Bierton Particular Baptists International, Our Work

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BIERTON PARTICULAR BAPTISTS ARTICLES OF RELIGION 1831 5 said shall on any account be permitted to sit down or Indenture Bierton Chapel commune at the Lords table within the said school THIS INDENTURE made the 25th day of February room and whereas for the purpose of giving effect to in the year of our Lord 1832 between William Bonham the objects and intentions of the parties hereto and late of Wilstone in the Parish of Tring in the County of the said church it has been agreed that the said of Hertford now of Bierton in the County of Bucks Hereditament’s shall be conveyed to the trustees upon (Brick Layer) (1) Joseph Rose of Aylesbury in the said the trust and for the purpose hereinafter contained and County of Bucks Gentleman a Trustee for the said these present have been approved by the members of William Bonham (2) Robert Dell of the same place, the said Church meeting called for that purpose and Wine Merchant (in whom as surviving Executor of held at the said chapel on or before the date the Last Will and Testament of John Parker late of the Hereof same place Gentleman) the hereditaments hereinafter The indenture further witnesseth that in further particularly mentioned are described and intended pursuance and consideration of the premises they to be hereby bargain and sold are now vested for the the trustees do hereby severally covenant and agree residue of a satisfied Trust term of 1000 years (3) amongst themselves and with each other and with and William Bell (Farmer) Thomas Elliott (Butcher), the church that they the trustees their successors and Thomas Bonham (Brick Layer), James Bonham assigns shall and henceforth stand and be possessed (Brick Layer). WiIliam Bonham the younger, William of the hereditament And premises hereinbefore Dickens (Farmer), William Rodwell (Labourer), conveyed unto them upon trust to dedicate and devote David Price (Labourer), James Jeffery (Labourer) and and preserve the same for the purpose of holy and William Parker (Labourer), all of Bierton aforesaid divine according to the tenets or articles of faith James Henry Marshall (Book Seller), Joseph Freeman herein set forth. (Tile Maker), Samuel Brocklehurst (Gardener), John That the election of any future pastor of the said Gunn (Grocer) Augustus Lines (Grocer) and Thomas church and the removal of any pastor shall be decided Reynolds (Tailor), all of Aylesbury aforesaid and by the vote of two thirds of the church assembled at a William Woolhead of Hardwick, in the said County regularly convened church meeting together with the of Bucks Gentleman (4) object for which it is convened having been publicly WHEREAS the said parties hereto of the fourth announce for four successive Lords days. No member part have with the said William Bonham Brick eligible to vote has to have been four times to the Layer for the absolute purchase of the land and Lords table in six months unless prevented by illness hereditaments hereinafter particularly mentioned and etc. described and intended to be hereby bargain and sold No minister shall be elected to the pastoral office in manner and for the purposes hereinafter in that or continue therein but such as holds to the doctrines behalf mentioned and the fee simple and inheritance and communion aforesaid nor shall it be lawful for thereof in possession free from encumbrances for the the said church to receive into fellowship any such sum of one pound one shilling persons as members but such as have been baptised NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE that is by immersed in water upon confession of their WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said recited faith in Christ and are able to give some satisfactory and agreement and for and in consideration of the account of a work of grace having passed upon sum of one pound one shilling of lawful money of their souls in being called out of darkness into Gods Great Britain to the said William Bonham Brick Layer marvelous light, nor shall it be lawful for the said in hand well and truly paid by the said several above church to admit to her communion ( in which term is named parties hereto of the fourth part and at on or include the ordinance of the Lords supper) any person before the sealing and delivering of these presents the who has not been baptised by immersion in water on a payment and receipt whereof the said William profession of faith in the name of Jesus. Bonham (Brick Layer) doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and there from and of and from part thereof Signed and Witnessed by John Warberton Jr. 1831 doth hereby equit release and discharge them the said Bierton Particular Baptists Chapel several parties hereto of the fourth part and doth of

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