259 work; and where he was to perform his office. CHAPTER 9 Concerning the remarkable occurrence of the MESSIAH’S riding to Jerusalem upon an ass, wherein the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. Is particularly considered. CHAPTER 10 Concerning the sufferings of the Messiah; wherein Psalm and Isaiah 53 are particularly considered: as also the several circumstances which were to attend these sufferings. CHAPTER 11 Concerning the Resurrection of the MESSIAH from the dead. CHAPTER 12 Concerning the Ascension of the MESSIAH to Heaven, his session at God’s right hand, and second coming to judgment. CHAPTER 13 Concerning the magnificent and august names and titles of the MESSIAH in the Old Testament Chapter. 14 Prophecies Concerning the second coming of Christ. The publisher introduces a fulfilled view of prophecy. THE WEST AND THE QURAN
Translation of The Quran Authored by David Clarke, Authored with Abdullah Yusuf Ali ISBN-13: 978-1548914042 (CreateSpace-Assigned) ISBN-10: 1548914045