1 minute read
Mercies Of A Covenant God Authored by John Warburton, Created by Bierton Particular Baptists
ISBN-13: 978-1976527562 (CreateSpace-Assigned) ISBN-10: 1976527562 BISAC: Religion / Christianity / Baptist God be merciful to me a sinner was the cry of John Warburton on discovering and realizing he ruined lost condition before God. He knew and felt the condemnation of God against him. He knew of no way but to mend his ways, repent to find mercy. He could think of no other way to save his soul but by mending his life, doing his duty and pleasing God.
This book, “Mercies of a Covent God” tells the life story of John Warburton, of his call by grace, and becoming a Particular Baptists ministry in England. This book is not dry or intellectual Calvinism but experiential Christian experience. Teaching the way of salvation as Gods way, Father, Son and Holy Spirit engaged in covenant to save not to propose salvation but call by grace. Faith alone in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, his atoning blood, and imputed righteousness are clearly taught be blessings of grace.
This is recommended read for Preterits as it is important, in order to have a correct understanding of Last things, we must have a correct view of first