Ernest Shackleton The greatest Antarctic Rescue of all time

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ErnestShackleton T h e G r e a t e s t A n t a r c t i c Re s c u e o f A l l T i me

Comi cadapt at i on byt hest udent sof 5t hand6t hCl ass Room 13 Scoi lDi ar mada Cast l eder mot Co.Ki l dar e Pr oducedby

Ki l dar eLi br ar yandAr t sSer vi ce

Acknowledgements Thi sbooki sdedi cat edt oki dswhol ovebooks, l i br ar ygoer sever ywher eandt oal lt hechi l dr enofKi l dar e whowi l lpr eser veourpasti nt hei rf ut ur e. Thi scomi ccoul dnothavebeenmadewi t houtt heent husi ast i c f i f t handsi xt hcl assst udent sf r om Room 13,Scoi lDi ar mada, Cast l eder mot ,Co.Ki l dar e,whopar t i ci pat edi nt hi spr oj ect . Theyr eal l yl i vedupt ot hei rschoolmot t o: " Árndí cheal ligcónaí"whi cht r ansl at esas" Ourbestal ways. " 5t hCl ass JasonMor gan,Ki er anFoy ,Ni al lThompson,Sam Har t f or d,SeánCasser l y , JoshuaD’ Ar cyFost er ,Gabr i el l eDonoghue,EmmaGal vi n,RachelKeogh, Cai t l i nO’ Nei l l ,Mar yOr bi nskiBur ke,Annel i eBur keandLucyKel l y . 6t hCl ass ConorBr ennan,JoshCope,Ci anFat a,Bar r yGr ay ,ConorHennessy , ,MeadhbhBr owne,Sophi eRi t chi e,EmmaO’ Rei l l y , ZackMur phy AnnaBudzyk,Kayl ei ghMor r i s,Anaoi seO’ DonovanandAoi f eTi er nan.

Coor di nat edbyTr í naCoyne,Ki l dar eLi br ar ySer vi ces. Wor kshopsf aci l i t at edbyar t i stDavi dBut l er( www. ani t hi ng. i e) andsuppor t edbycl asst eacherEoi nKi r k. Speci alt hankst oMar i oCor r i gan,At hyLi br ar y . Schoolpr i nci palBr endanDunneandal lourf ami l yandf r i ends.

Publ i shedbyKi l dar eLi br ar y&Ar t sSer vi cesandAt hyTownLi br ar y Pr i nt edbyNaasPr i nt i ng( www. naaspr i nt i ng. i e) ©Ki l dar eLi br ar y&Ar t sSer vi ces2014

Al lr i ght sr eser ved. Nopar toft hi spubl i cat i onmayber epr oducedi nanyf or m orbyanymeans, el ect r oni cormechani cali ncl udi ngphot ocopyi ngorr ecor di ng,orby anyi nf or mat i onst or ageorr et r i evalsyst ems, wi t houtper mi ssi oni nwr i t i ngf r om t hepubl i sher .

NAME: _______________________________ DATE: _____________


Hel pt heJamesCai r df i ndSout hGeor gi a Ent er

Exi t

Tol ear nmor eaboutEr nestShackl et onpl easevi si tAt hyLi br ar y At hyLi br ar y , Emi l ySquar e,At hy ,CoKi l dar e. at hyl i b@ki l dar ecoco. i e0598631144 Myhear t i estcongr at ul at i onst o5t hand6t hCl assandEoi nKi r kat Scoi lDi amar da,Cast l eder mot ,Tr i naCoyneatKi l dar eLi br ar y Ser vi ces,Davi dBut l erandever yonewhocont r i but edt ot hi s out st andi ngwor k. AsaKi l dar eman,Shackl et onwoul dbepr oudt oknow t hat t hespi r i t ,i magi nat i onandr esour cef ul ness ofKi l dar ear est i l lf l our i shi ngt oday . Wel ldonet oal lconcer ned. Mi chaelSmi t h, Aut horofShackl et on-TheBoss

Thewor kgr oupwoul dl i ket oacknowl edgeMi chaelSmi t h andhi schi l dr en’ sbookonEr nestShackl et onTheBoss. Publ i shedbyCol l i nsPr ess.Avai l abl ei nyourl ocall i br ar y .

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