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The Bucks Herald Weekly Paper

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Further Good

Further Good

30 trusting in the Lord for all the help I needed) describing my pre-convention days up to my conversion. I also spoke about life since being a Christian explaining my difficulties with respect to the stolen goods that I had in my possession.

I was able to speak of what Jesus had done for me in a way that only God could have worked.


After this Peter Murray spoke on my behalf confirming my testimony.

This happened on Tuesday 9th February 1971, a date that proved significant to me 3 years later.

I was amazed, so were all my Christian friends. The magistrates thought I was trying to be a martyr. I do not know how or why. They obviously thought I should be sent to prison but part of my punishment would be I was not going to get what I wanted. God smiled. We smiled with him. It was good to be a child of God.

The Bucks Herald Weekly Paper

The whole court appearance was reported in the local newspapers and in the national Evening Standard

The news headlines of the Bucks Herald read, “ Why he confessed to 24 crimes” and “ Converted on LSD trip”. Whilst the Bucks Advertiser read “ Man speaks of horrors on LSD”.

The following are copies of those headlines all of which were fairly accurate.

Bucks Herald Script

The Bucks Herald 11th February 1971. David Clarke, who had a three-year career of undetected crime, experienced a “Christian conversion” whilst suffering from the effects of LSD, he told Aylesbury magistrates, on Tuesday. After wrestling with his conscience for a year, he confessed to 24 crimes, and gave information leading to the recovery of over £1000 worth of stolen property. In court he pleaded guilty to charges of steeling a £300 colour television set from an old peoples home, a £20 spray gun, and a hydraulic jack. He asked for 21 other charges to be taken into consideration, including stealing a

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