BIBLIOGRAPHY Major Sources Only
The New Testament itself (esp. Acts, the Gospels, and Paul’s writings) was the main source for the dating of the New Testament books and the formation of the completed canon. I also used many different books focused exclusively on Apostle Paul and his life and works, too numerous to mention, from two different libraries besides my own collection (St. Bonaventure Library, Houghton College Library). For Roman history I consulted several specialized books on Nero and the Procurators. For Jewish history I consulted historical works by both Jewish and Christian scholars in the field of first century history, including specialized works on the Herodian rulers, the High Priests, the Zealots, Josephus, and the Yosippon. The sources I benefited the most from are listed below. The boldfaced authors are the most recommended sources. For the war chronology and Josephus studies, the website put together by Goldberg (www.josephus.org) is indispensable. Bowman, Steven B. (Translator). Sepher Yosippon, A Medieval History of Ancient Israel (from the critical Hebrew edition of David Flusser, translated by Steven B. Bowman). Prepublication manuscript. Still unpublished as of 2014. The publisher of intent is Harvard Loeb Classical Library. Bray, John L. Matthew 24 Fulfilled. (Fifth Edition) Powder Springs, Georgia USA. Printed in the USA by American Vision (AV Press), 2008. Brown, Roy and Helen. Accordance Bible Search Software. Produced for the Macintosh computer by Oak Tree Software <www.accordancebible.com> Their modules on Josephus with the tagged Greek text, plus Whiston’s notes, were absolutely indispensable for my research. Their Greek New Testament and Church Father modules are also superb. If you want a great biblical and theological research and study tool for Windows, Mac, or iPhone, this is the best. Bruce, F. F. Israel and the Nations. Grand Rapids, Michigan USA: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1963 (illustrated edition Oct. 1969). Conybeare, W. J. and Howson, J. S. The Life and Epistles of the Apostle Paul. New York: Pub. by T. Y. Crowell. No date. Cornfeld, Gaalya (with Benjamin Mazar and Paul L. Maier). Josephus The Jewish War. Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA): Zondervan Publishing House, 1982. Cruse, Christian Frederick (Translator). The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphilus. Translated from the original by Christian Frederick Cruse. Grand Rapids, Michigan USA: Baker Books, 1971. Epstein, Isidore. Hebrew-English Edition of the Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Yoma). We referenced folio 39b from this Tractate. New Edition. Soncino Press. London: 1969. Farrar, Frederic W. The Early Days of Christianity. London, Paris, and New York: Cassell & Company, 1884. Gentry, Kenneth L., Jr. The Beast of Revelation. Revised Edition. Atlanta, Georgia: American Vision, 2002. Gentry, Kenneth L., Jr. Before Jerusalem Fell. Dating the Book of Revelation. An Exegetical and Historical Argument for a Pre-A.D. 70 Composition. Atlanta, Georgia (USA): American Vision, 1998. Gichon, Mordechai. “Cestius Gallus’ Campaign in Judaea”, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 113 (1981) 56. Goldberg, Gary J. The Flavius Josephus Homepage (http://www.josephus.org). This website