45 mitment to continue to maintain the doctrine of particular redemptions as clearly specified in their trust deed. Mr Clarke remained an honourable member of the Church, as his membership was not terminated by the Church, as they wanted him to return. This was in accordance with their strict rules relating to traditional Church membership of Strict Baptist Churches. Mr. Clarke continued his call to preach and in the year 2001, went on mission work to the Philippines teaching and preaching the gospel to many prison inmates in New Bilibid Prison, in Muntinlupa City, and other prisons. In the year, 2002 as the founding director of a mission called Trojan Horse International mission to the Philippines William Ola Poloc, was appointed , on his release from prison in August 2002, as a sent minister to preach the gospel to Baguio City, Philippines, including the jails in Baguio City and Benguet District jails. This work of William Ola Poloc is recorded in his testimony entitled, ‘Called From Darkness To His Marvellous Light.’ by William Ola Poloc. On Mr. Clarke’s return to the UK, in 2003 he learned all the former members of the Bierton Church had died and he was encouraged, by the former overseer of the church, Mr. Paul Crane to return and reopen the Bierton chapel and that the Association of Grace Baptists Churches LTD had taken on the responsibility of the chapel but the Association refused him permission to use the Bierton Chapel to continue his work as a gospel minister and refused to return the Trust Deed of the Bierton Chapel to him. They stated that he was not a church member and that the Bierton Church was not a Gospel Standard Cause. Association Of Grace Baptists Churches Ltd. This booklet tells the whole story and is submitted to the Association of Grace Baptists Churches LTD, with a view for them to put matters right in order for Mr. Clarke to continue functioning as a member of Bierton Strict and Particular Baptist’s, for which he has done so to this day , not only, in the UK, but abroad, in the Philippines and now Pakistan.