2 minute read

Do Not Call A Liar A Liar

Gordon and Alistair will confirm this if you ask them.

These representations were not fictitious, but based upon the proposals and ideas and realities that you informed me off and I accepted and promoted. Your we appointed as Our President by me. You appointed Fernando Perez and others and I backed you in all you did. It was you who wrote to the office of the President and we received the reply regarding the opening of the Trojan Horse Office in Laguna. All of this was publicly known is known and was shared knowledge between myself, Gordon and Alistair and also Michael and many others. William Poloc was the first inmate (Trojan Warrior) to graduate and be sent into the mission field according to our objectives as clearly stated and outlined in our publication, Trojan Warriors. It would seem that either you did no inform your men at NBPTI, or the elders composing NBPCC, or some thing else has happened.


Do Not Call A Liar A Liar

Dr Hini says if I call a person a liar it is the highest insult so I will avoid using this term at the moment. Some one is not being honest some where. Some thing has happened. Please sort it out.

You are the one responsible to solve these evils as you are the President and Senior Pastor at NBPTI. I actually feel you have a revolt on your hands and the Elders have actually taken over from you. Am I right? If so I can help you. Just call me as I am quite willing to take them all on. I have asked you to respond to me, in a Christian manor please do it for your sake. I am not on trial you are. You know what to do and I have asked you to do it. Either way the Lord will honour his sent servants. It may be they are killed on duty. I am not ashamed to own my Lord and be counted with those who resist the Devil and stand for the truth and righteousness.

I wonder has Shay Cullen spoken to you or C.G.M. Regarding our book Trojan Warriors ? I have been informed that Pst Obispo Gani has informed you that the book has been rejected by the Catholic Church. If so you must tell me. Do not be taken in by such evil. I have been inform this may be the case.

I would like you to do as I ask. Please write to my Church and sort the problem out with NBPCC before I do.

Evil in New Bilibid Prison

I have witnessed great evil in New Bilibid Prison and I would value an explanation. I have seen a public live demonstration of a live chicken being ripped apart by its legs. This was by a Cebu dancer, before 1000’s of inmates and visitors at New Bilibid Prison, on the Basket Ball Pitch. It

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