Fotocopia Festività Name: zhù - pray to - wish - surname Zhu
kuài - fast - quick - swift
lè - happy - laugh - cheerful
jié - festival - section - segment
guò - pass - pass through - go across
guó - country - nation - state
qìng - congratulate - celebrate
zhöng - central - center - middle
qiü - autumn - fall - year
jiào - teach - class
shï - teacher - master - expert
Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only
Page 1 of 3 March 09, 2012
Fotocopia Festività Name: láo - to labor - to work - to trouble
dòng - to use - to act - to move
fù - woman - female - wife
n{ - female - woman - feminine
shèng - holy - sacred - saint
dàn - give birth - birth - birthday
xïn - new - newly - refresh
nián - year - new-years
chün - gay - joyful - youthful
hái - also - in addition - more
Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only
Page 2 of 3 March 09, 2012
Fotocopia Festività Name: shì - is - are - am
zhè - this - these - such
suì - year - years old - age
Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only
Page 3 of 3 March 09, 2012