Top 5 Gym Exercises to Reduce the Hip Fat

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Top 5 Gym Exercises to Reduce the Hip Fat

Working out in the gym endlessly and still not seeing results as what you wanted? Well, this happens to a lot of people. The reason for this is that most of us just workout and do the exercises that are trending and do not actually know what would work for us. Help of the trainer or a little bit of research is always good in this case. You need to get clear about the core areas of your body that you want to get toned and do the workout that would helpful in that case. Here we show top 5 gym exercises that would help you reduce hip fat. P.S – You can try out these exercises all by yourself and do it at home as well but make sure that you have done your research well enough so that you don’t go wrong in the posture or the process. If you are doing it yourself you need to watch multiple videos to get the perfect pose. 1. Side Lunges Starting with the most effective workout in this particular case and that has to be the side lunges. You must start with doing the lunges first and then moving forward to the side lunges would be quite easy. The side lunges increases the pressure in both the legs when you bend down on one knee and this in turn makes your thighs toned. 2. Squats Squats is one of those workouts of the gym that you start from the beginner level and keep on doing till you a professional just by increasing the numbers. Squats is the best exercise ever to cut down the fat from your thigh area in the least number of days. Also, this makes your legs, back, and thighs so strong. 3. Fire Hydrants This is the workout that totally focuses on your hips, butt, and your thighs. Utmost pressure is created on the hips while doing this exercise which makes it strong and the strength in that

area increases. The benefit of this exercise is hip extension, hip external rotation, and hip abduction. It is a best glute exercise that focuses on your glutes improves your posture. 4. Banded Walk The banded walk is a hard core exercise that you will be taught in the gym by your trainer to do. When you get regular with this exercise, it will be easier for you to do it as a warm up exercise. It engages the deep muscles that energizes the pelvis. It improves the hip, foot, and ankle stabilization. It also makes your knees strong while cutting down the fat from the hip and thigh area. It makes your legs toned as well. 5. Wall Sits To build the endurance of the whole body, one of the best workouts for it has to be the wall sits. Again, this is a hard core workout that builds the isometric strength. It builds endurance in the calves, glutes, quadriceps, adductor muscles, and hamstrings. This is a great exercise for the athletes and for everyone who would want to build up the strength. Conclusion As it is said, you won’t get the dreamy and the lassy legs just by making them help you walk or sit. You have to make them work out to let them look toned. The hip or the butt fat gets dumped out of the body pretty fast as compared to the other fat of the body. It is just that you need to do some apt exercises for it. These tip 5 gym exercises are going to work great for your hip area for sure.

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