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Chapter IX
53 thereof. Also in the margin was given the translation of proper names appearing in the Text, and occasional items of information calculated to be a help to a better understanding of the Scripture.
Such was the precedent the Revisers had before them for their guidance. Furthermore, a rule adopted by the Committee required that wherever a change was made in the Greek Text that change should he noted in the margin. Nevertheless, in the preparation of the New Version the Committee departed wholly from the A. V. and also completely ignored the rule referred to. Dean Burgon is authority for the statement that “use has been made of the margin to insinuate suspicion and distrust in countless particulars as to the authenticity of the text which has been suffered to remain unaltered” (Preface to ‘’Revision Revised”). Again, in the same volume (“Revision Re vised”) he says:
“The Revisionists have not corrected the ‘Known Textual Errors.’ On the other hand, besides silently adopting most of those wretched fabrications which are just now in favor with the German school, they have encumbered their margin with those other readings which, after due examination, they had themselves deliberately rejected. . . . What else must be the result of all this, but general uncertainty, con fusion, and distress ! A hazy mistrust of all Scripture has been insinuated into the hearts and minds of multitudes who, for this cause, have been forced to become doubters; yes, doubters in the truth of Revelation itself.
“How was it to have been believed that the Revisionists would show themselves industrious in sowing broadcast over four continents doubts as to the truth of Scripture, doubts which it will never be in their power to remove or recall?
“And here we must renew our protest against the wrong which has been done to English readers by the Revisionists’ disregard of the IV th rule laid down for their guidance, viz., That whenever they adopted a new textual reading such reading was to be ‘indicated in the margin.”
And he addresses the Revisionists this question regarding their failure in duty to the English reader :
“How comes it to pass that you have never furnished him the information you stood pledged to furnish, but have, instead, volunteered on every page in formation, worthless in itself, which can only serve to unsettle the faith of unlettered millions, and to suggest unreasonable as well as miserable doubts to the minds of all ? “
Examples of Vagaries in Marginal Notes The Name “Jesus”