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Publishers Preface
from Of The Blessings Of Grace which come by Christ; and the Doctrines That Hold Them Forth
by David Clarke
In 1748, Gill was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity by the University of Aberdeen. He was a profound scholar and a prolific author. His most important works are: • The Doctrine of the Trinity Stated and Vindicated London,
• The Cause of God and Truth (4 parts, 1725-8), a retort to Daniel Whitby’s Five Points. • An Exposition of the New Testament (3 vols., 1746–8), which with his Exposition of the Old Testament (6 vols., 1748–63) forms his magnum opus • A Collection of Sermons and Tracts • A Dissertation Concerning the Antiquity of the Hebrew Language, Letters, Vowel-Points, and Accents (1767) • A Body of Doctrinal Divinity (1767) • A Body of Practical Divinity (1770)
Gill also edited and re-published the works of Rev. Tobias Crisp, D.D. (1600-1643).
Publishers Preface
The publisher, Mr. David Clarke was converted from a life of crime to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, during a bad trip on LSD, on the 16th January 1970. He was helped by some Christians connected with the Brethren and Pentecostal Churches, who directed him to read the bible. He soon realised that those professing Christianity held to different doctrinal views and practises. Some of these practices were odd and misleading, and their teachings unsound, leading to odd behaviour.
It would seem things haven’t change to this day, in fact they have got worse.
Arminianism is now more prevalent, with very few having an understanding and knowledge of the teachings of the Reformers, since the 16 century. This classic book by Dr. John Gill treats the subject of the Doctrines of Grace, which will lead the reader to a scriptural view on the whole subject.