TE-WEI CHEN Portfolio
University of Michigan 1
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Content Architecture
Arch 213 Sukiya Tea House Ise Jingu + Musashino Library Arch 211 Ise Jingu Arch 312 Layering/Stacking Negative Space/Rockite Models Rock Gallery Whisky Distillery/Bar Arch 322 Extreme Sports Center Ski Resort City Extreme Sports Center/Office Arch 316 Vanna Venturi House Case Study Poster
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Te-Wei Chen
Arch 218 Sukiya Tea House Materials: basswood, museum board All by hand 2012
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 218 Ise Jingu + Musashino Library Team Project: Mark Huang, Wookey Yoo, Hyunsoo Brad Bang, Sol Park and Min Kyeong Ji In charge of the drawing to the right, major part of designing and making of the model below Materials: Basswood, acrylic, All by hand 2013
Arch 211 Ise Jingu V-ray rendering of Ise Jingu Shrine in Japan 2012
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 312 Layering/Stacking Materials: museum board All by hand 2013
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 312 Rockite Models/Negative Space Materials: rockite, acrylic, basewood All by hand 2013
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 312 Rock Gallery Materials: acrylic, chipboard 2013 Program: rock gallery
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 312 Whisky Distillery + Bar Materials: foamcore, acrylic, basswood, chipboard 2013 Site: on South University Rd. Program: green house, bar, production, living, storage Still
It is a bread store, a distillery, a speakeasy bar, and with a brew master’s room and office. With the concept of having a high end exclusive bar, adjacent to college bars, the bar is hidden in sight.The bar is located halfway between the menproduction of whisky, and the nature production of barley, the green house. The programs are located according from learning the production process of whisky. The store front is a bread store that hides the production of whisky, which barley is one of the major ingredients for bread.
Tax Determination
Barley Cultivation
Kiln Drying
Tax Determination Tank
Brew/Mash Pot
Milling Machine
Hot & Cold Water Tank
Cask Bottle Tax Determination
Tax Determination
Barley Grain
Green House Bar Production Space Store+Living Storage
Brewing & Fermentation
Tax Determination Aging & Bottling
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 322 Extreme Sport Center Materials: chipboard, basswood,cardboard, sedum 2014 Site: flat suburban Program: parking, climbing area, winter snoboard/ summerskateboard area, hangout space, WC facilities, mechanical, storage
Outdoor Climbing Area
I want to create a building that its form is as closely related to the activities in the building or outside the building as possible. Skateboarding and snowboarding both need height and distance for the speed. Also, climbing and bouldering need vertical or horizontal surfaces. To maximize the distance and height for the activities, the building is cutting into the ground and the longest and steepest trail is oriented diagonally. The building shape is formed from a series of sections that is similar to the study model’s circulur like section. The bottom part of the building, which is a hollow bowl also serve as half indoors skateboard area. The entire upper part of the building can be used for skiing in the winter and for skating in the summer. Skiers go down the building and to the elevator at the parking level, the elevator becomes the ski lift The wall near the highest part of the building, provide vertical surface for both outdoors and indoor climbing walls.
Indoor skateboard & climbing area
Semi-outdoor skateboard area
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 322 Ski Resort Materials:cardboard chipboard, paper, sedum 2014 Site: slopped mountain Program: hangout space, cafe, ski patrol office WC facilities, mechanical, storage Skiers/Snowboarders constantly look for interesting runs on the slope. The top of the building provides an extension of the landscape, allowing skiers and snowboarders to ski on in a curvy pathway in horizontal and vertical dimensions, with the top of the manmade landscape being the viewing plateform, looking down towards the three half pipes that meet in intersection, and looking up to the cliff of the natural landscape.
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 322 City Extreme Sports Center/Office Materials: cardboard,chipboard,basswood,tape,sedum,Sweets construction book 2014 Site: flat city Program: climbing area, cafe, hangout space, office, WC facilities, controlled public space It is an extreme sports center and office building located in a city, with a climbing wall extendning from the ground all the way to the top of the building, through the space between the ovals that rotate from the first floor to fifteenth floor. With “layering“ concept in mind, starting with the book study model trying to express the flipping of the pages and the pages coming out of the hard cover. The tape study models helped me determined the form of the building, driven by oval shapes and the continious green space, or surface.
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Te-Wei Chen
Arch 316 Vanna Venturi House Case Study Poster 2013 Vanna Venturi House is a house designed by Robert Venturi for his mother, located in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. It is one of the first post-modernist buildings. Instead of modernist’s strict rules and minimalist design, Robert Venturi challenged them with complexity and contradiction. What appears to be a Gabel roof from the painted green façade; the roof is actually behind the oversized façade. The house is constructed of concrete masonry for the façade and the exterior walls, wood frame and steel for the roof and floor plates. The façade is like a billboard, with the complex structure behind a large board. Robert Venturi also broke the rule of no decoration on buildings, by adding in functionless arch or even usesd words as decorations. The OPEN sign and lights around the billboard serve as decorative elements for the billboard. The billboard is structured with the actual framing of the façade, the roof and the floor plate. The structure that supports the billboard is the extension of the original steel structure.
Te-Wei Chen
Nature Photoshop 2011
Te-Wei Chen
Pastel 2008
Bee Wax, plywood All by hand 2010
Sagrada Familia
Desert Shield
Pastel 2008
felt, paper All by hand 2011 Team project with Mark Huang
Te-Wei Chen
Robot X
Steel All by hand 2011
silk screnn prints, cardboard All by hand 2010
Wave Copper All by hand 2011
Te-Wei Chen
Take Out Boxes
acrylic, paint, fortune cookie, rice 2013
Te-Wei Chen Taipei 2014
Photography Chicago 2013