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hymn book that can be used personally and privately at will. For this reason instead of moaning it was felt something could be done about this matter and so a small collection of well proven, doctrinally sound hymn in the form of hand held Hymn book has been produced.
Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
CONVERTED ON LSD TRIP: 3RD EDITION (David Clarke Series) Paperback – 3 Jun. 2020
David Clarke
This third edition of, ‘Converted on LSD Trip’, is written to bring attention to the reality of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, in changing the lives of David Clarke, whilst on a bad trip on LSD, on 16th January 1970, and the life of his brother Michael Clarke, some 30 years later, when a prisoner, in the Philippines, and making them evangelist workers seeking to teach the gospel of Christ to men.It is intended to use this book as a tool for evangelism in order to encourage others in the work of preaching the gospel of Christ to men. This is also intended to draw attention to the work of Jesus Christ now in Baguio City, Philippines , by William O. Poloc a former inmate of New