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Michael was set up (entrapment
257 the promiscuous nature of persons not bound by Christian values. It was encouraging fornication and I was opposed to him and this activity and I had told him so, before he went to the Philippines. Just like I warned Ken Knight about his bogus insurance scam.
I learned later that Michael had protested his innocence from the beginning and maintained that a certain Fr. Shay Cullen, an Irish Priest, was behind the set up and apparently it was he who directed the ITV news video crew to entrap him on Baloy Beach.
The full NBI report of this incident was brought to me by Suny Wilson, the English man who was sentenced to death, on 16th September 1996, after he was acquitted, on the 19th December 1999, when he returned to the UK. This report clears Michael of the said charges but seriously indicts Fr. Shay Cullen. I never saw this report until January 2000 some 5 years after the event. This information is all recorded in my publication Trojan Warriors.
Michael was set up (entrapment)
Michael had been found guilty of “Promoting child prostitution”, in the Philippines in October 1996 and sentenced to a term 14 to 16 years. To be served in New Bilibid Prison. Muntinlupa City, Philippines. Had always protested his innocence. His sentence was announced on national ITV news and it was the previous ITN news clips, which were used as evidence to convict him in the Philippine court. It was awful it made him out to be selling children for sex. The exact nature of the offences was not clear from the News item.
I had written to Michael several times and I found it difficult really believe he had been selling or promoting child prostitution, as the ITN TV camera portrayed. He had written to me and I have the whole story written in his own hand, as to how he was “set up” by Martin Cottingham, Adam Holloway and Fr. Shah Cullen.
Michael maintains the TV camera was cut and spliced to make out he was doing some thing he was not. He also describes what actually took place between Malcolm Cottingham and his friend Adam Holloway, as they pretended to be holiday seekers with Paradise Express.
Michael was very bitter against Shay Cullen and this showed in his letter to me, he really believes him to be the real culprit of these evil actions. He outlined his life style as a man having a luxury life style and in a lovely mansion with bodyguards etc. And soliciting funds from abroad, using headline-catching news to attract further funds from abroad. These things he wrote in his letters.