Learn Guitar Chords (click here for easy guitar lessons for beginner and for the best online chord book)
Hi, I'm David Carelse, an Italian guitarist (sorry for the language) and I made the most selling online guitar course in Italy. By my site and the people who follow me I knew that most of people want to learn first of all to play a song in strumming mode. Strumming is when you play the guitar only with the chord. Typically used by singer. But always, every kind of people have 2 main different trouble:  
Fingers used for press a string, touch other strings and generate a noise Low shift from one chord to another
(if you want to try to learn guitar chords I advice you to go here)
Problem with Guitar Chords 1 Fingers used for press a string, touch other strings and generate a noise This is one of the most common problem for the beginners who wants to learn hot to play guitar with chords. And here is a tactic that I explain to my Italian students: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Place your fingers for make the chord you want to do Play 1 string at a time Stop when you listen that a string sound bad Fix your fingers with very little shift and try to put that finger the most perpendicular you can When the string sounds good return to the second point starting with the 6th string
At the end of this tactic you must be able to play a chord with no noise. To the very first time you must do this checklist over and over for every chord. (if you want to try to learn guitar chords or guitar in general I advice you to go here)
Problem with Guitar Chords 2 Low shift from one chord to another For this particular problem, I'm going to create another pdf. STAY TUNED! David Carelse
(click here for easy guitar lessons for beginner and for the best online chord book)