Lezione 6 Name: jiä - house - home - residence
kôu - mouth - entrance
hé - and - with - sum
zuò - work
göng - work - worker - skill
zuò - make - work - compose
dà - big - huge - large
fü - man - male adult - husband
jiê - elder sister - young lady
méi - none - have not - not
yôu - to have - there is - there are
Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit http://www.ArchChinese.com for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only
Page 1 of 3 January 24, 2012
Lezione 6 Name: zhî - only - just - simply
gè - individual - measure word - this
dì - junior male
xué - learn - study - science
shëng - to be born - life - to grow
zài - at - on - to exist
yï - medical - medicine - doctor
yuàn - courtyard - yard - court
hù - protect - guard - defend
Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit http://www.ArchChinese.com for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only
Page 2 of 3 January 24, 2012
Lezione 6 Name: shì - scholar - soldier - warrior
rén - man - person - people
zhí - duty - profession - office
yuán - person - employee - member
jîng - guard - watch - alert
chá - examine - inquire - observe
köng - air - sky - empty
Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit http://www.ArchChinese.com for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only
Page 3 of 3 January 24, 2012