60 APPENDIX ADDED ARTICLES of strife that resulted in the writing of the four “Added 6 Added Articles of the Gospel Standard This appendix brings to light the sever difficulties Articles”. Septimus Sears died whilst under this that are brought about by badly worded articles of sustained difficult conflict. Shortly before his death religion. This problem arouse among Particular Mr Sears said to a friend: “They did not mean to kill me but they have done a Baptists in the England , in 1878 when four articles of religion were added to the original 31 Articles of great deal towards it. I can and do most freely forgive religion that had been adopted by many churches who them. They know not what they have done but they did not mean it. Strifes and contentions are not the thing subscribed to the Gospel Standard magazine. These articles have been referred to as Added for a dying hour but I have the sweet consciousness Articles and they were written to the prevent the that I have spoken God’s truth and that I am right and practice of offering the gospel to men rather than they are wrong.” [“Memoir of Septimus Sears” (1880), page 144] preaching Christ. William Wileman Introduction It is clear that the 1921 article by W Wileman had An article written by William Wileman with appended remarks by F. J. Kirby were first published been written after some reluctance. No doubt the in the November 1921 issue of the monthly magazine writing of it had been prompted by other internal “The Christian’s Pathway”. F J Kirby had commenced controversies amongst Strict Baptists which had this magazine in 1896 and was its Editor for more erupted in the preceding months and it had become than thirty years and written some 30 years after necessary to counter the myths and half-truths which the Added Articles693 were added to the existing 31 had arisen. As is often the case, those who would Articles. History has shown that such unresolved prefer to remain silent are sometimes compelled to issues mention in these pages have cause a great deal break their silence Gospel Standard Magazine of unrest among Particular Baptist. From a letter written by J C Philpot in 1847 it is Gospel Standard 31 Articles There were originally 31 Articles of Religions clear that others, not connected with the Stamford adopted by Particular Baptists by 1843. The four church, wished to adopt his selection of Articles. “Added Articles” were specially written in the late interest spread more widely a few years later when 1870’s; the effects of those circumstances surrounding J Gadsby advertised the set of Articles on the front cover of his magazine “The Gospel Standard. Minor these addition remain to this day. The first 31 GS Articles were compiled in the mid- changes to the Articles were followed by major 19th century based upon the Stamford Articles694 of changes as the promotion was maintained in the 1843 and various amendments and additions to those 1850s and 1860s. J C Philpot died in the last month 15 Stamford Articles. The “Added Articles” of the late of the 1860s and the final few Articles were written 1870s were put at the end of the 31 Articles to give during the controversies of the 1870s. During the late 1930s and early 1940s John H. the final set of 35 GS Articles. These 35 GS Articles are the Articles of Faith written into the Trust Deeds Gosden wrote a series of articles on the GS Articles for of the GS charitable societies which subscribers and inclusion in the issues of the magazine “The Gospel Standard” of those years. In these articles on Articles beneficiaries. he remarks on a few but not all, of the deficiencies of Septimus Sears Septimus Sears a particular Baptist minister wrote the GS Articles. Some years after his death these articles were in his memoirs about the conflicts that he faced collated and published in a book. The title of the book regarding introduction of these added articles. He wrote that toward the end of 1875 there was a period (a title not used by J H Gosden) suggests that adherents 693 The term Added Articles refers to Articles 32-35 of the GS Articles. to the GS Articles are satisfied with the deficiencies in The GS Articles are the 35 Articles of Faith embedded in the Trust them. A later book of articles on Articles stated that Deeds of the Gospel Standard Societies formerly known as the Gospel the GS Articles were “enshrined in Chancery”, which Standard Aid and Poor Relief Societies. 694 Stamford Articles: the 15 Articles of Faith written by J C Philpot to some indicated the Popish progress of veneration based on J Gill and adopted in 1843 by the Church at Stamford Chapel for fallible dogma. under the pastorate of J C Philpot.