Work Database_ Graphic design portfolio by Davide Mauroni

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davide mauroni _art director / graphic designer

editorial design


brand image

art direction

2010 // 2016

visual design

work database

table of contents

section. /001

editorial design

section. /002

brand image Drusilla Clothing _ pg. /015 Sile _pg. /020 Pata24 _ pg. /025 Other projects _ pg. /030

art direction Barclays Christmas movie _ pg. /032 Caritas integrated Campaign _ pg. /035 Homeaway urban guerrilla _ pg. /038 Mtv Music _ pg. /040 Other projects _ pg. /042

section. /004

visual design sales_ pg. /044 Good Ideas _ pg. /046 Sanremo CD box set _ pg. /047 Reinterpretation of me _ pg. /048

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

Dolce & Gabbana Drinklist _ pg. /004 Expo News _ pg. /005 Harry’s Bar _ pg. /007 Surface Tension _ pg. /009 The Hamlet Method _ pg. /011 I Poliedri _ pg. /013

section. /003

pg. /002

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

work database


editorial design project / Expo News class / Editorial design class / Infographic tabloid

pg. /003

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

Dolce e Gabbana _double leaflet drink card _client

Dolce & Gabbana with Martini


18 x 18 bifold brochure


The Dolce&Gabbana High tailoring event was dedicated to men and women haute couture and took place in Portofino, a small Ligurian town that during the summer turns into one of the Italy’s most exclusive touristic destinations. A journey through the Italian lifestyle, craftsmanship, mediterranean culture, and a celebration of Italy’s cuisine and finest wines. Dolce & Gabbana joined forces with Martini and organised the event at the Brown Castle, a beautiful medieval venue from which not only is it possible to have a stunning view over the town of Portofino, but also on the whole Gulf of Tigullio. Vip guests from around the world were invited to attend the exclusive event, which echoed the elegance of Paris’ runaways and the prate-a-porter fashion week.

pg. /004

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

Expo News _infographic tabloid


A free distribution Tabloid Magazine designed as a guide to concretely understand what happens in Milan from the 1st od May to the 31st of October 2015.

pg. /005

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

Expo Milano 2015 is a huge exposition: a giant theme park that covers a widespread area of pavilions and espositive spaces. The main theme is “Feed the planet, energy for life”, and the Expo news 2015 infographic tabloid aims at illustrating - in a simple yet detailed way all of the structure’s main spaces and attractions.


Expo 2015 with Enel


A3 tabloid magazine

pg. /006

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

Harry’s bar _film brochure

_client Wider Films _outcome 20 x 20 cm brochure


“Harry’s Bar” is a documentary film directed by Carlotta Cerquetti and produced by Wider Films, a Rome-based film production and distribution, in collaboration with Taodue film and Istituto Luce Cinecittà. The documentary premiered at Venice Film Festival in 2015, and was nominated for Best Documentary at the David di Donatello awards in 2016.

pg. /07

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

The film revolves around Venice’s renowned Harry’s bar, founded by Giuseppe Cipriani in 1931. The bar was declared national treasure in 2001, and still to this date it continues to hold its unicity, being an inevitable destination for those who claim to really know Venice. Among the various characters and celebrities that hung out at Harry’s during almost a century of history, the documentary features testimonies by some of the bar’s most notorious visitors such as Harvey Weinstein, Naomi Campbell and P. Diddy.

pg. /08

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

Surface Tension _film project brochure


Ombre Rosse, a film production based in Cagliari (Italy), needs a simple but effective brochure to present its new film project - currently in development - “Surface tension�, due to production in 2017. The film tells the story of a young Austrian mother who secretly resorts to prostitution to provide for her 15 years old son. In spite of the enormous difficulties that the woman faces, she will eventually manage to turn her life around, finding herself - at the end of her journey - stronger and more confident than ever.

pg. /009

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin


Ombre Rosse Film production

_outcome A4 brochure

pg. /0010

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

The Hamlet method _film project brochure


Over the past decade a lot of research has focused on gay marriage and parenthood but far less on gay divorce. Is it really so different to the divorce of a straight couple? This brochure, committed by the Rome based film production and distribution company Wider Films, gathers the synopsis and some deep contributions to a film that tries to answer these questions. It’s the coming of age tale of a young man struggling to keep his own, peculiar family together.

pg. /011

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin


Wider Films

_outcome A5 brochure

pg. /012

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

I Poliedri _book cover series _client Feltrinelli _outcome 13,9 x 22,1 cm book series


“I Poliedri� is a series of thematic encyclopedia volumes that synthesise human knowledge, dividing it into 26 different areas. The creative purpose of this work was to design a series of book covers that could fully express the academic feel of the series through a strong visual concept, playing with geometrical shapes to confer to the editorial project a modern and plain visual identity. A polyhedron shape landmarks all the visuals while a sample of each thematic area comes to life inside it, symbolising the fundamental balance between the methodical approach of science and the wildly unpredictable beauty of our world Number / 2 _architechture

Number / 4 _astronomy

Number / 15 _geography

pg. /013

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

work database


brand identity project / Expo News class / Editorial design class / Infographic tabloid

pg. /014

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

drusilla clothing client / Lucilla Ferretti field / fashion, clothing outcome / logotype communication asset

Drusilla is a newcomer fashion brand created by the italian blogger and fashion designer Lucilla Ferretti. The collection is composed by 8 outfits, that mix african fabrics and different types of black lace. The use of such elements clearly makes a statement on the designer’s fashion beliefs and personal touch. The African fabrics and textures represent Drusilla’s thirst for colors, whilst the black laces convey an antithetical sense of sternness, an austere closure which traces the way to a timeless elegance. The matching accessories that accompany each dress perfectly frame the woman’s figure and outline a modern, eccentric, garish style constructed through the use of asymmetries and the insertion of eccentric details. Each dress is designed for a brave yet fragile woman, a passionate everyday-warrior who is prone to unconventional choices and does not bow to the dictat of fashion. A strong-minded woman that is capable of inventing her own day-to-day style, a style that reflects a strong and exuberant personality.

loading brand

pg. /015

_editorial desgin

_brand image

drusilla clothing _moodboard

visual genesis

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016




color palette

pg. /016

_brand image

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcomes / Outdoor advertising campaign, website, boutique facade

pg. /018

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcomes / Editorial lookbook, dress tags, shop asset

pg. /019

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

sile territory client / Veneto Region field / tourism, area development outcome / mark and logotype visual asset integrated communication

loading brand

The project aims to organize the existing touristic offer of the Sile area by creating a coordination between public services, operators of the sector and the rural world. The goal is to promote the area covered by the river Sile and its tributaries, and also to strenghten its connections with Venice and the Lagoon, promoting activities related to river tourism, culture, rural and natural development. Key themes such as “Water” and “Feeding the Planet” are rapidly becoming crucial elements in the territory, due to the EXPO 2015 and also thanks to the communication strategies of the Veneto Region. Therefore, the Sile brand identity project is focused on promoting knowledge, development of the area, landscape and culture of the fluvial environment. Also crucial in the conception of the brand identity was to underline the importance of traditions, and the idea that the conservation of the territory’s folklore and long-established practices can really make a difference in making the area more accessible and appealing for both residents and tourists.

pg. /020

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

sile _moodboard

visual genesis

1_water bird

2_lotus flower

3_river flow

color palette

pg. /021

_brand image

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcomes / Outdoor adv campaign, infographic signal, Merchandise, Official website

pg. /023

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcomes / Park infographic panel, Food info tag, T-shirt

pg. /024

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

pata 24 client / Eurodispenser s.r.l. field / H24 shops, fast food outcome / Mark and logotype, communication asset, machine graphics, shop panels creativity and set up

Eurodispenser, an italian company leader for the creation and installation of self-service H24 shops, requires the creation of a brand, a logo and a communication asset for its new investment franchise format, a french fries automatic shop. The Pata24 shops use fully automatic machines to give the user a chance to savor tasty french fries with a range of different sauces. In addition to a brand new mark and logotype, the creation of an entire communication apparatus is requested. This visual identity will be declined in all the automatic stores of the franchise on the national territory. User-friendliness, freshness and aggregation are the key qualities of the brand, which wants to sell itself on the market as an all-Italian innovator who merged an enterprising marketing strategy with efficient and captivating visual communication.

loading brand

pg. /025

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

pata24 _moodboard

visual genesis


2_24 hours


color palette

pg. /026

_brand image

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcomes / Packaging design, brand introductive brochure

pg. /028

_brand image

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcomes / Machine graphics, shop panels set ups

pg. /029

_editorial desgin

_brand image

Other works _various logos

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

vitalis_cereal brand

Pane & Arte_bakery

very vanity_beauty salon

Mau Design_designer

italkars_car rent company

pg. /030

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

work database


art direction project / Expo News class / Editorial design class / Infographic tabloid

pg. /031

_brand image

_art direction

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

barclays christmas movie client / Barclays field / brand communication outcome / advanced compositing forex panels backdrop photocall

For the traditional annual appointment with the christmas film premiere sponsored by Barclays, the company has structured the 2015 event around the long awaited release of the next chapter of the Star Wars saga. Barclays wants to provide its most loyal account holders with a great christmas event dedicated to families, and to do so the company required a strong visual concept for the design of a series of panels to be used in two selected cinemas, in Rome and Milan. The idea is to present Barclays as a family-friendly company by creating a playful and amusing space that encourages aggregation and affirms the brand’s values of inclusion and sharing.

Momenti indimenticabili

pg. /032

Che la forza del Natale sia con te!

_brand image

_art direction

panel. /001

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

panel. /002

courtesy of_Look Around Agency

panel. /004

panel. /003


The main concept is developed around the idea of a “stellar christmas”, therefore all the visuals are carachterized by the combination of a stereotypical Christmas setting placed against a starry universe in the background, which recalls the movie and conveys a more “stellar” feel.

pg. /033

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction

Various panels with advanced photo compositing visuals are placed at the entrance and inside the cinemas next to the gadget giveaway areas, and can be used as photographic backdrops.

pg. /034

_brand image

_art direction

visual desgin _pjct. /03.1

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

caritas integrated campaign client / Caritas field / Charity, fundraising outcome / Outdoor adv poster, guerrilla activations, packaging design, sticker design, outdoor stand set-ups social media

Caritas is a humanitarian association whose work aims at educating society to solidarity through campaigning for a more compassionate day-to-day behaviour and promoting humanitarian commitment against social injustice. For this campaign, the goal is to raise awareness on the issue of social cohesion, promoting empathy in order to trigger a chain of small acts of kindness that can eventually ignite a whole solidarity network. Through a simple and straight-forward language, the campaign targets the italian population in its entirety, encouraging people to take action and build a strong sense of solidarity among the communities.

pg. /035

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction


The creative concept for this integrated campaign is summarised in the line “An Iris for Caritas”. It creates a simple yet suggestive parallelism between people in need of social and medical care, and the Iris flower, a beautiful and fragile plant that also needs special care and attention to grow strong and healthy.

Quando dare arricchisce. I fiori, si sa, hanno mille significati, regalare un fiore è anche un modo per lanciare un messaggio preciso. Ci sono fiori adatti ad ogni occasione: per dichiararsi, per esprimere passione, possesso, gelosia, tenerezza. I fiori hanno un loro linguaggio, che può essere utile nel momento in cui non troviamo le parole. Per non sbagliare, per regalare il fiore giusto, ecco una piccola guida al linguaggio dei fiori.

“When giving out makes you rich”

outcomes / Expo News softwares used / Editorial design

pg. /036

_brand image

_art direction

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

A series of guerrilla activations has been planned with many flowerpots filled with garden soil scattered around major cities. Next to the pots, human-shaped panels with a series of portraits of homeless people invite passers-by to water the soil and take care of the pots. It is the start of a powerful chain reaction that will make the streets blossom, coloring them with beautiful red flowers that not only symbolise rebirth and human cohesion, but also solidarity and attention to the needs of those whose voices are often unheard. A number of stand set ups are placed in the urban areas of major italian cities, where users will be invited to buy a bag of seeds to support the organization and its humanitarian initiatives.

pg. /037

_brand image

_art direction

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

homeaway guerrilla client / HomwAway Inc. field / house renting, outcome / Guerrilla activations, creative shaped flyers, shopper bag, key ring design

outcomes / Expo News softwares used / Editorial design

HomeAway, Inc. is the world’s leading online marketplace for the rental of of holiday homes. The company wants to strengthen its presence in the cities, enlarging the number of house owners who choose to rent their properties through the website. The city of Rome has been chosen as a pilot. The goal of the operation is to generate buzz and awareness of the brand in a series of targeted Roman neighbourhoods. To do so, a guerrilla activation has been planned, with several promoters taking over the city’s ancient streets and giving away house-shaped flyers with a discount coupon for those who bring a friend into the online renting circuit. Another hanging door-shaped flyer is hung on random door handles around the selected neighborhoods, not only to instil curiosity about the brand, but also to spread a simple and direct message: you can make money with your own home, and HomeAway makes it as simple as it can be.

pg. /038

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction

courtesy of_Look Around Agency

outcomes / House-shaped flyer coupon Hanging door-shaped flyer, keyrings

pg. /039

_brand image

_art direction

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

Mtv music client / Mtv Italy outcomes / 50x70cm poster, • Amy • Kurt • Freddie

field / adv outcome / multi-visual integrated campaign

The music network has chosen to relaunch its channels through a campaign that recalls memories of its golden age. The aim of the campaign is to make a clear statement: despite the infinite benefits of the internet era, TV still plays a massive role in promoting artists and enhancing the diffusion of pop music. While developing the idea for the campaign, I imagined a world where TV and the Internet contribute equally to the diffusion of music and culture among the youngsters. What would the modern music scene be like today, if it hadn’t been for the pivotal support of Mtv? Will we ever be prepared for the next generations of Kurts, Freddies and Amies?

pg. /040

_brand image

_art direction

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcomes / Outdoor advertising billboards, Official Facebook page

pg. /041

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction

Other works _2014-2016

Add more fuel to your ďŹ re.

Ford Focus 100 % Electric Drive

go further.

Live in italian.

client / Durex

client / Ford

client / San Pellegrino

outcome / A3 adv poster

outcome / 70 x 100 cm adv poster

outcome / 70 x 100 cm adv poster

pg. /042

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

work database


visual design project / Expo News class / Editorial design class / Infographic tabloid

pg. /043

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction

_visual design conference _tematic brochure covers

courtesy of_Look Around Agency

visual // 01 Period Drama

visual // 03 Mafia

softwares used / Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

softwares used / Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign visual // 02 Crime

visual // 04 Art

softwares used / Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

softwares used / Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

pg. /044

_brand image

_art direction

_visual design

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

outcome / A5 cover series


Rai Com is a company owned by the Rai Group that manages the distribution and marketing of Rai’s productions in the world, signing agreements with global TV operators and international distributors and broadcasters. Coincidently with its participation to a number of national and international audiovisual markets, the company needs to catalog its slate of original programs, categorising them into four main thematic areas: Art, Crime, Mafia and Period Drama . Therefore, the company required the design of four different creative visuals that represent each area in a visually consistent and impactful way, that would clearly and intuitively depict their content. The end result is a series of covers that, while using a clean and synthetic language, conveys the narrative diversity and richness of the productions that are present in Rai Com’s slate.

pg. /045

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction

_visual design

Good Ideas _short movie poster

_the plot

Daniel Forti - a young writer struggling with the writer’s block - finds a diary written by an homonymous. Between the pages, Daniel’s life and feelings are depicted with unrealistic precision. While proceeding with the reading, he embarks on a journey on the quest for what seems to go beyond a mere case of homonymy. A journey to find himself.

pg. /046

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction

_visual design

Sanremo 70 / 80 / 90 _CD compilation series outcome / CD cover series Internal booklett CD rom graphics


The Sanremo project is a box set containing a series of five CDs that retrace the history of Italy’s legendary Sanremo festival, a decennial singing competition that launched some of the brightest italian music stars in over sixty years. The series is diveded in decades, from the 50’s to the 90’s, and for each of the five pieces has been created a cartoon mascotte that represents the most meaningful and iconic artist who rose to fame through the Festival in that decade. Each cover illustration is connoted by a specific texture, typical of the represented time, which becomes an iconic landmark and characterises the entire editorial project, giving back the feel of colourful cultural celebration that the Sanremo Festival has always been praised for.

pg. /047

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

_editorial desgin

_brand image

_art direction

_visual design

Reinterpretation of me _creative visuals

visual // 01 “Routine”

visual // 02 “A stressful week”

softwares used / Adobe Photoshop

softwares used / Adobe Photoshop

pg. /048

davide / mauroni _portfolio 2016

work database

thanks for your time

gmail davide. mauroni {at} skype davide. mauroni whatsapp 0039 3807570581

check my CV // resume

social links

Davide Mauroni

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