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Michael and I Meet Together
William Benguet Provincial jail
Michael and I Meet Together
In January 2003 Michael and met within the prison and summarized our plans and desires for the future as can be listened and viewed in the following Video on Youtube.
1 Trojan Warriors: The Beginnings 2 Trojan Warriors: The Vision 3 Trojan Warriors: Our Doctrinal Basis
These videos outline the beginning of our plans, the common vision and goal and our doctrinal basis for acting for which we learned later some men were opposed to us teaching these things.
45 A Revolt In New Bilibid Prison
Eat what is set before you asking no questions
Very early after we arrived on our second mission I was privilege to stay late in the prisoner and attend a function organized by a VIP inmate in the prison. It was a Saturday night and in Maximum Compound. This was a Privilege that was not opened to all RVO’s.
There were many in attendance including inmate Commanders. Mayors and V.I.P’s from Malacanang Palace. It was an exclusive Saturday night gathering of significant men in New Bilibid Prison. This was not a religious group but men of the world. We were given food and drink and were accompanied by a God Marshall Rescuer as a bodyguard. (These men are specially appointed prison inmates- there are about 240 of them and they dress in black and are allowed to carry a wooden baton to show their sign of authority). These were not allowed in to the meeting but Michael and I were invited guests.
The next day it was reported that Michael and I were drinking wine (The