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Appendix 2 Bierton Particular Baptists (Pakistan

22 rector was not satisfied with the details being submitted were inadequate for the purpose of the ministry. On this November occasion the Director with drew the application and sought the aid of Isagani M. Obispo Jr., who was the ministries paralegal secretary, to make a fresh application but this time the names of the founding Director was omitted for reasons un explained. It was revealed at a later date that unscrupulous men sough to deny the existence of the ministry, which was eventually registered to fulfil the mission intended.

The Chairman’s verification certificate gives a clear statement as to the purpose of the ministry, which is “Setting Captive free”.


David Clarke

Hon. Director.

Appendix 2 Bierton Particular Baptists (Pakistan)

The following document outlines and introduces Bierton Particular Baptists Pakistan along with its Articles of Religion. It also contains the early history of Bierton Particular Baptist 1831, in England and of the formation of Bierton Particular Baptists Pakistan, by ministers Anil Anwar and Anwar Shahid John.


Minister Anil Anwar2 belong to Ch. Yaqoob Sohotara Family a very well known Family in Rahim Yar Khan. He receive his academic education from Sindh and back to Rahim Yar Khan in 2008 received a religious education from Christchurch.

David Clarke is the sole remaining member of Bierton Particular Baptists 1831, who’s testimony and conversion from crime to Christ is told in, Bierton Strict and Particular Baptists 3 . David is the founder of Bierton Particular Baptists Pakistan 2016 and appointed minister Anil Anwar and minister Anwar

2 See Appendix 2 Minister’s Testimonies.

23 Shahid John of Rahim Yar Khan, responsible to the work in January 2016.

This work being an extension of Bierton Particular Baptists and its teaching ministry in the UK.

The articles of religion that form the doctrinal basis for this first particular baptists work in Pakistan are those of Bierton Particular Baptist formed, in 1831 alone with some additions to take into account changes necessary to preserve doctrinal truth and practices in this generation. We believe that these articles, that we now call Bierton Particular Baptists Pakistan, reflect those teachings know as the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and in essence are those of Bierton Particular Baptists 18314 .

These articles were complied by David Clarke, the sole remaining member of Bierton Particular Baptists 1831

Chairman Official Minister

Anil Anwar Anwar Shahid John David Clarke

Anwar Shahid John Son of Chuadary Yaqoob Sohotara and the fifth Son in Chuadary Yaqoob Sohotara Family. Choudary Yaqoob Sohotara family is very well known Christian Family in Rahim Yar Khan. Anwar Shahid John Got his academic Education from Khawaja Fareed College Rahim Yar Khan. He is Chairman Christchurch Bierton Particular Baptist and the Official Minister of Bierton Particular Baptists ordained by Minister

24 David Clarke Founder & Chairman Bierton Particular Baptists.


A Society of Particular Baptists5 were formed as a church, in a village called Bierton, Buckinghamshire, England in 1831. The church became a Gospel Standard listed6 cause, in January 1981 and continued to meet in the Bierton Baptist chapel until, December 2002, when all but one member died. David Clarke is the sole remaining member of the church and has appointed Mr Anil Anwar and Anwar Shahid John, of Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan to form Bierton Particular Baptists, Pakistan.

Articles of Religion

The following articles of religion are framed as the basis of their doctrinal position and also for the Bierton Particular Baptists College7 .

These articles of religion are an extension of and a more comprehensive set of the original Bierton Particular Baptist articles of 18318 .

These articles are written as a means of edification and for clarification, we do not expect each person seeking to join the church to fully understand all points mentioned as they are the weightier matters of Christian religion9. They have also been written with some knowledge that unclear motives that have cause distress10 to many in Particular Baptists churches. How ever each appointed minister will be able to expound each and every article of belief.

Our Objectives

Our objectives are to introduce each appointed minister at home in the UK and abroad and those preparing for appointment to undergo personal study of the scriptures and so confirm

5 Bierton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bierton#None_Conformist_Particular_ Baptist_Place_of_Worship 6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Strict_Baptist_churches 7 See Appendix 2 of the documents 8 listed in Appendix 1 of this docment. 9 2 Pet. 3:16 10 See Difficulties Associated with Articles of Religion: A Cause of Concern, by David Clarke ISBN-13: 978-1532953446 https://tsw.createspace.com/title/6235109

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