The Final Decade Before The End by Ed. Stevens

Page 109

108 One could exclude all of the cities in Asia based on that logic. Given Paul’s modus operandi, and the comprehensive nature of the language, it is far preferable to accept the testimony of Scripture over that of Polycarp. What is troubling, for those who accept inspiration, is the willingness of Hitchcock and others, to accept the testimony of uninspired men over statements of the Bible. Hitchcock argues like this: Polycarp says the church at Smyrna did not exist in Paul’s day. Acts 19 says that all of Asia heard the gospel, but it does not mention Smyrna specifically, therefore, this silence means, “In the face of scriptural silence and the specific statement of Polycarp, it seems best to let Polycarp’s statement stand” (Hitchcock, 148). The trouble is, that the Scriptures are not silent. Luke does say that all of Asia, and that most definitely includes Smyrna, did hear the gospel. Thus, we have Hitchcock saying it is better to accept the uninspired testimony of Polycarp over the inspired testimony of Luke. Personally, I find it “best to let Luke’s statement stand.” We cannot leave this section without noting that just like in Philadelphia, the problem for the saints in Smyrna was “the synagogue of Satan.” It was those, “who say they are Jews, but are a synagogue of Satan.” As we shall see below, this indicates an early period in which the debate over the identity of “the Sons of God” was raging at its hottest, and that fits the pre-70 scenario the best. The problem is not Roman persecution. It is a conflict between the old synagogue and the new synagogue of the Messiah. The old synagogue refused to be gathered into Messiah (Matthew 23:37), and consequently faced imminent judgment. This historical situation fits the pre-70 world far better than the post. As Vanderwaal says, “Revelation, like the rest of the New Testament, contains a running polemic against the Jews and their rejection of Christ. It shares this theme with many of the early Christian passion homilies, which were testimonies against the Jews. The thesis that Revelation is directed against Rome is indefensible on scholarly grounds.” [Cornelius Vanderwaal, Hal Lindsey and Biblical Prophecy. Originally published by Paideia Press in St. Catharines, Ontario Canada, 1978. Reprinted by Inheritance Publications, Neerlandia, Alberta Canada, 1991. p. 76] What Happened to the Seven Churches of Asia?

We constantly need to emphasize the significance and severity of the Neronic persecution. It is one of the most traumatic events in the history of the church just before the Parousia. But as important as it is for our understanding, it has been almost totally ignored by futurists. And even many preterists have grossly underestimated its impact on the church, and failed to grasp its timing and sequencing in relation to the other endtime events. One of the best ways to come to grips with the implications of the Neronic persecution, is to see how it affected the various churches scattered throughout the Diaspora during those two short years before the Jewish War (AD 64-66). The seven churches of Asia Minor (Turkey) that are mentioned in the book of Revelation are good examples of how the Neronic persecution affected all the churches scattered throughout the Roman world and Diaspora. There is quite a bit of information in the New Testament about those seven churches right up to the very moment when the Neronic persecution was about to break out. You will want to check the maps in the back of your Bible to get a visual idea of where those seven churches were located in relation to the island of Patmos, and why they were arranged in the order they are in the book of Revelation. Those seven cities were arranged along the Roman roads and trade routes in western Turkey. It was an upside down U-shaped circuit beginning with Ephesus and ending at Laodicea. The order of those letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation follows the same order of those cities along the Roman roads and trade routes. It will be helpful to visualize their location on the Bible maps before looking at the seven letters of Jesus to those seven churches. The seven letters are found in Revelation chapters two and three. You might want to read those two chapters (Rev 2-3) before looking at the charts below which analyze those seven messages:

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Articles inside

They were not expecting to be left behind not even knowing it happened

pages 271-274


pages 281-284

Aug 66 – Cessation of Sacrifices for the Romans and all Gentiles

pages 263-264

Aug 66 – Josephus returned from Rome

page 261

Apr 66 – Abomination of Desolation (“Jerusalem encompassed by armies”

pages 247-248

Questions About Pella and the Rapture

page 249

Pentecost and Wheat Harvest Typology

page 256

Neronic persecution was the great tribulation (upon the church

page 251

What Did the Priests Experience?

page 257

Apr 66 – Eleazar, the Man of Lawlessness?

page 246

June 66 – Pentecost - Priests in the Temple heard a multitude of voices

page 255

Apr 66 – Lawlessness Was Increased. (Eleazear’s Lawless Actions

page 245

Apr 66 - This was an attempt to bring idolatrous coinage into the temple

page 244

This attempt to get control of the temple

page 243

Who were those supposed ‘Christians’ in Pella

page 232

Text of the Historical Fulfillments Referenced by Numbers Above

pages 215-228

Matthew 24 Fulfillment Documented (Chart with Reference

pages 207-214

What Did Jesus Promise, What Did They Expect (Chart

pages 204-205

HOW were “these things” fulfilled?

pages 201-203

Explaination of the Chronological Charts Above

pages 199-200

Chronological Arrangement Of The Olivet Discourse

pages 191-198

the Rescue, and the Wrath-Outpouring

page 190

Late 64 – How widespread was the Neronic persecution?

pages 180-181

How the Tribulation Fits into the Olivet Discourse

page 189

Late 64 – Matthias b. Theophilus was appointed High Priest

page 183

The Neronic Persecution and the Great Tribulation (AD 64

page 185

Aug 64 – Was Josephus involved in the plot to kill Christians?

pages 178-179

AD 64 – Correspondence between Paul and Seneca

page 177

Aug 64 – Nero began the Persecution of Christians

pages 175-176

The few remaining went into hiding until the rapture

page 173

June 64 – The Literary Efforts of the Apostles Ceased

page 172

Late 64 – Peter’s Martyrdom in Jerusalem just before the Neronic Persecution

page 169

Comments on Jude and Second Peter

pages 165-166

June 64 – 2 Peter was probably written about the same time as Jude

page 168

Some excellent online resources for Jude and 2 Peter

page 163

Sep 63 – 2 Timothy Written After Paul Was Arrested

pages 156-157

July 63 – Jesus b. Gamaliel was appointed High Priest

page 154

Internal Evidence of 1 Peter for its Date

pages 150-152

Mar 63 – Did Paul visit Jerusalem after his release

page 144

Who was the Courier for Hebrews? (AD 63

page 140

Early Date of Hebrews (AD 62-63

pages 136-137

Why Was Hebrews Written?

pages 138-139

To Whom Was Hebrews Written?

page 135

More Information about Clopas, Symeon, Joseph and Mary

pages 123-124

July 62 – Simeon b. Clopas was appointed Bishop In Place Of James

pages 116-122

Early 63 – Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians Was Written

pages 131-133

2. No Church in Smyrna Before AD 70?

page 103

Don Preston’s Article. “Revelation 2:9 Smyrna: Did It Exist at an Early Date?”

page 108

What Happened to the Seven Churches of Asia?

page 109

The Meaning of Polycarp’s Statement

pages 104-107

1. Laodicea’s Quick Recovery From the Earthquake

pages 101-102

Luke-Acts Written in Rome (AD 61-62

page 75

Two Possible Preterist Solutions

pages 92-95

Apr 62 – Ananus II arrested James and some of his companions

pages 82-88

Here is the story of Jude’s grandsons in Eusebius

page 90

The Identity of Theophilus

pages 77-78

1 John – Two possible dates

page 73

Overview of the Sequence and Dates for John’s Writings

pages 66-67

The Earliest and Best Tradition about John: (external evidence

page 65

AD 61-63 – Paul’s first Roman imprisonment continued for “two full years”

page 61

AD 60 – Earthquake in Laodicea and the Lycus valley

page 57

June 58 – More than forty Jews plotted to kill Paul

pages 50-51

June 58 – Paul arrived in Jerusalem and met with James

pages 46-47

AD 54 – Wars and Rumors

page 40

AD 51-53 – Production of the NT canon was definitely underway

page 38

AD 58-60 – What Kind of Resurrection was Paul preaching?

page 49

AD 52-53 – 2 Thessalonians

page 37

Dating the Gospel of Matthew (AD 31-38

pages 20-24

Galatians: Three Possible Dates (AD 49-55

pages 29-34

Oct 51 – Galatians

page 35

Dating the Gospel of Mark (AD 38-44

pages 25-26


pages 16-18

AD 51-52 – 1 Thessalonians

page 36

The Synoptic Problem

pages 27-28
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