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108 used by the translator of the Authorised Version of the Bible and know by Christians, throughout the Christian age, as the Word of God.It has been republished by Bierton Particular Baptist to educate serious minded people about the subject of Bible translations and support the Authorised version of the Bible.Philip Mauro was a lawyer in America, who practiced before the Supreme Court.He prepared briefs NOTES for the Scopes Trial WHICH was an American legal case in July 1925 THAT had made it unlawful to teach human evolution in any state-funded school.[1] The trial publicized the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy, which set Modernists, who said evolution was not inconsistent with religion,[4] against Fundamentalists, who said the word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge. The case was thus seen as both a theological contest and a trial on whether “modern science” should be taught in schools. Mauro was ALSO passenger on the British ocean liner RMS Carpathia when it rescued the passengers of the Titanic in April 1912.It is hoped that this book will rescue any that are sinking in the sea of the natural Modern man’s opinion as to the reliability of the Authorised Version the bible. A COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW
By John Gill
The Gospel According to Matthew was the first written gospel and published sometime between (AD 31-38). It was written before Mark’s (AD 38-44) and Luke’s Gospel (AD-61).