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Editor’s Note After missing two issues, we’re back
Editor’s Note...
If it seems it has been a while since you received an issue of Fulfilled! Magazine, you’re right. I got last year’s fall issue out too late to get the winter issue out on time, so I opted to skip it and resume with this year’s spring issue. However, in early December last year my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. As you might imagine, our focus shifted to her health and this year’s spring issue succumbed to various tests, treatments, and a great amount of health research.
Kayla had surgery in early January to remove the tumor, and a subsequent PET scan revealed that there was no other detectable cancer. Although her oncologist recommended chemo and radiation, after much research we have opted to forego those treatments, which themselves are carcinogenic, and instead pursue a change in diet and lifestyle, allowing God’s wonderfully designed immune system to perform as intended.
We have come to the conclusion that the majority of developed disease (cardio-vascular, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, etc.) are the result of decades of the body’s immune system being overwhelmed by the lifestyle of western civilization. This includes the Standard American Diet (SAD), sedentary lifestyle, and increasing exposure to toxins (I have read that there are 84,000 chemicals on the market).
The modern, western civilized life has many, many benefits—such as producing and distributing a preterist magazine from a home office! However, the side-effects of many (if not most) of these advances in lifestyle have yet to be discovered. How have the many sedentary hours of sitting in front of my computer, the blue light from my electronic devices, and the electromagnetic waves from my wifi impacted my health? Studies are only beginning to alert us of potential dangers; in the meantime, we are paying for these benefits with our health.
Another huge factor working against the general public is the fact that the myriad of companies that develop and market the items from which we benefit in modern civilization—be they fast food, weed killers, genetically modified food, cell phones, etc.—do not have our personal health as their primary concern. As legal corporations they are required to produce profits.
It is not my intent to turn this editor’s update into a personalhealth diatribe, but rather give a little background into the research Kayla and I done this year and the reasons for our decision to forego further traditional cancer treatment. We believe that making an effort to minimize toxin exposure, reducing processed food consumption, and increasing the consumption of natural, organic food will allow the body’s natural immune and diseasefighting capabilities to rejuvenate themselves and restore our health. Because of the exponential speed at which science progresses, we are increasingly exposed to a host of things the side-effects of which are not known or perhaps downplayed (remember tobacco company executives testifying before congress that tobacco use was not addicting?). I’ve come to the conclusion that if we are not actively pursuing our own personal health, we are passively dying. As Christians we should resonate with this concept, because