The Doctrine Of The Trinity, by Dr. John Gill

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CHAPTER 9 97 Proving The Personality And Deity Of The Holy Ghost said to offer up himself to God, to redeem us to God by his blood, and to reconcile us to him by his death, show his distinct Personality. Was he not a person, he could not be said to do all this. And he must be distinct from him, to whom he offered himself, and to whom he redeemed and reconciled his people. Surely it will not be proper to say, that he offered up himself to himself; or made satisfaction for the sins of his people to himself. 6. All those scriptures ( John 20:17. Hebrews 1:3.) which speak of his ascension to heaven, and his session at God’s right hand, are full and clear testimonies of this truth. He must be a Person distinct from his God, and our God, from his Father, and our Father, to whom he ascended; and cannot be the same person with him, at whose right hand he sits. 7. All those scriptures ( Hebrews 9:24. and 7:25. 1 John 2:1.), which speak of his advocacy, intercession, and mediation, confirm the same. For surely he cannot be said to be an advocate with himself, to make intercession with himself, or to mediate with himself on the behalf of his people. Once more, his judging the world at the last day, with all the circumstances attending it, prove him to be a person, a divine person, and a distinct person from the Father and the Holy Ghost. For as that work is never ascribed to the Holy Ghost in scripture, so of the Father it is said, ( John 5:22) That he “judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” In fine, he will, as a distinct person from the Father and the Holy Ghost, be the object of the saints praise, admiration, and worship, throughout the endless ages of eternity. CHAPTER 9 Proving The Personality And Deity Of The Holy Ghost Have considered the respective characters, proper Deity, and distinct Personality of the Father and the Son; and I am now to treat of the Holy Ghost. I shall in my entrance on this work just observe, that the words Ghost and Spirit, are of the same signification; one and the same word in the Greek language is translated by them both. This I observe, for the fake of some poor, weak, ignorant persons, who take them to be different; and foolishly talk of an eternal created Spirit, which is a contradiction in terms, as diviner from the Holy Ghost. The Word Spirit, is variously used; sometimes it

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