Fulfilled Magazine Volume 10 verse 3

Page 15

Life in the Kingdom Present day living in light of past fulfillment

Brian L. Martin

Brian is the general editor of Fulfilled! Magazine email: fcg.brian@gmail.com website: www.fulfilledcg.com

Attitude in Bible Study


have a Seventh-Day Adventist commentary on Hebrews by M. L. Andreasen that, upon occasion, I’ll pick up and read a few pages. At the end of each chapter Mr. Andreasen has a section of “Additional Notes,” and I was struck by a particular collection of notes from Ellen G. White on the topic of Bible study. So often when we read thoughts such as these, we whole-heartedly agree and think “if only so-and-so, or this group, or that denomination would heed these sound instructions.” As preterists, it’s so easy to have futurists in mind when we read these type of admonitions. So, to bring the topic closer to home, I’ve supplied some alternate readings in [brackets].

“[Preterists] Those who desire to know the truth have nothing to fear from the investigation of the word of God. But upon the threshold of investigation of the word of God, inquirers after truth should lay aside all prejudice, and hold in abeyance all preconceived opinion, and open the ear to hear the voice of God from His messenger. Cherished opinions, long-practiced customs and habits, are to be brought to the test of Scriptures; and if the word of God opposes your views, then, for your soul’s sake, do not wrest the Scriptures, as many do to their soul’s destruction in order to make them seem to bear a testimony in favor of their errors. Let your inquiry be, What is truth? not, What have I hitherto believed to be truth? Do not interpret the Scriptures in the light of your former belief, and assert that some doctrine of finite man is truth. Let your inquiry be, What saith the Scriptures? Let God speak to you from His living oracles, and open your heart to receive the word of God.” (Review and Herald, March 25, 1902, p. 177) “[As a preterist] You should not search for the purpose of finding texts of Scripture that you can construe to prove your theories; for the word of God declares that this is wresting the Scriptures to your own destruction. You must empty yourselves of every prejudice, and come in the spirit of prayer to the investigation of the word of God.” (Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 308) If [preterists] you search the Scriptures to vindicate [their] your own opinions, [they] you will never reach the truth. Search in order to learn what the Lord says.” (Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 112) “How shall we [preterists] search the Scriptures? Shall we drive our stakes of doctrine one after another, and then try to

make all Scripture meet our established opinions? Or shall we take our ideas and views to the Scriptures, and measure our theories on every side by the Scriptures of truth? Many who read and even teach the bible, do not comprehend the precious truths they are teaching or studying. “[Preterists] Men entertain errors, when the truth is clearly marked out, and if they would but bring their doctrines to the word of God, and not read the word of God in the light of their doctrines, to prove their ideas right, they would not walk in darkness and blindness, or cherish error. Many give the words of Scripture a meaning that suits their own opinions, and they mislead themselves and deceive others by misinterpretations of God’s word.” (Review and Herald, July 26, 1892, p. 465) “As we [preterists] take up the study of God’s word, we should do so with humble hearts. All selfishness, all love of originality, should be laid aside. Long-cherished opinions must not be regarded as infallible. It was the unwillingness of the Jews to give up their long-established traditions that proved their ruin. They were determined not to see any flaw in their own opinions or in their expositions of the Scriptures; but however long men may have entertained certain views, if they are not clearly sustained by the written word, they should be discarded. Those who sincerely desire truth will not be reluctant to lay open their positions of investigation and criticism [regarding the Rapture, the Resurrection, the Millennium, etc.], and will not be annoyed if their opinions and ideas are crossed. This was the spirit cherished among us forty years ago.” (Review and Herald, July 26, 1892, p. 465) As quoted in The Book of Hebrews, by M. L. Andreasen, pp. 215-217. V



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