $250,000. Ott H'Ll'latory Circle, N.W.· R.C. Sullivan, Jr. to ~S'OQ' ang - $205,000. IIllalll ~atson Street, N.W. . D.C. Blevins to ~2,S4 W· Gardner - $275,000. !I<la l ~Omlng Avenue, N.W.· T. McCance, Jr. to aplan - $390,000. ~er 13th Street, N.W.• A. Baker to John A. , r. - $410,000.







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,Cll)anu ge Drive, McLean. D.T. Lee to Quentin

I~g '28 BI~ . $220,000.

7;~ JOh~~!!l WoOd Drive, McLean· R. L. Brownwv. Pearman - $200,000. 'I~ Co~Oklng Road, McLean. Ridge Develop~"IJ' H

,,'§tiO Poration Co 825 S

~ald C tcllart Mill





Road Oakton· H.E. Marxer to . llmmins. $200.000.

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CO 111.i:pW2E.t2 t1. clfcCE.phd :bait:; 3715 Ma omb St., N.W. (off Wi, on,in Av .l Wa hinglon, D.

966-8122 Dossier/October /980/83

BUBBLING SUNDAY BRUNCH Every Sunday from 11 am to 3pm our chefs set forth a very, very long table in our Atrium with a sumptuous array of food presentations that will surprise you with elegant creativity. There are tables under the trees where the champagne flows. So relaxing and elegant at the same time. You'll find nothing like it in town. Just $15 per person, plus tax and gratuities. Valet parking is available.


oe.el. 1703 Burlwood Court, Vienna . RosenbergMulle~ opment Corporation to William G. ·$210,868. sMill 7413 Swinks Mill Court, McLean· swl nk 2():11 Development Corporation to A.D. Cors . $3Jomes 8009 Old Falls Road, McLean· McLean Inc. to Roscoe H. Murray, Jr.. $271,800.\ Ridge 223 Falcon Ridge Road, Great Fal 5 innertl Development Corporation to Stephen J. F anllC ·$213,500. 12510 Knollbrook Drive, Clifton . T. Bry Henry T. Cawrylowicz . $230,000. te Lsrd 6506 Ursllne Court, McLean· Machl cO eo. to Frank M. Elliott· $210,300. OCO Inc 6701 Franconia Road, Alexandria ·Repr ' to Marcos Reizakls· $261,000. GarreUIC 9507 Pamllco Lane, Great Falls· K.L. Herbert F. Balzuweit· $215,000. H PlanklO 7253 Sprln~ Side Way, McLean· W.· r/> Scott D. ~cKlnney . $260,000. W J 5/1 4741 Rock Spring Road, N. Arlington' .' to Francis J. Samaha '$400,000. stevenslO 1810 Briar Ridge Court, McLean· J.p. F 115 . R.f Benjamin E. Tabber . $220,000. 805 Netherclille Hall Road, Great a Raven to David H. Bierhorst ·$225,000. RoundS 10 10516 Lawyers Road, Vienna' A.C. Richard C. Dean· $280,000. COOpS!' 921 Millwood Road, Great Falls' W.T. Jr. to David H. Brand· $300,000. DevelOl' 7314 Hooking Road, McLean· Ridge 550. ment Corporation to Emil Weinberg . $2~~c/1ICole 6501 Anna Marla Court, McLean . Land eo. to Ralph W. Johnson . $225,7~ackaIiI0 762 Keithly Drive, Great Falls' H.C. 0 George A.T. Thompson· $260,000. H Pla nkt 7256 Spring Side Way, McLean· W.. George J. Black III . $255,000. . rly So. LP 1301 Timberly Lane, McLean· Tlmbe (/J to Bing J. Luan . $264,500. W H. 4902 Rock Spring Road, N. Arlington" • bett to Tom Simkin· $235,000. A smit/1I' 1441 Montague Drive, Vienna' H. . I E Decker' Gerald M. Soltys· $215,000. 10233 Cedar Pond Drive, Vienna' R.. Weston T. Smith· $227,000. Whitlufll, 1216 Motrom Drive, McLean· C.H. , to Richard M. Stormont· $275,000. C owell·ell 1219 Ingleside Avenue, McLean' r 155. & Enterprise. Inc. to John C. Healy' $256, n .l<1s 6631 Madison·McLean Drive, McLeF~eedfllan son.McLean Associates to Robert L. $249,000.

--------~ MARYLAND

•••• CREATIVE ORGANIZING,INC. •• •••• .An individualized, consultant's approach to solving your organizing problems


P.O.BOX 10212

84/0Clober /980/Dossier




~ wel5fllS~

7727 Arrowood Court, Bethesda' E.R. 10 to Raymond K.L. Ao· $225,000. R Tanner 7420 Helmsdale Road, Bethesda', 10 FabiO M. Galante· $250,000. potter 6804 Tulip Hili Terrace, Bethesda' LA III John P. Diuguid . $205,000. M A De fll 10801 Barn Wood Lane, potomac' . ' e to Heber R. Bingham· $365,000. park' R· 8604 Flower Avenue, Takoma . rJ Goldsten to Bruce D. Patner . $300,OO~i LeVins 6904 Carmichael Lane, Bethesda' .' cl to Allan Ginsberg· $310,000. V A Bredl 4940 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda' . ' to to Luigi Traettinoo . $225,000. C W weikel rS 6630 River Road, Bethesda' . ' Milton Latt· $255,000. I Bu llde 9208 Cranford Drive, potomac, cast e f1\ Inc. to Alvin S. Rubenstein· $210.900 . oaKS Far 10604 Norton Road, potomac, River s' Inc. to Burton J. Katzen· $355,000. J F AcKe rfll 10845 Stanmore Drive, potomac· . . t 10 to Miguel A. Senior· $385,000. D A Afield 8613 Timberhlll Lane, potomac' . . 10 James L Munson 3rd . $205,000. A M Bra tman 6925 Armat Drive, Bethesda' . . ~IC James B. Adler· $400,000. E H Ricke 5214 Farrington Road, Bethesda' . ' i IC James E. Smith· $225,000. M sam 125 Grafton Street, Chevy Chase" IC steven F. FlaJser . $240,000. d D B HarriS 5219 Moorland Lane, Bethes a' . . tC Alan H. Kaplan· $240,000. J W MCC art /1Y 23 Stanmore Court, potomac' . . David M.e. Worthen· $295,000. Design·1 9 Travllah Terrace, potomac 000 ~ ~\ Builders to Steven Kaufman . $300'Ch~5e' . 2927 Greenvale Road. Chevy 0000. deS Yochelson to Thomas R. Lamia' $29 'Ted GI~. 9484 Seven Locks Ro~d, Bethesd~y . $284, IIIC Construction Co. to Amlle A. KO~W ca mpbe 15920 Emory Lane, Rockville' . . John M. Tuel . $208,000.




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f you're planning an event, please call Mrs. Wimsatt at 652-7574 at least six weeks in advance. We regret that not every item can be published for reasons of space. However, private parties will be placed on a special list that will not appear in this column.

OCTOBER October 4: Dinner Dance benefit of the Washington Hospital Center - sponsored by The Women's Auxiliary to the Washington Hospital Center - Embassy of New Zealand - 7:30 p.m. - black tie - by invitation - $100 each - Chairman, Mrs. Samuel Scrivener, Jr. October 5 - November 2: 1980 National Symphony Orchestra Decorators' Show House - Gruman-Cox Estate, 3516 Rittenhouse Street, N.W. - admission $5 - Mon. -Sat. 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Sun. 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. - proceeds to benefit the National Symphony Orchestra -Chairman, Mrs. George Boddiger. October 6: Isaac Stern in Concert - Kennedy Center - 7:30 p.m. - Special Birthday Party Reception and Champagne Supper following performance - black tie - by invitation - Cochairmen, Mrs. Abraham A. Ribicoff, Mrs. Robert Smith, The Honorable Abe Fortas. October 7: "Cocktails by the Canal" - Abner Cloud House - sponsored by Colonial Dames of America Chapter Three - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. - by invitation - Chairman, Mrs. Patrick H. Hume. October 9: The Meridian House Ball - Twelfth Annual Ball benefit of Meridian House International - 9:30 p.m. - black tie - by invitation - preceded by Embassy dinners - $125 each - Chairman, Mrs. Daniel J. Callahan III - Vice Chairman, Mrs. Torn E. Paro. October 11: "October Fair" - First Baptist Church, 16th and 0 Streets, N.W. - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Chairman, Miss Pamela Peacock. October 11: Dinner Dance benefit of Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund - Pension Building, 5th and G Streets, N.W. - reception 7 p.m. - dinner 8 o'clock - black tie - by invitation - $150 each -Cochairmen, Senator and Mrs. John Warner. October 11: The American Theatre Association's Third Annual International Theatre Costume Ball - "The Yankee Doodle Ball" - honoring the Honorable Livingston L. Biddle, Jr. - Shoreham Hotel- dinner at 7:30 o'clock - by invitation - costume or black tie - patrons $100 each - others $75 each - Chairman, Rose Robison Cowen. October 13: Fall Benefit sponsored by the Capitol Ballet Guild and Washington Preschool, Inc. - Terrace Theater, KenCen - 7:30 p.m. - followed by buffet dinner - by invitation - performance $30 each - performance and dinner $60 each - Honorary Chairman, The Honorable Patricia Schroeder - Chairman Mrs.

86/0ctober 1980/Dossier

Teena Watson. October 17 through October 20: Fourteenth Annual Meeting of The Friends of the Kennedy Center - Chairman, Mrs. Lily Polk Guest. October 18: Opening Meet - The Fairfax Hunt - Belmont Plantation, Leesburg, Virginia. October 18: Benefit for The Washington Ballet - reception at Embassy of Ecuador - 6:30 p.m. - hosts, Ambassador of Ecuador and Mrs. Crepso-Zaldumbide - performance, 8:30 p.m. - Lisner Auditorium followed by buffet supper at FNMA - by invitation - $85 each - Chairman, Mrs. Giorgio G. Via. October 18: "The Design of a Century" - A Centennial Celebration and gala opening of the 1980 Model Rooms, Woodward & Lothrop, F Street Store - to benefit The Friends of the Kennedy Center - cocktail buffet, fashion spectacular, music - 8 p.m. - black tie - by invitation - $40 each - Honorary Chairman, Mary Martin. October 19: Fifth Annual Live and Silent Auction to benefit the International Student House, 1825 R Street, N.W. - II a.m. - admission at door $3 each -luncheon (by reservation) $15 each - Co-chairmen, Mrs. Richard Sanger, Mr. James S. Wilson. October 2I through October 26: Washington International Horse Show Gala benefit of People to People Sports Committee. October 21: Reception for Committee Members - 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - by invitation - Hosts, Secretary of the OAS and Mrs. Orfila. October 22: Reception for Committee Members - 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - by invitation - Hosts, Ambassador of Argentina and Mrs. Aja Espil. October 22: Gala Preview of new WilliamsSonoma Store - at Mazza Gallerie - cocktails and supper - 7:00 p.m. - by invitation - Hosts, Mr. and Mrs. David Brinkley, James Beard, Jacques Pepin and others. October 23: Dinner Dance - The Four Seasons Hotel - in honor of The Black Stallion - 8:30 p.m. - black tie - by invitation. October 24: Reception for Committee Members - by invitation - Hosts, Ambassador of Mexico and Mrs. Margain. October 24: The Air Force Ball - dinner dance - by invitation - Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California. October 24: United Nations Day. October 25: Twentieth Annual United Nations Concert and Dinner - Concert by American Symphony Orchestra, Morton Gould conducting - Concert Hall, Kennedy Center - 6 p.m. - followed by dinner-dance - International Ballroom, Washington Hilton Hotel - by invitation - black tie - General Chairman, Reuben F. Mettler. October 26: Brunch for Committee Members - Jockey Club, The Fairfax - 12:30 p.m. - Host, Mr. John Coleman - by invitation - Gala Chairman, Mrs. William L. Bryant. October 26: Haitian Art Show and Sale spon-

E III/ sored by Eye Care, Inc. - The Rosedale . pI 2501 Newark Street, N.W. - 4 to 9 p·t1\n iC I ceeds to aid in construction of eye C co~pl Jacmel, Haiti - by invitation - $30 aCharlr - Honorary Chairperson, H. E. Serge ~1r< Ambassador of Haiti _ Chairperson. Frazier Meade. hingl October 26 through November 2: W~s cen1rt International Horse Show - capital to P Landover, Maryland - benefit of Peop e pie Sports Committee - open to pubh C• October 26: Diplomatic Night. . an. \rl October 29: Hunt Night - Co-chW rn I-Ion ol Samuel E. Bogley, WIHS President, The able True Davis. October 27: Veterans Day. BlI5~~ October 27 • December 20: HoIlYCrippl Boutique benefit of D.C. Society fO~hasesn\' Children - Community Room, ChevY II- opel ings & Loan Association, Little Falls Ma 5 p.1I1 to public - Mon. through Sat. 10 a.m· INorail' - Auxiliary President, Mrs. Richard H· October 31: National UNICEF DaY· October 31: Hallowe'en.


. Ion P •• November I: First Annual Washlt1g ringill" Ball - Dinner dance with music by Bill H~r dinner. - Mayflower Hotel - reception 6:30 p.rn·Ameri,iO 7:30 p.m. - to benefit programs of The. 1;\[(11' Heart Association and its Nation's Capitar vi'~ iate - Honorary Patrons, Rosalynn car;eHonoi' President and Mrs. Mondale - Guest 0 le~3ndtf Judge John J. Sirica - Chairman, Mrs. A ch. Chase - black tie - by invitation - $100 e;. Will November I through Decembe~ Zf~r CnJ" Basket Boutique benefit of D.C. Society 8L (,()o'lO pled Children - Chevy Chase Savings d.opl° Association, Litlle Falls Mall, Sumner, IV! 5 p.1I1 to public - Mon. through Sal. 10 a.m. ~or3ir. - Auxiliary President, Mrs. Richard H· November 4: Election Day. hing lOO November 5: Junior League of wasver _bl Christmas Shop Previews - The MayOOI n ~1(' rna invitation - Tea, 2 to 4:30 p.m. - Chair 9' p.f11' Robert F. Goodwin _ Reception, 6 10 I - Chairman, Mrs. E. Joseph Luskey. d Ann~3 November 6 - 8: Twenty-SeC~n s hO~ Junior League of Washington ChnSlm~siOn l - The Mayflower - open to public - ad~\O p.n each - November 6 & 7, 10 a.m. to Honoraf) - November 8, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - CI airfllan. Chairman, Mrs. Roger L. Slevens, 1 / Miss Susan McGregor. . s for Ih•. November 6: Benefit for Record:~grnade~ 0 Blind - American Premiere of A sY _6: 3 0 baS - preceded by reception at British Em Brilal ea t a' o'clock - hosts, Ambassador of G r m.' and Lady Henderson - performance,. 8 P~n, ~tr.· tional Theatre - by invitation - Cbal rm Malcolm Price.

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