1 minute read
My teenage years leaving School
My Francis Barnett Motor Bike
7 I Meet Mrs Grace Knight
My teenage years leaving School
My first recollection of any religious person having any effect on my life was when I was about to leave school, at the age of 15 years old.
My mother had spoken to a Mr K H Knight who was the proprietor of Central Bucks T.V. and had arranged for me to have a part time job working after school and on a Saturday. This was until I left school and took up full time work as an apprentice to Mr Knight.
I am told years later that my letter of job application was so badly written and the spelling so awful it was laughable. However I was taken on despite my inability to write, spell or use correct grammar, or read properly. This was during my last year at school.
I first met Mrs. Grace Knight, one Saturday morning, whilst working for her husband Ken. She was in hot pursuit of her husband and shouting at him for doing some thing she disapproved of.
I was in the workshop, with Norman Garret the other apprentice, and I thought- wow what an awful dragon of a woman and pitied Mr Knight from that moment on.
Through Mr Knight (Ken) I was introduced to the Radio and Television servicing trade and often went with him into customer’s houses to repair TV’s and install television aerials.
I spent many hours with Ken going to peoples homes and soon learned that he was not faithful to his wife. Not that it bothered me, as I knew what Grace was like from our first meeting. The idea of sexual promiscuity was