1 minute read
34 David’s Press Release
from Trojan Warrior's
by David Clarke
40 Macapagal Arroyo helpers when she was working in the Department of Social Welfare. This was before President Estrada had been impeached and found him self in prison. I took this as a step forward because in many cases I felt like I was just hitting a blank brick wall. 34 David’s Press Release
This press release was very effective and we had a request from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to tone it down:
Gentlemen and Ladies of the Press
I am seeking to clear my brother, MICHEAL JOHN CLARKE, from the charge of, “Promoting Child Prostitution”. And obtain his release from prison in the Philippines. He was sentenced to 16 years 4 month, 1 day, prison on 14 th. October 1996 and is now in the New Bilibid Prison, Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
I am in receipt of the National Bureau of Investigation Report (NBI), which clearly clears MICHEAL JOHN CLARKE from the said criminal charge but indicts a certain Fr, SHAY CULLEN, who now has a warrant out for his arrest on a charge of rape of a 7-year old girl.
Judge Eliodoro Ubiadas of the RTC Branch 73 issued a warrant for the arrest of Fr. SHAY CULLEN, an Irish priest, who operates the Preda Centre for prostituted women and children of the city of Olongapo, on the 8 Th. August 2000. CULLEN, according to, Bataan Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Oscar Lasam (also the acting city prosecutor), “wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously had carnal knowledge” with a 7- year old girl against the latter’s will and consent and while she was deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious”.
Issued filed 8 Th. August 2000.
See Inquirer article www.inquirer.net/issues/aug2000/aug14/hometown/ hom 5.htm This report is published on the World Wide Web site: www.dclarke49. fsnet.co.uk under the title Michael John Clarke’s story.
It is intended to bring attention too the miscarriage of justice, toward MICHEAL JOHN CLARKE, by the PHILIPPINE legal system and in