1 minute read
27 A Good Report
from Trojan Warrior's
by David Clarke
”Converted on LSD Trip”, published 11th February 2001
This was presumable because the book had been published whilst I was working at Fareham College. In my true story I mention my work at the College and my turn away from God and so was probably an embarrassment to the College. It was remarked that my story might have been just too much for the College to cope with. The strange thing was that whilst all this was taking place the College was under considerable pressure from the Health and Safety Executive who were examining it for not dealing correctly with problems of asbestos on its premises.
The College was later fined (February 2002) on four counts, a sum of over £23,000, for exposing staff and students to asbestos dust. This however was after I finished work at the college in August 2001. This was because my job had been made redundant, which also made it possible to complete our Mission to the Philippines. 27 A Good Report
The irony was that at the same time Dr. Philip Fleming, the consultant psychiatrist of the Kingsway House, the centre for Substance Misuse Service, Portsmouth had written a forward to the second edition. The forward reads,
“This is an inspiring story of a life that has been turned from crime to a