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18 L.M. Isaac Watts

A guilty world to save. 2 The Spirit brings the chosen race, A holy Christ to view; And while by faith they see his face, Their souls grow holy too.

3 In holiness the saints delight, While here on earth they dwell; By faith they wrestle day and night, More holiness to feel.


4 The Holy Spirit leads them on, His holy truth to know; Inscribes his laws in every son, And works obedience too.

5 He makes them feel the cleansing grace, That flows through Jesus’ blood; Unites in love the holy race – The new-born sons of God.


17 L.M. W. Tucker Harmony of the Perfections of God. Rom. 3. 26

O Love, beyond conception great,

That formed the vast stupendous plan, Where all divine perfections meet, To reconcile rebellious man.

2 There wisdom shines in fullest blaze And justice all her rights maintains; Astonished angels stoop to gaze, While mercy o’er the guilty reigns.

3 Yes, mercy reigns, and justice too; In Christ they both harmonious meet; He paid to justice all its due, And now he fills the mercy-seat.

4 Such are the wonders of our God, And the amazing depths of grace, To save from wrath’s vindictive rod, The chosen sons of Adam’s race.


18 L.M. Isaac Watts Glory and Grace in the Person of Christ. 2 Cor. 4. 6

Now to the Lord a noble song! Awake, my soul; awake, my tongue!

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