4 minute read
52 Michael’s Letter and the Bad news
from Trojan Warrior's
by David Clarke
Dear Mr. Watt,
Re: Our mission to the Philippines 2nd August 2001- Albert (dead-manalive), David Clarke and Gordon Smith.
Please be advised of our mission to the Philippines. Our mission involves preaching in New Bilibid Prison, Angeles and Olongapo City and any other venue organised by our host Pastor Kim of Muntinlupa City.
Representations will also be made to the officials or Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Officer of European Affairs, and the Board of Pardon and Parole. In respect of Michael John Clarke.
We seek and request he be released according to the executive clemency ruling and he return with us to the UK in August 2001.
In the event of our successful mission please ensure that any over stay visa charges are not levied to Michael accounts. so that upon his release he can leave the Philippines immediately.
Please give us written assurance that we will have the privileges of FCO security on our visit the Philippines between 2nd -22nd August 2001.
Yours Sincerely,
David Clarke
My God blesses you. 52 Michael’s Letter and the Bad news
About this time Michael wrote and informed me of his bad news. Here is his letter:
Dear David
The Board of Pardon and Parole have just informed me that my case is too early for parole/ release by deportation, because of the lack of good time credit being credited to me.
They have instead recommended that my sentence be commuted to 8-13 years with my release date being early 2003! at the earliest but could be longer. The problem is that they have only credited my good time since Final Judgement of my Appeal-- only about 6 months, because my appeal ended in September 1999.
Now according to the rules, good time can be credited for all the period since my arrest since June 5th 1995 provided I obtain a manifestation or Agreement that I agreed to abide by their rules and regulations whilst in their custody. I.e. Olongapo Jail, N.B.I. and Bureau of Immigration and here.
This I did but they all failed to mention the Agreement all they said was that I abided by their regulations and was a model prisoner etc. I was only told to obtain a Manifestation of good conduct there was no mention of the assessment when I asked them what they needed.
Now I am told after 2 years of the Prison Document Service Section
52 receiving their manifestations that they all lacked this Agreement including theirs.
When I submitted the Manifestations to the Document Section I asked them clearly in writing to notify me if they were sufficient and if not I would secure all the requirements. They did not inform me either way so I presumed that every thing was in order.
By the way it took me over a year of repeated requests to secure all these manifestations. The Prison Authorities do nothing to help prisoners and say it’s the responsibility of the prisoner to produce all paperwork.
If the Board of Pardon and Parole had received from the Prison my full credit of 17 months I would on the 5th June this yea, have served 7 years 5 months which would have qualified me to be recommended for release/ Parole/Deportation because of the rule stating that once a prisoner has served half of his minimum sentence he qualifies. Now because I did not qualify they couldn’t recommend me. They could only commute my sentence because I had only served 1/3 of my sentence, which is the requirement for commutation of sentence.
It is clearly the fault of the Prison Document Section that this problem came about.. I am due to speak personally with the Director soon and I am sure he will understand and do what ever he can to rectify the problem. However this will take months and more letters trying to get the correct paperwork and once this is secure it will need a fresh petition to the Board of Pardon and Parole explaining the problem of the 1st instance (if they give one)! However the Board will once again take months and months because they will once again have to request my prison records and treat my case as a fresh application.
In the mean time there is nothing you or Sunny can do until you arrive. By then I will have prepared a typed report with the help of the prisons inmate Para
Legal Dept. It will clearly state the facts that I was denied due process. During you visit you can then go personally to the Prison Director, Board of Pardon and Parole, Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Justice, The Office of the President and the Ambassador at the British Embassy.
I am sure that this is the only way. All it needs is some high-ranking official to support me and request a priority Intervention to cut through all red tape and request the President to grant my deportation A.S.A.P.
You stated that you are prepared to stay longer than 3 weeks so I advise you to allow for staying 2 extra months. Extending visa is obtainable in Manila. So leave your house in capable hands. Pastor Lucas will let you stay with him just outside the prison and will go with you to all government