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The House Court

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Further Good

Further Good

246 out of prison so the lounge had to be his room. The lounge had been my room and so I had to move out.

If you have tried to live in a house with 10 or 11 people and two small Jack Russell’s - it is quite taxing. Sometimes Sean and his friends would stay the night so the house was quite full. It was Rob and Carla that cause a bit of a stress as they always left their washing up undone. They always denied it so I ended up by installing a “No bodies washing up sink” , which I had managed to scavenge from Harrod’s.


How To Deal With No bodies Washing Up

No bodies “Washing Up Sink”

The House Court

About this time my go-kart, which had been given me by a farmer who attended in Wantage Strict Baptist Chapel many years ago, was stolen from outside my wife’s- to- be house in Stubbington.

After making a few enquiries I found out who had taken it so I decided rather than get these youngsters (16 year olds) into trouble with the police I would give them a chance. I spoke to one of the culprit’s mothers (he is P.R. of Stubbington) and told her what I intended to do and she was most obliging and appreciated me not involving the police. I knew where the kart was and went to the house and sure enough the lad was there. I simply said I had come to collect the kart. He was unable to say a word as there it was in the back garden, so I got him to help me put it in the Fiesta. I told him that I wanted to see him and his friend at 8.00 p.m. the next day as I was taking them to my house for a hearing.

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