A Covid 19 Lock-Down Epistles

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Covi d19Loc kDown Pr i s onEpi s t l e


A COVID 19 LOCK-DOWN PRISON EPISTLE By David Clarke YouTube Video Click To View

2 To my dear friends, The Covid 19 Lock-down has proved a great blessing to me as it has given me time to communicated with my son Isaac in Vietnam, daughter in Dubai, daughter in Stubbington, friends in the Philippines, Pakistan, Finland and the USA. As a result we have had sensible discussions on various Christian teachings on certain subjects. Such As. The Christian view of Marriage The Christian Doctrine of Predestination and related matters. What had arisen is that when I expressed my understanding on this subjects, and I am 71 years old, I had serious opposition and am told my views are wrong, they are only my opinions and that my views and teaching on these subjects are heresy. By the way my opponents were my son Isaac 42 years old and Lance Conley, a 28 year old Texan, from the USA. This led me to consolidate to review and covsolidate my understand and have writtn an account of these discussions have written three short new books and a revision of three others, as I realise and believe that errors in these matters are serious and it is necessary to teach and correct false teaching. The books are, and I call them my Prison Epistles. PRISON EPISTLES


3 1 A Straw Man Argument against the Christian Doctrine of Predestination 2 The Synod Of Dort 1618-1619 3 The First London Particular Baptist Confession Of Faith 1644-1646 2nd Edition. BOOK IN VIEWS

CLICK TO VIEW PDF CLICK TO VIEW PDF CLICK TO VIEW PDF And reviwed 4 Mary, Mary Quit Contrary. 5 And Such Were Some Of You 6 Let Christian Men Be Men. The responses that I have had are remarkable and in my view worthy of note for futher discussion. This has raised the issues of : 1 Do we have a copy of the Word of God in our mother tongue (English). 2 Is this copy a reliable copy of what the apostles of Christ wrote in the first Century A.D. what they published? 3 Are all the translations of the bible, that we have today in the English tongue, a faith-full, accurate and a relabel copy of what the Apostles of Christ wrote in the first century before the destruction of Jerusalem the apostate Jews and the temple in 70 A.D.

4 4 Can we used the bible to establish truth and develop a systematic approach to the subjects of the creation of the world and the purpose of God in creation and the making man. 5 Is the bible that we have as contained in the Old and New Testament Scriptures the one rule and standard of faith and religious practice for the Christian. 6 Does the bible teach that redemption, or salvation, is only to be found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and not being in membership of any religious organisation fashioned by man 7 Does the bible teach us the nature, character and the attributes of God 8 Does the bible teach us of the Christian doctrine of three divine persons in God, namely the Father, The Son and the holy Ghost (or Spirit). 9 Does the bible teach the necessity of Jesus living and dying and rising from the dead in order to save his people from their sins. 10 Does the bible teach God the Father has chosen men to salvation and that this salvation is to be found only in Christ and experienced as individuals. 11 Does the bible teach that the salvation spoken of required the Son of God to become man, work out righteousness in obedience to God his father and lay down his life, in order to pay a random to the righteous justice of God to save his people from their sins. 12 Does the bible teach the need for repentance, redemption, Justification, Justification by faith, regeneration, the new birth, reconciliation to God, the forgiveness of sins and of a good eternal future for all the redeemed 13 Does the bible teach God is over all things, is in control of all things and that before the world was created had an eternal purpose, which was to display the glorious attributes of the three divine persons in the redemption of his people from their sins and bring them to glory. 14 Does the bible teach that only those chosen in Christ to salvation will experience this great salvation and the rest of mankind be condemned for

their sins


15 Does the bible teach that God has predestined all things, that all things that come to pass in time are the outworking of his divine will. 16 Does the bible teach that providence is the daily unfolding of the eternal decree in time and that all things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to his purposes. This is the subject matter arising for our discussions and disagreements encountered due to the Covid 19 lock down and imprisonment. I present our discussion that led onto a debate in order to help educate any that are interested. All these books are available as free PDF Downloads, just click the link under the book cover to get the PDF, or as paper backs from. Sincerely yours.

27th January 2012 Click To View. Amazon.co.uk Or Amazon.com

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